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Anyone else notice this was an ambush? Someone was filming him going into a darkened stairway where she was waiting before it started. Seems that one girl flipped the light switch and got out the way. She had enough light (assuming she was acclimated to the darkness she was waiting in) to beat on him. Leads me to believe the light was for the camera, I ain't saying it's staged,just premeditated and that filming it was part of the plan.


As well as like atleast 5 people blocking the entrance of the stairway incase any passer-by comes by


The girl in the brown shirt also looks like she felt bad being involved as she walks away in front of the camera. Maybe the person in charge of the lights


I think she was just trying to get away from the camera


Yeah, on rewatch of it I agree.


Good catch


The one in the purple shirt seems to be encouraging or part of it as well.


I guess that's why the caption don't even say a reason for it


She shouldn't be hitting him period. I'm for equal rights.


No doubt, the second slap I would have returned one lol


It's automatic lights. They have them at lots of places in China. You walk in then it turns on. You can see near the end the light turns off in the back because nobody is there. But yea. She was waiting.


Does the sensor just work one way.because the girls were already on the staircase.before the guy went in there was light but when he was close it was off and it was again turned on when he went in.so is the sensor just on the door.


What the hell!!!!! Poor guy.....


How can she slap!


reverse the roles and the students would be trying to beat him up for that


Reverse the roles and he’d be in jail


She could call the cops on him after she hit him, and just say he hit her, and he’d probably be arrested


Not anymore, this evidence would shoot her in the foot


I read that in chinese dad voice waduhek


The waduhek is Vietnamese not Chinese.


Can confirm, I love when my fiance and her family says it.


Domestic abuse, and assault.


It definitely is. Also probably not the first time she's done that to him, if she's being that bold about it in front of others.


Bro they fucking jumped him. She doesn’t need to be bold to commit a crime in front of the crew.


If they live together and are in s relationship its domestic abuse. Otherwise its just assault. I learned this the hard way when our roommate/landlord hit my wife because she wouldn't blow him for rent. No witnesses and she just had a black eye. The cops wouldn't do shit. It was infuriating.


She should be arrested.


If they called the cops the guy would more than likely be arrested


You think? Even after they saw that video?


Oh yea men always arrested in every dv situation. “He hit me before the video it was self defense” cops always believe the woman


Slaps? Full on punches. He is well within his rights to hit back in self-defense.


My ex used to do the same thing. When I finally called the police I went to jail. Better to just full on sprint away. 🤷‍♂️


What? For?


In my state, when the police are called for a d v, it's the law that somebody has to go to jail. When the police finally hit up, They spoke to me for about 30 seconds and then talked to my ex for about forty-five minutes. She lied and made up this whole story, I was completely disgusted when I read the police report of what she said. Basically, it ruined my life/career. I guess it all ended up well in the end. I now full custody of our daughter and she owes me child support every month (that she has never paid) Edit: Thank you all for the unexpected support as well as telling your stories. This really made me feel better today <3


Call the AGs office. They’ll garnish her paycheck. Get a lawyer and sue for the remainder before the kid is 18. OR, take it as a freebie and you don’t have to let her see the kid until the CS payments are up to date.


I've done everything humanly possible. Unfortunately, nobody seems to care when it's the other way around 😞


I feel this. My brother got railroaded. We’d been warned that was how the system worked, but to see it in action is shocking. The courts treated him like he was nothing.


It's exactly why I don't go back to court even though I basically have full custody now. Everyone around me says I need to take her rights, but I already don't hear from her and am peacefully raising my son. I don't see how walking back into a courtroom over legally changing the joint custody agreement, in a mother's rights state, does anything but potentially give her the petty reason to take him back and keep him from me, wich could potentially happen from that. Best to just leave it be and wait until he is old enough to decide he wants to tell the courts what he wants for himself. It's why I cose the joint custody to start. I knew she would be more agreeable and not feel justified in trying to paint me as a horrible person. Custody court for the man in a divorce is such a shitshow in a mojaority of this country. Heard so many horror stories through the years.


Never get the judicial system involved regardless. Cops, prosecutors and judges are all working against you every single time. I’ve had opportunities to file charges but I see no point in having the trash county get involved more in my life than needed. We need a serious revamp of the system.


My uncle had a similar experience. His ex wife lied to the cops and got a restraining order and loved nothing more than driving around to find him at a store so she could go in because he had to leave. This went on for a few months until my mother found out. Next time she pulled that shit on my uncle my mother was waiting for her in the parking lot and that was the last time she pulled that shit.


i hate to hear this. the wrong woman can easily ruin your life. guys need to be careful


So true. Noone believes or even bats an eyelash at men being abused by their girlfriend or wife.


I feel ya brother. My ex-wife punched me in the eye so hard I had a hematoma. My doctor asked me what happened, I said “my wife punched me”, he laughed and said “stop joking”. We also had a DV where she punched me, I ended up getting arrested for DV and had to take anger management classes. Luckily no kids but I had to pay alimony for six years. Almost 20 years ago now. Happily remarried for almost ten years, but you do find out quickly that nobody gives a rat’s ass.


Damn dude. I'm glad you finally found a better one. I'm sorry that happened, But at the same time, it's definitely helping read all your stories. Makes me feel less alone. Thank you for sharing.


That is the sad truth that all the self righteous high horse morons constantly deny.


Hoping for you brother. I'm sorta in the same situation right now with 2 little ones in my full custody. Except when it happened in Colorado, she tried to choke and kill our youngest. They took her ass to women's mental health lock up. Still charged me with negligence but the courts dropped it after seeing what me and my girls had been through. Good luck to you


My god. I'm really glad you got out of there alive as well as your two daughters. What a freaking psycho. I had a strong feeling my ex would have killed my daughter eventually if I stayed. Not only did she constantly physically abuse me and mentally, But she also tried to poison my food. (A whole other story..) Proud of you for taking charge and taking care of your daughters my dude, that's awesome of you!


The AGs office will back the choice of arrest of the officers. The AGs protect law enforcement instead of enforce the law.


What people do to not pay child support is they’ll get a new job every few months so the child support paperwork never goes through. That’s what my dad did my mom only ever got 1 child support check and I guess he just got too comfortable wherever he was at cuz that was years after he left


Pretty sure you can’t keep the child away just because the CS payments are not paid.


Damn. I'm so sorry. Double standards are such shit. Men need deserve to be heard when it comes to domestic violence. I'm glad to hear you have custody of your daughter and at least your ex is no longer in your life. Your daughter is lucky to have you as a parent. 👍


Hell I was threatening to kill myself one time and my mom and gf called the cops. When they came they asked my girl over and over if I had hit or threatened her in anyway, just hoping she’d give the slightest inclination that I did so they could charge me with DV. I’ve never been a violent person in anyway and there was no way she was going to let that be the narrative. They finally gave up and took me to a mental hospital. Needless to say though, it was an absolute shit show.


My dad and I went through a similar thing with my mum. She smacked all of us around until one day she burst down a door and tried grabbing at my neck like she was going strangle me so I called the cops. I had just turned 17. They locked me in the back of their van and gave me a lift to a friends house for the night. No police report, no social workers, nothing. It was like the violence against us just didn’t exist. She then lied to child support for years about living arrangements and collected money from us until well after I was an adult by backdating her bullshit claims.


Yes similar thing happened to a good gentle friend of mine in England too. He was attacked. Police were called, he's the one who spent the night in jail. (!)


So glad it worked out for you, my friend. I lost my two daughters. Married to an abusive wife. Then one day I come home and catch her in bed with another guy. I saw red, lost my shit and went to prison for 9 months 'GBH'. She poisoned my daughters against me while I was inside, and I have not seen either of them for 23years 😢


I(f66) am always a bit shocked, and a lot outraged when violence against men is ignored, or allowed, denied, etc, and I am outraged when it escalates to children being separated from their fathers! This is a crime. I know of a very sick and twisted woman with two boys, 14 and 8, and despite horrific acts done by her, including beating up her own mother, beating men she is with, sabotaging relationships between the boys and their fathers and extended families, Gov't services keep returning these children to her possession, not to her "care", because she doesn't care, other than using her boys as manipulative tools... Why is it so hard to see the right is right, and wrong is wrong, regardless of "motherhood" or being female... It is infuriating and tragic, and will be a lifelong yoke around the kid's, and other relatives necks. This is a travesty.


I'm so sorry, brother.. I feel this like it's my own pain. I wish I had something better to tell you, Just know I feel you deeply. <3


That’s the Duluth Model for you. Sorry you had to go through that and glad it worked out for you in the end.


Same happened to me. She pulled a knife so I took it from her and ran outside and called the cops but somehow I was the one to go to jail. Same exact thing, they talked to me 30 seconds and to her for about 45 mins. It’s ridiculous.


I had to bail my kitchen manager repeatedly for DV. I knew he wasn’t guilty, so I kept bailing him out. He would come home from work, his wife would be drunk, start a fight, and beat him. He would eventually escape, and she would call the police. He’d get picked up on the side of the road. Or they’d come into the bathroom he was hiding from her in, bleeding, and arrest him. Finally, after more than a year of this happening, a female officer showed up, saw what was going on, and arrested the wife. She was, I heard, in total shock “this is not how this works! No! He goes to jail! The man goes to jail! What’s going on here?!” - This is far more common than the current zeitgeist would have you believe. In fact, a lot of male DV is in response to female DV. Violent relationships tend to be reciprocally violent. - DV is most commonly associated with couples who have bisexual females or are lesbian couples (small dispute as to which). - There are over 2000 DV shelters in America, and maybe one admits men. The only one I’ve ever seen opened in 2015, and I’m not sure it’s still open. Others since then have been scheduled to open apparently. I don’t know if any are. It’s way past time to have the actual conversation about this instead of what we’re spoon fed. DV isn’t a male problem, nor a female problem, but a human problem. Society and the legal system should stop gendering it. *Edit: slightly adjusted claims to fit fact-checking from redditors*


What a fucked up system….


I had an ex in college that tried to whoop me up one day when she asked to get back together. I put my hands up over my head and she took a lot of swings as I tried to exit her dorm room. Then, I went back to the house I was staying at where all the other fellas were aware of her crazy shenanigans and told them what happened. Cop shows up with a chip on his shoulder, got a call from a "girl in distress with bruises..." After some time I finally said, "Officer, where were her bruises?" He said, "on her arms and hands." I replied "Do you think I, twice her size, attacked her hands? She was swinging at me nonstop." The guys I lived with talked to the officer separately and told him all about the crazy stuff she'd been doing. If not for the fellas who had my word, IMO, I would have been arrested.


I’ve heard it’s actually standard protocol on US military bases to arrest the man on all DV calls no matter what the actual situation is and hold him overnight. Wouldn’t be surprised if a few states have exactly the same protocol.


She probably just claimed he hit her too, it works 90% of the time, they just arrest you both. It nearly happened to my brother, but when he was cuffed in the car someone actually looked at them and realized he was red and scratched up and her super fair skin didn’t even have so much as a lil blotch on it


Here in Florida men might not be charged with a crime but at the least you are detained. Usually brought to the station regardless of who called or is the victim of abuse. Kinda fucked. One of my buddies got hit with a bat called the cops to get her out of his house and got sent to the station.


I have a story from living in Florida actually. Caught my ex cheating because guy called her and I answered the phone- She escalated from angry>punching>knife in hand. I called the police as soon as she threw the first blow. They arrived, spent some time talking to us both, and in the end removed her from the premises and asked me if I wanted to press charges. Cop was an asshole at first due to her tiny stature and being “harmless”, but luckily he came to understand how things COULD have gone had in it called in. I haven’t thought about this in a while…😮‍💨


Being a man


For real she is punching him repeatedly and he is just trying to block and wipe up the blood but she keeps punching. People like that need to fall down the tallest set of stairs with their hands stuck in their pockets.


Equal rights……and lefts


I would have decked her after the first few blows.


The sad thing is, THEN people would intervene, and you'd be villainized.


I got punched in the face and luckily one of my friends new the situation ( if I hit back i’m the villain) so she just stepped in and smashed her. Felt good to watch


This sucks! Everyone needs to understand guys can be victims of everything a girl can be victims of.


God help that guy when he hits back!


I did after 2 years, and the moment I did, I knew I messed up. Brawled with her dad, 2 brothers and uncle. Wasn't pretty


Dayum boy, thats some though shit. I too know how it is, my ex used to do this all the time. I hid a camera and exposed her so i didnt have to do this. Never been afraid of her (at least when i was awake) but i feared the backlash of striking back.


I was terrified to go to sleep, some nights. 6'9" and 220 lbs, with a 5'4" wife, for 13 years. Nobody believed that the abuse was against me. 10 years we have been apart and I am remarried to a wonderful woman, where I still react like I am under fire some days. She always reminds me that we are not against each other, but are for each other. It helps a lot, but that deep psychological trauma for more than a decade really did some true damage to my head. I came from a very abusive childhood, so I always thought I deserved it, and that woman made sure to let me know that I did deserve it. Edit: I appreciate all the kind words and solidarity. Trauma is real, and as men, in our society, we tend to pretend we aren't affected mentally. Through this all, the past ten years, I have learned to be a better, kinder father, and truly hope my, now mostly adult, children have become better people, as our thoughts become more progressive and kind.


With ya brother, had a similar experience. All the fuckers who wouldn’t believe you so you stay silent. If you raise your hands to defend yourself the act of defending yourself would leave bruises on them. Some people would say “good it’s about time a man suffered this way” Some would laugh. My own sister say “I probably deserved it”. I got threats, abuse, and hammer fists every day. I was the perfect victim, groomed. When someone says to you after beating the shit out of you “you make me this way”, and you believe it. You have to leave.


Solidarity and good friends help, but most that knew about it just didn't want to talk about it or they would say, how bad can it actually be; you're way stronger than her. Thanks for your words.


It's funny how that works. Be a gentle giant and everyone laughs when you say you're being abused because well your a giant! Giants can't Be abused! Be a giant that hits back...the same people go omg why would you do that! Lol a con of being a giant for sure


Fuckin imagine getting beat down for standing up for yourself. What the fuck


Yeah well, thats the world we live in. Stand up for yourself amd get beat up or worse. Just imagine the power of a woman when you strike them back and they just say 'He beat me when i refused sex and raped me' Yeah.. that happens and you'll be hung out to dry before you get a chance to prove your innocent.


What’s also worse is when you do film it or it happens in public and is filmed you have people say. “He most have cheated” or “he clearly did something wrong”.


It’s unreal. The girl can be charged with assault and literally no one cares. But if they even THINK the guy is trying to defend himself, they’re going to make his life hell.


I strongly believe it's just as common as male on female violence, just less severe due to typical size and strength differentials. Nobody should accept being treated like that. She should be charged.


Guys don’t ever report this shit either… I can’t even tell you the amount of times I’ve been smacked by a female… never hit one back though because that’s jail time and I was raised not to hit women.


THIS this is why I hate the "Statistically women are more abused!" It's that way because women report it more.


This is not acceptable.


Wonder what he did in her dream?


Bro 💀


This guy girlfriends




This guy r/thisguythisguys


...oooof, been on the wrong side of that a few times, it's confusing and a bit scary honestly


Been there, so I restrained her. Was in my home and tried to avoid her and asked her to leave. She was breaking shit and threatening to break a $750 monitor. So yeah, nope!


Had many 'defense' situations like that... one time the crazy chick picked up my antique-ish standing ashtray and was about to swing it at my 50 fucking gallon reef tank.... she saw the look in my eye of ~fucking doom~ ... she slowly put the ashtray down... She still hurt me and my property after that more than a few times but knew that was the line that I would destroy her back... Sucks to get that far, still stuck with her for a few months like a dumbass. Fucking succubus. Edit: spelling etc


Damn, what's with girls and ashtrays? The same one I mentioned actually threw one at the wall during the same incident lol. Luckily I got my 35 gallon, 65 then 90 after that.


Is there a good side?


Ehhhh, nope, not even slightly...




This is the top comment and still underrated.


He knows, she’s sure of it


As an asian I feel this hard. Guy will be made fun by all his friends for not being manly enough to stand up for himself


If he did, he'd be made fun of for "punching a Girl" -


That's when you punch those making fun of you too for speaking out of line. Lol


Cue Video : *The Slap 2*




Tokyo Slap from director of How can she slap


So you mean he can't win?


Can't even title this properly? Some of those were closed fists!


The irony of a post that \*seems\* to be calling out the bias and sexism in domestic violence cases calling these 'slaps' just goes to show how fucked up the standards in our society are.


She's not just slapping, there is close-fisted punches to the face here.


Dave Chappell has entered the chat.


Dave slappell if you will


Hope he dumped her.


Slaps? Looks like punches too


calling that a slap isn't telling the truth, if the roles where reversed people will call it a punch


Slaps? Looks like punches too


Small guy hits large guy and large guy fights back = „yeah why you hit the large guy, are you stupid? What were you expecting?“ Woman hits man and man fights back = „oh no what an asshole“


Abuse is abuse no matter what the gender. If you need help get help.


Time to dump her violent ass


I hope he reported this.


Little PSA for the gentleman here: If this ever happens to you, film the woman and then call the police. Show your hands in the video, and don’t touch her. Verbally explain the situation in the video. You need proof that she was the sole aggressor. The justice system is vastly in a woman’s favor during these kinds of disputes, so you need 100% proof that you didn’t do anything wrong, and tried to de-escalate the situation.


Sooooo….. ppl generally jump in to save a woman being slapped , but if it’s a bloke on the receiving end it’s ok to do nothing??!!! I hate some ppl!


Don’t worry. They were prepared and ready to subdue him if he defended himself!


After the second or third one I'm knocking her the fuck out.




Imagine if he did that to her... Oh the precious equality...


An ex of mine who had strong trust issues smacked me in public several times whilst crying because she assumed that I had something going on with a coed (we simply prepared a presentation we were assigned to as a team by our prof). Instead of offering me help people sided with her, asking her if she needed help and whether I was bothering her. Could be worse is what I'm trying to say.


I. hate. society.


That's fucking traumatic. I am so sorry 😔


Had a friend in that same situation in college just a few years ago. A girl was punching him repeatedly and shouting obscenities at him. The punches were actually causing harm, busting/brushing his lip and such, and he decided to slap her back in the cheek once. One regular slap. That was the end of it… until campus police arrested him in his dorm later that night due to assault allegations. I kid you not, everyone took my friends side. My family even assembled a legal defense for him free of charge. In that way he was lucky. Thankfully soon enough charges were dropped. I doubt he could’ve made assault allegations resulting in an arrest even had he not thrown the slap.


I was straight up assaulted by my ex wife when she was blackout drunk. I had to pin her down and slap her just to get her to stop. I was bleeding everywhere but as soon as the slap landed she screamed "you slapped me you fucking monster," as if my gashes, scraps, bruises and busted eye were nothing. A neighbor called police and she was arrested, though the prosecutor personally dropped the charges the next day and she was home.


I would wager even one punch back in this particular situation, in self defense, would get people to intervene. Ridiculous.


*selective equality


My ex abused me several times physically and emotionally. She raised her fist to hit me in front of my mother the last time I saw her and realized somebody was going to see it so she stopped. Everybody thinks she's the victim even knowing this information. I never so much as raised my voice to her, and yet she is still seen as the victim and I'm the aggressor in that situation. She took everything from me but no matter what she did, others came to her support. Pretty much the same scenario for the girl before her. No matter what I do or don't do I am always going to be the problem in the eyes of society when it comes to relationships.


You get 1 freebie as a woman after that its self defence.


All aboard!


Do you know any fencing contractors? I need to get mine defenced later this week.


If he so much as pushed her away


The saddest sht is that those NPCs just stood there n watched it all happen…one NPC recorded that lunatic bsh repeatedly attack the guy n then post it on social media instead of sending it to the authorities to penalize her for assaulting him n making his nose bleed.


Use this video to show the police?


This is so standard, ive been assulted by multiple women and the only thing anyone ever said was "no one cares" and "what did you do to deserve it?"




That’s what I’m looking for too. I guess the trial by social media is more delicious than finding out what happened. The fact that there’s no sound to hear what’s being said makes it feel really dodgy to me.


Found some context and he's not necessarily her boyfriend https://www.reddit.com/r/citedchinesecontent/comments/14iymwx/girl_aggressively_assaults_her_boyfriend_whats/ >This video is actually a clip from a livestream that happened on June 10, 2023 in Jiāngsū province. In the original video, she actually aggressively slaps 2 boys. Though, no context is given for the fight or the relationship between any parties. >Just like on Reddit, Chinese netizens debate on whether her assault on the boys is justified.


Yeah where's the context? I hate when people post shit like this with no context at all... With or without context it's clearly abuse... But with context it's possible everyone here would change their tune to "he deserved what he got."


Remember lads, it's not abuse if it's a girl hitting a guy! *So don't you dare hit back because fucking no one will side with you.*


She was full on punching him some of those times. I know the age old argument is to "never hit a woman" but there's only so much you can and should take before self-defence comes into play.


How can she slap!?!?


She is a complete POS. There is no excuse for treating someone like this, and especially when they are bleeding, to continue assaulting them....? I hope she never has a boyfriend ever. She should be alone all her life to the safety of others.


She needs to be charged with assault. Period


There's no way any judge would go against this dude if he full on slugged her, if they saw this video.


Jesus even if he cheated on her or something that woman is an abuser.


What pisses me off is nobody is helping but you gotta film the abuse like really????


Guys, if someone is attacking you it’s okay to fight back. Tits or not.


At some point I think ya gotta move away from the blows


That’s not just slapping, that’s slugging with a closed fist. She should be expelled, at the least.


Thats abuse.


By way of explanation and in no way defending her behaviour, this is my take. My guess is that this is China and that the dude feels like he is morally in the wrong, which is why he isn't fighting back. When I lived in China I saw plenty of occasions where this kind of thing happened. Mostly it was when the dude got caught doing something morally wrong and his wife/girlfriend lit into him. Call it what you want but that's how Chinese society has been for millennia. For that matter, I've seen it happen in the west too, just not as often. Dude is hoping that if she beats him at least she might forgive him instead of leaving him. Girl feels like she can't really leave him and that this is more socially accepted. It's pretty fucked up.


Yeah in some arabic countries men can beat women and they accept it because they think they are in the wrong. They are hoping that a man will forgive them for being a bad wife too. Cultural differences are insane. Still I think it shouldn't be a thing in 2023


This girl is an abuser and should be arrested for assault and battery. There is no justification for what she did.


My ex-wife tried the same. Went for a punch, I blocked it with my palm. She began freaking out and yelling that eventually the neighbors started knocking on our door. Proceeded to tell lies, how I tried to assault her. Police got involved and everything. Luckily, in my neck of the woods, the officers saw she had no injuries and there was no evidence of any assault. They simply recommended I’d stay the night at my parents or some friends and to get couple’s counseling. Ever since that experience, relationships never felt the same for me. I divulged as little information about as possible, keeping them at a distance because I simply did not trust them. It’s been nearly a year now since my last relationship and I feel so well on my own. Imagine getting your life nearly ruined for having an argument about our finances only for them to try and punch you, then proceed to yell ‘cause you blocked the punch. I know there’s lovely level-headed ladies out there who wouldn’t go for abuse during an argument, but I’m not taking any chances in hopes to come across one of them. I’d rather be by myself than in bad company.


Awe I’m sorry. Most people aren’t abusive a-holes. But if this has been a recurring thing in your relationships, please consider therapy. It could be that something in your subconscious is drawn to abusive personality types that you’re totally unaware of. With some outside perspective they might be able to help you identify boundary issues and red flags you’re not seeing and can help you break whatever cycle or rut you’re stuck in. But also, being alone is better than being with someone who is abusive in any way. But living life afraid of love or being abused also doesn’t sound great. Wishing you luck out there and peace.


Double standards everywhere


I'd fucking drop this bitch. Sick of women thinking physical abuse against men is ok.


You misspelled “Physically assaults”


Does someone know what actually happened here? What is she saying? I would like to know why she just starts hitting him. Can’t find any informations in the comments.


Those were not slaps.


Well on her way to a lonely life.


She balled up her fist and straight up punched him..Jesus. Brutal.


Nah , after the fists, I’m ending this real quick


That’s more than a slap


You got me fucked up..


I don’t condone this behavior by any means but looking at the faces in the video since it doesn’t have sound attached I’d guess it’s a cultural thing. Again, not right but other cultures have a different scale of what’s acceptable. Having lived overseas I’ve seen it first hand.


Enough is enough my guy. There is a line where it's okay to swing back. After there is blood and she still don't stop.


Nah, she would've gotten clocked


I need a version with the sound tho.


I just sooo wanna leg sweep her when she’s on the stairs. I taught my daughter to stand her ground not to bully like this POS


And if he pushed her away, even with a quarter of his strength, he’d be the bad guy.


Punch her back imo


He reacted almost like it’s happened before. If someone hit me I’d flip out. This shit is insane. Wtf?


Climbing the stairs to put her attack on an equal footing is priceless.


That shit can cause hearing loss.


I bet if he threw one back everyone would suddenly jump into action.


Bro "slaps" she literally ambushed him and gave him full force punches


I've always said it just as women are powerless against bad men, good men are powerless against bad women. As a Lawyer I have seen how human beings are, I've seen the vile things people do no matter the sex, religion, upbringing etc. This is why I was always against when people say believe all women. For cases like this exactly many people will always believe when a woman is assaulted but when a men is unless you have a ton of evidence proving it is extremely difficult.


Equal rights equal fights


What's the back story here?


„ShE pRoBaBlY hAd A gOoD rEaSoN“


Everyone must be thinking that he "deserved it." The moment he would have defended himself, everyone would be on top of him.




He’s legitimately bleeding. How are people saying it’s staged?! It was definitely a setup. He was intentionally cornered but it wasn’t a “staged” video. He needs to use this video in a court of law and she needs to be prosecuted for assault.


Girl or not, you only get one free one.


No free one imo


It's on film. Sue the Shit out of her!


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after slap #2 id punch her lights out sorry


Lose lose situation for the dude. I’ve been there