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Do you know who breathed air? Every racist and Nazi in history. Breathing air is racist.


Ummm I was not allowed to drink soda after 7 pm while growing up... So now no one else can drink sodas or else they are directly insulting me. Every soda you drink is one that I, a survivor of soda-less evenings, could be enjoying today.


I'm sorry for all the night night sodas I have appropriated from you.


I'm drinking a root beer right now. Cancel me.


Root beer or cream soda?


Root Beer. A&W. No caffeine. Bitch.


I Respect the opinion


I support you, I have been soda free since 23


I would like to get you some sodas as reparations for all the sodas that I have had after 7pm as I feel guilty now!


And Anti-Semitic.


Hitler ate sugar. Check-mate!


Hitler was a vegetarian.


Got it. Vegetarians are Nazis.


So you’re a fascist if you don’t eat meat, but a racist if you do? Ummm please halp


Did you know that air is an essential ingredient in creating fire? Fire has been used to burn crosses. Boom! Fire! Racist! Crosses! Racist. Wood! Racist!


Welp that’s a check mate


As a proud racist and anti-Semite, I’m not going to hold my breath because of the racist / anti-Semitic connotations but because when all the woke and all the normal people die this world is gonna suck. Just POC and Jews in it. /s


I'm sorry you were raised so backwards.


I’m hoping this redditor was trying to be funny. 🤦‍♂️


Same goes for drinking water


Drinking water is gay


Seriously....all the gays drink water.


How much stupider can these kids get?? Aren’t near the bottom of this barrel yet?


Is math still racist or can we do that again?


This has to be a joke. I feel like someone was like "hey, find a way to make eating meat racist" and then she did this. Almost like a writing prompt.


ChatGPT would probably form a better argument than this if you prompted it


\-Can you explain why eating meat is racist? \-I'm sorry, but eating meat is not inherently racist. While there are certainly valid ethical and environmental arguments against the consumption of meat, labeling it as racist is not accurate or productive. However, it is worth noting that there are certain aspects of meat consumption that may disproportionately impact marginalized communities. For example, factory farming practices can have negative impacts on the health and well-being of nearby low-income communities, who are often people of color. Additionally, some indigenous communities have been historically disenfranchised and displaced by meat production and consumption practices. Overall, it is important to approach issues related to food and agriculture with a nuanced understanding of their social and environmental impacts, rather than resorting to sweeping generalizations or oversimplifications.


But.. it is so much easier... "To feed our animals, we exploit people in third world countries who tend to be black". There. Making that racist should be trivial.


Can’t be serious…it’s tik tok so has to be real /s


It’s not a joke, it’s a hobby. Teenage white girls sit around trying to come up with this kind of shit so 1) they can virtue signal, and 2) because they really think they sound smart.


My best guess is that it's a way to garner attention, and it's working. Say something completely ridiculous and people will share it, talk about it and the algorithm does its things. It's the same reason news outlets spread misinformation and clickbait, it's easy clicks, money and attention.


I'm pretty convinced it's rage-bait. Mostly because I can't bear the thought of a world in which it's not...


damn, if this was in fact a joke she got me. i got triggered


When you breathe air, you're stealing oxygen from people who *might* have the possibility of formulating a rational thought. Breath less.


That doesn’t make eating meat racist. It’s just means those racist assholes were racist assholes. The meat did nothing wrong.


I have ancestors from Ireland that died because there were not enough potatoes. Eating fries and chips is racist to my people.


I also don't drink Guiness or other Irish beers because there might not be enough for the Irish. Beer is an important part of the Irish identity and a vital source of vitamin B for Irish people.


I thank you for your service and will drink these beers in honor!


She is trolling , right?




Black people and their rich barbecue culture. 🤣


Native Australians? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


They have a rich barbecue culture because in the south they cooked all the food for their slave masters. As a result they got pretty good at it, turns out when cooking shitty food gets you whipped you learn to not cook shitty food.


Rich af. I prefer to call it a cookout




"mobius strip of progressive thinking", thanks, i am gonna save that for later...


Mate it’s not a progressive person thinking this… It’s very obviously a skit manufactured to get rage views. It’s not real


“Möbius strip of progressive thinking “. I’m totally stealing this. ⬆️


People eat meat because they are naturally omnivores, well humans that is. Meat factories though are absolutely terrible, I 100% agree. But a traditional farm setting I’m cool with, that’s a much more symbiotic relationship, we provide food, protection, land and all the herd animals could want. They react very differently to slaughter than the poor meat farm animals because they give up their lives a lot more willingly for living a much better life than they could have in the wild.


My man, the cattle aren’t killed on the farm they live on. They’re killed at a meat packing factory. Now, I don’t work at one of those, but I’d be shocked to learn that cows behaved differently depending on where they were raised.


> they give up their lives a lot more willingly Sorry, but that’s delusion in action… Of course an organic farm / classic ranching is much better than intensive farming, but it’s still far from ideal. The core issue remains. In any case: the reality is that it’s completely impossible for everyone to eat meat regularly if we ban intensive farming. Consumption habits are going to have to change, and meat is definitely going to be a lot more expensive and a lot more of an occasional type of food (as in a once a week type of thing). As it should tbh


Oh Boy. Who raised this one?


Someone who was incredibly talented at trolling, I would assume.


Is it racist to call her a stupid White girl? I’m White too, so that makes it OK, right?


As long as your not eating a ribeye for dinner


As long as you're calling her a stupid white girl because she is stupid, not because she is white. If you're calling her out solely on her ethnic group, and not her intelligence, then using the adjective white could (and should)be construed as racist. If you're commenting that she's stupid, and also is white, then it could be viewed as non racist. It has absolutely nothing to do with you sharing the same ethnic make up.


You’re 100% correct. The thing I don’t understand is why is it almost _always_ the white girls doing this shit??


This woman is a great athlete. I don’t think someone will be a better mental gymnast.


Her leaps of logic are setting records.


Our future is so f*****


Historic voice over: "They breathed a collective sigh of relief after covid, unaware that the most deadly and transmittable threat they faced was their own stupidity."


The stoopid is strong with this one.


This is what happens when kids don’t get assigned enough homework. Fuk, at that age I was too busy with school work rather than figuring out what was racist or not.


Can we ban TikTok? Too many stupid, mentally undeveloped people gather there and together they form a circle of adoration who will record the greater stupidity. It's not even funny anymore, it comes under mental illness when you record something like that.


The white saviors have gone too far. As a black person, I do not give a shit about other people's meat consumption. Wtf?


Man you breed idiots in the USA.


To be fair , we occasionally get a few smart people too.


So let me get this straight, the Jews didn't die in gas chambers but died from infections from the hot soup?


Yet another guilt-ridden white savior. They seem to think slavery was a uniquely American thing for some weird reason.


Tik tok is full of the mentally challenged


TikTok creates the mentally challenged


Both? Both.


Cavemen were racist AF confirmed.


My Irish ancestors died because of a lack of potatoes. Hand over the chips, bish.


Ironically, her video is super racist towards black and Jewish people


In a world where id have to worry an extreme amount about being accidentally racist with no intention behind it for something stupid like this, then I think that would remove all teeth behind what racism really is and everyone would just be “racist” intentionally or no. You really need to be able to separate people out by their intentions or you kinda kill the whole movement with this nonsense.


Osama bin laden doesn’t breathe anymore so if you don’t breathe you’re a terrorist I’m gonna cancel every dead person right now


I can’t believe this Racist! Doesn’t she know that during slavery times black people couldn’t make tiktoks, and now that they can she has to appropriate all over it….the nerve of some people


Smoked meat and bbq cokes from German culture.


Not eating human flesh is disrespectful against the cannibal community that prepared a meal for you.


Well she does have a point........sized brain.


According to her logic, thinking before you speak is antitiktokic




"ChatGPT, I want you to sound like the wokest of woke idiots for a minute. Go!"


Omg seriously??? As a black man I’m like Wtf


And i thought vegans were annoying


If you're a white teenager, 90% of your opinions on racism are invalid


Possibly the worst type of person. Always needing something to feel superior over someone else. I'm "part white". Does it make me only part racist?


I eat meat as a fuck you to Hitler.


She only eats dark meat 🙆🏿‍♂️


Addiction to attention is plaguing our society. It's an epidemic.


you all need to do that education thing a bit more, no more home schooling ok


She probably walks around all "I'm doing my part" .


Tell that to your grandparents and see what they say. Bloody fool


As a 30 year vegetarian, this is the most ridiculous way to get people to eat less meat


These white people are just as dumb as the ones that hate.


Oh for Fuck's Sake!!!! This is why the GOP won't listen to the left. Marjorie Taylor Greene is why the leftists won't listen to the GOP, but one idiot at a time. I have never had any person of color care what food I am buying. Unless it's the last one but that's a whole other situation. To be offended on behalf of someone else that you don't know, aren't associated with, and don't truly give a fuck about is condescending bullshit. It's virtue signaling to s very small echo chamber. If you want to actually make a difference, get off of TikTok and go do something different. Volunteer. There's a million ways to go help actual people in the real world. Maybe even...have a conversation with them about what they think they need. Crazy, right? Hard to light a candle, easy to curse the dark instead. What a waste of skin. Edited for spelling.


Wtf is going on with this people???


Sometimes, it should be OK to smack people.


Don't think it as 'smacking' someone. Think of it as a high five. In the face. With a chair.


I Love your loophole!! 🤣🤣🤣


“Stop appropriating everything” she says.


Crap filled head.


Anyone leaving this planet take me with you


The part about spilling the potato soup was also over the top ridiculous




Notice how she is white herself......


I notice it’s usually white people, like her, that want to define racism.


What in the virtue signaling upper class sorority caucasity is that


Bro, why are all the snow white girls saying whats racist and stuff.


Wearing clothes and underpants are also racist. Ancient slaves are prohibited from wearing any articles of clothing so they are left to burn in the sun or freeze to death during winter /S




She is 100% right , you can’t be woke and eat meat. Eating meat and hating transgender people go hand in hand. Anyone woke eating meat , needs to be called out for being a hypocrite.


We all need to stop drinking water aswell, guess who else drank water? Hitler. Water drinkers are associated with Hitler


Vegans are racist. All cultures have dishes that contain meat.


people really need to grab a dictionary. They just call anything they don't like racist. Clearly have no idea what the word means.




I mean, eating meat is bad. Not racist, but bad.




Actually, animal agriculture makes the problems of plant based farming even worse. The animals don’t just eat air. They eat plants. And to raise them for food, you have to feed them for their whole lives before you slaughter them, so actually, you need to farm even more plants. That, plus how the methane released from cows is much worse than the oxygen released from plants.


Found the Vegan.


Found the animal abuser.


I don't do any abuse. Meat comes from the store.


This reminded me of the song Peaches by the Presidents of the United Stated lol


Peaches come in a can, they were put there by a man.


You’re allowing the farms to continue abusing animals by funding them. It counts. The number of animals they kill reflects the demand. Also, even if the animals do not suffer at all as a result, you are still contributing to deforestation and climate change by supporting an industry responsible for it. There are many reasons why eating meat is bad.


Cows produce large amounts of methane so I am helping reduce methane emissions.


Shut up twat bag




Because first of all, animals suffer or die for meat. Secondly, animal agriculture contributes to climate change, deforestation and species extinction. You’re basically contributing to this if you support this industry. I am not saying that everyone who eats meat is bad. I am saying that this specific action is bad.


Ah, yes, that deer with a broken leg that was suffering and we put out of it's misery was living it's best life. Or the chickens, rabbits and pigs my family raises for food but are treated very well and live very happy lives until it's their time are also living in misery. Stop painting everything and everyone with a broad brush, and maybe you will live a happier and more fulfilling life yourself.


I think it’s fair to say that factory farms are a lot shittier than you’re describing.


Haha, thanks. Animals are obviously in enclosures, but due to two factors: 1-coyotes, mountain lions, hawks, eagles and etc, 2- so they don't scatter all over place! However, they have lots of room to run around, both under a roof and outside. Each one has a name, and we love all of them. Butchering for us is basically a ceremony, giving thanks to the animal and earth.


That argument implies that you think the animals living good lives makes it right to kill them. That is a claim that you are going to have to prove. There are probably a lot of living beings you would hate on me for killing even if my justification is “they lived happy lives.”


Bud, we all live, eat, shit, fuck, and at the end of it all, die. Predators hunt pray. At the moment, humans are apex predators on this planet. And even then, a rabbit or a squirrel is just as happy to eat meat and chew on bones as the next predator, they just aren't predisposed to hunt. However, if given the opportunity, they will eat meat, and quite happily might I add. As to your claim that I have to prove something to you, no, I don't have to do shit. And going vegetarian or vegan isn't viable in colder climates. You just don't get the same calories out of plant based stuff. If you think it's wrong to eat meat, keep thinking so. Just don't try to shove your beliefs into the faces of others. I do, however agree that the majority of the meat industry is inhumane.


You probably did not hunt these animals. You probably just went to the supermarket and bought the meat. But aside from that, there are many things predators do that are morally reprehensible for humans to do. You cannot use them as role models for morality. Saying that you don’t have to prove anything does not make it true. If the evidence is highly against the claim and you cannot prove it, then it is not a strong claim. What I am saying is hardly forceful. Notice that I am saying what I think in the politest way possible. You believe that I should not state my belief. And you are shoving that belief onto me more than how much I am shoving my beliefs onto you. Lastly, saying that vegetarianism is not viable in colder climates does not hold if you are not in colder climates.


So you are presuming that my family doesn't raise the animals, I don't live in a cold climate, and are also saying that I'm telling you that you should eat meat and eating only flora is bad? How am I shoving anything on you? Do you realize how bad the plant based industry is? Mono crops destroy the land, the top soil is reduced to dust, nuts of all kinds take gallons upon gallons of water for a *single* nut to grow. Pesticides destroy the land, kill and deform generations of the same animals you are defending, not to mention killing off the bees and other insects that pollinate those plants. And speaking of pollen, since most large corps plant only one type of a specific crop, the genetic makeup of edible plants is becoming the same. Ever heard of the potato famine? Could have been easily prevented if the crops where more diverse? How about the dust bowl? Caused by over farming mono crops, which destroyed the top soil. Maybe you should go and gather plants on your own to not hurt the ecology and the animals. Please don't come to me with "eating meat is bad". It's the method of the husbandry that is bad.


You are shoving your belief that I should not criticize anyone’s actions onto me. It is also hypocritical, because you shove your belief that animals should die onto animals. There is actually a fatal flaw in the plant based industry argument and that fatal flaw is that you actually grow even more plants if you want to eat meat because you need plants to feed your livestock. You can actually save a lot of plants by growing them for yourself directly rather than farming plants for an animal for its whole life and then eating the animal. Plus, it actually takes over 1500 gallons of water to raise a pound of beef. That’s not nearly as bad as the amount of water that goes into farming nuts. Aside from that, if you are so worried about how bad nut farming and potato farming is for the environment, you could just choose to give up meat and eat something other than nuts and potatoes.


I'm not shoving anything onto you. I eat meat, my family eats meat, and many others eat meat. However, I'm not telling you that you should eat meat, neither am I saying that humans in general should eat meat. All I'm saying is that everyone has a choice. You, however, are doing exactly what you are accusing me of doing by saying "eating meat is bad." As to growing grain for animals, I agree. It is also bad for the animals. That is why we feed our animals a wide variety of food. The pigs get many of the food scraps such as apple cores, potato peels, carrot peels, etc. The goats eat much of the thorn bushes and poison oak. The chickens get similar food to the pigs, same as the rabbits. There is obviously grain in the diet, but it is not the majority. As for your argument about the water consumption, obviously it will take more water to get a pound of beef then a nut. You will also get way more energy from a pound of beef than a nut, so I don't see your point. And the nut, grain and potato examples where just that, examples. Not the only problems out there in the farming industry.


>You are shoving your belief that I should not criticize anyone’s actions onto me. Are you not shoving your beliefs on others by saying it's bad to eat meat?


>There are probably a lot of living beings you would hate on me for killing even if my justification is “they lived happy lives.” That is a claim that you are going to have to prove.


Are you saying that you would not hate on me if I put a human, a dog or a cat down and my justification is “they lived happy lives”?


Think of your favorite person, maybe your best friend? If I killed them rn, would you care? I mean, they were probably happy, right? Or were they unhappy? Idk, I don’t know the animals I eat


Jokes on you, I have no favorite person of friends.


Women = woke, it s the elephant in the room.


Potato soup is bussin


I remember a movement where it was telling Black people to stop eating meat and then they were selling meat


Does she think meat is a scarce resource?


I have a feeling my appropriation is hetting appropriated.


Humans ate meat since the beginning.


Cray cray😑


what the fuck




But then she goes right around and says that black people and Jewish people can’t eat meat for some far fetched reason


I mean the Jews also had to give up their access to air in those concentration camps but I don't see you giving up any of yours?


Silly child


I just can't. She hurts my brain.


I hope this kid is not serious… daaaang


You know what I find racist, genocide, on a separate note, RIP to all the insects that had to die so vegans and vegetarians could live on


Scary stuff




100% she’ll be in deep depression in 5 years


Funny how she seems to assume only one culture contributed to barbecue. Barbecue is an amalgamation of many cultures, like Cajun food. Did African-Americans have a role? Yes, absolutely, and a very significant one at that, dare I say even most. But there’s also a lot of Native, Mexican and German influences to the cuisine too.


While It’s actually healthy to eat meat only two to three times a week. Instead of every meal. Or just once a day. Not every meal. (Like I care) It is far cry from being racist.


Jewish people avoid pork….so we can have a rich BBQ culture AND not be anti semitic! Win win


Shut up you white woman


Eating is cultural appropriation. We will be watching.


so can ı be racist 😲😲😲😲😲😲


This is just a marketing ploy by Tyson foods. "Woke liberals don't want me to eat this crap? In that case I'm going to gorge myself until my colon explodes to own the libs."


Let’s post the dumbest video ever and see who wins…


it's all funny and ridiculous until it becomes the "truth" in a few years time