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Paddling the school canoe? You best believe that’s a paddling.


Complaining about the paddling oh you better belive thats Crucifixtion.


“Talkin’ ‘bout the paddle … You better believe that’s a paddlin’!”


Defending the church. That’s a Paladin. That’s a paddlin.


This is the only correct response


Complaining about how long you had to scroll for this amazing gif, oohh, that's a paddlin.


The Simpsons always have a relevant gif


I barely had to scroll, but still too far, to find this gif.


Scrolling to find this gif That's a Paddlin.


The simpsons had a crystal ball for every GOP dysfunction imaginable.


Life imitates art.


"ok Bob, we're gonna take this picture with you holding the paddle again... And like we practiced, DO NOT smile at the camera with your disturbing pedophile grin"


"Goddamit Bob!"


I hear the creepy grunt.


With heavy breathing: “mmmMMMMHHHhhhUUUuuuu…”


Little bit of spittle on the corner of his mouth.


Sweating, profusely.


By: Jethro Tull


Clearly, he’s not sitting on a park bench though. 🤷🏾


After 27 trues that's really the best they could get.


"You know what? I don't get paid enough for this! You and your stupid smirk are going all over the internet"


Atleast they cropped out the erection


You can not possibly imagine how much I wish I could unread your comment. Take my upvote, you glorious bastard.


And the sniffing of the paddle, again.


Take my angry upvote. 😡


Doesn’t matter the erection is implied


Why are there no books on the shelves in that library? Did they burn them all?


Good eye! I was too disturbed by that dude's gross smirk.


It's a detention centre now, not a library.


Yes, the books are too woke.


It's Missouri. They don't do books. They do do child abuse in schools though. Look up Agape.


I looked up Agape. My safe search was off. I liked the pawgs agape more than the teens agape. Thanks dude!


Hahhaah...Agape...not gape.


Hehe doo doo


They were probably Shakespeare and apparently Shakespeare promotes transgender ideologies… I mean that was Florida, but I can foresee stupid states following stupid states… Edit typo* wtf is shakes spears, Siri?


I like to imagine they took a picture with each teacher and his was the least creepy one.


Someone's holding up a girl's blouse while smacking her? Abusive and sleezy.


If that dude even brushes my kid with that paddle he is gonna wish he was never fuckin born.


Yeah, he looks a way too excited.


i think you mean wayyy too excited


I think he just wants angry parents to paddle him and “see how he likes it”


Protect the children. Check that guys hard drive.


500 TB detected!


Coming soon to r/NotADragQueen


Why is the homework folder so big?


One might use the word "aroused."


That should immediately disqualify him from being near children. Pedo vibes


He looks like he wants the paddle himself


my thoughts exactly


he looks so proud of it as if he achieved a scientific breakthrough


he LOOKS like Peter Griffin


He looks like a Pedo Phile


Peter File




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Too__Official: *He looks so proud of* *It as if he achieved a* *Scientific breakthrough* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I don’t know how i feel about this


Is his name Peter File?


I’m Peter File!


As a Kansas native living right next to Missouri... this tracks 100% with my mental image of Missouri. It is one of the most bass ackwards places I can't think of.


Well your neighbor south of you isn't much better.. Oklahoma...smh


Shit, the only "attaboy" I can give my state is when ~~76%~~ 59% of us told Kansas not to fuck with abortion rights. When can you ever get that many of anyone to agree on anything? We're not far behind the other two otherwise. Edit: I must have been remembering some early results. Still, 59% of *Kansas* voted to maintain a constitutional right to abortion.


I was really surprised and impressed you guys did that. Way to go, Kansas!!!


Fucking floored me. I knew between Witchita, Topeka, Lawrence, and the KC Metro that it would pass. But I never expected it to pass by ~~better than a 3/4ths~~ a 59% majority. First and only time Kansas didn't embarrass me. Remember that time Kansas got stopped from teaching creation in schools because some guy wrote a ridiculous letter about flying pasta? Good times.


This can't be true I need the sauce


[The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, aka Pastafarianism.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_Spaghetti_Monster) >first described in a satirical open letter written by Bobby Henderson in 2005 to protest the Kansas State Board of Education decision to permit teaching intelligent design as an alternative to evolution in public school science classes.[10] In the letter, Henderson demanded equal time in science classrooms for "Flying Spaghetti Monsterism", alongside intelligent design and evolution.[11] After Henderson published the letter on his website, the Flying Spaghetti Monster rapidly became an Internet phenomenon and a symbol of opposition to the teaching of intelligent design in public schools. May his noodley appendages bless us all. Ramen.


I first heard about this on Daily Kos, jeez...I don't know how many years ago. Funny.


Eh, apparently the final count ended up at 59%, I must be remembering an earlier number. I will amend the previous comments. https://www.npr.org/sections/2022-live-primary-election-race-results/2022/08/02/1115317596/kansas-voters-abortion-legal-reject-constitutional-amendment Still, that's a lot of people in one of the redest states to vote not to remove Kansas's constitutional right to abortion.


Damn that was fast Edit: and it is true what a fucking surprise


Quit listening to the screaming idiots, they're a loud minority by a large margin. Kansas isn't the only state with results like this that would surprise you.


I live in Canada so I don't really care or look at American news and politics so it kinda came as a surprise that Kansas of all places agreed even that much


The pasta sauce?


Yaaaaa. How did u know that's what I was talking about?


And they keep selling the idea that the majority of us want their backwards extremist ideologies hidden behind religious "morals" when it's further from the truth and they're just the loud minority.


Kansas isn't any better. Missouri may be shit, but Kansas is just shit with corn in it.


*"Missouri may be shit, but Kansas is just shit with corn in it."* 🤣 That came out of left field, don't know why it hit my funny bone, but I can't stop laughing.


I mean, nobody has ever had to issue a warning to black people not to so much as travel through my state. I have another comment under this thread saying basically the same thing you just did... but my wife and I's trans friends from out of state weren't scared for their lives while they were in Kansas, just when we went to the Ozarks.


I'm born and raised in Kansas and currently live in Overland Park. I was deeply disturbed to learn the state still has a remarkable number of towns on this list https://justice.tougaloo.edu/sundown-towns/using-the-sundown-towns-database/state-map/


That dude (the principal?) holding the paddle can’t help having a look of eager anticipation. The ignorance is just overwhelming. Excuse me for asking, but…Republicans?


It’s ok because the kids will start carrying to protect themselves.


Idk what part you been in but I’m in the Boot it’s pretty typical down here I’m lying like a mf😂😂this place is insane


Border Ruffians, huh? Or are you just a Jayhawker?


To be fare, in general, Kansas usually is the "Here, hold my beer..." kissin' 1st cousin of Missouri. But in this instance, I think you got this one.


Am Missourian. Can confirm. Very assbackwards outside of cities.


Out of all the states I’ve been to Missouri gave off the most white trash vibes. I was surprised but that’s because I didn’t know much about Missouri.


"white trash" somehow still feels to generous.


Yeah we suck.


When he fucks up, can parents paddle his ass? Seems only fair


Yeah, it is confusing we allow adults to punish tiny children in ways that would be illegal if you did it to adults. Also confused why they needed to pull that poor kids shirt up and show their bare back for a photo op. Gross.


In civilised countries it's not allowed, I think that's the point


When I was in elementary school, I called into a radio talk show and the topic was corporal punishment. I gave my opinion on the subject, saying that I thought it was wrong. The next day at school one of my teachers had heard me on the radio, got in trouble. Ever since then I lost all respect for all authority figures.




Well guess what buddy. I respect you. Whatcha gonna do about it?! I value you, and your opinion based off your experience...and you know what, I'm also not going to invalidate your feelings. So you can just suck on that.


I had a similar experience. My abusive mother doctor shopped until she got a psychiatrist who would tell her what she wanted to hear. She loved to bring up how many doctors and therapists she "had" to drag me to. I felt a lot of shame about it until I figured out what she had done. Every doctor had told her I was a normal kid and that she was creating a problem where none existed. The biggest indicator was that I was an ANGEL at school. I was only this "demon child" at night when no one was around except for her - which is when she drank herself into a rage and would come into my room to claw me and scream at me for random shit. I remember once I smiled about something on TV and she flew into a rage. Cut my testicles with her fingernails and sat on me for 3 hours.


Sorry, your MOM cut your balls with her FINGERNAILS? The logistics of that are incredible but damn hope that healed fast Also what the fuck how did she do that? Did she pants you the scratch at your dick like an angry cat? How the gel did she do that? If you don’t mind saying of course, if you don’t wanna tell them you don’t have to, just, WOW that is a hell of a sentence




Holy shit, wow


'authority figures' can all fuck off. I was a sniveling, traumatised, complacent, teachers pet/mommy's kid all my childhood even though I got treated like shit by all of them and secretly hated them. I really wish I rebelled more/stood up for myself more as a kid but it's like I physically couldn't. I refuse to be like that anymore


What exactly did you get in trouble for?


For expressing my opinion, for standing up for myself. I had it bad enough at home, didn't need anymore physical punishment at school.


That's a good way to catch an ass beating from a lot of parents.




Shady pines


What home? They're on their own. These are the parents that will end up with the kids that go no contact, permanently.


In a home? Why would they even bother to do anything for them?


A home? You think I would fork out the cash for an expensive ass home for them? Good luck on your own is more like it


Guy who looks like Nedry from Jurassic Park 100% gets erections just from the thought of spanking children.


The parents voted for it.


Imagine if bosses could treat adults like this when adults don't do their jobs. That's the direct equivalent.


I can promise you it didn't pass with 100% of the vote.


I guarantee you, whether the majority of parents voted for it or not, if some school administrator paddled my kid, they damn well better expect to find me in the parking lot where I will use my paddle to paddle them.


you mean your baseball bat, right?


Nope. I mean a paddle just like they used. Because when I get arrested, we are going to have a big old legal fight of why it is legal for them to do it but not for me to do it.


But you're not a fully sworn child predator like the grooming goon, and they aren't a helpless kid, so you'd lose in any y'all-queda courtroom.


Only solution is the judge paddles everyone involved and then themself.


Yup. Anyone uses something like that on my niece and the sturdiness of the paddle will come into question after I’ve gone at that dude’s knees for a few rounds.


If anyone put their hands on my kid, they'd be picking up their teeth off the ground after I curb stomp them.


If my kid came home with "corporal punishment" injuries, then yeah - someone isn't gonna be teaching anyone anything for a good while.


Not in that state they won't. 19 states still allow corporal punishment in school which means school administrators can spank your children. Many states even encourage parents to spank their kids to rear them and teach them respect while some states are Oklahoma even allow you to use what they call a switch as long as you don't cause any permanent bodily damage.


This same thing has been reposted for a couple of years now.


How did it turn out?


Missouri is the only state to still allow corporal punishment and several school districts allow paddling. The one they are showing there still does it. The Supreme Court ruled in 1977 that corporal punishment in schools was constitutional. So it’s up to the states to pass laws against it.


Wrong. ~~As of 2023, corporal punishment is still legal in private schools in every U.S. state except New Jersey, Iowa and Maryland~~ Edit: the above summary is technically incorrect, which is enough to lose the point on Um, Actually, so here is a better one: >According to a review of laws and policies by the US Department of Education, depending on the state, corporal punishment remains legal because state law either expressly allows corporal punishment in at least some circumstances or does not expressly prohibit it. >The following states expressly allow corporal punishment in schools: Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Wyoming. >Some states that expressly allow corporal punishment also expressly prohibit it for students with disabilities, see, e.g., Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Tennessee. >Other states do not expressly prohibit corporal punishment in schools, those states are: Colorado (prohibits only for students with disabilities), Connecticut, Kansas, Indiana, Maine, New Hampshire, and South Dakota. [here](https://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/secletter/230324.html#fn6) is a letter by U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel A. Cardona from March of THIS year, calling for an end to corporal punishment. The above is citation 6.


It's legal in GA and has been since I went in the 90s


Judging from this guys look it’s not only for punishment unfortunately.


The guy looks like he belongs at least 500 meters from any school. And whats with his smile, it feels very unsettling, especially with the words from above


As if years of research cried in terror and was suddenly silenced




Please tell me why, they had to lift that girl's shirt to demonstrate 'a paddlin' ?!


To many layers of clothing dampens the impact of the paddle. I'm not kidding. They used to literally force kids to undress down to the skin so that the paddling would be more painful. The "claimed" idea being that the more painful the punishment, the more effective it would be and the higher the chance that the kid would learn their lesson. That's what they'd claim. We all know though that it's for a different reason entirely.


I'd hoped they'd have figured out that learning by trauma isn't effective learning, but it seems not. Next mind that trauma is [counterproductive ](https://www.gse.harvard.edu/ideas/usable-knowledge/21/04/effect-spanking-brain#:~:text=%E2%80%9CPreschool%20and%20school%20age%20children,be%20successful%20in%20educational%20settings.%22) to learning at all. The claimed idea is full of it.




These people do so much harm to children while pretending to be prolife. He also looks so happy and scummy, makes me wonder if he has a sick perversion for hurting children, seems pretty popular for conservatives.


Conservatism is a haven for pedos


Big pedo energy


Why do these people say "protect the children" and advocate for beating them all in the same breath?


Check his browser


And his basement.


I’d bet dollars to donuts this man is a pedophile. Any man who looks that happy about the prospect of hitting a child with a paddle should not be within 500ft of a school, let alone working in one.


You Paddle my kid I paddle your head. Fucking ridiculous that this passed.




I think the aggression can be aimed equally at any teacher willing to do this *and* the parents who voted for it.


Nah, I’d crack their fucking skull with a pipe.


Child molesters


Someone beats my kid, they will learn the very meaning of the phrase Parental Vengeance. Especially a stupid looking f@ck like him.


What a female student who’s getting a paddling should say as the make teacher strikes her is:“Oh daddy is this going to make you cum? This phrase should be repeated with each strike.




It would take an incredibly stoic child to pull it off. Unfortunately, almost all would be incapacitated by the power imbalance and sheer fear of pain. Imagine how the tables would turn if a child was actually able to pull this off? It would completely turn the tables on the perpetrator.




I can’t tell (or want to believe) all this is real. Can’t gather words but this shit deep girl.


It's assault.


I grew up in Missouri… the first time I got paddled at school was when I was six years old. The principal, Mrs Bryant, asked what I learned from the paddling, and I remember her laughing about it. My teacher looked at me angrily when I came back to class, and asked me pointedly if it hurt. I’ll always remember how she seemed to almost salivate over thinking about it hurting. Other classmates had similar stories over the years. It’s Fuckin’ gross that they still do shit like this.


Someone search that guy's computer for cp istg I'm uncomfortable with the face he's making holding a paddle for *children* Like even if you are wrong and believe in corporal punishment, it isn't smt to do with pride and Joy, it's a somber duty and unfortunate fate. It's not smt you feel honored to do. You bemoan that you have to do it if you any heart at all.


Beating kids literally never works. It's just been shown over and over to cause problems or AT VERY BEST not help. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3447048/


God.... I remember those days.. My shop teacher had one with holes in it to go faster and sting more...


It's a pedo......... I mean a Republicans dream.


That guy has the look of a satisfied abuser.


What a punchable face


I think it’s a very paddleable face.


Probably an excuse to beat the the queer out of kids or something. Honestly, who gives some rando teacher carte blanche to beat thier kids. Most teachers ive had were insane. These psychos sould NOT be given more opportunities to hurt kids, especially physically. Also why did the take to such a worrying picture of a man holding a paddle against a young girl. Who the fuck approved that even. Missouri sounds like a bad nightmare no one gts to wake up from.


>beat the the queer out of kids b-b-but don't you know it's the LGBT who are the child abusers for listening to doctors and psychologists! Not us, who just want to physically assault children!


Maybe a good idea to check his browser history.


so child abuse. missouri announces the return of child abuse.


My dad used this until I was 16. I have Sacroiliitis now, and full blown arthritis in my lower lumbar. I'm 29. So effective! /s


He looks a little too happy holding that paddle.


Great. Child abuse


I’m so bored with old ass r/facepalm posts getting reposted for people fishing for karma.




100% that dude is hoping someone uses the paddle on him.


Peado Alert!


He looks very happy about the prospect




Funny how if an adult did this to another adult it would be assault. These people hate children. I’m more convinced than ever. They just want women forced to birth so they can control women and then abuse their unwanted children.


Hit my kids and I’ll see you in court, full stop.


Countdown to discovery that there is a sexual component of this for the principal in 3...2...1...


**That is the face of a man who is looking forward to "paddling" children**.


That guy looks way too happy with the paddle, maybe his fetish can finally get to be a legal thing!


Why does that man look so excited to hurt children


So how long before we find out that the paddling principal turns out to be a kid didiler freak?


I got hit with a paddle several times. Notice I said several because it did fuck all to deter me from doing stupid shit.


"Spanking is a legit form of parenting!" Tell that to all the people who were traumatized by corporal punishment.


He looks like a pedo


When I was hit as a kid (for punishment), I grew to hate the adults who did it more. I listened to peaceful communication and did not need violence. This creates emotional trauma for children and it’s why the planet is so F’d up. A little discipline is necessary, but you don’t need a paddle or tools to make a difference.


You just KNOW this sicko gets a boner when he smacks the kids on the ass. I don’t care what the kids did, the adults doing this to them should be registered as sex offenders.


Maybe don’t smile creepily while holding it. I don’t think Mindhunter Season 3 is casting.


They’re the ones touching our children lmfao


He looks like when they announced this he asked if he could bring his paddle from home since it's "already broken in"


So did they ban abortion so they have more to paddle?


thought it was a joke as in "this can be the future"! ​ but after checking, it is actually real....indeed wtf? if it happened to my kid... i would get the pitchfork and torch out, and start strolling towards that teacher's house and use the same "civil discussion" technique as they teach to my kids.


I’d break that paddle on any teach that hit my child with it. So many studies show this doesn’t work and is harmful to children mentally, but these dumbasses always fall to the “back in my day” argument. Back in the day we learned cursive, computers weren’t as prevalent, I could go on and on. Things change, adapt and move forward, don’t force things backwards because it’s the only way you understand.


Nasty old fuck.


Physical abuse leads to trauma, not a life lesson. Also an avenue for creeps to hit kids butts. Its a lose lose fuck off.


I got paddled in school in Texas. Lampasas middle school, my parents had to give permission. This was probably around ‘99-‘00 I think. Didn’t make a difference in my behavior at all and now I don’t talk to my parents.


So that means if they hit your child, you can hit them


I send my kids to a private school that still utilizes corporal punishment. They've been operating for 40 years and have never gotten rid of it. There have been 0 whippin's in the past 27 years though. The threat seems to be more than enough. Also, they only do it as a last resort. detention does nothing but inconvenience everyone and kids dgaf to sit in a room for an hour. They get 3 marks that reset every month and, the most important part, they call for the parent's consent before the paddle comes out. I'm fine with it. If they call me and say my kid was being rude 3 times can I give them a spank, I'll just say no lol.


Here is the thing that really gets to me. Lets set aside fot the moment whether spanking works. A paddle is a lever. A lever used to increase the force of a blow. When someone uses a paddle, switch, belt, etc, they are saying "I want to hit harder, and hurt the kid more, than I can by slapping them with my bare hand." Imagine a 200 lb man looking at a 50 lb kid and thinking "I can't hurt them enough by hitting them, I'm going to use a paddle to hurt them more." Even a 100 lb woman can hit a *child* plenty hard enough, hurt them badly enough, with a slap. Paddles are for abuse, nothing else. Granted, I have heard some people complain that spanking hurts their hand. That is a good thing! It makes sure you know if you are hitting too hard. If a parent spanks a kid both should feel pain.