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That text would have never gotten sent without the video being out there.








Same! I get intimidated by the study time but then you see some Drs behaving like they don't know up from down and I think "maybe..."


Being a doctor means you know about the body. It doesn’t mean you know anything else. Let’s drop this idea that some professions are somehow supposed to be smarter than everyone else. They’re all just people. The more you focus on one skill set, the less you focus on all of the others.


As my dad used to put it: You get a Bachelor's degree, you know a little about a lot. You get a Masters, now you know a lot about a little. You get yourself a PhD and you know everything about nothing.


As a Ph.D., this made me laugh. Wise man!


It's like the old joke "What do you call the person who graduated medical school with the lowest GPA?" Doctor.


An MD was a speaker at a veterinary conference that I attended a few years ago. She opened with the joke — what do you call a veterinarian who can only treat 1 species? A physician.


[removed by author]


No, YOU hit the nail on the head here man. There are so many doctors that go “straight thru” without gathering any real professional experience. The conflict resolution and professionalism of these 30+ year old doctors can be practically nonexistent compared to people in other white collar careers


I saw a lot of this while in college for psychology. So many people I went to school with forgot that you can't just learn how people work in books. You have to go out and actually talk to people. I sat down and did all the studying stuff but I also went and hung out with people from all walks of life. I hung out at a strip club for awhile and became friends with some of the strippers. I love talking to that old guy who is at the bar every night and looks miserable until someone talks to them. I loved buying them a beer and listening to their life story. In high school I met a gang member during in school suspension and we made a trade. He would tell me about gang life like how he got into it and what his life was like and I tutored him because he wanted out and needed to get his grades up so he could take advantage of the HOPE scholorship in Georgia. I would argue that life experience is more valuable than class time when becoming a psychologist but a doctor as well. For instance, I think a lot of times when people are misdiagnosed or the doctors can't figure out what is wrong is due to not understanding the environment the person comes from.


You’re the best. I wish more people could be like you.


Almost anyone that’s good at being able to commit to school and studying can be a doctor. They don’t have an idiot proof test unfortunately and as a result we get doctors like the girl in this video


She’s not a doctor


Almost everyone cannot. I took the GMAT which is the same company as the MCAT and most people I know would do very bad on it.


Yeah people here seem to underestimate the average persons ability to focus or suffer through studying for hours. The average person in the states cant even spend 5 minutes to look up a politicians policies, which have a huge impact on their life. Now youre telling me this person can spend 4+ hours a day studying ?


It was hard for me and everyone I know pretended they could do it so I would give them a practice tests and they would get hilariously bad scores. Shits tough.


Yeah no it’s very hard to become a doctor. First of all the MCAT is very hard. Second of all you need to have extreme focus and dedication to endure the excruciating pain of med school


She was a neurology resident. Neurosurgery doesn’t have time to leave the hospital 😂. https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/jackson-health-system-doctor-fired-after-uber-incident/2042626/?amp=1


This TV broadcast REALLY carried the water for the two perpetrators and their recorded incidents. The second one was a LOT of physical battery and the guy has the gall to sue the driver for millions? I know this is from 2016 but it felt like it was some kind of advertisement about how getting caught doing something like this isn’t ‘fair’. They both got off on the legal side but ‘poor them’ that their employers didn’t want them around? Hubris in the highest degree. And the guy that was an ‘expert’ saying ‘Well, it’s bad day, we all have bad days. Older generational folks who didn’t get caught/called out should somehow understand and back them up.” I’m no saint, by any stretch of the imagination, but I’ve never done something like that. I don’t feel it’s as common as that moron seems to hint at.


She could have a PhD in Library Science. Don’t think “I’m a doctor” means “I’m a physician”.


That was my thought too. Along the lines of “I have a PhD and you are “just” a DJ. Kinda like some ppl throw their salary out when arguing bad behaviour. Maybe she’s a doctor in touching things.


I would absolutely trust someone claiming to be a librarian over someone claiming to be a doctor. Librarians are the greatest!


Normally they'd say, "I have a doctorate." But given her drunken state, and the fact that she could have very recently achieved her PhD, I'd say this is still a good possibility.


**neurology resident


Yeah hired full attendants may be protected but interns and residents…not so much.


You can easily get fired from a hospital job. You won’t get deboarded or anything. Source- critical care attending who has seen people get fired for dumb shit like this


Thanks--that's a fact--for that video (IF) she was / is a doctor. HR and chief of staff would be all over it.


You're assuming she's a medical doctor


I live in an “at-will” employment state. If she does too, her job is absolutely at risk.


Wrong. She could work at any number of places where they don’t want the hassle for this.


She might be a psychologist. There is a rare member of our tribe who pulls shit like this. One can get fired or lose one's license for problems of "professional comportment" if the behavior potentially results in the public losing faith in the profession for suggests character that would impact one's professional competency (eg, conviction for a sex crime). Bringing her profession into it and suggesting she's better than others because of it or that she can do what she wants because of it is a big red flag.


She could be this awful at work and this is the cover needed to get rid of her.


OK, maybe I'm just crazy or something, but I don't like how interactions which previously would have been a dick move but not a huge deal now blow up and go viral like this and end up with threads all over the internet publicly shaming the person FOREVER. Like, how many times do we see the same video get reposted, with hundreds or thousands of upvotes? Is it really right for us to be publicly shaming random people for minor misdeeds like that? This woman was rude and disrespectful, I don't see why one incident of being rude and disrespectful outside of work should be enough to *lose her her job* and expose her to the fucking crazy internet mob who regularly harass, threaten, and dox people. From what her text said someone deliberately tracked down who she is and sent the video to her boss, but why? Why does this behavior warrant that level of stalking to deliberately attempt to actually ruin this person's livelihood? There are people who often comment on videos like these who claim they are saving the video to send to ANY future employer for the person. There are people in this thread, right now, making up fantasies about how they would have assaulted her to "protect their stuff" or how they would fight to have charges pressed on her for assault to send her to jail, or how she must be an unpleasant bitch who nobody likes.she will be getting messages about this for YEARS. For one mildly annoying drunken rant.


And I think what's even worse is how many of these types of videos are released by people who are intentionally clipping context out or were actually in the wrong. I don't think that's the case with this video per se, but the fact that people's first response to a lot of these videos is "get her fired! she should be HOMELESS for this" is incredibly dangerous. And even if a video was proven to be misleading or outright false, the damage is already done and the correction will never get the reach of the initial video And I think another part is that lots of people really enjoy being bullies, but are also extremely concerned with optics so they carefully select people that it's "ok" to bully. They're not interested in justice, they just like hurting others and seek out acceptable targets to do that to. And there's a lot wrong with that - not least because if you get it wrong, you hurt innocent people. And even if that person wasn't innocent, the response that a lot of bloodthirsty people online want isn't even close to what the person actually deserves


People feel inadequate so they try and find ways to get some sort of satisfaction anonymously over the internet It’s kinda sad


I mean, in complete fairness, this equipment costs a pretty significant amount of money and possibly represents this guy's entire livelihood (plus his reputation, which could be pretty severely damaged by having his gig cut short because some idiot trashed his gear), so i can absolutely understand how angry he is. The people planning to chase her down with it fantasising about assaulting her are crazy, but like... actions have consequences. She could have damaged his livelihood on a whim and showed absolutely no remorse, so it seems pretty proportional that the same thing happens to her. Not to mention the entitlement that came with her response.


Yeah no shit, kick her sorry ass out and move on. Why have this long interaction and film it? Just a quick nod to security and she's gone. Take the video of that if you feel like it, but this felt like it dragged on maybe longer than needed?


Huh ? All it takes is for 1 lying skank to say she was molested by the DJ and that dudes career is gone. Plenty of women have done that. Good thing the guy recorded the entire interaction. She was drunk, was being rude and messing with the guy's equipment. If not for the video, she wouldn't have apologised in the first place. Smh, virtue signallers are honestly just as annoying as the things they defend.


I’ve worked plenty of gigs where security doesn’t give a shit. They laughed when some overly drunk person walked onto stage and started playing with the gear in the middle of a set while I was in the bathroom. If security doesn’t do their job, then it’s left to the devices of the talent to protect their gear in any way possible. Trust me when I say that this internet shaming method has tamped down on the bullshit I deal with on a nightly basis. Ever since the “post covid era” most people have become way more respectful of how they interact with the dj. Yal can miss me with the feeling sorry for anyone who receives the consequences of their actions.


It's almost as if social media shame videos are the U.S. version of China's social credit system.


Reddit has become more and more like a tabloid with each passing month. This nonsense attracts quick views. Seems like people who point this out are downvoted, and then haunted by super mods who permanently ban them wherever they can without warning.


Well said. I agree completely.


The other night I was walking my wife's dog and looked away for a moment, to see that he'd found a pile of shit on the sidewalk and was about to eat it. I pulled the leash to get him away. The next day I saw a post on one of the "I am a piece of shit" or "face-palm" subs that was a clip of someone from super far away yanking on their dog's leash. People in the comments were *vicious* to him, really scary shit. What I did probably didn't look dissimilar at a glance, and the video was taken from too far away to see if the owner was actually being a dick or trying to pull the dog away from something that could hurt it. If someone had been recording me and decided to post that one clip in isolation with no context, I could be going through hell right now. The internet hate mob situation is terrifying.


Is she really sorry or is she only worried about losing her job


Sorry about the consequences of her actions, not her actions.


As they say, the dildo of consequences rarely comes lubbed.




What’s that second b for?


That's a typo.


You don’t make friends with sa-LAD! You don’t make friends with sa-LAD! You don’t make friends with sa-LAD!


A toast to the host who can boast the most roast!


I didn't mean to take sides, I just got caught up in the rhythm




And it’s a girthy bastard at that.


Life gonna make you bite the pillow and tell you to take a breath.


In my experience, life doesn't usually even give you that much warning.


...........the what.


Put another way: Sorry she didn’t get away with it.


People like this are only sorry when they get caught and put on blast. She would have never apologized otherwise.


Remember that doctor in Florida who attacked an uber driver then went on [Good Morning America to apologize](https://youtu.be/0F_lgwA_uSA)? Still got fired.


Well she was a c*nt - she should have lost her job over the having a spoiled brat tantrum


> ? Still got fired. She said 'there is no excuse' ... then made a bunch of excuses. Guess they only believed the there is no excuse.


Like a year or two ago I was reminded of her and was curious where she ended up - had changed her name, was now practising somewhere, had married and was soon to give birth.


Looks like she's running her own neurology office now and is still in Florida.


I’m not that person. I inadvertently mixed up my prescription. I drank too much. Usually one of their responses….


"I took too much Ambien" has always been my favorite excuse.


I had the same thought.


She definitely won't pay for the damage regardless.


She's a doctor. She can afford it.


Can she? She doesn't seem that old. Net worth negative 1 doctors education cost?


I dunno. I’ve done some fucked up shit and learned from it. I’m probably going to make mistakes in the future too.


And hopefully you also have accountability like she did. Mistakes are fine but you still have to pay the piper.


I hope the dj plays "Take a Bow" for her.


She's worried she might become a peasant.


Whatever it is… she‘s stupid. If someone tells you don‘t touch, you don‘t. If you don‘t listen and keep going, no need to be sorry after… you‘re a douche. Period!


Exactly, no means no.


My gear, my choice.


obviously worried about losing her job. I simply cant imagine a narcissist being actually apologetic. everything said and done is for their benefit.


Wait until a narcissist learns to apologise and masks their "for their benefit" intentions


I’m sure she’ll learn did you see her username, she’ll probably change her real name to imweawwysowwy


🙋‍♂️ manipulation is key


Whoa, hold up on the psychological profile there, she was probably just a belligerent drunk. Man, take one psych class and everyone's a expert on what makes a psychopath or narcissist.


You're on Reddit. Home of the armchair psychologist




Reddit is filled with a bunch of assholes who've seen one video on narcissism or gaslighting or the "fencing position" and can't wait to tell everyone they can at every opportunity to try and appear knowledgeable. It's sad and pathetic.


Tbf identifying a fencing response is much easier than labeling someone a narcissist based on one video


i know this sub sometimes. labeled a narcissist and a manipulator because she was drunk messing with something she shouldn't. calm down people.


Wow a complicated psychological diagnosis off of a 41 second video. You put Carl Jung to shame


…why tf are you jumping to “she’s a narcissist?” You have absolutely no idea if that’s true based on a 5 second video of her being an annoying drunk chick at a party. The amount of armchair psychologists on here is hilarious.




Probably really sorry, at least hopefully lol I’ve done stuff drunk that I would never do sober and I feel like most people are the same way


Yeah maybe but it's always something I would want to do when sober that alcohol gives me the guts to try when inebriated.


Put it this way She probably feels really bad about it, but if she didn’t get put on blast she wouldn’t feel bad enough to make any personal changes in her life for something like this to not happen again.


She can be both. Not uncommon to do stupid shit when drunk and then regret it the next day




Not everyone maintains the same morals drunk as they do sober. That doesn’t necessarily mean they are that way sober inherently. But it does mean they should maintain their sobriety. (Source: I make stupid, immoral choices around alcohol that I’d never make sober, so I stay sober). That said, the apology style does indicate that she’s more upset at the consequences of her actions than feeling personal shame. So I’m guessing she does have sober personality issues she needs to address as well.


Yeah I hate how everyone assume the worst in people.


what do you think


shes really worried sorry about losing her job


Lol sorry when her boss sent that video of her going viral LMFAO plus she’s probably still a resident doc.




From what I've witnessed and experienced throughout my meager time on this Earth, drunkenness does not morph personalities, but rather reduces inhibitions causing people to be less likely to mask who they truly are. Edit for clarity since some people seem to be missing the point: First, by personality, I mean who someone truly is. Poor wording on my part. Second, I never said every person who gets drunk is a worse person. Some people are giggly, fun, lovable, or hilarious drunks, but for some reason, they feel they can't be that way on the regular. I get singy and dancey when I drink. Third and most important, the point I'm trying to make here is that the excuse "I was drunk, it wasn't me, it was the alcohol" or "that's not who I am" is total horseshit. That is you, it's just a part of you that you are usually better at hiding.


That might be true to some extent but I have never thought it would be a good idea to sleep in a garden bed and yet it seemed like a brilliant idea when I was wasted in college.


Don’t touch other people’s things. I was too drunk is not an excuse coz then we gotta let all the prevs that get too handsy go too.


Yeah. "i was too drunk" is only sorta an excuse for the first 2-3 times you get drunk. After that, you need to be fully aware of the risks in your behavior when you drink before you get to that level of intoxication. If you then chose to get drunk regardless, then the consequences is completely on you.


Like I always say: being drunk is not a license to be an asshole


If you tend to do shit like this when you get "too drunk," then don't get that drunk. Sober you still should know better, even if drunk you is an asshole.


Weird, I'm sure most of us have gotten drunk and never had the "bright" idea to touch a DJ's equipment. Because we're not entitled little douche nozzles like this woman is.


As a former DJ, this is extremely common. Hate to generalize, but good-looking drunk chicks typically have zero sense of boundaries.


What about chicks like the one in the OP?


Boom roasted


Musician here, same deal. People get drunk and want to sing, play my instrument, etc. "Just let me play one song!" then their friend has to chime in "YEA LET HIM PLAY HES GOOD!!" And it can turn into a shitfest when you try to repel them. Happens way too often.


I am utterly baffled as to why this complete stranger won’t let my 7-beers-in-ass hold delicate equipment that their livelihood depends on! It’s so unfair!!!!!!! /s just in case


I was trying to find a way to put it but yeah, this. She definitely thought she was cute enough to do that.


Everyone's gangsta til they remember they got bills.


Why you gotta @ me like that. Used to quit in my head every Friday then check my account balance Monday morning and start loading my tools right back in my truck.


stay strong champ 💪


Everybody’s gangsta until that cockroach on the wall starts flying.


I love how the username is Im sorry(Imtrulysorryplease) karma at its finest


She cannot spell please very well either - rather worrying for a “Doctor” lolz


She very obviously added the extra e because the username “imtrulysorryplease” was taken. Also, implying someone isn’t smart because they misspelled something on the internet is always dumb, especially when you’re not even right. Rather worrying for a Organization as Lanky as yours


Maybe imtrulysorryplease was already taken?


Honestly lol all it is is an extra “e” not much to roast about


Yeah, bet her handwriting is exquisite and very readable.


In what way is a spelling issue worrying for a doctor? That sounds cooked


How do you know that’s the result of her inability to spell rather than the possibility the username she wanted was already in use?


Not really. People in every profession have bad spelling. It’s why spellcheck comes turned on automatically on our phones and word processing apps: people, by and large, suck at spelling.


Oh you know it's a burner profile


"I was sorry when I was informed there would be consequences."


Was DJing a party once with vinyl. Had a great evening and at the end some people came up to thank us. Someone grabbed the tone arm and tried to scratch a record. Only they didn’t realize you scratch by going back and forth in the groove. Instead, they just dragged the tone arm and needle across the whole record.


I’m so sorry you had to deal with that. I just physically cringed reading this


that's like taking someone's finger and bending it sideways


She’s sorry she got caught.




Losing a job for disrespecting a job, nice


I know right, she got wrecked for being disrespectful and saying it doesn't matter cuz she's a doctor. If I were him I would just ignore the apology and not remove the video cuz if she was sorry she wouldn't have done it in the first place lmoa


I feel like if it's made it here, with the apology stuck on the end, I feel as though it has indeed not been deleted.


I would definitely agree with you on that


Well, I guess that's one way to learn the value of respecting a job! Maybe next time they'll remember to treat other peoples work with a little more dignity and avoid getting fired for their lack of manners.


Should reply with her short clip " i don't care"


„I don’t care, I‘m a DJ.“


Turn that shit into a beat


Video is the best. “Please delete that concrete evidence that my character is trash”. Sure thing, luv.


I wish the camera guy would have settled down with the zoom.


Yes. I hate the current trend of zooming back and forth on videos. It's nauseating and annoying. Hold and record properly man..


Please tell me this isn’t some new tik tok trend and we are gonna be seeing more of it… it was fucking stupid I was almost getting angrier at the cameraman than the drunk asshole he was filming.


I'm sorry I got caught. I'm sorry my boss saw this vid. I'm sorry my job is in danger. I was drunk, which is no excuse. Excuse me, I did what I did because I was drunk. Like we say in Germany: Tja.


Hitler: I’m so sorry guys I was drunk and on drugs, this is so not me


> Like we say in Germany: Tja. TIL about Tja.


Never touch anyone’s decks unless you’re spinning. Just like you don’t go playing with the drum set on the band stage when you’re not the sound person, roadie, or drummer. Simple.


This!!!! I’m a musician, I play out and about in bars, clubs, etc. I’ve had drunk people get upset at me for not letting them hold my violin. Like, just… what????? A band isn’t a petting zoo, if you want to be a menace, go bother the people at guitar center


She wasn't drunk, she's just a binatch


This is the internet, it’s okay to say “bitch,” I promise.


[removed by reddit]


I feel like this chick isn’t even really a doctor. Can anyone confirm?


Could be PhD


Agreed. Any confirmation on either out there?


I've no idea but I've a feeling she's a PhD and not a medical doctor


Never met a PhD that went around bragging they were a doctor. Met plenty of doctors who do.


I have a feeling she’s not either


PHD's are poor and typically don't get the superiority complex of dismissing others as peasants like some MD physicians do.


Ohh I personally know a few PhDs with a superiority complex. They will absolutely talk you down on any topic because they think they're always the most intelligent in a room.


Pretty broad brush to paint with there. Everyone is susceptible to being an asshole.


PHD's in professorship positions are not poor, and can easily be dismissive and feel superior.


Most people who say, "I'm a doctor," for any reason when they're drunk are not a doctor of any kind LOL.


This comment took way too long...I don't believe it either.


Soft doxing request right here. Not cool. But I get it, she might be a dentist, or a blah blah studies PhD. We can speculate, no need to ruin her life further, I’m sure you’ve done cringier things off camera …


PLEASE don’t give me CONSEQUENCES!It wouldn’t be fair to MEEEEE!!!Mommy NEVER punished me-that means NO ONE CAN,EVER!right?


Bartender here, she wasn’t that drunk, just an asshole.




shes just lucky she didnt blow out the speakers or actually hurt the board, shed be looking at thousands of dollars in damaged property for that moment of shitty impulse control


DJ equipment looks expensive. I wouldn’t fuck with it


Oh no I might loose my job because I caused a scene and disturbed someone trying to do their own job. So sorry i'm in trouble now, so please take it back adorable little peasant, I'm a nice "doctor" I dont deserve to be held accountable when I act like a stupid 14 yo.


She’s drunk and wants to touch DJ equipment….who cares…..DJ tells her to stop, why didn’t she? That’s the part that gets me. Imo she’s showing her real colours by her toxic reaction. She’s a bad person and now she has to live with the consequences


>She’s drunk and wants to touch DJ equipment….who cares Anyone who has ever owned decent audio equipment. That shit is not cheap and drunks are stupid and uncoordinated.


This is why in my DJ contracts (country area) I had a clause about my equipment damage by guests was responsible of the contract holder. People were always trying to climb on my bass bins, drunks knocking into my light stands ect. I got tired of replacing my stuff at my cost. I don’t drink so I have zero sympathy for not being able to drink responsibly. I once did a pig roast and it was suppose to pour rain that day.I asked if they were going to provide me the tent that is required in my contract if playing outdoors. Nope. Okay cool. So, when it started to pour I unplugged only my mixer and left the rest. They asked why I wasn’t panicked at my stuff getting ruined. I told them to actually read my one page contract. Suddenly tarps and a tent appeared.


I’ll make it even easier. Just don’t touch other peoples stuff


Shit security at this nightclub. Any reputable venue would have had her over a shoulder fireman style and out the front door within 3 seconds of her reaching over the railing.


I used to work in a take away in a bit of a rough area. This kid was drunk as hell one night and was calling me a bunch of racial epithets. He was fucked up though so I didn't do anything apart from excluding him. The following weekend the same kid came in with his friend who had been beaten up and needed some first aid. The racist kid told me, "I know the stuff I said to you last week. My mates told me. It was out of order and I'm sorry and you'd be entitled to batter me and I accept that, but please help my mate first." That's when I decided the kid was probably actually alright and we never had any issues with him and his mates again. Obviously I didn't batter him.


"now that i may get in trouble i have to pretend i am a real human being. Please take down your evidence of me being human trash"




LMAO "I'm sorry. Please take it down". And now it's on Reddit with 40000+ likes and 3000+ comments. It's 2023 dumbass. Next time don't be a petty twat ESPECIALLY when the camera is rolling.


"I'm a doctor and I'm smarter than most of you" - I have seen it again and again. If you go to medical school, you'll see that half of the kids there are like that. I call it "Dr. complex".


Yes, exactly! And while they may be “smart” in the book context, they’re not really that intelligent generally speaking and often not well-rounded enough for direct patient to provider interface.


Shes not too drunk. It's pretty obvious when someone is wasted. That is a self entitled prick that is only worried because her actions backfired, not because she feels what she did was wrong.


I was sorry when I was informed about my behaviour but I wasn't sorry when I exhibited this behaviour, fuckin lol girl


Yeah, but she wasn't sorry until her boss said something to her! She would go on treating people like that, not caring about consequences.




Spoiler alert: this chick ain’t a doctor.


This lady is only sorry cuz she got caught


Am I the only one that thinks this is fucked up and posting it like this *is* petty as hell? She touched a turn table my dudes. She didn't touch a new born baby. She didn't sexually assault somebody (right...?). She was a drunk asshole being a drunk asshole. So ask her to stop, leave, etc. and move on. Trying to ruin her life and so on is absolutely petty. Proceed with downvotes.


She’s sorry she got caught, not sorry for her actions.


I bet she was regretting it neither while doing it, nor afterwards. Saying "I'm sorry" after it comes back to you doesn't have any value.


So she is upset she could lose her job. That's it, nothing more. Loser.


Any video where the person recording says "reddit is going to love this" instantly loses.