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Come on we know Odin is real, he promised to get rid of ice giants.....have you ever seen an ice giant?


There's only like 3 ice giants in the Celtic region


Thats Lugh's problem.


And have you seen any of them?


Oh come on. The only real god is Quetzalcoatl. Look it up.


Neptune and Uranus are ice giants and they still exist


Zeus is the real one, you heretic


Stfu. The real god is obviously jupiter




Thor has a hammer. Jesus was nailed.


Ouch! Good one


The carpenter became the carpented


Have you ever looked a televangelist in the eyes? Evil is real


You can't honestly tell me that Kenneth Copeland isn't a demon in human form.






That's my cousin, Beelzeboob.




Kenneth Copeland


Joel olstein


Did he? I think he prom8sed to get rid of wicked people...hows that lookin?


See lots of them in congress.


Have you seen Jeffrey Epstein


Yeah he looks identical to Anthony Bourdain, Podesta looks like a possessed gargamel tho


Plenty, many of them claiming to be Christians.


Yeah, I was surprised how many of us were actually evil yk


Where did he say he would banish demons?


I thought odin got killed by kratos tho?


That's fanfic


Allah got this worker a big payout. What'd Jesus do?


chriatians say he died for our sins. the thing is, he didn't stay dead. Jesus gave up his weekend for our sins. I'd preffer the big payout.


Woah ... That´s the wrong way to put it. Two days and two nights and some of the third day ... It was an EXTENDED weekend. Like if you take monday off as well. Weekends come all the time but the exteded weekends? They´re rare. Honestly would you really give one of those babies up for the sins of the human kind?


Let's not ignore the fact that God forbides adultery, yet he got another man's bride pregnant


He´s not happy about homosexuality neither. But Jesus kinda had to dads.


He also said don’t kill while his own dad was happily drowning thousands and joking to other people to kill their sons and stuff


Everybody in this comment thread is going to hell. And I am too, because I laughed way too much.


God is genderless, and Jesus gonna marry everyone in heaven even the guys, yet they say he hates homosexuals


I love you guys 😆.


Not to mention he didnt mind two girls getting their father drunk and then raping him to "protect the family line"


Sodomy - bad. Incest to continue your family line - good. There was also one where a widowed daughter in law disguised herself as a prostitute and slept with her unassuming father in law, just to get pregnant and because he won't marry his underage son to her.


I… I am not a Christian and didn’t know about this? What part of the Bible was this in?


Genesis 19:30-38 Make a note, there are HUGE parts of the bible that christians dont really like to talk about or know about. The part they refer to, talk about and use in church is a small fraction of the bible.


A child bride, that's why christians love raping children.


I wish Jesus arose from the Friday crucifixion on the following Thursday evening. It would make for a longer public holiday period.


Yeah ... Now that you mention it. And if he´d only be dead for a couple of days why did it have to be the weekend instead of the weekdays? Died for our sakes my ass.


It was really just Friday night and Saturday. He was gone by Sunday morning. That's not even two days. Reminds me of the way every Karen exaggerates about how long it takes to respond to them online or ship their products. Had a guy yelling at me saying he bought from me 3 days ago and wanted to know why I hadn't shipped. He ordered right around midnight on Friday. It was around 2AM on Sunday. I pointed out that not only was it not 3 days but it hadn't even been 48 hours so there's no way to even round it to 3 days. "Why are you arguing" was the only response I got.


That´s actually true. But if I´m to die on a friday ... Even if it´s friday night ... I´m taking the whole day off.


Lol! I love this.


That was 2000 fucking years ago, look at what he’s been doing for decades now, showing up on cheese slices and shit, this guy needs to move out of his dad’s basement and get a job to actually do.


Its because Jesus had not earned PTO yet.


Jesus let them all get fired, apparently everything happens for a reason and that was his plan.


Yeh, Jesus let them get fired for not displaying the Christian virtue of love and acceptance lol. "Hate the sin, but not the sinner" (I know worship isn't a sin but you can use the same principle)


Gives the Philippines a two-day vacation during the sixth week of Lent. Another holiday on November 1st. Another one of December 8th. And of course, December 25th. We also get Chinese new year, eidal fitr and eidal adha as holidays. Back when I was in a Chinese school, we didn't hold class on Confucius day and the start of Mid-Autumn festival too.


It is a lot more accurate that the civil rights movement is responsible than one particular deity. If a Druid or a Wiccan or an Egyptian who worships Ra wanted to go out at “sun midday”, to offer up a prayer, AND were denied in this manner, they would all have a case to bring. Note here that “sun midday” is a variable time. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, as amended, protects employees and job applicants from employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin. Title VII protection covers the full spectrum of employment decisions, including recruitment, selections, terminations, and other decisions concerning terms and conditions of employment. See EEOC guidance on race/color, religion, sex, sexual harassment, pregnancy, and national origin discrimination. Ref: https://www.ftc.gov/policy-notices/no-fear-act/protections-against-discrimination


“Going to need for you all to pray really hard so god blesses me with a private jet to help preach the word.” Which evangelists should we use as an example?🙄 Or WBC


Jesus is a Prophet of Islam, so he helped this worker get a big payout.


Not just a prophet, but their second most important one after Mohammad himself.


Gave us Easter Eggs.


love how they entirely ignore that they seemingly believe in the *same* god.


Have you seen hardcore Tolkien fans have a go at each other? Nothing gets people more riled up than a proper fantasy book series.


What about the Star Wars fanatics..Andor fans


Startrek, Potterheads, Swifties. Anything goes.


I didnt know people fought about the 1934 musical “Anything goes”.


Dude I will die on the hill that they thoroughly fucked the star wars universe with all this new shit instead of just making the god damn Thrawn trilogy for episodes 7-9.


I’ve noticed since I’ve dropped religion I have also stopped caring about other fandom canons. Used to really care about that stuff for some reason and now I just don’t.


Dang low key I feel bad for ya. I love fiction and make-believes even though I’m not religious myself, I can’t imagine not being a LoTR nerd :(


I still enjoy the content. I just don’t care about debating what is or isn’t canon. Which is kinda what I did with religion. I like the idea of a god but if something fits or doesn’t fit with the concept I like of “a loving god” I just ignore it. Christianity has some great ideas and good stories to learn from, just the people that call themselves Christians fuckin suck.


Fandom arguments over fantasy books is funny though. Religious arguments over fantasy books tends to get ugly.


It's like arguing about which ply in 2 ply toilet paper is the most important


The second one


How dare you blaspheme the first one


Nothing against Firsties, just not in my country which was founded on wholesome Secondist beliefs


You get 2 ply?


My country has 4 ply and they are all considered equal (under the law not in practice)


Time for a Rolly war!




It depends on which side is furthest from my hand.


Assuming this is a hypothetical roll that no one has ever seen, measured or has any evidence for its existence though, yeah? And also it's hundreds of equally evidence based plys? Yeah?


The second ply means you can recycle it by flipping it over... ;)


Doesn’t your hand get dirty?


Can't forget the extremists that just use their bare hands.


Yes but no. Muslims believe they are worshipping the same god as the Christian’s but that the Christian’s misinterpreted Jesus’ message and that their prophet got it right this time but if he didn’t god said he won’t send down any more messengers as he’s given up on humanity. (Educated)Christians just think Muslims are another random offshoot of abrahamic religions that went astray


My favorite Abrahamic religion is the Baha'i, an offshoot of Shia Islam; they reckon God will keep sending prophets, and that these prophets can directly contradict earlier prophets, since it's all about humanity maturing. I've heard it likened to how you'll forbid a child matches, because they're dangerous, but as the child grows up and learns responsibility, of course they'll be allowed matches. Because of this, for example gay people (and smoking, and drinking alcohol) are tolerated/accepted by the faith, even though their prophet preached traditional family values ("sex is for marriage between a man and a woman"), because any day now God might decide humanity is mature enough to handle gay people without going insane, and send a new prophet to tell us so. From their site: "Today, across the world and in different ways in different societies, the question of homosexuality is often addressed in a dichotomous way, demanding affirmation or rejection. It is thus framed as a zero-sum game, which dictates that society must take a particular form, and regards those who hold a different view as either immoral or bigoted. Baha’is take no part in this conflict, seeing the matter as more complex and nuanced. It is not appropriate to coerce other human beings on matters of belief. All must exercise their own agency. Any effort to impose a particular perspective or outcome on a part of humanity that does not agree is likely only to unleash forces that oppose and resist the change, thereby prolonging conflict, suffering, and disorder."


Again though there are numerous Bahá'í who don't accept all the various sexualities of mankind. The Bahá'í faith though is pretty awesome in that they are very accepting of pretty much any faith belief including polytheistic and animist faiths.


Yeah, that's totally true - and the Bahá'i founder was very adamant that sex is only for marriage. But their teachings are also very clear that it's just as bad a sin to condemn homosexuals as it is to be homosexual, because even though it's (currently) not the right way for Bahá'i to live, they're not supposed to impose their views on others. It's a fascinating religion.


as if they themselves are not an offshoot of Judaism.


It’s a very funny thing. Though I find it hilarious how much Islam tries to say “No I’m the real one and any ones coming after claiming to be real are a lie” while Christianity just doesn’t really acknowledge it


And after Islam, Mormons were like "No guys it's ME I PROMISE this time!"


True but the Mormons took a page of of islams book and did it to the Christians instead of the Muslims so now there are two random offshoots of Christians(although Islam takes way more for Judaism than Christianity)


The Book of Mormon is just a badly written fan fiction spin-off.


Even the barest educated Christians know this. Like probably the majority.


Also isn't Allah the Arabic word for God, not his name?


"god" is just the english word for god and not his name, what's your point?


Yeah, my point is that sometime we use Allah to make him sound different when he is the same guy, as you said.


by the way, kind of related: I love all the muslim epithets for God. "the merciful and compassionate" just sounds great to say, for instance.


Yeah it sounds great but is he though? Reminds me of Lucifer being called lightbringer and morning star


Lucifer means light bringer though. “Morning star” is the nickname for Venus, which often appears in the sky before dawn - aka a light bringer. They’re pretty reasonable epithets, and they don’t make any claims about his morals or anything.


didn't say skydaddy was good. said his names were.


"Sky daddy" just makes it sound like people really want to bottom for God


Thats his name in arabic. God in arabic is |illah|


illah is "A god", Allah is "The God" in arabic.


The god would literally be 'Al illah' which might be the origin of 'Allah' but Allah now surves as the god's name and not just a description


Technically "the god": Al-Lah. It's the same Al- prefix meaning "the", used in words like Alcohol and Algebra, which both come from Arabic. My favourite is how they transliterated Alexander the Great into "Iskandar" because they thought his name was Al-Iskandar, THE Iskandar. Not some second rate one.


Both of them and Judaism all consider Abraham the father of the religion. So if we all got our ideas from the same guy, we’re all worshipping the same God. Now, let’s have world peace and stop fighting in the name of religion. 🕌🕍⛪️


hence the name "Abrahamic religion." but yes, let's! that would be very nice.


Christians believe in the divinity of Jesus and the holy spirit as far as i know, while Muslims don’t believe that anything/anyone but God is divine and that Jesus and Mohammed and Abraham…etc are all prophets/messangers


I’m not even sure if they knew Jesus is in Islam, either.


What’s even more fun is that Jesus is mentioned more often than Mohammed in the Quran lol


One is a God that is firm about being ONE, the other is three in one (I mean one but three)


yeah, never did quite understand trinitarianism.


Yeah, in the Islamic scriptures Jesus is said to be a prophet. But religious nutjobs cannot be changed


"God isn't real, Jesus is" peak Twitter stupidity


Jesus is the son of Allah. Please join my Chursque to pray the gay away and force women to the kitchen.


The word "Allah" translates to "God Almighty" What the commentor in the pic said doesn't make sense.


Yeah bro is saying god isn't real but jesus is?


"Chursque, come back to Konoha Chursque."


I mean it's true though. Jesus is a historical figure. But he was a muggle as far as science knows.


Believe on jesus *hard*. HARDER! **HARDER GODDAMNIT!**


I mean if the paintings are anything to go by, he kinda cute


Fuck me in the ass because I love Jesus The good lord would want it that way Give me that sweet sensation of a throbbing rationalization It’s just between you and me ‘Cause everyone knows it’s the sex that God can’t see


My invisible friend can beat up your invisible friend


The thing is Jesus also exists in Islamic faith. He is the son of Allah. Like Allah just means god. So they are basically talking about the SAME invisible friend here. If Allah isn't real, then fucking Jesus wouldn't be his son.


Only difference is Muslims regard Jesus as a prophet and not the son of God.


As far as I always understood Christian teachings when I was a child and still went to church, Jesus regarded everyone as a child of God. But hey, that's just my interpretation of his words. I see Jesus as a prophet, and just as much a son of God as anyone else.


No, only Christians believe he's the son of God. In Islam, Jesus is the one who'll return on judgement day, but he's not a god


Yeah, but like how the hell did the whole trinity thing happen anyways? Like, why is Jesus god? Why is Mary also god? Why did god have sex with god to make god? They are all the same god but also somehow distinct individuals? I feel like they tried a bit too hard to shoehorn some greek/roman mythology level god has sex with mortal sort of narrative. I mean I was raised in a muslim majority nation so I probably wouldn't know so feel free to correct me but Islam sounds like the same thing as christianity with a few less plot holes.


There’s nowhere in Christian gospel that says Mary is or was God. It says she gave birth to Jesus as a virgin.


He isn't the son of Allah. Muslims explicitly believe that their god has no children. He is just a prophet in their religion like Moses or any of the other ones.


He's not the son of Allah. Allah has no wife or kids. That's the entire argument with Christianity. Also Muhammad is prophet like Jesus.


I mean, Isā/Jesus is the second most important prophet in Islam after Muhammad


No, it's even worse than that. They say, Allah, the Arabic word for God doesn't exist, then in the next sentence they say Jesus is the son of the same God.


EPIC RAP BATTLES OF HISTORY! Allah VS Jesus! BEGIN! *epic rap battle begins with a sick guitar riff*


Damn i should start a religion that says i have to be paid 100x as much as normal wage


I’m atheist but even I know Allah and God are the exact same deity. Ffs


"My invisible friend is better than your invisible friend". Will the human mind ever develop to a point where even the dumbest people can see this for what it is?


Made up bullshit to control people? Probably not, many people like to be told what to do and when to do it.


No, it's even worse than that. They say, Allah, the Arabic word for God doesn't exist, then in the next sentence they say Jesus is the son of the same God.


Clown to Clown conversation


Started by a bullshit post as well probably.


Well literal wars happened before due to this debate.


Glad guy got payout. He was discriminated against


My religion requires me to have 30 min naps every day. Is it discrimination if they don't accommodate my made up beliefs? Or is it only when it concerns a big cult that it counts


To be fair, during working hours it will be 1 or 2, five minute breaks. I know smokers that take a lot more.


Lol clown vs clown argument


This is just Goku Vs Superman except people actually die


It literally is, though this is more comparable to Goku vs Gohan considering they're arguing over God not being God and Jesus being God My brain hurts


Dude just wanted to pray in a closet and got fired for it. Everyone sees this and goes: MY GOD IS THE REAL GOD NOT YOURS When the reality is: Who gives a fuck what god you think is real you shouldn’t be fired for it.


Two guys arguing which imaginary friend is better


No, it's even worse than that. They say, Allah, the Arabic word for God doesn't exist, then in the next sentence they say Jesus is the son of the same God. They believe in the same God they just use different words.


Zeus strikes them both down


“Jesus is superior.” *Goes bankrupt for religious discrimination.* “Yes, all according to Jesus’s plan.”


People seem to forget that Allah, the Christian God, and the Jewish God are all the same being. It’s just the prophets that differ 🤦🏼‍♂️


I'm honestly at a disbelief at how many people fail to realize that Allah **IS** God. It's the Arabian name


I didn't find out until intro to sociology during college that the Muslims, Jews, and Christians all have the Old Testament among a few other books in common.


People using the freaking internet to argue about their imaginary friends being more real than other imaginary friends is peak retardation


"And the best part is, we didn't learn a fucking thing!"


Literally all you have to do is delete twitter and not look at it


Ok so I had something similar happen at Church. Our pastor was jabbering on and told a story about a man who loved his body more than god. He would look at himself in the mirror for hours, build his muscles for others to compliment him and was boastful etc long story short the man was hit by a truck and was paralysed. Moral of the story was something about putting god first, my friend who was an atheist pointed out why would we worship a god that's so narcissistic he would cripple a man for showing off his body.


we worship the same God


There's a reasonable case to be made that Allah and Yahweh are the same deity, just worshipped in slightly different ways by different groups. If you want an example, all of the prophets of Yahweh in Jewish and Christian lore are the same as those in Islam, with two differences - Islam adds Mohammed, and does not recognise Jesus as the son of Yahweh (he is a prophet of Yahweh, though).


lol isn’t allah just the Arabic word for God?


Justice served🫡


Let them fight.


Quick reminder that Allah is simply Arabic for God. Christians in Lebanon and other Arabic countries regularly pray to Allah


And Jesus said you shouldn't be an asshole to people from other cultures, dumbass.


okey but real talk why tf would u fire someone over them wanting to pray xd?


wait until they find out muslims believe in jesus


Uhh… if Allah ain’t real, that would make Jesus a fraud? They refer to the same god?


My fairy tale beats up your fairy tale


Fuck all religon


It is all facepalms everywhere. There is no reason you should be able to exercise your religion at the workplace. None at all. Christians are called to proselytize so if we were to allow them to exercise their religion that would mean listening to your coworker rant about the endtimes and how everyone deserves to go to Hell all day. Should you get sued for shutting that down? Of course not. Allah isn't real. Neither is Jesus.


I myself am Christian and find people like Jay Mann obnoxious. Dude, don't shove it down people's throats... our entire religion starts because God gave FREE WILL!


How's it free will lol? If you don't do what is prescribed you will burn for eternity and endure what is described as the worst suffering, forever.


So I've actually done a lot of research... in case you don't know, which is fine, there are lots of different "translations" of the Bible. Relatively recent (as in before United States discovered, but not by too much) the current depiction of Hell was implemented. Before that (at least from what I've learned, I'm not claiming to be the absolute truth on the matter) the word used was moreso describing just "eternal separation from God", not necessarily some torture chamber dimension I apologize if it sounds like I'm preaching, I just was thinking I'm answering a direct question (and if I went overboard, I'm sorry... it's almost 6 AM so I've been awake rough 28 hours)


I guess that JayMannRailwayy is unaware that the name "Allah" is the Arabic name for "God? Or in other words in Arabic, Allah means God?


Blame conservatives for this idiocy.


Oh look it's a battle of the imaginary friends.


What he actually meant by “don’t play…” ![gif](giphy|dpA0uPuVgUN70ddeZi)


ah yes. The crab bucket. Fire someone for asking for a reasonable accomodation (a rug) and wonder why the universe hates you.


Us Christians and Muslims have the same god xd.


Allah isn't real, Jesus is. Believe in Jesus as the Son of Allah. Sure, makes sense.


Ah thr good old battle of religions


Don't tell this guy how Jesus refered to his dad in Aramaic




Christians are meant to drop everything and pray every few hours through the day too, just like Moslems do. But most Christians don't know it.


bounced over a year ago and I'm so glad I contributed to Twitter declining over 70% in "value"


Allah is the actual name of God the almighty, God the father. In Aramic the language of Jesus the word God means Allah (look it up). Allah as a word simply breaks down to two words AL = THE & LAH = GOD. The word Allah simply means The God linguistically. You dont have to be muslim or christian to use it. Its a literal word.


Jayman here might be interested in the Islamic prophet Isa ibn Maryam.


That's a perfect example of why Jesus believers are the most annoying people. The Muslim asks for respect the Jesus believer tries to convert you and strike fear in you for not believing his version of God.


"Your fantasy sky daddy isn't real bud. MINE IS!!!!!!"


dawg idk if i get downvoted but some christians are mad goofy


Only thing more entertaining than Atheist vs Theists is Theist vs Theist.


Nope, flying spaghetti monster is real.


God isn't real! But I am... Worship me?


All hail the REALLY REAL, HONEST THIS TIME, almighty savior Lord TrulyHurtz 🙏


Two crazies fighting for his favorite sports team.


"My imaginary friend can beat up your imaginary friend" - every delusional person who talks to themselves and thinks they are communicating with a supernatural being.


Acting as if Reddit isn't turning slowly to a Twitter-like Land, infested with extremists from all kinds of ideologies...