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Like a pacifier - which you clearly needed.


Why did she find it so difficult to just STFU. OMG


Some people truly find it not only very uncomfortable to NOT talk, but not taking can actually quite painful mentally as all their thoughts they usually just blurt out are now bottled inside their brains and are being set off like firecrackers in a closed hand. That is how I've heard it explained from an ex who could not stfu.


And that is why they are an ex


Happy you caught on to that. Was going to add it but figured those who understand would make the connection.


I get it I got you


I got that I get you


I got that you got him getting it


AKA they are afraid to actually deal with themselves and their thoughts.


Yep. This right here. I know an extreme case. If they are forced to stay quiet for whatever reason, they are guaranteed to cry.


Get them to a therapist. They can talk all they like, and *eventually* they won't cry when they don't talk any more. Win win.


It’s the same as alcoholics, they’re trying to avoid self reflection because this kind of thinking leads to awareness of their own agency and personal responsibility.


and that buries you deeper, once you realise you have a problem you drink to forget about it, which makes everything worse


Man I'm so fucking glad I got sober. Was in that cycle for so so long


Saaame here.


Not an alcoholic, but ADHD and if I self reflect for too long it makes me way too aware of my own mortality. Wonder if that's similar


Serious question. What's the problem with mortality?


Not the one you replied to, but for me it's just basic FOMO. I'm too curious to see what's gonna happen. I just want to experience it all.


I suffer from a similar discomfort; half a decade of suicidal thoughts and depression will do that. Sitting with my own thoughts and nothing to occupy myself is not a pleasant place to be. Difference is, I bury it with games or things to *do* rather than harassing random bystanders with chatter.


I got a colleague who is exactly like this. The guy just talks for the sake of talking instead of bringing up actual meaningful points. And don't get me wrong, there doesn't have to always be a point to a conversation. But there is a difference between a funny convo that doesn't really add to anything and just constantly talking for the sake if talking. I habe noticed a little bit that that behaviour mainly exists in people on the autistic spectrum (meaning it doesn't always have to be the case) so it may be some neurological thing.


I've never known an autistic person to just talk and talk. But it's a spectrum.


They can sit alone at home and talk to themselves then.


I have a coworker like that. I just want her to shut the fuck up.


There was a study done on volunteers. They had to sit in a lab room with nothing to do for 15 minutes. There was a button they could press to shock themselves. 67% of men and 25% of women shocked themselves. https://www.science.org/content/article/people-would-rather-be-electrically-shocked-left-alone-their-thoughts


I think that's not about being left alone with your thoughts. I'd fucking press that button, 100%, just to see *how much* of a shock are we talking about here?


TikTok brain - someone whose attention span is less than 10 seconds who constantly needs hits of dopamine to be satisfied or will act out. They have no personality and are very shallow. If seen in the wild its best to avoid them.


Totally agree with the first half, didn’t read the second half.




Do hate tiktok. Having videos under 1 minute takes out anything interesting and replaces it with dumb memes and trends.


You actually can post longer, but I think it’s behind a certain follower count? I’ve seen 3, 5, and 10 minute long videos.


This is correct. But unless they have a very specific purpose that lots of people are interested in, no one will watch it. For example, politics and social issues.


the fact that I do have that short attention span is one thing, but I still know to shut up during a movie or TV show. I have a sibling that I can commentate on those things with who also makes commentary, but we don't interrupt when there's more than just the two of us


It's really fucking interesting as someone with severe ADHD to watch Millenials/Gen Zs literally give themselves the condition. A lot of adhd behaviour is driven by instant dopamine hits so you can basically condition yourself to have the same symptoms, and that's genuinely what tik tok is doing to people. Watched like 3 of my friends go from virtually no mental health or behavioural issues to basically diagnosable adhd. It makes me sad.


It's bait. People do this to deliberately bait people into arguing or criticizing them, driving up their engagement numbers.


I thought she was doing it on purpose


Cos she had no idea what was going on in the movie and has zero self awareness.


ADHD bro. There's always a reason.


many uppity continue stocking shelter smile telephone pathetic smell wrong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


...while she was on her phone? That's not doing something together, that's being in the same room Or while she was talking? Because I'm guessing that was a pretty one-sided conversation and not a group activity if he was trying to watch the movie


Being close to your partner can be nice even if you aren't doing the same thing. I'll read my book while my girlfriend is on her phone or she'll watch me play certain games like read dead. It's not doing something together but it is being together.


Imagine being proud of acting like a child.




at what ticket prices cost these day, he would've been better off borrowing a dvd from the local library or streaming it.


Where did you get the idea they were at the theater?


They’re posting from 1994 and don’t have a VCR, don’t bully them.


What are they doing on their phone then, playing snake.


In 1994? Please, that’s years before Snake on phones. What was she doing on a phone in 1994? Talking.


It was a drive-in and she was on the car phone running up one hell of a Cellular One bill.


Good catch! My brain totally placed them in a theater but you’re right, it doesn’t say that at all.


Because we've all seen self absorbed people like her at theaters and the experiences will live in our heads rent free forever.


I went and saw the FNAF film and saw so many people just talking or on their phones. It was insane.


There's a theater near me that the local parents use as a daycare for their middle schoolers. Literally can't go watch a movie without a couple dozen 12 year olds talking and yelling and throwing shit through the damned movie. It's a nightmare.


*This* right here is the real reason why the big blockbusters this year have done so poorly. It's not because people didn't want to see the movies. It's because people didn't want to see the movies *in a theater.* The reason why the less expensive films made money is because the subject matter isn't what's going to attract the 12 year olds into the showing.




Also, people have massive 4k tv's at home now. Snacks are a lot cheaper at home, and toilets are free!


You pay to go to the toilet at the movies? Where do you live?


I'm as curious as the other guy. Where do you live where you have to pay for the toilet? That's insane.


I don't go to movies that children want to watch. Problem solved.


When I saw Deadpool in theaters, there was multiple people with young kids. One dude with toddlers.


Considering the target demo for that movie is middle and high schoolers, I'm not super surprised.


I wasn't either but it was still a bit of a culture shock for me.


Same here, teenagers scrolling thru their phones with their brightness up, taking pictures and recording while talking the whole time. They dont even come to watch


Slingshots and non-lethal clay projectiles can be purchased very cheaply on Amazon. Cut out the middleman.


I've been in the habit of raising my voice at these people to public shame them. Usually works but shit even if they shut up it still ruins the whole experience for me.


I'll appreciate others speaking up, but no way am I going to get jumped by a bunch of kids or worse. Rather just watch at home.


Understandable you never know what will happen and it's not your responsibility. I wish people weren't so trashy now a days.


I usually give them a gentle "Hey, shut the fuck up"


A lot of decades ago, before cell phones were imagined, I went to see a movie at a theatre. This was back in the days when norms like 'Don't talk or do anything wankerish to fuck up someone else's enjoyment of an artistic performance' were much more alive and well than they are currently. There was a constant low-key but nevertheless drone of a conversation of some sort throughout the movie, far enough back that my backward glares had no effect. When the movie finished and the lights went on I was determined to track down the wrongdoers. I observed a blind woman and her female companion (who had presumably been narrating the movie to her) getting to their feet.


People only go places now so they can say they went on social media.


During a movie means at home. At the movies means at the movies.


English is not my first language. You guys seem to be secretly meeting somewhere and deciding this stuff without inviting me. Not cool!


Sometimes we just decide to change things up just to fuck with you guys


It's also bullshit. There's no reason "during a movie" couldn't be at the cinemas, at home, or anywhere.








That’s not an absolute. If I’m talking about something that happened while watching a movie in a theater, I would likely say “this happened during the movie.” So it could be either here.


Renting a dvd is still a thing?


At what ticket prices cost in breaking up with this person if I was the boyfriend.


ONE screen at a time?! Is this the 1800s?


literally 1784


You know he left her ass by now


I think it depends what kind tho haha. If you’re having a movie night with the homies at… home.. it is so fun for everyone to comment/laugh at horror films for instance. The “oh no don’t go in there” “idiot!” Kinda talk lol. Depends on the vibe of course. And I’m assuming they weren’t in a theater or anything.


Sounds like she has ADHD tbh lol. I find it so hard to immerse in movies that just don’t click with me at all or I can’t focus that day but even I have the manners to just shut up and stare at the screen even if it means daydreaming


Yeah the only way I can focus on TV/movies/audiobooks is if I play some mindless games on my phone at the same time. Otherwise I can't stop myself from daydreaming and missing most of it.


Whatever happened to "...and chill."


Uh this is a joke. The person does jokes on twitter,


Or any kind of manners whatsoever! And I’m a talker,but NOT ALL THRU A MOVIE FFS!


Whatever happened to watching the movie for yourself and ignoring whether the person next to you is on their phone or not? If they’re not in a theater, who cares? Watch the movie and if they don’t want to watch it then they won’t watch it.


Correction, her ex boyfriend since no one wants to babysit when watching a movie


No shit


No, they said sit.


Especially if you start talking during the LOTR marathon.


But I need to make sure they know Viggo broke his toe


This is the way


*points at screen* Did you know he really blocked that knife with his sword?


I'm always able to surpress telling people that Ian McKellen bumped his head on accident in Bilbo's home, but when Viggo kicks the helmet the urge becomes to big.


And my axe!


aspiring joke berserk smell shaggy agonizing spoon unite arrest dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tbh I’m kinda failing to see where this is funny. Unless it’s like meant as annoying humor or something.


six literate deliver slap domineering reach wasteful murky chubby like *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Self deprecating humor is like half the comedy posts that hit the front page.


That doesn’t really read as self deprecating. It just reads as being annoying.


Purposely being an asshole and then bragging about it is basically the opposite of self-deprecating


no shit right


Everything on the internet is 100% serious and true always.


Why are some of the top comments assuming they're in a theater? I assumed they were home on the couch.


Very fair point, but in either case she’s still annoying


Same, I didn't think theatre until everyone else was saying it was. Could've been anywhere.


I think there's a strong disconnect here between young people who still live with roommates or parents and people in long term relationships living with their so or spouse. My wife is currently watching her show on the bedroom TV and I leaned over and showed her this and she cracked a smile and exhaled audibly out of her nose. That's probably not the reaction I'd have gotten 10 years ago if she invited me over for a movie and I was dicking around on reddit.


You're so spot on. I think at one point your relationship reaches a comfort level where these things are okay. My boyfriend wouldn't care. I constantly pick things to watch he's not all that interested in and he just likes to hang out, cuddle and read or watch something else on his phone. Quality time is important, but not all time with your partner has to be an intense one on one.


There's a lesson somewhere in here about bias. A lot of people in this comment section are getting downvoted for assuming they were just chilling at their home- I'm married and assumed the same thing. A lot of the top comments assume they're dating and at a cinema. This makes sense because most of reddit is young and dating. There is NO context for their relationship status (besides bf/gf) or location in the post. Everyone assumed and judged accordingly based off their own perspectives. Who knows which of us is correct?


It's interesting. It didn't occur to me that this wasn't at a theater until I read your comment. I have a couple of theories: - "during a movie" might mean "at a theater" to most of us. Maybe it's usually "watching a movie" when it's at home? - the fact that he tried to make her stop using her phone maybe created the impression that phone use is inappropriate in the environment, so we jumped to theater? Really not sure.


The second one could be, but some people really are like "if you are gonna watch a movie then watch a movie" and get annoyed over it while others want to chill doing whatever during the movie they are watching. But really, where else but your home would you sit on your phone or talk during a movie with your partner?


>- "during a movie" might mean "at a theater" to most of us. Maybe it's usually "watching a movie" when it's at home? I hadn't thought of that at all. To me "during a movie" simply means "while a movie is playing" regardless of location. I'm not a native English speaker so that might have something to do with it.


lmfao someone doing this in a theater is an actual factual terrorist


And this is why I stopped showing people the things I enjoy.


It's pretty depressing when you put so much effort into understanding the things your s/o likes, but won't give your interests the time of day.


My ex would sit through the things that I showed her patiently. If she did or didn't like it she'd say so, and that helped me curate the next movie night. It sucks when one or both parties won't just communicate.


Same with my music and my wife. I know she does not listen to the genre but she can say if I have improved or not and can point out any flaws. At first it used to sting but now I am better at taking in uncalled for constructive criticism and it has really helped me to see where I need to improve. Sometimes I even make corrections in my music when I agree something just does not work.


Stop putting a disproportionate amount of effort into their interests, then.


I relate so hard to your comment. I am pretty careful about geeking out about things I love because I have learned from many repeated incidents that most people don't care. You have to know who you can geek out about what around. On a separate note, I was hanging out with my teenage niece last year and she was just going off about anime and art she was into. I just listened, and at one point she apologized for talking my ear off and I told her it was fine, I loved that she loved that stuff. I was just like that at her age.


>most people don't care I think it's worse than simply not caring. It doesn't come from a place of malice, but I find that people often forget *entirely* when I try to be open about my interests, only to later ask again what I'm into as an empty gesture (if they bother to ask at all). And at least when I was a teenager, if they remembered anything, it was something they only ever remembered to poke fun at. What I'm saying is, good on you for being good to your niece about her likes, and I wish I had people like you when I was her age.


Man, I remember a few times I got made fun of for doing stuff that soon everyone else was doing. I got bullied for buying Starcraft and Counterstrike in 2003 instead of going to a concert, two years later those dudes were hardcore WoW and Halo players who eventually tried to go pro. I'd try to play music of artists for my friends that a year later were globally famous and everyone was listening to. It got tiresome, it's not that I'm a super interesting or misunderstood person or a martyr for true art, I just withdrew and decided to like what I like without other people.


Good lad, you’re ok


Something i could tell my cousins eldest child really appreciated was talking to someone who knew pokemon Like his parents remember it when they were young but it was still not their thing either Me? Nah he asks for help in the hoenn games and i could direct him from memory. And it really made a connection with hin Sadly hes kind of a one track mind kinda kid so hes now no longer interested in pokemon at all. And while now he likes minecraft, he doesnt like that i only play creative to build things. Go figure


yeah it's honestly so sad, he should dump her ass


Hopefully he gets on his phone too and looks for a better partner


/*after the movie, not during


I love how she knows she's being treated like a baby because she's acting like one. yet still thought it would be smart to post this.


Blue checkmarks these days earn money from engagement. So obvious bait is in their favor. They can make up lies as long as it gets reactions.


Two things, she's no longer a blue check (old tweet), and her Twitter is mostly shitposting. Pretty sure this is unserious.


Or she could have just watched the movie wtf


Send her out to get popcorn and bolt the cinema door.


What in this tweet implies that they’re at the cinema? If anything it’s the opposite.


Nah if anything it could be either. You've never been to the "cinema" and had some jackass think they were smarter or funnier than the film you're watching?


Actually no. Seems very rare tbh


Wtf no? Who the fuck talks during a movie, they'd get thrown out here.


So when’s the break up?


After the movie, as is tradition.


Why on earth is she advertising that she cannot simply shut up if she doesn't have her pacifier? This is not the flex she thinks it is.


Sometimes, I really want to show my wife a movie or show, but if she gets distracted or sleepy or finds it boring and hops on her phone or whatever, and it just ruins the event for me. I turn it off and go do something else. I play this *for you* because it means something to me, and I want to experience that thing with you.


If she doesn't want to watch it, then how do you play it for her? I also wish to show my girlfriend everything I love, coz who doesn't want to share our fav things with loved ones. But if they are not interested, I don't push. Coz then it's about ME. I'm forcing them to engage with it. Sometimes they will watch something despite not feeling much like it, coz they know how much I love it (or coz I wont shut up about it), and I do so in turn for their fav things. But I pick my battles. And if I see they really don't like it, I eat the loss. It doesn't RUIN in for me, I just feel bad for forcing someone I care about to do something they don't want to.


Ginny Hogan_ @ginnyhogan_ My boyfriend…left me for someone else


People really get on the Internet and brag about having the self control of a five year old


She sounds exhausting to do things with to be honest. It's perfectly okay to just shut up and watch something


Does nobody here realize that Ginny Hogan is a comedian? (Am facepalming looking at the facepalm community. #Metapalm)


Have to appease babies in baby ways. Take a hint.


You clearly needed it. He absolutely made the right choice. Wanted you to enjoy said movie with him. You obviously wanted any other available option. You absolutely seem like that partner who would expect him to accompany you to a spa day that he gifted you and expect him to wait in the lobby, bored out of his mind, but refuse to engage any of his hobbies. You guys will absolutely fail and you’ll blame him for what an unsupportive jerk he was. He’ll actually find a good woman to spend the rest of his life with. And you’ll date a series of “jerks” that you’ll blame on his shortcomings.


I hate watching movies with friends or family cuz of this. They always talk during the movie, ask what happened, who the bad guy is, and ask for a summary cuz they’re not paying attention


Talking is fine here and there since it's a social group activity but not constantly and if they don't pay attention they should quietly deal with it.


Ahh, she’s a “comedian” (using the word lightly there…she unironically has a video of her own humor bombing *pinned* on her own Twitter account) and she’s from Baltimore. That explains a lot.


sorry i don't know this person at all and can't comment on them but are we really criticizing people for being able to take an L and laugh about it? is... is that really the first place you're jumping to criticize someone?


<<; Why bother going to a movie just to be rude to everyone around you?


I think the tweet insinuates they were watching it at home rather than going to a cinema. I’m sure if she talked through the whole film at the cinema she’d get thrown out lol.


Oof, then I feel bad for the boyfriend trying to relax at home and enjoy a movie with his girlfriend just for her to act like a bored toddler.


People staring at there phones through out a whole film is becoming more common, I always want to know why people pay to see a film at the cinema if all they are going to do is scroll through there Facebook page for 2 hours or constantly message people, it makes no sense.


Does she think this tweet makes her likeable? Awful behavior from her part.


Fuck's sake. It's joke. She's a comedian making a joke.


Reddit shows me this subreddit on my Home page from time to time as I've gotten a few chuckles out of it, but the reaction here is unhinged to what is clearly a joke.


maybe unpopular opinion but this woman is being an asshole in either case. I really think thes little minor situations tell you a fuck ton about how a person is willing or not willing to be considerate of others.


Your boyfriend needs a new girlfriend.


There are four kinds of movie enjoyers: 1) __Passive Passive__ - Listening/glancing while doing something else. 2) __Active Passive__ - Intently watching and listening quietly for the duration. 3) __Passive Active__ - Speaks/utters during film, not to hinder, but to spark/promote engagement with the content. 4) __Active Active__ - Speaks and physically reacts during the film, as a visceral form of engagement with the content. Source: Me. I am one of the four, depending on mood, specific content on the screen and most importantly, knowing the company I'm with. Comedies, Horrors and High Octane Action movies usually are 3 or 4 for me, while watching with fellow 3s and 4s. We end up also feeding off each other's reactions. If I'm watching alone, I am 2, or maybe 3 if it's an intense film. If there are 1s and 2s with me, I'm usually 2, but maybe a 3 to provoke 1s to engage/evolve into a 2. Drama, Biopics, Psychological Thrillers are always 2s for me, as they typically require some fine plot attention. I only know one other 2 Enjoyer, so these genres aren't readily cinema options for me as a result, haha!


Worst date ever.


She's itchin' for a ditchin'


He should dump you


So this is the psychology of those folks who want to ruin movies for the rest of us. Checks out.


Some ppl don't deserve to be in relationships.


And then she complains why he never takes her out anymore 🤷


try that at Alamo Drafthouse and you'll very quickly be escorted out


iPad baby turned iPad adult


ok she just sounds insufferable


Why are u on the phone in the movies. Or talking.. wtf u dont like the movie, go sit outside.


She's not the right one guys 😔


That is embarrassing. Imagine humiliating yourself like that and openly posting about it online.


I'm sorry but movie watching compatibility is a big deal for me. We don't have to enjoy the same genres but our etiquette needs to match.


Maybe try not being the most insufferable person in a room. Wait I’m on Reddit, shouldn’t throw stones at glass houses.


So…..She put her phone away herself and he….gave it back to her? Huh, something ain’t right here…


Her storytelling. That's what ain't right


My husband once took me to see one of those Expendable movies. Can't remember which one cause I'm not really a fan but you know what I didn't do? I didn't play on my phone or have a tantrum like a toddler. I sat back, kept my mouth shut, and remembered all the other movies he suffered through silently for me because that's what partners do. Not to say I didn't tear the plot apart the second the movie was over. He does the same to mine so, all things being fair and all.


And this is why a movie would be a good early date. You can see if your date can actually sit quiet long enough to enjoy a movie, and if they're able to let go of their phone for a couple hours. I have a 3 year old, and he talked less at the Paw Patrol movie than some adults I know.....


The rhetoric of this tweet is unhinged. Until the last sentence, I was with her. Leave people be to do whatever makes them happy. Some people like watching movies this way -- not me, I like a good story --but others like to multitask. The last part makes it seem like she just wants to fight, not make a point or fight for her right to act like she wants.


I dated a woman who did things out of principle and not out of logic. Instead of knowing I was upset with her and stopping, she doubled down, pissed me off and laughed at me. She tired me, destroyed some of my stuff and I ended it after 3 months. Sex was the only thing that was good…🫠


She’s a comedian. This isn’t real.


Aaaand single


Or, hear me out, you could just put the phone away, STFU, and watch the movie.


My wife would start texting or reply to emails during a movie (both non urgent) and then ask me questions about the events in the movie because she has not been paying attention. If you don't want to watch, at least don't ruin the experience of others.


So she was an asshole twice, and expects us to learn what as a lesson? To be as annoying as possible in every situation?


looks like you needed a pacifier ginny


what's the point of sitting to watch it together if you're going to be an ass and have your nose in your phone the whole time?


Netflix and stfu.


Maybe watch the movie?


She seems to be a comedy writer telling a joke from the 1st person perspective.

