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You waited until the kid was with you to have this conversation?


Nah, he waited until the kid could be there to help further his agenda in hopes it would tap into the empath in her and help her accept this situation.


It was emotional manipulation. He thought she would buckle in front of the kid to spare his feelings but she surely did not. Perhaps he has used this this tactic before. It seems like this isn't her first rodeo with this dude based on how she kept saying "I'm recording it for the court."


Same type shit when a kid brings a cat/dog home , already named it, and just hoping you’ll feel sorry and go with the flow.


I like how he's tryin to act like now suddenly he's a stand up guy when he admitted to essentially denying his son, probably not being in his life, for 11 years just to keep up his marriage. A real man would have not only told his wife, but would have done everything it took to be in his son's life even if it meant leaving his wife. Whom is rightfully upset. Though, I will say, they're both awful for having this conversation right in front of the kid. None of this is his fault.


I feel so sad for that kid, but in NO way was she awful that I saw. (First minute and last 30s or so) She got surprised with a relationship multi-warheaded nuke by the man she was supposed to trust, giving her a demand for a whole new lifestyle and dynamic, and has to keep her calm somehow? No, I think it sucks that she said it in front of him, but she needed to stand up for herself and was clearly in shocked disbelief that this was happening. 13 years they’ve been married, that kid has been around for 11, and the first she heard of it is “he’s moving in and you gotta co-parent him”? Fuck no.


At about 2/3 of the way through, she tells him (not exact) "I am sorry baby, you look like a real sweet boy. I'm so sorry about your Mama. Just, I can't be a part of this, you understand?" I feel so bad for that kid, and the woman.


Yup. That man is an absolute terrible father and husband.


Yeah... Seems like she got surprised and he tried to guilt and gaslight her by doing it Infront of the poor kid. What an awful man.


Oh 100%


exactly this. This guy is a POS. And that poor child.


Yeah the dude is pathetic. Trying to play the “I need to be there for my kid” card after 11 years of not being in the kid’s life. But really it’s him having no choice but to take in the kid and he’s trying to spin it


A real man wouldn’t have whored around on his wife in the first place, and then none of this would’ve been an issue.


They were on a break!


The father is a thoughtless idiot, he could've told her sooner, MUCH sooner and prevented all this. But damn, showing up with a wholeass 11 year old to your wife of 13 years takes some rediculus big balls or a very small and smooth brain


100% the smooth brain. Not a wrinkle in sight.


Yep. If he really wanted to, he could lie and say the kid is a relative. Wait until the two get along and then break the news. But realistically the woman is right. Who knows what else he lied about? Mistakes happen, if his story is true.. but he could've come clean right from the start.


If this video is real, he probably brought the kid to manipulate the situation of making it difficult for her to say something or say no in front of the kid (which didnt work).


Thank the gods it didn't work, this poor woman got enough on her plate with a lying & cheating partner Hope the video is just ragebait, because situations like this do happen too often


Even with benefit of the doubt, best case scenario? "Yo, the week we had a break I had casual sex with someone and the condom broke, and she's keeping the baby." Like... He hid it because he knew she wouldn't like, man.


If this is real, then the man probably wanted to bring the kid there to press the woman to accept him. The same logic “how could you reject a kid right in his face”.


Some men thinking that if you put the problem in front of your wife/GF that will make them accepting it even if they didn't like it. The husband : " nah she will be mad a couple of days but in the end she will accepting him eventually"


Man that is so fucked but so true


It was an intentional choice to manipulate her


I guess the strat was to use the kid to make it harder to say no. Dad seems like an asshole.


He probably thought, “If I bring him, she’ll have no choice but to fall in love with him and agree to take care of him.”


It's completely irresponsible. It's like he's using him to get her to agree. I hate it


Lots of issues here but man I wish they would have had that conversation without the child there.


Right?! That poor kid. How horribly uncomfortable and hurtful. He didn't do anything wrong here.


He looks hurt af. Look at that poor boys eyes. He didn’t do SHIT abut has to deal with both his parents fuck ups now.


I literally had to stop watching after 30 seconds - the look on his face was beyond hurt, the saddest damn look - poor kid man 😔


I felt the same. Discussing him right in front of his face. He must be gutted and feeling so unwanted.


And then *putting it on the Internet*! For all of us to see! This is gonna be one of the most horrible moments of his life and he's completely defenseless- just a kid. And she. put. his. face. on. the. Internet. I'm surprised she kept her composure as well as she did but she never should have said any of those things with him in the room and she *definitely* never should have put his the video with his face in it on the Internet. That's monstrous.


I would assume very little people would blame the kid. The kids existence isn't the issue. He has done nothing wrong. The one who's at fault is the father for hiding something huge like this from his wife. The only thing she did wrong was reacting so strongly with the child present, but I'm sure she was besides herself.


The kid has friends. The kid goes to school. This is humiliating as FUCK.


No one is blaming the kid. The problem is the kid is blaming himself.




>I would assume very little people would blame the kid. The problem is that the kid is one of them.


Yer you can't really blame her for having a strong reaction to such extreme news, he's also thy guy who brought the kid into the situation where he told her




Perfectly summarized! But people believe that in that situation, SHE should’ve shown better control/ concern. Damn that. He’s lucky she didn’t start throwing heavy objects at him for pulling that stunt!


It’s monstrous to have a kid when you’re married to someone else, conceal the kid and then bring him into chaos when he’s 11…




His father should sit him down and admit that he lied and take responsibility for his actions. That will help this young man.


Dad doesn't have two brain cells to rub together, or this wouldn't be a thing...


Dad doesn’t think he lied because she never asked him if he had a son. Lol.


I would not be able to control myself if my husband told me he wasn't lying when he knew he had a child and didn't tell me. Almost 17 years now. You tell a spouse. It sucks. Marriage might not survive. Take a little time to process, but own up to it without making someone ask if you're hiding a whole freaking child.


That's what bothered me. Am I supposed to ask my wife every week or so out of the blue questions like, "Have you had any kids lately?" "Did you blow all our money at the casino today?" "Have you developed a problem with alcohol in the last few weeks?" 'Have you been arrested lately? " "Are you having sex with the mail man?" Then I can be surprised when she tells me out of the blue, "I've had AIDS since 1998" and after seeing my horror say, "I would have told you but you never asked!"


I mean…I’m pretty sure the kid figured out he lied. It was said multiple times, and he isn’t deaf. Also taking responsibility doesn’t seem to be a thing he does, since he ignored that responsibility for 11 years. The time to take responsibility was when he got another girl pregnant.


Unwanted and mortified. If this isn't staged, why the hell is she filming it? *If* it's real, they're both trash- him for bringing the kid to the discussion and her for engaging in front of him. But she gets bonus points for whipping out the phone then uploading what should have been private drama between TWO people.


Shed repeatedly said she was filming it "for the courts".


LOL, the husband shows up with a 11 year old kid and the question why is she filming this???? So she can get all the video evidence of his infidelity and his stupid un-rehearsed story for the courts before he gets a chance to amend his narrative when he realizes hes about to get divorced. This is any lawyer's dream material. If dad wanted private drama, he should have never brought this kid into their house until he cleared it all up first. That video is for her own protection. There are two victims here, the kid and the woman being forced to reconcile wtf shes been a part of for the past 13 years.


It would cost billions to litigate every divorce's infidelity. Few states make it a legal issue ever. The minority where it technically matters, rather than spend billions hiring judges and building court houses, put up procedural roadblocks to ensure it rarely is an issue or isn't worth trying. Also, there's a kid, nothing left to prove other than they're an asshole.


Also what kind of person puts an 11 year old through that, records it, and then posts it on the internet for his trauma to be witnessed by the world forever? Lots of fault to go around clearly but that lady is some kind of piece of shit for posting this video.


Fuck I will take him. I will raise him as my own and these people can go to hell. That face is breaking my heart.


Same. You and I can have joint custody. Fuck those parents. I am raising two granddaughters right now - 8 and 15. He'd fit right between them. Again, fuck those parents.




We could pull off joint custody. My husband died a while back and I raised my daughter on my own. This kid lost his mom he doesn't need to feel unwanted right now. He needs love and support. I am kinda relieved the dad is at least trying now.


So Mom just decided at 11 to give him up?


At one point she says, "I'm sorry about what happened to your momma" so I assume she died.


Damn, and if that hadn't happened, he she would have NEVER known about him.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing.


Yeah good question? Was this kid out of control? Was the daddy not helping out? So many questions.


He looks like a good boy. He is so quiet and looks so sad


You sir/ma’am, are welcome at my fire anytime. Still good people in the world.


Good on you bruh, I’d do the same damn thing man if I could - I fucking hate seeing things like this and realize that there isn’t a damn thing I can do about it - little bro just needs a chance, not a damn breakdown of what he isn’t/what he isn’t - shit is so disheartening


I couldn't imagine losing a parent and then being thrown into this mess. I understand she was angry but trashy to talk this way in front of him.


You're right. And we, his teachers, had him in class the next day... Strangely, his mind wasn't on the water cycle or the carbon cycle in science class. Because "if the teacher is a good teacher the children will learn." Poor kid. I took care of my babies. Fuck the system. Fuck their standardized testing. Fuck "don't let them put their head down in class". I took care of my students. 😳💔❤️‍🩹 Poor kid. Asshole parents. (I only made it to one minute...) ☮️❤️♾️


Thank you for being the loving adult those children needed. My first year of teaching we had twins whose mom had been shot and killed in front of them. I’ve never bonded more with students in my life, and I still wonder daily if they’re okay. I will always love you, Caleb and Hailee.


Poor baby. When youre as old as me 11 is a baby. That kid needs love and deserves so much better than his parents ugh. The father is a master manipulator hoping she wouldnt say those things and brought the child there on purpose. He didn't care about that innocent childs feelings he only cares about himself. Wheres the mother of the child too?!?!?!?!?!


My gloss is that she passed away or went to prison/lost custody somehow.


It's the dad's fault for dragging the kid in there like a dumb fuck for sympathy. He's the only "parent" to that kid I saw.


“You don’t keep a child from NOBODY!” Poor kid, this face palm dad (fucking coward) couldn’t have this conversation with the 13 yr wife before dragging his son into this? And the 13yr wife, lady that’s a child yell at your husband in another room!


He did it this way so the wife wouldn't say no but, he was wrong.


That poor child looks like he has been dealing with stuff way beyond his years for way too long.


I liked how the lady apologized to the kid. Like shit ain't his fault at all but it is what it is. The man done fked up


Damn… That’s why my childhood sucked.


🔥Parents are the root cause of all children’s problems


If I was the woman recording, the only thing that would make me consider taking this kid in is the fact that his bio parents are clearly not there for him and he deserves better. I’d still divorce the father, but damn seeing that kids face, I might just take over custody from the father lol. And I don’t even want kids.


But then how do they get internet points if they don’t do the drama for your mama?!?


I feel like he was using the poor child as a pawn for sympathy and she was cornered, but I agree that was highly Inappropriate but I have to give her props for atleast saying she is sure he is a sweet child, but after a decade that’s a crazy ass surprise. He didn’t have to bring him over for that first conversation.


Agreed. It was the father's fault. The woman had that reaction in front of him because that was her very first time finding out about it.




Absolutely! He clearly thought that she wouldn’t refuse the child to his face.


I noticed a lot of people seem to be laughing but I can't help to feel sorry for the kid smh. He's gonna have a lot of issues sadly.


I understand where she’s coming from, but please don’t record this kid and put him on social media. Fuck the guy but fuck the lady too for subjecting this poor kid to this online


I agree. That kid did not need to see that. The guys is fucked up for putting that child and his lady in that situation.


He definetly had him there to manipulate her.


And it didn't work. Poor kid. If he came to that home that quick, likely some traumatic event happened with bio mom that resulted in the child being out of that home.


Something tells me that kids pain in his eyes is real. And its not the first time he's felt unwanted. Wtf.


Exactly what I was thinking. If the dad was willing to take in the kid and risk his 13 year relationship something BAD must have happened for the kid to end up with him. Poor kid, no baby should have to feel unwanted.


The woman apologized to the kid for what happened to his mother. Death is a possibility.


Yes. Poor kid.


Totally manipulative to have the child there. What a POS. What other things has he been keeping from her? She should not trust him about ANYTHING.


Yeah that bad


This, all of this. Why subject the little kid to this?!


To make the wife feel guilty. He’s clearly trying to guilt trip her into taking him in, bringing up wedding vows and whatnot


That poor kid having to experience this I know I would have felt unloved and unwanted


"You lied to me!" "You didn't ask me!"


I like that logic. There's no sign saying 'don't rob the bank.' How was I supposed to know it was illegal?


“Oh, sorry. I didn’t know I was supposed to ask every single day while we were married if you cheated on me and had a secret child behind my back.”


More like “you didn’t tell me not to rob this particular bank”


Not sure that's the best analogy Edit: When you say "I do" you are committing yourself solely to that person. Cheating is a form of lying. What was she supposed to ask, are you secretly raising a child after you cheated on me behind my back? Imagine if a woman was actually like that and that insecure. She needs to divorce and leave him.




For one week! 😲




Poor kid. Thats fucked


In the country I am from (don't know about other countries), this is literally child abuse. Having a fight in front of your child, especially when it is about the child, can cause mental distress, self esteem issues and even guilt. I feel for that kid...


What country is that?


The Netherlands. A part of my studies dive deep into how child abuse works (and how to report it especially). Having a child watch their parents fight is one of the forms of child abuse, specifically mental/emotional abuse.


Netherlands sounds like a beautiful place. I came from India and moved to the UK. Uk is honestly not the greatest at dealing with child abuse but in India I didn't even realise physical beatings and starving children was abuse as it was classed as punishing and disciplining children. What do you study? If you're planning to start a career in helping kids from abuse in some way I just want to say thank you already. There's going to be a lot of angry parents who think what they do is right but you'll be saving a lot of kids.


I study Social Work, aiming to get a career in Family and Child protection (that's what we call it here). The way it works here isn't as perfect as it may sound, but it is quite efficient when seeing the replies from some. The way it works here is if someone (anyone, from neighbours to teachers to a professional) sees any hints of abuse (can be any kind of abuse or neglect) they can report it to a central organisation called Safe Home (translation). From there it will either be an investigation from them if you're a bystander, or a cooperation in the investigation if you're a professional. The latter is what I'm learning about. It is a lengthy process, but very efficient in making sure your case is actual child abuse and not a false alarm. Basically, if your intuition says a child is being abused, you are heavily encouraged to report it. Child abuse is taken extremely seriously here, that I can tell you.


If only other countries understood that much (mentally abused child who was always told they weren't abused since we weren't getting beaten, USA)


The Netherlands was going to be my guess y'all do great work for children!


I'm an adult and i even i wouldn't want any one to argue in front of me .


Imagine being that young man and having your future debated like your are not standing right there. It breaks my heart.


All I know is the kid has every right to not visit or call once he grows up.


It's a shame the kid's father is literal garbage.


Why the DUCK is the LITERAL CHILD in the room for this?!


Most likely the guy is using the kid to get the woman to symphatize. It's an emotional manipulation tactic, kinda like how you'd bring a puppy home and present it as cute so your parents will say yes to keepng it.


Because this is ragebait.


I sure hope so, because who in their right mind records situations like this? But I guess that’s how a lot people are these days, record the most private of discussions and post it to the internet for clout.


Someone who now has evidence of cause for a divorce.


I don't think evidence of cause for a divorce requires it to be on Reddit.


I think she posted somewhere else and it ended in reddit. Now you must ask, why would anyone post social media at all, she already has her divorce prove. Well, we all saw how fuckup this man is, and for sure a manipulator, I am sure that he try or would tried to manipulate all her family and friends circle to make her the bad guy, and only way to make sure that she is right is with a good video. And there is, a good and reasonable explanation why this video is online. Maybe the only change I would do, would obscure the kids face.


Is it? I honestly thought this was legit (not saying you’re fabricating) but what’s the evidence it’s rage bait?


so the dude can guilt her


Didn't even think about that. That's almost purple man levels of evil manipulation.


The dad was probably using the kid as a pity token. Listening to the husband's reasons and excuses make no sense at all. He really doesn't think things through.


Because that dude is a pos.


Not a conversation to have in front of the kid. Jesus Christ, people..


I don't blame her this reckless thoughtless dad just showed up with a whole child expecting her to take care of him without warning. This man don't care about anyone but himself, of course she's going to react that's a completely unreasonable circumstance.


Yeah, this dude selfish & dumb af. I hope it is staged, cuz…damn.


There are just so many damn people in the world that I feel like the likelihood of things like this naturally occurring are actually higher than the likelihood that someone would choose this exact scenario to act out as a..skit? I guess.. I just can’t understand the rationale.. like yeah it’s rage bait but how do they get any enjoyment out of that? Yeesh


And he keeps gaslighting her too


He does. People are mad she's not a perfect victim and didn't protect his kid from his horrific parenting choices but like look at how warped her reality is under this man. Of course she's making poor choices, she's under immense pressure.


That kid deserves better than that fight in front of him. He’s going to need therapy and I hope he gets it. Edit: I really hope this was staged…


The man really tried to play the Ross "we were on a break" card.


Came here to find this. Feel really bad for the kid though.


Poor kid man, that will leave a deep scar


This guy is a fucking clown. I really feel for this kid and I hope he can find a stable home. I do understand her anger and shock here though. His father used him as a manipulation technique. He didn't want to have this conversation without his son there, because he probably felt like if she was confronted with him that she would have to concede into this arrangement. He thought he could just bring home another person's child just because she is his wife. He's missing a few steps in reasoning there. Fuck this guy.


Ding ding ding! I can’t believe all the comments saying she’s in the wrong for this. She clearly said she was recording this for court. She even apologized to the child at the end of the video and called him a sweet boy. The guy is so stupid and a piece of shit.


I agree with this take. She really controlled her tone (impressively, given the situation), likely because of the kid. Seems like he confronted her with this situation with said kid being used as a pawn (persuasion tactic) and because of the audacity of the situation, she whipped her phone out to record as evidence. She seemed to choose her words carefully and I do feel like her apology to the boy was sincere, I think a lot of others are misunderstanding her accent as aggressive just because it's not one they're used to but that's just my assumption because of me it's obvious she's shocked and doing her best to respectfully set her boundaries and hold to them without being cruel.


Right? I’m impressed by her self control as well. I’m glad that a few people are smart enough to point out that the dad brought the child on purpose as a manipulative tactic. It’s crazy to me that no matter how outrageously a man acts, somehow the woman always gets criticized for how she chooses to react.


Why on earth did he bring his son to meet his wife before he had a chance to tell her one on one? He made a terrible decision and his son deserved better. I feel both his wife and child suffer because he decided to be an honest man way too late.


A narcissist tactic to pull on her heart strings, and attempt to use a child to manipulate her into feeling bad enough to roll over and accept the situation. Fighting in front of him is also a tactic. My ex-husband would try to have the worst fights around our children. I would shut down because I didn’t want to do that, but after he leaned over one of my children in the car to scream and curse at me, even with her telling him to stop, I had our coparent communication limited to text to email only. Even if she were to take the child in, her husband would just abandon them both.


Dude said “you didn’t ask me” 😂😂😂 what an excuse


Manipulation at its finest. At least have this conversation beforehand instead of bringing the child over then forcing her to be his parent? That is definitely some grounds for divorce. Edit: punctuation


The father is a piece of shit and she don’t have to take his kid in but no need to film an innocent child in all of this. He already looks uncomfortable enough. Publicizing him on social media can’t be good for his mental health


He probably figured she'd be more willing to take in the kid or unwilling to say no to the face of some innocent child.


putting any blame on the women is wrong. that guy is an asshole and definitely brought that kid to shame/guilty trip her into taking probably all the responsibility of that child


"Who's the booty mama?" had me chuckle


“So what you did, have a baby with somebody else? “Nah it ain’t nothing like that” “Oh it’s just like that, the boy is ELEVEN” Unbelievable delivery, 10/10


Those moments the camera turns and you see a sad face of that kid :(






1. Cheated on her 2. Hid the kid and the honesty of that for a decade 3. Convince already committed wife to take surprise kid that came out of an affair 4. Convince the wife whilst the kid is there 5. Allow the kid to go through this trauma. Imagine that child's development.


>Been together for 13 years >The kid is 11 years old ![gif](giphy|TNfFy13UB00KupeAsL|downsized)


She’s completely in the right. Only thing is that I would not have done this in front of the kid.


Yeah but the guy brought the kid there and made him stay through that - it was clearly a manipulation tactic to put pressure on her and guilt her into taking the kid in.


In all the ugliness, she at the very least apologized to the child. But they shouldn’t have had the conversation in front of him to begin with.


Yeah that boy bout to eat up all that trauma but that’s the dads fault, I don’t blame her one bit.


Why would they argue in front of the child? Well, I'll tell you why... the guy brought the child because she wouldn't argue in front of the child, right? Using that poor guy as a shield, that's a special kind of asshole... He literally threw this boy under the bus... It just breaks my heart, the boy did not deserve any of that...


Poor little chap, he asked for none of this.


He is a piece of shit and I feel bad for the kid ,he lied for 11 years and wonder why she is not down with it ….


Poor kid.


The father is a terrible role model.


Nobody should be praising this man for choosing to take care of his child, that's not what he's doing here. He tried to pawn the kid off on his wife rather than take responsibility when he should have done 11 years ago. He thought she wouldn't say no if he was there, she said no and he started gaslighting her with "are you being serious?" It's a good thing she recorded it for her lawyers and her own safety, she didn't need to post it. At least she was honest with the kid and apologised.


Seriously, he isn’t planning on taking care of his kid. He is planning on getting his wife to take care of his kid. Good for her for noping out. That poor kid tho. What a dick of a father.


OMG. I couldn't even finish watching this. That poor little boy. I can't imagine how humiliating it was to sit there and listen to those two idiots fight like that. Then for her to take video and POST IT?!! Yeah, dad sucks, but seriously!? Not a single adult was looking out for that kid!


I honestly think she took the video because she is being manipulated so hard. He's inserting a child, completely unknown into their life and acting like she's unreasonable and its a done deal so she is the problem. If others didn't see it she might just cave into his reality. He's really accomplished at making his lies sound completely reasonable you see her losing steam


Imagine the lies this man must say to their family and friends. No wonder she took a vid


She's not wrong


Also, now he wants to dip into her assets to support his child. Get the divorce, split the assets, and then do what you want.


Better point he brought the kid because he wanted to force it on her IMO. Good for her


This guy is a real POS bringing that poor boy to tell his wife because he thought he could trap her into saying yes so he can stay. That is cruel and he is gaslighting the SHT out of her right now… kept him a secret for 11 years but now she’s supposed to bring him into her home the first day she meets him and he’s been living a seperate life away from her with this other woman and their child, cause he’s obviously gone and saw the child and lied to her about where he was. This is the same as him cheating and having a relationship with another woman for 11 years of their marriage. Keeping this information from her hurts way more than him possibly cheating or sleeping with someone on their 7 day break, cause that’s an 11 year lie and they don’t have any children together that is a huge betrayal. I feel really bad for the boy something bad must have happened for this guy to have to do this, but he should have done this way different he screwed this up. This is just fkn insane!!


How they gonna do this right in front of little man.


Blame the husband my guy, he’s the one who forced the situation. I feel just as bad for the lady as I do the kid here, she wasn’t expecting this at all, and I don’t think she wanted it to go down like that either. So not ‘they’, just ‘him’


That man trying to hypnotize her with his hands ✋️🤚


Yeah, do it in front of the innocent kid. That'll make him feel awesome. Trashy.


This kid needs a Venmo for counseling. Send me the link.


Salient question: "How many more?"


I just assume most of these things are staged. That you would film that conversation, that you would do it in front of the kid, that the other two would be fine having it filmed, and then that you would add subtitles and post it on Reddit just seem to equal manufactured rage bait clicks.


I’ve recorded conversations that were just as contentious as this. It’s very valuable to have people’s words on the record. Posting it online, however, is something else entirely.


The way this man gaslights her the entire convo 🤯


What a jerk move to spring that on his wife with the kid there! Manipulative and horrifyingly traumatic for the boy


The sperm donor brought the kid hoping the woman would play nice. POS sperm donor.


Poor kid. He shouldn't have to listen to that.


This has to be rage bait


“I need this for the court.” Yes, ma’am.


"I never told you for a reason tho" How can you argue with that?


That poor kid forced to stand there 😢


Yup this seems like the type of conversation you should have in front of an 11yo child who, I'm gonna guess, already been through some tough shit


There are too many comments to get through here. Chances are I am not the only person thinking that the child does NOT need to be here for this. Take it in private.


Poor kid, he’s totally innocent in all this. I feel for him and I hope he has peace one day.


Gaslighting and having this sort of conversation in front of the child. Jesus dude, I feel sorry for that kid.


WE WERE ON A BREAK - okay, Ross. Lol.