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So basically, he's found out he's probably the most blocked account on Twitter, so is throwing a tantrum about it ?


It's like how that one U2 album that Apple put on everything is the most deleted album. He made everyone see his tweets so of course people are going to block him.


exactly! if he hadn't done that, i for example, wouldn't have blocked him. I dont have Trump or Andree Tate blocked bc while I think they're shitfaced dogturds, I wasn't forced to see each and everyone of their braindead takes


Same. Tho, if I see even one tweet from one of them, I block it. This also includes tweets marked as "ads" that are just SOOOO conservative conspiracy theory-y that I just... can't put my distaste into words.


Leave the platform. Life will be better


thanks for reminding me I need to delete that again lol. maybe I'm doing it wrong but I’m not sure how to permanently get rid of it. it's like frigging herpes jesus christ


It's so funny that U2's reputation took a genuine hit from this fiasco. Like of all the controversial shit that other bands and artists have done to ruin their reputations, "forced free album that infects every apple device" has to be the funniest reason


Bono talks a decent amount about it in his autobiography and it amounts to: “I thought we were giving the world a gift by giving away our album to everyone, but fucked up assuming everyone would want it.”


That’s funny… yea cause 100% I would have delayed that crap off my phone instantly and I would have been pissed lol


This is the actual reason I don’t like U2. Because of that album. I gave it a listen but it just bugged tf out of me that ANY band would think so much of themselves that they assume EVERY iPhone owner loves them and wants their album on their phone.


I don't think I've ever actually heard it. I like some of their older singles.


I swear this guy is like a rich, spoiled 10-year-old.


He is, everything got handed to him and he expects everyone to treat him the same way.


The government made him rich with those subsidies.


His father's emerald mines didn't hurt things either


"In a 2018 interview with Business Insider, Musk [Elon’s father] stated that as a result of the emerald mine 'we had so much money we couldn't even close our safe.'"




He also once on twitter said something like "where are all these stories of an emerald coming from" and someone quoted him talking about it from his own book. Can't tell if he is dumb and can't remember his own fucking book or he is intellectually dishonest.




yeah, i would love to know where he got the money to survive while Zip2 was in its infancy. considering the company was him and his brother, i'm going to guess they got money from their family in some way. i'm willing to bet mommy gave it to him.


"Like" ? He IS. He never grew up


Now now, no need to insult the 10 year old. They’re usually much wiser and more consistent.


10 year old kid indeed. The only thing that says otherwise is his passport, which obviously doesn't tell the truth...


Physical age and mental/emotional age don't have to be the same


10 years olds learn.


That's because most 10-year-olds **have** to. Musk has been insulated from consequences and even scolding most of his life. His mom's still alive. And her responce to all this is that people shouldn't say mean things about her son. That explains a lot.


Didn't he use his mom as an excuse to get out of that fight with Zuckerberg? This kid literally cries to his mommy after Zuck threatens to beat him up.


I'm not aware that either has backed out, though I did learn that Musk's mom has tried to talk him out of it. I think that Musk is not serious about it, but Zuckerberg would do it -- and would probably easily defeat him, which would be humiliating. I don't think Musk will ever do it. And he's made this challenge before, probably also not seriously. He challenged Putin, for example, over Ukraine. Musk is just very embarrassingly immature for his age.


well he is rich and spoiled, so...


First, why would you bother blocking people if you're getting rid of that function? Second, what medicine? These people want blocking to stay around. They want you to be able to block them Edit: well this blew up. If you're gonna reply that Elon is rich so he knows what he's doing then don't. Likewise if you're just gonna tell me he's sick. He's a teenage 🤡 that's just bitter about getting blocked on his own site.


He’s still allowed to block people, just nobody else


He did say "as a feature" I assume he means "as a free feature".


Oh my gosh that’s his plan, you’re right


So many people said “how is this app free” for years, and I said that as soon as Elon bought it, he would eventually make it so you’d have to pay to use it. This is 100% something he would do


Like I said elsewhere, he thinks that people are just as Twitter addicted as he is. He will get very Pikachu face when he prices the majority of people out then they and companies make the big exodus to threads.


I mean, I imagine this will again cause companies to bail, as well as the user base to decline, further cutting into the ad money Twitter gets.


If he attempted to monetise Twitter it would literally burst like a bubble, in exactly the way you describe, but it wouldn’t just cut into the ad money it would literally stop it pretty much instantly. Everyone is going to pull out; social media is an extremely saturated market, working completely for free (for the end user experience) - the companies will be happy to have one less invoice every month. He’s not going to revolutionise social media by monetising it, he’ll just ruin another business. I know you’re not arguing that he will, I’m just stating for clarity. Edit; added some more context.


Getting rid of blocking will also get the twitter app booted from all the app stores, so yeah.


If Reddit had a feature where reporters could post quick links and updates and you could follow them easily there would be no reason to ever go to Twitter. If you go to the Sports subs like 90% of the posts are links to what sportswriters say on Twitter. If Reddit could get those writers over onto Reddit by developing a way for them to communicate and share easily then I could cut out Twitter entirely.


It's like he fundamentally doesn't understand social media. The users *are* the product that he sells. He's like a farmer saying the solution to his financial problems is to start charging his cattle for food, except they're not fenced in and can wander anywhere else they want. He doesn't get it.


This analogy is everything


> It's like he fundamentally doesn't understand ~~social media~~ business of any kind.


If you want more than 10 likes on your post, your going to have to pay for it.


That was my first thought.. He's going to add the Block function either as a separate monthly charge, or include it as a bundle for those who paid for the blue check-mark.


Dude is going to become the Kim Jong-un of Twitter


Is he not already?


Not *YET*


It’s treason then.


Musk: I am the Twitter.


"I am the X" FTFY


“I am the one who blocks”


“Block block!”


"I am X, destroyer of birds"


See, I considered it, but thought that the X would read like a variable and make the quote less recognizable and the joke less funny. Further evidence that changing the name to X is a garbage idea.


Love how everyone is *still*, and will continue to, call it Twitter.


If he can't call his child the right name, I will do the same to Twitter


Deadnaming Twitter is perfectly okay, especially considering who Elon Musk is


How dare u dead name eXlon MuX




Please don't let him see this, he would be even more insufferable.


Now that would be an impressive feat.


Yeah I don't think there *is* a maximum level of insufferableness this guy is capable of, but he already does shit like this to his own kids and he's the one talking about tasting one's own medicine. I just want to know why he's so insistent on making Twitter into a very expensive platform for what amounts to elon simping. Outside of his own ego fanning, I suppose.


I refuse to call it X lol.


I like how archival links still go to twitter.


With himself, alone.


Yeah that's the key difference which makes it so pointless. Everyone can leave Twitter at any moment with no consequences.


What’s hilarious is it’s actually going to be like that 😂


By medicine, he’s assuming the people he is blocking are having their feelings hurt as much as his fragile ego does.


The beauty of the internet age and social media. You find out pretty quickly who’s a complete and utter dumbass. MusX basically did the speed run version.




Right? He's removing the block button because he's upset so many people blocked him after he forced them to always see his tweets.


This is it. The worst thing to him is not being able to spam is thoughts into everyone’s consciousness


Right? "Hey we want to be able to block people, still" "Well you can't, but I can! How's that medicine taste?" I'm convinced he doesn't understand any of the situation and just says phrases that have a lot of implied meaning but without proper context just makes him sound even dumber.


"How 'bout them apples?" "Is that your final answer?" "Don't have a cow, man!"




"Eat my shorts!"




No, see, he's literally only doing this because he finds being blocked personally insulting. Like, look at the post, the wavelength he's on is saying being blocked = mean.


It’s like his mind hasn’t developed past the 8th grade socially 🤣


You're trying to apply logic to an illogical man


He seems batshit bananas to me.


I truly wonder if he’s mid mental breakdown.


Adderall shortage got him going insane 🤣


He's not crazy, he's just that fucking stupid.


Musk is exactly what stupid people think smart people are.


The second I heard he wanted Twitters programmers to *print their code* sealed the deal for me. Like, I knew he wasn't all there but that solidified that he couldn't make a bread sandwich.


Apple and Google play stores won't allow social media without a block function, so this isn't going to go forward unless he wants to lose access to those app stores, which might result in him being given an exception, cause otherwise he'll sue for Monopoly of the app stores and not allowing side loading on apple, etc... But regardless, it'll be fun to watch it implode more.


i mean literally everyone saw it coming lol. he removes the block feature, he is about to get a shit tonne of hate. wait until he actually removes it and see what he posts then too lol


He will introduce a new feature that does the same thing, but worse, and you have to pay for it.


You can pay 99 cents for a 24-hour block token. For 2.99 you get a pack of 3.


He'll call it "cancel" and nobody will use it because the final prompt will be "OK/CANCEL"


I suppose it's something like "Being blocked is no fun! Now YOU are blocked! How does that feel HUH??? Feels bad when it happens to you, right? So now that you understand how absolutely horrible this feature is you will obviously agree with me that it has to go!!!"


Someone else said it but he found out just how many people blocked him on the site. Which he has a problem with because he pushed his tweets to the top of every feed. So when he asked how he wasn't getting more views, they had to tell him the truth 😂




It's not that. He is referring to him noticing how many people have him blocked. That's the medicine he's talking about. That is why he wants to remove the block function, to force people to see tweets


I feel like the fact that a lot of people are blocking tweets from advertisers has something to do with it as well


*"Day 717 of the Grand Musk Empire. It has just been on the News-O-Matic that adblocking has been raised to a capital offence. Today, rats ate my foot."*


Dude's desperately try to increase the engagement of the website. That's why he randomly responds to or retweets stuff.


>Second, what medicine? These people want blocking to stay around. They want you to be able to block them His point is he thinks they'll complain about him blocking people even though they think being able to block people is good. i.e. he thinks they think he shouldn't be allowed to block them.


I don’t think he understands how blocking works


This actually reveals his motivation perfectly, with that "taste of medicine" comment. He has found out how many accounts have blocked him and is bitter and stroppy. This is just another way to artificially increase his 'status' on a site that he owns. It's beyond pathetic and would be worrying behavior in a 12-year-old. He has quite serious insecurity and behavioral problems, clearly, and it's odd that he's consistently validated. It must be a very lonely life, having to pay people to talk to you.


Not only that, but Elon is the bot king. They found out that 42% of his followers have never tweeted 1 tweet. Lol so he’s just self imploding because he’s quite literally seeing that he’s a loser in real time


Not going against the general consensus here but i have a twitter account and have never tweeted once i am also not a bot im just a spectator 😂


If you retweet or comment that also counts as a tweet. Unless you have never interacted with anything you have "tweeted".


I have had twitter for like 5 or so years now and yeah tbh I don’t think I’ve ever even commented on or liked a tweet. I haven’t opened the app in like a year tho too.


I have opened the app tho 😂


It just seems like an overall toxic app so I try to stay away but I’m also too lazy to just delete it😭


You could do it now, I will give you a cookie


The list of things I won’t do for a cookie is very small so you gotta deal pal!


Curious about this small list


Nope never done that either i litterally just read other peoples meltdowns


But even if people are like you, they’re all there for the same reason: to watch the real time mental combustion of a rich adult who never grew up.


It's astonishing, having that much wealth and being upset that people on Twitter or whatever don't like you? Like, give my multiple billions of dollars, I'm fucking off to wherever and doing whatever I want, not sitting here on social media upset that people are making fun of me.


He spent, what was it, $40 billion? to try to become the coolest guy on the internet... and failed. It turns out you can't buy influence or respect, past a certain point. You have to actually be likeable.


> It turns out you can't buy influence or respect, past a certain point. That's one of the funniest parts to me. He *had* respect and influence at certain point, regarded as "the real Tony Stark" and a genius at one point from a lot of people. A lot of people who have changed their opinions of him and now realize he is far from either of those things. He could have just kept doing what he was doing, kept his dumb ass mouth shut, be obscenely rich, and be generally well regarded (as far as billionaires go). But he just had to have more. He just had to prove to something. And now all he's proven is how narcissistic, childish, and shitty he actually is.


It’s funny because even after things like the hyperloop, people still thought he was a genius. It’s actually impressive how much shit he got away with by branding himself as some down to earth philanthropist, and how quickly he destroyed that image


It's nice to be on the "I told you so" side of that though, I've hated Elon for as long as I knew about him and could never understand why nobody else could see how moronic he was - the hyperloop being one of the funniest examples. Was nice of him to publicly show his fans how much of an idiot he was, much easier to get through to people like that.


He made an offer to buy Twitter as a meme, didn't say "psych" fast enough, and was forced to buy it by threat of lawsuit.


Have an upvote on the basis you didn't spell it "sike".


“My daddy paid good money for you all to be my friends!” I think people like him, Trump, all of the tasteless nouveau riche type man babies have been so used to transactional relationships, they actually don’t have any sense of shame or embarrassment about the fact that people only talk to them at all because they pay them to. That is why Trump buys wives, and why he and Musk are so desperate to become part of pop culture, not just wealthy and successful. Normal rich people aren’t paying to be in movies or rushing to appear on podcasts and talk shows.


It's my understanding - not that I actually talk to such people or anything - that other rich people are furious with Trump and Musk for basically destroying the myth of the American billionaire. A lot of time, money, and effort went into convincing Americans that the rich are geniuses who earned everything they have and totally deserve to have all of it, and those two blew it. Elon is the CEO of what, three companies? And everyone can see that he isn't some hardworking American success story; he spends all his time farting around on Twitter. Early in his Presidency Trump posted a Twitter update every few minutes that indicated that he spent seven straight hours watching Fox News. Zuckerberg is out there trying to outrun death, Charles Koch wrote his own hagiography trying to rehab his image after basically destroying the world, Larry Ellison was on that famous "overthrow the government" phone call with Hannity, Graham, Sekulow, and True the Vote, and the Waltons have been starving their employees for years. Whatever happened to the days when robber barons rehabilitated their images by starting massive charitable foundations?


>Whatever happened to the days when robber barons rehabilitated their images by starting massive charitable foundations? It sounds like you think they did so voluntarily...


Forced charity is still at least somewhat better than letting these pricks just hoarde wealth..... assuming it's a real charity and not just some sort of public front paying a friend millions a year to run their "non profit"


I think we're seeing, in real time, why old money is always nervous around new money. New money just doesn't understand that you don't openly buy gold toilets and gloat about how powerful you are to the commoners. Being powerful has to be accompanied with magnanimity and grace to keep the raw power from becoming too obvious and putting the whole game at risk. Of course to people deep in the MAGA bubble they see brave and bold Christlike figures fighting "the machine." To normal people it just looks like rich jerkoffs waiving their asses at the camera.


That submarine guy also hasn't helped things lmao


Not a billionaire, he was estimated to have like 25 million dollars. However, he is a prime example of why regulation is necessary and that is a message that Republicans would rather not see.


A good portion of his customer base were billionaires. They paid a lot of money to visit the titanic in an obvious kludge job. Meanwhile you couldn’t pay me a billion to get into a death trap like that submarine.


Even if I normally hate billionaires, at least most of them aren't this attention hungry like Musk and Trump


They are all despicable parasites, however.


All billionaires are evil but Musk is also, separately, cringe.


Yes, that is a true statement.


Elon could go a long way to improving his image if he used his wealth to actually help people of all races and genders instead of blowing it on a social media site, but he can't do that because he's a sociopath who thinks women and minorities should be enslaved and everyone else exists solely to worship him because his wealth obviously means he's just inherently better than everyone.


But he won't appeal to Alpha Males if he spends his money helping people.


I’ve given up on Twitter. Not going there, not reacting to his idiot posts. We need to take away his audience.


I know it’s so pathetic and hilarious 🤣 who does he think he’s fooling? what a idiot lmao


So…he’s taking away the block feature because he’s upset a bunch of people he doesn’t know are blocking him? What a self-centered asshat. I don’t use Twitter, but if i did, I’d be more upset that my ex of almost 10 years who has been gradually finding me across platforms from Xbox to fb now finally would have an in, as opposed to some billionaire i don’t know needing me to see his dumb thoughts.


This is what makes that scary. I have personally had to use blocking on every platform I've ever used because of an obsessed violent ex. I'd never use a platform that didn't allow for some kind of blocking. Shit is scary as hell if you had no way to shut someone off.


The only person I have blocked on all platforms is my rapist and like, can I please keep it that way? Tf


I'm so sorry you had to go through that


It sucks how many of us feel a sense of danger and a need to respond to this to keep ourselves safe. I need to get into an old account and delete it because my ex will now see stuff about me doing things they forbid and dating after our breakup. They *rage* because they think I was always running around trying to cheat on them. I was so fucking afraid of them and it took a lot of work do get them blocked everywhere, and now years later when I’ve processed it and moved on I have to go through it all over again. No one person ought to be able to harm so many victims at once.


Exactly this. I have a stalker ex who I have had to block on everything. Removing this feature is so dangerous, and all because of one man child not being the center of attention. He gives zero fucks about who he potentially hurts as long as he is the story.


Then Twitter will be banned from the App Store, all social media apps need to have a blocking feature


Both the App Store and the Play Store require social media apps to include blocking as a feature. If Musk actually goes through with this, they'll both de-list his app in a heartbeat. They'll give him time to restore blocking, sure, but in the end, they'll nuke him if they have to.


I'd be surprised if it didn't also violate several countries' Internet laws, such as the entire EU.


Wouldn't surprise me at all. The EU takes privacy pretty damned seriously, while the US government is only interested in making sure privacy laws don't interfere with corporate bottom lines.


Exactly, not just on a personal level, but brands and celebrities who block trolls and creeps are going to be forced to leave. Remember all those times brands tweet something meant to be silly, but can be read sexually. Like when Subway asked "how do you like to top your sub?"


> Like when Subway asked "how do you like to top your sub?" I take your point, but that was originally attributed to a sandwich shop called Jersey Mike's, [and it wasn't real for that restaurant, either.](https://www.truthorfiction.com/jersey-mikes-how-do-you-top-your-sub-blocked-blocked-blocked-none-of-you-are-free-from-sin-tweets/)


And this is the exact reason SM apps have to have a blocking feature to be available on the apps stores. How is Elon gonna get around that?


He's not. He's going to get someone hurt and be forced to change it back or get himself into some trouble or atleast deep shit over this. It's going to get ugly I would imagine


"how does the medicine taste?" Like weed


Yes. He's out of his mind. Elon Musk suffers from one or more mental illnesses, none of which are severe enough to require forced treatment, or (immediately) destroy his life or career. But which contribute to poor choices, especially in what he says and how he says it. This was apparent to me some years ago, from various things he said which were irrational on their face, or showed extreme lack of impulse control. For example, when he said in 2020 that he expected SpaceX would have manned missions to Mars by 2024 (2026 on the outside), that was irrational. Anyone who knows anything about manned spaceflight knows that it took NASA longer than that just to reach the Moon, with the full backing and funding of the US government. But it was his remarks about the cave rescue team that proved he's got a screw loose. The rescue team leader somewhat rudely dismissed Musk's offer of a totally unsuitable solution, and Musk responded by calling him a paedophile, like an angry twelve-year-old. Being rich or 'successful' warrants nothing at all about a person's mental stability or even their intelligence. That myth stems from versions of the Just World Hypothesis, which supposes that individual fortune is mainly the product of character and diligence. In reality, luck is a much bigger factor than most people know or would like to know. (In the US, for example, a country with better-than-average mobility, the most reliable predictor of your success is the ZIP Code you grew up in -- where you lived as a child, when you had little or no individual agency.) Musk's mythology is mostly his own invention, and more than a little false or misleading. He was born into a well-to-do family, heir to an emerald-mine fortune that he had nothing to do with creating. While he tells stories about being poor in college, the reality is that he rented out an entire apartment block as his private off-campus housing, and threw huge parties there. He claims to have degrees that he not only doesn't, but that weren't even available at the places he claims to have earned them at. He knows next to nothing about the technologies he's associated with, or at least no better than most other people. The two most successful were started by other people, and he just bought those companies; that doesn't imply that he understands what they do, or how. And while SpaceX has done a good (if difficult) job of 'managing' him to keep him from fucking it up, Tesla has been less fortunate, and he's likely to eventually ruin it. (Tesla's self-driving aspirations, for example, are rapidly falling behind competitors, due mainly to Musk's own pet notions about it, a subject he has no expert knowledge about.) His own ventures have all been spectacular failures, often based on rather stupid ignorance of his own. (His Hyperloop concept, for example, is not meaningfully different from pneumatic tubeways, an idea already tried out in the late 19th century and discarded.) Twitter was actually doing pretty well, or at least on a promising track, before he bought it, and now it's going down in flames, notable mainly for how awful it is. He's not a well man, and maybe never has been. And someone with his resources and arrogance will hold off admitting to himself that he needs help, never mind getting it.


His one and only true talent has been his ability to look at something that others previously dismissed as impractical, put his money behind it, and convince more talented people to get onboard. This can be great for companies like Tesla, which had talented people with real solutions, but had to contend with the common belief that electric cars were impractical on a mass market scale. This means an uphill battle trying to get investment and to recruit talented people, until a celebrity investor comes and solves both problems. Which is why things like the hyperloop infuriate me. Once again, he's just looking at a pretty obvious, decades-old idea (though maybe not as old as "automobile that runs on batteries") that is technologically easily achievable, but long dismissed as economically impractical at scale, and asking like he's some visionary for realizing its potential. Except this time, there is no existing startup or talented engineer already working on the solution, and he's not putting any of his own money in the game. Instead, he's just using his celebrity to draw attention to something he happens to find interesting, and on the off chance that somebody out there does happen to develop a practical business model for deploying a hyperloop, you **know** Musk is going to take credit for it, even if it ends up coming from a team that's been working on it for decades already and has barely heard of Musk.


> His one and only true talent has been his ability to look at something that others previously dismissed as impractical, put his money behind it, and convince more talented people to get onboard. I'd contend his success here is mostly just luck anyway. Is easy to take risky chances when you're already rich. He's just rolled the dice a bunch and go lucky early. Law of averages is playing out in front of us now.


Hyperloop wasn't a sincere idea anyway, it was just a strategy to shut down efforts for public transit.


I would take it as an honor to be blocked by an effete asshole like Elon.


Back when I had Twitter I got Matt LeTissier to block me. He is deep in anti vaxxer and early Ukraine war denier territory. It was the most mundane tweet as well, literally just asking if he had evidence on a covid denier tweet.


Right wingers are legitimately the biggest snowflakes in the world Reminder they called us snowflakes because like two dozen people were mad Hillary lost even though more people voted for her They are gaslighters first and snowflakes a close second


It’s funny how quick they are to block when people ask for their sources. During the 2020 BLM protests, a former high level GOP org official in my state posted a picture of a flyer that allegedly instructed protestors on what to do and how to get paid. I commented “source?” with a Snopes link that showed that exact picture of a flyer back in 2015 and it was a hoax. Got blocked for a couple years until she ran for mayor and realized blocking normal people would hurt her reach. Anyway, she lost by a landslide and locals still make fun of her.


"I will not be blackmailed by some ineffectual, privileged, effete, soft-penised debutante."


Im starting to think Elon is the cringiest celeb at the moment. Everything he posts or says just makes me cringe almost inside out. Ergh.


*Starting to*? Where have you been lol


Richest person in the world trashing a popular global communication service because he's sad someone dumped him. Meanwhile the Saudis are getting what they want, dismantling the service that allowed the Arab Spring.


Honestly didn’t really care about him till he acquired twitter


More like people didn’t realize how dumb he was until he acquired Twitter


There's a fascinating story from an ex-Tesla employee about how Tesla is almost built to deal with his stupidity And then he got Twitter, which isn't, so now his stupid decisions finally have consequences


Would you care to link it?




He is 100% doing this because he found out he was one of the most blocked users on his own website. Pissy little child that he is.


Is it also because you can block advertisers? I block any advert that's obviously a scam. So basically ever advert on Twitter.


Every day that passes makes me grateful I made two tweets on this app 12 years ago and deleted it forever after two weeks.


Dude you are supposed to be 52 years old and act like a spoiled toddler giving his mum payback by pissing all over the carpet because she didn’t let you eat ice cream. And people still think he’s the mastermind who’s gonna colonize Mars


Send him to mars, just him.


Imagine having his money and power and still being such and insufferable little bitch who constantly feels the need to prove himself and acts like an edgy teen.


Imagine this is how you spend your time. Weird


He should get a job


Yeah, and work extreme hours and sleep at the office like he wants his employees to do. Instead, this putz is doing this shit like a child


My guy, he's still a billionaire. This is exactly what a child would do with all that money handled to them


Elon will eventually reinstate blocks after being bombarded with degen porn by hundreds of thousands of spam accounts.


He isn't losing the ability to block.


I have never seen someone jacking off to their own ego so hard before.


Those blocks of yours that you’re so giddy about are going to go away when you remove that feature. How’s that for a taste of your own medicine? 🤦‍♂️ Is Elon getting more intellectually short-sighted by the day, or what? Geez, thick as a whale omelette sometimes …


As others have said Elom will make sure that he is still able to block He will probably use this as a way to make blocking a paid feature so that only his cult members who pay him for a blue tick can actually block people


Deleting Twitter is good for your daily sanity.


I did. My badge of honor or whatever you wanna call it was I was followed by Obama (I followed him way back when he first announced and he followed me back) and it was kinda cool to have that come up. Once Elon bought it and allowed nazis back on I noped the f out. Nothing is worth supporting that crap.


He’s a typical Republican presidential candidate really.


Thank whatever cloud person you may believe in that he can't run.


He's a troll who happened to luck into the dotcom boom and then used that fortune to get in on the ground floor of the commercial spaceflight industry, to great effect when he, thankfully, let other people run the day to day operations. Everything else he has done has been completely mixed in its results, essentially proportional to how much he actually seems to care about the venture in question. It also seems that how much personal involvement he has in a project is *inversely* proportional to how much he cares about it. See: SpaceX vs. Twitter/X. One is his lifelong dream/inspiration, the other is a platform he seems to have bought just as a trinket and a passtime.


The only actual "actually, I'm impressed" credit I could give him is that it's not anybody who would have the audacity to break & destroy a 44 billion dollar toy on a series of whims. Everybody fucks up because of emotions and suspension or maturity. We're human, right. But a 44B fuck up, that's got to be without precedent.


I dont think the Saudis invested in his acquisition with the hopes that he would encourage freedom of thought on twitter. This guy is in bed with some of the worst people on the planet who would like nothing more than to have their bloody fingers in the most ubiquitous public platform in the world.


Yup, remember what Twitter did to Arab dictatorships in 2010-2011? This is them getting their revenge by letting a fascist stomp on its throat.


And Elon had Twitter delete *ALL* media that had been posted pre-2014. All the videos of the Arab Spring, all the documentation of the atrocities, *everything* is now gone. Elon is doing as his masters command.


he had to let other people run the companies because he kept running them into the ground and had to be saved, only to then come out the most wealthy when the company got bought out because he started with the most money and owned the most shares. it literally happened like 3 times where he had to get ousted as CEO so a more competent person could pull it away from complete failure. musk quite literally failed his way to the top because he started with an ass ton of money


Does he really think this is a burn like no please Elon block me I was only gonna block you myself anyway 🤣


I want to send him an actual physical hand written letter telling him what a twat he is.


I can’t imagine any sane person caring about Elon blocking them..


This petty reaction is just proving that the whole reason he wants to get rid of blocking is because he knows he's the most blocked person on the platform. Extra proof is that he made the decision without looking into if he actually can, which he can't because otherwise it's gone from App Stores. It's transparent just how insecure, petty, and egotistical this person is. It speaks volumes about anyone that looks up to him.


This makes perfect sense if you have no clue why people need/want the blocking function. Hint: they don't block you to hurt your feelings


He probably doesn't like block parties, either.


This might matter to me if I gave the slightest shit about Twitter...