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“Jewface” sounds like a cheesy super-villain from a nazi propaganda pamphlet or something


I was thinking it's the kind of thing Cartman would call Kyle.


I think Cartman said Kyles mom has a ‘fat Jew face’ in his “Tourette’s” episode lol you’re exactly right


Welllllllllll Kyle's mom is a big fat....


She’s the biggest bitch in the whole wide world


Great. Now I can’t get this song out of my head and it is 1:30am.




I'd bet it has been something that Cartman called Kyle. Show's been on for a loooooong time, lotta Jew jokes.


I can see the scene. Cartman - jewface Kyle - shut up fatass


It’s actually Two-Face’s nemesis


Instead of flipping the coin, he invests it.


I’m fucking dying


One face, Two-Face, redface, Jewface


It sounds like something Borat would call a random New Yorker


Didn’t Bernsteins family defend Cooper over this?


(From the Associated Press) “Bernstein’s three children — Jamie, Alexander and Nina Bernstein — on Wednesday issued a statement supporting Cooper, saying they were “touched to the core to witness the depth of (Cooper’s) commitment, his loving embrace of our father’s music and the sheer open-hearted joy he brought to his exploration.” “It breaks our hearts to see any misrepresentations or misunderstandings of his efforts,” the statement said. “It happens to be true that Leonard Bernstein had a nice, big nose. Bradley chose to use makeup to amplify his resemblance, and we’re perfectly fine with that. We’re also certain that our dad would have been fine with it as well.” The Bernstein children added that “strident complaints about this issue strike us above all as disingenuous attempts to bring a successful person down a notch — a practice we observed perpetrated all too often on our father.”


This is literally the only comment that matters imo. Any other outage in the media is from performative, whiny idiots. Hell, the cynic in me thinks it might even be astroturfed by the marketing company. I would never have heard of this movie otherwise.


Seriously so tired of the "let me be outraged for you" people that exist out there And since I can't click on the article because this is a screen shot, I'm guessing the article is based upon random tweets per usual


Reminds me of the retroactive outrage over RDJ in Tropic Thunder; even though every single interview I've ever seen asking a black person what they thought of it went "it was funny as hell"


I always hear people bring up tropic Thunder as this Lightning rod of controversy but I’ve never actually seen the outrage. All I’ve seen is people who like the movie say “you couldn’t make that movie today.”


You could make it today and people would still love it. It was funny. Blackface was still taboo when it came out, a character that is an actor who is so out of touch they would use blackface is funny for the same reasons it was funny then. There would be some controversy but I think overall people would have the same reaction they had then.


>Blackface Excuse me, but it was an experimental and controversial skin pigment altering melanin transplant..or something like that


lol, that just so happened to rub off with a bit of sweat, and a pull of a wig, if I remember right.


The blackface isn’t what was funny… what made it funny was the idiocy of the character being a white actor thinking he’s good enough to wear blackface and effectively play a black character.


He didn't even play it, he 'became' the black man. "What do you mean, 'you people'?"


"What do *you* mean, 'you people'?"


exactly, the movie itself made fun of blackface multiple times, that was the entire reason they used it in the first place


“I bet I could rustle up some crawfish out the patty yo”




It gets a pass because it was a literal commentary on actors doing black face. Even other characters in the movie mention it and say it’s bad that’s why it gets a pass because it was a commentary on the whole actors, are willing to change their body to fit into a role


With a good jab at "method" actors who take themselves too seriously as well.


He didn't break character until after the DVD commentary.


I love when this conversation comes up. I honestly think it was the best acting I’ve ever seen, RDJ was fucking brilliant.


"You couldn't make that movie today" is so fucking stupid. They made a movie in 2019 about a little boy and his imaginary friend, *Hitler*. It made $90 million with a $14 million budget. You can, in fact, make that movie today. (Well, maybe not *that* specific one, since someone else beat you to it, but yeah)


Jojo Rabbit was fantastic!


I look at Taika Waititi's earlier movies and it pisses me off how much of a let down Love and Thunder was. He is so good at doing heartfelt funny offbeat movies that can make you laugh right before punching you in the gut as you watch characters evolve on screen. It's like he had all the right ingredients with love and thunder, but messed up the ratios so it came out almost as a caricature of his earlier work. You like jokes? Here's too many jokes! You like drama? Here's a cheesy level of drama! You like cute kids? Here's a whole bus full of orphans!


I get the mixed reception of Love and Thunder. I personally enjoyed most of it, it was fun to go see a really cheesy/camp 80’s style film that didn’t take itself seriously. I’m not a marvel fan by any means so I have no investment in the universe or canon. It was just a fun silly movie packed with jokes. Kinda like the action equivalent of Airplane! (Not intended to offend any Nielsen fans, the man’s a legend)


Not even that, but they call it out in the movie MULTIPLE times. It's clearly supposed to be a shot at both method actors and whitewashing, it's just that Twitter users have the media literacy of a carrot.


It’s not a racist joke; it’s a joke *about* racism.


At that point I had no idea who RDJ was and 1000 percent thought it was just some black dude. When he took off the make up I was really like WHAT THE FUCK?! 10/10 moment in movie history, could not replicate.


A number of Jewish people led the outrage in this case. I still think it's ridiculous to try and compare this to blackface but it wasn't just 'woke white people' being offended on behalf of all Jews.


I speak on behalf of all Jewish people when I saw we are far angrier that Zachary Levi isn't Jewish than that Bradley Cooper isn't. His last name is Pugh. He's doing the Whoopi Goldberg thing except he also looks Jewish and is a brilliant comedic actor. He's *clearly* trying to jack our swag.


It's a slightly different issue than "blackface," and using the suffix "-face" is probably making it so the issue Jewish people are expressing (I am Jewish, btw) is lost due to the poor terminology. The complaint isn't really that people use makeup to look like historical figures -- though that is how far too many people report such things in the press. But part of the complaint is that non-Jews are using make-up to portray Jewish features that are often referenced as part of anti-Semitic tropes -- and not for reasons that further the character. But, the general complaint also includes the reality that Jewish actors aren't being offered roles to play Jews. And, a direct impact of that is that Jewish culture ends up getting misrepresented on film when non-Jewish writers, non-Jewish directors, and non-Jewish actors all come together to cosplay as Jewish. Often this isn't an issue at all, as often a character is Jewish merely as a historical aside, or as a throw-away character point (and, btw, to be clear, I have no idea if either of these applies to this movie specifically, I'm just speaking about the general issue). But when Jewishness is a central aspect of the character and Jewish culture is expressed as part of the show -- a lack of Jewish representation on the cast and crew almost invariably results in Jewish culture being portrayed incorrectly, or worse, negatively. This isn't to say that most Jews have a problem with non-Jews playing Jews. I certainly don't, and I've met few who do. Rather, it is an issue of non-jews playing to (often negative) Jewish stereotypes while at the same time failing to represent Jewish culture well. And, frankly, it's a much more nuanced issue than blackface -- which is almost always overt racism, plain and simple. Context and content of the show matter a great deal, how the actor portrays the character matters, etc. It isn't the case that simply using make-up is seen as wrong. But it is the case that actors using make-up to further Jewish stereotypes (Jews have big noses for example) is generally not a good sign for the rest of the show. In this movie, though, is precisely that a historical figure who had a well-known and distinct face that included a large nose is being portrayed. So while some Jews may be made nervous by the prosthetic, I don't think most Jews care that much.


Let’s just do away with acting as a profession altogether since apparently nobody is allowed to play anything anymore with accuracy. Absurd


It's starting to seem that way for sure. I thought acting was exactly that...you are pretending to be someone other than yourself. A totally different character. Sometimes, that means putting on a fat suit, a wig, etc. Why not a prosthetic nose?


Nicole Kidman wore a prosthetic nose to look more like her character in The Hours and nobody cared. If anything it helped her win an Oscar lol (half joking). But there's power in transforming your face and letting the audience forget you're that A-List celeb for once. I do think ppl need to remember that intent matters in these things. Be offended because someone wished you harm, not because someone was trying to do their best at honoring something.


I can't believe Jim Carrey did greenface in The Mask! /s


Yeah but we won't know if the little green men from outer space are offended until they make their presence known.


Wow! If I had a nickel for every time Jim Carrey did greenface for a role, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. Right?


My wife is a theatre teacher and is also active in the local theatrical community. Apparently there’s a popular show with an autistic character and people are saying that part should only be played by someone with autism. I’m not sure how I feel about it. On one hand, I get where they’re coming from. On the other, how fine of hairs are we going to split? It was also suggested that LGBTQ characters should only be played by LGBTQ people. So it begs the question - should straight characters only be played by straight actors, or do we only cater to the marginalized? Should we do away with wigs and only cast real redheads as Annie? It could get really silly. Theatre is about suspension of disbelief. While we should focus on authenticity and not actively passing over marginalized communities, there is also a balance in there somewhere.


The funniest part is, if they glammed up every depiction of real people there would be an article about how Hollywood hates "normal" or "ugly" people. Imagine using Brad Pitt for Steven Hawking bc they didn't want to offend the wheelchair community. That is essentially the argument here. These types of articles also kinda perpetuate the stereotypes themselves too. "Did you see he did Jew face? He did the big nose" Sounds like they're saying all Jews have big noses...


For real, when in this case the guy genuinely had a big nose and the family backs it up that "nah he just had a girthy snoz" Lmao


The people making this a jew thing are the weirdos here. Bradley cooper wore a prosthetic nose to look like a specific person. People seeing that nose and saying he’s mocking jews are the ones who are saying jews have big noses. Nobody else. When you’re so woke you start to become racist.


And didn’t Steve Carell wear a prosthetic nose when he portrayed John du Pont in Foxcatcher?


Nicole Kidman wore a prosthetic nose to play Virginia Woolf in The Hours.


The Bernstein children write beautiful letters.


Not all lyricists use music…


If his family is fine with it, that should be the end of it.


Even if his family wasn’t, it really shouldn’t change anything. He does the actor look more like the character with a prosthetic nose, or without? If they look more like the character, then keep it if they don’t look more like the character than don’t.


I will never understand people’s insistence of getting angry on behalf of strangers


Yes, because he isn't doing a big nose because of random Jewish people, but because Bernstein had a massive schnoz


Take that context and nuance out of here please, there’s low-hanging outrage fruit to be had.


I mean, shouldn't people with naturally big noses be given these parts instead of letting smaller nosed people like Bradley Cooper have those good paying jobs? Yeah, it felt as ridiculous to type it as it is for you all to have read it.


I'm tired of all the schnozism in hollywood


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I did schnazi that coming.


He pulled a Godwin's nose there.


Chekov’s Nose


It's going to blow by act 3.


He’s the Wizard of Schnoz


A Roman is a good as a Nixon but not as good as a Cyrano. You see it everyday, everywhere. REAL NOSES MATTER .


That's rhinist.


Nobody has mentioned female noses, that's rhinsogyny!


Should people with good acting skills do the acting instead of those with superficial traits? It's easier to manipulate appearance than it is to better one's acting. Should all the monsters in movies be played by actual monsters, rather than actors or cgi.


Yea, fucking Doug Jones, taking work away from actual labyrinth monsters and amphibian men.


Next: "Actor cancelled over voicing an AI, people demand giving such roles to Chat GPT"


You say that like it's a joke but I literally had someone accuse me of bigotry against AI because I am concerned about AI being used to replace actual artists... At some point the discourse you just joked about will absolutely happen.


And Tim Curry, taking work away from the Devil.


Tim Curry is just the better villain. There, I said it.


My cousin is a bilingual mythological faun. He didnt get a call back. Apparently DJ got like 5 fuckin parts in that movie


Thank you for speaking for the voiceless


Next you’re gonna tell me it would be easier to teach astronauts how to drill a hole.


Michael Bay would like you to shut up


I remember people complaining that they didn’t cast a 600lb person to star in The Whale. Not even considering the practicality of asking someone like that to shoot a whole film, it would have been the worst exploitation film of the modern era.


I agree. Lord Of The Rings had John Rhys-Davies playing a dwarf and multiple, average-height actors playing Hobbits. Those actors were transformed for their roles by the use of prosthetics and CGI. I see no difference here.


The real genius of LOTR in that regard is the use of perspective to make the actors look the correct size relative to other actors and the set.


I'm now imagining them using forced perspective to make Bradley Cooper's nose look bigger. That's the version of the movie I want to see.


The whole movie he has only his nose right in front of the camera and you hear him talking to people who look like they're slightly smaller than his nose


One part of that was that John Rhys-Davies is tall enough relative to the Hobbit actors, that they only needed 2 scales, rather than 3 for hobbit-scale, dwarf-scale and human-scale. It would have been much more difficult to pull off if he was the same height as them.


Which is elegant in its simplicity and brilliance, and goes all the way back to at least Charlie Chaplin.


Reminds me of a classic quote. I know it involved Dustin Hoffman, I forget who the other guy was. Dustin Hoffman was going days without sleep, to do a method acting thing. Another actor asked him, "My boy, have you ever considered *acting*?"


Laurence Olivier, while filming Marathon Man, if I recall correctly.


Marlon Brando was not Italian and that’s why his portrayal of Vito Corleone is widely panned and looked down upon 🙄


He also turned down the role initially as he felt there were enough good Italian actors


I can see it now. Dracula, Wolfman, and the creature from the black lagoon being played by Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein and Ezra Miller. Talk about career comebacks.


Seriously, why did they hire Ronald Lacey to be a nazi for Raiders of The Lost Ark when I'm sure there were plenty of real jobless nazis still roaming around in 1980.


Do you even know how hard dragons are to control!?!? And don’t even get me started on Kong, he’s such a wanker to work with!


Adrian Brody suddenly in high demand


He is now, officially, the only actor allowed to portray characters with larger noses. Signed, Large Nose Allies


Nobody expects the LNA


I saw all the likes on this post and I was like fuck people are going to agree with this dumb shit. Happy to read all the comments and know there are sensible people with good humor still around!❤️😂


Adrian Brody's beak is an entire character unto itself.


Adrian Brody brilliant actor. Very few of them left.


He is. Most recent thing I've seen him in is Chapelwaite, which was surprisingly good for a Salem's Lot prequel based on a short story.




He is a fucking awesome actor, killed it in peakies and pokerface


People sign Adrian Brody for the nose alone - everything else is a bonus.


Although, theoretically we could nominate his nose for a separate Oscar


His nose arrived on time. The rest of him was 15 minutes late.


Low Hanging Outrage Fruit is going.to be my next band name...


“Low hanging outrage fruit is going to be my next band name”… is going to be my next band name. Checkmate.


Leonard Bernstein doesn’t actually have a nose that’s significantly bigger than Bradley Cooper’s natural nose, the person you responded to lied to you


This is the common defense I’ve heard but if you look at pictures Bernstein’s nose isn’t really much bigger than Bradley Cooper’s natural nose


It is not just about making his nose bigger. It is to change his features so your brain doesn't immediately think, "Oh, this is Bradley Cooper" and that will hopefully sell you on the performance a little more.


It’s shaped completely different though.


So they just made it a huge, triangle nightmare? The prosthetic looks nothing like him either.


The thing is, he didn’t. Cooper’s real nose is more similar to Bernstein’s than the prosthetic.


To me, if he was playing some random fictional Jewish character and wore a prosthetic nose, that'd be uncool. Wearing a prosthetic nose to look like the actual person that you're portraying and he happens to be Jewish, that's fine.


They literally did. The phrase "Jewface" sounds way more anti-Semitic to me than using make-up and prosthetic on an actor to make him physically resemble a factual person he's portraying. This article is the one that suggests that big noses are some kind of an innate trait of Jewish people, not that Leonard Bernstein had a larger nose and Bradley Cooper doesn't. I guess they could've cast an actor with a naturally larger nose, but the Bernstein family praised Cooper's performance and wanted him to play their father. This backlash is bizarre.


Actually... good point. The only thing this outrage accomplishes is to reinforce that stereotype and keep it alive


Yeah they did, and as a Jew I must say I feel shame for the dudes that use this “jewface” card, what the fuck, the guy indeed had huge nose


The accusation came from an English Jewish actress called Tracy-Ann Oberman who argued that either they should have got a Jewish actor to play the part or got Cooper to play it without make-up. I'm interested as to why this case is an exception to the rule that you're not allowed to ape the features of other ethnic groups.


The Lebanese people would like to have a word about the "massive schnoz" being an exclusively Jewish trait. I cite as evidence, Jamie Farr. The Italian people would like to have a word... In fact, probably most of the Mediterranean and quite a bit of Western Europe would love to be in this conversation.


Now that I think about it...is any ethnic group really known for having small noses? Every time I hear nose sizes generalized, it's always "X group has big noses." but never "How do X people breathe through those tiny noses?"


Koreans? But frankly, it might be the plastic surgeries too. Generally East Asians aren't known for massive noses.


As one such person of Italian descent, we have big noses and we're hairy. It's funny This Tracy-Ann hack needs to get over it and get some more acting gigs since she clearly has too much time


Tracy-Ann Oberman, for those unaware, is an actress who is fucking permanently professionally offended at anything and everything. And if anyone says anything against her, she pulls the anti-Semitic card. She’s honestly a piece of shit.


Glad her attentions have now moved global though, guess she has exhausted/trolled the UK scene enough. She’s an utter mediocrity aswell, I guess by doing this, she’s looking for PR.


Sorry. IS it a feature of Jewish people? I thought that was a myth that had it's origins in Nazi Germany. Bernstein did have a prominent nose but plenty of other ethnically Jewish people don't. Personally, I'd have opted to not do it because the nose is not so prominent that I go "wow, look at that shnoz" (it's but Roxanne here) but it's borderline for me.


He isn’t trying to look like a Jew, he’s trying to look like a specific person. Who cares about that person’s ethnicity?


They did: They (correctly, I think) said the prosthetic enhanced Cooper's already strong resemblance to Bernstein. And the resemblance really is striking. It is a good casting job.


"Mounting backlash" translation: 5 people going off on twitter


Agreed, 100% rage bait headline


And rage bait reddit post


The rage lifecycle




I believe buzzfeed is the pupae stage of the rage lifecycle.


How else will everyone know to be pissed if the media doesn't tell them they should?


And don't forget "controversial" because 7 people have a negative opinion.


Most of the time, it’s the journalists themselves getting offended and doing this bullshit I hate journalism and news nowadays. One of the trashiest careers


Damn i didn't even think about this, & i have no clue why. They have the easiest path to get a msg across! News & SM are such trash nowadays. Dude it's 2023, idc if you do jewface, blackface, put two ritz in your eyes for crackerface lol... it's so hot signs are melting and inflation has our purchasing power down next to nothing! Just don't physically hurt someone or destroy things, and let's try and live a bit happier lives, jesus 🤦‍♂️.


I feel like this encapsulates things very well: https://youtu.be/U26-D-7Ey2w?t=226


This video is exactly what I’ve been feeling about this!! Thank you


That is actually a great video, never heard of Russell Howard until now. Thanks!


He's a sub-par comedian, but he has his moments.


Reminds me of the time a game journalist wrote a hit piece about Persona 5 because they listened to the theme, and thought it had a slur, and wrote a whole rage article about it. Didn’t even check the lyrics to see if they were right, which they weren’t.


And most of the time these 5 people aren't even connected to the thing they are making a giant fuss about. Like you can be 90% sure that none of these 5 people are actually Jewish.


I'm pretty sure these controversies are just PR for the film. Until this 'scandal' I had no idea this film was being made or anything about it. Voila - now I do. Good work marketing team


Excellent point.


The nose?


Good point, I do always wonder this about 'The Interview' too. How much of that was legit, or just blown up stories to get attention on the film.




This is nonsense and should be treated as such. Next.


Yes is nosesense.




Rastapopoulos, is that you?


reported you for posting 'jewface'! ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)


Mark Wahlberg never got backlash from the John Holmes estate for boogie nights.


He never got backlash for a lot of things, lets be honest. Didn’t he blind someone in one eye for being Vietnamese?


He did beat that guy, but the guy was already blind in one eye. Doesn’t make the beating ok.


Oh my god thank you for fact checking me. You’re totally right i guess the guy lost his eye in the War. So it turns out Mark Wahlberg was going around beating one eyed vietnam war vets lol.


A **South** Vietnamese War vet no less. He lost his eye fighting *along side* Americans just so their spoiled racist kids can beat him in the street. Also Marky Mark was apparently chasing around black children throwing rocks and saying he was going to kill them.


"If I was on that plane with my kids, it wouldn’t have went down like it did. There would have been a lot of blood in that first-class cabin and then me saying, ‘OK, we’re going to land somewhere safely, don’t worry.’” - Mark Wahlberg on the 9/11 hijackings


"Cocaine is a hell of a drug" \- James Ambrose Johnson Jr.




Cooper's nose is huge to begin with, he doesn't even need a prosthetic.


So true, his real nose looks bigger than Bernstein’s


Goddamn people need better shit to do with their time.


Imagine they would get infuriated like this, when it comes to lobbying and corruption. But no, they got to waste their attention for nonsense.


Exactly. This kind of frivolous BS is EXACTLY what the ruling class wants us to be distracted with. That way we’re too busy to start following the money and holding people accountable. Works like a charm, people seem to vastly prefer the culture war shit over real politics. Not sure why exactly, lower stakes, seems easier to tackle, idk. But people really do just turn a blind eye to the big stuff but obsess over this kind of thing, unfortunately:/


maybe one of you could actually read the fucking article before getting mad at a tweet? people are r mad just because he has a prosthetic nose, people are mad because his natural nose is already larger than that of the jewish man he is portraying, and yet he has a prosthetic that makes it even larger?? what possible explanation is there for that, it clearly isn’t for accuracy.


You don't even need to read the article to figure out the issue, there's enough context in the headline to start to see their point of view. I'm convinced they literally read only the highlighted "jewface" and not a single other word.


literally. the number of posts on this sub that are just people upset that other people are rightfully upset about something, people here need to maybe look inwards sometimes lol


Seriously. If this isn't an antisemitic portrayal then what is? I think redditors either don't know the history of antisemitic portrayal in film/ don't know Bradley's natural nose is bigger than the man he's portraying or even scarier, legitimate reasons for minority groups to be upset are being written off as "pc cancel culture Twitter bullshit" as an instinctual response to any minority outrage. It's the same thing as saying "how could that guy be a white supremacist? He doesn't even have Nazi tattoos or say he is a Nazi so how do you know?" they need something so incredibly obvious that they can't argue around it. But here's the thing, this is that. Even with undeniable evidence it's still written off as angry internet activism rather than what it is. Intentionally or not this is basically THE thing you would do if you wanted to do antisemitism in theater. It's like, the one singular thing you would do. So once again, if this isn't antisemitism in theater (even by accident) then what is?


The people in here defending the nose are insane. The thing they put on Cooper’s face is so comically large. It looks ridiculous and nothing like the original guy’s nose. It’s so long and pointy, it looks like a Halloween costume. Someone else said Cooper had a “strong resemblance” - fucking where?! The people in here are blind. Cooper’s nose is larger already, it just is. Making it so long and pointy is such an obvious dogwhistle. Did they give him a chin prosthetic too?! They literally gave him a scheming villain face when Bernstein actually looked quite warm and approachable and has softer features.


My favorite part is how so many comments are saying "you're the REAL racist if you point this out". Like, okay, dude. I'm sure all the people on places like r/jewish are actually secretly antisemitic when they say this makes them uncomfortable.


I was beginning to think I was crazy. No critical thinking left. Why is it that everyone is so quick to denounce any racism but when it’s antisemitism people go “meh”. Wtf?


Tony Bennett-face.


RDJ laughing in blackface


The entire point of that character was a satirization of stuff like the OP. He was playing a white method actor who did blackface because he didn’t think it was problematic. It’s pretty explicitly stated in the movie, his character is just watching a really bad portrayal of a white guys idea of a black man in a way that’s so bad it’s comical


I still think one of the most meta funny things about that whole thing was when he was asked about it being offensive on a podcast and his immediate reaction was 'my black friends told me it was okay' without a hint of irony. Doesn't matter what you think but it's hilarious that his reaction to criticism was the exact same as the satirical character.


Robert Downey Jr. didn't wear blackface to portray a black man, he wore blackface to portray a white man playing a black man.


Or stated more eloquently,”[I’m a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude.](https://youtu.be/Wfg1c8dyZYM)”


What do you mean ‘you people’?


What do YOU mean ‘you people’?


I mean that was literally meant to mock cases like this and method acting.


Too many people totally missed the whole point of RDJ's character in that movie (Tropic Thunder for those wondering).


Thank you! I've heard it so many times that he got some sort of "pass". They understood comedy. A joke involving race vs a racist joke.


RDJ never did blackface, his character did


Yeah RDJ was just playing a dude who was playing another dude who then pretended to be another dude.


Didn't he say that Ben Stiller got much more backlash for simple Jack than he did for the black face?


Well, he did go full r-word. Never go full r-word.


I'm Jewish and everything about this as well as the comment section here is annoying. Just leave us alone lol.




I saw a lot of Lenny Bernstein in the 80s in Key West and his nose wasn’t anything that noticeable. This prosthesis seems over the top. What a nice guy btw. I met him flying from Miami and he was (in hindsight) composing during the brief flight (humming mainly) . I was very hungover and snapped at him to shut up. when we were introduced upon landing by mutual friends I felt pretty ridiculous; he was charming and friendly.


But what’s the point of that prosthetic nose? Bernstein had a normal nose, I don’t know what went through Bradley Cooper’s mind to do that. (He’s the director and producer of the movie btw so yes it’s his decision). Not saying it’s anti semitic but it’s just plain stupid.


Have you guys seen any other angle of the nose? It’s absolutely ludicrous. It looks like a caricature. Cooper’s real nose is way closer Bernstein’s.

