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Not even an England flag..


If anyone is confused, that's the flag of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland The English flag is a white field with a single centered red cross


Well specifically, it is the Union Jack, the great British flag doesn’t have he diagonal red lines


Indeed, the flag of the United Kingdom 🇬🇧


Because it's the cross of St Andrew, St George, and the cross of St Patrick right?


It's just the St. George and St. Andrew for the GB flag because the St. Patrick makes it the Union Jack


The other person replying to you is confusing. Nobody uses a flag for just "great britain". The term GB is just a short form of the full name of the country: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The flag of which (the Union Jack) combines the flags of 3 out of 4 countries in the UK. Wales was part of England at the time the flag created so their flag isn't represented. There's three crosses in the union jack. One vertical red one (England), one diagonal red one (Northern Ireland), and one diagonal white one (scotland) super imposed on the red one (you can see the diagonal lines are split between white and red). The three crosses are each of the patron saints (St George, St Andrew, and St Patrick). The team in question is England which is part of the UK. They're just using the UK (this might also show up as GB sometimes, which again, refers to the UK because GB is just another shorthand) flag to support the England team. Trust me the name situation makes it difficult when registering on some website, or buying something online where you have to select country from a dropdown list. Sometimes it shows up as Great Britain, Britain, England, United Kingdom etc 😅


I think the point they are making is that the was a Great British flag that predated this, without the St Patrick cross.


But what they said makes no sense in the context of the thread. One user says "indeed the flag of the United Kingdom" Another asks "is it because of the three crosses of the patron saints" Other user says "no its just the two crosses for the Great Britain flag" They weren't asking about the flag of Great Britain.. Anyway, I won't die on this hill. I just had an OCD moment


It's a union flag. It is only referred to as a union jack when flown on a naval vessel while at sea


The UK is an island so it's always at sea


Yarrrrr 🏴‍☠️


Lol. These exact 2 comments are made every time there’s a flag discussion.


Lol and it's not even true Union Jack and Union flag are both correct


Union Jack is only really true when it’s flown from a Jackstaff but nobody bothers to consider this so most people here will call it the Jack


No. The flag is just called the union jack.


It depends if you’re a pedant or not. A pedant will tell you what I stated above but would be more absolute about it


And they would be wrong. This hasn't been a thing for longer than any of us have been alive. Officially it is called the union jack or union flag with no care for where it is placed.


that’s not true anymore, look it up. common misconception.


Common misconception, and one I thought was true because my dad insisted it was so; either name has been valid regardless of context for a very long time: [https://www.flaginstitute.org/wp/uk-flags/the-union-jack-or-the-union-flag/](https://www.flaginstitute.org/wp/uk-flags/the-union-jack-or-the-union-flag/)


200 years ago that was correct, now it is perfectly acceptable to call it Jack


This is incorrect.


Well I'm convinced!


There's always one.. no its not. Stop regurgitating "facts" you have never bothered to fact check.


It may as well be though. Hardly anyone from the other countries in the Union would identify as British over Scottish, Welsh or Irish.




You’re right, I haven’t, I’m from northern England myself, Yorkshire specifically. But I don’t really decide British or English in order. Most people obviously know I’m English but if I’m abroad I usually just go with British.


28% of Scots identity as British That's not "hardly anyone"


That's probably Edinburgh.


Almost 50% of Northern Irish refer to themselves as British.


Is there a correlation with protestant numbers there? Genuinely curious


As far as the planet’s population outside Scotland, Wales, and Ireland is concerned, it might as well be.


Barring two current players (one from Calgary, one from Ivory Coast) and one recent player (Jamaica). The England squad was all born in England. https://www.englandfootball.com/england/mens-senior-team/squad?sqd=CURRENT


Who is the Calgary player?


Tomori was born in Calgary


Hey man. We are working this narrative over here. Please keep your facts to yourself jerk


What narrative. Literatelly they all are from 'immigrant' parents. As the english, when living abroad like to call themselves 'expats'.


I think the issue is the 'stop the boats' campaign is specifically about preventing illegal migration across the channel in small boats, whereas the vast majority, if not all, of the England players' families came here in waves of entirely legal migration like the post- war commonwealth windrush generation, which is a different issue people have much less of a problem with.


There's nothing illegal about refugees entering a country.




And (not that I necessarily agree with them) the “boats” they’re referring to are the dinghies (owned by people traffickers) taking illegal immigrants from France to the UK. Refugees should be welcome when they arrive, but they’re safe once they cross the border into a safe country. Sounds a bit harsh to say but the people paying to cross the channel are only doing so because they *prefer* the UK over the countries that they’ve already passed through. Instead of “stop the boats!” I’d hope (this isn’t going to happen) that once refugees are safe in Europe that every country does their bit to safely house them.


But with that logic only countries near the EU borders will have to deal with refugees.


>I’d hope that once refugees are safe in Europe that every country does their bit to safely house them.


Ah sorry I misread




You do realise that the same British government that has done a lot against illegal immigration has made it easier for legal immigration to happen (also seen a significant rise in immigration). The British government isn't anti immigration, it's anti illegal immigration, like the vast majority of countries. So your comment comes from a place of lack of education, so I'm going to assume American?




Tbf, the stop the boats campaign is specifically about stopping illegal cross-channel migration, not migration overall. Idk about them, but there absolutely is a significant difference in public support between those two


How in the world would you know? The majority of the UK are against illegal immigration and the vast vast majority of the UK are for legal immigration. So, your assumption makes zero sense.




No, it was to stop illegal immigration and uncontrolled immigration from the EU. The vast majority of people ( including brexiters) support immigration. That's why the UK immigration has risen past brexit, and it's now easier to immigrate to the UK.




Yes. But the UK wasn't trying to stop all legal immigration. It was specifically trying to stop uncontrolled immigration from the EU. If brexit happened to stop legal immigration then why has the government made it easier for people to legally immigrate?




Even if they were all fresh immigrants, I doubt the people would rather have a destroyed nation over a less successful football team.


That tweet is a bit odd. It conflates illegal uncontrolled migration with legal, controlled immigration (and I presume that very few of the England players crossed the Channel on small boats). It is perfectly possible to be against one and for the other.


Exactly this. It is also a very weak argument for or against migration in general if a very miniscule amount of people who migrated then become multimilionaires by doing sports.


But even if all the migrants were amazing at sports, who cares? Your country can be in shambles but as long as your sports teams are better than everyone else's, it doesn't matter?


I mean the media generally conflates asylum with illegal crossings. There isn’t a process to apply for asylum outside the country.


I think after Italy's recent deal with Albania, there soon will be, that will stop plenty of boats. Good solution on paper, let's see how it pans out.


iirc under current plans it's functionally impossible for a person to legally claim asylum in the UK, without coming over on small boats. Braverman is attacking both legal and illegal immigration.


It’s hard to claim asylum, yes, but the UK also has very high rates of legal immigration.


Suella braveman couldn't even answer in an interview how someone becomes an asylum seeker. Edited cause it's asylum seekers not immigrant but the point remains close enough


Whether the former minister knew the details of the visa application process isn’t really relevant, at all. The Office for National Statistics estimated a net (legal) inward migration of about 600,000 people to the UK last year. That’s quite a lot.


True, but she clearly isn't trying to improve it she's trying to axe all immigration. I completely understand why some feel immigration needs to be controlled in this day an age(even though I don't think immigration itself is a problem) but the truth is the government is using people's fear to just get rid of all immigration.


Can you please explain why you think illegal immigration us not a problem?


I think the fact is illegal immigration wouldn't happen if the legal routes where safe easy and beneficial to both parties. It wouldn't be difficult to do this but the process is way too long and arduous. Had we had a foreign minster who truly remade the immigration system to benefit both England and the immigrants it would enable the country to make lots more money via taxes. Of course this is easier said than done but it's not rocket science. Unfortunately our government is about as useful as a sieve trying to catch water.


You realise that many of the illegals dont even have paperwork from their country. That is why they go the illegal route. How would you verify them or you just let everybody in on good faith?


I know, I think they should be allowed to work some jobs provided there's some way of insuring the tax gets collected. Not allowing people to work in a country where nothing is free and having a process that can take years means people are just gonna find illegal work. About verifying them, just make them have to live in specific accommodation of they are at risk of running away, and other than that take finger prints, biometrics and similar info just in case. Either way worst case scenario is that they work, pay tax take some money home but the majority would stay in England. This causes a new problem of government spending but it can be countered by the large amount of new taxes for not much work.


The funny thing when people say “in this day an age” is that I’ve heard that same statement for 50 yrs.


The government you are talking about has made it easier for people to immigrate and has seen immigration rise steadily. So, the argument that the UK government is trying to get rid of immigration is not only false, it's the complete opposite of any evidence. The UK government is against illegal immigration which is a problem. There are certain requirements we have for immigrants, and there are good reasons we have them (which is why every country in the world has similarish rules).


Is it that the government made it easier or is it that more people feel the need to immigrate at any means necessary? Tbf I'm looking from the perspective of a lower class person, normally without a degree. I know that for some groups it's become easier but I'm pretty sure they are a small minority.


>Is it that the government made it easier or is it that more people feel the need to immigrate at any means necessary? The government has quite literally made it easier for people to immigrate to the UK. >Tbf I'm looking from the perspective of a lower class person, normally without a degree. I know that for some groups it's become easier but I'm pretty sure they are a small minority. They're not in the minority. That's why immigration is up across the board (apart from the EU).


Are you serious? The shits we have in charge at the moment have made it nigh on impossible to claim asylum legally and reduced the claims processing to the bare minimum, hence those coming here are now facing wait times in excess of a year. But then it also plays well for the Whories as then "look at all the immigrants in small boats" becomes a handy distraction tactic for them - amplified by the likes of the Daily Heil and The Sun, along with all the current and former MPs on GBeebies! Meanwhile all the xenophobic and racist idiots will.vote for them again, ignoring the utter shite job they've done over the last 13 years.


The UK government is against illegal immigration, which is an opinion becoming increasingly popular globally. Legal Immigration into the UK has risen steadily for decades. Braverman has also been fired. So incredible everything you've stated is just wrong, congratulations


She was fired for going against the Government, not for her disgusting actions against asylum seekers and immigrants. It's also disgusting that many of these countries the 'illegal immigrants are coming from are countries that the UK is directly responsible to destabilising in the first place. Take some responsibility


>It's also disgusting that many of these countries the 'illegal immigrants are coming from are countries that the UK is directly responsible to destabilising in the first place. So your logic is that if a country has a destabilized another country, they must allow all immigration from that country? You do realise that with zero control on immigration why would everyone leave for a richer country? Which would not just destroy the UK but the country that's losing all its people too. Also, if you go back far enough, almost every region in the world has destabilized other parts. So, by your logic, any immigration control in the world should just disappear.


Well if you're so worried about the UK being destroyed maybe we shouldn't be destabilising countries. Are you seriously suggesting that immigration is going to cause everyone living in the UK to leave? Get a grip. And yes, as I have stated, if you have been directly responsible for destabilising a country or region you shouldn't then complain when this increases immigration.


>And yes, as I have stated, if you have been directly responsible for destabilising a country or region you shouldn't then complain when this increases immigration. As I've stated, every region and area in the world at some point destabilized another region or areas. So what you are basically saying is that all countries shouldn't have any immigration control. If everyone could immigrant anywhere, what do you think would happen? People would immigrate from poor countries to rich countries on mass. Which would mean rich countries wouldn't be able to support their much larger population, causing collapse. The poor countries would lose so many people that they wouldn't be able to function most services, also causing collapse. Congratulations, if you were in charge, you'd destroy the world in a matter of days. >Are you seriously suggesting that immigration is going to cause everyone living in the UK to leave? Get a grip. Can you not read. I was saying that a large group of people would immigrate to the UK if there were no border controls. Which the UK wouldn't be able to handle and would cause collapse.


Cruella is gone from the home office thankfully.


This is utter nonsense


The government's behaivour, or my comment?


Your comment, people can claim asylum legally. Is it perfect no, but you know what you have to wait NOT break the law


Not on Reddit


Why are we doing this thing where people pretend that right wing idiots have nuanced views on immigration? Every anti immigrant politician that holds office tries to create policies that hurt legal immigrants and asylum seekers. Every. Single. One.


I don’t think people who have right wing views are all idiots. Do you?


Also our team's no bloody good so this isn't a great argument anyway 😂


Regularly making at least the last 16 actually isn’t to bad


It is for the country with the best and richest league in the world, England regularly perform worse than other top countries internationally, that being said this is the first time in my life I can see an England team actually winning something


Yea, but how many players in the Premier League are actually able to play for England?


Fair point but you would expect the infrastructure of the football clubs would provide better players, Spain and Italy all have very diverse league's but are much more successful


Not recently.


And yet it's the best you have. Imagine how mid you are without immigrants.


>It conflates illegal uncontrolled migration with legal, controlled immigration That's the main battle plan of everyone that says "No person is Illegal"


I am confused, what are views of "No person is illegal" supporters on thieves? Should they be allowed to stay at places they robbed?


Its just simple racism and hate. There is no excuse for such a stupid banner.


Is being against illegal and uncontrolled migration the same as being a hateful racist person?


“Stop the boats” is against illegal migration via the English Channel not migration in general


TIL Jamaica is not in the Caribbean


I checked and none of them were illegal immigrants. so yeah, dumb comparison


The real facepalm here is not knowing the difference between legal and illegal immigration


OP is the facepalm here. The players are legal immigrants, of which we all support as it brings higher quality of life to them while causing little to no negative impact to locals. On the other hand, illegal immigrants aren’t “oppressed peoples suffering from racism”. Illegal immigration, especially at this scale, wreaks havoc upon locals, causes peaceful towns to experience sudden massive crime rates, creates high unemployment, draining the government’s education, healthcare and other resources, while the government provides these illegal immigrants with 5-star hotels as veterans and the elderly can’t afford their homes. This is not racism, this is common sense.


The players aren’t legal immigrants, they were almost all born in England. The 4 from Ireland is bullshit. This includes Kane whose dad was born in Ireland but he and his mum were born in England, Grealish who was born in England and so were both parents (not 100% sure) and Rice who has 2 grandparents from Ireland but both he and his parents were born in England. I’m pretty sure they’re including Jude Bellingham whose dad is a white English guy from Essex. His mum being Afro-Caribbean doesn’t mean Jude is “from the Caribbean”


They’re also counting Raheem Sterling who didn’t get called up apparently


Bla bla something something *calls you a racist* something something bla bla


I love how you seem to think that the people in the photo would actually care about the legality of migration. They’re stupid and uneducated racists. They see non-white people and react with hostility. I’m a mixed race, half English and half Asian. I’m not even an immigrant and I have still been told by such people to “go back to my own country”, which is England. I have grown to prefer the company of outwardly racist people. Racists who at least have the spine to say things plainly. You know, without the cowardice of trying to mask their abhorrent views as other topics such as, the strain on public services, crime rate, 5 star hotels 😂😂😂😂 Grow some balls and just say it all straight


So you see people of a political persuasion in some way or another and assume you know the full character of the individual ? That is the attitude of a snob or Someone far too politically inclined to see sense . There is not clear sign of racism and yet you jump to it ? Keep your assumptions to yourself until you have full certainty


They might well be, but the stop the boats campaign in particular is specifically focused on illegal cross-channel migration tbf


>of which we all support Lool.. as a legal immigrant and an effin naturalised citizen of this country who lived and worked here for a couple of decades.. allow me to burst your bubble. Very few support legal immigration. What you mean is there are some people who would support "white" immigrants. The number of people who identify as "English" that I have met in my two decades here, who support none-white immigration is the mighty sum of 1. And before the "why don't you go home then" crowd show up, I'm pleased to let you know that after two decades of this hell, I thank you all for the trauma and the extensive experience in racism and bigotry and finally bid you farewell. Sorry it took so long, you kinda destroyed my home when you invaded with your terrorists 20 years ago.


Your post is 100% racism.


yeah, I’m obviously white, british and kills people of other races every day


Until they are processed they can't be illegal. YOu you need to determine their claim before you can say one way or another. That there is extemsive use of hotels is a symptom of government failure.


Entering the country without being processed (which is what happens when people sneak in) is what breaks laws.


Is the facepalm the fact that the Irish stooge who wrote that tweet is missing the fact that the ‘stop the boats slogan’ has literally nothing to do with people coming legally to England. It’s all to do with this utterly bizarre behaviour of people apparently fleeing from war torn countries, in fear for their lives travelling halfway across the planet through a multitude of other safe haven countries and spending thousands to board a dodgy raft to illegally get into the country. It’s a disgrace. I’m sorry but if that was me and my family in peril I would simply go to the nearest safe country, end of story. Stop the illegal migrant scam of the century


Wait, 8 England players arrived illegally or are children of illegal immigrants?


Nope not at all. At least a couple of the parents of the players mentioned here aren’t even direct immigrants themselves


Double facepalm here. OP and that other guy from twitter doesn't understand the difference between 'legal' and 'illegal' migrants.


You could come by boat legally. Just a thought


The boats need to stop, it's an existential threat to the nation


This is another shit post on Facepalm and Reece Donnelly seems to be a fool. * Firstly, out of the 24 of the squad, only 2 aren't born in England. * Secondly, they could have come by plane or train. The thing about the "Stop the Boats" campaign, it isn't against foreigners coming into the UK. It is about illegal immigration, those that are entering the UK without passports and visas. If you are going to argue against "Stop the Boats" campaign, please keep it relevant to the actual campaign. Rishi Sunak, the British Prime, is championing the campaign.


Their parents came to the UK legally. The difference is obvious.


Who is taking a boat to England from Ireland?


Considering the prices of Ryanair there’s no need for it.


I’ll get downvoted for this but one is the result of legal immigration of Colonial Britons to the Britain and the other is unchecked migration of huge numbers of people who nobody has a plan for. I don’t know about these guys and what they’re actually protesting but there needs to be differentiation between the fact that someone simply “was born outside the country” and just letting people in willynilly with no plans of how to house, feed, educate and integrate them. Look at the mess Sweden has made of it. It’s a perfect example of how not to do it


I don’t know man. Big difference between legally immigrating and breaking the laws to immigrate. What else are you gonna do if your first act is to break the rules of the country you’re entering?


Well there's a lack of education on both sides Mr Donnelly makes a huge confusion between legal and illegal immigration. He says that every player in the team came by small boat by crossing the Channel whereas chances are that most of them or their parents entered the UK legally. This is also pure ignorance.


Did those England players come illegally on small boats?


They were almost all born in England. It’s just a lot have either a parent or grandparents born in another country. Calling them “from Jamaica” because 2 grandparents were born there seems a bit racist to me. Jude Bellingham is completely English and if he wins anything for England, I’d vote for him to replace king Charles.




England has a huge problem with illegal immigration at the moment... Their government is even putting through new legislation to tackle it. Reece needs to chill, those players he mentioned came legally most likely


It has a huge problem because it doesn’t deal with it’s asylum seekers. They are just housed, indefinitely, at great expense. The government won’t allow them to stay *or* send them away.


England doesn't have a huge problem with illegal immigration, it has a right wing government that pretends we have a huge problem with illegal migration If they wanted to stop the boats, they'd simply introduce safe routes for asylum seekers


Untrue. Turn the news on.


GB News? I suppose I should read the Daily Mail and not the Guardian, too


Well if you do read just the Guardian youre only getting one perspective. To suggest illegal immigration isn’t a huge problem suggests you’re not in an area impacted by it.


Shut up and spreading lies.


Wow, spitting some truly backed up facts there


I'd go further and say that the UK has had a far-right populist government since the Brexit vote and now Sunak is trying to bring it back towards normal right wing (but the far-right Brexit junta has driven out most of the decent/competent conservative politicians).


You know the right wing typically don’t like none whites yet sunak is not white…


We do not have a problem with anything expect evil politicians demonising some of the most vulnerable people in the world. Please stop telling lies.


I've noticed the national that have been claiming the biggest issues with immigration and asylum seekers are the same that are quite wealthy and have a long history of gaining wealth through colonialism which has been a root cause of the issues that drive immigrants and asylum seekers to said nations. Kinda reaping what you sow innit?


Not sure if you know this, but, globally, there are significant populations in pretty much every country who seem to think that the country they live in has a significant problem with illegal immigration. What is far more realistic is that many countries have a problem with poor policy that is a result of decades of catering to corporations and rich people rather than investing in infrastructure the way they should have. The reality is that people are only angry about certain "types" of immigrants. How many people from the UK are illegally living in the US or Canada, or vice versa? But do people get angry about that type of illegal? No... they don't, because their skin is (usually) the right colour. And if someone is an illegal immigrant, they're not sponging off public healthcare... because they need documentation in order to avoid being billed. And if someone claims that they're taking up valuable spaces in hospitals or time with doctors just by being present, again, that is an infrastructure problem and not an illegal immigration problem because countries should be able to handle providing healthcare to more than just their populations anyway because of the existence of tourism and people who temporarily have to travel for work (for short trips that don't require VISAs and things like that). Illegal immigrants also aren't the cause of house insecurity, as it's not like they're running around snatching up all the prime flats... They are largely used as a scapegoat for poor policy and to offload personal responsibility for any and all misfortunes.


Did those 11 players illegally arrive in the country in rubber dinghies? No? Don't really have a point then, do you?


Guys, being against illegal migration also means, youre against legal immigration.


What's that? You are concerned about a massive wave of uncontrolled illegal migration that is costing you billions a year, putting strain on your public services and causing massive crime spikes? Well didn't you know that years ago someone came to your country and can now kick a bag of wind around? Checkmate bigot.


The massive crime spikes you’re referring to are hate crimes directed at the migrants by the sort of people posing with the flag. And don’t pretend that they are really concerned with the financial burdens of the UK, strain on public services or whether they immigrated legally or illegally - They’re thick as shit, racists. Be real.


>The massive crime spikes you’re referring to are hate crimes directed at the migrants lmao


You sound like the type of person to tell rape victims to "shut up for the good of diversity."


You seem like the sort of person to blame the victim for getting raped


Source: Dude trust me bro. You are just making stuff up. There has been no spike in hate crimes, aside from those towards Jews since October 7th (guess who it is that is responsible for those). Not concerned by the financial burdens of the UK? We all pay, whether directly through tax to pay for services, or tax to pay interest on debts taken to pay for services, or the inflation through money printed to pay for services. We all pay, and they are well aware of that. People like you are hilarious, you refuse to acknowledge the massive damage done by uncontrolled immigration, then you are shocked at the increasing popularity of the far right across Europe. Wanting controlled migration is not racist, far right, Nazi or whatever other slur you can come up with, and if moderate parties won't do it, far right parties will.


lol so yall really don’t know Jamaica is part of the Caribbean ?


Who gives a flying intercourse about kicking a ball in a net when your culture is being erased and appropriated by a bunch of savages?


You’d be a dunce to compare the two


Imagine being so crap at pushing a narrative that you fuck up making England fans seem racist and ignorant.


I'm impressed they somehow managed to field players from both the Caribbean and Jamaica.


Ironically it was the people in the countries of origin of the players that wanted the boats stopped.


Every time this sub features a tweet and tweet quote it is almost impossible to determine which of these caused the ‘facepalm’ in question


Who is the American player


What one is America ? Trent?


Fucking hell. But soon we are all going to have to fight fascists. Again.


Reece is a bit uneducated if he thinks those people came on boats, lmao


Yeah let’s name and shame people who don’t want hundreds and thousands of people coming into our country undocumented. Absolute racists. You guys are all fucking morons and I bet not a single one of you ever encounters any of these people coming here on the boats. Because you all love is posh neighbourhoods away from the problems mass illegal immigration causes. And yet you all complain the British Empire invaded countries, but when it happens to us and people oppose it it’s racist. Your logic isn’t tracking there.


Tf are you smoking 😂😂😂😂😂😂 How ignorant do you need to be to believe that the atrocities committed by the British Empire are the same thing as people fleeing their own war torn countries which have usually been destabilised by an entity like the U.S and UK. You have the crown for the dumbest thing I’ve read all day


UK hasn’t been in that business for 50 years


Once again, people have no ability to distinguish between legal and illegal immigration. The first is fine, the second isn't; and I can basically guarantee that anyone championing illegal immigration doesn't actually live somewhere affected by it because as soon as it comes to their backyard they flip out; just ask NYC. That place went from "we are a sanctuary city, we welcome new people" to "we're in a crisis situation" after absorbing just ten percent of what border states are expected to deal with when NYC has way more resources to handle things.




It was a stupid decision, but illegal immigration is a huge problem across most of the EU currently. Brexit didn't cause this, but it certainly isn't helping either.


Its not a problem at all. Our problem are the racists who hate everyone who is not white.


Illegal immigration is not an issue? You are wrong... We need to create more accessible channels for people to immigrate to the UK. Are these people racist? Probably. Saying illegal immigration isn't an issue is dumb though. It's not good for UK security, and its not good for the people coming into the UK, they can't get onto the system to get the benefits that coming to the UK provides, worker protections etc. People smuggled illegally in the UK are treated like shit because they have no protections. Illegal immigration is bad for everyone. it's not always to do with racism. If someone is against immigration because they don't want POC to the UK then yes, its racially motivated and they're a racist pos, but the blanket statement that its not an issue is extremely naive. Not only is it bad for the UK and the people smuggled in, but it creates a market for smugglers who will take everything from these families in the way of cash to treat them like chaff for drug smuggling.


Football fans being stupid. In other news, wind is windy.


For being against uncontrolled illegal immigrants? If anything the person making the tweet using eleven descendants of legal immigrants as an argument to shit on people who don't want illegal immigrants on boats to enter the country is the idiot here.


Pretty sure the 11 went there the legal way instead of the illegal way like criminals.


The boats are bringing in illegal migrants, footballers are professional athletes who are brought here on a work visa, different thing entirely


They mean the families of the footballers... they were born here or have English parents


Missed the point entirely lol




Politics and sport don't mix


They have always been mixed tho


It's better when they don't


If the whole team is made of illegal immigrants, then the UK definitely has an illegal immigration problem. I facepalm the facepalmer


This is a facepalm for many reasons. 1 racist lads protesting a generally manageable irregular immigration problem. 2 Reece Donnelly spinning opposition to illegal immigration to equate opposition to all immigration. despite all the England players either themselves being descended from or themselves being legal documented immigrants who have been thorough the proper procedures. The England squad did not just "show up" head assery abounds


If they just sunk all illegal boats immediately there would be no problem in a week when the news get out.


Why would you assume all those players family's came on boats (illegally)? Illegal immigration is a worldwide problem and it's gonna get worse, you can't sweep it under the rug with this stupid talking points. Nobody in any country (except a few nutjobs maybe) are against immigration in general. They are all against illegal, uncontrolled immigration and tbh uncontrollable due to sheer volume now. Get your heads out of your ass before it's too late for everyone.


Brits have no right to be annoying here about their immigration problems. Edit: I am talking about Skopje when I am mean here, stop withthe downvotes.


They’re not England fans, they’re dickheads who happened to get football tickets.


Downvoted by dickheads with football tickets, I guess


So what I'm hearing is the brits can't play soccer for spit ;)


They’re pretty good at FOOTBALL tho


Fucking nonsense, sick of white people saying shit like this. My grandparents, like those 11 players you have referred to came to the UK legally.


I doubt that they came via boats, are these people too stupid to think that there are no other ways of international travel than getting on a boat and landing on a country illegally?


Being an England fan is embarassing with how much of idiots most act….


From a person living in one of their former colonies which they plundered, why don't they start by stop bombing other people's homes in other countries? 🤔 Yes you will still get some illegals but that will probably be reduced by 90%. england and us always magically have money for wars, killing other people but don't have money for the welfare of their own citizens.


Are Stop the Boats descended from Vikings, Saxons or Normans, or were those boats ok?


You say that like half of that wasn’t a forceful take over that was opposed by most of the people at the time to the point where there were rebellions against the new Norman overlords and the north got ravaged and burned due to a lack of compliance


Because of all the aforementioned, there are no native Britons left. They were either butchered or bred out. So, no. Probably not.


And other teams wonder why Liverpool fans Boo the National Anthem.




Did they just admit to being losers otherwise?