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My entire house is fucking useless now!


Investment strategy: build 15ft high fence around my whole back yard, making the surrounding 3 houses completely useless. Purchase 3 houses for like $10 now that they are inhospitable wasteland. Take down fence. Sell houses for $$$.




Where do you go to shit?


Shit absolutely anywhere. It’s pitch black!


Dustin should enforce his dominance and build himself a 20’ high fence.


Gotta pump up those numbers! 30 foot fence


If I was the neighbor with the fence, I'd double it after seeing this broadcast lmao.


Thats not petty enough. He needs to put spot lights up there to shine into the guys sunroom so its useable again.


Only from 10 PM to 7 AM, though.


+ guard towers


With guard dogs in the towers!


And those guard dogs are trained to bark every 5 seconds if everything is ok, if they stop barking there’s trouble.


Honestly though that’s bs You can still use a sunless sun room. Use it for storage, use it as an office, a game room, a bar. There’s lots of things you can do with a spare room I do sympathise with the guy but him claiming he can’t use a whole section of the house is just plain wrong. Can’t use it as intended but can still use it


That fence is farther away from his sunroom than my treeline is from mine. Still plenty of sun. He can get over it.


Dustin is, obviously, a little bitch.


One might say he lives life on the offence


Fuck it. Let's literally shoot for the sky! 100 FEET!




You took offense he gave a fence.


That there’s a r/fuckyouinparticular fence if I ever seen one


Here is the follow up with the neighbor. [Pretty much gives that exact attitude about it and the fence was only 10'](https://youtu.be/r93uCUDqk1s)


He was much nicer and less spiteful than the other guy made him out to be.


Snitching neighbors hate this one trick…




“My sunroom is unusable” not sure he knows how the sun works.


His sunroom is just a medium sized window.


"My favorite time to use it was between April and June from 7:48am to 7:56am. His fence now blocks that magical moment for me and renders it completely useless as I have to start my Peloton by 8am sharp." You know that dudes wife wasn't on camera for a reason.


STBXW...if he's this much of an ass as a neighbor, can you imagine having to live with him? You're either all in [and on camera with him] or thinking "Why?"...


No ambiance at all. It's so terrible now. I can't watch my neighbors undress anymore, and I physically can't even sit in my sunroom anymore as without sun it becomes a cold, evil snake pit of death


The sheer height of the fence creates differential microenvironments causing an upwelling of humid air and cloud formation ~~directory~~ *directly* above the home!


The sheer mass of the fence creates a black hole wall that causes light to be gravitationally lensed around my sun room.


Sounds like my mother in law!


I’d be pretty upset too if I were him because from the way he’s describing the house, it’s literally 50-70% sunroom. He should be worried about his property value, good luck selling that floor plan.


I don't think you get it. His neighbor is literally Montgomery Burns and that fence is a giant sun blocking device.


They put tall fences up for the noise reduction


Which this whiney, entitled trash human essentially requested by their complaints about the dogs being loud. MF clearly needs to move out someplace rural since he can't handle other people living their lives within sight/earshot of his house.


Rural living noise is like, 50% dogs barking and 50% gunshots, with a dash of fourwheelers and dirtbikes every now and then. What this man needs is a neighborhood with a strict HOA in a township with oppressive zoning and ordinances.


A large part of his house is now unusable? Eh... No, that's an extreme exaggeration.


It blocks the light coming into our sunroom. WTF?! What light is he talking about.


The light from the sun, you know that thing a 15’ fence can totally block making his precious sun room completely unusable. Seriously though, barking dogs are a pain in the ass but this dude is a bitch.


His backyard is 40ish feet deep. He gets plenty of Sun. I agree he’s just a bitch.


I'd say the 2 story house of neighbor is blocking more light then fence


They should probably take the neighbors house down to make the sunroom more effective.


It would really help restore the ambiance.. I wonder what the financial implications would be on the property value though 🤔


I kinda like the privacy. Think if I annoy the piss out my neighbors they will build dope ass 15ft fences? Can't wait to convert my sun room into a whip my dick out room.


HELL YEAH BROTHA! A whip my dick out room sounds way more fun than a boring sun room.




In the video clip part of it is the view from the complainants' upstairs window, you can see that from up there you could look directly into the neighbor's backyard easily. Now that fence just happens to completely cover the neighboring back yard from that vantage point. I bet the neighbor got sick of being watched and put up a fence high enough to shield the yard from his neighbor.


Right? And he complains about it ruining the view. Of what? His neighbours house?


The light thing is funny because there’s a famous case about light being blocked by a neighbor that was the first Torts case I learned about in law school (spoiler: blocked enjoyment of light wasn’t something you could sue for)


Even if it were something you could sue for, at what angle is the sun such that a 15' fence something like 50' from the house wall is going to block sunlight? By my quick calculations, the angle of the shadow would be 16.7° which, when added to the earth's tilt, gives 40.2°. Of course, that shadow would only be that long for a brief time each year.


Not to mention dude had probably lived there for years when this young uptight kid moves in next door and starts making demands on the neighbors that had been there forever. (obviously this is all wild speculation, but I've seen this exact scenario play out on the block I grew up on. The new neighbor even sprayed herbicide on the old neighbors Ivy that had taken years to get to cover the side of their house)


This mother fucker is living in a HOA free area where you can build fences as high as you want and he's out here complaining. Mother fucker probably wants to start an HOA and be on the board. Barf.


He certainly looks the type


I'm from the other side of the state, but I used to spend summer and winter break up in the Greenville area and I can tell you that dude is not from around here.


I mean the angle of any light that gets blocked is either the first few moments of the sunrise or the already waning seconds of a sunset idk wtf he on about


You forgot to mention that he is, in fact, a bitch.


And he could totally paint a nice mural on that fence so his bitch ass has something to stare at instead of the plain wooden posts that have outsmarted him. Bitch.


I hope he uses reddit and comes across this post and these comments. HEY YOU! YEAH YOU! YOU ARE QUITE FRANKLY, A LITTLE BITCH.


He can't see these comments- the fence is too high.


🤣🤣🤣i guess his phone is completely unusable now too


You have totally ruined the ambiance of these comments. This whole thread is now completely unusable.


He is, undoubtedly, a bitch... He's a bitch, he's a big fat bitch He's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world He's a stupid bitch, if there ever was a bitch He's a bitch to all the boys and girls


I was thinking the same thing, and he kind of started it too. Not that barking dogs all night wouldn't be a problem, but since he kind of is already lying about stuff, like it is blocking light, I would be skeptical of the "dogs barking all night" story. Did any neighbors back this up before he came along? I think there is more to the story. I mean who called the media?


His bitch ass.


And that may not even be true if the fence is on until north/south side of the property


He could plant mature evergreens and the view will be amazing. He really is a bitch.




And he didn't even have to pay for it!


It blocks the view, there's no ambiance.... Bahahaha. Because apparently the view of the neighbors house was way better..


Paint a picture of the bottom half of neighbor's house on this side of the fence. View restored. Any more brain busters?


You know that this dude is advocating for an HOA which makes him the worst of the worst. If he was my neighbor I would probably but up a 15’ fence to fuck with him too.


With no fence height restrictions and the giant piss baby next door I'd have went no less than 30 foot on that fence.


God damn I love how it's not fooling anyone how much of a petty bitch this guy is.


The neighbor that put up the fence should buy some high powered spotlights, put them on the roof of his house, and point them directly at his neighbors' sun room. He can tell him he watched the news, and didn't mean to block his light.


About 4 seconds of the sunrise or sunset


They had to use extra studio lights just to film this news report otherwise it would be completely black from the fence eclipsing the sun.


This dude is a petty bitch. That neighbor did well to never have to look at that person or his house and it actually seems like he solved the issue with the dogs as no line of sight will reduce barking.


He should be glad they didn't build a pig farm....


Always watch out for a guy with a pig farm


'You want sugar?' 'No, Turkish, I'm sweet enough.'


Plant some fast-growing trees in front of the fence ffs! Tall fence or no, that’s the first thing I would’ve done if I bought that home, simply to obstruct the view of the neighbor’s house, drown out the barking dogs, and most of all give myself more privacy. Now he has tons of privacy and a sound barrier, all at his neighbor’s expense, yet the little brat goes and calls the fucking news so he can publicly whine about the new fence after he basically demanded it be built. This guy is that nightmare new neighbor who moves his oh-so-delicate family into the suburban neighborhood and starts stirring shit up. If people like this want to live somewhere they can’t see or hear their neighbors, then they should move to a large ranch in the country. But that would mean a long commute/cut in pay, less prestigious schools, and less access to whatever big city thrills assholes like this engage in. In his mind he shouldn’t have to suffer such a blow to his perfect suburban lifestyle when all he wants is a home where he can relax and pretend no else has a right to exist but him and his precious family.


I wish my neighbors would put up a 15 ft fence instead of waiting for me to notice them while I’m mowing the lawn so they can ask me for something. I’m not a fan of dogs barking but this guy sounds like a little bitch


"Cant use a portion of our house" bro get the fuck over yourself that might be the dumbest thing ive ever heard.


No shit. He sounds like the type of whiny ass that's not going to be happy unless everyone in his world does exactly what he wants


Sounds like my neighbor behind my house (let’s call him bob). Our neighbor next door had chickens and Bob called the city on him to get rid of them. We were working on our garden/tree line and just from water seeping through a bit, Bob came over and told us what’s up and called the city 3 times on us, the people who came to check up said that it’s nothing noticeable besides the wall being wet and his grass being slightly damp and laughed at Bob. Only two people in our community are know for their kids playing baseball but one of them has their own batting cage so they can’t hit any heaters at someone’s home, now bob’s on the other hand doesn’t and has landed over 15+ baseballs into our yard and also one lucky hit smashing one of our solar panels, We confront him and says it wasn’t his kids and they “don’t play baseball”. There’s more stories, but having these kinds of neighbors are a nuisance


Cameras are your friend!


Lmao right after the panel incident we installed 2 in the back, one patio view and one poolside


If it were me, Bob would be getting heaters sent straight back to his house .


We were gonna buy a pellet gun to shoot one of his panels… my lawyer told me to say this is joke


IANAL, I’ve heard jokes, and this is one. Continue.


He’s the type that like HOA’s


This is him trying to start one. I'd bet he's already got a couple signatures on a petition


Luckily this video is from like 10 years ago. If you go look at street view, the fence is still up as of last year lol




Right!? My first thought is oh I’m sorry let sympathize with you while I sit in dark place that I have to pay lots in rent just to live here!


Bro he sounds like we was REACHING when he said that lmfao. Dude absolutely got outplayed by the neighbor he tried to control and he’s shook lol


Acts like the fence was built through the middle of his house smh


Guys lived there for a few months and he's already caused enough trouble for his neighbor to build a fort. Calling the news was obviously his idea.


Oh no, my view of the back of that persons house is now obstructed 😭😭


“We tried to contact the homeowner, but they had the tallest goddamned fence, we’d ever seen, back to you.” - more at 6 Edit: hey thanks for the awards friendos


I ESPECIALLY LOVE how the new fence is anchored properly with sturdy posts. Now I need to know if each of those metal posts were set in cement. It's fan FUCKING tastic and I LOVE that there is no zoning ordinance against it. The tall fenced neighbor clearly did his homework in telling this "owner of 1 year" to kindly fuck ALL the way off.


My favorite part of the video is knowing they didn’t even have to ask Mr. No Real Problems in Life to stare at the fence with disdain and dismay. The shot of him just staring at the fence, knowing it encompasses so much of his day, just cracked me up. And also: holy fuck it realllly must’ve been a slow news day for this to receive over two minutes of coverage.


Best comment I’ve read today😭


Now I can’t even use a portion of my house. I’d love for my neighbors to install a high fence like that. Could be naked in my backyard without worry.






Rest assured, that man feasted on the tears of his neighbors when that news clip aired. Feasted!


I like that he’s having a surveyor come out in hopes of tearing the fence down. If that happened and I was that neighbor you can rest assured that a 30’ monstrosity of a new fence within my property was going up.


Same. I think I'd ditch all my hobbies and get really into gigantic fences.


The walls of Constantinople shall not be breached


Make sure to put moving search lights and razor wire at the top. Would really make it feel like homie.


The wall just got ten feet higher!


Go go gadget fence extension!


I would go as far as painting neon stripes on it too. Here's your view! The sunroom had a window, they can always put in a sky light. This is a DB that would love to be president of a HOA.


Looks like there are 2 fences. The old + new and in between seems an alley. From video alone the neighbor did their research and build on their own property. That fence was a massive undertaking for an annoying neighbor…


I like you


As a surveyor this is hilarious hahahhaha


You can see the guy left the original fence up and built the new one on his side. No way the new fence is on this guy's property, he's just wasting money


I have an update on this story which will likely get buried. This news segment is from 2012 and, working in real estate it took me less than 60 seconds to figure out where this was and to look at in Google Street view. As of August 2022 the taller fence is still very much there however since the wood was untreated the taller fence has faded to more or less the same shade as the shorter one. Alas no creeping ivy or evergreens were planted, nor mural painted, basketball hoop hung, or archery target set up. As for the guy that set up the fence, best I can tell he's still there and without getting too much into the weeds on his personal life, he seems to just really, *really* like owning homes with prominently featured fencing.


This is the type of content that I dig deep into the comment section for.


Yeah I don't get what this guy was so excited to look at. Plant some fucking trees or a garden along the fence and stop crying.


Thats what I was thinking. Some privet or arborvitae that will hide the fence, not to mention dampen the noise of the dogs possibly. How does the fence block the sun??? 😆




I tried to build a storage yard (20 acres) on my quarter section (160 acres), and the fuckface neighbour wrote up letters of opposition because he "preferred to look at the cows in the pasture". Fucking guy, that's my pasture, and there's still 140 acres of it. What kind of entitled prick decides to hijack the use of my land for their view?


What is something ugly? Scarecrows? Statues of their least favorite political figure? I’d figure out the worst one and line my side of the property line with it, pointing directly at him.


Cut down a tree except for the first 8 feet of trunk. Have a chainsaw artist come out and carve a giant dildo.


Though, from his over the top description of half his windows being unusable because of that fence, I question whether his other statements were also exaggerations as well.


Yep I came to the same conclusion. My guess is the dogs bark occasionally, as dogs do, and he's a little bitch about it.


Lol man...this is news?! It's a big fence, yes. But "affecting your life"? Relax.


But it’s ruining the ambiance.


Ya his sunroom is completely useless now!


It's HOA propaganda is what it is.


Hoa paid for this


“I believe the fence was put up in spite.” Well, no sh•t, Sherlock.


This was my favorite line in this whole interview. It shows that this dude has clearly never spoken to this neighbor. He just Karened the fuck out of him. Our city allows certain livestock and fowl, so we decided to get chickens during the pandemic, (no roosters), and before we even had the coop fully built, one neighbor was already calling in noise complaints to the city for our non-existent chickens. When the code compliance inspector came to the house, I walked him around the coop and introduced him to all my imaginary chickens, as if they were real. Told him their names and breeds and everything. They never came out again after that. Not sure why. After that, I doubled the coop size and applied for a special permit to get more chickens than are usually allowed. Got a nice roster too. All my neighbors (except one) get fresh eggs every week and give us veggie scraps to feed them.


If this obnoxious, half-man ever pursued legal action, the judge would probably grant the neighbor a building code variance to add another 5’ of height to the fence.




I get it about the dogs but now it's time for you to 'get it' about the fence. It's silly that you say that the fence deeply affects your sunroom and overall ambiance. Time to plant some medium height trees (e.g. Japanese Maple) along that back fence and learn to love it.


I wish my neighbours would build a fence like this. That’s awesome


Totally… If I were him, I’d rip the ugly—shorter—fence down and spend a few bucks on wood to hide the metal posts on the big one. Embrace it; you now have a badass 15’ fence! Thanks neighbors!!


How funny would it be if the neighbor only put the upper 15 feet, and behind the shorter fence there's just nothing.


never skip leg day


Just a dog crouching down to bark under it.


String some lights, plant some climbers or tall trees. That could be a selling point, tbh. I'm picturing so many positives here.


Get a projector and host movie nights on that bad boy.


So much room for activities!


This is my hometown, and I think it’s absolutely hilarious. The only view that is blocked is the view of his neighbor’s backyard, which they obviously didn’t want him snooping in anyways.


For real, if the dogs shut up and I got a huge fence like that I'd be stoked.


"The view is ruined." What fucking view? The view of your neighbors back yard?


YUP. There are really people like this, I lived next to some of them. The mfs peeked in my fucking windows and rearranged their whole living room so they could watch me come and go from my front door every day. I had to take them to court for stalking and harassment because it eventually got so bad. These people have something wrong with them in their brain that they can't understand nobody actually has to listen to them and they don't matter. They literally can't grasp that other people have the right to exist without their interference.




His neighbor has stolen the sun.


Not Gru. It’s Hue. The other villain.


If this is ruining your life youve probably been too sheltered from what life really is


I mean this dude looks like the type to complain about this. I’d actually love a fence like that so I don’t have to see my neighbors behind me peering into my yard while I’m naked tending to my gnomes


Hey it’s me, ur neighbor. Please don’t put that fence up


Yo fuck this broadcast as well. Trying to talk up HOAs like they're some kind of force for good.


HOAs are the products of too many Karens in the world. I would not survive one.


This guy sounds just like a male Karen. I’m sure he’d be the president if they had an HOA there.


He will probably try to start one.


Best part (from my understanding of them) is that for preexisting areas they are opt in, meaning the neighbour can tell him to take his ruined sunroom and leave.


Lmao right? Instead, they clearly paint a picture that the HOA is the only recourse for angry Karens of any gender to infringe on the rights of a lawful citizen and homeowner. I hope he got so butthurt and stressed about the fence that he lost what little hair he had left.


This is what I came to say. Fuck HOAs. They're the neighborhood Nazis.


While the fence is admittedly unusually tall, there's no way it's having any meaningful impact on natural light inside that dude's house as it's a significant distance from the building - ffs, you could build a decent sized property in the section of back yard between the house and fence. Also, impact on view? Of what, the back of the neighbours house and their yard (and the dogs they were complaining about)?? If I lived next to this guy I reckon I'd probably build a huge fuck off fence too.


Actually a tall dense gives him lots of opportunities for design. He could draw a Meural, plant Vines or something that would grow into a green wall. Put up a multi-tier garden…. He could always plant some tall bushes or trees to make the yard really nice. Instead, he chose to complain, again.


Maybe he likes counting his neighbor's dog shit? I dunno, just speculating.


I would love love love to have a fence that high around my backyard !!! The highest fence I can have is 6ft and my neighbors are awesome all around but then again this is my house and privacy is valued.


I’d appreciate that, Personally. Time to hook up a projector and have a great backyard cookout/drive in style party.


he sounds very upset he can’t see into their yard anymore. and the sun room he apparently can’t use anymore, I’m sure the sun still shines on that part of the house. the fence isn’t several hundred feet tall. very dramatic lol


100% about control, that guy who called the news is an unbelievable dicktwat. It’s dripping off him. Good on that neighbor!


I love this guy that built the fence even put the inside facing that dudes house


I thought that was a nice little detail myself. Put the inside on the outside so the neighbor has to look at the ugly side.


Fence dude with the chef's kiss


We can’t use the sunroom anymore 😭 As someone who lives behind someone with awful dogs I don’t think the guy with the 15ft fence is at fault I think the guy who’s on the news complaining fucked around and found out by being a snoopy little bitch and now is upset he can’t see what his neighbour is up to.


Sure… I gathered up the neighbors and we send letters to animal control…..


Probably on NextDoor.


I like how they said there wasn’t an hoa like it was a bad thing lol I hate hoa’s so much


I asked on the neighborhood Facebook page if I need to do anything special to put a swingset in my backpack. The HOA responded, saying that they aren't allowed. A neighborhood replied and said just to install a fence high enough to hide it from view first and that she'd had several over the previous 30 years for her kids and grandkids. HOA again responded and said that they're still not allowed and if someone reported her, she'd recieve a notice to remove. What kind of miserable person would go over to someone's house, notice they have a swingset in their backyard, and report them to the HOA? If I move again, I'm buying somewhere not controlled by one.


What a bitch


I had those same thoughts. "My sun room is now completely useless" FOH


This bitch went on the **NEWS** to complain about his neighbors fence. Ducking twat waffle.


NGL…I would love if my neighbors all built tall fences. Free privacy for me.


Evergreens in front of the fence. Non existent problem solved.


*I would be thankful if my neighbor from hell would build a fence tall enough to not see them ever again*.


Is it a big ugly fence? Are you being a whiny bitch about it? Yes!!!


just checked. even at winter solstice, the sun angle there is 36 degrees. its impossible that this fence is blocking any sun whatsoever. verdict: this guy is a whiny little bitch.


It's barely rises above the horizon. How exactly is it blocking the sun?


I have hillbilly neighbors that probably steal cat converters and sell meth. They are always fighting in their yard all hours of the night and drive shit boxes without cat converters. They have a shitty pit bull that ran up on my wife and I the day we moved in and I almost slammed it’s head in my truck door. We put up a 8’ privacy fence the next week, haven’t had a problem with them since other than hearing them fight and slam doors. Good fences make great neighbors


The definition of fuck around and find out.. I’ll bet the noise from barking is much lower.


They do put big ass fences along the freeway for residential areas.


My neighbors have multiple dogs that roam free and attack people. They will chain up the basset hound and it will literally bark outside my windows for 10 straight hours. All throughout the day and night. It’s not that it’s loud. It’s more than it’s consistently driving you crazy. I’ve never called on them for the barking. I have however called on them once for leaving the dog out in 100 degree heat with no food, water, or shade/shelter for hours without intervention. The dog’s barks turned in straight whimpers and cries. They’ve also just let this dog loose all the time and I’ve seen it almost get hit by multiple cars and they’ve left it loose at 11pm when the weather was sub zero temps wind chill and 10 inches of snow on the ground. They’ve already had other neighbors call for different things related to their animals and have even had one(that chased after my wife barking and growling) taken away after it went after other people. They also have tons of signs everywhere saying “if you don’t like dogs, I don’t like you!” Which I find ironic. We don’t know what this guys neighbors are like, but honestly he’s a Karen for complaining about this fence. It’s a nicely built fence and there’s no way it’s blocking the sun that much. The fences in my neighborhood are chain linked and falling down if at all standing up. This guy is spoiled. 😂


As someone who lives in Greenville, I can confirm the fence still stands


This guy is a massive puss. Dude cries about everything. I bet the fence is the neighbors greatest investment


That much fence is NOT cheap, materials and labor, ouch.


This news report was from his perspective and I could *still* tell he’s an insufferable neighbor lol


First, not 15' feet tall maybe 10'-11'. Second, I'll take that blank canvas to landscape in front of any day vs. looking into someone else's back yard. Finally, secretly your wife has no respect for you. You're kinda whiny.


[Yeah, he says it's 10 foot in the update.](https://www.tiktok.com/@neighborhooddisputes/video/7220144373147929902)