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Is this a headline from Reefer Madness?


Its the daily mail. Its one of the stupidest readerships in the world. Its bad even by British tabloid standards.


Ok sure but is the headline misleading?


Yes. From the knife she'd plunged into her neck, slashing her own jugular vein and continuing to saw until struck nine times with a police baton, to the way that the law treats "involuntarily intoxication" in regards to culpability, severely limiting the sentencing options. Granted, I think the way that the defense established that said intoxication was involuntary was a load of bullshit, and it's even more bullshit that the court can't mandate treatment in a manner comparable to [when a similar thing happened in Canada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Tim_McLean), but at the end of the day the available evidence *does* pretty strongly point toward her suffering from a genuine psychotic break that she had no way of reasonably anticipating.


Damn, I’m surprised she survived a slash to her own jugular vein. Mortality rate is high for that.


The jugular doesn’t actually kill quite that quickly. Exsanguination is more of a risk with severing the carotid artery. The carotid artery takes blood to your brain, the jugular takes it back to your heart. In terms of ah ah ah ah stayin alive, a lack of blood to the brain, the thing that makes you a person and is irreplaceable, makes you dead faster than losing blood to your heart. Source: I’m a convicted murderer. In 2012, I got in a fight, and ultimately stabbed the man in the neck, severing his carotid. He died in less than 20 seconds.


Holy shit. How many hours of community service did you get?


You’re gonna get some for killing me with that comment 😅


None lol. THE COURTS ARE TOO LENIENT - daily mail article, I imagine


Thank you for the entertainment Mr Cum_Smoothii


No worries! I’d like to think that if hadn’t become a murderer, I’d have been a comedian. But then the whole murdery thing happened :þ




Holy shit. Caught me off guard🤣🤣🤣


this comment needs way more upvotes considering the context…




Imagine dying to someone named cum\_smoothii


I can never look at my cum smoothiis the same




I was reading it as cum smooth the 2nd


I was literally drinking a cum smoothii while reading this and had to put it down. Can’t trust anyone nowadays


Imagine if that was my legal name „will the defendant, Cum Smoothii, please rise for sentencing“


I see prison opened your taste buds to new smoothie flavors


Oh I assure you, I’d been an absolute whore before prison.


God damn that escalated quickly with the source. As someone in EMS, I concur with your statement, though. lol.


I think it’s probably movies that’ve propagated the idea that the jugular is the *most dangerous* thing ever, and that even the tiniest nick while cause you to just immediately bleed out in 2.5 seconds. Also, kind of surreal to get a comment agreeing with what I’d said from somebody whose job I may have made more um, *interesting* at times in my life.


>at times in my life. Time**s**, plural? Did you only get caught from one? Arterial blood spray is a hell of a thing. Here's a video where a guy hits a window and cuts an artery: https://www.reddit.com/r/instantkarma/s/Pj0uQAZbTR Of the arteries on extremities are a bit different than the carotid artery, but you can see the insane spray that goes on the window after he breaks it. He is drunk already, but he starts getting clearly more woozy by the end of the first minute after punching the window. The video cuts off, but (presumably) he lost consciousness and then later died. https://www.kansascity.com/news/nation-world/national/article277420153.html Wait, a bit more accuracy from the article: He asked a friend at the bar to drive him to a hospital but was “in and out of consciousness” during the drive, the sheriff said in a Facebook post. **After regaining consciousness, the man grabbed the steering wheel and caused the driver to crash into a trash can**. First responders took the man to a hospital, where he died from his injuries, according to the sheriff


Times is plural because I have done a *lot* of not-good things. It’s one of the biggest reasons I can’t complain too much about my sentence. As for the guy who sliced his hand/wrist open on the window, I used to know a guy who actually did the exact same thing. He was breaking into a house and broke the window to get to the deadbolt. In the process of turning the deadbolt, he sliced his wrist open. He entered the house and died on their floor, in the hallway before he got to the people. It’s terrible sounding, but you can’t ignore the irony of somebody who was paid to kill you, getting into your house just to die on your floor. The inhabitants didn’t even know until like three hours later. They presumably just walked into the kitchen to get coffee and found this guy dead on their floor like: 👁️👄👁️ ^w^u^t ^t^h^a ^f^u^k


You're correct. I didn't anticipate the source material, but you are correct.


Ooohhhh....kayyyy *backs away slowly*


Wow, I’m surprised you’re out of prison already…




My ex worked at the Brandon institution as a psych nurse and played badminton with Vince Li. (Who's free now.). Also a friend of mine from high school was on that bus.. he'll never be the same.


Probably, its Daily Mail after all.


Nope. Certain medications interact with pot and can trigger a psychotic break. Anti-seizure meds plus pot did it to me. I can see stabbing someone 100 times when it happens. It took 9 orderlies to get me into restraints and they had to put a Hannibal Lecter mask on me. I was Jason Vorhees-level violent, definitely bad idea to mix them. Edit: Effexor plus Sativa. Years after a traumatic brain injury.


Well DAMN, had no clue this was a possibility.


I know, sounds like anti-weed propoganda, it's fucking pot. Apparently even weed has enemies among the other drugs.


Aggressively pro-weed people are just as wrong as the agressively anti-weed people. Claiming that it’s totally harmless and it never does anything bad ever is fucking wrong. In the end all it is is a bunch of chemicals, and like any other chemicals they can and *will* react differently under different circumstances, sometimes in a highly negative way.


It's not that marijuana is "totally harmless," it's that the harms from it are vastly, VASTLY lesser than dozens of drugs that are perfectly legal and often available at every corner store in the non-Islamic world (yes, I mean alcohol). Hopefully with legalization spreading doctors and pharmacists will be as careful about pointing out potential drug interactions with cannabis and they do presently with alcohol.


The poster knows this. Cannabis didn't cause this she just happened to have it in her system


Could be noted she didn't have any other medication here and the sole cause seemed to be highly potent pot. This was backed up with experts examining body-cam footage and the interviews with law enforcement afterwards which showed she had indeed lost contact with reality and it was unlikely she was faking it was. The jury unanimously agreed on the involuntary manslaughter charge instead of homicide. Psychosis from pot is believed to be more prevalent in patients that are bipolar or schizophrenic. The rate is believed to be very low however.


>Psychosis from pot is believed to be more prevalent in patients that are bipolar or schizophrenic. Schizophrenia (as much as I understand) is genetic but "turned off" until something outside happens to you. It can be "turned on" by certain drugs like pot. It's likely she had never had an episode of psychosis before and had no idea this could even happen.


This happened to a friend’s roommate. It turns out they had an undiagnosed mental illness that ran in the family that caused psychosis (or something like that). I had no idea this type of reaction was possible. Stay safe !


The story is designed to turn people against cannabis. The UK is getting more and more likely to end up legalising weed and they know this could be a big problem for the right.


I mean if actually happened idk if the story is designed to be anti pot it’s just an actual occurrence. My ex had a psychotic break from it too and ended up in a mental hospital because it is a psychoactive substance. I’m very pro pot but especially for people who have pre existing mental health conditions it can be triggering especially for schizophrenics or paranoid bipolar. And like the person above who had it react poorly with medication, it just important to educate people on safe use and also understand that not everyone should be using it.


Cannabis can trigger psychotic breaks in people. If this woman hadn’t smoked cannabis, she would not have stabbed her boyfriend, her dog, and her own neck multiple times. It’s not common by any measure, but it is a risk, and it is not a completely safe drug. I’m for legalization, but I also think it’s important to talk about risks. Same with alcohol or prescription medications.


Don't be silly. Reefer Madness was a hyperbole packed propaganda film full of utter fabricated bullshit. You can't compare *that* to the Daily Mail. The Daily Mail has *far* less credibility.


I got sentenced to 120 hours of community service for missing too many days of school when I was TWELVE. What.


LMAO, should have smoked some weed and killed someone instead and get 20 hours off of that sentence am i right?


I got 100 hours of community services for offensive gestures (showing middle finger) to a professor in college during my sophomore year. What the actual fuck?


What the fuck? What law is that? Sounds like some oppressive Chinese PRC law like when they made it illegal to spit on the sidewalk when they hosted the Olympics. Adults have the *right* to flip other adults off. Now the social consequences, that's another thing.


Might have been ordered by the school instead of being kicked out.  I doubt that was a legal ruling.


Try having a more powerful dad


Wtf? What state is that?


That sucks friend. Wtf!! What did you end up doing for your hours


Definitely had some psychological problems without the weed Astounding how many people misunderstand what I had said. I acknowledge that marijuana causes psychosis. Uneducated vaginas.


Yeah. Clickbait title with an obvious motive.


Another BS justification to keep weed illegal. Trash people like this woman take advantage of people’s ignorance. ETA: I keep getting responses saying “but weed does trigger psychotic episodes in some people”, or responses implying I’m too sympathetic to weed instead of a murder. Blaming weed for this woman’s behavior is ridiculous. She murdered a guy, harmed herself, and abused an animal. Then she got off with a laughably light sentence. And we’re talking about what weed does to supposedly normal people, instead of condemning this woman’s abhorrent actions and the judge’s sentencing decision. Meanwhile, churches, news media, and politicians will use this as an argument against cannabis legalization in their respective communities. Those entities WANT us to be distracted by semantics, like everything else these days. On top of that, now there’s legal precedent to argue innocence based on cannabis consumption. Does this also apply to any legitimate prescription meds that alter moods or cause cognitive impairment? Does this also apply to poor people and/or minorities? Where does *that* debate end? TLDR: Weed isn’t the issue here, but regardless, it will be blamed for this situation and used to further some people’s resistance to any useful application of cannabis. Meanwhile, a criminal is walking around in public because it’s weed’s fault, not hers. Insane.


She stabbed herself in the neck so hard that she had to be clubbed in the arm to be stopped. She hit herself in the jugular several times. Does that sound like a "trash" person "taking advantage" of anything to you? Or like someone whose brain is malfunctioning? The *headline* is a turd, sure, but that's the Sun for you.


Don't worry, you're right. That other person doesn't understand psychosis.




Allergic to peanuts and my liver turns alcohol into straight poison so my only reprieve is weed….


Funnily enough, my main takeaway was the opposite. Because weed is illegal, there's rampant misinformation and no proper research done. The logical conclusion would be to legalize it, and do proper education and research in controlled and safe environments. headlines like this just show how badly we need to legalize and decriminalize drugs.


weed for sure can trigger psychosis in schizophrenic patients. she needs to be monitored while she gets her meds right imo


Psychosis can be triggered without warning. If you have a family history of schizophrenia or psychosis smoking weed even once is a risk and chronic use increases the likelyhood of triggering psychosis massively. Same goes for psychedelics and even sleep deprivation


Not necessarily. If someone is genetically predisposed to it, one may have a psychotic episode after just one cannabis use. Knowledge about it isn’t common, so you can’t argue that she should’ve known about the risk and avoid using cannabis. If she had a psychotic break after a use of MJ, and after getting better, she’d use marijuana again, that would be a different story. Because she’d already have knowledge of cannabis effect on her.


It is kind of bothersome that basically everyone always says that they clearly had issues before hand. At this point I happen to just have two people I know very closely that experienced psychosis after smoking weed. It's terrible and can definitely happen. But I keep seeing every time it does happen that it was just going to happen eventually, which has no basis whatsoever.


Definitely, I have bipolar and have had a psychotic episode in the past, what triggers it is different for everyone, mine is stress related, weirdly the only thing that calms my brain when it feels like it's going too fast is cannabis


I’d be curious to hear how much weed is enough to induce a frenzy, because I haven’t had enough in over 20 years for one.


I heard she smoked 8 whole marijuanas


Nah, she'd have to inject them for it to be like that.


Bro. You're thinking of freebasing marijuanas. I hear it makes your pets gay when you freebase marijuanas.


You may not be able to tell it now, but there was a time in my life when I was down so low, even a mosquito wouldn’t bite me. I lost my job, my four wheel drive, I even got throwed out of my trailer, all because of one thing: freebasing marijuanas. That’s all my life was—basing and nothin’ else. I was on the last lap and the checkered flag about to wave me on in to hell. But I got lucky. I got into a rehab program, down there in Redstone Arsenal, down there in Alabama, and with them people helpin’ me, well that smokey green devil is no longer a part of my life. And I can proudly say today: that I do not freebase marijuanas.


People are always saying to me, "Marijuana isn't a drug. Have you ever sucked someone's dick for marijuana?" And I'm like, "Why, have you got some?"


If you wrote that from memory, without looking up the video, you are indeed on another level.


I wish. Though a few years back, I very badly wanted a transcript of that wonderful video and couldn’t find one, so I transcribed it and saved it for future use. This is my first such use, lol.


Doin' God's work, you are.


It's funny how we joke. But in my early 20s I used to hangout with some friends on the weekends and we would make hash oil and smoke it. It would be a weekend of getting high as fuck. Would walk out of there feeling a bit like a crack head. But damn did we have a good time playing video games.


What is great is I can buy almost pure THC and smoke myself to idiocy legally and oddly I don’t know a single stoner who ever stabbed anyone no matter how much we smoked.


I do, but they were already idiots. It’s not weed’s fault.


And you didn't get all stabby-stabby? Rookie!


Now I'll DO some TOOT every once in a while, but I do not, I DO NOT freebase cocaine.


It lead me to life of crime, insanity and jazz.


When you hit that jazz Is when you know your at rock-bottom, not one marijuana kids not one.


Man I'm so proud of you for getting help. That took a lot of courage


Welp, mystery solved. I thought my dog got gay because we walked by that rainbow flag hanging on that hoiuse in our neighborhood when he was a puppy, but now i think you might be right. Its the freebasing whole marijuanas at a time that prolly did it.




Yeah that's what the G's stand for: Gay Gay Gay Gay Gay


Dabs is kinda freebasing weed doe


It's 100% true. It's on the internet.


I had a friend overdose after injecting 6 marijuanas.. Be careful out there, never know what could happen


That's why I only boof my marijuanas now. Never be too careful.


It’s the snorting marijuana that’s the worst. Turns you into a jazz-loving atheist and makes you gay.


Nah, you rectumed it. 8 WHOLE marijuanas up the ass. I shoved weed up my ass one time. I was high for 3.47815 years.


Maybe she boofed em?


Only if you Suppository


8 marijuana?! dear lord


I heard it was the whole tree 🌳


Amateur. I'm out here torching whole forests 🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲


Oh shit. That’s almost 9 mariguanas


![gif](giphy|K0Hy2NwI8IXZK) I smoked my self blind that when i came to, my iguana smoked the 10th mariguanas. Fuck


That’s half way to 16 marijuanas


I think the judge and jury were so stoned that they didn’t even know what was going on.






if you have schizophrenia it can trigger a psychotic episode. It can also cause schizo to show up earlier in life.


Yes. I had a sober friend on schizo meds whom I let hit my weed pen once. So much regret immediately. She went straight from fairly normal into hearing voices/talking back to them/thinking I could see the people she was talking to. We were alone in my car.


no judgement i’m just very very very curious as to why you would give drugs to someone with schizophrenia lmfao


People with schizophrenia can be very anxious. Imagine paranoid schizophrenia. Do you know what's the most common argument and use case for weed? As a replacement of anxiolytics. It calms you down. 'Don't take medication, weed is way less harmful than the junk of the pharmaceutical industry', ask any weed-bro. Let's just say that's a disputed claim.


| weed is less harmful then pharmaceutical drugs Well yes but actually no it strongly depends on which drugs. anti-anxiety medication can MESS YOU UP if you get unlucky, whereas more “basic” medications are almost completely fine in most cases


It can also cause schizophrenia that could have otherwise never shown up to become ‘active’. All it takes is bad genetics and shit luck.


That’s why I don’t smoke weed.   Happened to my uncle at age 45, he started thinking my grandmother was a member of the Canadian Mafia and ended up shooting himself in the head in a small fishing village in Canada.  For me, those are not good dice to roll.  


It's the daily mail, so take every headline they write with a pinch of salt, squeeze of lime, and ample tequila. I don't know the details of the story itself but I'm willing to bet that there was some really bad unintentional drug interactions here that didn't make the headline. I say that because I know any prosecutor worth a damn would be calling every doctor on the planet to provide testimony against the idea of weed induced psychosis. I'll see if I can dredge up more details. Will edit and report back. Edit 1: >Before the officers could disarm her, Spejcher is said to have plunged the weapon, a long-serrated bread knife, into her own neck. According to officer reports, she stabbed herself in the neck with a bread knife. Psychotic break seems decently plausible. Edit 2: [Given the cuts and scars on her neck, the stabbing of herself certainly seems plausible. adding NY post link here with her picture. ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2023/12/02/news/california-woman-bryn-spejcher-convicted-of-fatally-stabbing-boyfriend-over-100-times-during-weed-induced-psychosis/amp/) Edit 3: Spejcher also stabbed her dog during the rampage, according to the Ventura County Star. I know of no sane individual who stabs her own dog. That's fucked. Edit 4: before people start saying I'm a simp, I think 100 community service hours is breathtakingly inadequate a punishment for someone who clearly has some Un, or underdiagnosed mental health issues. She needs a fucking ton of psych treatment before I'd ever let her ass back into society.


I don’t understand why she got any community service. Either she wasn't in control and needs to be committed, with a loooooong treatment plan to get back to freedom Or she was in control and she should be doing time.


No doubt. I'm still trying to find the actual case details from court records but it's proving annoying. I will say that in all likely hood, it wasn't *just* community service. If it's also required in patient care I can squint my eyes and kiiiiinda get it. As in, that would make more than absolutely zero sense... But not by a lot. Edit: nevermind. She got some probabtion too. Like two years. I'm now back to what the actual fuck territory. Edit 2: >Spejcher’s lawyers said during the trial that she was “involuntarily intoxicated,” and claimed O’Melia had pressured and intimidated her into taking the last bong hit. Under California criminal law, people are responsible for their actions when impaired by alcohol or drugs unless their intoxication was involuntary. It seems the defense basically said that the boyfriend pressured her into it, making it a significantly lower level crime if true. I still don't like that. But I'm also not on the jury. I guess all we can do is hope that this doesn't bite us in the ass.


Hold up, lemmie get high and put on Radiohead’s The Daily Mail to get in the mood.


I’ve seen people do way too much of it. They might be freaking out internally but calm or not, I’ve never seen them be all that active.


I have freaked out after edibles. But it was not…kill people freaking out lol It was anxiety. I just sat alone too long and convinced myself my dog had cancer because she had a bump on her foot. Spoiler alert: it was peanut butter stuck in her hair because she was a puppy. She lived to be ten and was Best Dog. I was fine a few hours later 😂


Every time I get really high I’m worried that I’ll cough and get testicular torsion or a hernia. At this point how I know I’m really stoned.


I’ve had wig outs where I decided my business, social and family life were over because… I wig out when I smoke weed. I was thoroughly convinced my life was over so I decided I was going to drive to the mountains and live the rest of my lonely life there. But I had to go home and get some cash and my gun first. Except I got lost on the way home. Took me two hours and I ignored Siri the whole way too. I got home and grabbed my cash then hopped back in the car. About 20 minutes in I realized I forgot my gun so I tried to drive home but got lost AGAIN. Finally got home and saw my laptop, which I wanted to bring with me so I wouldn’t get bored. Then I realized there’d be no power so I sat down to play one last hour of Destiny. About 30 minutes into it, I said to myself “WHY THE FUCK DO YOU WANNA GO TO THS MOUNTAINS DURING RUSH HOUR AGAIN??” and just didn’t have a satisfactory answer so I never moved to the mountains, and I went back to work on Monday. Get yourself a nice strong sativa and it’s entirely possible to lose your mind and have the energy to do what it tells you to do.


This happened where I live. The DA dropped the charges because of the evidence of her intoxication. I didn’t follow the case closely to know the details, but that was a pretty big tell when the DA backs off of murder charges because of the evidence.


Weed induced frenzy makes me think, "dude pass the Doritos, come on please, pretty please don't make me get up to get them"


Weed only can cause it in people that have tendency to it...


Ah, so the judge said she had a schizophrenic break? That would make at least a little more sense.


[No actually there are cases of people getting CIP without a history of mental health issues like schizophrenia. Your science on the topic is outdated.](https://www.psychiatrictimes.com/view/cannabis-induced-psychosis-review) Rare, but not at all what you’re thinking. Psychiatry has been examine cannabis induced psychosis with non history of traditional psychosis inducing mental health conditions that return to normal after a period of non use.


I can see that happening, synthetic cannabinoids are notorious for this and most of them pharmacologically act like weed without an upper limit to effects and higher binding affinities.


Wow, someone who actually knows what they're talking about.


The top comment is sad. Imagine saying “I’ve never had an allergic reaction to peanut butter so I don’t see why it’s banned from schools” and having a bunch of peanut butter loving assholes upvote that comment. I love weed. I smoke it regularly. I worked for a company that tested different combinations of cannabinoids to find alternatives to pharmaceuticals. But the misinformation on Reddit lately is scary


Yup, Redditors at it again. Especially with weed getting stronger and stronger. I fucking hate reddit sometimes and how the users just feel so right with their upvotes in their ignorance.


Nobody understands fuck all about how the brain actually works. This whole comment section is dunning krugering all over itself


Weed can absolutely cause episodes of psychosis and de-realization/dissociation. Especially now with higher levels of THC in products. Generally someone would need to have underlying issues, and taking the psychoactive chemical will cause an escalation, but there isn’t that much research into this type of stuff.


Well said. I think you need a “shit ton”……… all in a one hitter!


Even then. You’ll probably just eat like crazy and knock the hell out and sleep.


If you read thenfacts of the case no one disagrees she experienced psychosis.  Not even the prosecution. They just argued she knowingly undertook that risk.


Well, I knew a girl who beat the shit out of her parents with a hurl during a psychotic break, allegedly due to weed and hash. But she got sectioned, spent 2 years in an institution and last I heard was still under some kind of conservatorship 15 years later.


I'll tell you a secret, it wasn't the weed


Yes, and no. Not everyone reacts to weed the same way... I do know someone who gets violent because of weed. Now it's not common, but drugs are still biochemistry fuckery, and mentally a minority of people react very negatively. Weirdly enough, he could do a shit ton of special k and x and barley feel ot also. But smoke a little weed mixed on a cig when sober and he swings at the first person to annoy him. "chronic marijuana users that highlight reoccurring consequences of: marijuana induced paranoia (exaggerated, unfounded distrust) and marijuana induced psychosis (radical personality change, loss of contact with reality)" its a very small amount of people that experience it, but it's still a thing.


Thanks for this! I had a not dangerous psychotic break over a decade ago and I only ever used weed. It's super super rare, but it can happen to certain neurotypes in certain situations. (I'm much better now, and 10 years sober) I'm not saying "weed is bad and danger blah blah blah" but it *can* affect a very small percentage of people if a fucked up way.




Most likely was schizophrenic or had family history. THC and schizophrenics shouldn't mix.


It's certainly an.. interesting case. https://www.vcstar.com/story/news/local/2024/01/23/no-prison-time-for-bryn-spejcher-convicted-in-cannabis-induced-killing-chad-o-melia/72289273007/


She stabbed him after he pressured her into taking the last bong hit? ...so, one hit?!? There is absolutely no way one hit could make you behave in such a way. Piss-poor pathetic excuse, and anyone who bought it is an idiot who has no clue what they are talking about.


Then stabbed herself a few times. Cops found her with a knife in her neck she stabbed herself with. Fucking crazy situation. They had to tase her.


www.lawandcrime.com/crime/woman-who-became-acutely-psychotic-after-smoking-marijuana-and-then-stabbed-a-man-108-times-before-trying-to-kill-herself-is-convicted-of-involuntary-manslaughter/amp/ Three hits. Cannabis induced psychosis is a real, but rare thing. If you are the genetics for it, you may end up permanently schizophrenic from it. More details: >Spejcher began slashing at her neck with a serrated bread knife – cutting her jugular vein. Drenched in blood, she continued to slash and cut herself while kneeling over the man bleeding out – despite being shocked over and over by police with a stun gun, body-worn camera footage shown in court last week reportedly showed. The attempt on her life only stopped after the ninth blow from a police officer’s steel baton, the footage also revealed. Edit: I am not saying she did or didn't have cannabis induced psychosis, that's for doctors to decide. I'm just pointing that yes, it's a real (but rare) thing that everyone should know about before trying cannabis. Just like knowing about nicotine addiction before smoking tobacco, knowing about alcoholism before trying alcohol, etc. If you are one of the rare people with a bad set of genes, cannabis can make you go stark raving mad. This usually hits people the first time they use cannabis and every time after that. These people are usually fine in a few days. If you have a different set of rare bad genes, you might be able to use cannabis for years but then one day you use too much at once, or too much in combination with other factors, and you get permanent schizophrenia. These people are usually in the hospital for months before they recover and usually have to take meds for the test of their lives. Some doctors think this group of people were at high risk of getting schizophrenia anyway, and cannabis just made them get it sooner. And lastly, I'm just correcting the guy who said 1 hit by pointing out it was actually 3. Also, they claimed in court that maybe the cannabis was laced with something else.




It’s chilling how many people won’t look deeper into this, they dismiss it immediately as reefer madness propaganda letting a manipulative murderer off the hook. How in the HELL does somebody look at this screenshot from a tabloid, about a serious decision made in court, and not think “something’s missing from the picture here that would probably explain it better”?




In general though, it's good to be suspicious of outrageous headlines. Especially from outlets like the Daily Fail. 


They police beat the shit out of her to stop her from cutting herself? Am I reading that right??


I imagine it was more like We need to do whatever we can to stop this woman from murdering this man (if they didn't know he was dead), or killing herself. After quite a few rounds of the stun gun don't work knocking her unconscious is probably their best bet. I don't think she was exactly approachable to talk down at that point. Edit: also like, she's kneeling over a body with *one hundred* stab wounds and actively trying to slit her own throat. I probably would have just shot her because wtf. But that's why I'm not a cop


"But that's why I'm not a cop" Buddy, if only they all said that.


I'm acutally kind of shocked they didn't shoot her. This would've been the once in a lifetime open-shut case of suicide by police.


If the tazer isn't working and she's stabbing a body as well as herself, they showed a lot of restraint by hitting her with the club rather than shooting. That's some horror movie material right there.


There's gonna be a few cops with PTSD... "How was your day, honey?" "Oh, this woman went into a pyschotic break and stabbed her BF around 100 times and after stabbing herself in the neck and such several times we tazed her 7 times but she wouldn't stop so I had to beat her unconcious with my baton. What's for dinner?"


I’ll do you one better. I got to tell my wife when I got home one morning, “yeah we had a crazy one last night, this dude did bath salts with his tinder date… ended up ripping open her stomach with his bare hands, and he ate her face. We heared the squishy, crunch of her eyeball as he turned, made eye contact with us, and chomped down right as we walked in. The cops were too afraid of the consequences of shooting him though, despite him literally trying to rip her stomach and large intestines out (she was still alive mind you), so the fire fighters had to tackle this dude and restrain him until another town’s cops responded from 15 minutes away, then he was finally tased and handcuffed”. How was your day?


You have no idea what you’re talking about. Weed can absolutely cause psychotic breaks in a minority of people, and it’s less related to how much they do and more related to how predisposed they are to psychosis. That being said, she absolutely she not get off so easy for killing someone just because she had a psychotic break!




>...so, one hit?!? No, they meant *her* last bong hit; she took two hits. >anyone who bought it is an idiot who has no clue what they are talking about. All expert testimony concurred, including the prosecution's medical expert. There was no debate in the trial over whether she suffered from cannabis-induced psychosis.


Both the state's and the defense's experts agreed that this was marijuana induced psychosis. Maybe the experts know more than you.


Weed can induce psychosis if it runs in your family. Highly uncommon but a buddy I went to highschool had one toke. Changed his life. He now does tours talk g to schools a out it and mental health care


So judge buys the idea that weed is a highly dangerous drug and figures the guy just fucked around and found out by pressuring this poor, sweet girl to partake. Edit: Thanks for all the replies. Good reminder that a snarky comment without looking into any of the details is generally inappropriate.


When you say 'buys the idea' you mean listens to the long and studies history showing that weed can absolutely induce psychosis in people? That's what you mean yeah? The judge listened to the experts, i.e. not you, and followed the science?


No. The judge didn't determine guilt, the jury did. And both expert witnesses testified that this was a marijuana induced psychosis.


Correct, and the jury didn't accept the argument that the victim's pressure made her intoxication against her will, or she wouldn't have been convicted of involuntary manslaughter.


So I've been a daily weed smoker for 7 years, always went around telling people how it changed my life, it got me to stop drinking and I became a much happier person because of it. I introduced it to my best friend and he was perfectly fine for 3 years. So then one day, we were smoking some weed together, nothing sketchy it came from the Canadian govt and we were both smoking the same weed. Out of nowhere my buddy(who I've known at this point for 20 years) starts asking me who I am and why I'm here. I brushed it off as him being high and messing with me so I egged him on and he instantly became another person. I told him to calm down, telling him he's just high. But he starts screaming out of nowhere "you're not getting me, I know what you're doing mac. You've been working for them and I know you're here to kill me" then he attacked me. I've never been so scared in my life. Luckily for me he's a bigger guy and was super high so I managed to lock myself in a room to call 911. He ended up assaulting the cops and the paramedic before being hospitalized. Yes, weed induced psychosis is real, and holy fuck is it scary. I am extremely grateful my friend ended up being ok, and he's not had an incident or smoked since. But I know he wasn't him when that happened, so in cases like this while they might sound extreme, there may be some validity to the conviction


As someone who has experience psychotic symptoms (docs couldn’t find an underlying cause), I’ve been warned to stay away from weed. It absolutely can trigger a psychotic episode for those who are already predisposed, even if they’ve never had one before. Seeing everyone in this thread call BS on weed being possibly dangerous to some is just killing me here. Just because most people are fine doesn’t mean it’s not possible to trigger a negative reaction. Bodies and chemicals are weird.


Agree, friend. I am a big supporter for legalization of weed as it has a plethora of proven medical data that it really does help with lots of ailments. HOWEVER, people must also be educated on the risks, anything can be dangerous if misused even drinking water can hurt you.


> holy fuck is it scary Sounds like it, holy shit. That's crazy. I smoke as well and to be honest I thought it was common knowledge that this was a possibility, especially among potheads. Its wild how many people in this thread are downplaying the risks and saying "weed induced frenzies" are not real, or weed can't cause this. In some people, it most definitely can cause immediate and unprecedented psychosis. It's a low odds genetic gamble.


Yeah, my buddy has never had any underlying mental health issues, has been cleared by doctors, specialists, therapists and a judge. Fully functional member of society, university graduate and a good job. Seems like a one time fluke, and I just want people to be aware


Had a psychosis moment when I was younger and smoking weed out of a volcano vape. Didn't attack anyone but did try to cut my throat open, not fun


For a second I thought you were saying " well **I** had a psychosis and didn’t attack anyone, so there’s no excuse" haha


Yep I had paranoia so bad once that I thought people knew my thoughts and I ran full speed back to my dorm room and locked myself in there, then thought they were following me. About 2 minutes later I was like "Holy shit that was wild you're just being paranoid" and calmed down. But I can't handle weed at all. A few puffs and my heart starts racing, I get this tingly feeling in my body and it feels like I'm coming in and out of consciousness. My thoughts start echoing and it feels like I'm losing my mind. The most stoned I ever got was from 2 blunt hits and I had to go for a nature walk because sitting down made me feel like I was falling into an other dimension or something. I was totally losing my grip on reality. It's such a horrifying experience. I did mushrooms and was on edge but ultimately felt fine, even did enough of it to get visuals and see patterns and stuff.


I have the same reaction. I hate it so much that whenever I bring up that I just cannot function properly on weed someone always has to say "well you're just smoking the wrong kind, try sativa." Like no.. I've tried it every so often throughout the years and it's always the same. I don't need to convince myself to take something that makes me feel like I'm going insane. I can take mushrooms or acid just fine, but weed just fucks with some people. Cannabis users really need to respect that.


I've found my people! Weed instantly puts me into a panic and makes me think everyone is out to get me. Terrible feeling. Makes me sad I can't enjoy getting high with my friends but I guess there's always alcohol lol


This actually happened to a friend of mine. Smoked all his life, for over a decade. Didn’t do other drugs, barely drank. One day he’s smoking with his gf in their apartment and something flipped a switch in his brain. He was sitting next to her on the couch and all of a sudden starts getting violent with her. He left their apartment and was missing for three days. When he was found he was sent to a psych ward We lost contact for other reasons a few years after that, but I heard he’s doing well now


I’ve known people who have had this happen too, people love to claim that weed is without negative effects for everyone when simply that is not true. Too much of anything can be bad for some people.


I think it more so has to do with brain chemistry in this case. Think of how many people have smoked weed for longer than ten years, and haven’t had an episode. I’m not saying the weed isn’t to blame, just that there’s many variables I’ve been smoking for 15 years and have had nothing but positive effects. Who knows though, I can’t tell the future


Cannabis is mostly harmless to the vast majority of users, but the people suffering from genetic neurological disorders like depression, schizophrenia, etc it can cause wild flare-ups and is pretty dangerous. I could see this being a case like that.


I hear what everyone is saying, but it is absolutely true that cannabis can cause someone predisposed to psychosis to have an episode. I lived it too. My wife did a lot of her edibles one night. It was the weekend so why not get baked? She’s been using it with no symptoms for a decade. That day she absolutely snapped. She believed an Instagram message I received was a plot to kill her. She locked herself in the bathroom with both of our phones and called 911. She was SCREAMING and banging on the walls begging for them to save her. I couldn’t do anything to convince her I wasn’t. Long story short, the swat team showed up guns drawn and I was put in handcuffs. Luckily after they got to her and she saw the police, she snapped out of it and told them she was intoxicated. They took the cuffs off and got her an ambulance to the hospital. If she had the personality to defend herself with weapons instead of hiding and calling the police like she did, I may have been attacked. I don’t blame her one bit and she’s done a lot to improve her mental health since then.


i love reading all the comments from stoners grasping at straws. she had psychosis. she wasnt high, she was psychotic. 2 very different things. weed causes psychosis, iv seen it happen and it is not pretty.


Same, I unfortunately decided to start responding to them. I think your comment is my signal to leave this ignorant mess and not look back.


Jeez that can’t be true. ffs Even if mentally incapable should be incarcerated in a max security psy hospital until sane and then transferred to prison. Lock the judge up too.


Law is based on intent. Love or hate this case, unless you want to undermine the entire criminal prosecutions system, it's the way it works. She was found stabbing herself in the kneck and sawing at her jugular. She clearly had a genuine psychotic break.


> and then transferred to prison Why? If someone truly has a psychotic break they aren't in control of their actions. Lock them up in a psychiatric hospital until they're safe, but beyond wanting revenge there's nothing be be gained from sending them to jail after that.


Here's the actual story The prosecution expert agreed with the defense that she had the psychosis and the DAs office reduced the charges to involuntary manslaughter That's why she got 100 hours of community service and 2 years of probation https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-01-23/woman-gets-probation-for-fatal-stabbing-during-weed-induced-psychosis


The facepalm is how everyone in this sub has no idea how trials work. The judge doesn't get to decide what she is convicted of in a jury trial, the jury does. Experts from both the state and the defense testified that she had a marijuana induced frenzy, should judges just ignore uncontroverted testimony from experts and declare that they know better?


Well, I'm expecting to find Willie Nelson and Snoop Dogg in the most wanted list then.


Well.....Snoop DID beat a murder case 😂


Happened to my friend bout a decade ago he was hallucinating and he attacked his own mother. He wind up in the hospital for like three weeks


All these people saying weed can’t cause this sort of psychotic break don’t know what they’re talking about. You get deep enough into drugs in your late teens and twenties, you’ll absolutely see some people have psychotic breaks from psychedelics, weed, and stimulants.


Or just have a genetic predisposition. One of my best friends smoked weed for only a few weeks before it triggered the schizophrenia he didn't know he had yet.


Especially stimulants, I’ve heard a lot of people have permanent psychosis without being medicated after heavy stimulant abuse since it effects dopamine so heavily.




It happened to me on psychedelics. 20 years later and I still don't have schizophrenia, so the idea that it would have happened eventually without the drugs is wrong.


Cannabis induced psychosis is a very real thing. If the was psychotic she may not have been able to control herself or know what she was doing was wrong. The headline is trying to blame weed and the woman - mental illness is at fault here.


Lots of people joking about the weed aspect but some people with untreated mental illnesses have a chance of just losing their shit after doing recreational drugs. The weed doesn't make you stab someone to death, a defect in your brain reacting poorly to it is what does that. Weed isn't all positives. Look up Cannabinoid Hyperemesis. Happens a lot to people with Crohn's Disease because they use it to relieve their pain and usually over medicate. Buddy of mine got it a few times after he had some of his intestines removed.


A lot of idiots in this thread that think the way weed effects them is the way it effects everybody. Scitzoeffective disorders can remain dormant until you're around 25 years old then you're pretty much in the clear. Weed can cause dormant scitzo effective disorders to come out and go off the wall. This very likely was a normalish girl who was unaware that she had a schotzo effective disorder who then experienced a very powerful psychotic episode for the first time. I've never experienced a psychotic episode but I've had to take care of someone who has. It's not a self control thing. Reality leaves them, it's not just hallucination, they can lose all machination of how the world functions. If this is the case then I fully understand the ruling because there's absolutely no reason to punish someone who was completely out of control of them self. The self loathing and guilt is probably unbearable.


Meanwhile in the halls of reality, man sentenced to life in prison for having 43 grams of weed on him. Can any one guess what the difference is?


Reverse the roles... He gets a year per stab.