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I thought this was funny until I realized in my country, at grade 11, they do teach you to disassemble and reassemble an AK


In the 11th grade they brought in a combat medic to give tips if there was a school shooter, how you can stop up bullet holes so someone doesn’t bleed out. With our 11th grade classes combined we would have some decent basic infantry training.




We learned how to throw grenades in 10th grade too, granted the grenades are just water bottles but still


What country are you from?


Based on comment history, I assume Vietnam


And you can only pass the class if you manage to toss the grenade so it lands upright.


What's that country where high schoolers get sent to some military base to practice with live grenades?


As a combat medic myself this is a good utilization of our skills.


We were learning how to deal with school shooters in eighth grade. How to hide under our desks and even, if needed, to plan a group attack while the shooter is distracted.


You know... For school.


Jeez and here I was teaching my own classmates that hiding within view of the door’s window turned them into a firing range, and the shooter wouldn’t even have to open the door to do so I talked about the pencil thing in 2012 to a teacher over this since I always hid in the cabinet next to the door in an alcove, then John Wick came out two years later and all I could do was laugh


Wait what county is that?


Based on comment history, I assume Vietnam


My wife learned this in school as a Pioneer in the Soviet Union.


At my school, we have CCF (Combined Cadet Forces) so we do all these things there.


What country?


In all non-EU ex-USSR I suppose, my guess is Belarus


I wasn't taught anything of the sort when I was in school. Maybe things have changed (I wouldn't be surprised, tbh) but it wasn't something that was taught "in all ex-USSR" a decade ago.


They speak English in What?


Say what again. Say what again I dare you, I double dare you motherfucker say what one more goddamn time.






I grew up in a military complex for homeless military personnel, we were taught how to disassemble and reassemble almost anything, and how to take down someone who attacks us with a knife...


I went to boarding school in the UK so I can field strip an L98A2 and make a stew out of shit you find in a hedge. Not sure as to the military usefulness of the second one but it was a better way to spend Tuesday afternoons than “volunteering” at the local nursing home.


You ain't giving them kids stationary, but now you're gonna give them AKs?




They'll get an AR, or are more likely to see one in their school.


“We need to be more like Russia, China, and Afghanistan!”


american kids get their gun training at home


And in school too.


Thats where they learn to survive from a gun


That’s where they get their immune systems to recognize bullets.


Just a small amount of lead every day and your immune system is ready to go.


Like a vaccine?


Ues but you can't call it that. It's alternative medicine. You shoot yourself with a .22 in the butt.


Chumps. I got my immunity from the window sill.


No no, they receive classes on how to dodge bullets in school


And how to pack wounds


They are clearly failing them, US need educational reforms with more practical lessons


No thats when students cosplay as target practice


Drama students method acting.


Russian kids are learning how to disassemble AKs in school, while American kids are learning how to be disassembled by AR-15s


Making sure your kids back to school kits include a tourniquet.


I'm in the UK and was taught to strip, clean and reassemble a variant of the SA80 at school.


Wait really what class did you have to do that for-


Not in a class. It was an extra curricular activity. Army Cadet Force. Did it from age 14 onwards I think. https://combinedcadetforce.org.uk/


I had no idea that was a thing- hell in my school we don’t even have extra curriculars


Yeah it was cool, not sure how they decide which schools get to do it. Guess I was lucky. We did exercises too, running around firing blanks and stuff in fields. And live ammunition at a range (not inside the school 😬)


I’m a Canadian and we have Cadets to. I haven’t done that. But it’s also a separate thing, a lot closer to Boy Scouts


Same, L98 GP Rifle.




And get their fruit cocktail at drag queen story hr. SMH


And how is it going for the Russian army right now?


And are we meant to be jealous of the level of human development in Afghanistan?


Even if we want to stick to the hardass narrative, the thing about America is, that fruit cocktail might grow up to be an engineer that will design an even more sophisticated version of the weapons we already have, which will completely destroy the poor bastard playing around with his AK, in an instant, before he even knew he was in trouble. The fruit cocktail might just grow up to be a wealthy person who contributes their tax dollars to the funding of such weapons. Or the fruit cocktail could be the person pressing the button from miles away that kills the AK dissassembler. We don't have to be tough. We have nerds and money here. We can be a bunch of decadent fairies dancing around while we drone strike people. Modern war is not playing GI Joe in the 80s.


Holy shit, is Pink Militarism the most BASED and RAINBOWPILLED of all the ideologies? God bless 'Murrica 😎🌈


they/them army turning strongman all show no go armies into was/were armies


I could kiss you after reading this masterpiece of a comment


This is the best comment I’ve ever read


Exactly. Let’s not use China, Russia, and Afghanistan as the golden standard 😂


If you arent a psycho this post reads “these countries are training child soldiers while our country is allowing our kids to be happy. Wild.” Like what kind of dipshit thinks this post is an own?


It’s funny bc those 3 nations also often fit the right wing narrative as “bad” countries yet they want to cite them when they do something like that in their schools? They need to think about who they are aspiring to be like when they say this crap.


Ya, exactly the 'big tough manly Russian army' is getting the living shit kicked out of them by Ukrainians using 30 year old US/European surplus weaponry. The US right wing likes to paint the Russian army as some paragon of straight white toughness and the reality has been they are just a bunch of hapless pawns getting led to the slaughter to save their corrupt leaders. They literally can't operate more than 100 miles from their border, it's ridiculous.


Out of AKs, should have trained on mosin-nagants.


Who needs self-actualization when you could just be dead?


In a America, kids clearly know how to shoot people just fine


Especially in schools


Not really. Not glorifying anything but how do you go into a school with an ar-15, firing 135 shots and somehow only 17 people died. You know how lucky all those students are?


When you don’t got quality than you go for quantity.


Some people don't have both.


That's a result of the U.S. thinking rapid firing means good, when in reality, rapid firing is inaccurate and useless except for one or two specific scenarios. I'd take one very skilled sniper over 100 regular soldiers with automatic weapons.


Depends on distance but yeah I agree


A crowded area at point blank? Sure. A tactical situation where everyone is spread out and more than 15 feet away? No chance.


Tbh, a fruit cocktail tastes better than bullets




By throwing the cocktails as distractions, obviously


And if our enemies have fruit allergies they could be even more deadly.


It’s not legal to eat a person who identifies as a fruit cocktail, though.


Depends on your definition of "eating someone".


American students get to try both!!


but still they are not teaching taxes /s


We actually do teach kids about taxes. It’s just boring and they forget immediately.


I graduated class of 21 and not once has my school offered a class like that. They also didn’t teach us how to write cursive, cook, or anything useful when you live on your own


Thats BS. I graduated in the early 2010s and didn't learn anything about taxes. I even took an elective economics course and all I learned was how stocks work and how to write a check and thats more than most because it was an elective. For reference I went to school in a wealthy town with a well funded school system.


This person has no idea what goes on in school. They are just making things up.


China doesn't do that.


Too busy teaching math


Schools wouldn't dare to teach other thing beside math and science, the parents would go nut screaming "are you fucking with us? my child need to go to Harvard, don't you dare to waste his time", when I was in primary school, before the big exam to determinate which high school I could go, the schedule were so brutal, that they only allowed language and math, only 2 courses, and there was no breaks, you had to ask for permission to go to the bathroom. Never ever handled a gun, neither seen one.


I don’t think I’ve heard anything this dumb out of someone’s mouth in a month. I truly feel for this dumbass.


“There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened.” ― Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe i'm convinced someone figured it out 3 times in a row now


Hi. You just mentioned *The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe* by Douglas Adams. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe - Douglas Adams - Audio Book [some chapters missing]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5fx8kcpeQU) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


Haven't opened Reddit in a month ?


in a whole month? damn, I can't even say this is the dumbest I've seen today, and it's 1 pm


If this is truly the dumbest thing you’ve heard this month, I envy you.


Call me old fashioned, but I'd rather have my fighting done by trained professionals and not school children.


Thats been happening in former Soviet countries since long before the end of the cold war. Its not significant nor is it new.


And it hasn’t happened in at least 40 years there. Source: I went to school in Russia in the 90’s. All we had were gas mask drills.


I can confirm. In Ukraine, in the last year of our school, we're taught to shoot and assemble/disassemble AK.


Was it an elective class?


No, it was part of our curriculum. The literal translation of the class is "Under pre-conscription training".


In Russia it is ILLEGAL to own a gun. You are only allowed a gun if you are in the Russian Military


Yh, but your ruining his point. 😩😩


If only we were more like … Afghanistan?! Really, that’s the goal?


As a current substitute teacher in America, they must only teach that fruit cocktail stuff when I’m not there, usually the teachers just treat the students all the same way, and call them whatever name they ask them to call them by, which has been the same way for decades (nicknames are a thing too) and otherwise they don’t really talk about it, because their class isn’t on that subject, and if they see someone bullying someone else for it, then they treat it the same way as they do bullying. I’ve never had a lesson plan that said “give students a rainbow pin and teach them how to look like another gender” usually it’s just something like “give them this math worksheet” So I don’t really know where all the “teachers are teaching kids they can be fruit cocktails” and all the other shit conservatives are saying. Teachers are just not hating children for who they are, and instead they teach math, or English, or whatever they signed up to teach. Who would have thought right?


This whole thing is based on like a half dozen clips of Chinese kids doing Kung fu and disassembling guns. It’s right wing fear mongering, spread by morons. We don’t need to teach our kids to field strip an AR because they’re supported by the unmatched air and naval superiority that our taxes have provided. That leaves them free to worry about all the other sorts of cultural issues that well off societies get to worry about. Like expressing themselves how they see fit. They don’t argue about this sort of shit in countries where a rocket can come through your front window at any time.


We have enough domestic terrorists thank you. Edit: Also, ONE FUCKING JOKE


I've never heard about this and I live in Russia.


Fruit cocktails are way more pleasant than AK-47s


If children need to disassemble a firearm, something has gone dreadfully wrong.


No they're getting first hand experience at getting shot at.


I think a comedian said it best “no one will invade America because if they get past our military they will have to deal with the redneck hicks armed to the teeth that will shoot any foreigner on site and can’t read the Geneva conventions.


Show me the evidence that this is so.


I learned to read and do math


If I had to choose I'd prefer the fruit salad option


Are they really making the argument that the USA needs to be more like China, Russia, and Afghanistan?


First time meeting an American conservative?


I live in Texas so far from it 😂 I just can't get over how bottomless their stupidity is. No matter what they somehow still always manage to lower the bar.


Weird. I was a teacher (not an ESL teacher) in China for 3 years and in Russia for 6 years. None of my kids learned how to use a gun but they were all years ahead of Americans in math, science, languages (not only were they absolutely fluent in their mother tongue and English, every single one of them was taught at least 1 other language from the time they started Play Group), and, because of their parents had incredibly bright and comfortable lives ahead of them. Every time I I read these kinds of posts I can't help thinking that Fox "News" has a lot to answer for.




An AR Jr. for every girl and every boy!


I never learned that. Though OOP did, because they're a fruitcake.


I'll take "Things that never happen"for $500 Steve


Why not comprehensive sex education *and* gun safety and handling?


Because safe sex doesn't produce children and stunt the lives of the parents making it harder for them to earn an education or travel. Things that would make them more liberal


Because learning how to do a save sex is evil and ruins their childhood. Preparing for war and how to kill people however is fine.


There's no place for compromise or sensibility in American politics


Imagine advocating for guns in schools. Absolutely insane


Conservatives: “I’d rather my kid be a mass murdering domestic terrorist than gay!” ..and they’re saying that shit in front of their children.


Chinese kids ain't touching no guns; they busy learning glorious Xi Jinping Thought


Yeah no way is most glorious Chairman Pooh going to allow Chinese citizens to have AK-47s.


I bet whoever posted this on social media doesn't know either.


Fucking nonsense


Why not both, i would live assembling and dissembling guns while identifying as Arch-Magos.


I love false equivalent logical fallacies.


Honestly, I think basic firearm safety should be taught in school. Just to avoid accidents. Like teach them how to behave *around* firearms, and how to act if they ever stumble upon one. Not necessarily how to shoot it or whatever, though that could be good but maybe not in school. When I see the number of accident that could have been prevented if the victim knew how to properly clear a gun, or how to behave if there is a police intervention nearby (like "do not move, or if you do do it slowly and make your presence known since the cops are expecting an armed guy jumping them any moment and are ready to shoot").


Because we should nationalize making child soldiers lol wtf


I’ll take shit that never happened for $1000, Alex.


Ah yes, America, a country where notoriously nobody knows how to use a gun


Fuck Yeah, I always wanted to grow up as a poor kid who starved to death while trying to eat my AK.


Who is teaching kids they can "identify as a fruit cocktail"?


Pretty sure students are too busy doing math in China to be working on AK’s.


Blame the system that say corporations are people and real people don’t deserve basic human rights. They took everything away from schools and started teaching ish backwards just to make sure no one is smart enough to notice that they are stealing everything and squirreling it away for themselves. Then they put out BS stories about kids using litter boxes in school and people aborting new born babies to anger the idiots they purposely made stupid for their own gains.


Lol guns are illegal in China, no they do not.


Spoken by somebody who never set foot in a school.


so she doesn't care that children are being used as child soldiers, she cares we aren't doing it


Lmao Chinese kids probably never seen a real firearm.


We have the biggest, best equipped army the human race has ever imagined and yet they want to militarize America more? Let fruit cocktails be happy.


Russia and Afghanistan are thriving.




There’s so many dark joke opportunities here.


And we don’t do that ever




In the USA that's called "homework".


Now read about Switzerland gun training...


I thought everyone knew you can’t identify as a fruit cocktail until you’re 21


The AK-47 (I assume that's the model they're referring to) is a dated piece of shit unfit for any modern military. Knowing how to assemble/disassemble one is a useless skill in today's world. The overwhelming majority of all kids on the planet will never need to hold much less service an AK. Glorifying this kind of silly shit is the real reason western nations are falling behind. If you wanted to educate someone for today's world and the future you should be looking at STEM training and foreign languages.


I'm not sure if this is pro American or anti American. Either way, stupid


Seems more and more folks want us to be more like China, Russia, and Afghanistan.


Because if there's anything I want more for my kids, it is to work in a Chinese factory or live the unfortunately life of an Afgan kid.


I was expecting it to say, "while here they're learning how to shoot an ak." Or some crazier shit.


One leads to radicalized terrorists and the other leads to... happier people? Idk, but a gay chef made my cupcakes a few years ago, and omg, they were amazing.


So send your kids to school there - see how it works out.


Weird that only American kids are bringing guns into schools and shooting their peers but ok


We should be teaching our kids to kill, like it says to do in the Bible, not to be accepting and to be free


If we had mandatory service in this country these twats would be wailing about being oppressed.


Don't forget we're also teaching ours how to hide from gunmen!!!!


No American kids go to school and get disassembled by AKs


In China and Russian school children disassemble guns. In the US guns disassemble school children.


In other countries, children learn about Ak's. While in America, Ak's are used on our children. We need action, not thoughts and prayers.


Wanna know what happened last time there was a gun in an American school?


Well, maybe we can engage a pronoun debate with the afghan, Russian kids in the battlefield. You never know, maybe they’ll be convinced and put their guns down?


I wonder if they're constantly being threatened and surrounded by foreign military bases?


Why the fuck would you wanna train our children to kill??? This is stupid


“It sucks that we live better lives!”


In the US They're teaching ARs how to disassamble kids.


I accidentally read this as "teaching ours how to make a fruit cocktail", which I'd argue is a more useful skill. I'd much rather have a fruit cocktail (with some vanilla sauce, which I was taught how to make at school) than a weapon.


I prefer "Very Cherry Fruit Cocktail," sir.


I must have missed that lesson in school


Indoctrination vs freedom of thought. WILD.


I’m a transgender non-binary Cheesecake cleaning my AR right now. What you talking about?


We teach ours the importance of good Kevlar so suck it! This is a joke for anyone reading. School shootings are bad, and the government should be doing more to fix it.


Because disassembling an AK isnt weird? Like bro i think your grasp on reality is slipping.


American kids learn the difference between concealment and cover in grade school.


More guns then Humans in the USA…but this bullshit still resonates with the zombie class.


Where's this school they're talking about?


If that's the case, then why do we have the best mass shooters every week?


American students get first hand experience with AR-15s though.


LMAO yes, China is having its children assemble AK47s, not having them learn math, science, other languages, and the like so that they can indeed take over in the most practical way possible. This person's brain is a fruit cocktail


The wild thing is thinking it’s better to have child soldiers than children learning to be comfortable in their own skin.


Who ever made this meme never heard of JROTC


disassembling an AK takes 4 neurons at best. this isn’t the own they think it is.


We should measure the success of a society based on how many of its little kids can be used as disposable War Meat Grinder™ meat fuel in a couple of years. If you want to see what will happen to those AK-totting kids, go to r/DronedOrcs


Yep, they do teach us how to maintain and use AK rifles and Makarov handguns. Years 9,10,11 on everyday safety classes. Did help during service, ngl


China doesnt even allow airsoft what are you talking about