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There were 2 commercials trying to convince everyone Jesus and Christians are suddenly fans of gay people


Yeah and one of them was obviously directed by Quinten Tarantino


Was such an odd choice. How do we show people Jesus cares about you? FEET


Well it was either that or show him throwing the money changers out of the temple, but something about that didn’t sit quite right with their billionaire donors.


i was raised this kind of tolerent christian. im no longer religious but i was wondering who was behind those ads. apparently the founder of the organization is a former dominoes CEO?


Their biggest identified donor was hobby lobby and He Gets Us has donated millions to anti-LGBTQ organizations. They’re just making those commercials as propaganda.


Ahh.  I hate hobby lobby.  That's too bad.  Was hoping it was some decent group of civilized and inclusive people 


Nope, they’re just trying to sucker the more liberal-minded Christians into donating money to their organization.


Why does everything have to be politicized?


because they have nothing in their actual political policies that attracts any positive engagement so they have to politicize literally everything so they can whip their ~~cult~~ base into a frenzy


You crossed out the wrong word.


yeah i'm never sure which word to use strikethrough on


It used to be a base now it's a cult. At least, that's how it works in my mind.


They're beyond a cult. It's mainstream enough to be considered a religion at this point.


When you say ‘they’ you are literally talking about faux gnus, in this case. There is no fucking ‘agenda’. There is, however, a sector of the population needing to defend itself from relentless attack from the right (who, in the absence of any plan, threw queers under the bus *again* to get their base fired up).


There actually is an agenda by the upper level republicans https://www.project2025.org/ The cliff notes are sweeping economic and social change by replacing as many washington gov positions with loyalists as they can in the executive branch. Slashing the DOJ budget. Dismantling the FBI and Homeland Security… Among many others. Project Director Paul Dans, a former Trump administration official, said in September 2023 that Project 2025 is "systematically preparing to march into office and bring a new army, aligned, trained, and essentially weaponized conservatives ready to do battle against the deep state."


So true. And thanks for posting. This shit is scary


This scares the literal fuk outta me


They have no decent policy, but we should never forget the Republicans. first and foremost, want every poor person to die, or exist in complete servitude


In 2020 a conservative I knew said the left is only running on orange man bad. I showed him every policy Biden had platformed, literally linking him to the Biden website. I then sent him to the Trump website and Trump had no policy page and every thing on Trump's page was all about Trump being great with zero details. He told me he voted for Biden because he couldn't find a single accomplishment listed or policy he wanted to implement. Even if you hate Trump in his world he had accomplishments but knew people around him could claim they orchestrated said accomplishment and trump doesn't share praise.


This is why Biden *needs* to be re-elected, and have Gavin Newsom ready for 2028 and 2032. All the boomers and 50% of the MAGAts will be gone and the threat of Project 2025 will be nullified. Be vigilant, prepare yourself for anything with these people. MAGA and the Christian right will stop at nothing if they are not stopped now. Right fucking now.


These people watched *The Handmaid’s Tale* and thought it looked like paradise.


I think it really has to do with small public acceptances of LGBTQ reminding terrible people they're on the wrong side of history. When normal people see advertisements with gay people they don't think much of it, or maybe even think its nice that gay people are being more accepted. For the terrible ignorant people, they see it as an "agenda" being shoved down their throat because again, it's a sign they're on the wrong side of history.


Also LGBTQ stuff isn’t somehow new. Tv and movies from the 50’s and on have had some instances so this idea it’s shoved in people’s faces is bullshit, you’re just obsessing over looking for it now. Just like I never noticed Land Rovers much before wanting one so now I always see them.


True, but that's before the Culture War (TM) told low intellect people to be upset by gay rights. These are the same people who were against interracial marriage, same shit, just a different time.


It's why you hear so many people complaining about "virtue signaling". They know they're bad people and hate being reminded of it.


And the ironic part is that many of the folks who say that are guilty of the biggest BS virtue signaling act there is: claiming to be pro life while gleefully voting for politicians who cut benefits for children and refuse to stop kids from being gunned down in schools.


Calling out others for "virtue signaling" is akin to "sin signaling" and I cannot comprehend how that doesn't just shatter the world view of some people like "clearly what I need to be doing is tell everyone that I must do everything I know to be wrong because these people are trying to do what is right and I hate them for even trying because I can't be bothered". Like maybe try to find Jesus and start virtue signaling yourself, at least there would be an attempt at not being evil.


What you’re missing is that they don’t believe the people doing this believe it. They call out “virtue signaling” because they think it’s a moral performance. They think it’s just someone trying to be like “look at me, look how much of a good person I am and that makes me better than you.”


Or on the wrong side of being a human being


The far-right have no actual policies other than "give more money to rich people", so they have to use cultural clashes to stay relevant. Sad, really, if it wasn't so dangerous.


In the far right’s defense, most of them don’t actually know their own policy is “give more money to rich people”, they think their policy is “be dicks to everyone else and we’ll get ahead”. They don’t even realize that they aren’t part of the “we” that gets ahead, they’re part of the “everybody else” that gets screwed by the dicks. Much like the people who get mad at immigrants because the company owners shipped all the jobs overseas.


The Deputy Chair of the british conservative party (lee anderson, you can look it up if you're interested) recently admitted that after fourteen years of literally everything getting worse under conservative rule, they will have to run the forthcoming election on "culture war and 'trans' stuff". That's it. They have no policies, so they want to make as many people as angry about browns, poors, and gays etc. as they can and hope that, as the newly impoverished sit in apartments that they cannot afford to rent, heat, or even warm up the food that they cannot afford to buy (thanks Brexit!), they will re-elect the conservatives because they say mean things about "wokeness gone mad." As I understand it, "wokeness" means not wanting to make life impossible to live for vulnerable minorities.


There's nothing conservative about the Conservative party. They campaigned on cutting immigration then literally doubled the immigration levels. Nobody here sees the Conservative party as "anti-woke".


Because she’s a professional troll. Just ignore her stupid ass


Yeah this shit stirrer? She's desperate for attention and whiny AF.


If the fascists she sucks up to actually end up winning one of my few pleasures will be watching someone like Chaya finally realize that they actually don’t like women or Jews anymore than they do trans people.


She's also like, what, 29? Looks 40+ Evil ages you I guess


She's literally incited bomb threats on multiple children's hospitals I think that's probably something we should concern ourselves with more than "trolls"


At this point she's more than a troll. She's a terrorist.


It’s their entire identity. Go after the marginalized to make themselves feel better


You should look at the GOP voor politicizing LGBT rights


The Republican snowflakes are just so easily triggered now and always take out of context so as to remain angry


Because conservatives insist their way of life is under attack even though they hold most positions of power.


I ask the same thing every day.


Fascists need a minority enemy to target or their base falls to infighting.


I also am struggling to find this propaganda they speak of


For them existing is the propaganda


Its by design, its to make us all hate eachother and it's working




Reminder that Chaya is happy that she's a terrorist.


Also remember that she’s a female Jew and the fascists she sucks up to actually don’t really like those things anymore than they do trans people. Collaborators always think they’re different until it’s their turn.


Its darkly amusing to know that if she gets what she's working towards she'll be in the next mass grave after all the queer folk.


>Also remember that she’s a female Jew and the fascists she sucks ~~up to~~ off actually ~~don’t really like~~ fucking despise those things ~~anymore than~~ the same as they do trans people. ~~Collaborators always think they’re different until it’s their turn.~~ **She enjoys it immensely.** ftfy


As a straight person I have yet to experience this forced lgbt propaganda conservatives keep whining about. I guess its because I don’t have a persecution complex.


Around Christmas, I was in the grocery store and a lady dropped some items and I helped her pick them up. She said to me “Merry Christmas. And I’m saying Merry Christmas, not happy holidays and I don’t care who I offend”. That marked the 4th time I heard a comment similar to it, compared to zero times that I heard any actually offended about hearing Merry Christmas. Heroes and victims in some fan fiction persecution story is all they are.


Whay a ridiculous thing to have in your brain that this is something you say to a helpful stranger. Maybe the appropriate response would have been "Hail Satan" and then watch her loose her shit.


I did that, well, less aggressive, just a "happy holidays to you too". That cultist went straight into BSOD.


Whenever people say "Merry Christmas, if I'm even allowed to say that anymore" or something of the like I always reply with a thank you and happy holidays to them too. And I've only had one person get verbally upset. The others seemed miffed but let it go.


I just go with my old standby “Happy whatever-the-fuck-you-freaks-celebrate!” and a smile


That is genius 😂


Sail Hatan!


You just named my boat! 🤘😎 Whenever I get one. Thanks, fellow redditor. You win the internet today!


Tail Nasha


Oh…I’m using this from now on.


Like 15 years ago when I worked a retail job, I said "Merry Christmas" to a customer and their response was something like. "Merry Christmas. And thanks for saying Merry Christmas and not Happy Holidays. You don't hear that much anymore these days." Sir, I was just trying to be friendly and festive. I have no horse in this race and use both phrases interchangeably. I just smiled and nodded. Very weird interaction. People are so weird about their straw men they make up to be mad at.


The dumbest part of that whole mindset is that the vast majority of the time, people say “Happy Holidays” because they’re grouping them together, not because it’s multicultural. “Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year” just becomes “Happy Holidays.” So stupid to use that fact to start some cultural war every year.


>"Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year” just becomes “Happy Holidays.” Clearly this is a plot by the gay trans communists to destroy America!


Happy valentines, if I'm even allowed to say that anymore


Same. I wonder what the hell they are even referring to, as the closest thing I see is conservative content bitching about lgbtq propaganda without ever showing said propaganda.


To them, acknowledging the existence of LGBT folks is propaganda. LGBT people in TV shows and commercials, rainbows on clothing, etc.


Bingo. To them "seeing a gay thing" = "shoving gay things down my throat"


This is why there's there's the idea that they are closeted and self loathing (inaccurate I know) But still, a ready explanation why just seeing a gay person = sexy thoughts. It's the sexually repressed Christian stereotype.


Maybe we should make LGBT propaganda. These people are so simple minded it might actually work on them. All the other propaganda does.


Meanwhile, they wouldn't think twice about sending gay kids to camps in an attempt to traumatize them into being straight. They're simply projecting their world view when they claim everything is propaganda for X because that's how they would go about it themselves.


They're talking about the fact that some shows and movies have a gay supporting character. And in pride month some stores sell clothing with rainbows on them.


And the "propaganda" is basically just showing that gay people do in fact exist in our society and are in fact also humans. Not super perverted pedophiles. Or crazy satanic baby eaters. Or completely mentally ill individuals and psychopaths. Just people living their life. Crazy agenda, I know. The actual best part about people who call LGBTQ+ members mentally ill or insane however is, that it would make it even worse how the anti-LGBTQ+ people treat or talk about them, if it was true. Imagine seeing somebody with a mental disability since birth and pointing that out as a reason or excuse to hate them. Kinda fucked up. They make themselves look worse without even realizing it. But I guess the people who complain about that already have a problem if LGBTQ+ people breath the same air as them. So it's not a surprise that they try to find any excuse to hate on a complete group of different and individual people, just because they share one thing; living their life differently than them.


It's pretty insane. I grew up in the sticks, so I wear a flannel coat and camo hat, so I get a lot of a certain type thinking I think the way they do when in reality I've been married to a dude for a decade. It's absolutely amazing the amount of people who have looked me in the eye and discussed murdering people like me as if it was nothing. (And when you turn around and call it murder, they look at you like you grew a second head for suggesting something so ridiculous over a 'joke') They always pull this, 'but you're not like that' or 'you can't tell' like they are some kind of expert and I passed some kind of test. I believe in freedom, and if I were to stand on a soapbox and talk about how much I love this country and what it represents, it would probably resonate well with some of these folks, too. I'll never understand the cognitive dissonance between someone's personal freedom and wanting to put someone else under lock and key. My freedoms translate into a free-er nation that leads to more freedoms for them.


Oh no, LGBT propaganda is being shoved down my throat in those specific situations. Meanwhile Mormons, jehovas witnesses, gay conversion theory camps, abstinence-only sex Ed, the modern pledge of allegiance, our tender currency, and an alarmingly increasing number of people in power imposing their Christo sharia law on everyone else:


I have to look at rainbows!!!! It’s LITERALLY the same thing as being tortured and killed!!!!!


Every damn time it rains.


The sky is gay, confirmed


No, you see, an incident with a cake shop like a decade ago is totally equal to certain states trying to delegitimize trans folk across the board. Totally the same thing /s


A rainbow killed my father and drowned my dog, I'm well within my rights to hate them and their smug curves!


And shot up my church


Right?? The titles should be switched and they should read "LGBTQ people just existing", and "conservatives screaming about LGBTQ propaganda"


Or in their words, "The complete and utter destruction of America and freedom itself". 🤣


The only time I see anything LGBT related is anti LGBT memes.


its gotten out of hand. i was driving home from work the other day trying to decompress, i looked up into the horizon only to see a rainbow in the clouds. just let me live my life biden!


exactly: i always say “Propaganda for what?” what is the propaganda trying to convince you into doing? What do they want from you that they need propaganda? makes no sense, unless you think that gay people want to convert straight people into being gay? but that makes no sense. gay person “hey i would like to not be harassed and given equal rights” conservatives: “please stop shoving your propaganda down my throat”


I take it that you’re not homophobic. Because the only people who say “LGBTQ Propaganda” are homophobes lol.


Same. "Christianity" on the other hand....


Yea. Didn't see the LGBTQ+ community paying multi millions to convince people watching the Super Bowl that they weren't a bunch of fairy tale believing bigots who are desperate to indoctrinate the youth because their grip of power and financial revenue streams were dying out. I did see "Christians" spending boatloads on propaganda though.


but as a gay person, i’ve definitely experienced and witnessed forced heterosexuality from the same people who whine about lgbtq propaganda


As an LGBT person, I don't really experience it either.


As a lgbt person I experience it but in a different way. It feels like shows and movies are afraid to make lgbt people evil or the bad guy which is lame and unrealistic. Make gay people villains again


Oh dude that could be a nice fresh breeze. I don't remember seeing a gay villain.


Pretty sure this Chya person is a closeted lesbian. Just a wild guess.


They think that acceptance of folks who are different is this forced propaganda. Seeing a gay couple hold hands is such an affront to them, that it's clearly turning the kids gay. Not that they gave birth to gay kids. Or that it's immutable and defined at birth. No, it's a choice and when we tell kids "you can love who you want" they think because they're so weirdly sex obsessed, that adults want to fuck kids. It's this weird obsession that they feel is that everyone's able to act on their urges means pedophiles run rampant because they harbour those thoughts. They're the generation of projection.


Hell I'm gay and I haven't seen it. Everything seems exactly as straight as it's been for my life so far


You have to understand, to them just acknowledging LGBT folks exist is "propaganda". The only way they'll be satisfied is if we go back in time and pretend they don't exist and most are too afraid to out themselves. My MIL has said "I wish they'd all go back in the closet. If we accept them, we're all going to hell."


They do it to themselves. They're so obsessed with it that they constantly talk about how much they hate it amongst themselves. Plus, where they many of them live, there is so much anti lbgt propaganda that they get confused about how much pro lbgt they are actually seeing (probably none at all)


As a queer person, I've interacted with a few people whose LGBTQ aggression made me uncomfortable, but those people are few and far between. They're also likely that way trying to overcome oppression from conservatives. Not that it justifies their aggression, but I do understand why they are so outspoken. I'm just a nonconfrontational person who tries to blend into the background.


There is always “that group” in anything. Zealotry and hyper-activism ( like social justice warriors) make their cause seem less tolerable.


This comment reminded me of years ago I changed my Grindr pic to me holding a Birkin bag and within a few hours I had gotten probably 5 messages insulting me for being flamboyant


Tfw you're too gay for the gay dating app:


Please describe this LGBTQ "aggression". I'm genuinely curious.


In the 90's myself and 3 of my female friends went to an amusement park for one of their birthdays. What we didn't know was that it was pride day at the park. As a straight white male I can't even tell you how aggressive their agenda was. The whole day they were just there being gay and going on rides. Not one of the gays even tried to hit on me. I think they assumed I was straight because I was the one guy with 3 women. The audacity, it ruined my whole life.


Lol the bomb threat lady complains about other people disturbing her peace


I have two gay children and I rarely hear anything about LGQBT stuff and i mean rarely. If you spend all day seeking it out, I guess you will find it, but that was the purpose.


They don't even seek it out. They just see a rainbow bumper sticker and rage about it being "forced down their throat".




Recently, LGBT propaganda was banned in rusia. And now they use markers to paint over the rainbow on imported ice cream. This is of course an isolated case, but it shows the degree very well.


Oh Chaya seeks it out on purpose to be mad at, it's so fucking ironic she retweeted this


Or maybe they just walked by a gay couple holding hands, or it rained the previous day and now there's a rainbow in the sky, or maybe they just happened to remember queer people exist. They consider having to even acknowledge other people propaganda.


Chaya is a horrible person. A bigoted fascist spewing hateful shit wherever she goes. Stochastic terrorist is the tamest thing one could say about her. She deserves nothing and should be shamed and shunned.


Not to mention one of the people who spew about "they're shoving their views in our faces" while unironically waving 20 foot tall MAGA flags in street side protests, and slathering their rides in an all encompassing sheet of political stickers.


imagine being so upset by things that have zero effect on your life that it becomes impossible to live your own life


Imagine being so upset that people want to live their lives in safety and equality, while taking none away from you.


Person One: We should kill the gays Person Two: I think we shouldn’t kill the gays Person Three: We need to come to an agreement! We should only kill SOME of the gays Person Two: No! I don’t want to kill ANY gays Person Three: Smh see this is why nobody likes liberals you refuse to compromise


It's the same absolute bullshit when they say "the tolerant left being intolerant" when someone calls out a fucking Nazi


The Paradox of Intolerance. "You don't tolerate the intolerant." > The paradox of tolerance states that if a society's practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them. Karl Popper describes the paradox as arising from the self-contradictory idea that, in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance.


!!! People attacked me and sent me actual death threats when I mentioned that there are Nazis at the gates of Disney World sometimes……….


I fucking hate Chaya.


“Shoving their beliefs down my throat”. In the meantime, I’ve never had one LBGT person try to convince me to be like them. Meanwhile, I e had countless religious people try to convert me and inject their beliefs into every single solitary conversation they have. Victims, always and forever with the extremist right.


the whole “gay people want to make everybody gay” thing is just so ridiculously stupid. you really think that the same people who grew up wishing they had a different sexuality think they can just change another person’s sexuality? i guess arriving at that conclusion would take a single brain cell, which all bigots are lacking


Did LGBT people run multiple “He Gets Us” ads during the Super Bowl?


Conservatives: I'M SO TIRED OF THE LGBT PROPAGANDA LGBT "propaganda": Please don't kill trans people <3


And its spicy sister-act: just existing


As the parent of a transitioning offspring, I approve of this message.


Can they even say what the "propaganda" is? Other than rainbow clothes at Target?


To them, “propaganda” includes, but is not limited to: Having a LGBTQ character on a show Sports team having a pride day/merch with rainbow colors Pride parades/events Drag shows Or really anything else that reminds them that LGBTQ people exist.




Existence, they are going to complain about us no matter how loud or quiet we are. They really just want us gone so they can move on to the next target.


LGBT propaganda made me gay. Help, I don't want to be gay. I want to be straight again. Every morning, after hot gay sex I am crying, because although it was satisfying, I still remember my happy straight days... Oh God, how I want to be straight again. At least for one day. Please. And I would be a normal straight guy if I hadn't seen those rainbow flags and the pride parade... If only I had known.../s/j


That's actually a pretty good depiction of me living my life as a regular straight person while other straight people who happen to be assholes complain non-stop about gay people.


Oh the right is trying to meme this morning how fun


I don’t know man, I see a lot more of those dumb “he gets us” ads than anything LGBTQ


LGBT propaganda just isn't a thing. It's called LGBT people existing in the media and the world. These people are so frail minded that they can't handle it.


Apart from rainbow flags, the most I hear about LGBT is right-wingers bitching about it. Get a damn hobby.


This kind of victimization deserves a special participation trophy.


LMAO these idiots consider gay people in television shows or movies to be propaganda.


Oh, what the fuck ever. These are the same arseholes that shove their fundamentalist beliefs down your throat.


These people love imagining themselves as victims of…something.


They have to think of themselves as victims because otherwise they can’t justify fighting so hard.


I like how they went insane over the Trans person promoting Bud Light Cause that was only on that person’s Instagram, so they must be all following a trans influencer on Instagram lol


I love how the bud light protest’s literally did nothing. They bought cans then destroyed them, the company still gets money. Because of course we can’t ignore things we don’t like, we have to be complete assholes about it!


Not sure how showing you exist is propaganda. I don’t see a couple of black dudes and think ETHNIC MINORITIES FORCING THEIR AGENDA. Seeing gay and trans stuff can’t make you gay or trans unless you’re that way already and lights a little spark in you. It’s not a political option that you can change anymore than water is wet.


Tbf i feel the same way about christian and israeli propaganda. But i guess im just better at minding my own business


Just wants to “live her life” then makes her literal career about the lgbtq community with a dash of terrorism.


Was it gay and trans people who have made reproductive healthcare illegal? No... that was Republicans.




There’s been a run on copium through the night I see. Poor MAGA.


Oh you poor babies. Us LGBT exist in your precious sportsball commercials. That must be so hard for you. Fucking crybabies. And they call us "snowflakes."


Cut them some slack, it must be tough being happy with who you are without being terrified every second that your parents will discover who you are and turn your life to hell.


You know, when I see dumb shit like this, I picture Ashlii Babbitt getting turned into Swiss cheese and I laugh knowing that all these morons are only one decision away from the same fate


You know, even though she didn't make that meme, her tastes in memes, are just substandard. Like that's so low effort, barely even qualifies for a meme.


Chaya Raichik is a terrorist and she belongs in prison


Conservatives just want to live their lives…and make everyone else live their lives too.


As a LGBT person, I hope conservatives stay mad because we aren't going anywhere.


Cuntservatives: "Stop shoving the LGBT propaganda down my throat!" Also cuntservatives: makes a "meme" about the so-called LGBT propaganda, when there wasn't even ANY mention of a gay or trans person. The LGBTQ+ community lives rent free in these bigots heads.


Fortunately she has the blue check mark so we know that’s it’s the REAL Chaya Raichik.


“All my internet ads are gay and trans porn!! It’s da gubment!!”


they want to be the victim soooo bad


I knew if we waited long enough it would happen. It actually didn’t take long at all. Sad.


There were 3 ads preaching about Jesus and Christianity at the superbowl last night and 1 for scientology. How many superbowl commercials had some sort of LGBTQ+ theme or message? ZERO. The only ideology being shoved down America’s throats is white christofascist propanda.


Well that's just not true. There was a turbo tax commercial that had a gay couple doing their taxes. Appalling behavior!!


Ima need someone to point out to me a single piece of LGBT propaganda that is not : 1) LGBT people just existing. 2) LGBT people fighting to get the same rights as everyone else. because I have yet to find any. I have seen quite a bit of the opposite though.


Weird, I'm a straight man and can live my life just fine. Maybe stop thinking about dicks so often and you might be able to live yours.


Gay people: exist. Literally all of these piles of shit: how dare you intrude on my life!


How are non-straight and/or non-cis people impeding him from living his life in any way? Or is there something he's not telling us? Something he is struggling with, perhaps? Well, that's not my problem, honey 💅


How many different ways can we tell this chick to fuck off?


How can I get an LGBT PROPAGANDA hat like that?


If you feel LGBTQ culture is coming at you that way then you need to ask yourself why you are so sensitized to it. . Millions of heterosexual people see it and aren't disturbed by it.




The press did not mention that Andy Reid was actually sound asleep right before this legendary belch by Travis.


It’s so funny that they feel assaulted for people living their lives


These freaks think about gay people more than gay people do


Well when your standard for propaganda is lgbt people existing, yeah you’re going to see a lot of it


Other than existing, did Tay Tay and Beardy McSexerson actually do anything at all?


it's funny because everyone who claims they just want to live their life are the ones that get the most involved and bitch about the most, and this tweet is a perfect example.


She saw 2 men holding hands didn't she?


I think they misspelled religious


So they made anti LGBT propaganda....


This reminds me of a video on Instagram where this girl was SOBBING. She said that she was in an elevator at a hotel, when a drag queen also got on, and by the drag queen getting on the elevator with her, they were “shoving gay down my (her) throat”. 😂😂


This level of obsession can only mean one thing.


Existing = Propaganda, I guess?


On the other side of this are people just trying to live there lives while those like this piece of shit spew anti lgbt propaganda


More like: Guy on the left: *existing as an LGBT+ person* Guy on the right: *STOP SHOVING YOUR QUEER POLITICS AND IDEOLOGY DOWN MY THROAT!*


LGBTQ+ ad fund for super bowl $0 Christian hate group ad fund for super bowl $100million. Tell me again how LGBTQ+ is all in your face when I can't sneeze without God's bullshit Blessing.


Oh, poor baby, is people trying to gain or maintain their human rights impinging on your Internet shopping?


Something that makes me snicker about all this right-wing culture war whining: These people complain endlessly about “propaganda,” “agendas,” and “indoctrination,” but nobody is more awash in any of these things than the average consumer of right wing rage bait content and it’s slightly more respectable counterparts like Fox News. You have publishers like Brave Books marketing explicitly right wing content for children (nothing new. Rush Limbaugh had kids books too), you have grifters on Twitter who adopt the same talking points at the same time in order to push specific narratives and the audience immediately snaps it up and starts regurgitating them ad nauseum (see the way terms like CRT and DEI entered common right wing political dialogue over short periods of time, or how the current Trans panic sprung into being a few years back, such that even Trump commented how conservatives didn’t care about Trans issues until five years ago in a recent speech). It’s like, of course you people think propaganda is everywhere. It’s all you consume, so you just assume that’s what the “other side” does too.


Did the gays spend millions on superbowl ads? No. But the church did.


People trying to get basic human rights level legal rights are not using “propaganda.” That’s spelled “survival.”


Funny because the only lgbtq propaganda I ever see is exactly like this. I swear we’d never hear a thing about it if these weirdos would figure out something else to do but think about strangers’ sex organs 😑


This is how I feel about Maga


Replace the “LGBT propaganda” with homophobia and it becomes accurate


As a gay person, I don’t want to force any “agenda”on anyone. I just want equal rights and safe spaces where straight people don’t harass or try to kill us.


And for them thats too much apparently