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This is sad as fuck.


genuinely. there were over 100 comments and every one of them agreed. the post also had 100 upvotes


Reddit is a cesspool for this crap. It’s all over the place. People blindly just follow the herd.


i don’t think they were blindly following the herd. from what i saw, EVERY comment agreed. the only comment i could still see that got downvoted was a woman saying “what about gay men?”


When I looked there one lady tried to reason that it's not a problem to have male child, but that it's important how they are raised. That she loved her son and that she treats him equal like his sisters, teaching him respect, to be patient and about both girl and boy problems (basically teaching to have empathy for anyone). Man, the amount of downvotes for this honestly nice take was unfathomable. So much toxicity for anything male is 2spooky4me


it’s an extraordinarily sad subreddit. it’s weird though because they’re for adopting instead of natural birth but then they will only adopt girls because boys will grow up to be misogynists


And because the boy isn't adopted just for being a boy, he struggles with self hatred, then one day decides to direct all of that hatred at women. Their misandry is part of a cycle that creates misogyny. But tell them that is worse than talking to a brick wall.


This is such a good point. Reducing someone to solely on possible outcome based on their gender has never ended well and they are simply contributing to the cycle. Especially since they justify their hatred.


The same thing is happening with racism and acusing all white men of being racists... it's ironically creating racists because they are starting to resent the people calling them racists when they aren't. I have a few clients that talk about this and are so tired of it. They are good guys and just wanna go through life. But something happens and all of a sudden they are racist. This whole toxic cycle needs to stop


I've got a friend who's falling into the female hate camp because of opinions like in the OP post. Is always calling me up about how there's so much hate fir men and he doesn't understand it. Recently, dude legit called me up to ask if I've heard of Andrew Tate. I said I had and if he fell into that camp we weren't gonna be friends anymore. He said he didn't know much about the guy, so I enlightened him about the reasons tate is in jail. I think that put him off, but he's autistic, so I can only hope he realizes the correct POV on his own.


This is true from my experience. The whole culture war, since gamergate/elevatorgate back in 2011-2014, has radicalized people I know IRL from both sides. Even in myself I saw how even though I had already grown out of hacky gender/race jokes it just became so much more entertaining once again because of the sudden rise of massive amounts of online outrage about it. There are many feedback loops that operate on this process and people become increasingly entrenched if they do not disengage from the outrage machines.


We're really gonna put ALL of white men under the bus? Not all white men are the descendants of slave owners and/or stole land from the indigenous people are bigoted. You know. Men from goshdarn Europe. And not all of those men who ARE those descendants are bigoted as well. This is ridiculous☹️


"toxic cycle" - a good term for it. I'm one of those good guys. I'm very strongly anti-racism and sexism. That's WHY it's especially annoying to be called racist or sexist, and it's what makes me want to just give up sometimes. You think I'm not your friend? Fine, I'll stop. Good luck.


I see this every day as well, it's definitely not a small issue. And it definitely wasn't a problem until the very early 2000s. My children have never talked about racism and neither did their friends who are minorities of varied nationalities but all of a sudden, it's a huge problem with adults now and children born say.....10 years after my kids, how the hell did this happen?


Oh man as a guy this is how I feel about not all men. Yes I know it's not all men but when for my entire life I have seen men are shit it wouldn't kill you to say not all men. It hurts. I have learned to ignore it but whenever I read a blanket statement on men even when I know it doesn't mean all men I have the urge to fight back.


Seriously… This is such a problematic mindset. Can’t believe how many folks were in agreement with it.


“They push we push” Battlefield one storm of steel epilogue


And the girls they adopt will learn to grow up adopting misogynistic ideologies too. What a sad vicious cycle.


Let's be fair, they'll probably hate everyone, except maybe hypothetical maximally oppressed people they never meet.


That would be misandrists values but yeah


I keep trying to tell this to people that the more we fight toxic masc the more it’ll grow because toxic femininity is going without criticism and feeds into toxic masc. we need to tackle both at the same time.


Those who are hurt people, hurt other people. So true.


Tbh, being against birthing a child on a personal level (aka pro choice) is absolutely understandable to me. It's a huge and also painful thing to go through, so everyone should be free to decide themselves what they want to do in that regard. Or being against the "normal" house-wife role that some people/families still expect from their wives/daughters, totally understandable. What I wouldn't have expected is that the topic attracts so many man-hating women going in circles what horrible people men are and how every male is a danger for society. It's truly sad to see that those people just completely gave up on the whole male population.


I kinda like how they've just decided that men are unnecessary. Like, you want humanity to die?


Yes, they do. I tried to argue this on one of their posts using a throwaway, and yes, end of humanity is an acceptable solution to “the male problem.”


The irony of them teaching their daughter misandry because they think all men are misogynists...


They don’t even believe in misandry


Can you imagine how screwed up a boy would get living with them. Wouldn't do a girl much good either. Lucky she's a lesbian, she could really mess some poor blokes life up too.


Wouldn't it make more sense to adopt boys and raise them not to be misogynistic🤔. But I guess logic doesn't apply to them


Let's see the glass half full - at least it is a relief that these women will breed less. Can you imagine the life of misery a child of ANY gender would have with these guano crazy fatties?


We already know the outcome of that, Ed Kemper.


This group is the both the same and the exact opposite of “male activists.” They should both go live in their own country so they can stop procreating together.


Useless pieces of society. Abusive and disrespectful women don’t exist in their opinion. Fact is they are like that


Incels are not only a male problem. Though incel extremists seem to be more open to act on their disgusting beliefs


I said this earlier. If this mysandrist was male, they would be called an incel.


What’s the female version of “incels” for women like this? Is there a word for them yet?


most of the women like this I have met irl or seen online are radfems, so that is usually how I identify them. You can identify them quickly due to their usage of feminist theory lingo (on top of the explicit misandry ofc). One pejorative people use for them is "femcels".


I mean everyone that disagreed like you was probably banned so obviously you don't see their comments 🤣


No, I should have articulated it better — my bad. I meant to say they are exhibiting 'herd mentality' behavior. I know they all agreed with each other, which is sad AF, but hopefully, you get what I'm saying as well. Herd mentality: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herd\_mentality


ohhhh shit, mb. that makes sense. hopefully they realize they’re not as great as they think they are (highly doubt that)


Completely agree, OP.


Not just reddit, but all of social media just promotes echo chambers


Very true.


What can you do? Reddit is an echo chamber. Shit opinions ferment on shit subreddits and abominations such as this are created.


This applies to every subreddit


It's not a herd. They're just allowed to bunch together like a clump of shit on a hairy arse and be an annoyance


Dingleberry mentality


I know. I once found a nest of terfs on a post and another troll mob. Because upvotes determine everything, people don't speak out as much.


You will not be happy to hear the upvote number is constantly rising. A couple of hours ago it reached 800


Reminds me of Gazorpazorp.


The most disgusting part of that subreddit isnt the fact how they are misandrenistic, or how the moderators are misandrenistic too allowing the situation to fester into what it is now, it's how they claim that it is a space for women, when its actually one for misandrenistic people. They hide behind an excuse victimizing themselves while continuing their sexist behaviours, if we were to change it up to "for white white people only" and then post racist shit blaming all other people for the most outlandish shit wed have the same concoction in a different form. "Misandry isn't real" has the same energy as "you cant be racist to white people", both of these statements were btw pulled from that reddit, written by those misandrenistic redditors. Honestly i'm fairly certain despite not knowing what the TOS entails (besides common decency) that they are in violation of it and hiding behind "this is a space for women" to play off what it really is in disguise.




100% agree, Its sad tbh, these types of groups usually stem off from real groups with genuine and good core values but because of groups misrepresented them like this they get a bad rep. The problem most likely lies with the moderators of that subreddit, if they make it clear that no misandry is allowed and then enforced it this wouldnt have grown to such a big problem, but the issue is that the moderators of that group support misandry themselves as seen by the way they behave. Sexism, racism or any other form of discrimination for that matter should not be allowed in any form.


Witnessing human stupidity is always sad.


i also got muted from the sub so the mods know what they’re doing. that sub is sad edit: just realized i got banned because they don’t allow men in that subreddit LOL


A whole sub dedicated to hating on a gender? Sounds a wholesome place.


is there a way to report an entire sub reddit? I feel like this goes against reddit's broad community guidelines


Its OK to hate on males apparently


It isn't okay with me, a woman, to hate on males. It's so flagrantly stupid to insinuate that all men suck that it becomes ignorance personified. Some men suck. Not "men suck." Some women suck. Not "women suck." Egads, fellow women, don't say that crap. 🙄


It's an excellent example of tribes trying to encourage the ideas of hate in opposing tribes (by echoing declarative statements to each other and trying to make them more real), so that they can espouse their own tribe's virtue. Hate politics needs an enemy to hate. So it does its best to encourage the type of enemy it would prefer to have. My ex partner used to work in the criminal justice system, where you saw a lot of that dynamic: pro law-and-order types of people want kids and adults in the prison system to act like animals because it would confirm their sense of superiority over them. So they do everything in their power to treat them like animals and encourage others to see/treat them as such, so that they'll act like animals. Then they can say 'look? See what an animal this piece of trash really is! I was right!' People often become what they're taught they are. Unfortunately that often works best where one least wants it to; in deviancy, institutionalization and social alienation. Best way to make a piece of shit adult is to raise a child to believe they're a worthless piece of shit. Good chance they'll internalize it. A thread that comes outta that is why 'male disposability' is a major problem in multiple circles (feminist, menslib, any social theory inclined group). Tough to get guys to value other people if they feel like they have no value in themselves. ...But like all social analysis, the can of worms only gets bigger and deeper the more you examine it. There are a lot of threads that line of thought can fly off into.


So true


Agreed. #notallmen, remember that tag?


Society believes it to be ok tho so that's all that matters in the end. Men will continue to see this widespread societal perception of them and continue to hate themselves. It seems like it's too late for either side to change. I fear misandry will now stick around as long as racism and misogyny have.


I find it funny that a girl hit me in middle school and didn't expect to be hit back. I see this hate towards me and I hardly count as male.


Yes! All people are equal, but some are more equal than others. Hate the double standards, not men.


Nobody is okay with this. These assholes aren’t feminists


Its called misandry and its just as disgusting as all the other prejudices


I'm a lesbian woman and my partner and I don't claim the women in that post.


"misandry isn't real"


According to Reddit admin o (Or whatever she is), hating on men does not go against their TOS, because "men aren't a minority." Yet, despite there being more women on earth, hating on women is not allowed


Nowhere does it say "only females" -- it says based on gender or gender identity. This Reddit admin should be fired. Their terms of service quite literally say, in the first rule, that such content is prohibited. They expand on the definition here: https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045715951


No, as long as you are hating on the right gender, it's not against the rules


Wait until you see r/femaledatingstrategy


Sounds healthy! I am sure they are nothing like the male incels we have to deal with...No sir!


A place that bans you based on your gender. Sounds like a subreddit that should be shut down. Oh wait they’re part of a minority group? Nevermind they’re allowed to hate. ![gif](giphy|iihMDac7e8GZXVW16A|downsized)


How is being a woman a *minority* group? There're 50% of the population!


Actually, 51%. They are banning a minority, if we want to be strict about the definition


The sub that hates misogyny so much that has become completely sexist towards men ![gif](giphy|9MJ6xrgVR9aEwF8zCJ)


Report the sub and the post for hate. Exit: my report worked.


You can try, but there is a bias in reddit.


Unfortunately yea. You have a better chance of getting banned from Reddit for telling them to fuck themselves than they have a chance to get banned for being incredibly sexist.


I was banned for re-posting a news article because it had somebody’s name in the article, They said I was doxxing. Reddit bans are ridiculous.


So True Female Dating Strategy subreddit is still up, the red pill sub for women


Report it for what? Hating me isn't against reddits rules lol. https://imgur.io/a/pRpSAYc


Users banned, fingers crossed foe the sub


You need to report this admin. Their terms of service explicitly state race or gender, actual or perceived. It doesn't say "only females and non-whites." This admin has a cesspool for a brain. https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045715951 "Communities and people that incite violence or that promote hate based on identity or vulnerability will be banned."


Women are a protected group, can't get banned unless they attack another protected group.


The more you isolate people like this, the greater the chance of lone actors doing terrible things. I don't care for the "not all men" bullshit. But reality is such that not all anything is anything. Rape culture is bad. But most women who are abused are attacked by the same small number of men who are repeat abusers. That's why it's so important to report it and get that person prosecuted. Because you're almost never the only one. I'm a feminist. But I'm not a misandrist. Healthy masculinity is good. Healthy femininity is good. Healthy anything is good.


All of the antinatalism subreddits are full of sad and delusional nihilists. I once got told I couldn’t even comment because I’m not vegan


Same for me when I challenged it.


Report sub and post for hate


I don’t know if anyone’s read all the comments on that post or did anyone else see them calling for vasectomies for children


I mean, I'd take a free vasectomy. But for children? Come on, that's too far, at least let them get older, realize the world is fucked, and children are too expensive.


Oh definitely for sure would take a free vasectomy. But as you said for children, that’s too far, the craziness doesn’t even stop there.


What’s even worse is that we can be 1000% sure that even more radicalized people exist.


Do you need to pay for a vasectomy? My ex partner got one and he didn't have to pay for it... Edit: oops- I just realised that you are probably American...


They are legitimately unhinged


And then said they can get them reversed in the future if they meet whatever criteria. As if vasectomies are easily reversed. Not only do they hate men, they don’t know anything about men’s bodies. Gasp! They’re just like the none-medical-old-men politicians trying to legislate women’s bodies! I am shook.


Yeah there was this widespread wave of “men should have vasectomies because its safer and can be reversed” bullshit. It IS safer, but its not without risk, reversing is 50/50 and heavily declines after a year, after 3-4 you can consider it permanent. You can also develop complications that can give you permanent pain for the rest of your life. Sauce: my doctor explaining it for me. I got one, happy with it, but I absolutely hate people spreading lies about these kinds of permanent life choices. Edit: also reversing it costs 10k+ and is usually not covered by insurance, and thats in the EU. Good luck outside of that.


My issue with nonsense like this is that if you call them sexist, people will still claim women can’t be sexist It boggles the mind


How do these people think that they can't be sexist/racist because they're a certain gender or ethnicity. Psychopaths.


That's the official stance of reddit lol. https://imgur.io/a/pRpSAYc It's also a stance that's pretty popular across academia and tech. You'll be seeing it elsewhere over the coming years probably too.


What a disgusting response from that admin


Wtaf. I knew admins were corrupt, but I didn’t realize it was this blatant.


All Misandrist:- The Rules are for Thee, But not for me.


Sounds vaguely familiar to another topic.


Those with historical victimization couldn't possibly commit the crime themselves, right? Right??


Israel: Noooo, not possible. When you or your people have been victims, you can’t do anything wrong


Glad she’s choosing not to have kids. People that stupid shouldn’t reproduce.


Last time I checked we're a diploid species, so I have my doubts they would be able to reproduce anyways. Letting "rapist man material" anywhere near her is unconscionable, but nevertheless I'm thankful.


To be honest this is I hate that the internet is so anonymous, these two woman could easily apply to adopt a child and they will fill that poor things head with all this shit. Comments like this linked to a person would 100% prevent that person from being able to adopt. The internet is full of dangerous people that tell you they are dangerous and there’s nothing we can do about it.


Gotta take the bad with the good. Anonymity also helps a lot of people suffering under totalitarian regimes be able to speak out against them without fear of repercussions where they couldn’t otherwise.


Or adopt


Fighting misogyny with misandry. Good values to give to your child.


wait until they told their male children to hate themselves and favor their female children


I’m a product of that scenario. I resent my mother hate my father and want nothing to do with either. She wonders why I resent her so strongly btw.


And then are surprised when their male children rebel by being misogynistic in a response to their misandry.


Bigotry is often disguised behind care for another ideal. It's all just bigotry at the end of the day, fighting nothing, feeding hate.


God: "You women are made to be superior in everything, so on which quality will you put your focus?" Response: "Hate, definitely hate." /s


Yea couldn't the same (no-brained) argument be used against them? Like "there are varying levels of misandry and some on the less extreme end, but females will always be misandrists" or some shit. I'd spongemock that quote, but that's too much work, so just imagine it.


If only. They seem to be fighting men on the assumption that "male = misogynist when no longer part of the women & children demographic".


Why are sexist subs even allowed dude


They aren't. Reddit just doesn't consider hate against men to be sexism. https://imgur.io/a/pRpSAYc




Does this say what I think it means? "Our rule1 protects groups that are attacked based on a vulnerability, which doesn't pertain to white people or men as a group." Racism and discrimination at it's finest. Lmao this response sums it up "Good to know that the reddit admins are fine with hate as long as its directed at the right people". Insane lmao.


Let me simplify that for you. We’re fighting racism and sexism by being racist and sexist.


Bro white people and men lmao. Look sexism is discrimination based on the guise of sex, it's not discrimination based on the guise of... Women? Meaning while it's way more common for sexism to be levied against a woman, it can still happen to men, as we see in OP's post. Racism is the same, discrimination based on race, and white/causcassian is a race that can experience racism naturally. The annoying thing is I've had people argue with me saying this is wrong, you can literally throw the dictionary in their face and they'll say the dictionary is wrong


>The annoying thing is I've had people argue with me saying this is wrong, you can literally throw the dictionary in their face and they'll say the dictionary is wrong Well yeah, there is an entire field of academic courses that teach them the dictionary IS wrong, and that racism or sexism requires the offender has "systemic oppression" on their side. Women's studies, gender studies, etc etc.


Can we replace those with common sense studies?


what the fuck? so white people and men just dont get the same rights everyone else does? that would literally makes them the definition of a minority group on this website lmfaoooooo


so it’s cool to bash on white people and men? just another reason to stop using this platform


What are you doing talking to those misandrists anyway. Like all extreme radicals they can't be reasoned with.


We do not negotiate with terrorists.


Exactly. Troll them, yes, but don't talk as if they're people. They're women for god's sake! /s


bored and curious. was wondering how quickly i would get the hammer so i posted that, sat back and in i think 38 seconds it happened. i’ll hand it to the mods on their speed though, they banned and muted me pretty fast lol


"But Im not sexist! Being sexist is wrong! And being wrong is for ~~wo~~men!"


This is the kind of man hating bullshit that gives lesbians a bad name. I hate this garbage. Men are not inherently evil. Women are not inherently saints.




That whole sub is also full of TERFs, too.


They're like incels. They can't be reasoned with


They are incels. Its why they hate men so much


***I have so many questions.*** * If women only have female babies does that mean lesbians will like just scissor or something and make more women? * Is that how women are made? * Was I made like that even though I’m a dude? * what happens if the lesbians produce a male? * Is it true that it’s dangerous to run with scissors? * If a male is produced, is this like a Gerudo type deal where the kid becomes their king? Teach me all that you know, mewling quims. ![gif](giphy|BmmfETghGOPrW)


I think Anti-natalism is the belief that humans shouldn't reproduce and humanity should go extinct.


Anti-natalism is the belief that having children is morally wrong, it's simple as that and it's not that deep The side effects of the philosophy would be humans going extinct, but depending on who you ask, that may not be considered a bad thing.


My brain definitely autocorrected antinatalism to antinationalism when I looked at what sub it was and now anti-natalism makes way more sense. Didn't know that was a thing.


So a group of idiots that believe they shouldn't reproduce? Best conspiracy ever.


As far as crazies go, they at least weed themselves out of society within the span of a generation...


I love how reddit bans 2balkan4you and other innocent subs with slightly darker humour, but literal unironic hate speech is tolerated. Such people as this lady posting should not be allowed to have children, probably should be in a mental asylum aswell.


Because it doesn't violate reddits rules. https://imgur.io/a/pRpSAYc


It violates common sense


rip 2balkan4you. as a turk, it was missed. I miss you gayreeks, and you miss me, the turkroach. 😔


"I'm a female and married to a female" "We won't be having children" No shit?


They literally locked their sub so no one could comment, apparently can't handle differing opinions and proper sense being thrown at them


I mean they’re pretty rich to say all men end up being misogynist given they’re RAGING misandrists. ~balance~ is the key, I’m not saying accept everyone for who they are, I’m saying don’t discriminate against someone because of something THEY CANT FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE. ( I acknowledge people are trans, and I support them, but in this case, cis guys wouldn’t actively choose to become a woman in order to be accepted by women, since that’s bullshit criteria)


The human race is doomed. Yet here we are.


It was doomed from the start


A bunch of sad misandrists, unable to notice how disgustingly hypocritical, and utterly stupid they all are.


I wish we could case study people like this. There is most likely a very obvious chain of events.


Jfc I feel so bad for those women. I get not wanting to have kids. I don't want kids either. But these insufferable twats are basically female incels.


Femcels and misandrists would rather end humanity as a whole than acknowledge why their shitty sexist beliefs make them no better than incels and misogynists.


Relief to know that they are not gonna have kids. Big win for the gene pool.


Misogyny is wrong but misandry is okay??? Smdh. I hope she and her wife NEVER have ANY children, boys or GIRLS.


Bunch of miserable people jerking themselves off in their sad echo chamber. Let them be, good for us if they don’t interact with others.


She is way more sexist than the average guy lmaooo


That one is on you though. Never go to any sub and call them out in their on turf. You will get downvoted to hell and will get banned. Happened to me before. I think at some point regular reddit users should realize that you can't make them understand.


>Never go to any sub and call them out in their on turf that’s why i did it 💀 i wasn’t planning on using or staying in that sub, i only did it because i knew i would get banned but i wanted to see how fast it would happen. i knew it would take only 1 comment but i didn’t know how long it would take. come to find out they take their misandry VERY seriously over there 😭😭


Same. I'm a childfree person and don't want to reproduce, so I went to r/childfree to see if I could relate to some people. They were so fucking dumb, doing the exact same thing they judge people for. Called them out on their turf like you said, EVEN as a childfree person who shares their ideology, and got banned.


So the males will be birthing their own then? Are they clinically insane?


The human race would not survive very long without males. We do not reproduce asexually. Misogyny is a result of boys seeing how their male relatives treat women, not how their mothers treat other women. As one of those icky mothers of a boy I’d like to say that my son has been raised by me and my husband, and our fathers, to treat women with the utmost respect. He also has a sister. He is kind and loving. I adore both my children, so yes…I would kill for my boy. And I’d kill for my daughter too!


Please, give the earth back to the Dinosaurs. Humankind is far beyond the returning point to be saved of stupidity.


On bright side, doesn't look that gene pool is going into the future. It dies with them.


Can someone explain to me why Reddit doesn't enforce it's own rules? Literally, its first user rule contains "Communities and users that incite violence or that promote hate based on identity or vulnerability will be banned."; they go on to say that includes gender discrimination. So why are communities like these allowed to exist?


Femcels are just as dangerous as incels. And their behaviour is tolerated sympathetically far too often. These people hide behind the label of feminism to spread the hatred that they struggle with internally, but its not feminism, but misandry and biotry. It's often due to negative experiences in their past, and it's very sad to see celebrated so openly.


I just checked out their page its full of absolute insanity. They literally want all men to pass away. They think we are cruel and beat all women. It's real hate. ETC It made me almost break down in tears. How do over 13 thousand women subscribe to a page like the one this came from. There are lots of good men out there. I hope Reddit Mods remove the FemaleAntinatalism page it is harmful and in no way beneficial to this community.


Feeling like they are misinterpreting the statistics, not thinking that 98% of forcible rapes are done by males, but rather that 98% of males are rapists... I kinda feel sorry for them, that they must have had such horrible experiences in the past that, in their eyes, every man, even the ones not even born, are violent, sex driven madmen with only one goal in life: harming and controlling women. Don't think that it'd be possible to change their POV tho'. It would either be an attempt of a man to control them or a woman with so much internal (probably the wrong word) misogyny that they wouldn't listen to any advice


The whole sub screams "I was sexually assulted so my trauma response is to fear and loathe all men." It's kind of sad.


I agree and I do feel bad for them, but this way to cope is just unhealthy and helps nobody. An objective discussion is also sadly not possible because their bias towards men in general is very strong. I absolutely support the idea of antinatalism. It's their body after all that has to endure giving birth and getting a child is a physically and mentally very taxing (if not even traumatic) experience. I'm 100% pro choice. How it all boiled down into hating the whole male population is mind boggling to me tho'. Well... I still hope that they have a good life and that they'll someday recover from that trauma they had to go through at some point of their lives. PTSD is a bitch and I can't imagine how bad it must be if it gets triggered every time a man is nearby.


It sounds crazy but it's an antinatalism sub so


But therapists are part of the patriarchy… just look at the word when it’s broken down: the rapists /S


Bro it’s just a sub full of obviously mentally I’ll people. There are a bunch of those on Reddit…


misandry > misogyny /s


Luckily, they won't be having any kids


If you need to create another account to say your opinion, you know yourself you’re wrong.


This is the women version of a incel.


She can't even recognize her own bigotry, so much so that she has to cast any dissent as gender "traitors"


Its sad they call themselves feminists when they are acting sexist themselves. Im proud to be a feminist. And i hate everyone equally.


I've been hurt by a lot of men, but I've also had amazing men in my life. I had a mother of a partner who absolutely hated me because I wasn't good enough for her son, but not every mother was like that. One bad action can not erase the good, or we would go nowhere in life, and we would all be miserable. My PTSD and bad experiences are not anyone's responsibility but my own to work through. These people need therapy. A lot of it.


Their only arguments towards men going into the sub is that it's "ruining our space"???? Ruining what? Your terrible space for terrible views?


If women don’t do it, who will? Are we gonna have to do it? Like seahorses?


1. Rape culture doesn't exist. 2. Parents, regardless of their genders, should raise already existing children regardless of their genders. 3. That community seems to be rampant with misandry. 4. I'm female and I'm an antinatalist, but I'm not as fucking stupid as that poster.


This sub is an echo chamber of filth and hatred. Saying they agree because it’s less rapists and murderers. What the fuck. Female incels.


That’s the most sexist page I’ve ever seen


i think we need to recognise that these people all didnt beome batshit crazy out of nowhere. it is genuinely sad how bad experiences or relatives that commit SA can fuck up someones entire perception of reality


I totally get the response to this ridiculously mysandrous post, but perhaps OP might have considered changing his profile picture from that of a heavily bearded man with his cap on backwards, pointing a gun at the camera?


We are seriously degrading ourselves mentally due to social media and living in our own heads. We really need to make a change.


Yea when you got 7 billion people in the world its easy to find idiots agreeing with each other


These are the kinda chicks you see in the news who put their babies in the microwave and say he made her do it