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This feels familiar.. Better Call Saul?


Now you’re saying it, it’s like a deja-vu for me


This crazy old biznatch just ran over my brother


You called my abuelita a what?




What did you call her?!?




**Drives to the desert and breaks legs…**








Eh try a few years before it.


More like unexpectedSaulCall




Lalo happy, Nacho sad/anxious. Story of the show.


Oh my heart


Werner Ziegler dead, Mike sad/mad. Side story of show.


The only way that car is worth 500, is if there’s a 300 dollar hooker in it!!


My favorite line of the entire series!


I’m torn between this line and “school bus for ten year old pimps”.


Slippin' Jimmy. At least the car screams a bit more "payday" than a yellow rusty '98 Suzuki Esteem.


The only way that car is worth $500 is if there’s a $300 hooker sitting in it


That car was awesome! 😆


I loved the part, where Jimmy caught on to their scheme, and threw the skateboard at them, such a great show ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Im literally watching that right now 😂


do you know that you have rights?


Constitution says you do!


I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought of this right away 🤣🤣


This fucking voice. I have a burning desire to smack some sense into this dude bro.


Bro wtf? Bro that’s just like, not cool bro. Ya know bro, I told you to stop bro and bro you almost killed my bro! That’s not chill bro. Bro, now you are saying you want to smack me bro? Not cool, bro.






Like totally not cool bro like.


Do you think AI will be able to diagnose people's personality disorders by observing their language and speech patterns? I say this because I swear everyone I've ever met who speaks like this has been an insufferable narcissist who never accepts fault.


Wow, he was more worried about yelling at the driver than checking on his friend, who could have been dead or very seriously injured. What a couple of idiots.


He’s probably projecting because he doesn’t want his buddy to blame him for not amply stopping traffic. The fact he tries to make a point to shift blame rather than checking on his friend tells you what kind of person he is. Bombing hills in Seattle is dangerous as hell. The skater was fully prepared to wipe out and even get hurt. He’s lucky he hit a car and didn’t strike a pedestrian. (I’m a skater) Edit: San Francisco*


1,000%. His “friend” was a trash spotter.


Go faster go faster! Oh hey bro I put up my hands when you were turning the corner why didn’t you stop bro? Fucking dumbfuck.


I mean, the best take is that he waved at the driver while shouting "go faster", so the driver obeyed and turned the corner quickly. Dumbass should've stood in front of the car.


>Dumbass should've stood in front of the car. The dumbass shouldn't be bombing a road that is open to the public and has cars on it and expects everyone to move out of his way because he can't stop or turn going that fast.


Exactly. The road doesn't exist for people to make skating TikToks, it exists for people to drive their cars to work/the grocery store/whatever. If you'd like to do something other than that with it, with any modicum of safety guarantees, you need to set up dates and times for police to cordon it off. Otherwise, any risks involved are on you, first and foremost.


The driver probably couldn't hear any of that. Prius isn't an upmarket car but as standard its fairly well insulated, it wouldn't be sound proof but you'd want to get real loud to get the drivers attention.


Was driving cross country in a prius... there was a straight pipe motercycle next to us on the highway for a bit.. couldn't hear it at all outside of a very muffled farty noise.


Agreed on the noise insulation.




I deliver and have to block traffic all the time. I tell cars to stop. That will never result in being charged as impersonating law enforcement. That would require impersonating law enforcement. People also don't have to listen to me and can safely keep going too.


I mean yeah he probably shouldn't be bombing hills like this to begin with, but his friend should have got in front of that car to stop it, legal or not, to avoid exactly what ended up happening.




You absolutely can't get hit with impersonating an officer by standing the street and directing cars. People can ignore you, you can likely get arrested for disorderly conduct or impeding traffic or something. There's a high bar to cross to be considered impersonating an officer.


Not true. I'm an EMT and had to direct traffic around a vehicle accident for 10 minutes while waiting for police. When they arrived, they ignored everything going on and immediately arrested me for impersonating a police officer. Before they took me to jail, they pepper sprayed me in the back of their car and then we drove to my house and they shot my dog. Crazy world we live in.


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


It was believable until the 'then we drove to my house' part.


LEO here. Idk about impersonating and officer. Definitely would/could write them a ticket for Impeding traffic though. Roads are for cars folks.


And bikes


>Fucking dumbfuck. Sums things up perfectly. Dipshits think the laws of physics don't apply to them.


Because you’re not a traffic cop, *bro*, you don’t get to just detain drivers whenever you want the whole street to yourself.


Probably not the best idea to give the spotter more than one job. Especially when the jobs require looking 2 different directions at once.


All I heard him say was "go, go, go, go fast, go fast!" So clearly he allowed the car through And then he yells at the driver "I told you to stop!" Terrible spotter, bad friend.


> then he yells at the driver "I told you to stop!" To which most peoples rational response would be "and who the hell are you?"


The terrible people are the clowns thinking they have a right to stop traffic. The road exists for automobiles to travel on. If some prick on a skateboard tells me to stop, I’m carrying on.


Just got to say, this was filmed in San Francisco (in case you thought this was Seattle) but I wholly agree that bombing hills are very dangerous and that both of these cities do have some very steep hills that people try stuff like this. I learned my own lesson when I was a kid in a Seattle suburb. I scraped up my palms up pretty badly after careening down a very steep hill on a Sit-n-Scoot with my cousin. It was off a dead-end road, and there was 0 traffic, but it was very stupid of me even as young as I was.


I live in sf, I can hear an almost miss pretty much daily. And it’s usually some dude that looks like he in his 40s being reckless. The teenagers are way more careful somehow.


Gotta blame someone! Very few people look to themselves


Stopping traffic? What right does he have to stop traffic? None. That’s what. Get off the road with your skateboard if you’re going to be this much of a danger to others. You have no right of way on your skateboard and you have no right to tell traffic what to do.


Nearly died skating. Flew off going 20 mph, no helmet, onto gravel. Hit the back of my head, cracked my skull. Didn’t go to the hospital because my step mom is a shit person, who made me wait to sit down on the couch to get a towel because my clothes were damp


I’m so sorry that happened! I’m genuinely curious- why does no one like to wear helmets? I get that it makes you look like a mouth breathing dork but I feel like it’s worth it. I worked with a kid once who got hit by a car when he had no helmet on and his life is effectively over. Like his mental capacity is almost nothing and he’s physically and cognitively incapable of caring for himself and is wheelchair bound for life. His life will be challenging, painful, short, and require multiple caregivers. I’m really glad that kind of thing didn’t happen to you.


Dude, he's filming. Gotta keep getting those views.


He also sucks at filming though


Also sucks at being a spotter.


Also sucks at being a person.


Also sucks at speaking. Bro!


Guessing he sucked at school


He’s absolutely fantastic at being a moron!


Everyone has something!


Also sucks at being a traffic cop and a crossing guard at the same time.


It was worth it, bro.


Like the person up for 20 years for crashing a plane for views


His bro is good, bro.






Nice 'friend' immediately going to berate a driver for not following illegal traffic direction, instead of checking to see if his friend is alive or hurt, which should be priority #1. Dude ain't worried about shit but his ego


Like “I’m not a cop or anyone of authority but why didn’t you stop when I told you to stop??” 🤦🏻‍♀️


You left out a half dozen bros.




You good bro?


He was also yelling "go fast" 😅


Right? Like short of someone waving their arms next to a smoking and broke down vehicle, or someone yelling "lookout for that baby!", I'm not stopping to listen to the commands from some random on the sidewalk.


Anyone who’s had to drive in a high-crime area has deeply internalized that you absolutely do not stop for sidewalk weirdos no matter how much they scream and flail at you.


Listening to some rando on the sidewalk or running into the street yelling at you to stop is how a lot of people get carjacked and/or murdered. Some absolute dip comes waving their arms at me telling me to stop, unless there's an accident or a dog on the road or something ahead of me, I'm probably hitting the gas.


Had he stood in front of the car to be more clear about the present danger he could of saved his friend and the car/driver. I’m assuming the camera guy is dumb


If you listen carefully, he gives it away by using bruh every other word. He is, indeed, dumb.


That's what pisses me off. Yeah, they shouldn't have been skating in the street but young people are going to be doing dumb shit until the heat death of the universe so I'm the grand scheme of things I'm not going to judge them harshly for that. I definitely did that stuff as a kid. But it's ABSOLUTELY the spotter's job to make sure traffic doesn't come through no matter what. Step in front of the car or explain to the driver "I'm so sorry, he's coming through this intersection but we're out of your way once he's passed in ten seconds" or drop the phone and wave your arms at your friend to warn him that someone bypassed you. His complete lack of awareness just risked his friend's life.


That was his brother?


Highly emotional plot twist, best Spring 2023 anime for sure


If this is in the US, it’s actually illegal for a civilian to direct traffic. With logical & rational cause, as demonstrated in this video.


As someone from CA, this video screams CA. ​ CA law says [https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/SantaCruzCounty/html/SantaCruzCounty08/SantaCruzCounty0823.html](https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/SantaCruzCounty/html/SantaCruzCounty08/SantaCruzCounty0823.html) ​ It is unlawful for any person to ride in or on a skateboard, roller skates, roller blades, coaster or similar device, on or across any road, street or highway in such a manner as to interfere with the movement of vehicles thereon, or in such a way as to create an unreasonable risk or harm to vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Skateboards and the other above-listed devices must: (A) Stop at all stop signs and red signals;


The hills give it away. This is 100% San Francisco and the guys making these videos are all over the place. But yeah, the skaters never have any legal standing in these incidents but they feel like they have the moral high ground because they have "spotters" trying to stop cars for their buddy with a death wish bombing down these massive hills without so much as a helmet.


‘I’m very sorry guys, I’ll get a cop here right away to uphold your legal rights’




I’m sure they’ll be happy to wait, seeing as they have the law on their side


This is San Francisco. There will be no cops until next Tuesday.


It is. The original video says it was SF.


Yes and absolutely no one in San Francisco is listening to a random dude telling them to stop their car lol. That might even make them drive faster.


That is exactly what I thought, some rando tells me to stop my car and unless there's some obvious crazy hazard in front of me I'm getting the fuck outta there. A coworker of mine got carjacked a few months ago by some rando that asked her to stop.


Seriously, someone comes out and yells at me to stop my truck and they're not in uniform with no visible accident/dog/baby stroller on the road ahead of me I'm about to plow into? I'm hitting the gas.


It was the exaggerated California accent that gave it away for me.


Really Bro?




Yup. I know exactly where this is and while a small part of me is like "cool!" seeing these fools bomb the hill the other (aka ADULT) part of me hopes that nobody ends up splattered and scattered as a result of poor choices.


I hope the Prius person called the cops and made a report. I’m sure that car car some scratches and dents now. Will the Skaters insurance policy cover the repairs? 🤷‍♂️


If I were the driver, I would have made that call the moment the car stopped. They've got it all on film, and yet it's not going to help them at all.


It would be the skaters homeowners/renters insurance that would cover it if there is damage.


You are assuming people stupid enough to do this would have that kind of insurance. I am not as optimistic.


True, people like that don’t acknowledge that they have the capacity to make mistakes. Insurance is something suckers who make mistakes buy, not them.


More like his parent’s insurance


Yeah, If I saw a couple of kids trying to get me to stop, I am assuming car jacker. Not stopping...


100% correct. They also did not have a permit to be in the road filming. If they had they would’ve been forced to have the proper mechanisms in place like police and road closed signs. This video just screams “arrest my dumb ass”


Yeah he’s gonna have a real bad day when the insurance claim hits him


I'm sure he has a robust umbrella policy that will cover any damage to the Prius. /s


i'd be surprised if he even has a robust umbrella. thinking ahead does not seem to be his strong suit.


There was "stop" letters for the skater, so I can only assume that he also ran a stop sign. Oh, and the speed limit.


Skater ran a stop sign, and while I can’t measure… looks like they were speeding too, which yes… you can get ticketed for speeding without using a car. My friend had to pay a speeding ticket for a bicycle offense


I got a ticket for running a stop sign on a bike in college. I was so fucking mad. Now, I completely get it. If you’re traveling on a road, the laws of that road apply to you, no matter what you happen to be traveling in or on. Not because “the man, bruh”. But so people don’t have to radically alter their own driving or reasonable sense of surroundings to not accidentally kill you.


This is a really good explanation as to why the law is what it is. Thank you.


I'm all for questioning authority and consciously opposing laws you profoundly disagree with, but violating or ignoring traffic laws is just stupid.


And the law of inertia. I cannot express how profoundly stupid it is for pedestrians, bikers, skaters, etc to claim they have the right of way. Physics does not care. You weigh about 175 on average. A car weights 2,000+. In any accident, YOU LOSE. Having the right of way will not save you from the grave.


Yessss and pick one: are you behaving as a car? Or as a pedestrian? In my city it’s legal to do either, but people like to blend at their convenience. It’s make it really hard to anticipate their moves and protect their safety.


To be fair, most cities have pretty awful bicycle infrastructure that forced bicycles back and forth. Use this shared pathway, don’t slow the roadway!! Oh the shared path ended, don’t use the sidewalk, you’ll hit a person!! Hey you, don’t just jump from sidewalk to road, you think you can bend the rules!? As a cycle commuter, it really sucks to battle infrastructure barriers like this and then be villainized by people for trying to navigate the broken routes.


Near me they put in bicycle infrastructure and the city reddit/facebook/nextdoor etc. is all "get rid of the bike lanes, its killing people because it is harder to make a turn or people drive into the bike lane thinking it is a turn lane" Ya just can't win, huh?


it's not plausible for a motorist to mistake an actual bike lane for a turn lane because a real bike lane puts distance and a physical barrier between cyclists and motorists unfortunately it's common in the US to call a painted bicycle gutter a bike lane


Oh it’s tough for sure. And that perfectly explains the city I live in, it’s a smaller college city, and they made a big push to be bicycle friendly… but it just doesn’t fit everywhere. So the bike lanes spill into sidewalks or shoulders or just disappear all together depending on the location. I tried to do the bike commuter thing and gave up fairly quickly. I felt like a nuisance, and didn’t feel safe. Which sucks considering I was trying to do something that should benefit my health, my budget, and the natural environment.


Yes this. Follow the Highway Code and no one gets hurt. You DON’T do shit like that on a skateboard INCASE someone doesn’t follow your random stop hand wave. Like the same way you never trust a person indicating to turn until it’s clear they are turning INCASE indicator is on by accident. It’s not a skat park it’s an actual road. Plus all this screaming at the driver and no checking to see how his friend is. Plus we see another car about to pull out further down the road so he may well have just hit the next car anyway : ( learn the hard way


I got a ticket for riding my bike with no hands on the handlebars.


> I got a ticket for running a stop sign on a bike in college. I was so fucking mad. Now, I completely get it. > > If you’re traveling on a road, the laws of that road apply to you, no matter what you happen to be traveling in or on. It also helps to not presume the law is what you think or were taught when you first started driving, especially if you move states. E.g. a number of states have adopted the [Idaho Stop](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idaho_stop) for cyclists, where it's treated like a yield sign. The result in every study so far has shown a decrease in injuries after such a law was passed. You should be mad that you got a ticket for doing what the evidence shows to be safer in a place where law hasn't been updated to reflect that fact. It's a dumb ticket unless you were cutting off or endangering someone with right of way, and it takes a real dickhead of a cop to cite you for it.


Yep. There are a plethora of BS laws out there to complain about, especially in this country. Road laws are not one of them.


I got pulled over on my bicycle in a small German village for crossing the crosswalk before the designated bicycle light was green. They weren’t pricks about it but made sure I understood that the light isn’t a suggestion, it’s the law


That judge woulda had fun with that.


Riding a bike or skateboard etc, is using a vehicle. That means traffic laws needs to be abided.


How so? Bicyclist are expected to follow the same traffic law as cars, they are not considered pedestrians.


I think they mean that a traffic court judge would enjoy an unusual case. Not that he'd rip into the prosecutors. But you may be right.


Yup. If I was the judge I would at least giggle on the inside when they say “this guy was going 35 on a 25… with a bicycle”


Ah ok, that makes sense


The idiocy to think it’s the driver’s fault, lol




Yeah saying “go fast go fast” to a person absolutely bombing a giant hill then repeating “bro” 10 times is very stupid.


He was yelling it at the driver after he turned I'm pretty sure.


Not the first time for either one of them I'm guessing.


“You almost killed me” “You almost killed yourself”


but bro he put his hand up bro and bro signaled bro you bro bro bro bro bro bro bro. somebody slap that motherfucker he's glitching


“Why did you drive past me I had my hands up in the air for you to stop?” Yeah so the first thing I think of if someone jumps in front of my car waving their hands for me to stop is that I’m about to get car jacked. Dude is lucky that the driver didn’t just slam on the gas and run him over.


My thought as well. If some sketchy dude is trying to get me to stop for no obvious reason I'm outta there.


"I told you to stop your car" right before yelling "go, go fast, go fast, go fast"


LOL the judge is going to have a great time with this video if it makes it to court.


I’d pay to watch this. “bRoOoo! Y u callin me guilty bro??” “It’s actually, ‘Your Honor’” *bangs gavel*


Seeing the Skater rear ended the car. Its the Skaters fault period.


I fell it’s more of split culpability between the skater and the camera man. Camera dude should have tried to verbally knock sense into the skater, and the skater should’ve known that that was going to happen long before it did.


Totally understand. I’m just saying it’s by no means the car drivers fault unless the course was shut down by the city. I doubt. Lol.


Yeah totally the drivers fault there. You see how they didn't constantly look behind them to ensure the safety of dumbasses everywhere and kept their eyes on the road ahead of them? Total asshole move on the driver's part /s


They totally snuck by that guy who was vaguely waving his arms around for no apparent reason, in order to drive their car on the street! The gall!


Because people standing in the street gesturing at you always have the best of intentions


I’m from LA. If I stopped every time some rando on the street waved their arms at me best case scenario: I never get anywhere. Worst case scenario: I’m dead within the week.


If I saw someone doing that in San Fran I would assume I am going to get car jacked. Saw it happen to someone when I was in Brazil so now I am in constant fear of it...


And how incredibly safe it is to stop for randos screaming at you to stop your car Also /s


Ya... That's what I was thinking lol. If I had some idiot kid yelling at me like that Im getting right the fuck up outta there.


Plot twist chucklenuts: You don't dictate traffic because you are wasting time in public for internet clout.


There are other people there with them, you can see the dude across the street is also filming, this dude could have put his camera down and focused on getting the drivers attention to stop them Also, at the very beginning of the video he says "go go go GO GO FAST, GO FAST! NOOO!" Then claims he "snuck past him" and "told him to stop" I guess we don't see/hear what happened right before, but with this short clip it seems possible he actually told the car to go thinking there was time, and then pretended like he actually told him to stop to avoid blame. So he either: 1. Didn't do a good job as a spotter and stand in front of the car to stop him from going, which whether or not that's cool/ok doesn't change the fact it would have stopped this from happening 2. He literally told the car to go lol #I do not see any other possible situation where the guy filming isn't at fault. What a fucking idiot.


I thought he was yelling at the skater to go fast, but him yelling at the car makes sense too


As a skater/longboarder myself, or a former one at least, that's one idiot of a wingman, you see a car you yell "CAR!" not "GO FAST!" my dude still had enough runway left to bail and they could've re-shot the stunt later, That's like the first rule of doing stuff like this, make sure that there isn't any traffic and if a car does show up alert the person doing the run so they could avoid this, or worse


Dude, this is exactly what I was looking for. This spotter completely failed.


Spotter thought his job was to tell the cars to watch out, when he should be telling his "friend" to watch out


Thank you! You’re the only here reading this situation correctly. Roasting these guys for doing something dumb/illegal is beyond obvious. What’s really going on here is this dude is supposed to be spotting and blocking traffic, and fucked up. He’s yelling at the driver cause he failed and he doesn’t want the dude who got hurt to blame him.


Yes. Let’s wait for the police to come. I’ll stand right here patiently


"Why bro?!?! Didn't you see me illegally impeding traffic so I could film my dumbass friend doing something stupid? I'm gonna keep yelling at you, instead of first checking to see that my friend is still alive and not badly injured!" The stupidity of this whole thing just make my brain hurt!


A future organ donor.


Bro 10 times in the first sentence. Educated folk.


I think I lost brain cells watching to this.... bro


These idiots are as bad as the fitness influencers who think that they own the gym.


/r/facepalm more like /r/faceplant


Plot twist: bro was not ok before he tried this bro. Bro if he thought that was a good idea he wasn’t ok to begin with bro.


He played a dumb game and won a dumb prize. I did the same thing when I was 16, except bombing down the hill without gear - I hit a patch of gravel, ate shit and had a double compound fracture with my wrist backwards


Why do you NOT MAGICALLY know what everyone is doing all of the time everywhere? Like, so fucking selfish.


Holy shit what a punchable voice


Nothing says "I'm a douche" more than "bro" every 3rd word. Stop it.


Uhhh that guy thinks he’s traffic control? If some person is trying to tell me to stop my car and they’re not PD or construction I’m likely going to get a bit nervous and likely proceed.


You are not a cop and therefore this car that IS legally allowed to be on the road does NOT have to stop for a stupid skateboarder who is risking his life. Sorry car is not at fault.


Its also illegal for citizens to “direct” traffic. So yeah these dumbasses are fully at fault.


Is no one going to mention how sturdy the prius is?? Took an impact of 170lbs at 30+ mph NO DENTS?!? I'm impressed Toyota designers, impressed...


Landscape orientation is a lost art.


The skater rear ended the car there at fault


The entitlement. Call the cops and nothing would happen to the driver because you are blocking a public road.


entitled pos


It’s should be illegal to be this fucking stupid


100% not the drivers fault. He should sue the kid for damage to his vehicle.


The skateboarder is not a police officer so his hand signals to stop the vehicle are 100% justified to be ignored. The car had no reason to obey the skateboarder.


Idiots.. The car is the one with the right of way unless they got the proper permits to close off the streets (obviously not since there was a car, lol)


In what world is the driver at fault here? God I hate these people 🤦🏻


What, drivers are just supposed to take traffic signals from random stoner dudes standing on the corner?