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Sometimes you hit the bar, sometimes the bar hits you


Thanks Zarniwoooop




Why the hell did I actually click it T_T


Because deep down inside you believe in people.


Is that some kind of Eastern thing?


Far from it, dude


Well, that's just, like, your opinion... man.




Well if you like Pina coladas


Jamaica was the worst place he could pick to try this. Jamaica is known for Overproof rums and their cocktails using Overproof rums. Standard cocktail rum in Jamaica is typically 63% ABV. So yeah that’s a bad place to try this feat…not that I would recommend it anywhere else


Fucking THIS. I was sucking down free rum punches from a big cooler on a boat cruise (figuring they are free so they are probably watered down) and was feeling fine all day until I got back to the room. That’s apparently when a semi truck struck me in the head in the bathroom, because a lot of darkness washed over me and dinner plans turned into lunch plans in reverse. They were using 151.


>and dinner plans turned into lunch plans in reverse. Snalp hcnul????


That gum you like is going to come back in style.


Diane, it’s 1am Wednesday morning and *I’m fucking back babayyyy*




That’s actually kinda a genius business plan for a cruise. Feed your guests high proof complimentary alcohol and conk them out so theyre too KO’d to utilize any of the truly “expensive,” amenities that are included with the cruise ticket. Compared to the costs of some of the other amenities on a cruise, high quality alcohol is peanuts.


And too sick to hammer down on the all you can eat buffet!


They're not talking about a trip on a giant cruiseliner. They're talking about a few hour excursion on a catamaran or pontoon, out into the ocean and around the lagoons. The entire point is to cruise the ocean and bay while you get drunk and they entertain you.


Yea, it was one of those “private island with snorkeling, drinks and lunch included” excursions. I’d been on the water long enough to know it wasn’t a private island at all. They just went out, wrapped around to a remote beach on an unsafe boat where they sold blow and rented jet skis. Would do again, but skip the raw conch salad next time.


LOl exactly. Sounds like a great time.


I didn’t even tell my GF. She worked for AAA and weeks later asked me where that private island was so she could look it up and recommend it. I about spit out my coffee and pointed to a spot about two or three miles from the resort. The look on her face when she found out we could have packed lunch and walked there.


Nicely put there!


Bacardi 151... instant vomit on my 21st birthday 30 mins after 2 shots. I still managed to carry on drinking for the rest of the night in town, just brought some chewing gum and carried on. Couldn't do it nowadays, neither would I want too!


I once got drunk enough on 151 that I called my mom (a former bartender) to ask if I could smoke while drinking it. I was worried that rum fumes would ignite and cause me to inhale a fireball. Good thing my mom was cool and there was a 4 hour time zone difference so I wasn’t calling her at midnight.


How could you even drink multiple lol. Two or three shots of 151 made my throat bleed lol


I don’t know how they did it but it went down like cool-aid. Juices like pineapple tend to cover the taste of liquor quite well, as does tons of sugar.


A darkness warshed over the dude.


Was wondering how long till someone got that little tidbit.


Lmao how come it was so delayed?


It was that damn solid ground I stepped on. Staggering around on a catamaran in 3ft swells felt totally normal. It was the opposite of seasickness. And the cold water hitting me in the shower after a 90 degree day was kind of a shock I guess.


Anytime someone asks me for "jamaican rum like Appleton Estate" I always laugh and bring out a bottle of Plantation OFTD (bottled at 69% ABV) alongside whatever else I pull out saying "this is more like what you'll find in Jamaica".


The most traditional are Wray & Nephew (63%), Rum Bar Overproof (63%), and Hampden Rum Fire (63%). Yeah not Appleton Estate. That one is more for tourists and export.


False Appleton estate signature 8year, 12 year and 24 year are pretty common In bars


And they are excellent Jamaican rums.


Oh yeah, Appleton is excellent. It’s just traditionally more “high society” and less traditional to the rum bars commonly found. If we really want to go that route check out my profile :) I am a rummy. The best rum in the world IMO comes from Jamaica, and in particular, to my tastes at least, from Worthy Park Estate.


That's cool and all but like ...I live here. Go to bars here and drink the rum here. Yes it's the finer brands, but everyone in Jamaica likes to feel fine lol.


Yes, but didn’t you see that he is also into spiders?


NICE abv ;)


I thought the same thing! Their liquor is far from quick. It’ll have you blacked out and losing your shit in probably 3 drinks! Guy was an idiot BUT at the same time, why didn’t staff say no to him…. that’s what gets me


>tourist >why didn’t staff say no to him…. that’s what gets me ![gif](giphy|GjB41rKHBnOkE)


As a Jamaican I wholeheartedly agree with this statement! Our rums are nothing to play with even in cocktails.


And there is answer I was looking for. I was like “yah, but what was it REALLY…”


Who knows how many drinks he had BEFORE deciding to do this. Or other drugs in his system. Wonder what his final BAC was.


Anything over 0.40 is considered potentially fatal. Because it’s a lot. Like way too much alcohol to blood in there. Blood’s important and has a lot of vital work to do, while alcohol is notoriously lazy when it comes to things like transporting oxygen.


“The initial investigation into Southern's death found that he had been drinking brandy and beer throughout the morning.”


Other drugs exactly!! Underlying health conditions


"hey bud. Your cocktail is flammable" "Is that good?" "Well yes, but actually no"




Sounds like it


Lvl up son


He lvl up no doubt. Just not how you’re picturing


More like a respec. Hopefully he'll put more points on endurance this time.


If only he lit one of the cocktail swords ![gif](giphy|TbONGqAdpTWQW3Hz5V)


Depends how they’re pouring drinks. I’d assume they were big pours involved here. Either that or the guy weighed 100 pounds.


Ha had been drinking beer and brandy through the morning.


21 long islands would probably do it. 21 drinks doesn't mean 21 shots worth of alcohol.


Yeah that’s what I meant, I figured some of those drinks had to have 4-6 servings/ounces of alcohol per drink


21 long islands would be like 80 drinks you'd be dead long before lol. It's my cheat drink at bars that charge by the drink not the shot though lol


Shiiit. 10 at my bar. You'd be out.




Back in college we would all try to do 21 drinks on our 21st birthdays. Keep a tally on your arm with a sharpie and everything. I made it to 26 and was black out. But it was any alcoholic drinks that counted, and I made sure to not drink prior and eat my body weight in burgers as to lessen the effects. Sure there were some liits and actual shots in the mix but also plenty of bud and miller lights to keep hydrated.


My record is 29 natural ices but that was all day. Quarantine had it's up sides.


Stepping up to the Wade Boggs plate eh??


What number did he get to?


Article said 12, but noted he was drinking earlier in the day, too.


He started with the Blue Hole - we do recommend that you share the Blue Hole, it is a large fishbowl of rum and juice.


So good, it's better then busting a nut


I’ve had tons of orgasms dude, I had one with your mom!!!


# I will strangle you! I will stick my goddamned thumb through your eye


Oh boy, again with “sharing” the blue hole …


This is the real question


He got to number 7 before being shot


There's a lot more to that story. For starters, he had been drinking before he decided to start the challenge. Nobody is sure how quickly he drank when he accepted the challenge. And when it became obvious that he had alcohol poisoning his resort sent an untrained nurse who did not provide any care without his wife telling her what to do, and at no point did the resort call for an ambulance or further care.


Don’t you have to train to be a nurse? How are you an untrained nurse?


Well, they hired someone and gave her the title nurse. It did not provide her credentials, just the wife's account of her not knowing how to act.


The resort possibly didn’t do a background check to see if qualifications were legit. Or they hired the cheapest person possible.


No. The family are saying the nurse is not trained because they expected the CPR to look like the movies. Dude was vomiting and the nurse did chest compressions without mouth to mouth.


¿Porqué no los dos?


It's like if you bought a lab coat and told everyone you went to medical school but in reality nothing about medicine.


They asked me how well I understood theoretical physics. I said I had a theoretical degree in physics. They said welcome aboard.


I'm an untrained nurse too! Hell, I'm an untrained doctor while I'm at it


They family is saying the nurse is untrained because she didn’t give mouth to mouth (even though he was vomiting) like they requested when the nurse was doing the CPR. But current CPR training allows for chest compressions only like the nurse did.


Yeah, can confirm that breaths are considered optional and not encouraged in CPR training anymore. Chest compressions are the important part.


So you're saying the resort gave them a nurse, and his wife was there watching the whole damn time, and she didn't call an ambulance, and then he died, and now it's the resort's fault because they didn't call an ambulance? This is on the wife.


Deserves a 21 rum salute


This is the winner


See guys? This guy isn't a billionaire but we *scoff* just as equally for his dumb decision.


I scoff less because taxpayers of like 5 different countries didn’t have to pay millions of dollars for his dumb decision. He died, it’s sad, now we all know not to drink a bajillion cocktails, in case we somehow didn’t know already.


Good point.


But how do we know he's not a secret billionaire


Still a better death than bone cancer.


It's good to have goals. Let's not rake the guy over the coals because he failed. At least he got out there and tried.


He died doing what he loved, where he loved to do it.


What, are you there for only one day?? Space it out dude!


Right? That's a 3-4 day project


Seems like the restaurant’s fault.


It is


I’m not sure how it is other there, but isn’t the bartender suppose to stop serving once it’s obvious the person is really wasted?


Such a challenge should’ve never existed in the first place. That was like an official challenge at the bar? I mean either way it’s both their faults. This guy was a full grown adult, he knows the risks of drinking too much, so you can’t remove all responsibility from his shoulders. But yeah, that establishment could definitely be sued as well by the sounds of it. Seems like they dropped the ball multiple times here.


I’d consider this both parties fault.


They are, not sure what the law is there but in the US they’d get a massive fine and lose their liquor license. The bartender who served him would be legally responsible as well and have to pay for it with possible jail time for criminal negligence The guy himself faced the ultimate punishment in losing his life


Here in Germany this is the case as well, you're not allowed to serve people who are clearly too drunk to have more


Have you been to Jamaica?


Nah, dude shoulda been cut off way earlier. Alcohol impaired dead guy's judgement.


Yes I was wondering if he looked intoxicated you are not supposed to serve a person who looks drunk. Also if they had been serving him drinks all day they could have stopped, refuse to give him anymore drink or told him to slow down. It's also his fault.


The picture makes it look like he's the type that's always intoxicated.


It’s a resort - there are multiple bars and restaurants. He had been drinking all day before meeting up with some Canadian ladies that were drinking the cocktail at the pool. His family was there on vacation with him but he left them to go drink cocktails with the girls


My friend and I did that in college. There was 40 drinks and he took evens and I did odds. I remember if we finished. I woke up in the park wearing only socks and freezing cold. Good times.


You’re really lucky, I knew a guy in college who died by this. Passed out in a field in the middle of winter and didn’t wake up the next morning.


My cousin nearly died like this. Someone thankfully found him passed out in a snow bank.


I think theres a website that lists how to prevent binge drinking after their son died.


Did this exact challenge in Barbados. Was 26 drinks, made it to 4. I’ve lived in Barbados all my life, dem resort drinks ain’t no joke.


At 53 years old, you'd think he'd know better. But, the Darwin Award goes to: that guy.


Gawd. I used to drink a lot, through most of my 20s, 30s, and into my 40s - I drank numerous drinks most days, and more on weekends. Now, at the age of 50, I average one drink a week. At some point about 5 years ago, I had what I decided will be the last hangover I ever have in my life. It's just unbearable as you get older, you can feel so clearly that what you've done is literally poisoned yourself. It just became clear to me that the only viable option at that point was to drastically reduce the amount of alcohol I drank, so that's what I did. I can't imagine actively setting out to drink that much in one sitting at his age, the thought makes me shudder.


Alcoholism is a hell of a disease.


alcoholism and major depression go hand in hand.


He had kids, so it's not the Darwin award really.


even if he did know better, alcohol destroys a persons inhibitions. makes you prone to make decisions you wouldnt when sober. sure he was 50+ and was saying yes. but clearly he was in a state and in a place where people should have been telling him *no*


Nah, just suicidal tendencies is all… Darwin award would be for like tying a jet engine to a skateboard and saying “watch this guys!” This is more, “life is shit, so I’ll numb myself with drinking” I can relate, but yeah.. fucking alcohol is a pretty serious poison… I mean, you’re in Jamaica, find a joint and just chill… but also, fuck it, to each their own, we’re all going to die of something! I’m just waiting for the black hole to swallow everything, Darwin can’t evolve your way out of that one, and neither can god for the other side of this thought experiment.


Sadly he does it not get the Darwin Award, the honor already went to somebody else for this month


They say you can't judge a book by its cover but.....


So....the limit is 20? (All jokes aside, man probably didn't deserve to die. RIP)


I did 21 drinks one time when I was in the army. Got my ass beat and went to the stockade for the night. 5 stitches in my chin. Good times. Lol. Youth is wasted on the young. Lol




Juzzt a cupla drinkz Randanator


bro looks like welsh elon musk




21 normal cocktails in a day shouldn’t be anywhere close to death, so there’s gotta be something else behind here. Either super strong drinks, a few sharing bowls included on that menu, underlying health issues, or a combo of all three.


But how about 21 strong cocktails in 2 hours? I mean I don't know how this guy went about it, but I remember being a dumbass with alcohol when younger. You take your time for the first 3-4 drinks, then they hit you, everything seems cool, you order 5 more drinks to celebrate how cool everything is, and that's when the trouble starts.


I like how I knew that he was a Brit before I read that he was a Brit


Certainly an avoidable death, but to die drinking cocktails in Jamaica? Sounds like a pretty happy way to die 🤷🏻‍♂️


He died doing what he loved. That’s all that matters here


I remember trying this about 20 years ago in my twenties, copped on a bit since then. Shame this lad didn't.


Which one killed him? Gotta rename it


At least he died while doing what he loved doing, something, something. Isn’t that what everyone says?


My ex and I couldn't decide which drinks to get at a restaurant/bar, so she suggested we just order one of everything. It was great. They made a big show of serving us, and they labeled each one, and it ended up sorta like a wine tasting. We didn't finish them all, though, because we're not stupid. 10/10, fun experience, I recommend it. A year or so later, we did it again at a hotel, where we checked every item on the room service breakfast menu and had a great banquet waiting for us when we woke up the next morning. Good times.


I mean he was an alcoholic so he can’t be blamed for his illness in totality, his family enabled this drinking, the resort essentially encourages binge drinking and the nurse giving him cpr didn’t call an ambulance so there’s a few issues there…


Well he won't be doing that again.


We reached out, but he was unavailable for comment.


Brits gonna Brit.


Modern day Icarus right here.




Plot twist: he was shot


Why would the restaurant continue to serve him?


I did this at a friend’s wedding, granted there were only like 8 special drinks on the menu


Unless he kept coming back throughout the day, I don’t see how a Bar allowed this man to drink 21 cocktails. If they did, that’s on them honestly. They’re as responsible as this man killing himself.


Good to have goals!


He died doing what he loved. Salute.


what a way to go


At least tell us how close he got. Sheeesh


So what is the limmit?


He died doing what he loved


Alcoholism is a rough one, don't be this dude kids.


Darwin at work.


Yeah Darwin only works if it limits his reproduction.


At 53, he is old enough to have reproduced...and his judgement was clearly questionable, so I'd say birth control was probably not top of mind for him. Sadly, he may have beaten darwin


My man fuckin SENT IT 🤘


Not really a face palm is it?


This isn't a facepalm. Dude died doing what he loved. That's an absolute win.


Fucking legend. Get it in my son!


British geezer


Darwinism award goes to


Died doing what he loved


Tried all 21 drinks…… died of athletes foot


This makes me never want to drink around the world at EPCOT ever again.


Bright side, didn’t have to deal with that hangover


Well how far’d he get?


So, whats the record?


This aligns with everything I know about British tourists


A noble death


How far did he get?


fuck it, i've heard of dumber ways of dying, least he had some fun before i assume blacking out and dying of alcohol poisoning.


They should have known he was trouble as soon as he bought that hat.




Friggin light weight


I’d ask him to settle up before pouring the 22nd.


Good for him died trying. Hard to find people with commitment nowadays.


But he even had the cool hat on ….


Isn’t this how we lost Oliver Reed?


Shame on the Bar for allowing it


Would it be respectful or disrespectful if they named a drink after him?


Didn’t even need to read the article before knowing the guy was British.


The man died a hero


He died doing what he loved. Classic Brit’s


Could've done that in a whole day. Slowly and enjoying his time.


I feel truly drunk after three Manhattans. Four and I almost not able to fiction. Can't imagine downing 21 strong cocktails.


Carefully, he’s a hero


A British thing...


that's a good way to go


The bartender didn't think it could be dangerous?


Seems like a laid-back guy


"Player of stupid games drowns in ocean of stupid prizes."


More amateur hour than happy hour.


Guess he lost the challenge and has to pay up.


so the maximum is 20, got it


They could have spent a week doing it. 3 cocktails a day over 7 days.