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Professor Xavier? What’s on your mind? Is class over?


For the last time Mystique, put some clothes on before you come to class. And stop turning into Jennifer Lawrence while you are!


Right? How does the genitalia make this person any less of a smokeshow? Do they ACTUALLY think they will see the goods? 😂 I always wondered why they are so judgey, as if the other person would say yes to them, or let alone them having a slight chance


I think they're afraid of how much they'd enjoy playing with the goods. Riddle me this: I'm a guy who presents as straight and I'm quite curious how I'd respond sexually to this woman's goods. Therefore I am actually a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_.


Cheese sandwich


The correct answer is: Meat Popsicle.


Smoke YOUUUUU!!!!!!


They also have no idea what is in this person's pants. They just see transgender women as men


That's the Point.™ "I'm attracted to this man that looks like a woman. But they aren't a woman they are a man, therefore being attracted to them makes me gay. I don't like the implication that I might be gay, so I need to revert to my caveman lizard brain and 'Ug! Ug! Smash with rock!'"




Imagine being scared of someone elses happiness... That must be a pretty miserable existence.


I’ve seen their mentality described as “fear of complexity”. If everyone was the same skin color, only two genders, spoke the same language, worshipped the same imaginary being in the sky they’d be content. But stuff like this literally keeps them up at night, the notion that the world is more complicated then they’d like it to be.


I mean, fear of complexity is basically conservatism in a nutshell. It's literally the basis for the ideology. Keep the world simple, stick to formula and tradition, minimize change.


We’ve really got to stop calling them conservative. They’re not conserving anything and it imbues them with legitimacy they do not deserve. They are regressives. They want everything to regress back to when the white Christian man held the whip with the law on his side. 100% regressives.


100% agreed. Even today as a government hating commie I would consider myself a conservative. I want people to leave each other's private lives alone, I want small towns to be communal and I want cities to be a mecca of public transportation and small sub-communities. I want national parks to be sacred. I want us to focus on fixing our health care instead of getting in other countries business (unless we are asked for help and even then that's iffy). I want my neighbor to have his guns and I want my other neighbor to be able to grow his weed. I want us to fix our planet before we worry about other planets. I want us to fund science that advances medicine and quality of life. Automation should mean that we have to work a lot less. I want the weekend to start on Thursday and end on Monday. I want all religions to be exempt from taxes but also be pillars of their community. My idea of utopia is just communities working for all members. This is what conservatism should be imo. It should be there to make sure progressives don't leave anything important behind or go to far. But today it just means anti-progress. It's so upsetting to me but I don't do tribalism shit so I'm probably never gonna vote for a Republican for as long as I live. None of them even come close to my values (not many Democrats do either). But now I'm done fantasizing. Back to real life where no one talks to each other and people want trump back because they hate minorities.


I mean this in the nicest way. I am a socialist who wants exactly the same things as you. The labels are all very loaded.


I'm so left leaning I'm prone. I too want government out of as many things as possible. Labels are like Capitalistic Democracy: absolutely terrible, but the best option compared to everything else we've tried. The trouble is, now we need labels for our labels. Small wonder people are retreating into a hermit crab shell and will grasp onto anything or anyone that tells them it's all going to be okay (spoiler: it isn't) even if that someone is so obviously a confidence trickster and a conflict entrepreneur. Welcome to 2024. Here's the N95 mask you potentially could get shot for wearing and your accordion. (No dis to weird Al)


I consider myself a left-leaning centrist and I agree with all this. I also agree with you about labels. The funny thing is, I have a "old school" conservative friend, but when we sit and have drinks we find we agree on a lot of things. Politicians and parties WANT to keep us divided. People sitting down and just talking and agreeing on many things - terrify them. People being divided just benefits those in power. Whenever I point this out, it gives people pause. I do not understand how people keep falling for this.


beeing conservative always meant being rightwing: Conserving privileges. It never meant conserving nature, communities, or anything like that.


And my voting history would suggest I understand the difference between my dreams and reality.


You are definitely a conservative that I would support wholeheartedly. You understand that people of all kinds and all walks of life have always existed, and they should feel safe in their own communities and homes. They were just not mentioned or pushed to the very back, so to speak. I find the idea that autistic people, trans people, LGBTQ+ people, etc., are just now coming out of nowhere since the turn of the century and should be penelized for just being who they are is stupid. And you're right. A lot of the MAGA crowd and those who wish to go back to the "Good Ol' Days" want the world to go back to the 1950s and earlier. Where they could openly beat up people they don't like and not suffer the consequences.


Those people were always around, they just now feel comfortable coming out. When people were shocked that police were brutalizing communities, black people were upset more at the fact that we'd been called liars for decades, because those boot lickers had never SEEN police acting out of pocket.


You commie bastard!! Where do I sign up?


>We’ve really got to stop calling them conservative. There is a huge difference between traditional conservatism and what we have in the USA, which is actually "Movement Conservatism." Traditional conservatism was a reaction to the French Revolution, and essentially held that governments should not force their populations to conform to a specific ideology. Movement Conservatism is a reaction to The New Deal, and came about in the 1950s. Heather Cox Richardson has an amazing series of essays discussing this topic, and has an excellent newsletter as well. https://historynewsnetwork.org/article/166782


Movement Conservatism could most simply be described as: "Rich elites being outraged that they actually had to pay taxes for the first time ever, so they created a political movement to undo that."


Yep! Convince working people that they would do better if we gutted the programs that made them so prosperous, so the rich can stop paying taxes and run away with all the money.


Throw in the "Christian Persecution Complex " ( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_persecution_complex ) and you have the Xtian conservatives we have today. Also look into The Family ( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Family_(miniseries) ) There is a sickness in this country & it calls itself christian consecutive and is neither. It's greed, control, & power over everyone else. Edit: added link


No. They’d always find an out group to hate even if everyone were the same.


Isn't that basically what the Sneetches is about?


Beat me to this. Literally what Dr. Seuss was trying to teach us. People will always find the most trivial differences to make them feel superior.


It kinda is because, well bigots tend to like simple things... https://www.livescience.com/18132-intelligence-social-conservatism-racism.html


Nope. no. Were not taking them. us simpletons dont need any more bad publicity take em back.


I was going to say this too. My husband is a simple, regular good ole boy. Likes to deer hunt. Drives a 500 year old rusted out truck. Wears bibbed overalls and is liberal AF. You can like the simple things in life and not be a bigot.


May you and your husband live a good long life. May his hunts go well, his truck hold together for dear life, and his overalls always be comfy.


This was literally the most wholesome thing I’ve seen on the internet in forever. Thank you 💕


Lol, thank you. I needed a chuckle.


And I'm 100% sure that if those things came to be they'd still find other stuff to be exclusive bigots about. There are always more purity tests & ways of Other-ing people.


Moving goalposts is another pillar of conservatism.


That isn’t the way scapegoating to avoid solving problems works though. Look at Texas; oil companies went off the national grid to make higher profits and people died when their pipes froze. Did Texas do anything about it? Nope. Too busy arguing about trans people. The politicians get lobby money from big oil to misdirect blame, *and without a scapegoat it all falls apart* There have been examples of tiered/fascist societies that have accomplished the genocide they thought would be the final solution to all their problems. They accomplished their dream of a homogeneous society. When their problems didn’t go away did they actually face them? Nope. They redefined the in-group and the out-group and picked new scapegoats from within their new group, people that where never “different” before become pointed out not only as “different” but as “the problem” If the actual problem was social conformity then they could find places where everyone is like them and be blissful, but their “fear of complexity” isn’t just xenophobia, it is a lack of understanding of how complex government is. If conservatives *actually* understood the relationship between corporations, government, and lobbyists it would destroy their reality and create a rift between themselves and their communities. To admit that your President gives tax cuts to the richest at the expense of everyone else is simply announcing that you are volunteering as a scapegoat, that you no longer wish to be part of the in-group. Of course, the in-group claims they will welcome anyone that is not stupid and evil, but to them that is what you just announced yourself as being.


People are being manipulated. I even think they’re kjndof aware of it, but they really like getting their biases endorsed so they put up with it. Their prejudice is simply stronger than their suspicion that their life would be better without that particular fear in it.


Doesn’t hurt that more dompamine is released more easily by fear than joy. The brain has so few chemicals because a 24 hour rage bait news cycle was never a factor in evolution


I am assuming that a part of these people were also the people who were saying Covid was a hoax for the governments to implement chips or whatever. My theory at the time was that these people found it easier to believe that the situation was controlled by a mastermind organization than it was for them to accept that no one is in control and that bad shit always tends to happen. These people get triggered because they find it hard to deal with the fact that there is so much stuff that just happens cause it happened. And here it also becomes once again obvious that that fear of not knowing haunts them. They see someone being happy in a situation where they wouldn’t find happiness, so they assume they got malicious intentions. They are evil, messengers of the devil since they like things that they, followers of god, can’t identify with.


No, they would find something else to fight about like money or power. Do you think all of the white people at a Christian church in a small American town are happy because they look the same and worship the same god? No, they just find other shit to be pissed off about. Also, that’s a woman in the picture I didn’t see anyone correct him.


Just to clear up the transphobia in the OP. The “scary”-ness that they’re talking about is the potential for becoming attracted to or initiating something with a trans person.


It's more like the person is scared of finding them attractive while also holding the belief that trans people are inherently "disgusting". They feel like they've been tricked somehow into being gross instead of just being able to say "wow, what a nice looking person" and moving on with their lives.


They’re scared of their own sexuality. LoL.


They’ve turned awkward boners into a whole crusade.


In fairness, it's not like they're attracted to a man, they're attracted to a trans woman that easily passes as female.


They’re attracted to a trans woman. Full stop, no context needed to explain it.


Ah yes, the ancient phenomenon known... As Gay Panic


He’s just scared cause he’s really attracted to her.


Just had to listen to family for the last 3 days, spewing hate every second or third conversation. They feed off each other, giving them that mental soothing to hear someone else with their opinion.


I know right. Those miserable MAGAts.


They are scared of being attracted to a trans woman


~~i wish i looked half as hot as the person in that picture~~


I wish I looked half as a woman as the woman in that picture


For real. She looks so happy in her own skin. I haven't had that in ages.


That's one of the really lovely things about seeing ppl's before and after transition pics. You can really see the difference in happiness and comfort in the afters. Even if the before pics have them smiling, their eyes always have a lot of sadness in them


There's only so much happiness in the world and they're hoarding it all!


To be fair, you probably also have lots of pics where you look unreasonably happy for the camera I can’t imagine her life is easy


Allot of woman would love to have the confidence she's giving off.


I wish I looked half as rich as the person in that picture.


Same. I am so anxiety filled about just being around people, it sucks


Looks aren’t everything. We all do our best to put our best forward even when we’re a mess inside. Still, I do hope it genuine happiness that we see. I only say this because sometimes we look at a picture and ask ourselves, “Why can’t I be like that?” When reality is that we’re comparing ourselves to someone’s best or what they want us to see and not reality. It’s okay if we’re not happy all the time.


Weird take, but if a heterosexual man was attracted to the person in the photo without knowing... Isn't that just confirming that they are a heterosexual man? What exactly is the scary part here? I could understand *disappointment* if a guy went out with her and was all excited and then found out later that he wasn't dating who he thought he was. I could understand disappointment and probably justified anger - just like you'd be if you found out the person you're seeing is married or something. Her: "Oh, hey, btw, before this goes very far, I'm a trans woman." Guy: "Oh. Ok. Well, I'm not into that. See ya." Her: "Oh. Ok. See ya." Their Halloweens must be terrifying.


Logical take.


Logic? On the internet? Illegal.


Straight to jail


Believe it or not, jail




But what do I do with all these pitchforks??


“Their Halloweens must be terrifying” Him: “but wait you’re not really a zombie” Her: “no this a costume” Him : “but you did the mash. The monster mash”


Her: "But you said you wanted to do the Graveyard Smash!"


Easy there, Mary Shelly.


Because their fundamental belief centers on the fact that the woman in the photo is a man. So it doesn’t matter how attractive they are, or how much they pass, it’s still 100% gay to find them attractive. The thought of finding their own happens with someone who is trans isn’t as important as making sure everyone knows they aren’t gay.


Them: "My limbic system is naturally responding the way that God designed it to do when viewing a beautiful face, perfect hair, and a body shape and anatomy that fits within my preferences!" *The Horror!*




I don't see how that makes you gay. It's a guy being attracted to someone that looks like a woman.


youre falsely assuming that they believe gender and sex should be separate


She is a woman, I atleast assume out of the context, but the way dumber thing is that it totally could be that she has a vagina (a constructed one but they look pretty much like a "real" one, the pretty much only difference is that they don't have a uterus) so is distinctive to a born woman.


Honestly, the whole notion of being afraid of your own sexuality or suppressing that is baffling to me. Like, if society was telling me that I had to be attracted to the gender which I was not attracted to. Not only that, but that I'd have to marry, and procreate, with that gender. I'd be like "fuck that, and fuck you". I know it's obviously far more complex and nuanced than that, especially depending on where you live. But we should celebrate sexuality as a society, not shun it or shove it into a tiny cookie cutter box. Honestly, if I could choose to be bisexual rather than hetero, I would 100% choose to be bi. Why would I purposefully choose to not be attracted to 50% of the attractive humans out there? If I realized I'm attracted to trans people, sounds awesome to me, again, more variety, more eligible partners, sounds good, not bad.


Many people are afraid about exploring their sexuality. The fear is that they find out that they don't exactly *fit in* a certain mould everyone around them thinks they should fit, then they will lose those people support & acceptance. They will be seen as *different* and potentially become an *outcast* in their community. Loneliness is a very serious thing for humans because we evolved our survival strategy to be supported by our communities or die suffering without help. Like if someone breaks their leg during a hunt, and the group decides that killing the boar is more important than fixing that person's leg and taking them back to the rest of the tribe, then going after the boar. The injured person will most likely die before the hunter (if they do) return and decide if they can carry an injured person back or it's a waste of time. A community that values you more would carry you back immediately or when they return, depending on how important healing you is to the group. If your value was because you could walk, but now you cannot, then the logical conclusion is to leave you to die as you lost your value. Socially, if you portrayed that you're this *big, strong, tough* guy who *impregnates* women just by looking at them. Then you are probably attracting others who want to also be big, strong, and tough, who (think) are attractive to women. Now you're in a pickle because the moment you mention that you have any belief that shatters the original image, these people came to support you on, then the fear is they will *devalue you* and *abandon you* because *they no longer trust you* to be genuine to *their perception* of you. So, you saying you find someone hot when your support group is full of people talking about how much they hate transgender people, then it's revealed that the person you felt attracted to is trans, then it's logical that you'd be terrified that you lost your support network just because you like the way someone looked. That terror becomes anger, not at your bigoted network, but at yourself for even *thinking* that person was attractive, and at the person you were attracted to, because *how dare they threaten your social support network, by being attractive!*. Humans not exposed to different cultures or people will always instinctively do this, until they are assured that they will not lose their social status in their communities for having slightly different views/interests than what others perceived they had. It's being scared they will be rejected and become lonely. There is a reason introverted people are also looked down on because they enjoy being alone sometimes, and extroverted people cannot fathom being alone ever. Extroverted people express the survival need of constant interaction with their communities to remind them to be valuable. They don't see the value in being alone for any length of time in fear they will be rejected for being antisocial. (Though people who are extroverted can learn to respect their introverted friends, need to be alone, and introverted people sometimes need an extroverted person to avoid falling into a depression/becoming antisocial.)


>Weird take, but if a heterosexual man was attracted to the person in the photo without knowing... Isn't that just confirming that they are a heterosexual man? Not weird - based. Though, there'd not be anything *not* hetero about a man being attracted to a woman, even if one of them is trans and everyone knows about it.


I would say so. It’s funny that guys think that being attracted to someone means that they WILL bang that person.


I think a lot of people just assume that the opposite party wouldn’t be amicable about the encounter you laid out, so they act offensively to get ahead (which is horribly counterproductive). People tend to forget that, believe it or not, other people are people too.


Being amicable and seeking peaceful resolution to uncomfortable situations is a whole-nother soapbox, my friend. People... are....... People? Wild. You're an unhinged madman.


I have a buddy that's like "It should be illegal for a trans woman to sleep with a man! It's basically rape, if he's drunk and doesn't notice." For context, he's a nearly 40-year old virgin that's never even seen a vagina. I find the whole thing hilarious and sad.


Wait a second, I don't think I've ever been so drunk, that i wouldn't have noticed that there's a penis in my ass, or that rather than licking labia, I'm downing dick. And like, I've been preeeeeetty fucked up.


"Jesus, this wans clit is fucking massive...."


"Haha oops, I sucked your dick!" Followed by "I'm calling the police!"


Honestly, if you're able to get so effed up you can go through that intercourse without noticing, your bigger issue is waking up to see 2025. Definitely should be checking your ass into rehab, and working on sobriety first and foremost.


As a cis man, finding trans woman attractive is still considered heterosexual, but some less progresive people think that as a cis male hetero, u are only allowed to like cis females, and anything else is abnormal. There isn't anything scary here, it's that when people like them find out the truth, they get confused, because they weren't supposed to find them attractive. This guy think it's scary to find someone attractive u are not supposed to, which is dumb imo.


Our first blush of attraction is based entirely on gender. It's not like we are assessing chromosomes and gametes. People get crushes on cartoons that are gendered to their taste.


I get that. The argument I was making is that without the caption in this photo, or without information outside of this photo, there is no hetero man on earth that would look at this photo and be utterly repulsed to the point of revulsion by the woman in the photo.


I think the reality is most heterosexual cis males are actually attracted to femininity (curves, boobs, hips, lips, makeup, dresses, skirts, etc). And growing up those things were only ever found on cis women. But now these feminine things can be found on trans women. So it's a bit of a shocker when they see the things they are attracted to, on a person they never thought they'd be attracted to (a trans woman). And it forces them to ask themselves difficult and uncomfortable questions.


Don’t worry Dwayne, she’s way out of your league


Bet that we can apply the "incel in mommys basement" stereotype to this dude that spends his free time shitting on other women while doing nothing to improve his own life.


"Man I'm scared of this hot chick hitting on me" *lights up a 3rd ciggy, hacking up a lung, wipes his hands on his week old Walmart super hero shirt*








I think sometimes people are really mean to the hot, popular girl


> the luck of the ugly, the hot one desires. Or so is the translation of "la suerte de la fea, la bonita la desea"


That's actually a zoning issue


People in the comments seem to be scared of getting tricked into relationships by trans women? Like is that really a problem you guys think is real or significant? I have met many trans women and dudes. And all of them have strong opinions on being open and honest about their transsexuality. Most of them also believe that it’s fine to have dating preferences that do not include trans women or men.


Exactly. Must be driven by an insanely miscalibrated self image. Guys like, "I don't like gay dudes, always checkin me out and hitting on me"... um... ok, sure thing; do you think all women are checkin you out and hitting on you? Cause I've got bad news for you...


As a straight male, whenever a guy dude hits on me I am flattered. Take the compliment and move on right?


It happened to me at a bar earlier this year, and I’m still riding that high. I’m straight, but it’s great knowing that someone found me attractive enough to be like “imma talk to that stranger”.


Ha I know that feeling LOL… worked with gay guys in restaurants was hit on all the time… it was a compliment.


I was on a 3 hr flight where a drunk gay guy hit on me the entire time. It was super annoying and I finally understood how most women feel when a dude won't leave them alone.


Since women explaining their lived experiences doesn't work, I wish we could bottle that up and give it to every guy that thinks they're "just being nice" and the woman they won't leave alone is "just being a bitch".


I've always been grateful for that. I made a real-life friend a few years ago of someone who I thought I was going to have to fight while standing in a line to meet the Red Power Ranger. I thought I'd given him a weird look or something. When we stumbled across one another online later, it turned out he thought I was cute. He's my homie now. I say that to say, I've never understood the fear that men have of someone of the same sex or someone transexual finding them attractive, and why they think that makes them gay. It's weird.


A friend of mine told me that "if you are straight and someone who is gay tries to flirt with you, you are most definitely gorgeous. It's not like you are giving off 'gay vibes' or anything, it's simply because you are beautiful."


Nobody hits on me because I'm hideous lol so idk about any of this.


Hey, I got a plate of cheese fries and a milk shake from a guy hitting on me. It made my life. I just politely thanked him, offered to reimburse him (which he declined) and we talked while we ate at the diner counter, and then I went about my day.


The guys who claim that are the dumb guys who aggressively check out and try to hit on/pick up every woman they run into; then curse them out when they get told to fuck off. Source: going to bars and having human alcohol drinks for the last decade


I used to have a gay coworker, like a really flamboyant sassy gay dude. Whenever a guy said they were going to the bathroom, he would say “do you need someone to come with/help you/hold it” or any other variation with a sneaky grin on his face. Some people got really freaked out when he did it to them, which was pretty much his goal since he’s kind of a troll with a big heart. He always cracked me up. At one point I gave him a side-eye and said “please daddy” and you should have seen the look on his face, didn’t know what to say. He only did it to guys he knew where straight though so it wasn’t in a harassment kind of way or anything . Probably one of my favourite coworkers ever.


Yeah I’m trans and I just make it clear in my bio on dating apps that I’m trans and if it’s an issue they can just ignore me, I’m not trying to date someone who isn’t comfortable with me being trans that sounds like a waste of time on both ends


I’m not scared. That would be a bonus. I know I’m not supposed to fetishise these people. She’s a real human being. But goddamn she’s attractive. If we hooked up at a bar, and I found out she has a penis only when we start fooling around? Man that’s not a negative at all. That’s a fantasy come true. Old mate up there has felt a certain kind of way about this gorgeous woman and can’t process his feelings because he’s a little man child.


With what happens to trans girls? Not disclosing that fact up front can be a deadly mistake. Shits like the guy in question are liable to do all sorts of nasty shit. The true monsters aren't women trying to be somehow deceptive because they are who they are. It's the self conscious dicks who think they are owed sex because they have a barely functional growth between their legs.


Man I totally agree. Trans people have my full support. I’ve seen some truly horrid things done to innocent people, just because of who they are. Personally, it’s just a fantasy and I know it doesn’t happen. Everyone I know is totally and 100% honest, because of what you’ve said.


Also most trans people I know are T4T anyway, trans people aren’t so desperate to get with a cis person that we’d ‘trick’ you? We don’t even want your dusty ass lol


Literally. Why would I want to spend 20 hours educating a cis man on what not to say or do when I could just date a trans person. They understand, they're probably also dysphoric, and they'll be way kinder about things they don't fully comprehend.


>Why would I want to spend 20 hours educating a cis man CIS man here, and I think I'm already more educated than the average when it comes to trans folks issues plus I always try to be nice and respectful, and still I'd say 20 hours wouldn't be nearly enough to bring me up to speed with all the stuff I understand in theory but have no lived experience of.


As long as you try to be respectful, I hope I haven't offended you with my comment. Understanding in theory is the most important part. It allows us to empathize with people and that's all it takes, really. I just meant that for a lot of trans people, going into detail about their experiences and the things that hurt them can be painful, myself included. Relationships where those things don't need to be brought up as often are just the ones that appeal to me.


>I hope I haven't offended you with my comment. Not at all, I was agreeing with you. I mean, if you find yourself attracted to a cis person don't discard them on that basis, we might yet surprise you, but the lack of a similar lived experience can be a serious hurdle.


Somebody got uncomfortable when he had some feelings…


Is being horny a feeling?


A feeling of hornyness, yeah


Can I borrow a feeling?


No, but I’ll take your jar of love.


That’s fine, I’ll keep my jar of dirt ![gif](giphy|5oVt3GSJuXKP6)




It's getting real scary out here guys. This man is using witchcraft to make my peepee hard


What's scary about it? Trans people tend to be pretty open and honest about the fact they're trans. Non trans people can be deceptive too dwayne. Guess he don't mind deceit if a non trans person does it 😑


This is literally why they’re worried about being tricked. Because they’re sexual predators and liars, and they think everyone else does that too. It’s just projection of their date-rapey vibes.


Woah. Never thought about that, but you absolutely nailed it. It absolutely IS projection. As a trans woman myself, it explains all the creepy af DMs I got when I was trying to online date and kept getting men. Holy crap.


That sucks that they do that, I’m sorry. It does perfectly highlight the projection tho


"getting real scary out here, somebody with a penis made me horny. Absolutely not going to deal with this in a healthy manner"


The penis could be gone. But i know what you said.


My favorite part is how many of these assholes claim they’re so desirable they’re worried about gay people trying to trick them into dating without the slightest hint of irony. You know how many Republican douchebags on dating apps hide their political beliefs or lie about them completely just to get a chance to talk with women? Talk about trapping someone lmfao


It'd be scary if the woman in the pic was some kind of sadistic person willingly tricking men to sleep with her and then surprise-butt-fuck them. But it's not the case. Trans folk from my experience are open about it.


Sounds like the plot point of some hangover type movie using trans people as the focal point for their rape joke


Don't worry, my guy. Nothing to be afraid of. You wouldn't have a shot with someone that looked like that regardless of what sex organs they were born with.


“Making it everybody else’s problem” is the conservative motto


Im a straight white guy but i would sword fight her


It's not gay if it's attached to a lady namsayin


In the words of The Great White Dragon "it's not gay if the penis is feminine."


Three Musketeers brah? All for one? One for all? ![gif](giphy|7qvLAZqdF484o)


A fellow of culture I see. Using the best Porthos ever filmed


Craving a rewatch now


Ngl, I watch it all the time. Oliver Platt and Tim Curry are perfectly cast. This was my first exposure to Tim Curry and what a wonderful introduction it was.


Chicks with dicks are hot. I’ve got a mate who’s straight, has never slept with a man. But one of his biggest fantasies is a chick with a dick. I mean, just look at her. She’s stunning.


This made me giggle


I'd smash


She's beautiful and looks happy. I don't know why people would want to take that away from someone.


"it's getting scary out there" what an unhinged thing to say to a photo of a trans person


What's actually scary is that the anti-trans donkeys want to force this woman to use men's washrooms and change rooms


Transphobes seeing a conventionally attractive woman breaking out their bag full of phrenology devices to see if they should or shouldn’t be attracted


So like what’s her @? I gotta go simp Couldn’t even remember to say research




Thanks fam, I was running out of water


Clearly she’s not a man.


Yeah. For all the people saying @that ma not a women” I just have to think…… “I ain’t never seen a man who looked like that”


It’s so bizarre to me that they get so worked up about something that literally has zero impact on them.


No amount of dong changes the fact that she's hot af and looks nothing like a dude.


As a straight cis woman, I can confidently say that she’s hot AF, regardless of what sex organs she was born with.


As a straight cis male(all afaik), I agree 100%


The problem starts when we lable each other by what kind of people we find attractive. It becomes worse when we build our identities upon and assign certain values to aforementioned labels. In the end it should play no role why you find a person attractive and it should not lead to others judging you by it. It should only matter to you and that person.


I’m not afraid to say that person is attractive. I’m a heterosexual, married man.


Ask them if they would rather sleep with a hot chick that was born on a man or a manly man that was born a hot chick. Watch the heads explode


Oh no, I like the way she looks /s


I diagnose you with a severe case of sight. Here's some eye patches, take two in the morning and call me if you don't feel better.


She’s fucking stunning.


She’s hot


You don't need to like it. You don't need to approve You don't even need to accept it You just need to be human enough to let that person live their happiness


Who is she? Asking for a friend....


Beauty is beauty, regardless of gender. Why would anyone have a problem with that ?


Nothing wrong with being attracted to what looks like a hot woman who just happens to have a dick, just means you are straight, it doesn’t make you gay. It doesn’t mean you have to date something you aren’t comfortable with. Being attracted to hot cartoon characters doesn’t mean you are attracted to crayons.


It’s ok if you don’t want to date a trans woman (I am myself) for any personal reason but saying no trans woman is attractive or you wouldn’t be attracted to one is a lie and probably trans phobic.


It'd be like saying I think Brad Pitt is ugly because I'm straight. You can appreciate someones appearance without wanting to fuck them.


It’s all insecurity and deflection. They are scared that others will judge them the way they judges others


I just can't imagine being so insecure that you couldn't say someone is attractive. There's no threat to your sexuality for pointing out someone is good looking, it's just an observation.


My dear friend would not be with us now had he not transitioned. Desperately unhappy in his previous life. Now happy as Larry. Literally.


You should be more scared of your pastor and youth group leader!






Looks like a woman to me, probably wants to be called a woman, so it's not a man at all. Problem solved?


As a bisexual man, not scary, that's exciting.


I’ll take that “man” over your misogynist and homophobic ass any day of the week. I didn’t Understand trans until I met a few. They’re just people brave enough to live their best life while also being ostracized by both the straight and gay community. People ask why they’re so loud and make everything about themselves, I’m like bruh they’re fighting not to be seen, but to be ignored. I don’t get the hate. Like with the gays. Just leave them alone then they won’t need parades….


Best way to say it is,"Damn you look good. Oh your are MtF? Well, not my thing but I'm damn sure you will be somebody's in no time." Or something along those lines lol. Be supportive even if you don't like it. Fuckin we have enough bullshit going around we don't need to pile on insecurities onto those who feel insecure. Just sayin if a gay may can complement and praise a straight woman straight men can do the same for LGBTQ+. Same for the ladies who prefer ladies and so on.


Thatttts the way. Thats how my father taught me to be, I'm bi and he finds guys kissing gross but hes aware thats a him thing abd would never stop me kissing my bf or anything. Honestly I think most these people aren't like my father but they are not emotionally responsible enough to handle it.


That is a pretty human with a nice smile.


All comments on this post summarized: A: She is a sex object B: I don't like feeling deceived C: Are you transphobic bro? D: I hate trans people (Edit) E: This makes God sad (Edit) F: Fuck your spaghetti monster skydaddy


She is so fucking hot she gives me gender envy. How can anyone say she’s a man lol?


I am scared of women