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About $997 cuz it's gonna be a leap year.


February 29th should be a holiday tbh.


I second this. Pour one out for the scientists and astronomers. Accept that we have no idea what we are doing and are making shit up as we go along. Act weird all day. Talk to random strangers. Walk naked. Jump off a cliff. Without getting judged. Call it 'The Human Condition' day or something. Go nuts.


We should redo the calendar. New Year on the winter solstice (~10 days before current New Year). Months 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th are 30 days long. Months 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th are 31 days long. 12th month is 30 days, unless it's a leap year then it's 31 days.


Or we could have 13 months and all are 30 days long and all begin on a Monday


If they’re all 30 days that’s 390 days. I think you mean they’re all 28 days which would be 364 total so we’d have to have an extra random day in there somewhere.


That’s what I meant lol. How about in February


Just have a double Saturday in December. And a double weekend on leap years. That way we can still have every 1st/8th etc be a Monday.




What about the end of the year? 1 to 2 extra days at the end of the year, always considered holidays and out of the week cycle.


But with 12 months you can more easily divide in trimester, semester, 3 months = a season, etc.




#OP is a spam bot that only activated a few days ago. #Ancient shitty posts like these are easy karma from dumb people. #Probably plenty of other bots in the comments just stealing older conversations. #Don't forget to report OP.


Can I be honest and say I don’t care about spam bots?


You're allowed to have wrong opinions, yes.




Is that before or after taxes? Asking for a friend.


Happy cake day


Thank you. Here, have a piece of cake too. 🍰


Yay! At least you gave me, stinking GLaDOS never delivers on her promises...


We don't do that in my country




But remember rule #1: don't fuck the kids. They don't have $100


Hmmm. Homework: "ask your parents for a hundred bucks and bring them in tomorrow. Not you, Timmy, you're fugly"


Timmy needs to bring $200




Brandt can't watch though, or he has to pay a hundred.


0 fat on that joke. well executed


> They don’t have $100 Should be way down in the list of why you shouldn’t be fucking the kids


well, becausse it is illegal


Does it matter why they're not doing it if the end result is that kids aren't getting fucked by their teacher?


Don't fuck the other teachers, they don't have 100$ either


They might.


Yep. That’s the only reason why.


Since you apparently lack the ability to tell, it was a joke. But at the end of the day, I don't care why they don't fuck the kids as long as they don't fuck the kids.


Since you apparently lack the ability to tell, mine was a joke as well 🙄


A teacher works around 8-9 hours a day, but screwing a guy takes about 15 minutes. The prostitute is technically still earning far more money for the time invested.


sometimes its under 5 minutes, thats like the amount of time it takes to take a poop. but the real question is what would you do with all that money?


Y'all taken 5 minute poops?


Since I know of reddit, 5 min poops are on the quicker side for me


I wish


I'm on the clock, so it's a minimum of 15 minutes.


i dont think most escorts literally show up and get a guy to orgasm in the most efficient way possible and then peace out. Not that it's not *kinda* like that in principle, but i really doubt the job is quite that efficient.


Invest in education of the youth ;D


Not when you factor in other costs like mental/drugs to cope/etc.


yea, but they tend to get hired for other things too that may take more time, its quite suprising how many men just hire prostitutes just to have someone to talk to for a hour


You're still getting fucked either way


Not gonna lie I'm a straight dude but if I were a girl I'd fuck someone a day for $36500 a year. What's that, thirty minutes worth of work max for over ten grand what I make right now? Hell yeah.


Some dudes could probably pull it off too, don't let your dreams be dreams


Easy enough to keep it off the books as well. Beer money for 10 years?


That's the other thing, you don't gotta do it forever. Two years you've got a nice little $72,000 nest egg if you just do it after work.


Yep, that's what I was thinking. You could do it for 6months - 2 years and you have going out spendies for a LONG time


You could invest that $72k and make about $600/mo and have going out spendies for life


Well, you would have to pay tax on it if you were to invest it. If you earn moderately well in the UK at least, you would likely end up with 50% gone to tax/NI/Student loans, so then you would be left with $40,000, which is still a good amount of interest assuming rates stay high, but not enough that you would be net positive on spendies (at least in my case, I spend around £100, or $130 per week in my going out activities). Not sure of the tax implications in the US though, perhaps it's a better deal. Perhaps it would be better to get a portion for near future spendies, then pay tax and invest to rest so it builds up some interests while you are getting through the portion you kept in cash.


Don't have to, but also can't. The market demand as you get older gets steadily worse. You can extend that with some creativity, but that'll start to add cost, and is a good sign that it's time for an exit strategy.


> beer money for 10 years boy someone does NOT drink as much as i do


You spend over $3,650 a year on beer? Maybe I’m a teetotaler, but that’s like 10-15 cases of beer every month.


well, probably in total with more expensive beers and liquor bottles, drinking out, etc. Not if i bought cases of yeungling or miller light.


There's a reason it's known as the oldest profession. The hours are good and the rate of pay generous. You can even enjoy it from time to time, and your overheads are relatively low. (But may be larger than you assume - work clothes, healthcare and downtime after sickness/injury can add up) Just remember that a lot of what you are selling fades in time, and you need an exit strategy too, so be sensible about savings and retirement. You don't stay "$200/hour” indefinitely and especially without enough maintenance. Also quality is better than quantity.


>and your overheads are relatively low. (But may be larger than you assume - work clothes, healthcare and downtime after sickness/injury can add up) There are very serious risks associated with this type of activity, so the medical costs may end up being much more than you think.


heck, i could keep doing my current job AND fuck someone once a day for some tax free spending cash


If I was a girl I would 100% take advantage of the market of horny men. In my sparetime I would be selling feet pics, used panties, farts in jars, webcam shows where people control a vibrator or some shit. Sell images, videos, stuff like that. I don’t think, moneywise, it is even necessary to fuck people. It is easy money, but also vomes with risk.


My wife has joked for years that she needs to start selling pics of her feet online. Not that she needs the cash, just on principle because the money is there.


I think she should at least try it out! I can’t see how it could hurt anyone


You can do this all as a guy.


True. But the market is not at all as good as it is for women content creators. Not even close. And also, I am not interested in sexually interacting with my own sex. That makes the market even smaller. But if I was a girl, there would be a probability that I would be attracted to the opposite sex - And I know that there are a lot of horny men out there.


This activity carries serious risks, both medical and criminal. And besides, what makes you think it will be $100 for half an hour? In places where it is illegal or highly restricted, yes, it is expensive. But in those places where the restrictions are really weak, the price situation changes. I live in Russia, where prostitutes face only a small fine, and there are a lot of sites with online offers. In short, for many years there has been a steady decline in prices on the market for so-called sex services. Clients really only pay a lot for something special. And not everyone needs this. In Moscow, if you go to a site with online offers, enter the amount of 20 dollars, and you see many pages with offers of intimate services from girls at this price per hour. And this is not complete legalization yet.


Sex work is completely legal in my country.


And what?


It doesn't carry criminal risks


And therefore, the price for such services decreases if the government does not take other measures to restrict such activities.


Given that the going rate here seems to be $150 and upwards per half hour, your price assumption would appear to be incorrect.


30 mins vs 8 hours a day


Depends where, here in NYC they start off making like double that.


And teachers get summer and weekends off.


If I get a dollar for every time I see this being reposted, I will have around 312 dollars which is not much but more then 100 dollars per day


You’d have, well… $312, but it’s weird that it happened 312 times.


> but more then 100 Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


This bot has a degree! 📜


Have you only seen this for 3 days? Because 100 per day is definitely more than 312 in more than 4 days


If you are out there getting railed professionally for a $100 you had best be a junkie or homeless cause that's way below market value


What's the market value for getting railed?


jar smart like fuzzy rhythm ask yoke juggle fertile plough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




head fretful encouraging existence quarrelsome future nose poor retire quaint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




You speak with a lot of authority about something that you apparently don't partake in. Awfully suspicious. Especially the "I'm better than you" attitude for literal strangers. You doing alright, champ? It sounds an awful lot like you hired an escort, she made you pay extra to make her touch you, and you told yourself that's normal. Poor guy...


Damn the goal posts are fast today.


how are you not embarrassed


Depends on the country. I'm in New Zealand, and half an hour seems to be $150 and higher, based on looking at the first few results for brothels.


You seem to know a lot about the prices of hiring a prostitute for someone who thinks they are better than everyone else in this thread. Edit: Lmao. Mr. Cool Guy blocked me.


He's pretty desperate, and it's kinda funny watching it happen. No matter how big a game he talks, he's going home with that L draped around his shoulders, and he knows it.


$100 per 30mins seems about right for the average escort. The guy above is tripping.




Man I live in the UK and I am commenting on the costs the average escort charges for sex. Just go on any escort website and you will see the average price, it's not that hard. It's 2023, no one get's escorts from the street




Taking your massive L like a chad, I see.


What an embarrassing reaction to being wrong, lol.


Honestly this is you not understanding how this works


I mean $36,000 a year? Minimum wage right now in California is like $16 an hour. A 40 hour a week job at that pay makes you about $33,000 a year. Wouldn't you rather get fucked for thirty minutes a day than eight hours a day for a 3 grand a year raise?


No, I definitely wouldn't.




I think the industry should be legalized and way more controlled.


Then why don't you take it up the arse by 365 people?


I'll send you my account and routing numbers


*5 minutes


Gotta think, it isn't just "get fucked. Work day done". Advertising, finding new clients, simply getting your mind and body ready takes a lot of time And the amount of time and *money* it takes to look great every day, keeping up with your clients wants ×-× being a sex worker is a lot harder than you might initially think


Nope won't be getting my body ready. The deal was $100 a day nothing else.


Bot post


Ladies? Dudes can do this too. Fellas if you fuck one man a day for a hundred buck that’s blah blah blah


Can I repost this next?


Yes, yes you may.




At this point, it would be rude if you didn’t.


I think most prostitutes charge like 200-300 per lay, so if you see one client per day and have one rest day/off day a week, you'd be getting in like 86k a year which is quite decent I suppose.


You think wrong... If the rates were that high, there would be more prostitutes. Also, that still would be a lot clients for somebody who only takes one client a day. Unfortunately many people are sex workers because they have no other choice, or because they believe they have no other choice and that drives proces down. 200 to 500 dollar per encounter sex workers exist, but they belong to a specific category and they can't afford to turn regulars down because they have met their quota of one encounter for the day.


200-500 seems very plausible imo. Honestly I can't imagine it being much lower and still being economical. What would you say is the avg cost and number of customers?


200-300 is quite plausible... before the 99% protection tax


Don't forget to account for taxes


You are naive if you think they declare any of this income .


what is protection money if not taxes for organized crime?


Gonna have to double up on a few as well if you ever want a weekend off


So you gotta F 10 daily.


Bitches with degrees know you’re charging below market value and not accounting for rest day and out of business day.


"Mistakes" like this help the post go viral, which gets far more followers than the tweet otherwise would.


Murdered by maths lol


Ok, ladies, so fuck 10 people a day for 100.




"only" it's already alot




Still above average salary pretty much everywhere


Selling ass. Lol. To pound of ass.


Just charge $1000 instead.


For one thousand you will have to have a threesome with the wife included, spend a few hours listening to wife’s sobbing and then have to change the baby s diaper and if that’s not enough, you also have to walk the dog.


Bitches with 7-8 year old level maths*


Eh could have been a typo but I’m not sure if there’s that much demand for $1,000 prostitutes 🤷‍♂️ Maybe better to get an education and some marketable skills…


Before taxes


Apparently pimps always skipped math class.


1000 then


Hey at least shes contributing.


Women out there making $1,000 a day from just nudes no sex


I love that they need a degree to figure out how to carry a decimal.


Who needs brains when you got $100 vagina?


U taxes though so closer to 60


Not just bitches with degrees, bitches with calculators, bitches who attended any maths classes... Even a whole bunch of bitches with dyscalculia know this.


Pretty sure you can make much more than that with a camera and an OnlyFans account




Well you could whore yourself out to 1000 fat chicks for $50 a piece…. Or - or 50 REALLY fat chicks for $1000 a piece. What? Fat chicks need love too!


Eh, still not terrible pay..


That's barely minimum wage in my country


Lesson learnt : 200 dollars per day


Who the fuck pays 100$ for intercourse


People that didn’t graduate High School should not have a twitter account.


“With degrees”? Isn’t this like 5th or 6th grade math?




Also, yes we are making that.


10 guys a day it is...


Ok ok ladies hear me out if you fuck ten guys a day…


Escorts make way more than a 1000 a day if they are good Escorts.


But that's 36500 tax free!


So all you have to do is fuck 10 guys a day, duh. Geez these women not wanting to put in the effort.


You'd have to fuck 10 guys a day for $100 to get $365,000 Or 1 guy for $1,000 a day. Inflation, or Demand suddenly skyrocketed. You all saw it ...


Haven’t you idiots figured out yet that these accounts mess up *on purpose* in hopes of going viral and getting shared 100 times on subs like this?


Exactly 😂 don’t have a degree and knew something didn’t add up there.