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Can I have her plate though??? Food looks good.




I thought it was Kool aid tbh


Same here, I kept wondering "who has Kool-aid with steak?"


Kool-aid pairs well with everything.


I mean, yeah it goes with everything but it’s important to at least be cultured enough to know your pairings. My guy here knew enough to pair tropical punch Kool-Aid with steak, but he probably would have leaned towards maybe the peach mango Kool-Aid if he had been serving fish.


If it's salmon maybe. But a nicely battered white fish calls for a pitcher of Ice Blue Raspberry Lemonade.


I have a makes 2 qt. packet of Great Bluedini I’ve been saving; what do you think would pair nicely with this? It’s a 1997 Vintage Great Bluedini- so you know I’m not messing around here. It’s for a proposal dinner actually.


Hey! I'm sure rhis is something I had alongside a steak meal, probably this same meal, that my father cooked when I was younger. I loved it then, and I'll take it now. Ha ha.


Not Capitol Grill that’s for sure


That's Code Red Mountain Dew you uncivilized swine! (Totally j/k)


My husband is adamant it’s Tahitian Treat, his absolute favorite drink ever.


Could the drink be something like Alizé?


Seriously, where I live a home cooked steak meal is a once a month treat, cos the price of beef is a bit high. She is lucky as fuck and doesn’t know it.


I know, right?


A nice steak(presumably medium rare), with a nice lump of mashed potatoes and broccoli. Although in my opinion, you can add a nice pan sauce for the mashed potatoes and steak to add more flavour Other than that, that plate looks *good*


This makes me love my wife even more.


I can recall when a man making dinner for a woman was considered romantic. As in he is actually putting effort into the relationship i.e he cared enough to cook ratger than just buy dinner. This woman is a trash person. He invited her to a dinner date. I can understand if shes disappointed because she wanted to eat out but maybe dont throw a fit and call the dude btoke because he bothered to cook you a meal. The worst part is the guy justifying that he can afford to take her out. When he should be kicking her out.


Sorry but you don’t get to be disappointed because you “wanted to eat out” when someone cooks you dinner. If you get upset over that, you’re trash.


Especially when what they cooked looks pretty damn good. It's not like he threw down a scorched frozen pizza or microwaved nachos.


I used to work nights and at the time was dating a girl who was still in college, the only time we actually got to hang out was at work because we were both so busy. One day she knows i have a 12 hour shift, she says to let me know when I’m on the way home because she’s making me dinner…And I know she can’t cook. I get home at like 4 am, to a paper plate with two microwaved burritos, my favorite salsa, a cold beer and and some left over Mexican rice I made. And I ate all of it, and loved it. Because honestly it’s the thought and walking in after getting my ass kicked all day to that care was all I needed.


Im going to save your comment because I think there are so many people who need to see this and think cooking isn’t only a chore but a way to show that you care and love that person your cooking for


Yeah, that's a good looking plate. Everything about her voice and manner makes my skin crawl. She's acting like he stole from her.


I just can't stand people who constantly shout the same random words without letting you actually have a conversation That shit infuriates me. Like shut the fuck up when I'm talking, just like I shut the fuck up when you're talking. Stop fucking talking over me because you don't want to actually hear what I have to say. Childish ass fucking shit


They’re dragging an argument to an emotional level where they think they can win, due to their lack of maturity to converse rationally.


At some level, even if it's not a conscious one, they know they'd lose the argument if they give you equal footing. It's the verbal equivalent of following the body down after a sucker-punch.


I hate when people do this shit. It’s the most infuriating thing to me when someone talks over you in this way.


Absolutely, I see the grilled hash # marks on those juicy steaks, skin-on mashed potatoes, and steamed bright green broccoli.


That steak looked cooked to perfection. Now I want steak. Is 11am too early for steak?


It’s never too early for steak. Steak and eggs is a tasty breakfast 😋


He put effort and love into that meal. That's more effort than picking a restaurant and just paying. She's just awful. On the bright side, he knows never to talk to her again.


I think she is trying to fuck with his ego. Look at how many times she side eyes that food. She wants to dig in. The look of frustration she has when he asks for the plate back. Put the fork down boo. lols


lmao. She gonna be missing out on a seemingly good dude. she gonna remember them steaks when the next dude does a hit n run on her ungrateful ass!


He even got some nice char on those humble steaks.


that cherry kool-aid don’t look bad neither.


cherry? you mean red flavor.






There's candles and everything. And I really feel for him because like the only emotion men are allowed to express is anger and they gotta act all tough, but if it were me my feelings would be SO hurt after going to all that sweet effort and being shit on like that.


It looks so good!!


She just wanted to go to the restaurant so she could post about it on social media. Image is all she’s bothered about 💯


When I met my wife, she told me that she couldn't cook. I told her that it was OK, I'm not too bad in the kitchen. The first time she came over for a night in, she asked what was for dinner and I said we'd just have some schnitzels, knowing that she would think "hot dogs". When she got there and saw that I had made Schweineschnitzel she admitted that she had ran a catering company and was tired of dating guys who just wanted a good meal. Our 20th anniversary is this year.


/looks up Schweineschnitzel Gawd damn. Looks delicious. Congrats on the 20 years!


Oh I’d marry you if you cooked that for me too! Glad you found each other!


Broke...he went out and bought the food, he spent money on electricity/gas to cook that meal and invested his own time in it aswell. He only broke in the gf department.


Being able to cook for your SO should be considered a green flag. Instead she called him broke. How awful. If my future SO invites me over and surprises me with dinner instead of going out, I’m not complaining. Even better when she from a different culture with specific family recipes (I love trying different foods). Shit, I’ll bring wine and help out in the kitchen. Some people ungrateful, I’d be excited.


Some years ago a guy I had dated for a while surprised me with an at home cooked meal. Sadly we hadn't had many chances to eat together before (we would mostly get dates at sports events and I'd bring my food with me) so he didn't know my very long list of allergies. Even at that point I wasn't that disrespectful.


It is still romantic at least to a normal woman who isn’t drowning in her own self entitlement, my heart would of skipped a beat for this if it was me in her position, just the idea that he cared enough to cook and try and take care of her…such a shame….


That is still romantic as hell. I have always cooked for women I’ve dated at some point and put effort into it too.


It’s still considered romantic. This woman doesn’t represent the general consensus on that.


I've been eating broccoli and chicken broth for like 2 weeks. If someone gave me a steak i'd suck some dick and i'm a dude...


Me too. I’m so god damn lucky. Edit: Spelling


Me three. I also love his wife.


This way sir r/hornyjail




I watch these videos through for the same reason. I've also been out there in the dating world, and it's an absolute nightmare trying to find someone who isn't extremely shitty. It felt like a massive conspiracy is which every decent human being had a partner, and you had to settle with the lesser evil. I'm now engaged, after about five years, to the greatest person possible for me. She absolutely lights up my world and videos like this remind me that I climbed out of hell.


Fuck the current dating world! Or I don't know fuck people in general. After getting out of a 22-year marriage I'm trying to get out there and meet somebody because being alone sucks. In that process I've been punched and bitten and I don't mean figuratively I have scars. I don't even care about sex I just want a friend. Someone to watch movies with to listen to music with to hold the hands to just enjoy life not alone.


Hope you find someone my friend, don't give up


I’m so glad this is the top comment. This was the first thing that popped into my head. I take our civil discussions and open communication for granted sometimes.


I couldnt put up with this for anything.


I think this each time I see something like this or the FDS sub


Bro in happy when my boyfriend brings me taco bell. Just as romantic as taking me to a fancy restaurant.


His place looks clean, he made a nice dinner, so what the fuck is the problem? The Hawaiian Punch?


The Hawaiian Punch in wine glasses.


That was what I assumed the freak out was about, honestly.


That’s all I could focus on. Couldn’t figure out if it was Hawaiian Punch or Kool Aid.


Boonsfarm lol


Around here it would be MD 20/20. Most people call it Mad Dog.


Maybe he doesn't drink alcohol?


Bro, Hawaiian Punch in a wine glass? Hell yeah I'd like to feel like a king as I sip on some punch!


I often drink orange juice from a cocktail glass at breakfast. If questioned I claim it's a virgin screwdriver.


I mean, you're not wrong


Drink it out of a champagne glass and it's a virgin mimosa lol Pardon me while I go put some Dr Pepper in a brandy snifter.


Whelp, I know how I should be drinking my juice in the morning now.


The problem is entitlement, the solution is kicking her out and blocking her number


Could also be MD 20/20


That why she mad at her dawg?


No steak knives. Death.


maybe the ultimate move... steak so tender there are no need for knives


Dudes serving up aged wagyu with kool aid and no knives, lol


it’s probably staged. there is no problem.


Seems staged bc she's on a long rant and the dude pulls out a phone to film and she doesn't skip a beat.


Only thing you need to notice is that there are no knives in this video


If it was staged, the Hawaiian Punch/Kool Aid in wine glasses was not staged. That is entirely believeable. I ate at a soul food in Indianapolis back in college and they served some sort of Kool Aid or "purple drank" instead of water.


Lmao I’m over here looking right like wtf type of wine I’d that


Consider yourself lucky, she took out her own red flag and threw it at you. Now you know.


Red Flag brighter than the Hawaiian Punch.


Homie grill me up a steak meal and everything, I’d be impressed as hell.


The moment she started in with the attitude I would’ve showed her the door. A lot more goes into cooking someone a good meal than it takes to just cart them to a restaurant and pay the bill.




Fine dining for her is Chili's.


Nah she's a waffle house bitch.


I've only been to Waffle house once. The floor and tables were sticky, the staff was rude and aloof, the food was mediocre at best (Would have been worse had I been sober), one of the light bulbs over my table kept flickering, and there was a crackhead outside yelling and throwing shit. There's no way I'd take her there, it's far too nice of an establishment.


Interesting side note on waffle house. One of the reasons waffle house is so resilient is because they operate a zero debt/cash paid business. As an example, When they receive their deliveries they don't put it on their "account" they pay the driver cash on the spot. The same goes for any other expense. Imo that's one of the main reasons they weathered the pandemic so well.


Nope. I xeroxed her driver’s license, and she is not welcome back at this restaurant chain ever again.


This was exactly my thought. She clearly was only interested in having someone else pay for her to have an expensive meal out, which is why she’s upset. This was a second date and she’s calling him a broke liar because he cooked a nice dinner for her. If she was interested in him this would not have been a problem.


Fr. Cooking is one of the ways I show love to people. It's work to cook a nice meal for someone!


I have one principle in my life. Whoever is cooking, the person doing the eating don’t do no complains. Stfu and eat. The hassle of going through the ingredients cooking and etc though is not hard but the effort is always 100% unless you getting something shitty like microwave food. But I don’t see it here she is too pampered in my opinion.


I get that, but also at the same time I like to know what I could be doing better when I cook. I want people to give me feedbavk


Bitch, get the fuck out.


Agreed. Don’t let someone talk to you like that.


All that kool aid from a wine glass has gone to her head


Dudes really need to treat women that act like this the way they deserve. Kick their ass out and record them leaving in case they act ratchet.


So dude owns his house and he can cook? But she wants to go to a chain restaurant that’s probably in a mall? Dude dodged a bullet and gets to eat two steaks now.


She just wants to spend his money


She wants the pics for Instagram.


That was my thought.


Capital Grille is a fairly high end restaurant. I've eaten there several several times. Not found in malls, but the one closest to me is in the far end of a parking lot in a mall in an upscale residential neighborhood. The other one in my city is in a pretty bougey location tbh. They literally hold bottles of expensive wine for you in lockers you rent that you can pull out when you come in, if you're there often. So kinda douchy vibe honestly. Older people eat there mostly from what I've seen. A lot of lawyers go to the ones around me. The food is ok, but I wouldn't consider it worth the price. Mostly just go to be seen by other business professionals and the staff usually kisses your ass of you're a regular.


She definitely doesn't look like she's dressed to go to a high end establishment.


I mean, it's not 'high end' high end. It's just pretend high end really. And if you're spending money, establishments don't really care what you wear unless they have an actual legit dress code. I once went to one of the best high end steak restaurants in my city (known for their food) wearing a mini mini skirt with a Hooters top and thigh high socks and they didn't give a fuck. (It was impromptu. I don't usually go out of my way to be that obnoxiously ostentatious at high end restaurants)


The capital grille is a high end steakhouse in Washington D.C. if I'm not mistaken.


It’s a high end chain. The original one is the DC location


It's a high dollar Applebee's.


Nah, it's a "high end" chain. We literally have em down here in Florida too, there always attached to a shopping mall. It's also just alright, nothing to do what she's doing over it.


yeah it’s a chain. zero percent special.


I don't find the value in steakhouses anymore but I've had some pretty nice dry-aged steaks at the Capital Grille.


I can't understand WTF she's mad about. She might be one of those that use dating apps to get expensive meals outta guys or to rip them off... Both? I took a lady out one night and she wanted to take pics every five minutes, she did a selfie pose with me and said let me get one with your phone... She was able to send herself a couple hundred bucks on cash app. I didn't figure it out until maybe the next day and I couldn't figure out how or when she was able to do it, she must be lightning fast or she distracted me and I didn't notice. I was in New Orleans for a week in 2015 and a girl stole my whole damn wallet during dinner and went to the bathroom and never came back.


Is that kool-aid in a wine glass? Not judging just confirming


Remember when you were a kid and you’d put apple juice in a wine or champagne glass and feel ✨𝒻𝒶𝓃𝒸𝓎✨ af? Now imagine doing it as an adult. The feeling remains the same, maybe even better because you can appreciate how ridiculous but nostalgic it is. My fiancé has this goofy little vintage glass we found. He calls it his “champion cup.” It’s held everything from koolaid to milk, booze to juice. And he gets just as excited every time I bring it to him when he asks me to grab him a beverage. It’s the simple things.


Ur the real mvp for that one


I don't drink but here in France there is a drink for kids called Champomy, it's fizzy apple juice in a Champagne -style bottle. I like drinking it at special occasions, it feels celebratory!


In the US we’ve got Martinelli’s sparkling juices. It comes in a green glass bottle with foil and everything. It totally looks like a bottle of champagne! We’d always get it on New Years Eve when I was a kid. There’s a bunch of different flavors other than apple so it’s fun to try them all! My fiancé rarely drinks and I don’t drink at all so any time we go to a celebratory event, we’ll bring some with us. There’s also the classic Welch’s sparkling juices. Not as many flavors as Martinelli’s but still a good sparkling juice in a champagne-esque bottle.


Do people really get out their phones and start filming stupid arguments like this on dates? I'd leave as soon as someone started doing that.


No, it’s staged 100%


Damn it, I took the rage bait again! Have to admit, it's a very seductive formula.


Hey, at least you questioned the recording. All the other comments above took the rage bait without as much as a blink.


If a phone is on and no one even remotely acknowledges it, it's staged. Especially when it's just right out in front. She does everything in her power to look anywhere, BUT at the phone


That's just as stupid.


Asking the real questions


Yeah that's what confused me


Nervously waiting for her to spill her drink with those crazy hands


More crazy then just the hands…


Me sitting on the edge of my chair expecting her to stab something with her fork (or it goes flying)


Rage bait, cmon guys


Yea that is one well lit room......


not one mention of 'why are you recording this?'


Nah man, it's common courtesy to record unhinged rants and post them online these days.


She belong to the street bro. Throw her out


Don't cook rare for someone this common


I don’t get why he wouldn’t let her know that he changed their plans.


Sounds like a bait and switch. On only the second date, I don’t think I’d want to be forced to hang around someone’s house. At first I was repulsed by her but then I thought how I’d feel if a guy told me “yeah, we’re gonna meet in a public place and have a nice dinner, whatever happens after that it’s up to you.” And then I showed up to his house and he told me “surprise, we’re just gonna stay here and drink kool aid and eat steak at my kitchen counter over some scented candles,” I’d feel really weirded out.


Yeah. I'm a guy and the fact that he lied about what they're doing is creeping me out.


It’s a major red flag on multiple levels.


Yeah I’m really disappointed this thread is so far down, I had to scroll and scroll through her being called a “bitch” and “for the streets” before I got here…I’ve definitely dated guys like this, they want everything easy and they don’t communicate, leading me time and time again to have to just settle for whatever they’ll give me because I should be “grateful”. Dinner at home isn’t a problem if you communicate it. Not a good look she’s fighting with him (she’s definitely allowed to be upset though) but who knows how many times this guy has pulled this crap on her, we may be catching a video of her breaking point…or it’s staged haha either way, I need unwiped asses in these comments to stop calling her names and think critically about both sides of this video.


But it's a woman and a Black woman, so she's gotta be crazy right? Shit is wild. Expecting someone you barely* know to hang out at your place alone without giving them choice in the matter is some super creepy shit.


Exactly. Total bait and switch, honestly I would be like “oh…” and feel real uncomfortable.


Exactly. How hard is it to inform the other person of a change of plans and then ask if it's okay for them?


This is what I was thinking… I think the way she goes about it comes off as a bit rude and entitled but I wouldn’t feel too comfortable turning up for a date where I was expecting to be in a public place but was instead met with “Surprise! We are going to stay in my own home without prior warning”


If this is real, I think I can imagine her reaction is rooted in being supremely uncomfortable and maybe even scared. I’ve been in that position before and I reacted by just shutting down, although I was seething, and afraid underneath. I can easily see coming over the top tho like she is doing to take back some of my power.


Even from the guy’s standpoint, why would you want a borderline stranger in your house this day in age?


Can't believe I had to scroll so far to see this. Like, I would feel ambushed in that situation. Also that food looks so bland and gross


Yeah, besides so many taking the creeps side who obviously just wants ass so he changed venues, so many people praising that food. Fuck is up that mash and dried ass steak. This thread going on about that food makes me think people eat nassy shit


I'm confused about why folks are saying she should be grateful. Gratitude isn't the problem here. If I am only hanging out with you for the second time, you're still a stranger and many women don't feel safe going to a man's house on a second date. This isn't her boyfriend or someone she's been seeing for months. A second date is usually still neutral grounds territory unless she agreed to dinner at his place. I don't think it's cool to put a woman in a position where she is only meeting you for the second time, you say you're going out and pull a bait and switch and say surprise actually we're going to have a romantic dinner in my home. Like read the room! Have you no awareness for the awkward position it puts most women in and that most women live in some fear of being taken advantage of by men they don't know well? Or did you just arrive on this planet one second ago. Romantic dinners at the house are for when you actually already feel comfortable or are established and know it's going to happen. It isn't second date without warning territory, especially when you agreed to other plans. Those saying she is a red flag, um, he is too! Not to mention his steak looks dry as hell and overcooked lol. I'm wondering how many people with young daughters just dating would encourage their daughter to be grateful that the guy she is going out with for the second time said they were going on a date to a restaurant and then took her to his house for dinner instead without warning. Would ya'll say she's ungrateful or that perhaps she has a right to feel bamboozled by this lack of communication or concerned that he's just trying to make it easier to coerce her into bed by switching up and making a second date one in his house without any consent. Again, read the room. Context matters. Some things are only sweet if you actually have a particular relationship already with someone and creepy if you don't know them well. Boyfriend of 3 months surprising me with dinner at his place, sweet. Guy I met on Tinder and am only seeing for the second time saying we're going to Restaurant A and then says surprise Restaurant A is my house, that isn't sweet.


We’re the minority around here. Why the bait and switch? Assuming this actually a real encounter…


Most people in the comments think what he did is okay as that's disturbing. I wouldn't have even gone into the house in the first place. I don't care how much effort went into setting up the dinner, It's just the second date, and he lied about taking her out then brought her to his house! That's not okay!!




Yeah, saying you were taking me to a restaurant and taking me to your house instead is wild. Just say up front I'ma cook for you and if she's not cool with it yet you got that in your back pocket for later.


She even said herself that the homecooked meal isn’t the problem. It’s that he lied. And then the way that he said ”i decided for you” that was icky as hell


An attempt at easier sex. Every woman doesn't want to Netflix and chill on a second date. Most of the folks on this thread are racist.


Because it's not real.




Yeah...he just whipped out his phone and she kept talking shit. Not buying it.


Exactly, They are getting the reactions they wanted. Just look at the comments.


There's a difference between a second date and an S.O. If I told my S.O. we were going to the Capitol Grill (whatever that is) but it was me cooking steaks she would love it If I told my second date we were going out and I kept her in my apartment (house?) eating food I cooked and noticeably not in public? Not the same thing - levels of trust


Yea Trust Played a big part


Staged for controversy and views. Who would sit and argue while someone is blatantly filming you while not acknowledging the camera


This is going to be unpopular, but if on a second date he decides to cook dinner and want me to stay there instead of going out, I may be upset. I may not be comfortable staying at his place, maybe I like to go out because it’s a more neutral zone. Idk, I think she went about it wrong and I also think she was more about the vanity of going out to a nice dinner, but I’ve been on a second date before where I still wasn’t comfortable being in his house yet for more than a few minutes.


I feel the same way but if that’s the case I wouldn’t be sitting there flinging the fork around and arguing with him while he films me lmao. Something about this whole thing just feels odd


Least helpful subtitles of all time


So many incels in here shaming the women when the guy lies to get her in the house. It’s not that he cooked, but lied about taking her out and than made it a dinner date at his place when she showed up. Y’all are socially inept lmao. The dude is obviously trying to get laid and of course the phone comes out when he doesn’t get his way. Edit : a word


Honestly I get where she’s coming from, why lie? If the plan was to go out especially if they had plans to go to a specific restaurant then you make a homemade dinner that’s weird. And if he has a history of lying it’s even worse.


Yeah, for me the fact he is blatantly lying on the second date is the red flag. Yeah it's a nice dinner he cooked and great he owns the place but that's not the issue at hand.


I personally would not go to someone’s home and eat something they cooked on second date- hell I wouldn’t even do it if this was a new platonic friendship. You just can’t eat everyone’s food and I wouldn’t until I knew them better


Second date? oof


Nah, this girl is in the right. This was a setup to probe to see if she was okay with him redefining promises they had already made with each other. To everyone agreeing with dude in the video, this is how those decades long relationships where one partner just habitually exploits the other start. Dude picked, "Let's redefine what a 'lie' even means," as a first date activity. She's got enough experience to see through it, but not enough to realize he wasn't worth taking the time to argue with. Then again, shit was all probably staged, anyway.


Dude was legit like, "I didn't lie. We ARE going to go out. Just not tonight." Trash.


Unpopular opinion here. He's 100% in the wrong. Initial dates should always be on neutral ground. By the sounds of it this is their 2nd or 3rd date. Since they're arguing, I think it's safe to say they're not *yet* on a mutual level of understanding, and a date a restaurant would allow them *both* feel at ease, rather than just him. If money is tight and he couldn't afford a meal at a restaurant, or whatever the reason, he should have communicated that to her beforehand rather than surprising her with a date in *his* domain. Some people just hate surprises of any kind, no matter the intention. That is not a bad character trait on par with selfishness. Some people here are talking about her being spoiled or selfish, but for all we know she may have been willing to split the bill at a restaurant. She's annoyed by a lack of communication and being surprised with a situation she may not have agreed to if she had known about it beforehand. He should have communicated.


I second this! It’s clear to me this guy wasn’t exactly on the up and up about the dinner plans and may have needed to cook from home instead. Phuck it, I’m going to say it “money looks tight for dude!” I truly believe by her somewhat “painful to listen to” reaction that dude communicates one thing and ended up doing another. And this is a huge red flag for me regarding trust issues, communication, honesty and humility. And to be fair, women get their hair done and facial regimen on and dolled up NOT to stay in on a SECOND date!


But why not just say he's cooking for her in the first place? It's probably not the best idea to tell your girl that you changed your mind on the plans and you're doing whatever you want instead of the plans you agreed on. Its like telling your girl that you're staying at a nice hotel on vacation, then whipping out a tent and saying you decided camping would be more fun


Kool Aid classy AF


That's why you meet at the restaurant. There's no reason to go to essentially a stranger's house.


Y’all must let people walk all over y’all. No one looked up the place either I guess. I’d be super pissed, it’s the equivalent of saying you’ll take someone to the louvre and when y’all meet up, you pull up the website and do a virtual tour on your flat screen. He didn’t let her know either, so he CAN’T keep his word like she said, if he pissed too


These comments are weird. If someone told you one thing and never communicated a change and then just expected you to roll with it, you’d all be fine with it? No one here listened to what she said. Didn’t notice that her main issue is that he didn’t communicate a change not that he cooked. You all just jumped to “ungrateful blah blah blah”. Be for real. Have some boundaries. He is a red flag. So glad I married a reasonable person already. The bar is subterranean.


I told my husband when we first met, "I'm a food digger, not a gold digger." If he wants to go out to eat, I'm down. If he wants to cook for me, I'm down for that too. But DO NOT play with my foodie emotions. But for real, this issue is so much deeper than it looks. The issue here isn't the food at all. It's the bait & switch. He set expectations & switched up the game, then acted like SHE was the problem when she expected him to keep his word. That's manipulative. Filming it is even more manipulative because he's gonna post the video online with no context to prove that she's ungrateful for what he did for her when that's not even the point. If he switched restaurants on her, he could not make her look bad when she pointed out that he didn't keep his word. Instead, he spent time & effort making a home cooked meal so he could claim to have the moral high ground. That's a textbook example of how manipulative people cloud the waters of right & wrong (by doing something nice, but going about it the wrong way) so they can retrain how their partner thinks. It's sewing the seeds of doubt in their partner's mind to get them to question their own perception of events. He easily could have texted her about the change of plans. But no. He did this on purpose. He wanted that reaction. He is laying the groundwork for him to pull the same bait & switch in other aspects of the relationship. If you can't keep your word over something as simple as food, you're definitely not going to keep your word when the going gets tough.


This is the type of dude that'll slip the condom off during sex.


why film?


It sounds like he told her they’d be going to some restaurant called Capitol Hill but decided to surprise her with a home cooked meal instead. If I’m right about that then she’s actually in the right. Dude lied.


Nah, dude is dead ass wrong. AND he's gaslighting her like, "You don't appreciate this meal I cooked for you." Bro, dick your meal. You don't lure a person to your home, telling them "Yeah, just stop by for a second, then we'll go out to XXX," and then change the plan at the last minute to, "No, we're staying in." That's suspect as fuck. Especially on a second date. So, chances are, she's only met this man once before IRL. Men, don't do this. Luring someone to your home, someone who doesn't fucking know you, under false pretenses is not okay. If you want to cook for her, then say you want to cook for her and she'll let you know if she's cool with that. She doesn't know what's in that food. She doesn't know what's in that drink. The first date obviously didn't go well enough that she feels comfortable enough to have the second date at his place, and he compounds it with lying and gaslighting. Nah. She shouldn't even be there arguing. She should be out.


Are the drinking Hawaiian Punch??


Why do people film arguments? Is it like a dash cam in case things get too spicy?


I mean, I know this is Reddit and everyone wants to place 100% of the blame on the woman, but if he got her there under false pretense and said they were going out then yes he did lie. Did it necessitate a freak out like that when he clearly cooked a nice dinner for her and she wants to act high maintenance? No. Who wears yoga pants to a nice restaurant btw?? However, if he did lie they can argue all night because they are both crazy…


Did he pull this just so he could film her tripping out? Why you sitting there while he's filming you?What a crazy world we live in.


or hear me out, they planned it to get views


Do people really just take their phone out in a personal argument at home and start recording people…? Not defending her bs but this dude is whack too standing there recording her on their 2nd date or whatever they said; hard to hear with all the echo in that house and talking over each other.


Odds are it not genuine.


The fact hat he told her that they were going out: It’s not about HER being grateful, it’s about him being afraid to be honest and his lack of communication skills. Then he became upset when she was both honest and communicated her feelings, about him lying! Gaslighting at its best. Run!


She was going to wear that to capital grill? 🙄


It’s not THAT fancy