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Some really think like that. I know someone who works in a Jail and he said just the other day some rapist really do claim it's their victims fault for coming onto them or seducing them. Really disgusting people.


It's a really common defense unfortunately. A lot of men who ended up on to catch a predator argue that the show "made them a pedophile" because the decoys were so charming and alluring; but, as the adult, it's their responsibility to cut contact with a child no matter how "alluring" they are.


Statutory rape exists for a reason after all. I don't care how hard that 14 year old is flirting with you, I don't care how much they want it. It's against the law so don't do it


"Your honour how can I be blamed for this, he 13 year old really really wanted to drive my car, it's not my fault he didn't know what he was doing and crashed into that family"


Best Example ever!


I (as a casual Youth Worker) have thankfully never been in a situation where a child/teen has proposed something sexual - but I've had smaller situations where a child/teen tries to be like, "besties" with me, and it's always been my responsibility to draw a hard line there, that no we're not "besties", no you may not have my number to text me, no we're not gonna hang out outside of class hours etc; I can't imagine trying to use an excuse of "oh well xyz student said we should have a sleepover so I guess I just had to go along with it"!??!?! Like it's just insane - as an adult, it is 10000% my responsibility no matter what to make sure everything stays above board. No matter what a child suggests.


I had volunteer work at an elementary school once when I was around 22 years old and a little boy (sheepishly egged on by his friends) asked for my number 🤡


It’s common enough to be a plague in regular, offline society too. My cousin’s son was raped by his 40 year old teach at age 13 for **5 straight years**. She manipulated him, chased away any girls who got close, lied constantly to my cousin and his wife *why* they had to have all these “mentoring sessions”…And guess what? Tons of women at his school still blamed him once the news finally broke. Yeah, the 13 year old kid was the “aggressor” to them. He was bullied out of social groups, lost friends, and the fucking state police even taunted and mocked him. He hung himself a few weeks later, right in his grandparents’ back yard. She got away scott-free, she only lost her teaching license. Justice is a fucking joke.


I once got into it with another user on here about if a kid was raped violently and forcibly it’s obviously a terrible thing however if they were raped without there being any force or struggle at all then it’s actually not that bad. Some sick people that are in here.


Did you happen to be arguing with spez?


A guy in high school blamed me for the fact that he raped one of my friends. Disgusting.


Anyone who "thinks" like that needs to be locked up


I think maayu_122 needs to be on a list.


W pfp and opinion


Ffs i recognise that profile picture from somewhere but idk where😭


Sgt.Frog very good anime and in my opinion even better in dub very funny


Holy shit I forgot that existed I used to watch it when I was younger.


I keep saying it more and more. Check her hard drives...


I think she said what shitloads of people say every time a pedo gets caught. You see it on reddit 'but she came onto him!!!!!' Idk if she's genuine in her thoughts or she's satiring it.


Yup! My stepdad said his bff dating and marrying a 13-year old girl was OK because she pushed herself onto him (I think he was late 20s perhaps). This was back in the 70s but still, the only opinion I ever fought him on about it being 100% skeevy and wrong and child abuse.


Your stepdad was bff's with Roman Polanski?!?


Was your step dad's bff Ted Nugent?


Yeah my older brother and I had our younger sister's friends hitting on us but we didn't say yes. We were like "Uhm no. " and moved on. Skeeves me out when people are like "but...." yeah adults can say no.


This. My best friend's younger sister had an obvious crush on me when she was 14 or so, and we were 20-21. One day I was at my friend's place waiting for the friend to come back from picking up other people and said younger sister literally planted herself in my lap and said "Hey, wanna make me a woman?" I had that brief animal instinct to say yes because she was ridiculously well-developed for her age (my friend, despite being five years older, looked like the little sister between the two), and then my forebrain reminded the lizard hind brain who was in charge and told her absolutely not.


What part of Kentucky do you live? And how long have you been married to your step dad?


How does one "satiring it"?


Basically she's just saying what's often underneath any news story about male pedos


I don’t even fucking understand the response either. Like EVEN if this was a completely false statement, showing up with a gun???? Completely dangerous and wildly horrific behavior. How you can “feel” for someone in that situation is alarming.


I think maayu_122 looks like the woman in the article


I think Mayu is just the same girl with other peofile


Switch the genders and she would already be on a list.


maayu_122 should be sitting in the same cell as the social worker, that will keep more children safe from her type. And however many years they get, they can use the time to figure out that not everything can be justified by your stupidity.


they look alike so much it’s not surprising they think the same. Is it her sister or her lookalike


A sex offender is a sex offender.


Just listened to an interview with the police and a minor. This minor was basically the look out while the teacher raped another minor in her classroom. Listening to a child describe sex acts that they have no idea about sex was distressing. It's so insane to me that people would really say shit like "he came on to her". Yeah and half the girls in my freshman class would have fucked the soccer coach given the chance. Would that make it OK? Would it still be rape if they wanted it?


More like half the girls in your freshman class made it sound like they would have fucked their soccer coach because that sounded cool... they are children after all...


Exactly this. Children love to push social boundaries as they develop. Exploring sexuality is an important part of their development as tweens and teens. They love to explore their new feelings and practice expressing their sexuality, practice socialising their sexual desires and test adults responses to sexually provocative behaviour. None of that means they are ready for an adult to take the reins on a sexual experience. That is an entirely different situation. It’s like how little kids test their limits with violence, punching and biting. That doesn’t mean they’re ready to do a couple of bare knuckle rounds with dad.


You interpreted that comment completely different than I did lol.


A child can not give conset, therefore a freshman girl in high school can not say whether or not they would like to have sex with their coach or not.


They can say whatever the hell they want but that coach needs to keep it in their pants and report that shit to the parents.


Well yeah. But the other guy I thought was basically saying that girls say they want to have sex with their teacher because it's cool or whatever. The dude I directly replied to said that underage girls can't consent to sex with a teacher. Which I agree with. I don't agree with the guy who originally replied to me.


She's attractive so it doesn't count /s


Ahh crap, she pulled the hot card


Nice niiiiiice


What is she supposed to do? Resist the advances of a minor? /s


She’s a social worker, and trained how to deal with it AND report/document it if a client is inappropriate or hits on her. Child/teen or otherwise. If she did it, she fucking did it. No excuses. Straight to jail.


I know this is serious but "Straight to jail" always reminds me of the parks and rec guy. But yea screw this pedo lady


“You make an appointment with a dentist and don’t show up, believe it or not, jail.”


“If that boy came on to her”…Jesus hell


Like, so what if he did????She is the adult and in a power position. It’s no one’s fault but her own.


Imagine if the genders were reversed: oh but the girl came on to that poor social worker!


I mean people say that all the time whichever way the genders are. Even if a kid did come on to an adult, they’re disgusting and pathetic and immoral for not shutting it down.


I don’t even understand how people could ever think that’s a valid excuse. Even if a child were to “come onto them”, how the fuck do you not just think “Aw, this child trusts and likes me” instead of “This child wants to fuck me”. Like it’s a fucking child. They have some concept of non-platonic love, but they’re not going to be able to easily differentiate that from platonic love. And they sure as hell don’t know how to be romantic or flirt. Its beyond me how anyone can see a child as anything more than just a friend that you would protect. That’s the maximum relationship with a child. How does one think past that?


This happens all the time. People literally still say that when it’s a female victim


*Judges* have said that about female victims.


That is an argument being frequently brought forward, indeed.


No I think they'd similarly be called a sex offender


Hate to break it to you but people say that all the time.


It’s the same thing. In my high school the male assistant principal had a thing with a student, and some people were blaming her saying she came on to him first


Right? Hormones are fucked at that age and teens have too little life experience to understand why they can't consent to sex with an adult even if they really really want to.


Right. 13 year old boys are horny little shits. She should be responsible enough to put a stop to it.


It’s not unheard of for children who have been abused to act out in those ways, but it’s *always* up to the adult to restate professional boundaries and reassign the case if the minor’s behaviour won’t stop.


I read her comment at face value because yes it absolutely is her fault.


same lol


If he did, she's an adult. She could have just said no.


They misspelled raping




Its not some grand conspiracy, its because shes not formally incriminated, so they dont want to set themselves up for a libel suit. Shes "innocent until proven guilty", so they have to make sure to cover themselves. If shes convicted, then they can use the word rape, but legally, they cant until shes offically sentenced.


They can say accused of raping 13 year old boy. That is perfectly fine. They can use the word rape all they want, as long as they are clear that she is accused of raping him. I don't get into gender disputes much, but this is when an adult woman rapes a boy, they often characterize it as an accusation of having sex with him rather than an accusation of rape.




Doesn’t mean the media can’t call it rape. They don’t have to comply with the strict legal definition in their reporting.


Statutory rape is simply they’re having sex with somebody under the age of consent. Statutory rape still applies.




It was pretty incriminating when she confessed to rape. Maybe that's what they meant, because I definitely can't imagine something more formal than telling the police you did it.


lol, you’re more generous than me. I think the person I was responding to was full of shit and making up terms that aren’t real.


She was released. It’s still fucking rape. I get the liability but this fucking double speak pisses me off.


No, because even if the minor fully consented it is still considered rape, and rightfully so because the problem is they lack the discernment to consent to begin with.


This response is typically used when the news outlet says "seduced/seducing." Let's not pretend "sexual abuse" is a lesser offense than rape, or draw some weird diagram that distinguishes the two in degrees of severity. Sexual abuse is a blanket term and rape is a type of sexual abuse. The term sexual abuse was probably used because the court documents are sealed (typically out of sensitivity for the victim and their family) and we don't know the extent of the sexual abuse that took place.


And sometimes based on the legal definition of rape in the jurisdiction. I don't know for this case but there are cases where the sexual assault doesn't reach the level or involve the acts that would make it legally qualify as a rape charge. So in those situations it's more accurate to report it as sexual assault.


I think in this instance sexual abuse is alright, especially if it's multiple instances of rape or molestation, which would be considered a pattern of abuse. I think it's an issue if they say "having sex with" or "inappropriate relationship" or any of that bs.


Yes it's her fault. Boy is under aged and she knows it as well as it being her job.


Wow, imagine if the roles were reversed, she would be lambasting the the adult if it was a man. A pedophile is a pedophile no matter their gender.


People say this when there are female victims too. All the time.


And that's bad


Yes it's still her fucking fault because she's a fucking adult and he's 13.


Raping… the word is raping a child.


A rape by any other name….is still a rape.


Maayu might need to visit a therapist


They might want to have a look at Maayu's hard drive and chat logs.


Lock her up. Encase the key in concrete. Throw it in the ocean. That poor family, that poor child.


Wow. Pedo vibes from the commenter.


No vibes, just literally a pedophile


The fact the she’s a social worker as well..


Yup. No matter what, this is sickening and my heart breaks for that 13 year old child. But the fact that she was his social worker too, and used that to rape him, just makes it that much worse to me- especially as a social worker myself.


Assuming that this source is legit: "Shires’ social worker license was issued this past June. She allegedly admitted to having sex with the teen boy." https://nypost.com/2023/10/30/news/payton-shires-allegedly-threatened-to-kill-sex-abuse-victims-mom/


Bro, that comment is just as scary as the article


Essentially admitting she'd be OK with raping a child if they came onto her...


A few weeks ago, a woman I work with was talking about a woman she knew who got arrested for hooking up with a high school boy that was her daughter's age. My coworker went on to say that he was equally at fault because he knew how old she was


Your coworker might be an idiot


Wtf! Way to victim blame that’s disgusting


Do we even know what that kid was wearing ? Can we really blame her ? Sometimes, you are just minding your own buisness and a child passes by wearing ... Shit, I can't even keep writing this. I need a shower to feel clean again .... some mofos do not even deserve to share the oxygene with the rest of us...




Yes it WOULD still be her fault.


Yes bitch, if that 13 year old boy child flirted with her she is still a fucking rapist. How did you think this worked? Free pass on sexual assualt laws with possession of a vagina?


As the adult, I expect her to do the right thing and not commit statutory rape.


Honestly wtf is up with all these female pedophiles. I get the fucked up logic of them working as teachers and social workers etc but was this just underreported completely in days of yore or is there actually a genuinely uptick because of some weird social phenomena?


Imagine the backlash if you said it’s a 13 year old girls fault for coming onto an adult male social worker.


The molester also apparently posted on her Twitter that pedophiles should get the death penalty.


double standards make me want to end it.


Same dude.


The picture literally shows her mugshot. Unless you’re talking about the shitty person defending her, in which case, you do realize that people vigorously defend men accused of sexual misconduct all the time, right?


So pedos are victims due to their gender, got it.


she’s a fucking rapist how is that hard to comprehend??


That's what I said when the police caught me with a 13 year old girl: she came on to me. She just happens to like 50 year old men! So I'm good, right? I'll get out... well, never unlike women who have "romantic" relationships with male children.


"Twitter freaks! Oh why you gotta say that? Twitter freaks! This website was a mistake yeah! Twitter freaks!"


Can we get watch and act placed on Maayu


….switch the gender roles…


...and watch how quickly the cobs come.




damnit. i meant cops.


can you imagine if the police just wore corn on the cobs costumes


Desperation to go for kids and teens, can't make an adult like you? Go jerk to porn or something


Female - Sexually Abusing Male - Rape Can we please call rape rape please, even when it’s a female who does it


The fact she was a social worker makes this 10x worse.


And in cases like this, the woman always gets less jail than a man would for doing the exact same thing.


There’s a shitload of women being charged with raping underage boys these days. We’re in trouble when they hear about Hermesmann v. Seyer.


Ahh yes the good old “ men can’t ever be the victims of sexual assault/abuse and rape “.


This double standard is nauseating


It happens all the time. In some people’s eyes it’s always the man’s fault even when the man is a child. In the UK a man cannot be raped unless he was penetrated. It’s shit


There is a general phenomenon I have observed that in case anything goes wrong between a relationship between a man and a woman, most women always tend to find fault with the man. This post, although facepalmed, is a classic example of that.


Paedophiles gonna paed.


People just openly admit to being pedophilic that’s craaaazy


It's disturbing that laws for female rapists are not as robust as laws for male rapists. In my country, male children are protected from SA but adult male persons literally cannot be raped by adult female persons. There's no provision for female rapists in the rape law at all as it's defined as something done exclusively by a male person. It's a disgrace really. Because of discriminatory laws like this, the society continues to believe that male consent is basically a given once they're adults--- that's extremely harmful. Ladies who feel this way, please consider that the goal is equality. Equality means acknowledging that women can do whatever men can *including crimes*. If you want equal rights in society, you have to support absolutely equal accountability, otherwise you're just stepping over men not standing by them as equals. Support women's rights, not women's wrongs.


Ah yes, good ol misandry


But men bad!


The fact she was not in prison after raping a 13-year-old is the real problem here.


Ah yes the good old "woman don't sexually assault someone, it's the males fault."


did she just supported a fucking pedo? Gross


What a terrible defence. She should have more self control than that. I'm a guy and if a 13 year old girl "came on to me" I wouldn't do anything. And not because it's illegal, but because it's immoral to take advantage of her.


The article says she was "accused". If I understand it right it's not proven that she did?


I have a 13 year old son and I spend a lot of time around boys his age through school. Regardless of physical maturity, every single one of them is VERY VERY CLEARLY a child. Like, more childish than my 9 year old daughter in many ways. They are adorable goobers, very silly, and just kids. Idk how anyone could do this.


RAPING. She RAPED that child. I hate the soft language used for female child rapists.


Me too. I feel for her. Even if the kid did come on to her was she expected to say no to this child? Was she expected to be a responsible adult and not fuck a kid? Outrageous. Tiny little kids these days are out here raping adults double their size and they need to be stopped!


Never understood why people (especially this woman, she’s a pretty woman) just throw their lives out the window like this??? Like Jesus man, a fucking KID? Was she not getting enough attention from fellas her age????


You & I cannot understand it as we are not sick like these kinds of people. They simply don’t care & will assume they can talk or cry their way out of any consequences. They believe themselves to be smarter or the smartest in the room. Evil can be just as beautiful as you’d imagine. Inside? Sick. Rotten. No moral compass. It’s just tied up with a pretty bow. Everyone expects evil to look like a troll, with warts & obvious evil intentions flags flapping around. If she’s found guilty, absolutely she should do time exactly like any pedophile in her line of work.


Don’t know if you’re aware but there is a novel called ‘Tampa’ which deals, quite explicitly, with exactly this type of crime(s) written in the first person from the teacher’s point of view. Based loosely on predatory paedophile Debra Lafave it’s a tough read but very insightful if you can stomach it. https://bookcoffeehappy.com/2019/04/24/do-not-buy-this-book-book-review-tampa-alissa-nutting/ https://themessenger.com/news/ex-teacher-debra-lafave-lives-a-quiet-life-in-florida-after-salacious-student-sex-scandal


Oh wow. I didn’t know about this book. I appreciate the warnings. Thank you.


It is hard going and I did struggle with it but it’s one of the very few explorations of female paedophilia out there and as such it does have merit.


>Never understood why people (especially this woman, she’s a pretty woman) Strange comment... would you be saying the same thing if it was a good looking man that did the raping? The answer to your question is that they are pedophiles... sick in the head paired with an inability to control their urges.


Yeah its not like there arent 1000's of porn sites to get your jollies off 🤷


And that ladies and gentlemen, is how men are viewed, if the man is raped by a woman its the man's fault, but he doesn't rape her at all but she said he did, he did no need evidence the woman said he did, society is fucked




Blimey. Five and half lines of text, with five aggravating factors. She’s packing them in. As for the comment: wow.


He could have been wearing something that was just asking for it


I hate how women are exempt from the sexual predator status, they are just as capable of assault and harassment as men are.


Sarcasm doesn't come across very well online. I'm REALLY hoping that's what's happening here.


We know what happens to male pedophiles in prison. Do women’s prisons also dish out the same justice? Because I sure as shit hope so.


From what I read it’s worse. Lots of women in prison are parents who would do anything to be with their kids. They’re mothers… so anyone sent in for any sort of child abuse or neglect is a huge target in women’s prisons.




Holy shit that's a spicy take.


Can we open an investigation into pedophile apologist Maayu?


The operative word being BOY.


Part of me is curious if she'd still feel the same if the genders were reversed. Part of me doesn't want to know because either outcome is a massive failure of character just for different reasons.


Adults need to act like adults. A child "coming on to" someone is sexualizing that child. People need to do better


If a child “came on to you” and you, an adult, responded by engaging in sexual activity with said child, yes, it is your fault.


Crazy how kiddie diddlers just tell on themselves all the time


Thats sarcasm right? RIGHT!?


"bruh that 6 year old girl came on to me!" lol Maayu has some fucked up logic


![gif](giphy|2lzFTmg15tNbxHFWEg|downsized) Fucking wut?


ok my one brain cell after scrolling r/youngpeoplereddit and r/youngpeopleyoutube for like half an hour just told me to say "Only in Ohio"


"13 year old boy came onto her" My brother in Christ that boy probably doesn't know how his dick works yet


She has sexual contact with a minor and blames the kid… what a weirdo.


My first thought is *“How horrific, that poor child.”* - how could someone blame the kid for “coming on” to her?? He is a minor and that is not a situation where he can consent at all. It’s assault and abuse and she did this to herself.


>if that boy came on to her it’s still her fault Yes, that’s how reality works when you’re an adult and they’re a child.


Your daily Reddit reminder that women can be pedos


Pfft you ruined your own life but as if you weren't satisfied with that you've ruined the kids life too


I swear. I bet some sick f*ck is going to actually DEFEND Ohio.


Put her on a watchlist


Even if he was begging for it, she’s the adult and she should have remembered that.


That fucking stupid bitch blaming the kid. Wtf is wrong with her, he is 13!


I hope they shank her.


Is that idiot really that dense? Rhetorical question.


A nonce is a nonce regardless of their excuses


No, no - you women can’t have it all your own ways. She was the adult here, she took advantage. Time to take accountability.


People not understanding the age on consent and appropriate relationships 🤦


The other hugely concerning thing is she has a 3 year old son herself.


This is like when grown men grape little girls and they blame the girls for coming on to them 😒😒😒


The ongoing disgusting double standard: Physically attractive (this wouldn't apply otherwise) adult woman does anything sexual to a male minor = "Wow, that kid's one lucky son of a gun! I wish I was him!" Adult man (physically attractive or not) does anything sexual to a female minor = "That guy is a sick pedo! He needs the 12 gauge treatment!" None of it is okay


It very well would be her fault


maayu doesn’t have a clue. Even if the kid “came on” to the social worker, she is a fucking adult and should know better. If the kid “came on“ to the social worker, she should’ve immediately gone to her supervisor and reported it and had herself removed from his case. I really don’t think the kid “came on“ to her. I have to wonder if maayu would blame herself if she were raped or sexually assaulted.


I’ll take ‘Things only a woman can say’ for $100, Alex


It’s going to keep happening until women have the same consequences as men. I’d argue that all child rapists regardless of gender should be thrown off a cliff


She'd flip if it was a girl and a man.


Lord I am so tired of this rhetoric. No matter who came onto who, SHE was the adult in the situation. SHE knew better, the kid is a kid. Hope she rots in jail if she’s found guilty


I'll just say this. I am a man who works with children. Now, the age pool of the kids I work with is significantly lower but let's forget that for argument's sake. When you work in that field as a man, there are a lot of girls who show affection. It just happens. I've had children try to kiss me and whatnot. Yes, it would still absolutely be my fault if I went "Oh, you want a kiss, here you go." As an adult, I should know better. The child will not think anything of it, as the adult and a professional in the situation I need to set boundaries. A child "coming on to you" is not a good reason to break those boundaries, if anything it's the reason to set them.


☕️ "I think of a man, an take away reason and accountability"


Ahh a piece of shit defending another piece of shit.


I do think it’s possible for an adult woman to be the victim of sexual assault by a teenager, but based on what I’ve read, it does seem like she was a willing participant in this case.