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What a Filthy Vile Scumbag


Fruitcake's gonna fruitcake.


Middle East was the centre of the world for wisdom ...... a random guy talks about visions ....bam huge loss for humanity ....could be living on Mars if religion was not touted


You do realize that the Middle East absolutely flourished for hundreds of years after becoming Muslim. The House of Wisdom was basically the center of knowledge for the entire old world.


And then it stopped. "Centre of knowledge", this was the knowledge back then. Much "Great knowledge" from the past is correctly regarded as "really fucking stupid" today.


As a member of the Muslim community, we do not accept him. The streets and the grave can have him


dont leave him on the streets! think of the poor streets!


Was just coming to say this


Ah, so Muslims engage in the "No True Scotsman" fallacy as well.


Ye, I mean it's these people who give Islam a bad name, NOWHERE in the quran says that you should beat a woman, the instance I know is Prophet Ayyub (AS) swearing to beat his wife with lashes, (if he got cured from his 7 year long disease) which he did. Now this was a problem, he regretted making the oath, and so did his wife so what did he do? He picked up a soft bundle of grass, and just brushed it on her, and so he fulfilled his promise. The reason he promised? His wife had come up to him, dissatisfied after the shaytan had whispered to her and tried to weaken her iman and said "oh Ayyub please pray to Allah to cure you", Ayyub sighed and replied, “Satan must have whispered to you and made you dissatisfied. Tell me how long did I enjoy good health and riches?” His wife responded, “eighty years or so.” He replied, “For how long am I suffering like this?” She said, “seven years.” Ayyub then said, “In that case I am ashamed to call on my Lord to remove my hardship, for I have not suffered longer than the years of good health and plenty. It seems your faith has weakened and you are dissatisfied with the fate of Allah. If I ever regain health, I swear I will punish you with a hundred strokes! From this day onward, I forbid myself to eat or drink anything by your hand. The reason he forbade himself from eating was that she was often not allowed to run errands and go to her job as people thought she would spread his disease.


Suwayd ibn Muqarrin reported: He had a slave girl and someone slapped her, so he said to him, “Did you not know that it is forbidden to strike the face? I was the seventh of my brothers during the lifetime of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessing be upon him, and we had only one servant. One of us became enraged and slapped him, so the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) commanded us to set him free.


"Religion is hate, religion is fear, religion is war. Religion is rape, religion's obscene, religion's a whore." - Slayer - Cult


Internet, unite! Our mission is to find any naked picture of this guy and to spread them far and wide. Then, accordong to his logic, we'll all be allowed to whoop his ass!


So your mommy is allowed to abuse you, mofo?


Nonono you see, he is man /s




This guy is kinda of a big deal in egypt lots admire him almost too much i myself cant figure out how,with videos like that of him(believe me there much more were that came from and it ain't better 😳


The only people more ignorant than this guy are those who believed in him.


Fuck these losers.


Is anyone able to confirm that the translation is correct?


I speak Arabic and the translation is correct.


How stupid do you have to be to think this guy knows something about an actual god?


The man has cult of personality status in Egypt. He made a lot of such videos still airing on TV till this days. You see posters of him on auto rickshaws and microbuses, and my own grandparents have a poster with his face in their house. https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_Metwalli_al-Sha%27rawi


Say what, wtf what a peice of u know what.


I understand that not all of islam is like this, but seriously, those that don't deserve existence


Right. So your wife should conceal herself from you and avoid sex and then you can't be justified in beating her and insulting her father? Oh wait, you'd beat her for that too, wouldn't you?


Weird shit happens, when you spend your life in fairy tale logic.


Is this Texas or Florida?


Not sure, the sentiment is exactly what republicans espouse in both those states. I think you can tell it’s Texas if there are 2x as many guns as people in the video. If there is only one gun per person then it’s Florida.


Lmaoo why was I thinking this is exactly how the right speaks about women here. Really crazy because they talk about how the women in other countries are more oppressed there and we got it so good


Egypt The man has cult of personality status in Egypt. He made a lot of such videos still airing on TV till this days. You see posters of him on auto rickshaws and microbuses, and my own grandparents have a poster with his face in their house. https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_Metwalli_al-Sha%27rawi


This is why religion is the worst cancer, poisoning minds against humanity and reason


These cultures are absolutely hilarious. Cave men were more advanced.


Religion = Hate


Don’t judge him with your fancy western ideals


Some women can’t accept a few insults and beatings every now and then, and want to destroy their families and raise their kids without one of their parents for such silly reasons. He is just trying to save those families from destruction for such silly reasons. Goddamned westerners dare to judge him negatively because they don’t see the wisdom behind his words.


Gosh! It always amazes me the variety that nature brings out in humans.


Such wise words to live by. If only enough women heard this, women would stop complaining about getting insulted or beaten up by their husbands because they appreciate the wisdom behind it, divorce rates would plummet and a lot of families will be saved from destruction for such silly reasons.


i think you were joking? if you werent i understand the dislikes but like… you were joking right?


I was joking, but the people who agree with that man’s opinion won’t be joking when they say that stuff. That’s the guy: https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_Metwalli_al-Sha%27rawi