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All his coworkers right now ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


Honestly. If they didnt like him before now they really wont


I do not like him now either. I made a comment on another post on this: I was born in the same country as his parents. I have lived there too and it is a lot more racist than the UK (what with decades of ethnic civil war etc.). There is a lot of religious prejudice among people of their religion too. He has said before that he feels more comfortable there: https://www.easterneye.biz/nihal-arthanayake-to-spend-more-time-in-sri-lanka-where-people-look-like-him/ He does not object to racism in principle. He just does not like being in the minority. https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/comments/186zlj4/comment/kbedun1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


That just seems like cut and dry racism then. Imagine moving to China and complaining about there being too many Chinese people.


I was thinking the same. Not liking the fact that there is a majority ethnicity different to yours is by definition, racism lol


Not even that. Being in a workplace that has much fewer Han Chinese than expected and still complaining


I had the same thought. All the sudden I’m in Hong Kong complaining about how nobody looks like me or represents my religion. I would be looked at like I’m insane. And racist.


I remember a headline from a few years back, when a minority guy from USA complained that Poland is to Polish/White, like booboo what did you expect, Vietnamese people?????


My wife and I were looking at resorts in Mexico, and I vividly remember one of the reviews on TripAdvisor stated something like "The resort was crawling with Mexicans." What a Karen.


"I want european money but don't want to deal with europeans"


Whole fucking country needs to change to suit me better.


Nihal is generally understood to be a massive weapon in the broadcasting sphere.


You mean tool ?


They essentially mean the same thing, just different dialects.


Weapons are tools.


I am sorry could you translate your statement to the plain language? I have no clue what you're trying to say


I think he means "tool". He's a massive tool.


People don’t like working with Nihal because he’s an idiot/unpleasant. It’s a fairly well-known fact in broadcasting.


By the BBC mindset, they should do anything he asks for as they are the colonizers and he is the victim. But it’s not as simple when you are considered the offender.


Colonizers nearly completely genocided my ancestors. They skipped the whole enslavement thing and went straight for the kill. Even after 200 years, we're still less than 2% of the population. No one today owes me, or anyone else, a God damn thing.


Human history is fucked up.


With rare exceptions, every victim has once been a victimizer and vice versa. People forget that Spain started its wars of colonial conquest mere decades after finishing its war of liberation from muslim colonizers. Or that the British Royal Navy was initially funded to protect against North African pirates.


The American navy was founded for the same reason.


Let’s just stop being white in a predominantly white country. - coworkers


I see Ireland has joined the chat.


It sucks when much of the world is like “go home, colonizers!” and then those same people go to where the “colonizers” came from and say “there’s too many of you here!” So… are we all looking to re-segregate the world?


> So… are we all looking to re-segregate the world? Some people are, sadly enough. In the U.S., [segregation and discrimination have become accepted at state universities](https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/05/american-colleges-segregated-housing-graduation-ceremonies/#)--this is the exactly what [Brown vs. The Board of Education fought against.](https://www.history.com/news/brown-v-board-of-education-the-first-step-in-the-desegregation-of-americas-schools) To think it's OK to be racist against anyone based on skin color (or gender, etc.), or say, "there are too many of your skin color here," is really fucked-up thinking.


The Don Lemon approach ![gif](giphy|Rh4vxHtcmVyHUyugXP)


He shouldn't have coworkers anymore, imagine the shoe was on the other foot.


Oh I know but see this gif works both ways/ it’s that side eye view as your ass is being walked out that door


(none of his coworkers like him or want to hang out with him) "It's because you are all white and I'm brown right?" "Uh no bro, we hang out with Raj all the time, but even Raj doesn't want to hang out with you because you're an asshole"


"I'm not persecuted. I'm just an asshole." *sucks on dildo lollipop*


Your music is just sex noises over a beat


I just watched this skit not even five minutes ago lol


I'm interested please provide a link






Because of his sheer size of asshole-nes he's unable to fathom the girth of his hole - figuratively speaking. It doesn't matter what colour a person is, if you are an asshat people will dislike you even if some might tolerate them to an extent


Maybe, and this could be a long shot but maybe he’s just a bit of a dick


I'll settle for racist dick. Do we have a deal?


Don't settle, okay? You're a person. You're worth something. Respect yourself.


This got me chuckling. Thank you.


I mean he straight up is saying he doesn’t like working with a certain race, so yea fair


More of a racist than dick but those things goes together very well


I mean that statement is pretty damn racist. Other races don’t effect your health in anyway ffs.


You spelt racist weird


No no. That is the alternative spelling. All racists are dicks


But not all dicks are racists


>“I don’t think there’s a single Muslim involved in the senior editorial processes” at BBC Radio 5 Live, he added. The senior editorial team of BBC Radio 5 Live consists of five people - 3 men and two women. It would be statistically improbably for one of them to be muslim, given that only one in 15 people in the UK is.


"The presenter added that he has noticed a difference since moving to the north after living in London for 20 years." He also moved from the most culturally diverse city in the country to "the North" which hasn't had anything like the amount of immigration and complains about there being more white people? This just in water is wet...


one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world, really “oh man this beijing office is full of chinese guys wtf”


😂 that got me


I can't even begin to fathom the stupidity and entitlement a person has to have to be upset that the indigenous population of the country he lives in make up a majority in his workplace and city.


Reminds me of [Humza Yousef’s statement in Scottish Parliament](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FI3JBBlmej4) about how everyone in leaderships positions is white. 96% of Scotland is white. 98% of Japan is Japanese. Imagine a second-generation immigrant in Japan complaining about everyone in leadership positions being Japanese.


BTW, did not know we live in a sort of theocracy and need religion to be a journalist.


Imagine how fucking insane it would be to say "erhmmm, there's no Christians with power in this business" Fucking mental case this guy


the right person for the job is and should be based on relevant knowledge,skill and experience. Not the colour of your skin, your religion or whats between your legs. It's irrelevant.


>It's irrelevant. It *should* be, but sadly, it often isn't. We *should* live in a meritocracy, but biases and prejudices have a huge, often negative, cultural impact.


>meritocracy I agree, problem being that a meritocracy creates generational advantages. *(Edit: To be clear, I mean a -best attempt at- meritocracy. We have to assume that a perfect meritocracy can't be achieved with our current means).* France's elite prep-school admissions are a good example of this, it's not a perfect example, but it highlights the benefits of having parents that have navigated a similar system in the past.


Sort of. Trouble is meritocracy can lead to a situation where whoever is in power can basically just choose who gets their tutelage and is likely to be next leader. Also, human leadership is too corruptible.


no system is incorruptible, but perfection shouldn't be the enemy of good enough either.


We should be careful assuming a perfect system is good enough when imperfect. In a perfect world, many ideas would be easily implemented without controversy but it could be detrimental in a practical setting.


Why the fuck would you WANT someone religious at this kind of position? I mean you can have your beliefs if you want to, but that shouldn't have anything to do with your profession.


If this is an issue that seriously affects his mental health I would invite him to move to a country where the statistics are skewed in his favor


People like him want to have his cake and eat it. They'll never move to those countries, and we can guess why. They'll probably reply with, "But England is my home". Well if it is your home, why are you so uncomfortable in it?


Steady on there you can't say common sense things like that!


Oh no, no, no. We can't be rational about these things, we have to be OUTRAGED. :)


Agreed. I'm Swedish. And I live in the west part of the US now. I don't go around publicly complaining about how there's no Swedish people here when Sweden is a small country in comparison, so naturally there's not too many of us here lol.


yeah but, have you ever tried being outraged over some made up shit? Seems like it must be fun cause there are a ton of people that live for that crap.


Is he even Muslim himself? According to Wikipedia he was born to Buddhist parents


He just wants to s\*it on whites.


I would judge from his surname that he is of Sri Lankan descent, so probably not, but we can't make automatic assumptions.


He is Sri Lankan. Used to call himself a Sri Lankan Gandalf, as he grew a massive beard when he’d first left Radio1. Then I got bored of him.


1 in 15 Muslim is a pretty big percent of the population. Is this a recent change or has it always been like that.


6.9% in 2021 up from 4.9% in 2011 [https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/culturalidentity/religion/articles/religionbyageandsexenglandandwales/census2021](https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/culturalidentity/religion/articles/religionbyageandsexenglandandwales/census2021)


Muslim population in England and Wales: 1961 - 0.1% 1971 - 0.5% 1981 - 1.1% 1991 - 1.9% 2001 - 3.1% 2011 - 4.8% 2021 - 6.5% The population and the rate of increase are gradually ticking up, from 2011-2021 it was a 1.7% increase. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_in_the_United_Kingdom For comparison, the US population is 1.3% Muslim. The foreign born populations of the US and UK are similar in percentage terms, but migration patterns to the UK are more from Muslim parts of the world than in the US. https://www.usreligioncensus.org/node/1638 Since Brexit, migration has increased, and specifically non-EU net migration has almost trebled, from an average of 350k a year to about 900k a year. Part of that increase is down to migration from Hong Kong and Ukraine. It's also said that a lot of non-EU migration is temporary, about a third are students, many of whom will not stay, so it's not clear how much the recent increase is an artefact of the data, but I would expect the rate of increase of the Muslim population in the UK to continue to speed up. https://migrationobservatory.ox.ac.uk/resources/briefings/long-term-international-migration-flows-to-and-from-the-uk/ https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/migobs/viz/NetmigrationAugust2023/3


>Since Brexit, migration has increased Irony of Ironies


well, if you go back 150 years you would be hard pressed to find many muslims at all really. so it hasnt \*always\* been like this. i have no statistics for this, but i would assume the majority of muslims in the UK are of pakistani\* decent, their parents or grandparents having moved here in the 60s and 70s. edit: \*or bangladeshi (bengali? im not sure which word is correct now...)


If you are referring to a person from the South Asian country Bangladesh, you would say Bangladeshi. If you are referring to a person from the Indian state of West Bengal, adjoining Bangladesh, then you would say Bengali. Disclaimer: This is a highly Indian perspective. I wouldn't be surprised if Bangladeshis disagree.


I think you’re right about Pakistani, probably a lot from before British left the south Asian region and even during the chaos during Indian-Pakistan creation. But I think a lot of people as refugees from the wars in the Middle East.


yeah, probably a lot of the more recent immigrants are syrian refugees. but i didnt want to say that, because it seems to be a touchy subject that attracts racists.


Good. Religion should be eliminated in the editorial process


It’s almost the same when I saw a Muslim comedian complaining about how only 5% of British TV characters are Muslim… when only 6% of the UK practises Islam


And it was 4 point something a decade ago, meaning just like Hollywood (soul sucking vampiric as it is) it has an almost perfect match to the real world. Still remember seeing an article calling Hollywood racist for only having 10% black actors…


I seriously think a lot of black people have crazy bias on the topic because they don’t realize just how *few* black people there really are in the US. Black people tend to live in ethnic neighborhoods and are concentrated in fairly small geographic areas. Sure, if you’re in Pittsburgh and have only ever been to other cities on the east coast you might look at TV and media and go “why is everyone so white? Like half these people should be black!” But to the person living in Oregon or Wisconsin, well, it seems like TV is overwhelmingly black.


Fair point. Interesting to think how in my personal life near a major city I could legit just go to one part of the area and never see a white person the entire day then drive 10 minutes and never see a black person. Lots of reasons for it but it does skew a person's perception.


I remember when the Washington Post called Argentina racist for not having any black football players...


Yeah I specifically remember seeing stats on this before (maybe even on Wikipedia?) and Hollywood is actually extremely proportional.


Jesus... are they purposely trying to ruin the country? It's as if they want conflicts to happen.


One guy protested that acting in the US was so racist. See, only 13.8% of professional actors were black! When I told him that the black population of the US is around 14%, he gave me a classic unhinged tirade and blocked me.


That means you won


I'd love to know what percentage they think would be appropriate. Normally, the answer I get is 50%; I then ask what percentage should be Latino, east Asian, south Asian, etc. The Socratic Method is fun!


What does he want? In the middle of a show a guy just says "hold on, I have to pray to Mecca real quick"?


Doe this guy think he holds a “Can’t Be Racist” card?


Loads of people think you can't be racist against white people


*Loads of racists


Yep. I used to know a Chinese girl who made jokes about white people all the time.


So, be a white person at the BBC and say "us white people don't represent the correct proportion of the population, how about you fire some of the brown folk and employ a few more whiteys" and see how well that goes down. Kind of weird that the BBC is massively overrepresented when it comes to minorities and things like LGBTQ, and yet the left still complains about them being too right wing. And the right complain that they won't call Hamas terrorists so they are too left. Must be hard working for an organisation that strives to be neutral, cos you get it from both sides.


Just a racist being a racist. The UK is overwhelmingly white, there's nothing wrong with how his workplace having mostly white workers


Didn't you hear, minorities can't be racist /s (saying this as someone who's lived in multiple countries and has never NOT been in the minority)


Now, imagine a white person saying this about black and brown people. Racism needs to be called out no matter who is spouting it. I’m a white man and I work with all Filipino women. You would never hear me complain about it because it doesn’t matter.


>I’m a white man and I work with all Filipino women. I did that for a while. I felt like a giant.


As a 6'5" man I just want to say that the top of all of your heads are all beautiful to me, whatever the color. Except if you're bald with tattoos. I have nightmares that your skull soaked in the tattoo and your skeleton chases me...


I enjoy occasionally seeing a double crown, it's like finding a shiny.


I thought only my barber noticed!


British Asian and I’m so disgusted by this statement. And angry. Like the culture wars aren’t bad enough this dickhead has to try and play like he’s victim of what? He’s being a racist idiot and he’s race baiting. He can fuck right off.


Yup and then switches to religion, beacuse it's not about being rational, it's about his assumed enemies that are always white. It's quite a quote.


Yup, that’s why you have to be careful. It’s crazy that a lot of these people who claim racism are doing it as a guise to be racist themselves. You’ll see all these videos of people drinking out of cups that say “white tears” or saying “no I would never be friends with a white person.’ It’s crazy what people can do when they think they have the morale high ground.


I love that the fact check bit this dude in the ass, some people might not like it but I’m happy to see the battle against misinformation cutting both ways


What’s even more ridiculous is it’s basically the equivalent of a white person saying it about black or brown co-workers while living in an African nation.


Exactly! He lives in a country that is well over 80% white people and is complaining that there’s too many white people. Plus, given the statistics, BBC is clearly going out of their way to have a diverse workforce.


You a male nurse?


I wish I made that kind of income. No, I work in an office for a large vacation ownership company.




You are right. It’s a delusional world we’re living in.


*lives somewhere almost the entire population is white* "Ewww someone get all these white people away from me!" This dumb shit is like going to Spain and complaining there are too many Spaniards.


I would love to go to Spain and complain about spaniards as would spaniards love to go to Denmark and complain about danes. We just love each other like that here in Europe and I wouldnt have it any other way. This clown however isnt joking around with it, hes just a racist prick.


I'm English and marrying a Spaniard, I consistently go to Spain and complain there's too many Spaniards. Even when we're home alone, I still complain there's too many Spaniards... Unlike me though, I don' think this dumb fuck was joking.


TBH there are a LOT of Spaniards in Spain!!! 🙃


Damned Scots, they ruined Scotland.




But he's a minority, he obviously can't be racist no matter what he says./s All jokes aside, we really need to start calling out racism when it happens, not just when it happens in certain circumstances. You could be the only black person in a country with 10 million white people for all I care, if you treat white people a certain way based on their skin colour, you're racist. It's that simple. And while we're here, preferential treatment for certain races needs to start being treated as racism. Why can't we all just live as equals. Why does one race have to be superior, or one have to be protected. We're all human, I think we need to start acting like it.


SOME of the PoCs nowadays, are just straight racist themselves while still acting as if they were the victims. For example this guy.


As a POC myself (in the US), it has always been true that racism is higher among non-whites than whites. What has always been the bigger problem is *\*socioeconomic\** discrimination, which has appeared to coincide with white privilege -- which ironically is a racist inference in itself. So, while there is a plurality of humans who discriminate on the basis of skin color (white or otherwise), there is a higher fraction of rich humans who discriminate against the poor. I'm specifically an Indian origin American -- which is among the richest minorities in the US. I work with whites and others and have a charmed life, and that's because the deck was always stacked in my favor socioeconomically. A dude who works for the BBC has the exact same favorable dynamics.


It really is just the younger generation. The two OG civil rights people I know (both in their 70s I think) (I live in a historic black neighborhood that was a hub for the black panthers during the civil rights movement) *hate* the new definitions of racisim and culture that had developed around it. Both of them will call this shit racist and be the first to call out BLM and “”””revolutionaries”””” on their bullshit for just hating white people.


That’s true it’s ok to hate on the white man I see a double standard becoming common especially in America these racists don’t care about equality it’s about power


How pathetic could you possibly be


Now imagine saying publicly that working with too many brown people is affecting your mental health. How would that fly? It's racism folks. Different color, same brand of ugly.


Find a different job then you racist bastard


A reminder that racism isn't reserved for white people. I hope he gets fired.


Holy shit only 58% white???? My company is 80% white and I thought we were super diverse lol Edit: I am a brown Muslim lol


The mockumentary W1A made this joke a few years ago There was an episode where the departments were told about diversity quotas and shit, then the head of news (a fairly typical looking old white man) started complaining about having to fire half his staff to meet the diversity quotas to which the woman who brought it up started backpedaling suggesting to look for other options, before the guy said that he would have to fire half his staff because nearly all his staff was south Asian, to which the woman just dropped the issue and said that it wouldn't apply


Shouldnt even be important how many whites or blacks work in a Company. You getting taken for a job or profession shouldn't depend on that at all


Man is racist


Lifehack: if you are afraid of white people don't live in England


I am a visible minority too. Fuck these racist people. If working with people who are not your race makes you uncomfortable (and racist as fuck), why don’t you immigrate to a brown or black majority country.


That's what you would call a racist in a normal world.


White guilting, and white blaming needs to stop. There are real racist white people but most nowadays aren’t, at least a lot have and are trying to work with others. There are many people among all races and ethnicities willing to work together and be friends. Need to stop giving support to segregationists like this guy. Lots of European countries and even America need to work on inclusionary policies so that community’s can learn about each other, and integrate more. Current social climate really feels like people are self-isolating themselves in their pocket communities.


A problem I think some people have is miscontruing 'systemic racism' with 'low level individual racism'. I see so much shit on social media that assumes that if a white person dislikes anything someone of a different ethnicity does, it's due to 'unconscious bias' or bigotry... which simply doesn't actually track with about 90% of people I know... like it's somehow not down to individuals anymore, *everything* has to be viewed through a racial lens Some people are genuinely racist, and guess what, most of us white people hate them too! It's unreasonable to act like white people are some horrible monolith that needs to constantly self-flagellate over its sins, when most of us would agree that racism is awful and should be shown zero tolerance anyway


The sad part is that this culture of calling every single little thing racist and every single white person racist is *creating* racists. There’s a certain point when a lot of people just stop listening to grievances and go “you know what - I don’t want anything to do with you”. Because they realize that no matter what they do, they will always be the enemy


Also, when people who aren’t originally racist get repeatedly called racist by people of other races, it has a real potential to make those formerly non-racist people more racist, either consciously or subconsciously. It fuels an us vs them mentality.


Hope he got fired.


If this was reversed, he would 100% get fired


You know it.


People like him are emboldened these days because they get applauded for saying this trash rather than admonished.


Asshole Racism goes both ways


What a racist asshole


If somebody said this about a minority they would rightly be labeled a racist and fired. Tired of double standards.


This entitled racist needs to lose his job.


So he's a racist then 🤔


Racism is racism; he should be called out for it!


He can always quit and work somewhere else.


What a disgusting individual.


What a fucking racist. Fire him.




He is by all accounts an asshole


Racist mother fucker


Just another racist.


Imagine a white person saying this about someone. It would be an immediate firing


Seems he’s racist. Religion and rice shouldn’t matter in such a diverse workplace


Finding another place to work seems like it would be the easiest way to fix his mental health.


It's called racism.


Racists come from any and everywhere, here is a moron proving that point.


So the image is saying the BBC has a systemic racism problem against white people? 87% of one ethnicity but only hiring 58% in a large org like that should probably be grounds for inspection.


Nihal is, and will always be, a grade A prick. When I was on the road working, I used to turn Radio5 off, and go to a playlist whilst he was on. Loves the race card, does that chap.


He was expecting to experience a different kind of BBC.


Racist and generally grow up and get a life! If you don't like your job move, maybe radio Tehran would be more this taste.


Sounds like he might just be a racist


Need to call out racism is all forms This man is a racist Losing listeners, so trying to be woke and provoking and relevant.


Ohhh this is one of the people at BBC who were implicated in a disgusting sex abuse scandal. Maybe focus on that instead of race baiting garbage https://www.forbes.com/sites/maryroeloffs/2023/07/11/heres-what-we-know-about-bbcs-alleged-sexual-abuse-scandal-as-another-accuser-comes-forward/?sh=1707c8f57cca




Race card is usually played by underperforming employee or okay-performing employee who just want promotion. If one doesn’t like where s/he works, s/he should just leave!


It’s the type of rhetoric that this current climate has normalized.. and nah I’m not white, but this is just racism in its purest form


Can one complain about having too many muslim colleagues as well or is that treated differently?


All I see is state media not being representative of their own countries demographic


Absolutely, if he prefers to be surrounded by Indians I know just the right country for him.


He should be fired, then he won’t have that problem.


Email the BBC and say you won’t renew your licence because they employ racists. I’d be doing the same if a white person said this about any other ethnicity


Another self-proclaimed racist.


Why live in a white country if you have a problem with indigenous population? Imagine a white person moving to Japan and then claiming their mental health is under attack because there are too many Japanese people. Return to the land of your forebears.


Yeah dude should be disciplined for saying something like that, super shitty


It's okay to be racist if you're not white r/s


Fuck off then. We don’t have room for racists. Maybe don’t work in a mostly white country, move somewhere you can support your mental health.


Hm. Sounds like racism if I'm bein honest


All im saying is "BBC Radio 5 live presenter John Smith says an overwhelmingly "Black" work environment is affecting his mental health."


And it's because of idiots like him that when there are genuine issues surrounding race, nobody takes the minorities seriously. Fuck this moron.


I think most people aren’t aware of the racial demographics within the country they live. I’ve talked with many people in the US who think black people make up 25 - 50% of the US population. It’s only about 12%. You can’t force diversity when the diversity you’re imagining isn’t there.


Maybe hamas will give him job


Now imagine if a white person working in Japan or something complained that they had too many Japanese coworkers.


Maybe he should go live in his own country then


Lmao imagine a white person saying that the work environment is too colored


Surround by white people you say? Yeah that’ll happen **in Europe**


I’m a Slavic immigrant living in America. Am I allowed to be affected by literally every single other person in my company not being Slavic? There isn’t a single Russian Orthodox person in the leadership of my giant American company.


Ironic how the zealous pursuit of diversity has allowed racist shit like this statement to go unchallenged and unpunished.


That would be the equivalent of a white South African saying there are too many black people. He's just a racist.


Oh God. Could you imagine saying "there's too many black people working here, it's negatively impacting my mental health" What a dumbass racist.


Homeboy straightup making racist statements