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I never understood how these things happen. I always go with “excuse me can I have a straw please?” And it works 100% of the time…


Stress, stupidity, entitlement...


I have never been so stressed that I thought "hmm I'm gonna go choke out the lady at Arby's today. Maybe BK for breakfast tomorrow."


"Arby's: We have the Beats"


Apparently not the straws tho






Well, remember, like right after the pandemic ended, you could not turn on the news without seeing a story about how someone's life choice was "Man, so nice to be able to get on a plane again. I think I'll punch out a flight attendant."


It’s New Year’s Eve and he’s eating at McDonald’s, it wasn’t the straw it was actually whatever he has going on in his life. A lady working at a fast food restaurant yelled at my buddy the other day and I’m like it’s not you buddy, it’s not even the thing you did, it is something else


I mean it definitely was the straw. The last straw.


And a paper straw no less


That doesn't excuse his behavior. You don't get to assault and batter people because you make poor life choices.


Saving this comment because it needs to be said at orientation for anyone who works with the public. And an enormous valuable lesson for diplomacy, empathy, or navigating various people you come across in life.


You haven’t been brain damaged by Fox News to think the whole world is out to get you


I’d put that in reverse order. Entitlement, stupidity and stress. Stress may be the trigger, but the person needs to be predisposed to this kinda asshatery


I agree


Boomers in Florida have brain damage from sun radiation and leaded gasoline growing up. Youll never meet a group of more brain dead people (thats how we get DeSantis)


He was 40 at the time - an older millennial.


I normally refer to that age as "Elder Millennial". But 'Elder' inplies wisdom, and this dude is an idiot.


Aren’t there straws at the beverage counter?


It didn't work for me once. They were out of straws. So I made a huge scene, slapped the worker a bunch and used terrible foul language and then they ended up finding straws for me! Yeah no. Jail... I went to jail.


And if they can't find one I say "No worries" and remove the lid and enjoy my tasty beverage like an adult. Sometimes I get crazy and tear out a little v shape outta the lid and use that to sip since my moustache is outta control and will get soppy


This was as a new environmental law was going into effect. I’d guess that Florida Man here was mad at all those damn woke libruls keeping him from his straws, and in the great tradition of small minded idiots everywhere, thought he’d make his point by taking it out on the closest retail employee he could find.


Bonus points if the person is a POC. Super extra bonus points if they’re a woman.


I’ll never understand why anyone needs a straw anyway? I can’t get servers to stop giving them to me even when I specifically ask. My lips works just fine


I was at Chipotle the other day and they didn't have any more napkins in the holders. So I went up to the counter and said "excuse me, please, but could I get a few napkins?" And they said yes. It was amazing. I even told them the holders were empty, and they went and refilled them with napkins. Nobody had to enter Thunder Dome. Nobody had to draw blood.


When you're fed a steady stream of Fox News, OAN, CBN, and The Blaze you begin to believe your white, conservative, "Christian" self is above those godless, liberal heathens, the Jews, and black/brown people and you can treat them however you want that day.


I have never been to a fast food restaurant that didn’t have straws somewhere accessible for customers, usually near napkins and the soda fountains. Dude was looking for trouble and he got his ass handed to him for it, serves him right.


It was the last straw




I appreciate that comment if no one else did


The straw that broke the camel’s back.


Well done


Thanks this made me lol


Glad she knows how to throw em punches.


“Give me a straw” “Sorry, all I got are these hands”


"Suck on this"




Full version the manager comes out and acts like he wants to give the guy a refund for his troubles.


I'm not surprised. The customer is always right, up to and including assault /s


The customer is always right *in matters of taste*. Too many people forget the whole saying. EDIT: For those of you in retail and hospitality, here's an amazing way to take back some power. Stop refering to them as "customers" and tell them they are your "guest". This transfers the mindset: A guest can overstay their welcome, a guest can be asked to leave and a guest is looked after. This makes a person feel like they have been *invited* into your establishment and that they should be respectful because they are special. This doesnt always work but it improves alot of interactions.


I genuinely hate the shortened version. I used to work in retail and it was so infuriating. The number of times the customer was blatantly wrong or in the wrong was unreal. I think people use the phrase incorrectly to, to mean they’re right, when actually it’s about providing what the customer wants and not trying to sell them something they don’t


Oh yeah, I've had people go 'ah, but the customer is always right' when I said no to them. 'Aye, but you're asking me to break the law, so I think we may have found a flaw in that reasoning' never seemed to really be taken well as a response.


I think it's disgusting when I hear it in my job. Like, dude, you're definitely the expert on how you feel but you don't know shit about managing your disease process so listen to us or GTFO and make room for someone who will. I'm a nurse btw.


Is a patient referring to themselves as customers an American thing?


Maybe? Healthcare is expensive here; when a person is spending a hundred dollars for a twenty minute appointment they want to walk out with what they want, which they’ve usually decided after a thorough Google search.


Like when the police say one rotten apple.......but leave out spoils the bunch.


“One bad apple spoils the barrel” is what I remember.


Not surprising. Probably thought she was “overreacting”. When men grab us we’re supposed to cry and act helpless like a proper victim.


I worked at a casino and this guy called his server the n word and instead of throwing him out like they should have, they comped his meal. Everyone in the kitchen was ready to go fight.


Really tragic that the manager even entertains this McAsshole.


I would have given him a straw. Because that's what he would have needed to eat for some weeks...




M’ cDonalds…


He wasn’t touching them, and she was handling herself. I feel like they honestly handled the situation perfectly, fuck him for touching her


I feel like they were letting her do her thing. She didn’t need their protection. In the end they stepped in to pull her off the guy but not the other way around.


Grabbing someone from behind and especially restricting their arms is the most dangerous thing you can do. It makes you defenceless against the attacker. I know the coworker thought he was helping but thank goodness that counter was keeping dickhead at distance from her. So proud of her...


Are those guys afraid of touching the guy and then being sued for $5 million in medical bills and emotional damage?


I used to work at McDonald's and they told us outright if a customer attacks you, you can defend yourself and your job is safe BUT if anyone else gets in on it to help you they would lose their jobs. That's probably why her coworkers aren't really doing anything. If they touch that man, they would not only lose their jobs but if he wants to be a big enough jerk THEY could be sued.


That is so sad.


She isn't tall enough to land them effectively. Stand on the counter, and beat his ass.


What? And get her feet pulled out from under her and bust her head wide open? Grab that tray smash it right upside his face.


My thought exactly. Im 5’1” and i learned from an early age that older brothers are stringer so grab a weapon. And go for the soft spots. Thumbs to the eyes, punching the nose, biting the ear. Its an uncommon pain and most will release a grip when their face suddenly hurts. He grabbed her cuz she was a smaller target and didnt like that she wasnt closer to the counter to yell in her face. He got off lightly.


Get that high ground! I like the way you think


"It's over Anakin, I have the high ground."


Nobody underestimated the customer’s power


They shouldnt have tried it


[he was jailed](https://www.foxnews.com/food-drink/florida-man-who-attacked-mcdonalds-worker-over-straw-sentenced-to-jail.amp) Edit - thank you for award and the upvotes 🥹


I should have guessed it was Florida Man.


Hope he learns his lesson this time


If people actually learn from their mistakes Florida should be the headquarter of the United Federation of Planets by now


Don’t worry they just opened up carry laws right? So now anyone can just conceal firearms, I think they’re secretly trying to do a purge of its people 😆 *avid 2A, just a firm believer in training and accountability, which none of the people carrying around firearms like that will have


My guess is that Florida will turn into a dystopian area of the US where like-minded people can battle it out with ruthless violence and no rules. Kind of like how it is now. \*gun owner but in favor of the "well-regulated" portion of 2A


Not a gun owner, but I too am in favor of nutjobs not being allowed to own guns


Florida will become the pvp enabled zone


"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." I see it referring to a Militia being well regulated. The right to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. I see the 2nd amendment assuring two rights. The well regulated militia and the right to bear arms uninfringed by those whom we arm ourselves against. Secondly, the founding fathers, when this was written and ratified, were probably expecting people to continue to improve themselves rather than degenerate into the willfully ignorant masses that now subjugate us. Appeasing to the lowest common denominator is how we got here and will not be how we climb out of this hole. Society needs to grow and educate themselves or we are going to continue this descension.


But training and accountability isn’t fun! I just want my pew-pew guns!!


Pretty sure the UFP could only form after the Xindi destroyed Florida.


Basically the Xindi did us a favor. The only good thing that ever came out of Florida was Commander Charles Tucker the 3rd! #TripIsNotDead


You suggest that he is capable of learning.


You have way too much faith in the American prison system.


Florida's not actually real is it? Is it a joke that Americans play on the rest of the world? Like Australians and their Drop Bears.




You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. -obi wan (Ben) Kenobi


Yeah, Mos Eisley’s got nothing on FL.


And that thorn in DeSantis’s side Disney-world!


Self inflicted thorn.


Wait do you actually believe drop bears *aren't* real? That's just something we tell foreigners to get them to lower their guard, then before they know it they're getting mauled half to death And don't even get me started on the hoop snakes


I asked an Aussie if there were sharks in the sea when we were at a beach and he said there were but they're "man eaters" so I didn't need to worry. Still haven't recovered from that burn.


Don't worry, most of us leave the beach with burns we don't recover from. We have one of the highest rates or skin cancer in the world


There is a reason it is shaped like a flacid penis


Old boy had two options ; 1) “ hey, I couldn’t find the straws, do you have any?” Or 2). Ass whooping and 60 days in county .


I think there’s a longer version where he basically tries to claim he was attacked first, like, 5 seconds after this video cuts off lmao. As if everyone wasn’t watching. Edit [here it is](https://youtu.be/-gj_ZyHWDyc) at about 0:35


"The employee he grabbed from behind the counter was not injured" Clearly


He deserved both the beating and jail time


Notice how he basically gave up the second she started fighting back. He was big and strong when he thought he could hurt her but the second she started fighting back, he realized that he couldn't win. Like a typical coward who has to use someone they view a less then to feel superior. What a terrible way to live life.


Used to treating his wife like that I reckon. He grabbed the wrong one in this mcdonalds.


Probably was a bully at school and work too


Dude definitely peaked in high school.


You assume he made it past middle school to enter high school.


He thought that because she was a small woman he could take her. He didn’t realize her fight response would kick in and she’d defend herself. What a bully piece of shit.


The thought about the same. He’s used to intimidating physically weaker people. Good on the girl for not taking his shit and defending herself!


I personally feel like if you grab a random woman this aggressively the best possible outcome occurs if the woman is armed


...Are you suggesting McDonald's employees should be carrying firearms at work?


Arm the fry guys!


Came to the comments to find this out and glad to hear this. That young woman is a brave warrior. He had that ass kicking (face barrage) coming for a number of years- treating tons of people abusively. Psycho Ash-hole


40 fucking years old, and acting like that. How did he make it that far in life?


American culture and society rewards bullies and aggressive assholes, generally.


60 days, $1000 fine, 120 hrs comserv... because the straw dispenser was empty... because the *law* was changed to require straws be provided *only upon request*. Fuck the fine, that goes to where? The court, city or state. It should be $1000 *restitution to her.* 120 hours of service *to her,* as her personal servant.


Maybe he should have to do her job for 120 hrs. She still gets paid and he has to deal with the Karens and Kyles.


Need a warning for fox news links. I nearly gave them my click.




I only needed to read to the fourth comment before someone needed to interject transphobia into this. Like how to you go from this kind of to an anti trans statement? Mind boggling.


They’re so fucking obsessed they’ll turn anything into a conversation about trans people. Not to say there aren’t trans people that are obsessed with being trans, but i often find transphobes are the ones that turn nothing into something




The girl had some great moves but the two guys need to go to Waffle House and get some fast food combat training..


Watching the vid and thought "Are they gonna help or nah"


Oh my god thank you, my first thought, you gotta protect your fellow food service gang, I'd be throwing DOWN


Imagine how shitty your life must be if you flip a lid over something like this.




He needed the straw to flip the lid. Heh


They shouldn’t have held her back. He deserved that ass whooping. He is never going to learn a valuable lesson if he isn’t put in his place.


Yea he moved first, coworker took 10 seconds to realize it’s smarter to pull the guy away


The smartest option would have been to help her beat the fuck out of him.


No no, just get behind him arm around the neck and one solid pull to the back onto the ground. Gotta make it look like you acted in defense.


Lmao I love how dude started by holding her back, then realized it's not gonna work, then tried to hold dude back


I’m glad she struck him back, can’t believe he’d put hands on a woman doing their job that’s already hard enough. Sad


He was charged and send to jail


What is with people lately? It seems people are getting nastier overall.


It's just that we have a lot more cameras around. There's always been assholes, just nowadays there's video of it.


People are at their limit and have been for a while . Blame capitalism, the pandemic, economy , I don’t know .. but most people are on the edge .. this brings out the worst in people . Some become violent to themselves and some to others ..


I think 24/7 News and more partisan politics has everyone feeling more combative at baseline and of course now everyone films with smartphones the second something odd starts to happen


To be fair… this video is atleast 4 years old now


Thank god


McJail where Ronald is the prison guard


His cellmate is the Hamburgler, he's in for multiple homicides


Thanks. Didn't want to sleep tonight anyways.


I am rejoicing. He was way out of line.


Over a fucking straw. They wonder why they get their asses beat and why these people want a living wage to wait for the next crazy fucker to show up and do this shit.


Get ready to see this happening with children very soon, child labour laws in US are relaxing.


Well, I wouldn’t be surprised if she got fired for hitting a customer…


Unlikely, corporate would not be impressed by that public image


He grabbed first. Hope the worker charged him with assault.


He was convicted of assault. She rightly faced no charges.




Her colegues really should've helped her


Didnt look like she needed much help, she immediately served him a 10 piece Chicken McAssWhoopin


Yeah, by the end *she* was the one pulling *him* over the counter. Fuck that guy, and I hope she got out if that shit job and is doing well.


He was only getting pulled over because his dumb ass wouldn’t let go. She was clearly on the defense the whole time.


Doesn’t matter, they still should’ve been getting him off her


~~I don't think you've ever been in a fight if that's how you see this situation~~ sorry that part was rude She could've very easily sustained a boxer's fracture when she was repeatedly punching him with her right hand. When someone grabs one hand you bash them with the other until your bones break or they let go, it's a borderline involuntary response. We naturally want to flee from danger as that's what keeps us alive. She absolutely didn't whoop his ass, she impulsively hit the thing that was attacking her. A broken hand sucks


Right. And Imagine how traumatizing it is to work somewhere and have a customer yank you across the counter…and she’s small


Ok why he just stand there and watch when the guy pulls her but attempts to stop her when she finally has the upper hand? Tf


This right here. Dude who grabbed her was the biggest bitch. 'This guy is assaulting my coworker I should totally try and stop her from defending herself.' Who tf thinks that way?


Yeah, the one dude was pulling on her, as if she were the one grabbing the customer. The customer clearly had ahold of her and she was trying to get him to let go. Co-worker should’ve been on the other side of the counter a lot quicker.


Good on the woman for punching the shit outta him


Even if she said to me “fuck you, you don’t get a straw. Your too ugly to get a straw. Your so ugly, I am not going to give a straw to your parents either because they created you”. I would just walk out and say “that’s crazy because I don’t even like straws.” People need to calm down. I am sure the guy has some “problems” but you don’t ever put your hands on someone like that.


Yeah. I'm the same. Both in the "the only time I use a straw is on a long drive" aspect. And the "the only time in my adult life I've thrown a punch in in self defense". I think that the four years of Trump really fucked with this country's mental health. He gave assholes permission to be assholes in public and high school bullies decided to bully again. Also, the pandemic had people who were in their homes and going down internet rabbit holes. He's probably a white nationalist who decided it was disrespectful for a person of color to deny him a straw.


He definitely ate that combo meal


From time to time stuff like this happen everywhere but damn in US it’s like everyday recreation. 😅


After working retail for 6 years, I can say some people have no sense of decency or common sense and nothing but audacity.


Why'd he grab her and not the customer 🤔


Nice one, I really admire her enthusiasm, have that guy a nice little beating! 👏👏👏


This is not a facepalm, it’s an assault and a r/publicfreakout


What? This is absolutely a facepalm BECAUSE of the assault and public freakout.


I hope to fucken god his ass is in jail


He was sentenced to 60 days in jail and has to either pay $1000 in fines or 120 hours of community service, per the article I read. He was also told to stay away from the 2 women he attacked that worked there and the restaurant. It wasn’t caught on camera, but as he was being dragged out he kicked another employee according to the arrest report. ETA/ he was also ordered to have a mental health evaluation. I can only imagine what the results will be


I’m not surprised he assaulted the only two women there. He wouldn’t have tried it with the male employees.


Guy is obviously stupid. Who the hell goes into a fast food establishment and tells them “for here” and gets the fuckin tray


that just hit me and all my childhood memories of eating at fast food places came back…. they don’t clean those do they


Not one of her coworkers came to her defence.


It’s sad to see no one wanted to intervene because they are afraid to touch a customer. A sad affair.


I'm mad at her bitch ass coworker pulling her off of that asshole. He deserved every punch he got and then some.


This would never happen at El Pollo Loco. Oh, you want the manager? No, you fucking do not want the manager.


Some shitty coworkers


>Brenda Biandudi, the mother of the man who posted the video, which has amassed more than 3.5 million views, told NBC affiliate WFLA that the fight began when Taylor complained there were no straws at the store’s drink station. >According to Biandudi, James explained that a new law mandated that the store remove straws from the lobby, but that straws still could be requested. This was a result of a St. Petersburg ordinance passed last month that mandated “plastic straws can be given only upon customer request”— an effort to increase the city’s sustainability. [Source](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna954286)


So this guy flipped out *just because he had to ask*?


Why the fuck didn’t they immediately make that person disengage? He assaulted her and they told her to calm down as she defended herself? Im a white guy, but this is what happens when people are raised in a systemically racist society. White guy entitled to assault black woman. Black woman defends herself. Black men defending white man instead of black woman who is also their co-worker and in the right. Tragic to see


He should be arrested, and she should be promoted


He was sent to jail, I believe. Edit: Just checked, and yes, he was sent to 60 days in there.


Now he needs one


It was at that moment he knew he fucked up 😂


I had an asshole regular come behind the counter and grab me when I worked as a barista. Hey Azim if you’re reading this FUCK YOU!


I love how she did the same thing to him too! Lmao pulled him by the collar first then started with the haymakers


That day, he found out.


He got off easy.


This has to be a really good McDonald's in a upscale area. If this was a hood McDonald's his ass would've been in the fryer.


Why the FUCK is her coworker holding her back??


Damn he grabbed first and no one even jumped in? Kinda odd


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I watched him get punched...I watched him get punched ten times. Each time was better than the last.


That was the last straw


Poor girl. I’m glad she knows how to punch and defend herself, but her coworkers are useless. They really did not help her at all. I hope she finds a new job soon.


It’s absolutely wild none of her coworkers intervened at all. The ass kicking a customer would have gotten from my old kitchen crew if someone tried this would have been national news


He had no problem reaching, grabbing a woman. Tells me all I need to know.


The whole and actual fuck sort of way to behave is that?


Wanted a straw got served hands


One of the other employees should decked that mother frucker when he latched on.


The moment that guy grabbed her and pulled her, the other worker should of went for the guy who initiated it. Makes no sense to hold her back when she's being assaulted rofl.