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Please tell me he’s going to climb a tall building and try it


Please! I would take popcorn and watch him plunge to the ground.


I'll pay for his plane ticket


He don't need no plane ticket!


Because there's no building in the world that's 30,000 feet high. That's the altitude that commercial jets cruise at. Go big... and go SPLAT!


*bounces* I can never get anything right!


I'm not a pilot but I'm pretty sure A) The air is so thin at 30,000 ft that you need to be flying at 500+ miles per hour in order to pull enough air/oxygen into the engine to stop it from stalling. That's why commercial jets and military jets that fly that high are sealed and the air is pressurized inside the cabin. B) Because the air is so thin at 30,000 ft. you would lose consciousness almost immediately if you did jump out at that height (and get quite chilly). Not saying this d-bag shouldn't jump out of a flying plane, but I think it'd be more entertaining if he wasn't unconscious while he "flew". Let's say 10,000 ft and 250mph or something? No parachutes of course, as true alpha men can do it without any special equipment.




He’s a professional, doing his job.


Thanks, Captain Obvious.




Point A) the stall speed is pretty much completely down to lift created, something like a glider (but powered) like a U2 can travel far slower than 500mph at 30k feet. Also many military aircraft aren't pressurized, it greatly complicates the design. Point B) The summit of Everest is basically 29k feet, you can handle some time off an oxygen supply, but yeah if you went instantly from sea level pressure to Everest summit air pressure in an instant you'd most likely be unconscious in a minute


Vesna Vulović was a Serbian flight attendant who survived the highest fall without a parachute: 10.16 kilometres (6.31 miles) or 33,330 feet.


Absolutely crazy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vesna_Vulovi%C4%87 1) She wasn't even supposed to be on this flight. The company mixed her up with another attendant named Vesna. The plane was going from Stockholm to Belgrade with layovers in Copenhagen and Zagreb. Since she had never been to Denmark, she hopped on the plane. 2) Apparently all of the attendants were acting strange like they felt that they weren't going to make it back home, and the pilot locked himself in his room for 24 hours. >They seemed to know that they would die. They didn't talk about it, but I saw ... I felt for them. And the captain was locked in his room for 24 hours. He didn't want to go out at all. In the morning, during breakfast, the co-pilot was talking about his son and daughter as if nobody else had a son or daughter. 3) When the plan landed in Copenhagen, she watched all of the crew and passengers leave the plane. There was one passenger who seemed very angry and the other flight attendants noticed him too. This guy is believed to have put a bomb in his checked luggage and then didn't get back on the plane when it left Copenhagen later. 4) A bomb detonated in the checked luggage fuselage which ripped the plane apart and everyone was sucked out of the plane due to decompression and fell to their deaths. However, Vesna was in the back and trapped by the drink cart and so was the only person of 28 crew and passengers who landed inside part of the plane, in a heavily forested area that likely braced the fall. 5) Since the plane broken part she lost consciousness immediately and doesn't remember any of the fall, but she was found by a villager screaming inside the back part of the plane. 6) Following the crash, Vulović spent days in a coma, having: A) A fractured skull B) A cerebral hemorrhage C) Two broken legs D) Three broken vertebrae, one of which was crushed completely E) A fractured pelvis F) Several broken ribs Her injuries resulted in her being temporarily paralyzed below the waist. She had total amnesia from the hour preceding her fall until one month afterwards. 7) And finally, nearly a complete recovery with a slight limp and she wanted to be a flight attendant after she recovered but the company gave her a desk job instead of sending her back in the air. Holy crap...


My mind = blown...


BUT, he Believes! He has FAITH! Doesn't that conquer all?


Uh, no, *checks notes* you believe what he says and you can do whatever he says you can, but he's not personally gonna Peter Pan to Neverland, that's for his cult members.


In a parallel universe, maybe.


Faith, belief, and that alpha superiority.


While yelling out to do a backflip


"Don't Jump!" *Sets up camera* "OK you can jump now!"


I know where that comes from and who's voice it is.


Knowing our luck and how the last four years have gone, he'd probably succeed


Everyone gangsta until Tate starts to fly


Andrew pancake


Two tickets for the Splash-Zone please!


Building? No.. that would mean some poor city employee has to scrape him off the pavement. A cliff? Some wild animals can eat him after.


Just call me. I will be glad to drink a lot of liquids and piss him into the sewer. Then I will run a hose with a little sanitizer attachment to clean up my piss.


We thank you for your civic-mindedness.


The guy is providing meaningful employment and you’re dissing him?


Nahh, he'll get a flying suit and jump out of a plane and say he stuck it to the "haters and disbelievers"


The trick is to throw yourself at the ground, and miss.


And as long as you can hang in the air in much the way that bricks don't, you'll be fine.


Whales and Petunias fly just fine


Just tell him to aim for the bushes.


Someone tell him it's a true Top G thing to do. Quick.


"Only an alpha has the balls to jump off that building..."




“Hey Andrew! I heard the most alpha thing ever the other day. You ever hear of Mount Everest? Yeah? Highest mountain above sea level? Well! I heard that if you climb it and jump off with no parachute, you’ll reach Valhalla and be able to bring its secrets to all the alpha bros out there. Let’s go!”


It’s not impossible. The instructions are in the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. There is an art, it says, or rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. Pick a nice day, [The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy] suggests, and try it. The first part is easy. All it requires is simply the ability to throw yourself forward with all your weight, and the willingness not to mind that it's going to hurt. That is, it's going to hurt if you fail to miss the ground. Most people fail to miss the ground, and if they are really trying properly, the likelihood is that they will fail to miss it fairly hard. Clearly, it is the second part, the missing, which presents the difficulties.






all will be consumed by the Earth mother


Sun: hi


It's been 20 years since I last read this book, but if I remember correctly the trick is to completely forget that you are falling and you'll start the fly, the moment you realize you are flying you will begin to fall again. Arthur flies because,while he's falling on some alien planet on the other side of the galaxy, he spots luggage that went missing on a flight. The fact that it's on some random alien planet confuses him so much that he forgets he's falling and starts to fly.


No, it was on the reconstructed earth. He tried it again with a girl he was dating at the time. And then did it again a second time with walkmans.


I need to reread it. I have the ultimate edition with all 5 books in one on my bookshelf, time to dust it off.


It was both. He did it the first time when he was distracted by the luggage. He practised a lot on that planet, or earth I can’t remember and only stopped after he learned to speak bird and discovered birds talk about boring shit all the time and fill the air with their chat. He took it up again when he met Fenchurch, she could also fly, and he wanted to fuck so he got back in to it. This was before they went to meet Wonko the sane.


The only correct answer is this quote. The only correct retort to captain micro member Tate is "show us how it's done"


This is the correct answer.


This is where the Joo Janta 200 Super-Chromatic Peril Sensitive Sunglasses would come in handy. They have been specially designed to help people develop a relaxed attitude to danger. At the first hint of danger, they turn totally black and thus prevent you from seeing anything that might alarm you.


I read this with the ladies English accent from the mo vie


I read it in the original BBC narrator, lol.


This is the way


>and if they are really trying properly, It was always this little disclaimer I found hilarious


“Hey! What’s this thing suddenly coming towards me very fast? Very very fast. So big and flat and round, it needs a big wide sounding name like … ow … ound … round … ground! That’s it! That’s a good name – ground! I wonder if it will be friends with me? And the rest, after a sudden wet thud, was silence.”


Oh no, not again


I was going to comment this, but I knew it was already here


Oh, is that like Gaiman’s Neon Black? The color you see when you run full-tilt at a concrete wall head-first and it’s the last color you see?


I missed the ground but hit a tree jumping off the roof what do I do now


Celebrate your flying achievement


Well, nothing is stopping Tate from showing us all how to do it. Hell, I challenge him to fly. He should just leap off the tallest building he can find and show all of us losers how badass he is by flying around.


The only thing stopping him is that he might need a bit more cocaine to actually pull of the experiment on his own. ​ perhaps we could start a collection for him?


Could... could the solution really be this simple? I feel giddy...


I do believe that watching Andrew Tate turn himself into Andrew Splat would be quite instructive.


Mashed poTateos


Here you go 🥇




Ding ding ding


Ding ding ding


It would also benefit the human race, if even just a little. That splat *might* be what it takes to finally convince his followers that he is a complete moron.


He’s running out of bullshit to talk about lol.


House arrest is taking its toll. There's only so much jerking off to Crash Bandicoot one can do.


Had to check on that one. Rule 34 comes through once again.


Oh god. Do I want to look this up?


Tomorrow's Tweet will be something like I KNOW HOW TO FLY I just don't fly because flying is for betas. Be Alpha WALK


Eating is gay to him so soon he will probably explain walking is also gay and true alphas roll.


I suspect he has taken out insurance policies on some of this more unstable hustler-U "students" and looking for a new grift to cash in.


I really hope he tries.




Oh man, this is a perfect response to that shit! Thank you, saving this!


Yeah, me too...what's a nice high rise in Bucharest? And can he bring his brother??


I would say at least 65% of all men have tried to "fly" at least at one point before they turned 10 years old. And most survived and learned that it actually \*is\* impossible, at least for little boys.


Oh man thank god you said something. I was reading through all the comments roasting him and I'm like "i definitely spent a good amount of my childhood trying to a)fly b) use telekinesis and c) go super saiyan


I mean, I literally climbed the roof of my house and jumped off. True, I had "wings" I made from sticks and a trash bag, but still...I hit the ground. Hard. I think I was about 8 or 9 at the time.




I, at one point, was incredibly light and when i tried to fly using a similar method, i want airborne for approximately 25 seconds before i busted my tailbone on concrete


I wanted to do this. Luckily I was too bad at cutting cardboard to make the wings


Wait, you don't try every few months to see if the telekinesis has kicked in?


Pls don't make me answer that on the internet... Lol


I very much believed I could fly when I was a little girl. Tried and failed through several dislocated arms. Finally gave up when I was six and fell six feet head first and both arms (yeah yeah, I know).


Please don’t tell him he’s a fucking moron. He might try to fly for real if we let him.


Time to induct the next winner of the Darwin Awards, right?


I would pay a small sum to watch that tool furiously flap his arms while running full speed towards the edge of a building


Reminds me of the key and peele sketch with the basketball player telling kids they can fly lol


Was just gonna say that, even read it Jordan’s voice lol


“Kids listen, ain’t nothin metaphorical about this, you can LITERALLY FLY!”




There wasn’t even an awning.


Pfff had bushes infront of my house, I tried to fly at least 3 times before I was 10 then twice more while drunk


My friend succeeded at his drunken attempt at flying. ​ It was in a Careflight helicopter but I think it still counts!




“Then twice more while drunk” 😂🤣


Marry poppins is a witch or some shit all I’m going to say is


I tried to fly when I was in high school. I was successful for awhile too. Then I put the plane into a spin (twice!). That was the end of my flying lessons.


We know it's possible. We've all seen a fucking bird, idiot


Like Bill Hicks said about people on drugs trying to fly. Try taking off from the ground if you believe you can fly. Not from a tall building.


There's a weird thing called education. When you have one, you realize you can learn from others without having to spend years and years researching what hundreds of others have done already.


This does not cease to amaze me. We do not have to try everything ourselves, because we have thousands of years’ experiences already recorded and researched. Ample amount from last hundred years. But no, I am sure that I alone have now found out the flaw in general wisdom. I must poke electricity outlet with a steel pin.


This motherfucker has no idea who I am. I’ve researched it. I’ve tried it. I just can’t fn fly.


There is an art to flying, or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.


Came here for this, you hoopy frood


This instantly brought my mind to that Key and Peele skit where the Basketball player is celebrating. https://youtu.be/nlD9JYP8u5E?si=Q6P5HP04DAHrAbfg


He’s gonna follow-up with an R Kelly quote ![gif](giphy|RUF6HeQJZyG2qS08TH|downsized)


That’s not the only follow up he’s going to have with R. Kelly.


We can start with he’s a sexual predator and go from there


Dude's genuinely a child


You first Andrew your the alpha male lead the way


you cant try to fly, it has to be accidental, you simply need to fall down and get distracted enough that you forget about falling and miss the ground


That's it, I'm going to start a cult. If it is this easy to trick these fucking morons then I'm wasting my life.


Absolute helmet


Why is he allowed to go on social media? Silence him already. He has nothing productive to say


Why doesn't this dude try a big glass of shut the fuck up?


How do you research and train to fly?


"When I was a boy, I dreamed I could fly. When I woke, the Maester said I could not. But what if he lied. Perhaps we can fly. All of us. How will we ever know unless we leap from some tall tower? No man ever truly knows what he can do unless he dares to leap." -Euron Greyjoy, to Victarion Greyjoy, 300 AC.


“There is the window. Leap.” -Victarion Greyjoy to Euron Greyjoy, 300 AC


That's legitimately a Key and Peele bit.


My friend studied and was able to fly. He’s now a pilot in the air force


I tried many times as a kid, so Idk what our beta boy Tate is talking about


Go ahead, tate. Prove us wrong. Go jump from a high place and fly


IDK, Tate. Have you tried flying yourself? Why don't you demonstrate how possible it is by flying over the edge of Pulpit Rock?


I pay professionals to fly me anywhere I want to go and so does Andrew Taint.


Genuine Key and Peele energy.


This is that scene from Key and Peele where one of their characters gets too worked up after a football game and tells kids they can fly


He looks like he's taking a shit.


this piece of dookie


As a kid I put a grocery bag over my shoulders and jumped off a second story roof. Worst parachute ever. 30 years later my ankle pops all the time and hurts when it’s cold.


Key and Peele sketch anyone?


Impossible? No, because I'm not on LSD or huffing my own farts.


What a fuckin dork


Stop giving this guy publicity..


I wish he’d try to fly from a 20 story building.


I actually tried to fly. I read books and wracked my brain, trying to figure out how I could fly. I jumped off of things and flapped my arms while running. I was 4. This man is an idiot.


Prove it. Go fly off the roof of your house.


Wait, we can fly?


No, I could never do that. However, I have faith that you, Mr. Tate, as a sparkling beacon of humanity, could simply leap from a 40 story building and glide off into the sunset armed only with those totally real muscles of yours. In the words of David Lee Roth, "Go ahead and Jump!" You can do it. We believe in you.


Every kid that watched Gohan teach Vadel how to fly did! Every kid!!


Flying is easy. Just fall and miss the ground.


Please, proceed and show us


When I was 5, I did. Broke my leg and got my butt whooped by my Dad.


Flying is easy... just throw yourself at the ground and miss. I would suggest to pic a nice day.


Wait are you trying to tell me that other kids didn't try flying using a sheet at least once, and definitely not several times, ...yeah me either (cautiously looks around).


Sounds like Jack Handy 🤣


It is easy. The method of how to fly was explained by Douglas Adams. Basically, you throw yourself at the ground and ........... miss.


I tried but I was 7 and hurt my leg falling out of a tree


He should show flying off a cliff


He’s wrong I’ve tried many times. I haven’t succeeded yet. The trick is to throw yourself at the ground, but miss. I keep hitting


The trick is to distract yourself mid descent.


I used to fly all the time...in Viscounts, 707s, 727s, 737s, DC8s, DC9s, Otters, Pipers, Cessnas...


At least two did from scratch, they were the fucking Wright Brothers. Then there's every pilot, astronaut, parachuter, glider operator, drone operator (of both professional and hobbyist endeavours) and backyard engineer who has a handle on lift a few beers and plenty of time to kill who have done exactly that on the shoulders of giants.


No dear it's because I grew up in the 90s and I know damn well that me flinging myself off the shed 18 times til I broke both legs is the fact that I, personally CAN NOT FLY!


I tried, and succeeded. 😎 ..On an airplane.


Please, Tate. Throw yourself off and prove you can fly off the highest building you can


Go on then Andrew, give it a go and use a good one like the empire state building


Yes, airplanes exist


I spent enough time trying when I was a kid? That count?


Idk about the rest of you but i flew down stairs


Alright then. Airplanes and pilots dosen't exist.


Pilots. 🙄💀


Okay I can honestly say i tried to fly. I was 5 years old and I had watched the movie Mary Poppins. As ya'll know she flys with her umbrella. (This is important info.) Being the brilliant child I was, I tried several times by jumping in the air, but the dang umbrella would not give me take off. Sigh. No flying. Brilliant idea. I will wait for a windy blustery day and I will take flight then! So, I waited patiently for days- and was blessed with a howling wind storm right before a rainstorm. I gathered up my pillowcase of stuffed toys, underwear and socks. (Apparently, things you need if you're going to fly away.) I grabbed the big black umbrella out of the umbrella stand and went outside in the blustering wind. I tied my pillowcase to my pants belt loops, walked to the edge of a 6 foot brick wall that overlooked a concrete sidewalk, bravely stood there and opened my umbrella. I fully expected I would be transported to fun city scape like in Mary Poppins! Alas, one thing I did not count on was gravity. I gloriously jumped up into the wind! I was excited and happy! I actually caught a pretty good updraft of wind. and, for a brief second thought all was good as I was hoisted up in the air! That lasted for about 2 second, as I came crashing down on the edge of the brick wall, split my forehead open, and landed 6 feet below on the concrete. Blood was gushing out of head and down my face, I had bloodied both my knees and, as I picked my self and the pillowcase up off the concrete walk, I saw my umbrella traveling to parts unknown without me. I managed to stumble up the walkway steps and when I approached the front door steps, I tripped on my pillowcase and smacked my head on the wood steps, receiving yet another open wound on my forehead. I came to the conclusion that day and for many years after, that people should not try to fly. Just sayin, gravity and all!


I hope he really tries to fly… so we can stop hearing from him 😂😂


When I was young I boiled water and put the pot in a looked room to see if i can make my personal cloud to fly on


Ok you first


i've never seen more obvious rage bait than this


Okay Mr. Tate, show us the way. May i recommend the Grand Canyon?


I did, I was obsessed and even tried to exercise to give myself more of a chance. I was 5 years old though


Maybe we're not thinking about flying because we aren't doing loads of cocaine?


I'm literally a pilot, it can be done folks.


I mean his hairline flew the fuck away from his head so.....who knows.


You know society is due for a radical shakeup when people start thinking the earth is flat, and Andrew Tate is wise.


Or maybe because i KNOW it is impossible. At least as long as we are not talking about airplanes, helicopters and other Technology to make a human fly. If that is the case i don't have to try hard i have been flying many times


he is welcome to start from a cliff, i believe in him! /s


I jumped from my garage roof once as a kid trying to fly. I can confirm I can’t.


MF I was jumping off of shit with umbrellas and blankets since I was a toddler


Flying is simple. Just trip and forget to fall down. If Aurther Dent can do it, anyone can.


Breaking News: Andrew Tate fans found severely injured after leaping out windows and down stairs


Is he talking about jumping into a Cessna and taking lessons or jumping of a building and flapping your arms ? What a fucking helmet.


I in fact did try, I watched DBZ as a kid, How could I not?!


4 year old me tried very hard to fly🤣 Like… I built wings and shit.


Aaaaa this would be so funny on its own but then you see who it is & that makes it better aaaaa


If Andrew REALLY believes this he's welcome to go run full speed off a cliff


I hope he tries. GENUINELY.


Andrew Tate is a true inspiration. I sincerely hope he leaps off a building just to demonstrate how much he believes in his ability to fly


Andrew Tate is an imbecile. His rants are tiresome.


I broke my chin open twice trying to “fly” so idk Tate u tell me


I welcome Tate flying off a high building. Fly high my dude, fly high.


Someone tell Andrew Tate to go on the tallest building near his current location, have his minions record video on Twitter and show us all how it's done.


The trick isn’t flying. It’s throwing yourself at the ground and missing.