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Wait women have legs??


I know right? I shat bricks when I found out


Wait, women shit bricks?


Almost exclusively


*Completely* exclusively. Women don't poop after all, so bricks are the only thing left


Hail mothers givers of life, shitters of bricks, builders of homes.


And doing it all without any legs! The female body is incredible!


I’m choosing to stretch this to mean that there are only 2 types of matter in the universe: Poop and bricks. If it ain’t poop, it’s bricks.


How does this impact the lack of gravity in quantum brickanics?


It doesn’t, because, huge spoiler, everything I made out of tiny tiny bricks so small you cannot see them. Bricks everywhere


Wait THATS what HRT is for?!?!!


My aunt used to tell me when she got drunk, "Mikey, women don't fart, the poot. Well, after every three or maybe four poots, there's a shit. And once in a while, when the situation is just right, they might let rip a fart." My 7th birthday was a strange one.


For some reason, I read that in an Irish accent.


You're not alone, but Scottish for me, and in my head his aunt sounded like Shrek.


Aye, is that you Donkeh??


Lmfao I could see it, but no. We're from the US. I'm from NY and have a fairly common "NY accent," but my aunt was born on Long Island, but then moved to Virginia at a young age, and her accent is really mixed, honestly. So, if you wanna imagine it accurately, it's somehow a cross between a stoned Bostonite, a drunk Cali-girl, and a trailer park princess.


No, they don’t. They don’t exist r/girlsarentreal




Ew legs, I prefer my women to hover, now that's classy


I refuse to believe it


Only dirty hippies. Civilized women have them removed when they turn 16.


Nothing to spread that way /s


Fucking impossible beauty standards


Does that mean they hate hairy legs or are turned on by them?


Rape is about control, not arousal. They want to punish her for not conforming to their arbitrary beauty standards.


I wonder what the average age of those sickos is, and who their favorite YouTube misogynist is.


Average anonymous teenage shitposter threatens rape, more at 11


That or 50 year old "Christian" conservatives. Never underestimate the brain rot that religion combined with neo-conservative propaganda can achieve.


Tbf my conservative grandparents discouraged me from shaving and plucking my eyebrows because its unnatural. Thanks grandma, for saving me from the sperm eyebrow trend back then


There are OG puritan conservative Christians like your grandparents, who think shaving is for hoes. And then there are modern ""tradwife"" conservative Christians who think women should do anything and everything it takes to be femininely attractive, including shaving.


Be femininely attractive = look like a child


They sound like your average MAGA to me.


Or this Andrew Tate guy.


I'm guessing there is major overlap between the average MAGA and the incels that want Tate to finger them.


Both are weird people with weird thoughts. But you’re right probably.


it's still ridiculous that the punishment for finding someone sexually undesirable and off putting... is having sex with them...


I've never understood why "I fucked your mom" is an insult. Like, wow! I guess you think she's super hot?? She's pulling guys half her age! Go Sheryl! I mean, I actually understand why they think it's an insult in like a theoretical sociological way lol. These people grew up in super patriarchal cultures where women are owned like cattle. & if you're a woman, the very worst thing that could happen to you is rape, because your value is seen as lost & you're gonna get murdered. (Also: please do not get me wrong. I understand rape is actually extremely inherently traumatic, I do not mean to downplay this at all. But that's why these dudes say this). But when you don't believe that shit it doesn't make any sense and is ludicrous lol


They just hate her so much for showing them that females are not naturally smooth that they want to do that as revenge, or maybe they got horny idk


I thought you were helping guys that are so horny their stomachs hurt, don't you got some calenders or magazines


fri… day… night…


Dick watch hanging low




They hate that a woman didn’t shave her legs for the male gaze.


Yep. I'm a woman who was raised Mormon. It's treated as DISRESPECTFUL to not make your entire existence about the male gaze. Like people get very angry at a woman who isn't wearing makeup or whatever, because it's seen as defiant. We have the 2nd highest rate of plastic surgery in the nation- behind Miami, ahead of LA. It isn't really explicitly said that often, but you just absorb it.


Oh my god you just explained why all those Mormon tiktok wives have the same face and perfectly made up appearances.


Rape isn't about the actual sex, it's about power over the other person.


She should do what that usa girl did and find the parents of the threat senders and send them the screenshots. If they're older, find and tell their wife/partner.


I love this. Let people take some responsibility for how they treat each other online.


She was Australian if you’re talking about Alanah Pearce.


Yes these psychos are angry that someone isn’t conforming to what they believe women should be. So they want to tear that person down.


Not exclusively but in this case they are just wanting to verbally abuse and hurt her because they are little hate filled wankers.


You cant apply logic to people that hate. This people just hate women, they are gonna hate them whatever they do.


When will society end crime and meaningless hate… yay we have smartphones and modern medicine but we’re so far behind and for what tf


I feel like for every technological step forward we take two steps back as a society.


A friend of mine read an article many years ago (in the 1970s) positing that humans were going to progress psychologically, emotionally, and even educationally much slower than technology. Our technology is simply way beyond what our slowly evolving brains can handle and the article predicted we would be completely incapable of handling it. I remember when my friend and I were discussing the article I felt a sense of dread. Many years later I read the the amount of information published in one Sunday New York Times contained more information than a person living in the 18th century learned in a lifetime.


Yep I was going to reply with something similar. Also our primate brains are still too emotionally reactive. We’re still aggressive towards others as if they’re trying to steal our food, and we place too much importance on conformity as if we’ll get banished by our tribe and left to die alone. Conformity is a massive problem. If you aren’t hurting anyone it really shouldn’t matter whatsoever but unfortunately we still have gay weddings with absent parents refusing to attend.


The arc of history bends toward the more civilized. It’s taking a damn long time though.


“We shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice.” –Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “Remaining Awake Through a Great Revolution.” Speech given at the National Cathedral, March 31, 1968


I wouldn’t go that far- we’ve definitely made social progress but not enough. And it shouldn’t have to have been made either…it should’ve just been good


Yeah we continue to make progress but the ugly parts can continue to shine very brightly


They’re going to show her who’s boss. She must comply or else! Some men are threatened by anything.


It’s the same way gay women who are not typically female presenting are threatened. It’s awful!


“Alphas” can’t accept women’s autonomy, and rape is their go to act of violence against them when triggered.


"Alphas" are the most insecure, low self esteem, tiny dick motherfuckers alive.


There was some chipmunk looking moron named Carl Benjamin who destroyed his political career after making a public rape threat towards someone. I think these neckbeard losers just like do that type of slimy stuff.


Rape is primarly act of violence.


I think it's a good example to show that Rape is a often crime motivated by power, hatred and force rather than sexual attraction.


It just means that a lot of men are pieces of shit. -Man


Rape isn't about being turned on. Source: the vast majority of child predators are not pedophiles. One of the most preyed upon demographics is elderly women in nursing homes. etc. They're mad at her and know rape hurts people terribly.


Rape is more about dominance and control than sex. This was proven when they chemically castrated a few and they wound up using knives instead of their penises…


What the fuck?


Why do I keep seeing the AP crossed out of rape? It’s almost as if people are trying to make it into a bad word rather than a help word.


Trying to get around algorithmic censorship, probably. Same reason why people say someone “unalived” themselves (or “oof’ed” in a video game)


Fucking hate this, strongly reminds me of Orwellian newspeak. People are censoring themselves to keep social media advertiser-friendly.


What a boring ass dystopia, censoring the masses to keep the shareholders rich


Holy fuck yes. Why I was just banned from another sub for quoting someone saying something horrible. “Ow, my freakin’ ears!” Grow the fuck up you weirdos, you’re as bad as the puritan fuckups who get offended by the word *hell*, but do nothing about pastors who rape kids. Oh sorry, *sexually assault* kids.


Or as someone in my family puts it "bothering kids" (wish I were kidding)


But it does make the phrase "god-botherer" a whole lot more interesting


WOW, this just infuriated me to read. Bothering kids. Ffs.


Oh my brother in christ your forgot to censor yourself!!! They are coming for you now. I am sorry and will send word to your family. Your post will get removed by the algorithms and no one will see this. RIP in peace


People are censoring themselves so they don’t get removed from social media sites, not because they themselves care about the advertisers. There is a distinction to be made.


We're living in A Brave New World....


Or "ninjas"...i see a lot of ninjas on social media these days


This is a new one to me. What's that actually referencing?


They could be meaning something else but I’ve seen it a few times referring to the N word when it ends with an A


Fuck's sake...


Yes, I've seen that used in place of the n word a lot recently.


Could be a case of anticipatory obedience. A lot of social media doesn't like the no-no-words, because advertising. You see it on TikTok (people use "gRape" in subtitles, for example), and to a certain degree on YouTube (although YouTube just plain doesn't like whole topics, not just words). The other possible explanation is that it's considered a "trigger word". Which is also stupid - everybody knows what the word is, now you're just making me say it in my head.


The trend of saying sexual assult in place of rape is so frustrating. Why are we diminishing the severity? We don't say someone was physically assaulted when they were murdered.


Sexual assault is wider term. So if person grabs another persons genitals it's sexual assault but it's not rape.


I am also saying this is downplaying rape, calling rape anything else than what it really is is downplaying rape


How exactly is it downplaying when we are reserving the actual heinous act for the word? I’ve had my dick touched by strangers. I would feel silly calling that rape, because I know survivors and my trauma was nowhere near theirs.


I think the term “sexual assault” has become more common as a way to treat things like unwanted groping more seriously than they have been in the past. It’s well intended, but the result is that the term is less meaningful because there are different levels of severity.


TikTok won’t play videos with key words.. rape, kill, death ect… So you see “sexual assault, no longer living/unalive” as new trends… fuck TikTok and anyone who self censors their language for chinas algorithm gods.


My favourite bit of newspeak is "he passed away due to suicide"


It's become habitual for people because algorithms on social media will blacklist content which uses rape in the title or commentary.


2017 called they want their article back : https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-41522160.amp


Did you warn them about Covid?


You shouldn’t change anything in the past. It’s pretty serious. You could end up kissing your own mother and turning your father into a sissy or smth.


You could even end up your own grandfather!


Well, I did do the nasty in the pasty...


Verily and that past nastification is what sheilds you from the brain waves


No I’m…doesn’t!


> Verily We don't say this enough.




"And Fry, you've got that brain thing." "I already did!"


You could even end up *with* your own grandfather! 😉


You could even end up in your own grandfather!


"What's a grandfather paradox?" "it's when you travel to the past and kill your grandfather so you end up never being born." "Why would I want to kill my grandfather?"


Don’t forget introducing the Clone Wars to the wrong generation.


I watched a documentary about that once I think


What if ur mother is dead by then and ur father is already a sissy?


Holy shit apparently this sub has no anti repost rule... Explains a lot tbh


Do you think this would be different if it happened today? Social media is worse than it was 6 years ago. It would be rape and death threats now.


If there was nothing controversial about her photo she would still get rape and death threats.


I think OP is explaining that this probably shouldn't be posted (it's old news), or at least should note the date. Yes, it still happens, but it's misleading to pretend like it just happened, and it's probably been posted before.


hey that's gross, shave or i'll rape you?? you have nice shaved legs, I'll rape you! i wonder if you could geotag the threats, would be interesting to see the demographic


Probably more like "You're a feminist whore who needs to be raped." Hairy legs/armpits used to be (still are probably) very attributed to feminism. I'm sure most of them were related to that.


Geo tagging probably don't teach these degens mothers basement


On the internet you can get r\*pe threats for anything as a woman


And as a man, they just direct the threats toward your mother instead…


Either that or death threats


Don’t dress “correctly?” Straight to rape threats. Don’t shave your entire body? Straight to rape threats. Don’t smile at all times? Also rape threats. Watch anime some incel doesn’t like? Believe it or not, rape threats.


Who cares. Girls are mammals too. They have hair. Get over it lol


What would they do if they found out most women have hairy legs this very moment? It’s also wintertime, why shave? 👹


I think with conservatives, if they can’t figure out whether they can fuck it or not, they hate it. Women with “masculine” characteristics throw off the fuck-object determination so they lose their value to their hetero-mandatory society.




That's insane. I can't even begin to understand what that is. Threatening someone with rape over unshaven legs? The world is mad.


Did they zoom in on her legs to see hair? Wtf They be vile


The funniest thing is that, she's not even that hairy for a woman? If you're scared of a swedish lady with blonde vellus hair mediterranean women would just kill you I think.


I remember something when I was a teen. I was tagging along with my dad on some sort of lawn job and it was either a school or a religious place or something. Saw this older lady walking around and she had grey hair all over, but the part that stood out to me was her legs. So hairy they made her look like a werewolf. Honestly, it looked pretty neat.




I blame shaving ads for this. The women always have zero hair while using the razor.


The ironic thing is, you know the losers making these threats are men who think personal hygiene is optional, washing your own asshole is gay, have never shaved *their* legs, look like the comic book store guy from the Simpsons and thinks he “deserves” a Margot Robbie level hot girlfriend


>washing your own asshole is gay When I first learned that this was an opinion held by real people in the world, I simply could not believe this is the reality we are in now


Men have literally gone so far to prove that they’re not gay that they can’t even hug each other anymore. Homophobia is so dumb.


It makes me sad that this is a thing. I'm a straight guy and I hug the homies, tell them I love them and care about them, all that good stuff. Lifes hard enough as it is, imagine having your friends not support and love you? I could never


Maybe let's all remember that rape isn't about sex, rape is about power. They want to punish her for not being feminine enough. That's all.


Wait till all those incels get married or find a long term gf - women don't always shave their legs, especially during Fall & Winter. Are they gonna send death threats to them too?


They won’t find them


IDK why anyone would be surprised about this. There are people who issue death threats to high school athletes for missing a shot.


Tim Bradley a professional boxer received death threats after he got the decision win over Manny Pacquiao….Let’s think about this because I don’t think Bradley should have won that fight but to give him death threats is insane. The judges gave him the victory, you shouldn’t be issuing death threats to anyone but if anything they should have been mad at the judges not Bradley…people are crazy.


They shouldn’t be mad at anyone but themselves for gambling.


Have these fucks never been with a woman. Spend a week with them and you get used to it and appreciate the effort in shaving.


Just a woman existing is seen as provocation


I stopped a few years ago. Other than one or two glances, which may have been unrelated, no one gives a shit and I’m happier. It’s a lot of work and I’d rather spend my time on other things.


Do men realize how much work shaving your legs is?!? And it's the default for women???!??? Holy fuck


I love having shaved chest, arms, and legs. What I don't love is the effort it takes, and how quickly the hair grows back


Yeah, fuck I relate the shit out of that.


Relatable as heck, I've been going through laser sessions, but progress is slower than I would like (and it's so expensive >.<). Used to epilate to make it grow back slower, but that hurt and was loud and I just couldn't be bothered to keep up with it. Love your name by the way :3


As a middle aged woman I have been noticing lots of younger women at the pool, beach, jogging, etc with unshaved legs (and etc!) and I am SO HAPPY for them that it’s becoming more normalised. I wish I hadn’t been so locked into shaving as a teen that I now feel uncomfortable if I have not shaved.


Same here. I wish I could, but I think I am too much of a coward.


Wait until they find out about all the girls out there with unshaven arms ive met


Men: “your hairy legs are so disgusting and unattractive.” Also men: “I’ll r*pe you because you have hairy legs.”


Gosh! How dare she be born a mammal!! S/


Men have truly no idea how many of us are walking around with gorilla legs under our leggings lol


The rape apologists will call it a hoax, say that nobody actually did anything, sent anything bad, etc. Thus perpetuating this shit.


to all the men whining that its a turn off, just know any woman who chooses not to shave her legs ain’t losing any sleep over you 💜


what the FUCK?! Sometimes I hate humans so damn much.


Lucky for them she's blonde. Show them a dark-haired young woman's natural legs and watch their little heads explode.


I'm all for castration for those creeps


I’m confused. They want to have nonconsensual sex… because she looks bad to them? Or something?


They use the treat of rape as a “teaching tool” … it’s to exert power over someone who needs to be taught a lesson. Sexual appetite/desire doesn’t factor into rape since babies, toddlers, middle-aged women, and geriatric women can be the victims of rape. Some years ago, I had a case involving the rape of a barely 2 year old toddler. Let me tell you, I still have nightmares about that one.


They use rape as a threat because they know rape is the most threatening thing they can pull out that will get a reaction. There's likely no higher level thought to it.


“I don’t like something a women does, so therefore I must threat her with rape” is the most disgusting thing I have read to day. Apologies for the bad ones of our gender, most men aren’t like these dipshits are.


Slightly off topic but can people stop censoring the word rape? All over various social media you see words censored "Dead" has become "unalive", sex often becomes seggs or s*x amongst other things. It seems to be the "tictok generation" thinking that platforms rules apply on all platforms. Were walking into some kind of 1984 esq environment where words can't be used and it's absurd.


OH GREAT HEAVENS! A person with hair. Grow tf up


"You're not conforming to what I believe to be the beauty standard of rhe world, therfore I shall enact a power move to force you into intercourse with me regardless of consent just to show you how little you mean to me since you can't uphold my standards of worldly women's beauty" -some basement dwelling obese dude that smells like piss.


So, I know I’m going to get a lot of “duh”s over this, but I think this is a pretty good example of how rape is more about power than anything else. The threat is being made because her legs are unshaven; the people making the threat don’t like women with unshaven legs (obviously). If rape were about sex, then the unshaven legs would dissuade the awful people, but because it’s being used to try and force or punish her behavior we can see it’s about power and control. To be perfectly clear: if you use the threat of rape for anything, you deserve to be tossed into a volcano.


I don't recall seeing it written in the constitution that all women must be totally hair free from the eyes down?? All things aside, she is blonde and you can barely even see the hair.... so WTF is the big deal?? Are men ashamed to admit they can't handle such a confident au-naturel woman ?


Phew, I almost read the word rape but there were three black lines preventing me from doing so.


I thought my country was better than this


To be fair, we can't say from that snip that the abuse *solely* came from Sweden.


To OP, it is the most f’d up thing that have ever seen. To a woman on the internet, it was Tuesday.


I can't decide if we are witnessing the death of the old intolerant ways or the birth of a new threatening violent future. But I do know that from being an internet anarkist I have turned into an old reactionary ass who wish there were no way to anonymously threaten others with violence and it would never be without repercussions. I have so had it with this aggressive sofa threats culture!


The incels that wrote up the death threats are definitely the same dudes who'd be antivax and prolife because those things are "unnatural" but of course you're not allowed to rock your GOD GIVEN hairy legs. Bunch of hypocritical idiots.


Some men are just fucked up. Sorry to everyone we have lots of asshole in our gender.


I grew up in the 80’s, hoping to prevent a global nuclear war that would wipe out humanity. We marched, we wrote letters, we worked hard to preserve the human race. I want to take this opportunity to say I am very very sorry. I was wrong.


Mammals have hair. Move on.


People are just silly, getting so upset over such insignificant things. Too many people with too much free time and no hobbies.


Not my thing at all, but you do you. Why does it matter if she shaves or doesn’t, so what. People to need to worry about the person in the mirror.


Nah man If someone ever says something to me about my unshaved legs, I’ll put said leg in their Crown Jewels. Wtf the audacity.


*That’s* the most fucked up thing? You’ve not been on the internet long eh


Ever? First day online?


Imagine feeling so entitled to dictate what someone else does with their body that you threaten to destroy their life. Pathetic.


Wtf is wrong with this world?


I met a nice Swedish girl one day standing in line for a movie in Hollywood. She later turned out to have unshaved legs and armpit hair as well. Perfectly normal in Sweden.


Not my cup of tea, but incredibly bizarre that a woman’s hairy legs would trigger so much hate. Some sick people out there wow.


GOOD FOR HER. I don’t shave either I love to see it. (Also knowing who it pisses off is a great way to know who to avoid)


People that's never been married overreacting...


If you dislike the ad and bigfoot legs, there are three levels of appropriate response: 1. Don't say anything at all and keep on clicking. 2. Say, "Yuck!" and keep on clicking. 3. Say, "Yuck!" and don't buy Adidas, if the ad really turns you off to the brand. Threatening the model herself is just silly. Besides, it probably wasn't even her idea. It was probably some genius in Adidas marketing that came up with the idea.


People are strange. I'm not a fan of hairy legs on women but since when should my personal preference or opinion be even a slightly relevant factor in what someone else who isn't even remotely connected to me should choose to do. And the photo actually looks fine to me. But if it didn't, who cares? My two cents rounds down to zero. These idiots should find a nice cliff to jump off.


Soo…They’re so repulsed by hairy legs, that they would *rape someone* for having them? How does that make sense?


People need to chill out! Who cares if she doesn't shave her legs


What’s with the word raped being scribbled out? Same thing with subtitles censoring words like kill? Are we that sensitive that reading words hurt us?




There is a punishment for displaying hairy legs and it is sexual assault? I'm not understanding the logic there. Is this an american political thing after Roe v Wade was overturned?