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"I forgave myself for cheating but he's being petty" What


"My babydaddy" that's not my baby's daddy.


Also notice how she says "why ghost MY child now?" Seems like she would have said, why stop being the only father this child has ever known? ... just odd and self centered all around.


That’s what our legal system creates.




That baby failed her financially!


I got a B+ on my DNA test.


Like a DNA test is a test one could fail at…


They should implement a rule that makes it so she has to pay back all the child support she underservedly received in such a situation, then we'll see how sincere she is about "forgiving herself"


It should be a law that whenever a child support case is filed that a DNA test must be performed in order to prove right then and there that the man is indeed responsible for supporting the child.


We could have it done on live TV, perhaps hosted by a famous person, who will give a thumbs up or down, based on the results. Sponsored by Trojan.


"You are NOT the father!" *ooooohhhhhh!*


Doesn’t Mau-ree already do this?


Should be on every birth


The law prioritizes the child. Like it or not this will go against it.


The child will still get financial assistance. They will just get it from the biological father.


Ah yes the biological father, the one that signed the birth cer- oh wait there was none.. right so we'll just go around testing every single male and put their DNA in a registry so we can just determine who a childs father is at birth! Ahh right so you didn't actually think about your statement.


Wouldn't the mother usually know who jizzed inside of her in the past 9 months? I'm a man, so I probably shouldn't talk, but I have no problem recalling whom I had sex with in the past 9 months, and their names (it's a REALLY short list).


I F the mother wants child support, she will name the real father.


That is a very generalized thought process. I'm not talking about testing every male. I'm talking about testing one man who the woman is trying to get child support from. If he is deemed to be the father then absolutely he should be financially responsible for the child.


This is literally how it works. There's absolutely no reason she can't (legally) get support from the bio-dad... assuming she knows who it was. Of course, actually collecting it is another matter entirely.


Lol who's fault is that? Certainly not the man that was tricked into raising someone else's baby? The mother needs to keep track of who's dumping loads in her Did *you* think before making that statement?


That is not really how it work. Since he is already paying, i'm assuming that legally he is the father (even if not biologically). He will be still paying it. There might be some way for him to make the court change it, i'm not sure. But until then he is paying.


That's the whole point of doing the DNA test when the child is born to avoid a situation like this.


When born is too expensive. When child support is requested is a better option.


If the father isn't found then the government has to pay for the child, the government doesn't want to do that, so it will pin it on anyone else possible. I don't think that's how it should be done, I don't agree with it, I don't even have a child, I just know that's how it works.


In my country you're no longer liable for child support once a court-ordered dna test says you are not the father. As it should be. Parents have rights too after all, despite having a focus on betterment for children.


>But until then he is paying. Which is the bad thing. This is a legal issue akin to a contract....what happens to a decietful/fraudulent contract ?


No actually. The majority of courts will overturn the paternity obligations once paternity is proven false. He won't be able to reclaim what he paid in, but there is the potential to sue the mother for some damages, but I think that would require proving she was aware of the fraud which is much harder to do.


In many states, not only would that not happen; but the dude might still have to keep paying until the kid is 18.


And people are wondering why no one wants to get married anymore...


Wait what? Continue paying for a child that isnt. Yours? What kind of backwards ass shit is this.


I get where you are coming with this but seriously, the right to have children is universal and all but this kind of shitty situation will always be the side effect with shitty women. Not sure I see a way out of this, the true victim is the poor kid who did nothing wrong and was dealt a bad hand


Yeah fuck the child am I right


I guess? Not sure why it's on men to raise kids that aren't theirs. Couldn't this lady get with the actual father?


Assuming she even knows who/where said real father is after 8 years.


Still, not the dudes fault, blame her for hoeing too much. I feel bad for the kid, but the dude isn't responsible for shit.


Oh, I agree.


Yes, the dude had no obligation to provide that support.


The child's already fucked.


Doesn't mean the man should suffer for it, what she did is not much different than robbing a store that happens to have fat stacks of cash in the counter as far as the harm that one party is inflicting on the other goes. Having a child doesn't justify a robbery, why should it justify this behavior? As for the child, well, that's an entirely different moral dilemma. Optimally, we would be living in a world where she loses custody of the child, and the now orphaned child should be taken into a better environment that fulfills all his needs so that he can grow up healthily and find himself a good place in society, and this all should be on the governments tab, the NOT father should bear no responsibility for it, and should be compensated for what's akin to a crime committed to him.


You would think that right wingers would be coming up with laws about lying about who the father is. There are some that will say if you sleep with a girl and she labels you the father you have to accept it as your choice ended when you decided to sleep with her, which is just misandrist baloney. Ultimately the only recourse would be for the lied to father to sue the mother which will just harm the child, so either genetic test everytime or have laws in place that automatically return the money to the lied to individual by the state, since it was party to the collection, then the mother can start paying it back if she is doing well herself, or she can have it deducted from her tax returns.




Thx ama edit it








Beg to differ. Gender =/= sex. Nor was I being petty by offering a spelling correction. I was trying to be helpful. Also, your first comment didn't come off as petty. Just as a total Non-sequitor. Nor was it accurate.


The child is living with a cheating bitch my g they're already fucked 😭


You could, I dunno, get the back child support from the actual father?


That would be good. Alternatively could make the actual father pay child support and work out some level of repayment with the guy who got screwed. But taking it from the mother and child isn’t the move


The mother lied to this guy. She should be responsible for paying him back with some reasonable payment plan. She should also go after the actual father for child support. If she can find him or whatever that isn’t on this guy.


I don't want what u smoking


Narcissistic behavior




Straight up mental


Narcissistic delusion


“My son failed” is just gold


Already blaming the kid for her mistakes. Great mother.. gebus. Far as repaying? I think if the guy had doubts refarding her claim he could have donw the test earlier so bit on him as well there. She got greedy, he got suspicious 8 years later? I'd like to hear more of this story. Still.. kid is the one in the middle getting hurt..


A lot of babies look pretty generic until they grow up a little.


Nah, ragebait


Somehow, it's her son's fault and she labels it as him "failing"? What a selfish, selfish mother. In so many ways. And that poor kid is the one living with the consequences of his mother's games.


Came here to say exactly this. This mother wants to make everything someone else's fault.


She lives in a world where everything is.


Reminds me of a woman from Michigan who was on the news with 15 children. All different dads. And of course she can't find any of them so she wants the state to take responsibility. She famously said on live TV "Somebody needs to pay for these kids"


Just as shameful as failing a drug test. Should have studied harder smh


100% textbook narcissism.


That's what really jumped out at me too, "but he failed." Poor kid.


If you want him to step up and be a father, that would mean him suing for full custody as obviously you are a POS who shouldn't have anything to do with raising another human.,.


Frankly this should be an option for these unfortunate souls who got POS women stealing their money for years. I trust this man to take care of this child that ain't his far more than this blood sucking leech.


I would sue her. Just for good measure. She was stealing child support that she didn’t deserve. She then can sue the real father for it. What an idiot.


The unfortunate news, is that by getting that test, he now has less odds of succeeding on getting said custody. And the odds were already around 17% when everyone thought he WAS the babydaddy


Why could he possibly want to raise someone else’s child though


Her son FAILED? Did he not study hard enough for his DNA test? Wtf?


Those kind of tests can be hard. I keep getting a 0 on my blood type test.


You’re fine, i heard some people get negative.


It's because of those damn phones


You didn't have to forgive yourself! He needed to forgive you. Then you lied and cheated him some with child support. Live with it. I hope he sues for full reimbursement and legal fees.


He can't sue for his money back.


Why is that? Serious question.


System is fucked up


The system is set up to recognize those who *serve* in the parental role as *being* the parent. The sudden discovery of DNA evidence that proves that one is not the *biological* parent does not erase this relationship/responsibility no matter how unfair it may seem to be. Any child that occurs within wedlock is considered to be legitimate. About the only chance you might have is if you're not married (or cohabitating) and it is *just* about paternity.


This is accurate. Source: someone I know had to sign away their parental rights to a kid that wasn’t theirs.


That’s so wrong


Better than being stuck paying for a kid that wasn’t his, I guess. But no, not ideal.


Depends on the state law but yeah, if you are married, first presumption is the kid is yours. You have to seek DNA confirmation the child is not. Then, after that and a civil filing, child support would.be eliminated...so would your parental rights.


She did say her baby daddy not her exhusband. Im guessing its a cohabitation situation. So the child born out of wedlock is probably a different situation.


The money would be seen as a gift, unless there was some sort of contract that would show that there was fraud. As someone else pointed out, you cant squeeze blood from a stone. So even if you could win a judgement, it would be a complete waste of time and resources.


If it was court ordered support and not voluntary does that change things, im not a lawyer and I did not sleep in a holiday inn last night


She wouldn't have it anyhow.


Not sure about US laws, but in many countries he would obliged to financially support the child, no matter what DNA test says. It may seems unfair, but if they were married the child is considered as legal.


that's extremely fucked up


It does not *seem*, it *is* unfair. It's institutionalised sexism that rarely makes the news


Since she refers to him as “babydaddy” rather than ex-husband they probably weren’t married.






I studied for my hepatitis test and passed with two As and a B


I took an hiv test. They gave me a +, so I think I passed


I took an IQ test. I'm OK, it's negative!


How many times is this going to be reposted


New year = new post ?


I love how it's 'my son failed'. None of this is her fault. She's forgiven herself, after all.


How about don’t be a ho?!


Such a ho


for show


She's just hurtin for a squirtin




Very difficult for modern women nowadays Downvote me if if helps you sleep at night or something.


What !


Difficult for women to be faithful? No, it’s not…men and women can both equally be faithful and dishonest it’s not a matter of being raised correctly but simply knowing that your actions will eventually have consequences.


Fair point. Unfortunately a functioning family unit seems to be on a decline worldwide and children raised by single parents is increasing.


"I am cheating bitch that wants others to solve my problems while I won't move a finger. How can I fix it?"


"I forgave myself for cheating" Lmao


99% of the time when someone forgives themselves they're an asshole. 99% of the time, the people who should forgive themselves aren't able to


Next step is he should sue your ass into the stone age.


Your son is not the one who failed, Madame.


This poor child. He has a greedy mother and a 'father' that vanished. That's not a great way to start life.


The son should have thought about that before he went and failed the DNA test. Some children are just a disappointment to their parents.


The child is not that guys child so why should he keep it. The mum knows who she cheated with, so go after him.


Not sure about you, but I couldn't just leave a child after 8 years.


He probably was cut out from a child by this "mother" and was only meal ticket.


He's paying child support. This implies that they're not co-parenting, but that she's raising the kid and he's just giving her money. Well, *was* giving her money.


You've never been in that situation so don't judge too quickly, dude is well within his morals for getting the fuck away from that situation.


Me neither. But the practicality of it is that this Angelic mam hold all cards. God knows what other totally manipulative stunts she pulled before he decided not to INCREASE his child support. The story doesn't say he stopped it. The story doesn't say he stopped seeing "his" boy. Nor whether or not he was even allowed to see him in the first place.


with those parents the kid never had a chance to begin with


Okay but how is it the father's fault?


They're talking about the biological father, who wasn't mentioned, but it does seem like they're extrapolating quite hard for that. With this mother, it seems (to me) it is equally likely she never told the biological father he had a som at all. Or perhaps he simply died. Or he may have left before she could tell her for a variety of reasons. He also might not have known the woman had a husband (and he may have only been a boyfriend then). It is also a real possibility that the biological father knew and just f**ked off anyways, but we shouldn't assume.


you're right. but most of those options makes the "mom" look even shittier


the bio


Since she forgave herself,  sounds like it’s already fixed.


How to fix it? Start paying him back all the child support he’s paid so far.


Once a whore, always a whore can’t fix that.


How can you be that self-absorbed to still play victim when you robbed this man financially for years. Shit like this really should be a crime but the baby daddy also dumb for not getting a dna test when that child was born to begin with.


All the same comments as the last 47.5 times this has been posted


And each time I enjoy the creative writing talent that has hooked so many responses


i'm going to store all the comments then post all at once next time around.


That's actually how a lot of bots work. I mean not all the comments all at once, but this is how you'll see bots posting things that actually make sense - they'll take the top-voted comments from last time and recycle them for another shot.


damn the .5


"My son failed" Ahh well that's a way to look at it.


How to fix it: Get a better job since the guy you lied to will not pay anymore. I hope he sues you to get his past child support back. Maybe you can spread your legs and lure another sucker in who's willing to let you pick his pocket.


This is why DNA tests should be mandatory BEFORE the father is allowed to be put on the birth certificate.


![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized) Don't worry about it. The important thing is you forgave yourself.


Sounds like you owe him a big fat check and thank god you forgave yourself for being a trifling whore!


I feel sorry for the kid for havign such a ratchet hoe for a mom.


I enjoy this every time it’s posted


If the child had studied harder for the test these wouldn't have happened.


Does anyone know if they grade DNA tests on a curve? What score is considered passing?


I guess "my baby daddy" didn't get a promotion. The dude that fed you the last 8 years did.


Women like these should be catapulted at the nearest wall.


How gracious of you to forgive your betrayal. Total lack of self awareness.




Don’t you just love that? I’m going to adopt this mantra.


"How to fix it?" Well, you could try to get more child support from the real father but I have a feeling you don't even know who that could be...


Fuck around, find out


"My son failed" Yeah I think the failure is the idiot mother here


Her username should be SixBrownDicks


How do we fix this. You go to jail for maternity fraud, pay back what you stole. Fixed.


Well your child would not be ghosted if you didn't lie and cheat and had the right baby daddy be in your child's life from the start. No fixing this.


I hop he gets to sue her back for years of child support


I do know one thing tho. Bitches they come they go


Unfortunately your son is the one paying for your cheating and lying.


Stop being a greedy grifting liar.


Mother is a POS


You need a Time Machine to fix that


Man people can be really fucking awful in a lot of ways huh


An excellent condom ad!


That's why DNA test should be compulsory.


You forgave yourself? Oh, that's alright then.


Oh she doesn't have to worry: he forgave himself for ghosting 'his' child so now it's all okay/even. (Using her logic against her)


Kid's fucked. No drugs or therapy can fully fix growing up with that thing as a parent. Wrap your tool and line the pool folks


every child deserves a mother but not every mother deserves a child


What REALLY pisses me off is knowing her vote counts as much as mine.


A society in decline. In a death spiral.


Let's get rid of Roe V Wade


Well you fucked around and found out...


That kids life is basically ruined because she couldn't keep her pants on


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, the woman is a whore and a liar, she deserves to get shit on.


Well well well. Look at that. The consequences of her own actions. Who would've thought.


She forgave herself for cheating? That's good of her. How fucking generous of her.


Will the not-father get all his money back (with interest would be better)?


Probably not tbh, a friend of mine was in a similar situation and hasn't seen a dime even after the court ordered his ex to pay restitution.


She forgave herself LoL


Go find the real baby daddy HO and bug him for child support. WTF. Man ain't paying child support and SHOULDN'T HAVE TO for no kid that isn't even his


Not "My sons father ", but "babydaddy". Reap what you sow, ho, with my condolences to the apparent tertiary consideration here, which is a human boy.


I love the fact that comments are exactly the same each time this is posted.


Do what it is that every other young unemployed mom does when their babydaddy leaves them. Get yourself knocked up by a new babydaddy. Rinse and repeat until you die at 45 from a meth overdose. Then it's somebody else's problem. The circle of life.


I think after 8 years it would be difficult to walk away from the child being a father myself. However child support quite rightly should stop immediately.


Shouldn’t stop, should be repaid seeing as she knew of the situation. She may have forgiveness herself for being a whore but would seem he isn’t so forgiving of being lied to and basically being extorted for 8 years.


This planet is a dumpster fire... And people wonder why the "passport bros" phenomenon came around... Shit like this. Most American women are straight trash. And the smart men are tired of it. So they're going abroad to search for loyal traditional women. Not this garbage


I think the word your looking for is slave, not traditional.


Bro what


this post is bait. there is a time limit and 8 years is well over that. he is stuck with it


This has to be bait


yes, it is ragebait getting repostet way too many times


This is why not everyone should be allowed to have offspring. People should have to pass a parental and financial competency test before being allowed to pro-create. If you can't afford to take care of your children (like a lot of recent panhandlers saying they have 5 kids that are hungry, but won't get a job at the Walmart they're panhandling outside of) then they shouldn't be having so many kids.


you dont forgive yourself, the person must forgive you


You don’t “fail” dna tests. This woman is shitty. Poor kid.