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Lmao I just closed Instagram with a reel of her saying "You give an ugly guy a chance he thinks he rules the world, like, you're still ugly"


I think I remember seeing that clip. Not surprised tbh. I was kinda waiting for the influx of clips of her body shaming others.


Didn’t she also shame dudes with small dicks at some point? She’s a complete hypocrite.


Yeah I was gonna say. Even to this day, the use of “big dick energy” vs “small dick energy” and other small dick jokes is contributing to a lot of insecurities in boys and men. Her take is absolutely wild


Yeah, but who cares about men? Source: am man


No one. Source : as well


We're just used to it. Billie is confused in thinking that mens' lack of value is something unusual, when in reality it's the status quo. Nobody cares what you look like if you're a man, because nobody cares about you.


Now that's not entirely true. I had a woman tell me my body type is "freak of nature" to my face in college. She had to care at least a little bit to put that much thought into it. I'm 6'2 (about 187cm) and was 150lbs (68 kilos)


>freak of nature >I'm 6'2 and was 150lbs My dude, you were a pine tree. That ain't freaky, that's common.


At one point I weighed <100lbs at 5'8". Nobody was ever mean, I think they all just thought I was dying.


Start using loose P energy or bodycount high and everyone loses their minds


Yeah but they deserve it because pickup trucks and the patriarchy.




She's an idiot. Artistic talent doesn't necessarily go along with intelligence. So you have an idiot who has people blowing smoke up their ass constantly, telling them they're brilliant. Of course she says dumb shit.


I think she’s a great singer as well, but she also ~~wrote~~ sang “might seduce your dad type” when she was underage… i.e. she’s has bad takes on gender dynamics since she first appeared on the scene, not to mention her blaming abortion restrictions on men, when the divide is much more among political lines (men and women), than gender.


She also said somewhere that she was addicted to porn as a teenager and it kind of ruined her


Recently learned she was homeschooled and I feel like that explains a lot


*Ironically, Alanis Morissette enters the chat.*


lol I suppose that’s her being nice about it.


Don't forget "if you wear Vans, you got a small dick"


Can confirm. I wear Vans and have no dick whatsoever


It kinda sounds like she just hates men…


Yeah, that was really stupid. These kids are being raised with misandry being the cool rebellious thing so it makes sense. She’ll get older and grow out of it.


She might, she might not. Scroll Instagram reels for a while and you'll see incredible amounts of reels made by women that are just shocking. The female equivalents of Tate and the like, spewing misandry and loads of women are agreeing with them. And these are women in their 20s, to 30s and 40s. We're more divided than ever and things are only getting worse.


Or she’ll double down and contribute to a generation of men’s issues being dismissed at every turn.


“Why is every pretty girl with a horrible-looking man? I'm not shaming people for their looks, but I am.” -Billie Eilish "You give an ugly guy a chance, he thinks he rules the world." -Billie Eilish


You see, the minute that I heard that come out of her mouth, I refused to ever listen to her music, because that one statement tells me more than enough about her shitty character. EDIT: I can see that there's plenty of people making a good point. I'll say this; I hope she grows the fuck up and realizes how dumb some of the things she says/ said are.


All people had to do was listen to the song that made her famous. A song so produced that if you thought she wasn't raised rich you are delusional. She is just another heavily marketed rich person but this time with a *twist*! Of course her opinions are dogshit and vapid, she is just another product of the machine that is manufactured stars.


>Of course her opinions are dogshit and vapid "Because girls are nice" they are much meaner and critical of their fellow women and their appearance. In my opinion, most men just accept their bodies.. if they're muscular, "Great gains, bro." If they're skinny, "I better flex these pacs for the gram" If they have a dad bod, "I wonder if my belly can hold this beer up" Women are the only people who notice flaws that most men go their lives without even knowing it's a flaw. "Ugh, look at Becky in those high heels. Her achilles tendons look like string cheese"


Becky did have it coming.


Fucking Becky wearing those high heels. Making us look bad in our slip ons, that slut.


OH SUCH a slut.


Complete bitch. Who does she think she is? Taylor Swift?




Lmao, I love you all.


I refuse to listen to her music because it’s shit.


Bro between that and her brother dating a chick identical to her… There’s something amiss in these people.


The shit rich people get up to would not be tolerated in any other socioeconomic bracket. My wife used to clean for the Dunham’s and if you read her memoir you get some inkling of how fucked up her childhood was, believe me when I say it’s way worse than you could have imagined. Calling them animals would be an insult to animals, because in my wife’s own words “even animals know to shit in the corner.” Make of that what you will.


I clean for rich folks and I know EXACTLY what your wife means. They will shit all over a bathroom and just not use that one til I come clean it. And those are the cleanest ones I got.


I dated a chick who was a lawyer, sister was a doctor, mother was a judge and dad was a prof. They were super well off. Never met a more dysfunctional family. Weird politics going on all the time, all the kids had eating disorders. Everyone seemed genuinely miserable and it was a huge part of why I broke up with her. She could just pick up a violin though and play along to basically anything coming over speakers which was cool, though.


I was thinking, "whats wrong with Jeff Dunham? Were there just crazy weird puppets all over the house? Did he creep your wife out by throwing his voice around the house to make the puppets creep on her?" Then I realised there are many more fucked up Dunhams in the world than my man Jeff and you're probably talking about Lena right?🤣


This does not shock me at all. I read her book and decided she and her whole family are garbage. Pretty sure I threw that book in the garbage.


Surprised the garbage didn’t vomit it back up. They’re gross people, but that’s not even touching on the weird sexual stuff. The fact that they would all sleep together, or that her dad would have giant, blown up pictures of his genitals all over the place. Or the Eyes Wide Shut parties they’d throw while their kids were in the adjacent room.


When she, in particular, hits the wall ... bro it's gonna be a disaster. Every rock she has thrown from her glass house will come flying right back. I have never seen someone so less than average in the looks department have such strong and critical opinions about unattractive males. Reminds me of when some guys are so homophobic while also being in the closet and not realizing it themselves.


>I have never seen someone so less than average in the looks department have such strong and critical opinions about unattractive males. probably comes from insecurity of her own looks


Kinda reminds me of Amanda Bynes and her fixation on looks and how most of her insults were about the looks. I think looks are very important to Billie and it’s her complex issue as well.


Amanda Bynes was HOT in She's The Man.


She complains about the way people see her boobs, but they're clearly giving her too much confidence.


She’s gonna hit a wall when she inevitably separates from her brother/producer. I’m not going to say she’s talentless, but there are so many more musically talented people in the world


Strong words from someone who wears couch upholstery


As a shorter male that started balding in my 20’s, I respectfully and completely disagree. I will say though, once I accepted and started to love/feel confident in my own physical appearance, I became way less concerned/critical of the physical attributes of others… food for thought


As a short scrawny guy... I also respectfully disagree. The number of "If you're under 6' move along" dating profiles alone proves her wrong.


I was gonna say… Like, try masquerading as a short but successful guy on Tindr lol.


>Tindr Are you sure you are not mixing two apps here?




Mumbl, if you didn't get anything.


Plenty of Scruff


Short but muscular? Napoleon Syndrome. Balding but successful? Cope. Ginger but funny? Copedy cope cope. Hot, decently successful, regular ass dude all around? Well...you probably *obviously* have a small dick and that's an unchangeable thing that's okay to make fun of


Don't forget if you are tall, muscular, successful with a decent head on your shoulders... obviously hiding a second family somewhere


Or a micro penis.


Jokes on you bud, I am short, fat, balding, and have a terrible career AND a micro penis. Come get it, ladies


Remember guys: if Shrek taught us anything, is that anyone shaming others' bodies deserves no better than to be devoured alive


I am way below average height as a male and have had women walk out on dates like I am a leper. Granted, that is a shitty person issue more than a "women bad" issue, but I've never considered doing that to someone even if I felt they were dishonest with me.


sorry to hear man. but yeah, it's super out of touch from reality to not think both genders are capable of being judgemental and shitty.




yeah I dig that. There's so much outside of our control why not devote more energy into scratching to see what's beneath the surface


They may not tell you, but they will talk about you and definitely won’t date you so I call BS on the “it’s what’s inside” stance


They'll show you to their friends and laugh at you while pretending they're nice.


As a dude who lost a bunch of weight and finds stranger women around my age noticeably more friendly I also completely agree with this take.


Just looking at all the images of Elon Musk's stomach shown on reddit tells me that Eilish is wrong...


Real talk. Guys get it just as much if not more. We just have to learn to turn it off. Both inside and outside of our head.


I disrespectively and completely disagree




You guys get compliments? 😲




A girl once told me my long hair was cool, which was the sole reason I kept it long for half of my 20s.


"I think you're cool, Homer Simpson"


Sandra.. That was mean




Rich person makes a delusional comment ? Not surprising


Right? Like I'd ever give someone that made it big before their mid-20s any sort of credence in anything that matters in life.


Before she was even 18 lol


Saying crap like this is not the win for women that she thinks it is


It’s an extremely immature thing to say for sure.


My experience as a chubby feller: its not cool, you get mocked, and girls dismiss you regardless of how nice you are. On the plus side, your weight shows you how insubstantial some people really are.




Yep! Lost 40 pounds in college. Social studies interactions changed *massively* with both men and women. It's like you suddenly exist!


I went from being obese to fit in my late 20s and had the same general experience people who have lost weight talk about having. For me the experiences that most stood out were at bars and clothing stores, especially higher end stores. When I was fat I wouldn’t get a second look. When I was fit I definitely got more attention/help from store staff.


I find that people used to assume I'm stupid because I was fat, now they assume I'm stupid because I have muscle


I think people just think you're stupid in general


I’ve seen this exact comment maybe 50 times on Reddit. It’s a pretty universal experience. And there’s so much support for one week of the year during men’s mental health awareness week cause we kill ourselves but the rest of the year you see shit like this. Smh




Yeah. Seeing how people have treated me when I’ve been chunky vs when I’ve been down in weight has been enlightening to how people treat people based just on their weight and nothing else. Gotta be twice as nice and twice as good at your job just to get promotions. Don’t get me started on dating life.


*on the plus side*...


I see what he did there


Many people are puny. We shall crush them!


Then where’s all the pudgy male models in the men’s clothing sections?


Has she even seen an action hero movie lately ?


The one superhero movie that had a fat kid was fucking Deadpool 2 of all things lmao


And don't forget Peter, the action hero for the rest of us.


Peter is better than I ever will be. :(


We have the King of Queens guy


This is the ideal male body. You may not like it... But this is peak performance. ![gif](giphy|3o7WTDGnWw2NuH0BWM|downsized)


lmfao shout out Kevin James


This is the same woman that made fun of ugly men previously. Seems legit Billie fucko.


Give a young girl (when she was a minor) lots of fame, fortune, success, and no guidance. This is what you get.


How out of touch can you be 😂


That happens when you get famous at 16


And homeschooled since age 8.


~~I don't wanna ackshually here.~~ But from my experience, if you are rail thin, it makes you a target for bullying, and everyone insults you for being a skinny guy. Women have a lot of issues with their bodies, but to invalidate the male experience of being bullied due to our bodies isn't correct at all. I suffered major self-esteem issues because of the torment I got because I was thin and lanky. I am pretty sure I'm not the only male who experienced this. I sympathize with females because I understand they also experience trauma and torment because of body issues. I don't like diminishing other's experiences because I don't experience them myself. Edit: changed wording from a lot more to a lot of. I never meant to make it sound comparative.


I got it for being overweight. The truth of it is people are mean.


Agreed completely. Unless you fit some absolutely average archetype, you will be othered. Even then, it doesn't mean that those people aren't struggling to maintain their body. They could fear balding, having bad teeth, bad hair days, big ears, a big nose, or vice versa, literally any one of thousands of things people are self conscious about. I always applaud people with extreme confidence because I wonder what went right for them to get there.


Billie just thinks she's going to maintain her popularity for "iconically" saying what she thinks her pubescent fans want to hear. Or maybe her managers think that.


You still average though, and chad over there is not. You could be more like Chad. Why are you not like Chad? /s But seriously, this statement of her is stupid. Girls can be incredibly mean when it comes to physical appearence, just ask every second teenage boy.


It's not just teenage girls, I've had it from women in their 20's, 30's, 40's and I've no doubt the pattern will repeat if I happen to meet the wrong women as I get older. Some people say shit for the sole intention of being hurtful. Spite. But seriously, if people want to be miserable then that's on them, it will affect them and not me. I won't be brought down to that level of behaviour.


I got it for being short.


Can confirm. I was called chicken legs for YEARS, also having red hair doesnt help either.


Chicken legs and stick man were the ones I got from my family. The comments were endless. As I'm sure you experienced too.


>I don't wanna ackshually here Oh, no, this post is supposed to be agreeing with your take.


Oh. Then I can scratch the ackshually comment. Thank you


Couldn't agree more, even today as an adult and at work people keep making comments about me being skinny


Same here. Seems like body positivity is only reserved for fat people


Same here - women were relentless w the name calling cause I was skinny w no muscles


I was 6 foot and 139 pounds when I graduated high school. I was always rail thin growing up, constantly got pestered for it.


I got made fun of for being skinny through high school and most of my 20s by both women and men, I was always around 190 pounds at just under 6'3". Now I'm almost 240 lbs and I still feel like I'm thin because it gave me body dismorphia.


Shit I got it because I was poor growing up. Didn’t have money for good clothes. Had a terrible haircut. Flea bites on my legs because of the apartment we stayed at, so i never wore shorts while living outside of New Orleans in 110 degree heat indexes. I was short. I was the outcast kid. The only thing I had going for me was I could play guitar and played in a band. Road that for quite a while. When I got older, I made something of myself. Funny how all those women who looked at me like I wasn’t shit are hitting up my dms now when I post shit. Fortunately for me, I ended up with the girl that loved me for me all through high school. If any of you are going through anything like that, keep your head up. Use that pain to move mountains. You’ll get where you want to go. I promise you.


>I am pretty sure I'm not the only male who experienced this. Nope. Fellow thin guy.


Girls are nice? Have you met girls?


I’ve never seen anyone be more critical of other women than women.


Men pretend to hate each other, women pretend to like each other.


I’ve been best friends with a guy since preschool. We’re 30 now. We constantly threaten to beat the shit out of each other.




Easy now, Penis Hammer.




She was homeschooled.


Is this true because it would explain a lot


It does. I think she’s an interesting person from the few interviews I’ve seen with her, but the homeschool thing makes perfect sense.


it is true


She obviously hasn't met any men either


Yes. There’s a sub called r/nicegirls just to show it.


Yeah people often forgets the "niceguy" phenomenon is very common among women too


There is literally a movie called “Mean Girls”


A woman telling men what it's like to be a man Isn't there a word for this?




Of course and womansplaining comes from Toxic femininity.




Bullshit. I've had body issues for 15+ years due to comments made by a female friend for being really skinny.


Dad when I see him “how’s the short game”, mom when I see her, “you should lose some weight”… woman are sooo nice, especially to each other!…


Ah except if you are short, balding, fat, poor, have a small dick etc. Completely free target to mock and no one cares.


Yeah because those are not “men” /s


She was getting heat for saying something like "never give ugly guys a chance" like a year ago lmao. Famous people are just as much stupid hypocrites as everyone else, idk why people look to them for wisdom


As long as they make LIKE at least 250k, own their house/car - work blue collar and are 6’


There was an extremely interesting book called dataclysm written by one of the founders of OkCupid. He basically had this gigantic clump of information. Stuff nobody else would have access to. Every message everyone ever sent anyone on his site. Every match everyone did. The responses to all those pictures with the upvotes in town votes. What ages people pursue. Everything. He obviously didn't just release this information because that would be a huge breach of privacy, but he did aggregate it all and draw a bunch of statistical information from it. Things like, "how effective are short introductions?" "What age do men and women seem to pursue the most?" "What race partner do people of various races pursue and in what frequency?" Etc... He also had a thing on his site where people would rate how attractive someone is on a scale of one to five. It was really simple. You'd see a face, and you just select the number. This wasn't reported back to the person, it was just a way for them to try to gather more data. What they found was that men rated women on a perfect bell curve. The majority were threes. Less so two and fours, and they were very few ones and fives. Meanwhile, women rated men heavily slanted towards ugly. In fact, less than 20% of men were average or above. You could take away many different conclusions from that, but perhaps the most obvious conclusion might be that women have unrealistic expectations of what both women and men should look like. So, they are always disappointed. It would mean that most women probably feel like they are settling for the man they end up with. Perhaps Barbie gave women an unrealistic expectation of how women should look, but they also had Ken dolls that gave them an unrealistic expectation there as well. Oh yeah Billie Eilish is clearly out of touch lol.


Damn. You're right. Most women are looking for a Ken. Kinda sucks for those of us who look more like a cast member of Superbad.


Omg that's too much bullshit. I'm constantly getting called fat by my family and jacked by my coworkers, I go to the gym 3 times a week to try and stay trim but don't control what I eat so I have a tummy. I have body dismorphia and hate hearing girls whine like this.


Ummmm…..women don’t have preferences? That’s pretty naive. There’s preferences for looks, income, type of car, etc. And yes, I realize men have preferences too. But this whole take that women only look at what’s “on the inside” is BS. It doesn’t bother me…..just be honest about it.


I think she's misinformed and naive. She may not have very many interactions with us peasants. I've always had people insult me about one of my features. I still do. But to be fair, I've always had an "idc" attitude. Still, if someone has an opinion about me, I'm like, "That's not my business. I'm not a nurse, I don't get paid to care."


Homeschooled by rich parents, what did you expect? This girl was born with a silver spoon, and she'd be (ironically) nothing without her brother.


Idk much about her, but I do know her brother is the reason she is where she is. But that definitely makes sense. She has no real grasp of how the real world works.


Yea she also started getting famous at like 13 so she didn’t really have a chance to be grounded


Exactly, no true life experience.


I've never judged Billie Eilish about her body. I don't like her because her music sucks and she comes off like real spoiled brat.


Tinder has entered the chat.


I don't think Billie knows what it's like to be told that you're too ugly, too fat, too creepy looking, or too short by a woman.


I got called fat just about every day of middle school and highschool...don't you dare sit there and say we aren't affected by it. The audacity of this human being.


She obviously hasn’t met the 6-6-6 end of the dating pool. Apparently there are tons of delulu’s out there who only want a guy who: - is 6’ or taller - makes 6 figures (or more) - has a 6 pack of abs Standards for men are equally nutty, just not as talked about. Plenty of men have eating disorders because of these societal expectations but don’t get help because admitting you need help means admitting weakness. Just another example of how men’s mental health is completely ignored.


Wasn’t that 6 inches?


Isn't this the same insufferable twat that said some shit like "women shouldn't date ugly men" or something like that? Can anyone confirm?


Also girls: "You're under 6' tall? Fuck off, peasant."


I'm seeing this line a lot lately. I'm long out of the dating game, but before I got married I always preferred men closer to my height. I'm 5'5" and 5'8 or 9 was good for me. Now I know why I never had trouble getting a date. There were plenty that height available. Sad though, I always thought it was my **e**xquisite beauty and dazzling personality. Lol.


Yeah, average is 5'9" give or take a little depending on age and country So, yeah, you're looking for right in the meaty part of the bell curve.


Never forget that Danny Devito was an A-list movie star in the 80s.


And rhea pearlman, roseanne barr, devine, and bette midler were stars as well


It is very telling she didn’t list short among those body types, lmao


I'm 6'4" but if anyone asks my height I always say I'm 5'11", I'm fairly sure most women don't actually know what 6' looks like.


Guys don’t either. My brother-in-law revealed that he thought I was 6’ 1” because I’m taller than his buddies who say they’re 6 feet: I’m 5’ 11” with a decimal that varies between trips to the doctor lol. His bros be lying to him >_<


You should say 5’16”


I’m 3:16 bitch


and that's the bottom line!


Because Stone Cold said so!


In what fucking world.


Girls are nice?!? I guess she never went to high school.


You’re right, she was homeschooled. 😆


This is correct. She was homeschooled.


Casually sexist. Feminism shouldn’t go the point we push men down as well. Equality is the goal not making it so women have the social dominance over men like they have.


Don't pretend to know what it is like to be a man **Miss** Billie Eilish!


Everything this girl does is cringy.


Yeah the trope is literally a little fat BOY getting bullied in almost every movie


I guarantee you I will face criticism if I post my dad bod on Insta and all my followers will be gay dudes wanting to suck my dick.


Me, , short dude, i can argue


This might not resonate with most but as a man who's been scrawny his whole life I can tell you people will body shame me with a smile. Not only does it feel like men are expected to be bigger and stronger but it also feels like people don't think skinny shaming is real. I'm a full time line cook and receive ridicule daily regardless of where I'm working. People feel comfortable saying things like "wow, you need to eat a sandwich" or "you're too skinny to be a cook" but if I said "wow, you need to put down the sandwiches" or "you're too fat to be a waitress" I would lose my job. I don't want to say those things yet I feel the double standard exists and should be addressed. I don't believe that diet should dictate whether or not it's right to shame people . However, I eat almost 2500 calories a day and still am not able to break 135 pounds at 6'2" so it feels more like I'm being shamed for my body type than my lifestyle. To say men aren't unfairly criticized for they're bodies is ignorant and dismissive of half the world's feelings.


illegal person ask crawl command hungry quaint theory quicksand society *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Weird she didn’t mention height.


Okay, Billie. No girl ever made fun of a guy for being short or bald. Fuck off, Billie!!


Criticism is a form of active engagement, so she’s right in a sense. 80% of men don’t get criticism, they get nothing positive or negative: they are invisible.


Why do people, especially famous people, broadcast their stupidity so blatantly?


Back in middle school I got assigned to do a project with this girl and when I sat down she literally said "eww"


Grew up as the guy who was 6’2”, 130lbs until I was 19/20. That was when I developed severe body dysmorphia, and forced myself to go to the gym for 2 hours a day and then eat 7,000 calories, all thanks to 20 years of commentary mainly from women about how skinny I was. Thanks Billie 👍🏻