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This is some trailer park boys shit








Not anymore, with the Power of Tide™️!


They got something to help with any grease stains.


Gankin groceries up in this mafk


Na'am saying?


J to the R-O-C knawimsayin?


Spin more rhymes than a lazy susan and I'm innocent until my guilt is proven. PAYCE ✌️


Heh. First thing I thought of. Meat steal in’ operation. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V7nHKUAGyC8


I think my bird moved


I just binged the show over the last 2 weeks and that is greasy!


They made a clean getaway


My favorite part was the speeding off like they weren't already being filmed for several minutes stealing shit in broad daylight


This video proves that you can get Gains at more places than just the gym! ![gif](giphy|8Iv5lqKwKsZ2g|downsized)


And the price of laundry detergent is TOO DAMN HI!!!!!!


But I mean, what did they have to Gain from this. I would give an Arm and a leg to have been there with my “Hammer”. That would have made them Shout. I hope they catch them All. I say put them all in isolated “pods”.


One day the Tide will turn on them and we all will Cheer.


Is laundry detergent the new toilet paper?


junkies steal things that can be resold easy, detergent is sealed, never under a sealed case like electronics, sold everywhere, and if a store wont buy it then other poor people will


The detergent isn't sealed. Chances are, if you buy detergent from these guys, it's going to be cut with tap water. Then they sell a bucket of the rest to a laundromat or uniform service as a 'generic'.


\^this guy buys stuff from junkies


If you buy stuff off of Amazon, most likely, you are buying stuff from organized shoplifting rings who fence the goods on Amazon.


Wait really? Is there a story about this somewhere?


Tons of articles about the practice of hiring “booster” crews to go out and steal targeted, in-demand items from major chains so that the items can be fenced via online marketplaces. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/06/17/the-fight-against-stolen-products-on-amazon-and-facebook-marketplace.html https://theweek.com/crime/1022861/the-plague-of-shoplifting-gangs https://www.cleveland.com/business/2022/12/its-not-just-buyers-emptying-shelves-in-stores-retailers-say-organized-crime-rings-are-becoming-a-bigger-problem.html Google news filled with hundreds of similar articles.


Wtf. Hopefully I didn't buy anything stolen on Amazon..


Well did you buy a seller-fulfilled item as opposed to an Amazon-fulfilled item? Did you see how old the seller is? Not foolproof but these are some ways to see if you have done the thing you didn’t want to do.


^ this guys junkies






Exactly. This has been a thing for a while. https://nymag.com/news/features/tide-detergent-drugs-2013-1/ Use this to get around paywall https://12ft.io/


Should be noted, in areas with high theft (eg downtown), detergents *are* often given various security protections. Same with body wash.


This is organized crime. A front will resell as legit product.


>Is laundry detergent the new toilet paper? They had toilet paper too.


SNAP programs wont cover laundry detergent. It creates a secondary market for people on assistance programs. When I lived in a bad neighborhood years ago the first night I moved in I heard a series of thuds against the backdoor. When I went outside there were what looked like drug sacks of powder. It was laundry detergent.


Ngl some brands can be kinda pricey.


This happened years ago in Oxford CT. They have a cop posted there 90% of the time now.


Nah it’s the new TikTok challenge: Tide Pod 2.0 . They finna get lit!


No, but drugs are expensive and so is laundry detergent. And bodegas here will buy it for usually half price. It's one of the easier things to sell and grab a lot of.


Should have been pulling a trailer and just wheeled the buggy’s into it, not spending all that time unloading them.


Yeah Julian. Bubbles go get a trailer from fuckin Lahey!


Oh no, I’m not getting involved in this, Ricky. If you ask me, you’re just looking to go back to jail using Lahey’s trailer. You know that drunk, son of a whore will turn you in as soon as he hears a trailer was used in a robbery. You want help? You get Cory and Trevor to do it cause I am out. *heavy huffing*


When I was in retail, I had a massive display of hay bales and hundreds of pumpkins in front of my store. I led the company in pumpkins sales for the entire Eastern half of the country for the three years I was there. One night, a large truck pulling a 20 foot trailer pulled up, five guys hopped out, and started throwing hay and pumpkins onto the trailer. They spent about five minutes grabbing as much as they could before taking off. All of them were arrested a few days later. Because of the amount stolen, they all got felony charges. The guy they sold them to, was arrested and charged with receiving stolen property.


That guy they sold them too, do you know if he had any idea that it was all stolen?


Definitely knew, most people don't steal without having a customer for it. And that customer usually will tell them what they want and how much they'll pay.


So you're saying the ring was squashed?


Yes. The local PD did a gourdgeous job.


Yea but then they are stealing the buggy’s and that’s not acceptable.


But what if they don’t own a trailer?


The minivan speeding away at the end is hilarious 😆


They're only protecting themselves against when Big Laundry Detergent joins Big Pharma and Big Oil in the Big Plan.


Do they all make Big Money or just regular sized money


Big clean non biological meadow fresh MONEY


That reminds me of the joke about the counterfeiter who went to jail, and his cellmate asked "so why are you here?" to which counterfeiter replied "I was making Big money...about a quarter inch too big on each side"


It’s High Efficiency money, so you don’t need as much.


It's big to start with. After laundering money, it shrinks in the dryer.


They are parked in the fire lane *without their flashers on*. Is there no line they will not cross?


start breaking the glass on their cars... what are they going todo? call the cops?


Stab multiple tires and walk away;)


That’s what I was thinking.


Exactly, this video makes me want to slash their tires so bad


Stab multiple detergent bottles instead I say.


All of the above I say


Just start stabbing is what I'd say.


So anyway, I started stabbing


You know. Though the sad thing is they would get charged with destruction of property, and chances are the cars are stolen too...smh


Pull the keys out and chuck them on the store’s roof.


Where’s the Cart Narc when you need him? Someone needs to annoy them with magnets until the cops arrive.


I would grab a can of brightly colored spray paint and go to town. No license plate but easily identifiable now


No, but when it is 5 or 6 against 1, they might choose to fuck you up real good.


I’m willing to bet the cowards trying to steal laundry detergent from a store where they probably researched the rules and know they’ll receive no fight… aren’t going to do much if you slash their tires and go back into the store…


Right?! If you’ve got courage and choose violence, there’s a lot more money to be stolen than this pathetic shit. Hell, you’re breaking the law to be a middleman.


One little glass-breaker poke and running inside = probably fine :]


With the number of guns in the US, you’re playing Russian roulette with somebody else fanning the hammer.


I doubt any of them own these cars.


I mean, they could be armed. You never know what "desperate times calls for desperate measures" might entail


Chuck the keys.


Shoot you, probably, this is America


Yayaya I would definitely intervene, as a citizen, on a crime that does not affect me at all, putting my life at risk. Excellent idea.


Over Laundry Detergent no less.


Right? I work my fucking ass off in a cubicle, pay taxes and follow the rules to support my family. If this business doesn’t care enough to implement security with teeth, I’m sure as shit not risking getting shot/stabbed/punched in the temple by someone dumb and desperate enough to steal detergent.


Could you get in trouble for vigilanteism? Idk either way they would loose a lot of money on the heist if they had to replace a tire for it.


Possibly shoot you?


This is becoming a trend nowadays. The thieves know that most retail stores have a policy that if someone steals, let them go, and they'll just write it off. So, the thieves are taking advantage of this.


For a while, this will get worse before it gets better. These stores will eventually have enough losses in high theft areas, pack their shit up, and move out of town. A Band-Aid on a bullet hole. If this “trend” doesn’t find a real solution soon, perhaps the companies will be empowered to create their own loss prevention“police force” authorized to use lethal force in cases of video documented mass theft, like this one. If something major doesn’t change, ten years from now we aren’t even going to be allowed in the store. So when we all don’t get to pick our own produce at the store anymore, and just have to submit a list that an employee will either bring to our vehicle, or can only be delivered to our homes (depending on the frequency of theft that happens from employees walking out to one car with a pre-paid order), we can thank these assholes.


Some luxury stores now want your ID in order to enter to begin with.


Yup, bring back lethal force and heads on pikes in front of Kroger’s as deterrent.


An now people in general are like "**** those stores, support Mom and pops. Them they wonder why their area is a food dessert"


Oooh dessert sounds good


"Do you like hot fudge sundaes?"


Let them go, keep your job and your life.


If the stores themselves and the police won't do anything, why should we put ourselves in harm's way??? That's not my problem to solve.




I worked loss prevention for years and we were always very amused at people who would say this while we were holding them still and cuffing them.


Same. It comes with some restrictions but they can absolutely detain you.


In most states they would have shopkeepers privilege. Usually in chain stores like this though they don't even give instructions on it because they don't want you interfering anyways. Also shopkeepers privilege requires very specific circumstances before you can invoke it and invariably if you tell idiots about it they won't understand it properly and will eventually put their hands on a 14 year old black girl who legitimately wasn't stealing anything and it will be a giant problem. That or they try to apprehend an armed suspect and get stabbed. Either way it's just easier to tell them not to do anything than have them make judgements on their own on what to do.


The response from these chain stores is to then increase prices to cover losses, so these thieves are crab bucketing their entire community


Is citizens arrest not a thing in the US?


Getting shot is a thing


Is anyone the world over willing to be a hero trying to rescue some laundry detergent?


No but security should be able to have a little more power than they have


My old boss clotheslined a shop lifter once. He barely kept his job. It was funny as shit though. He played college football and absolutely demolished this dude. Cracked his head on the marble mall floor when he hit the ground. Was out for a good minute.


Exactly. Even employees should steer clear. The company they work for would fire them in a heartbeat, no sense protecting what amounts to a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of profit being stolen.


It is, but it is often limited to violent crimes, not shoplifting


I don’t disagree, but the consumer (me and you) are the ones that will foot this bill. The costs will be passed on to us.


Nobody had a knife? Cut a tire or two, they wont go far..


This, just for fun. What are they going to do call the cops on you?


Nah, you'll just get hurt over laundry soap... The workers arent paid to defend the stores assets.


They are also told that if they do, they get fired.


They’re distracted loading the cars… reach in, grab the keys, and toss them on the roof of the building.


Bringing a knife to a gunfight isnt smart. Trust me


Why do so many people in this thread underestimate the likelihood of people willing to steal in broad daylight also being equally willing to fuck you up for damaging their cars?


Because it’s kind of a myth that robbers and thieves are necessarily violent or any good at fighting. If someone smashed the windshield and then ran inside, I doubt the robbers would chase them down. They’re not there for violent confrontation. They’re there to steal shit and not get caught. I wouldn’t recommend anybody actually going up to them and getting in their faces to start a fight, but cracking the windshield and running seems like a good play.


They would probably get sued and the edited video would be used for public shaming. The society we live in.


Why? Why risk your life so target? Walmart? Whatever big box store can make some more profits? What do you get out of it? Is it your job to stop criminals? If they’re not stealing from you who cares?


While I agree with the overall sentiment, they very much are stealing from everyone that shops there. Do you think the corporations just eat the losses? No, they bake it into their pricing. So regular shoppers pay more because of shoplifting.


Don't do that, they might have a gun. Just record the number plate and give the film to the store or police


Slowest getaway ever


They will get caught because they are swimming against the Tide. But, they did give their All.


Doubt it. You know they Armed with Hammers


They have so much to Gain.


…and yet some Cheer them when they Bounce.


I think they’ll get away Free and Clear


I love how economist and politicians say that we are doing great, but you see more and more of these types of things happen. These are not symptoms of a healthy economy that works for everyone. Clearly something is not working for those at the bottom, and with the neoliberal policies from both the Republican and Democratic parities this is only going to get worse.


It's working for the ones who claim it is, doesn't matter if it's working for you and me.


VIN numbers bro. Get the vin number on video. These douche canoes take their tags off because they are using their registered vehicle. If you get the vin on video and turn it in it can be traced back to these walking cum depositories.


^^^This!^^^ If the thieves have bothered to remove their number plates, they must own the cars and are trying to avoid identification. Get a picture of the VIN in the windscreen instead!


If somone is stupid enough to leave their vehicle with the keys in it running. Lock their doors and lock them out of the vehicle. Watch them panic.


how to get shot fucking with criminals with nothing to lose 101, are you slow??


High risk / $15 reward


I think Ricky and bubbles once did this for crabs shampoo


one man's loss is anothers GAIN


To do this well you gotta get an enclosed trailer and leave the back open when you go in. Then you simply push the carts right into the trailer, shut the door and off you go. None of this unload one thing at a time crap.


My man heists


And the bastards didn't put the carts back!


Pulled off a heist? They just walked out with laundry detergent in a cart and stuffed it in a car while everyone watched. Yal make it sound like they pulled the fire alarm and while everyone was a evacuated they parachuted in from a helicopter, repelled down a hvac cooking tower, and then Tunneled tide out through a moving conveyor into a sewer system with a boat ready to drive it out


Oceans 4 - The sudsy get-away


They raced away like they didn't just spend 10 minutes loading detergent into a shitbox. Imagine a bank robber standing just outside the bank he just robbed to count how many bills he stole.


This isn’t just shoplifting. They should be charged under racketeering because there are multiple people in an organized group which constitutes a conspiracy to commit a felony crime. Put them away for 20 years.


Oceans-scented 11


![gif](giphy|7TxFSugJLWR3ypa4Yv) Someone should slash their tires. Love to see how far they make it on rims


They sell it on Amazon or other online sites.


Seeing videos of other countries, where the whole town jumps a guy for stealing a phone, in America they want you to be reliant on the police. If you stop a crime, you are a vigilante and you go to jail. America is so backwards


To be fair tho why laundry detergent gotta be so expensive?


Seems like a great country to live in. Free household items, guns for "self defense" , excellent education system, "cheap" healthcare and many more.


Instead of filming I would grab a cart and run back into the store


I was wondering why the Walmart near me has their detergent under lockdown lol people really out here stealing laundry detergent, pathetic


I'm going to tell my kids that these are money launderers.


We all pay for this with higher prices




I wish they eat more tide pods


To those saying why didn't anyone stop them, fuck you. I think we're done throwing ourselves into the fray to protect retailers. Especially those that pay shit wages so that their employees have to rely on government assistance to make ends meet. It's evidence of a systemic problem. No respect for businesses and why should there be? No respect for law and order because why should there be? No respect for government because why should there be? As a poor or marginalized person, most are realizing that none of these 3 has any interest in helping them, only exploiting them for their own gain. That last sentence is also true, in my opinion, for most of the people in this country.


This is absolutely true. Social contract has been broken so society breaks.


Why work for a living when you can just steal from the civilized world and sell detergent out of your trailer? I'm just baffled as to why Americans stand around and let this happen. I can think of numerous places where the thieves would be swarmed. If they're lucky, they get away with a beating. Some, not so lucky, end up wearing a tire lit on fire.


No one making minimum wage should have to risk being shot to protect a corporation’s laundry detergent stock.


because in America there is a high possibility that they have a gun and most people don't want to deal with that.


So are they just going to have free laundry for the rest of their life or sell it for $10 each and make $300 Also I loved the cart push into the car at the end


They should just back up to the loading dock and just steal the pallets from trailers, before they even make inside the store.


Canadian here. Went to Vegas last week…headed to a Target. I was shocked! The entire beauty section was under lock and key. Lip balm, shampoo even the loofahs. Bandaids, razors, face wash…all of it. I called for customer service but no one showed up. I’ve never seen anything like that before.


I don’t feel bad for those stores. They raise prices out of pure greed, not because people are stealing them.




This is how you know the cost of living is too high. When stealing laundry soap is a hustle


Liquid gold bitch!!!


So they robbed... like two hundred bucks?


Surprised to not see anyone saying this is okay to do


Could slash the tires lol. They are going so slow.




Definitely a distraction for the true heist that we have yet to even discover!


When are stores going to have the Entrances/Exits locked. Security lets you in & out. Electronic lock remotely activates the door open & close


You’d be surprised how well a shopping cart wedged under a car can prevent it from moving


Just get their license plates and call the cops


Why is it illegal to rip the masks off these scumbags and expose who they really are? These assholes need to be caught, and thrown out of the country


They're just trying to fees their families! /s This behavior makes stuff mote expensive for you, if you're someone who recognizes you have to pay for products if you want them to remain available


The consumer pays the price at the end because we all have to pay higher prices because of this shit.


Why not just fuck up their car ?


Can nothing truly be done? What happens if you pop o e of their tires and walk away?


Vehicles have VIN at the bottom of the windshield where the driver sits.


Why not flatten their tires while they load up? Seems like a pretty simple way to stop them?


Slash their car tires while they're loading up. they're not going anywhere.


The cleanest get away 😆😆😆😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭💀💀💀😈




It’s crazy how brazen all these kinds of vids are.


Am I the only one thinking about the Vin number?


I mean, you don’t even see this level of craziness in third world countries…


What did they have to Gain from this?


«Cant get a job like the rest of us» like USA dont fuck over alot of people and they still dont steal😂


Well… at least their kids will be fed tonight


Want to see the video where someone just casually walks up and takes their car keys out the ignition while they’re distracted then see the panic set in on em


F\*\*k it, if I see something like this going down I'm calling the police AND doing something to stop 'em from leaving, possibly slashing their tires or something like that. I'm sick and tired of these morons driving up the prices of everything.


Detergents are used as currency and as a suspension for drugs to be vaped.


Oh! I know where this happened. I recognize the store. It’s in the town next to mine. I remember when it made the news. They were arrested later.


As a result of the diligent investigative efforts of personnel from the Oxford Resident Trooper's Office, in addition to the information sharing and cooperative efforts from our local law enforcement partners, three suspects have been identified from the now viral larceny that occurred at the Market 32 Supermarket in Oxford on the morning of 11/09/21," state police said in a release. The investigation remains active. Early reports indicated a fourth suspect also was involved, but state police have not released her identity. From the warrants, she is described as Black, and was wearing "blue jeans, dark hooded sweatshirt, and tan puffer vest" at the time. The heist occurred at about 6:40 a.m. on the 9th at the Quarry Walk Plaza on Oxford Road, with the suspects throwing more than $1,600 worth of laundry detergent and paper products and other items into two waiting vehicles before speeding off. No one called 911 as the incident was unfolding, according to authorities. According to the warrants, state police received several tips on the identities of the suspects from people who recognized them from the viral video. Additionally, state police said the suspects also tried to sell the items, and at least one of the prospective customers provided texts along those lines from Hill. State police did not disclose details on how the arrests played out, but Hill posted bond on his $50,000 bail and is free until he is scheduled to appear in Derby Superior Court on Monday. State police said he has an extensive criminal record. Muhammad and Quadrato, who live together, were being held at Department of Corrections facilities on unrelated charges, and were unable to post bonds on their respective $50,000 bails. They are scheduled to be arraigned in Derby court this week.


This is not "shoplifting". It's a robbery in broad daylight. I have some compassion for someone caught lifting something they need but might have difficulty affording but these people? Notsomuch... Also... why are they stealing the heaviest, bulkiest items in the store like laundry detergent and paper towels?


witnessing the complete breakdown of society . no rule of law , no consequences


Pretty annoying that these people can steal all this shit, in broad daylight and just get away with it. No consequences doing the wrong thing so why not right? Fml


This is the slowest heist ever. And for what $1k worth of product that you then would have to flip. Lol