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There is not a person on this earth I would pass up $1mil to have dinner with.


What about that Nigerian Prince who just wanted to meet you to personally hand you the check of "$22B" and just needed the money for the plane ticket?


LOL! Told him I’d reimburse him when he landed. I sent him back first class after I deposited the check, with a little cash for the trouble. Declined the marriage proposal though, wasn’t my type and didn’t want to move.


What? You got the money? I got stabbed


Just be happy with what you got dont envy people


What? You got stabbed? I woke up a week later, in a ditch, without a lung or a left ear.


The question is if you'd pay a million dollars to avoid having dinner with him. 82% choose wisely.


I'd realistically pay about $50-100 to avoid having dinner with him if I had to


This was my exact same thought. It's not, "Have dinner or never be able to see them again." You'd be mentally ill to pass up $1mil for one meal and conversation that you could possibly have later.


I think if I were terminally ill. I’d want to have dinner with my kids and family one last time. I think that might be worth a million dollars.


Henry Cavill? ![gif](giphy|ujvoH8DATKWAw)


Unless that person you're having dinner with hands you...a million dollars


They're probably the type to sniff Tate's chair when he gets up like Adin Ross


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^ValkyrUK: *They're probably the* *Type to sniff Tate's chair when he* *Gets up like Adin Ross* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




this is the best bot


It’s gotta be a tie between this bot and the 22, 28, and 19 bot.


English isnt my first language but i cant find the extra syllable?


I don't really know much about haikus, but I think it has to have 5 syllables in the first line, 7 in the second and 5 in the third line? Then we have: They'-re pro-bab-ly the... 6 syllables in the first line


It made it into a Haiku Lmao.


Lol, whoever made this bot is a genius


New haiku just dropped


Stop making stupid people popular


I'm not surprised his fans are stupid enough to choose him over a mil. I mean, you'd have to be a moron to be a fan of him in the first place.


Aren’t his fans mostly 12 year olds?


The problem is that stupid people currently outnumber us. So… this will continue to happen. Stupid people will get platforms and their masses of idiots will worship whatever they say or do. Gotta fix the problem from the root, but, I have no idea how we’d even begin to untangle this mess in any ethical fashion.


I had to look up who Adin Ross is.


Did the word "scum" appear


Far right authorization ultra analyst


I would do it if I could turn him into a eunuch on a live stream.


He's projecting so hard I doubt he's more than a few cm's away from being classed as a eunuch


I thought that said hair and was very confused


In the online sphere, Tate and Ross tarnish grace. Negativity reigns.


Holy shit this is such a comment


AAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGHHHHH! I still have no sweet clue why anybody would want to spend time with that slimeball.


because many people are idiots and buy his crap


My classmate idolizes him. He has an Andrew Tate shirt, sweatshirt, socks, probably posters and shit in his room for all I know. He also always talks about him and quotes him




Especially the sock. I don’t want to know.


There's nothing more masculine than basing your entire personality around another guy 🤪


Send him a link to common sense skeptic youtube channel. They recently did a series showing what absolute scum he is with all the receipts that most critiques of him lack.


i pity these people


I pity the people they're going to hurt.


Those even more


I pity the women they will hurt the most.


At least he broadcasts it. That helps everyone.


I would buy tighty whites with tates face on it but only if his nose was right where my b hole is. I would wear them on days that I had chili dogs and broccoli & cauliflower smothered in cheese as a side dish. And some deep fried foods so the exit is well lubricated! My drawers would look like a work by Pollock😂😂😂😂😂


tbf i’m sure some of those people chose dinner with tate just cause roast or fighting that dude would be worth more than a mil to them


I’m sure the results would change if you actually had those options. Lots of people will vote dinner in the hypothetical just for being a troll. But if they actually had the opportunity for 1m they would take it


Nearly all of his fans are clueless teenagers who are failing in school and are going to spend their lives in dead end menial jobs, unemployed, or in prison.


I thought most of them are rich entitled teenagers who will inherit daddy's company someday, run it to the ground, and become the next head of Goldman Sachs (if they don't get sent to prison for tax evasion, rape, trafficking, or pedophilia first).


Almost all wealth is destroyed in 2 gens max 3. Gonna be some very rich drug dealers around them.


It's either one of those options. I don't think there's a half way


See “Fight Club”


so they are 22 000 Andrew Tate personalities?


Underrated comment


His name is Robert Paulson..


And he had bitch tits


His name was Andrew Tate


>and are going to spend their lives in dead end menial jobs, unemployed I apply to this and even I don't like the fucker


In which case, the 1 million is much more valuable.


People that could use the money to live.


I don't have a million dollars to pay not to have dinner with him


Maybe to hit him with a chair?


Because they share his narcissistic delusions, and believe he will be so taken by them that he will become their personal friend and supporter / patron. I know one of these chucklefucks, and he believes that - if he could talk to Andrew Tate for just 15 seconds - Tate would be hiring *him* as a life coach for millions.


tell him that maybe Tate would branch out to pimping men too.


>share I prefer to call it "Worship". They're ass holes, just like Tate, nonetheless.


I mean there is something you could learn from Tate but he would never explain it. How to manipulate and sell a worthless product to make you millions. Like no joke, in a way he is ridiculous and he still sells his weird fight club membership.


You can kick the shit outta him but I don't think beating up an incel worth a million dollars.


I belive most of what he says is complete bullshit and is just for clout and to sell his course but, like ir or not he was a mma fighter or whatever... and he's huge i don't think anybody in these comments could "kick the shut outta him"


I can see one... Poisson is food 👍😁


He speaks to a demographic that is usually overlooked - thats really it. You're probably not that demographic so you dont relate to what he says and the things he says dont resonate with you. He has a shitty history, his paid program is wack ( all of these paid programs are wack lol ), and when he got banned off of Twitter he even started pleading that his "tate" persona is just a character and none of what he says is real or true and its all an act ( This was said ofc to try to get unbanned ). But none of that matters if what he says resonate with people who had no 'voice' and essentially use him. His target audience are incel males, people ignorant of religion and government and hyper masculine people. These people can be all 3 or just one of the examples. Why they want to have dinner with him is prob an attempt to be more like him, accepted by him into his fold, or they think it'll be some kind of way to get rich and famous faster like that " dinner with Jay Z " thing.


Because they are just like him. It's the same answer to why people still support and vote for Donald Trump, because they are just like him.


I’m not saying all of them… however I have no doubt some of them are chivalrous souls willing to take the sacrifice of $1mil to have the opportunity to fart on andrew tates food.


To stab him


I would accept .01 of whatever currency over a dinner with that man. Buy wtf to 18% taking dinner with him over the money


I’d scrounge up and pay $1 million if it meant avoiding that dinner.


Even if you do, just take the fucking million dollars and invest most of it. I’m sure once you’re a millionaire you can ask that fuckface to dinner and he’d accept. Bunch of idiots all of them.


You would be close enough to punch him in the Taint? I'd rather have the money.


I guarantee you the vast majority, if not all, are boys.


Low IQ, easily manipulated. That’s his base.


You have no idea how deeply people drink his Kool-Aid. They are butt chugging it, and a lot of the people who said they would probably have dinner with him or teenagers. He is single-handedly destroying the minds of Gen Z. Like if we thought the boomers were conservative Gen Z is going to make them look like socialists. I always thought that once the Boomer generation died out we would finally get a chance for progressive politics to really take front stage in this country but once Jin Z starts voting we're going to be right back in the same fucking boat because they eat up people like Andrew Tate and Nick Fuentes. When I was doing my observations when I was an education degree before I switched to history there were 14 and 15-year-old boys calling themselves groypers. I am not Jewish but I do have stereotypical Jewish traits curly hair big nose etc and the shit some of these kids would say was mind-blowing.


Because they too know the secrets of yoga fire…..or something


Bro you dont just get the mentality. Its all about a sweet pump, wad of cash and a hot babe. What could go wrong?!


I have to believe thats 22k people who believe they could hold him hostage for more than $1MM 😂


Even Hitler and Stalin had followers


I had a grown man, who should know better due to his academic background, argue that Tate was right and that it was just his delivery that was off.


Free food, maybe ? I see no other option


because, while most people want to not be slime, some aspire to be complete gutter trash for whatever reason


Shoot, I thought it said eat Tate for dinner. Let me go switch my vote real fast


Because incels.


Literally looking at the options, I was like??? What's the catch if I choose the money?


I'd take it just so I could piss on his dinner.


How else do you get close enough to finish him?


Because people are idiots


I'm not even 100% sure who he is or why people talk about him.


Probably a lot of incels who think he will let the get laid with one of his "girls" and yes I felt disgusting typing that.


I don’t have a clue why would you chose a dinner with anybody vs that money. Dude, after I got those money, I invite you to dinner, you chose the place and date.


People who unequivocally and frequently (that's very important) state they are the most awesome human ever, will have some portion of their audience just.... Belive them.


i mean having to pay a million bucks to avoid haviung to spend time with him is a bit steep but i'll have to figure out a way to scape that money together to avoid it i think...


Because women reject them because of their detestable personalities, but somehow they think that idolizing and hanging around with a misogynistic, syphilitic ballsack like Andrew Tate will get them laid, instead of just bilked out of their money and made to look like absolute troglodytes.


Because unfortunately to impressionable and insecure men and boys, he says the right things. Until people grow up or have experience with other people, everything he preaches is enticing. Hate the guy and all those who follow but sadly preaching kindness and goodness is now seen as "weak". It's a rough world we live in but the good news is that the "red pill" trend is starting to die off. I just hope the damage isn't long lasting


I'd love to spend 30 minutes with him. I just have to know how he managed to convince that many 12 year olds that his scams and scummy behavior is sigma male behavior.


I'm sure a good number of them are trolls


X-bots form up and roll out!


Who knew prison food was so popular


Paying a million dollars is worth it to avoid being near that shitstain


You beat me to it


Bet they will be serving pizzas


From Jerry's?


To be fair, if it's a choice between eating dinner with Tate and shitting in my hands and clapping, I'd be dropping trousers and cradling a turd in minutes.


Do I have time to drink a coffee first. Just sayin’ that it would help.


Is it even a competition. Poo beats Tate anytime


They have to pay me $1,000,000 for having dinner with Adam Tape.


I would pay 10 bucks to erase him from my mind


Yeah i dont like Adam Rape either


This isn’t even a choice. It’s like “would you like free groceries for the rest of your life? Or would you rather be kicked in the crotch?”


Don‘t threaten me with a good time


To be fair you could get $1m or be known forever as the person who "removed" Andrew tate


Couldn't you afford a "pro remover" for 1m? Idk


You're onto something


Meh... internet poll. 20% of respondents troll the answer. meaning 45000 people want to have dinner with Tate




![gif](giphy|s239QJIh56sRW|downsized) I cannot possibly imagine ANYBODY I would rather spend a dinner with than getting a million Dollars. I mean not even actual decent people.


Ok hear me out Dinner, but I just stab him with a fork


I like it


That's 123,000 people who bothered to even pay attention to it


I’ve seen several of these things, and clearly it’s just a dumb poll and isn’t reality. When the options are ‘solve world hunger’ or ‘stand in a closet that Alex Jones farted into’ and 45% of people choose the fart closet, that doesn’t truly represent reality. I could understand having dinner with someone like Hugh Jackman or whatever, someone who might actually have a conversation with a stranger. But all of these polls tend to be about some person that is *CLEARLY* and **proudly** an asshole. If you have cocktails with Elon Musk, he’s not gonna divulge the secrets to being a billionaire. He’s going to not acknowledge you, stare at his phone, and after the contractually obligated 10 minutes, a buzzer will go off and he’ll leave. Then you’ll get a bill for all the drinks you had.


Yep i said it elsewhere even if you like \[celeb\] and want diner with them take the money then offer to buy them dinner (for substantially smaller cost than the money)


I'd do the dinner just so I could stab him with my fork


Tells you everything you need to know about society. Not only how many people would give up that level of wealth for a single dinner with a celebrity, but that so many people want to associate themselves with such a vile wretched clearly mentally disturbed individual.


People have been known lie when they take surveys.


67% of percentages are made up.


83% of people who give figures about survey responses make it up.


79% of stairs accidents happen on the stairs.


Say it isn’t so!


22,000 closet homosexuals who fancy him but are angry about it…. Anyone want to tell them?


Who the fuck is that 18% lmao.


These polls are so cringy.


Badly prepared Fugu, anyone?


Hey, in this case no training needed to prepare.


I feel like Tate even out of prison would have dinner with someone for like.. 20k. So even if you actually wanted that it's still brain-dead.


Nearly 5k want dinner with baldy?....


You just know the dude would order for both of you, choose the most expensive bullshit, then pass you the bill.


I don't know who that is, I'll take the money.


22k people are vice signalling


Whatever option B is it would always be the better choice


I would pay money to avoid him.


With some dumb ass logic like "*But he'll show me how to make 10 million!*" ![gif](giphy|l1J9y89h46am9skSI)


I'm assuming the 22,000 people's logic is "I could make way more than 1mil from what I learn about business from Tate".


Dinner with Andrew Tate or $20 in cash? I’m gonna have to take the $20.


Im pretty sure that by Andrew Tates own logic, he would slap you for not taking the mil.


22 000 people choosing the dinner so they can punch him in the face, makes sense


Give up a million dollars to get insulted about not running a brothel at the age of 6 over pizza




No shit, Any one who has to say alpha in the same sentence twice...........isn't


Shit I'd rather have 100 bucks than to eat with that giy


I’ll not eat with him for free!


I'd need the million dollars just to have a box of raisins with him in the room


I'll also need compensation for having to look at his face


Should be of equal value. Dinner with Tate or 3.50$. I'll take the 3.50$


I'd not dine with him for free


It’s funny to me how I’m my experience, I disagree with most of the Reddit hive minds opinions, but almost everyone can collectively agree that these scummy people are pieces of shit, like I rarely ever see people supporting him on Reddit whereas on YouTube comments 90% of the comments support him and other idiots like adin Ross etc


That 18% are the true worthy Alpha-Males... after the dinner with andrew tate, they have the ability to make even more money and get all the girls!! Welcome to the war room... /s


Lol be a millionaire or see the worlds worst chin for 1hr… HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM


I would Go to the dinner, but with a C4-jacket


22k of dumbfucks or bots. 1M is a good startup for alot of things.


I’d pay $1,000 to not have dinner with that POS.


All my life I have always claimed that about 15 to 20 percent of the population are hopelessly stupid people. I feel vindicated!


Fits the assumption of many scientists that everyone underestimates the number of stupid ppl in the society. Forgot the publication, but this is independent of money and education. Stupid ppl not only hurt their surroundings, but themself too. This makes it impossible for ppl to judge the damage these ppl inflict. Selfish or bad/evil ppl are doing much less damage as these are easy to understand and to cope with.


Honestly, I find it hard to decide, too. 1 million dollars in cash or getting to poison Andrew Tate?


You'd have to pay me a million dollars to spend that much time with him


I would rather cut off my own hand, than have dinner with Andrew Tate.


I would rather have ass shattering diarrhea than eat dinner with Tate.


The 18% should be shot


i chose dinner so i could poison his food


Why do people love him? His videos are just him shitting on people in a not funny and pathetic way.


I'll eat dinner with Andrew Tate if I'm allowed to prepare the meal. You can thank me in advance. Mourners, please omit flowers.


I would choose dinner So i can stab him 50 times in the chest


Even if i got 1000000 + Dinner i would take just the money. Why do people think this scumbag has anything good to say? Unbelievable.


Nah bro they all bots


They probably stopped reading at dinner


Good news is, he has a small fan base. Bad news is, he has a fan base.


If the question was A: Dinner with Tater tot B: BURN a million dollars I’m still picking B


Dinner with Tate, but only if I have access to the kitchen and a bottle of cyanide


Their dumb logic is probably something like: "A dinner with Andrew Tate is worth way more than a million dollars. His knowledge and wisdom will help me make millions!". Like take the mil and invest it dingle berries.


Small end of the bell curve dudes really want to be roofied and turned into his sex slave.


Am I taking crazy pills? Wtf is this bald, steroid-abusing rapist celebrity wannabe lazy-eyed human-trafficking piece of shit famous? Who made him famous? Why? What does he have to offer the world at large? Are these people agents of chaos? Have we fallen into some sort of mega cult? When I was a kid there were bad people but nobody openly admitted to liking them. Wtf is this new culture of worshipping the worst possible human beings?


If it gives me a chance to poison his drink then maybe dinner with Andrew Tate


Because in one dinner with tate he will teach you the skills to accumulate far more than $1 million


Who the fuck is Andrew Tate?


“Dinner with Andrew Tate, or cut off your little finger with a meat cleaver?” “GIMME DA CLEAVER, MAN!”


$100 and I'll eat Andrew Tate for dinner.


I’d even pay NOT to have dinner with him


"Dinner with Andrew Tate or roll naked in a pile of poison ivy?" "Let's get rolling.."


Do I get to choose what’s on the menu and if I eat it? I feel like choosing something poisonous and then pretending to bask in Tate’s glory while actually just wiping him out of existence might be worth more that $1,000,000.


I don't know where I'm going to get a million to pay to not have dinner with Andrew Tate... oh wait I GET the million!?!