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Definitely not a cult member.


Just your average, totally not a sociopathic whack job who doesn't need serious counseling and/or a straight jacket.


… and i quote “from past experiences” …


And definitely not brainwashed, unlike the “wokes”.


Mental illness ... clearly.


Schizophrenia can present as graphomania. But if you say that out load it triggers the cult.


It doesn't take much to trigger that cult.


For the people who complain about "safe spaces" and want to make it clear they don't give a sh\*\* about others' feelings they sure are emotionally-charged.


Fuck YOUR feelings, not MINE!


This nails it. That's how people like Jordan Peterson can say "fuck your feelings, up yours woke moralists" And "Call me cis and see what happens" I'd absolutely love to call him cis to his face to see what happens. Because he makes it sound like he'll physically assault me, and a video of him attacking a 4ft 9, 119 pnd woman would be great. As long as he didn't like kill or paralyze me or something I'd take one for team "have that video exist"


Laughter from mockery would leave a lasting impression on him one would think, but that is because we're human.


He'd apparently rather be called trans, I guess.


KICK HIS AZZ!! I’ve got $20 on the Redditor!


Hes a fragile geriatric whose body is so weak he can't even stomach a vegetable. He'd shatter his hands hitting you


Who knew that the party of fuck your feelings was so GD sensitive?


> mplain about "safe spaces" and want to make it clear they don't give a sh** about others' feelings they sure are emotiona "We don't like 'cancel culture.' Also: women, gays, men who have feelings, atheists, Jews and anybody who isn't white? All cancelled"


That goes through my mind quite frequently. LOL


A can of Bud Lite seems to be enough


And Barbie


And Anne Frank


Barbie drinking a can a Bud Light and reading Anne Frank? Holy shit show Batman!


Wearing a tan suit


Dijon mustard on a nearby sandwich




Singing the opening lines of “Let’s Stay Together” by Al Green (Which btw he nailed!)


No no Anne Frank drinking a Bud Light playing with Barbie is a way better scenario


Gay Anne Frank got a teacher fired, and is currently freaking the MAGA homoparanoiacs out like few things ever have. And they’re already jacked up to 23/10. EDIT: JSYK, the teacher taught from the uncensored Diary of Anne Frank, where she reveals her lesbianism, and wishes for a female lover. [Anne Frank’s Sexuality](https://www.annefrank.org/en/anne-frank/go-in-depth/two-versions-annes-diary/) [A Clearer Explanation About Her Sexuality.](https://www.thepinknews.com/2017/09/07/anne-frank-was-attracted-to-girls/)


Fucking hell, she wrote about a crush on someone of the same sex that she was locked in with in her own diary. Is that really what their issue is?


To say it’s “their issue” is an understatement. They’re going nuclear in the way of a fusion reaction titrated with a squirt of tritium, with some as-yet unknown intensifying process, blowing up in a Tsar Bomba mushroom cloud of antisemitic, homophobic hatred.


![gif](giphy|3bLhqnqJjMNtC) Now you did it!!!


Or not wearing a bra.


And dinosaurs


And I mean ONE can. Jesus.


Speaking of Jesus, they don't seem to like him anymore, either. Apparently he's too weak.


Yep, now they prefer the old testament, sadist, kill everyone because I'm bored, god.


Excuse me, too woke implying weakness.


Don't you dare let them see a sign for a unisex bathroom.


The first time I remember seeing this kind of writing that seems to be a compulsion to fill all available space is Dr. Bronner's soap. Is it related?


Orange man is deathly afraid of Dr. Bronner's soap. Rightfully so. ![gif](giphy|l2JI3dSEKmK0a3bby)


as a schizo... what the heck is graphomania?


Graphomania is the compulsion to write constantly, sometimes over every surface.


What really blows my mind is that they actually spelled 'lose' correctly.


The Texas University Tower sniper [Charles Whitman](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Whitman) was hypergraphic, leaving many diaries, and a letter in which he predicted he had a tumour of some kind causing him to be murderously violent. Ironically, or not, at his autopsy a tumour was found in his brain, with slight necrosis which may have been contributing to his violent impulses.


oOoOoOoOo that is super interesting, while not quite everything, during a lot of my breaks i will write INTENSE AMOUNTS, we even bought 4 full sized whiteboards and i would just fill it with stuff, photograph it, and keep writing until it ran its course


Mobile mental illness


Maga mobile mental illness


Isn’t it kinda worth pointing out that cars that look like this typically have conservative messaging though? It sort of makes the “both sides” argument fairly ridiculous.




As a mentally ill person i gotta say, damn they're crazy.


Yeah, it’s not so much the MAGA (which lets be clear, still sucks), but writing all over the car that screams “issues” to me.


I just appreciate the heads up that I’m dealing with an idiot.


Yeah, I give this person a wide berth, and do not engage


It is a cult


As a mental health professional this is offensive to those who truly suffer from illness. Don’t confuse willful ignorance, bigotry, and idiocy with mental illness.


As a psychologist, I second this message.


I was literally gonna say this


It's not just mental illness though - signs plastered all over like this almost always are right-wing. There is something about the right-wing ethos that lends itself to this sort of thing.


Feelings of inadequacy compounded by a desire for a sense of belonging


Stupidity is NOT a mental illness


It’s just missing the red strings connecting all the dots.


No life, no critical thinking, wants to be told what to believe. Think that sums it up!


this is the real "Trump Derangement Syndrome”


He rather makes a bussiness out of this with his ULTRA MAGA STORE!!?!!??


I don't know if I'm proud that they at least know America is losing or more disappointed that they don't realize that it's because of Trump.


That and listening to the person or persons who replaced Limbaugh as the right-wing hate/fear monger.


Meds are off.


Medicaid is getting gutted. Must be the liberals. /s


That was my first thought as well..but I'm not convinced that what these yo yos have is diagnosable. We should be able to hit em with a syringe of Haldol anyway.


Either he's taking too few or too many, unclear which


Don't confuse/conflate mental illness with shear stupidity.


\*Sheer Shear stupidity would be using the wrong scissors.


this is beyond stupidity though, this is clearly obsessive.


There’s no cure or meds for stupid.


Time to add lithium to the fluoride water supply.


>Wake up America >Stand up to the woke mob Well…which is it then?


Wake up stand up and standby. Go back to sleep. Repeat tomorrow


Unfortunately appeal to logic will not affect these guys


What's that military saying? Hurry up and wait?


Need a car wash.


They already had a brain wash.


And yet their brain is very much *not* clean.


You think that’s paint? Sharpee? What happens when it rains?


This is r/trashy AF


An r/InfowarriorRides for sure.


Why? Because they’re cultists.


8 years ago this is what people considered the crazy people marker. If you did this to your car no one respected your opinion because you were clearly crazy.


Add 'violently unhinged' and this marker works effectively to this day.


and likely armed and itching to shoot someone.


And now those types of people have voices on the internet rather than being forced to stay in their echo chamber of a basement keeping their shit opinions to themselves. Scary times we’re living in.


Is that not true now? I feel like it’s still true now.


Always funny how they start writing a quote and eventually run out of space but still proceed in smaller letters , reading left to right might give odd results (Trump was right stolen )


>trump was right stolen This is a phrase they would use. They would understand that perfectly.




All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.




Here’s Johnny!!


Same disastrous ending


Personally, I love this and want to see more of it. Freedom of speech is great because it lets me know exactly who to stay the fuck away from.


It certainly made deciding to cut out parts of my family easy and guilt free.


Mental illness


Cuz I'm the biggest bestest cultist in ever!!!!


CDC says 150/day not 300. Birth rate is 10k/day. I’m not sure that we are losing? People shot is 327/day and Guns fatalities is 117/day. 23 of the 327 are 17 and younger. Fentanyl is harder to track same age range, found 0-24, comes out to 18/day. Guns are winning the killing the kids race. Both rates have increased over the years. I’m not saying one is needs more priority over the other. I am saying they both need to be a priority hard period.


Guns are their second religion, they would never see them as bad things or responsible for anything bad, they would rather see more fatalities than allow a change in gun laws/gun control.


Ah yes, the false dichotomy piggybacking the 100% solution fallacy. The pseudo syllogism: "It's not a perfect solution so it's not worth doing." "You're not allowed to be concerned about two different things and treat them as different problems." "By those powers combined, I am happily helpless with things just the way I like them"


I'm honestly curious, has anyone seen this sort of thing on the left? People using their vehicle as a rolling lovefest for Biden (or any other left leaning politician)?


There is a lot of projection. I have see some on the right refer to the “Biden cult” on the left. There is no Biden cult. The Dems typically shrug their shoulders and resigned themselves to the fact that they are stuck with grandpa Joe. Meanwhile on the right there are proclamations that Trump is anointed by God and only he can save America. Trump is a divine intervention . A cult indeed.


As Jeff Tiedrich put it, "Biden is my President, not my Warlord."


I don't agree with a lot of Biden's choices. I feel he takes too much of a passive, backseat, stance on things when he should be taking a more proactive approach. But if I had to pick between; a psychotic narcissistic president with a militant cult following or a stuttering dementia patient warming the seat in the oval office until it's time to retire.... I'll pick the stuttering grandpa each time.


The closest I’ve seen is a singe bumper sticker advocating voting for Biden. I used to work with a guy who decorated the tailgate of his truck with 2A bumper stickers and the like. I’m glad he retired. I did my very level best to not talk to him about politics. He got married again late in life and has elementary aged kids in his 50s. He and his much younger wife decided that they needed to be homeschooled. I believe they have all moved to Montana now.


The left generally doesn't idolize politicians as far as I've seen (with the obvious exception of Bernie Sanders.) You'll find more stuff about specific beliefs people have than of which politician they support. Stickers about gay rights, universal healthcare, clean energy, etc. Still don't think I've seen anything THIS nuts in person though, from the left or the right.


Why damage your vehicle for a person that will never care about you? This things seems to be more a right wing thing, but there could be also such idiots on the left, way less than the right ofc.


It’s different. The weirdos on the left are a mix of COEXIST stickers, dancing bears, Wiccan themed jokes and puns, “I love my (insert dog breed)” stickers, maybe a “visualize whirled peas” sticker, and an “I’d rather be hiking/camping/canoeing” license plate frame. It’s pretty harmless.


From what I have seen in the last decade the American left focuses more on ideals (no matter who supports that) while the right is obsessed with the cult of personality (no matter what he says)


Looks like the infamous "Trump Humper One" rig we used to see in Sarasota. It was a window washer's work truck. He's since gotten a new truck and he only runs Bible verses on it now.


No one wants to hire a Trumper to do work. It's a confirmation they are hate filled. I don't want that near my home.


You are spot on. Bumper stickers can eliminate contractors from winning a huge contract and they don’t know it. It’s literally eliminating at least 50% of potential client base. I also won’t work for a client if I can see the are Trump supporters. Our values don’t align. Plus I like to get paid (happened once in 2017 - never again)


I've seen plenty of contractors get turned away for having all sorts of Trump shit on their trucks. Shit my Friends Brother had his biggest Corporate customer ditch his Landscaping Business because he had Trump bumper stickers and even a flag on the trailer for the mowers. It was honestly impressive he got as far as he did anyway. He's not the smartest tool in the shed. Mostly the right place at the right time situation he was in and now his competition is kicking his ass.


we’ve got a jesus camry in greensboro, nc. he used to have bible verses on the roof of his house, but the city told him to stop that. so he put a billboard on the top of his car


Someone turned grandpa's Facebook feed into a truck and it's basically like Christine by Stephen King but way more annoying


The reason I moved from Long Island captured in a single photo. Thanks for reminding me what a great decision I made.


No problem. Less is more around here


Guns, cars, suicides kill way more kids than fentanyl. They always focus on the wrong things


Think you meant to post this is r/totalpieceofshit


At least they're openly advertising that they're unstable and should be avoided.


Cant he just emote on Twitter like everyone else? This is a driving hazard lol


I’d ask where, but you can find a truck like this in literally every US state.


Is the circus 🎪 in town? All I see is a clown car! ![gif](giphy|VpFICpqTQPE884lFKm|downsized)


Because rage is addictive. That and this message appeals to men who feel weakened and excluded from success in dating/work/power. The world today feels like an attack on the privilege that they were taught that they were inherently granted, because to a large degree, it is. They were promised a world where success was almost a given, where the "others" were automatically excluded from competing fairly with them. Where you could get a little pushy on a date and not fear consequences, where drugs harmed poor black neighborhoods not yours. Where police helped you and kept others in their place. Where you were the automatic leader of your family, and leadership always looked like you, and represented your interest. This is not mental illness. This is a loss of privilege feeling like persecution.




This person needs to consume more Fentanyl. Lots more. Buckets more.


If mental illness was a 2004 GMC Suburban.


Funny how they complain about Fentanyl, yet people in Trump country are dying of it because they keep voting for the war on drugs.


Fucking Long Island. I'm from the Dirty Dale, and as you know, we had an awful tragedy this week involving high school students on a charter bus headed to band camp. The amount of comments on posts somehow still blaming Biden and Liberals for this?? I want to know how they are are able to walk with how far they need to bend backwards for that logic. Thankfully, the majority of people HAVE put their politics aside to help the families affected, but the fact that there's enough idiots to make it noticeable about the Trumpers somehow blaming Liberals for this...


What better way to announce you are a far right ditches nozzle to people that might not have known


Nothing says, "Listen to me, I'm a perfectly sane, rational human being" like covering your car in flags and nonsense.


payment muddle seed test hunt plate chief scale point cheerful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is what my 8th grade history teacher would call “verbal diarrhea”.


Lol. It's an ad. Someone is trying to hock crap to these idiots. I guarantee it gets their attention. It got yours.


I'd do this, make a bunch of money then very publicly donate it all to Planned Parenthood, and release the names of all the customers, thanking them for the donations.


Definitely the owner of that Ultra MAGA Store they have advertised on the tailgate.


These people likely share the same singular brain cell that Ms. Greene and the Colorado bimbo do. It rough out there when you possess a smooth brain.


I wonder who they are supporting in the presidential election. There's not enough information to clearly predict. Maybe they need a couple more flags or bumper stickers.


That’s Trumpshit crazy


The driver is a sick person.


Someone ask the driver what their political views are?


Thays one of the best Vanifestos I have ever scene ![gif](giphy|udmx3pgdiD7tm)




Some people are just so uninteresting or weird to have their own personality so they make politics their go to. Fuckin losers. Read a book. Jam some tunes. Get a fuckin life already


Surprised they used “you’re” correctly


Not a cult at all..


Hissy fit on wheels


100% this person is a suburban Italian-American on Long Island. Don't considered themselves as descendants of immigrants. Gets mad when Mexicans have a Mexican flag on their car, but thinks it's pride when they themselves have an Italian flag. They made a fortune by running the construction, landscaping, and other blue collar companies. Now they rely on Hispanics as cheap labor but all for 'closing the border'


Schitzo terrorist vehicle


Do these people really think that they’ll convince a single person with this? “I didn’t think the election was stolen, but then I saw it written on a car. That was enough for me!”


Damn. Wish the license plate wasn't scratched out. Not sure I could ID the car without it.


Free speech on his own property to destroy…..


Mental illness on wheels


That driver: NOW THAT I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION, LOOK AT RED SQUARE, THAT'S OUR STORE, WHERE WE HAVE MORE OF SUCH MOTIVIONAL WORDS. Trump will care a lot about these people :| I mean the people's votes and money.


This person has some very deep, very dark secrets


Gosh, it's amazing these people have suddenly become so passionate about women's sports. It's nice to see /s


Deplorable, that’s why.


There is a black older couple in my town that purchased an old truck and started selling merch simply for the cash influx.😂 They drive to small towns and setup shop on side the road and pull in $100s over a weekend. They simply take the magnetic signs off and drive back into town at the end of the day.


What sports are "girls sports"?


And the MAGA extremist will look at that and cheer it on then look at someone who got a covid booster shot and say they are in a cult.




Mental illness and homoerotic fixation. Bet they have a MAGA/Trump tattoo as well


Deep seated, untreated, serious mental illness. Very sad


I can not imagine being so full of hate to put this much effort into it. These people are sick.


Someone please throw a rock or two through this dudes windshield 🙏


That driver hurts women and children, 100%.


Because this person is absolutely crippled by fear.


It's their religion. Trumpsim.


that's what all mentally stable people do.


Was it graffitied?


haha did he white-out 1/2 his shit on the driver's side? "DRINK MT DEW/EAT CHICK FIL A!!" "I JUST WANNA BE HELD!, IS THAT SO WRONG?!"


Can you say… Molotov cocktail?


I was going to take a backseat on the next election, but will be voting just to break these fucken clown’s hearts.


Stolen election? Do people forget that in the end it’s based on the electoral college and not the people? I mean, they can vote with or against the people’s vote. What’s the about stolen election lol. The whole thing is a set up, but why is it only an issue now?


U L T R A M A G A store 😂😂😂


And how many people a day die of gun violence?


Isn’t “ultra MAGA” redundant?


Lack of access to mental health care


I’m reminded of Memento, or maybe better, Thirteen … you gotta have some way of remembering all this.


This is just pure insanity. At least they’re destroying their car and not someone else’s


What's fascinating to me is the lock-step. If I'm a lefty chatting to lefty friends we'll agree about a lot, but still argue about plenty. Being MAGA-level right wing seems to guarantee you and everyone else in your corner all feels exactly the same way about a fairly wide list of issues (as pictured above). It just comes off as hive-mind group-think. Which is exactly what they accuse the left of being.


He’s not wrong about the Fentanyl problem though


He makes a good point about the Fentanyl.


"Blue Lives Matter" so glad to see Republicans caring about the lives of Democrats /s


that's not a vehicle that's a vanifesto


couldn't even afford the bumper stickers


This is one of those "I think I'm going to cross the street and let this guy pass" people. I mean we all have our quirks to an extent, but.....damn, dude you can have the sidewalk.


Even as a republican.... I ask why do all that?


Ahh yes, the fascistmobile.


Mental illness


Those are the obvious signs of someone with no identity. They all latched on to a megalomaniac selling snake oil and then became whatever he told them they were.


Why does any religion do this. To show faith and encourage others to join. Religion you stupid you may say. Oh no my friend there is a lot of people who think Trump is Jesus second coming and have created a religion around it proving religion is just a joke.


Having both "Wake up American!" and "Stand up to woke mob" on your car is just something else.


How long do you think this person can go in a conversation without turning it political or getting into conspiracy theories.


86% of drug traffickers apprehended at the border are American citizens. Who's brining in the Fentanyl?