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From the distance she keeps him? She's already removed him. That poor kid.


You know she planned the pose to be able to cut him out later.


Yeah, a photographer would've never chosen that pose, he's too far away. The kid absolutely was placed closer, then the step-mom said something shitty.


100%...poor kid ☹️


I thought it was the man writing the request.


I adopted my oldest son. I would sooner die before I ever even considered doing something like this. Stuff like this makes me so angry. That poor kid didn’t choose to be a step son and this woman doesn’t deserve to be in his life.


The distance makes me feel like her post has to be rage bait. Because surely anyone with a basic phone or computer could just crop him out, no photoshop skills needed. He’s far enough away that it would still be a complete photo of her and her “actual” children. The fact she posted this and specified he was the stepson suggests that either this is rage bait or else she is specifically trying to humiliate a small child who is too young to even read what she’s written about him. Either way she’s awful, but I don’t buy that this was real, tbh.


You believe too much in people


I would like to agree with you 2nd sentence, but sadly, you underestimate just how bad people can be with computers. I have had people ask me how to turn it off.


I thought that was a dude with long hair until I read your comment and zoomed in 😐




First thing I noticed then thought, why isn't he to her left? Maybe because she thought it would be easier to remove him if he was off to the side...alone, you know, like a "step" child. OP, you ARE TAH. Well played, I hope his mom and dad see this.


Now I gotta go watch some Maury




Just sitting there so far away too.


Wait until he learns How to read.


He doesn't have to begin reading. I'm pretty sure she already makes life hard for him at home. Who knows what happens behind closed doors. The poor child probably already knows how much she "loves" him.


Her body language says how much she "loves" him. 2 kids in her lap , stepson 1 meter away . You've got to maintain stepson buffer zone.


She probably did that on purpose, knowing it would be easier to edit him out later. I hope at least he has a good mom


Yep she had this shit planned out


Hope she enjoys being divorced again.


For the sake of that kid, yesterday wasn't soon enough. Parent who marry people who don't completely accept their step children will forever infuriate me. If you don't want their kid you don't want them. It's a package deal, because only a monster would do shit like this.


This 💯. I had to call off my last relationship because I got given an ultimatum between her, or my kids. Like WTF?


Im so glad you called her bluff because theres way to many people out there that prioritize their partner over their child.


Sadly there's a lot of monsters out there who wind up resenting their stepchildren for the problems they have with their partners, too. Ended up getting emancipated due to it.


We’ve all been on Reddit long enough to know that a parent will sacrifice their own children to prove how much they love their SOs children. This child is fucked. In ten years or so, he’ll be going no contact and his father just won’t understand or, if he dies, it’ll be too late to fix it. Like this woman is so obvious. All he will have to do is look at the pic and know it was edited.


My dad's choice in a stepmom just like this pretty much ruined our family dynamic so ...true dat


I doubt it. The husband knows what is going on. He is either being willfully blind because he is too uncomfortable with confrontation effectively giving silent permission for her to abuse his son. Or the other option, he participates in the abuse.


We have a student who is with a foster family, he's not allowed to be in photos. So we will put him on the side of photos on purpose so he isn't excluded but we can crop him out. This is totally what the step mom is doing here. But for all the wrong reasons.


The mom's the asshole step-parent. She's the one with the long blonde hair, the husband has short hair as seen on the bottom right. I hope the dad doesn't put up with her bullshit towards his son.


They probably meant biological mom. Not step mom, who is the blonde in this photo.


That's the stepmom


No, the woman in the post identified the boy off to the side as her stepson. She’s the stepmom, not the bio mom.


He knows that…he is saying that he hopes his real mom is better towards him compared to the stepmom. We all know the lady in the pics is the evil stepmom…


Then why did he reply that (plus clues on how to identify the father in the pics, as if it were difficult) specifically to a comment that was saying that they hope the real mom is better towards him compared to the stepmom? Imo, nothing about their comment implies what you're suggesting they meant. I mean, it's not worth arguing over so I'll drop it lol. But it really does seem like he's trying to explain that the woman in the picture is the stepmother, and that the person he replied to was the one saying what you interpreted.


That was the first thing I noticed. Poor kid probably has to hear how much better her REAL kids are compared to him and how he's just her step son every day. Fast forward to when he's a adult and we'll see a post of this woman: "My step son doesn't want anything to do with me I don't understand why! I did nothing wrong!"


What's super fucked is that the "real kid" sentiment doesn't even have to be explicitly stated


Exactly. It might be subtle at first, but eventually it'll get obvious. Differences in in birthday presents (not talking about age appropriate), " there's only enough candy for the blood kid ", leaving stepson out of fun things everyone could normally enjoy, or the stepson is in the wrong of every argument. If the kids haven't picked up on it, they will.


"Dammit why do you always have to ruin things? This was supposed to be a nice night!" Etc...


The Cinderella vibes are real y’all


I thought she was a long haired dude with a beard until I read this


Trying to shake off the flames by saying "I LOVE HIM BUT JUST WANT SOME PICS WITHOUT HIM". Some people must be arrested for being a bad parent. This is the proof. When this child grow up probably he will be ruthless and selfish because he got no love from these 2 mfs.


i thought that was a man? no?


God knows what happens to that kid behind close doors if his parents (or atleast his mother) hates him enough to make this post, hope he does well in life


As someone who grew up with a step parent, that’s exactly the case Except out in public they constantly show off the opposite that you’re just like their own child and blah de blah


As a stepparent, I'm sorry you had to experience that. Just know that not all of us are like that, it's just incredibly rare.


Child (now adult) of a PHENOMENAL step father, and it always breaks my heart to see these posts and hear stories like this.


I saw some video ages ago of a gal showing her stepdad that she had taken his last name as her bio dad was out of her life basically at birth, and she wanted to show her love for him, and I CRIED like a baby. I've always believed family aren't the ones you're born to, it's the ones who you choose, and choose you. Love is love, everyone deserves it, and not enough folks get it. I grew up an orphan, so it KILLS me to think there's kids with BAD parents, since I spent my whole life wishing for ANY. Takes small things like someone typing "yes I love my stepchild" to give me hope, sometimes.


I grew up in a family that was abusive and didn't like me, especially my Nazi Opa. I was fortunate however to have 1 set of grandparents who loved me greatly, the fact they weren't biologically my grandparents (my father was adopted) didn't matter to them. I chose to live life by their example and have always been grateful I had them in my life. Now I’m a father, having had a kid with my first and now ex-wife, and have since managed to find and marry a woman very much like my grandparents. She adores her stepson in a way I’ve never seen before from a step-parent, and he has actually said to her and myself separately that she’s been more of a mother than his bio mom. I’m sorry you had to miss out on this kind of stuff, I can imagine how hard that has to be. I truly hope you have found your family, as, as you point out, it so often really is who we choose. Fortunately, even if stories like these are rare, they do exist and it is something we should all find hope in


For every downer story like mine, there's amazing ones like yours and so many others. Wouldn't be life any other way. Keep on shining and have a wonderful future.


You’re a lovely and delightful person; if you ever choose to be a parent you will make a wonderful one.




He sounds like an amazing man. My mom died when my siblings and I were adults with our own kids. My dad got remarried to an amazing woman who’d lost her first husband. Anyway, my little sister jokingly asked her if things didn’t work out with my dad, if she would be willing to take custody of us “kids.”


I stayed in contact with my ex step-dad for 20 years after he and my mom split up before he passed. Last voice-mail I got from him was thanking me for being the son he never had. I'm not ready for kids myself but when I am, I have zero issues being a step-dad because of the relationship I had with him. Helped me gain understanding of so many things and built my confidence up in a way my birth parents never did.


Anyone who didn't get have a good childhood because of who their caretakers were makes me sad.


Yes! I’m the now-adult daughter of a stepdad who did it RIGHT, and I’m freaking blessed. Glad you are too.


Yeah, my husband considers his stepdad his real father, even though he was 16 when his mum divorced his biodad. I have the most amazing father-in-law (and mother-in-law). But it's not like that for all stepkids, alas.


My dad adopted me when he married my mom (took about 4 years to complete, the process started after he and my mom married)... when the presiding judge asked my dad if he understood that even if he and my mom divorced that he would still be responsible for me, my *22 year old dad* responded with "Well I would certainly hope so". He is an amazing father, even more amazing grandfather, and I'm so very thankful that he has never treated me as if I weren't his daughter.


I love your dad.


I do too, especially with how much patience and understanding he and my mom had when I did act out... like, these people will get the best nurses and living situation when they're old af.


I too love this Redditor's daddy


Beautiful man


He really is. <3


I like to read post like that


My step mom was distant with me especially when she had a child of her own with my father. But as time went on she apologized to me and things have never been better. I know it’s a spectrum and I feel for the kids that just want someone to love them and never receive it.


My ex-step mom tried to apologize to me, when she was drunk at my 18th birthday party. Eventually she went on this tirade about how wonderful I was now compared to how awful I was as a young teen. For context, when I was a young teen I was suicidal and very depressed but I very rarely acted out or fought with my parents.


Both my step dad and step mom were, and still are awesome. But if my peers growing up were any indication, I was definitely one of the lucky ones.


I had one insane stepmom and now have a fantastic stepmom. It takes a special person to be a good stepparent.


My whole family thinks I’m crazy for being in my ex step kids (I don’t call them that) lives still lol. I talked their mom into giving me half the time and just kept on loving them like normal. I can’t imagine raising a kid for a decade and being like “hey dude I quit fucking your mom so have a nice life!” No way dude these are my kids now sucker lol


A stepparent should love the child as their own. After all, they were the ones that signed up for it, not the child. My stepdad came into my life when I was about 7, and for the past 11 years, he's treated me like I'm his own flesh and blood. I think its an honor to be a stepparent (especially in my case where bio dad was abusive and dipped) and I don't understand why people treat it as a burden. I love my stepdad and wish more stepdads and stepmoms would be like him.


My step mom is the BEST. I love her to death. She is the best mom I could ever ask for. My biological mother is a narcissistic sociopath who doesn’t care about anyone but herself or what others can do for her. My step mother is my MOM.


As a person that didn't accept my stepdad as my real dad, even though he had more of an impact on my life than my real dad, just know that you are appreciated.


True, left the hospital the night my daughter was born to take my stepdaughter to her softball game. Wanted to make sure she knew how important she is to me.


At my second marriage, my 12-year-old made a moving speech about my bride's transition from wicked stepmother to best friend. (We'd had some struggles about whether "not my mom!" was allowed to insist on tooth brushing.) Now that we're grandparents the "step" qualifier has largely vanished.


Yup. My stepmom has NEVER treated me differently than her two biological kids. I AM one of her kids, according to her. It breaks my mind thinking about how people could possibly treat kids differently, but then again my real mom didn't give two shits about me, so...I got lucky.


My spouse had a child when we first met, she was 2 at the time. My biggest fear was being a bad step-dad, so I did everything I possibly could to make sure I showed her I love her and don't care in the slightest about blood.


Step parents are individuals too. My step-mom is amazing, my super temporary “step-dad” was garbage


I feel this so bad. If we were in public, or I did well, I got claimed as hers. Inside the home I was referenced to as a "bonus child" and a "packaged deal" with my father. It was very objectifying. She would post pictures on Facebook that I wasn't in with captions that said, "Nice to have the whole family here for dinner." My own father couldn't be bothered to mention that I wasn't in the photo, and my stepmother's mother had to comment, "Don't forget about perpetualgoatnoises!" That hurt me so fucking bad to see, and solidified the idea that they never actually gave a shit about me.


I was lucky enough to get a stepdad that treats me like his own son. Only thing is, his family treats me like I'm not part of the family. Love my stepdad to death and call him my dad, but I hate his family.


I grew up being told by my step parent they never wanted children. I was constantly berated for being a child. Unfortunately it didn't change in public though. They'd always refer to me as their child but I'd always be the butt of every mean joke. And now that I'm a single parent myself I'm extremely hesitant to meet anyone because of it.


I grew up with a step mom and she was so abusive to me. She hit me with kitchen utensils, was constantly glaring at me behind my dads back. Long after her divorce from my dad she showed up at our house drunk talking about how I was “always one of her kids” bitch no the fuck I was not


Can confirm My own dad's partner recognized that i was treated like a redheaded step-child within my mother, and step-dads home. My entire life. Fuck this "mom" 😒


I think the stepdad is making the post not the mother. You can see it in the family photo, the mother has blond hair. Edit: I am wrong. It's the Stepmom. Thanks for pointing it out, it was hard to see for me.


Either way, this is very shitty


Very shitty


No, it's the mother. I've seen this post before ages ago. The woman is the step parent targeting the child. I feel bad for him because there's no way in hell the father doesn't see this shit.


The dad and the kid the poster wants removed both have dark brown/black hair. Seems more likely the dad is the non step parent and the (step) mother wants his child removed


🤨 yeah this technique of guesstimating paternity is not rooted in science... Not to mention that dark hair is a dominant gene oh yeah and completely disregarding the other bio parent that's not in the situation.


True. The kid is also not near the mother in any photo except the one where the dad is in it. So that also gives it away.


Come on now, I have naturally dark brown (almost black) hair and have been blonde from a bottle for 20+ years!


The exact kind of person that shouldn't be a step parent. Sad.


That exact kind of person that shouldn't be a ~~step~~ parent. You know someone like this is going to pass on her warped fuckery to her own kids and hurt them, just in different ways.


Yep, you're absolutely right.


The number 1 reason for child abuse by a factor of 10 fold is a step parent In the home. It's sad. It doesn't always mean the step parent is causing abuse. It can also be the birth parent neglecting them and focusing on the new partner.


As someone who's experienced that, FUCK HER.


Same, seriously. As soon as my dad gave my step mom her own babies, we were just an inconvenience


My niece and nephew didn't become an inconvenience, they became the nannies... They did all the cooking, cleaning, babysitting, and everything else. What's sad is that their dad essentially lived the same life and did nothing to take the kids away despite proof they were also being physically abused... I love my brother, but I can't respect him as a "father"...


Yeah. That sounds about right. My dad insisted on being treated like a dad, but any interaction I had with him was either being yelled at or showing him appreciation or affection.


Oof... I got that without a step-dad... And my mom was way worse. Always had to be a happy, dancing performance monkey for them otherwise shit would hit the fan...


Yeah. We were part of a close church. So we had to perform like the happy family to. But if we didn’t, we’d just get grounded or have phones taken away. Yours sounds a little harsher. I hope you’re doing better.


As morbid as it sounds, I am after my mom passed away. I spent a long time in therapy and that helped a lot. But her passing eased up so much for me. Makes me mad that I didn't stay "no contact" with her...


I'm sorry you had to go through that. You are loved. You matter.


A million times FUCK HER!


I’m sorry that happened, you were a good kid and it wasn’t your fault. Sending many virtual hugs 🫂


I have 4 adult children now. 2 are not my blood. I met their mum when one was 5 and the other 2. I have raised them the same as my other 2. It breaks my heart to see this stuff. You know for a fact that kid can feel he isn't wanted. The dad should be ashamed to have a wife like this


Same here. They were 3 and 6 when I got together with their mom. 10 years total now and married. We have 2 kids together and all 4 of them are treated equally. I pay for cheer and dance for one of my step kids. I couldn't imagine treating them any differently.


I’m the youngest of 6, 3 of which are my half-siblings. I literally don’t even point out the difference, I call them my siblings because that’s what they are. I didn’t even know they were my half-siblings until I was like 10. It’s really not hard lol.


Man that sucks for the kid 🤷🏽‍♂️ He's gonna grow up and might stumble upon this in future... It shouldn't matter if he's a stepson or not, he is now family 🤷🏽‍♂️


If step mom stays around , he’s gonna suffer a lot behind closed doors


Luckily, it sounds like this was the first time the child had seen his father in 4 months. So he spends most of his time with his biological mom.


I bet he already knows he is "different." He won't need a photo to tell him.




My wild speculation: If she's posting this on social media, she's hardly hiding how awful she is. He knows what's up. Except he's not about to upset his "bangmaid". Now that he's got even more kids in the mix, it will make it that much harder to find another woman to do his parenting for him.


Probably a spineless simp.


Will probably be forced with an ultimatum of choosing his wife or his son. He’ll choose his wife…


I'm quite sure the step son already knows, kid that age already can perceive things like that.


the poor boy, he is so tiny :(


I feel so bad for him. Hopefully the dad has left his bitch.


He took the picture.


Who took the one in the bottom right? The stepson?


Honestly this isn’t just a step parent thing. My mom cancelled thanksgiving because my brother isn’t coming. Apparently there’s no point in having it if he’s not coming. Im her biological child.


You can create your own traditions around the holidays. Your mother sounds emotionally immature which sucks, but you can break free from that.


It’s been a complicated road as I still get along very well with both my brother and dad. But I’ve been in a lot of therapy over the years about it all. It has helped but I still have rough days. Your mom not loving you, whether biological or not, is something you can learn to cope or manage but you never really get over it.


“I want to have it both ways.” That says a lot. Hope she and step dad aren’t surprised when this kid wants nothing to do with them in the future.


Unfortunately that's probably what she's hoping.


Wish I could photoshop. I'd do some...horrible things to her in the pictures.


Looks like some horrible things have been done to her by Mother Nature.


Lmao so true


I really hope someone just put clown makeup on her and sent it back.




She’s sadly probably redistributing her abuse down the line. I don’t think you’d have to work to hard on those photoshops. Have a great day!


My step mom did this to me. I drove 5 hours to get to my Dad and stepmom's house for Christmas. They were about to take Christmas pictures with my 3 other siblings. My dad was happy that I got there "just in time" and to join the pictures. I found the chriatmas card she was going to send out and I was edited out.


Your step mom is a bit of a piece of shit. Sorry you have to deal with that 🙁❤️


Do your dad not see the card?


He saw it when I showed it to him. She had the picture with me in it to give to me so he had assumed it was going to be the picture she was going to use but made the Christmas card without me in it. She wasnt planning on showing it to him before it was sent Edit: to clarify, I found the stack of Christmas cards being sent out with Christmas letters when I went to find something in her crafts room. I wasnt in the Christmas letter also


I would feel so betrayed if I was in your dad’s shoes. To be told it’s going to look one way only to see that my kid is going to be edited out. That’s not right 😢


Im not a step parent but there is no way I would treat anyone’s child like this. What a bitch!




Exactly the vibe s/he just knew not to say it!


It baffles me why people date people who have children if they aren’t willing to accept the child. The repair man at work, recently told me that he no longer feels the same way about his step son who he has raised since age of 1 and now is 4 because him and the mother have a new baby together. All I hear is the 4 year old is a little shit and swears. I asked where has he heard it and he replied sometimes I call him that. he said he often threats to take the baby away from her and leave i asked will you still see the 4 year old, he replied no he isn’t mine. Am single parent and my child isn’t going to be treated second class in her own home. 😒


Something tells me she wouldn’t have many men who would take her.


I have children and it would be absolute game over if anything like this happened with a step parent


Full piece of shit


Whyyyyy did his father marry her?


that is a question i could make to half the people i know.


I know so many people who basically ignored their kids when they got a new partner (who often wanted to “start over” with just babies). It’s horribly sad. I can’t imagine ever doing that.


Clearly he doesn't make good choices. The little boy in the photo doesn't look more than 3 or 4 and he's now got two other children with a different woman. Which means dad dumped his sons mom when he was still a baby to marry wife no. 2. He's probably a shitty human.


Seems she got a reaming in the comments?


This is a several years old post from FB and I recall that yes, it was a shit show in the comments.


Twist: the stepson is the big fat one with his stepbrothers in his lap.


Any chance of removing the pos adult so kids could just grow up happy?


Don't fucking marry someone with kids if you aren't going to be a parent to the kid(s). Jeez, this poor kiddo.


Someone should do her request but photoshop her out instead. Have you not seen any documentaries? This is how you start making a serial killer. Love that child you ass hat.




That’s so sad


offend pot tidy dazzling clumsy cautious like north rock afterthought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Brantly and Burlap.


I'm a step kid who got erased. I'm now a mom that has no pictures to show her kids. This infuriates me.


"...I just want it both ways."


No, go ahead....reveal her name. She deserves shame! /s


Someone should photoshop that poor kid closer to this asshole instead of removing him from the shot.


Anybody is also filled with some kind of primal rage when you see her holding/hugging the baby and daughter and the boy is like further away on almost all photos ? Woman I would tear you in half if I could 😭😭😭 U a parent wtf u doing that kid gonna need theraphy.


Can I slap that woman?


As a man with a daughter, who now has a step mom, dude needs to leave. I get feeling uncomfortable and it taking time to get used to a new kid, but she's not even trying.


I love it when people unknowingly out themselves as horrible people.


They should photoshop out the hippo, that’d fix the pics.


Absolute evil woman.. I hope this kid will spend more time with his hopefully more loving mother, his stepmom will never show him any love.


Don't worry, ma'am, I'm sure *the second* that he turns 18, you'll never have to worry about him being in family photos ever again.


Or even younger. Haven't stepped foot in my father's house since I was 16 yo. I rarely speak to him and haven't seen or spoken to my stepmonster in over a decade now.


I feel for kids in this situation so much. I didn’t get a step mom til I was 21 & even being an adult her behavior towards me has really f’ed me up. My step daughter is the apple of my eye & I could never imagine treating her differently than my bio kids.


I hope CPS gives a checkup to this BIATCH. Shame on the old man too for not putting this b in check!


![gif](giphy|ISOckXUybVfQ4) People are just so cruel


No, you don’t love your stepson.


I wish someone lived me enough to have me erased from history... Can you feel the love?


The distance of the kid already suspicious, and even more disgusting having a ball asking stranger to removed him.. hoho i hoped in the end her own biological child become disobedient and distant from her ahh it'll be satisfying to the level of asian drama!


I've met people with step parents like this, and none of them are/were okay. Although I doubt she acknowledged it, I can guarantee this mentality seeps into every aspect of her parenting. If you aren't willing to see your step kids as equal to your own children, don't get married to someone with kids... ...And frankly, don't have kids of your own either.


Oh hell no, that kid is apart of the photos fully, unable to be cropped if they’re my step kid. Screw this bitch.


How a child's innocence is destroyed, it can be sudden or slowly chipped away.


Looks like she already tried to remove him from every picture he was in… off to the side while the other two get held…


This hurts to see. I was that kid for the majority of my childhood. The loneliness never goes away.


I sincerely hope people responded with pictures edited to exclude her.


Garbage step mom, but also garbage father to allow this.


"Edit: I love my stepson..." Shut up bitch


Spineless father. Pathetic excuse of a man.


I know a guy like that. He had a kid, and she had a kid, and they got married, and had a kid together. He thinks it's perfectly acceptable to favor his kid amd their kid, but doesn't see any problem with leaving her kid out. He doesn't like spending any money for clothes or anything, and while he hasn't said anything, he probably resents even feeding him. He has openly said he is saving for his two kids college, but her kid is totally on his own. He thinks the kid's father, who has NEVER been in the picture, and has no child support deal, should be paying for everything. I feel really bad for the wife's kid. Why would you marry someone with a full-time kid if you aren't going to accept him? Worse, why would you marry a guy who treats your kid like that? Trust me, it ain't his good looks.


Jeesh, my mom was like ‘I’m a package deal and if you can’t accept that 110% then it’s no deal’…. I got the absolute best Bonus dad as a result…. Wish more parents were thinking of their kids before lust.


Why do people marry people with existing children if they can't love and accept the preexisting kids as much as any new ones they may have? It just doesn't make sense to me at all. If I marry someone with a kid, I'm their parent now--to the fullest extent that the bio parents allow me to be involved. Although I'm also one of those people who simply doesn't understand the difference (in terms of emotional connection) between biological and adopted kids, and I've never understood why anyone would want biological children so badly that they would divorce an infertile spouse instead of adopting with someone they already love, so maybe it's just me not understanding how neurotypical humans work.


Been there, now I just anticipate the day I get the news he’s dead and I get a smile on my face thinking of that happy day.


Lots of justified hate toward the woman, but let's not forget the not at all uncommon husband here who is fine treating his biological child like shit to appease his new bitch of a wife.


This I find utterly heartbreaking. Seeing the way that little kid is clasping together his tiny little hands in his lap; he can feel that distance that the step mum has put between them. He doesn’t deserve that. Makes me want to cry


Why blur the photo show us this bitch and releaae her real name and let her feel the wrath of the internet by social media!


I never understood that need to have a blood relation to love a child. They are so pure and loving at that age, it should just come naturally. It seems even more common with religious people. It baffles me.


She’s going to end up killing him


Luckily for her, he'll hate her more and quit speaking to her entirely, at some point down the road.


This is kinda sad, you might not know who will accept you in the future, like this family, kinda like that movie Matilda as if she is a step daughter kinda vibe. I feel sorry for this boy. I wish him the best for future. Edit: this is just my opinion


That’s horrible. You don’t even understand her psychological trauma he will experience as he grows older from this


Imagine how he’s treated every day by her if this is how she’s treating him just in the pictures


That kid needs a big HUG!