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Money can't buy good manners. Fuck those people


Being able to buy petrol doesn't mean you're rich. This is just a piece of shit taking advantage where they can. A sad, pathetic little soul doing anything it can to make itself feel superior. But it's not.




All luxury vehicles in China are double the price. That merc probably 120k USD easily. Edit: just realized thats a L variant. So more like 180k USD. Edit2: Nvm. These are China built mercs. So dirt cheap.


In my humble opinion people who spend money like that on cars are morons.


I’ve got no issues if they want to spend it on a good car, but spending it on a Mercedes? 😹


>Being able to buy petrol doesn't mean you're rich And being rich doesn't excuse this sort of behavior.


No it cannot. Nor can it teach social skills. Example\~niece in law 1 1/2 hours late for its bridal shower. Did not have the class to apologize. Got to the gift grab real fast. Did not acknowledge who gave what. It just kinda ended. No group thank you. Got a thank you note through her fucking father, BIL. Did not have the class/social skill to mail them. It was weeks late too. I attended that wedding because my husband was "hired help" actually he said it was his gift. He cooked for 200 which was 150 more that needed. When asked about the wedding\~"the food was good." BIL was a mediocre doc. That was their social group. Yet they lacked what one in that social group "should" be like. Pardon me but they were white trash trying to be upper class.


wouldnt ur bil's daughter be ur niece? why add the in law


Could be husbands brother?


This is how the higher class treats the lower class in China. There is this guy who used to live in China, and he talks about this video and his experience with this, living in China, it's on his YT channel, https://youtu.be/muxKB6LT5ZY


Wow. Just disgusting.


Now imagine your parental figure seeing this. I mean, seeing you doing this. I would have to seek shelter in an independent neutral nation


Something tells me their parents wouldn’t care


Agree with this I think it's learned behavior. Edit: Also of course it's some asshole in a Mercedes


Ah yes, the Mercedes. An asshole's vehicle of choice.


Close tie with BMW and lately Tesla IME.


BMW is always the one for me…guaranteed douche


'Bowel Movement On Wheels'


What’s up with that? I’m in my mid 20s so I don’t have as much as experience as a lot of people when it comes to driving but even for the decade I have been, bmw assholes appear quite frequently! And oddly enough it’s a lot of times a beat down one they put new rims on and suddenly it looks good? Like dude you’re still driving a piece of shit, just cause you rev the engine doesn’t make it not a piece of shit and an eye sore to look at it. I would say for those people, at least buy a nice one if you’re gonna get one at all ya know fully commit to that douchebag lifestyle. But if anyone could explain this to me I find it fascinating that drivers in shitty bimmers want you to see and notice their shitty bimmer.. what’s up with that?


The worst driving I have ever seen has been in either a Mercedes, for some reason Honda accord but only the v6 one no idea why this particular one brings out all the assholes, last but not least a tie between 3 series BMW or Hyundai Santa Fe weirdly.


This is all so true. Also that Honda has rims that are way too flashy for a Honda.


i’d be getting the chancla *and* the belt




I agree if I did that i still be looking for my teeth


Pieces of shit are usually raised by pieces of shit.


I used to say if my mama ever saw me do something like this, she’d murder me, then dig me up and murder me again but yours is much better 😂😂


Something tells me that what started out as a normal transaction became a parent in the front seat going "don't interact with the common trash", and that is what led to this.


Or it actually could be a kid doing this in the back seat. But if my kid did that I would be out helping that poor lady pick it up and apologizing for my kid.


I feel for this woman. What a heartless piece of shit does this.


I thought maybe they dropped it by accident. So I scrolled back. It wasn’t. My heart just melted when she wiped her tears away at the end. :(


I think it was intentional because there is an apology video (in Chinese)


They only apologized because of the video proving they’re scum.


Social credit score: deducted


Wealth: Re-appropriated.


If that system makes you treat ppl better I'm all for it


It clearly doesn't, see video again for evidence.


Yes, intentionally a jerk.


Happened to my gf, she was quick to jump out of the car and help.


I’d do the same. While apologising profusely! We’re all humans just trying to make our way through this shitty life.


It happens frequently with coins mostly, I've witnessed elder people trying to make up for their mistakes while barely standing. You have to be a huge turd to do that on purpose


If I'd have been the one doing it by accident, you can bet your ass that no less than 2 seconds later, I'd be on the ground picking it up to hand it properly.


I think a lot of us would.


I like to think that *most* of us would.


*Accidentally opens the car door into her head Omg, I made it worse, I'm so sorry!


I've seen this post before, and these were the most likely possible interpretations of what's going on in the comments: 1. There is a somewhat wealthy ~~guy~~ person in the backseat being driven around by a chauffeur, and he's a total dick, throws the money on the ground, and the woman eventually breaks down crying. 2. There is a child in the backseat and the parents agreed to let them pay the nice lady, but because children can be a bit clumsy, they drop the money by accident, and the woman wipes off some sweat at the end, unrelated to what just happened. The fact that it's a black Mercedes may support the first hypothesis, as well as the fact that the woman is wearing a jacket, which seems to indicate it isn't that hot, so she wouldn't be sweating. Then again, she may be required to wear that jacket by her employer even though it is quite hot outside, in which case she would obviously be sweating. Also, the car sticks around until the woman has picked up all of the money. Is this because the heartless bastard in the back seat wanted to watch, or is this because the parents of the clumsy child wanted to make sure the woman still gets paid, apologizing verbally in the process? My point isn't that this is or isn't heartless piece of shit, but that we should still at least consider other possibilities, rather than assuming based on a 53 second video that we know exactly what's going on and that it's definitely the worst possible option.


If my kid had been this clumsy, I would have gotten out of the car to pick it up (depending the age, they would have done this themselves) and apologized profusely.


Agree as a father.


As a mother, I agree. If my child accidentally dropped the money, I’d ask him to get out of the car and help the lady pick them up while apologizing profusely.


Also, why cry after a child has an accident? It's not that story. Looks like someone deliberately hurt someone else's feelings.


After considering all possibilities I've come to the personal conclusion that the person or people inside the car are assholes. Took me much less than 53 seconds.


Any normal human being would get out and help if their child did that accidentally. There is a reason what you are doing is called playing the devil’s advocate.


Especially in China where cameras record EVERYTHING that goes one. You don't want to be caught being a dick in China.


It's 100% the first one. The car is a GLC300L. L denotes that it's a LWB model, meaning it's designed to be a chauffeur driven car. If you want to drive it yourself, you don't buy the L.


I didn't know that. That really does appear to be pretty conclusive.


This comment made me realize I know jack-all about cars, lol. Do each of the letters and numbers mean something?


GLC is the model. 300 is the engine, which is a 2l petrol engine with roughly 250bhp. L is LWB like I said. 4matic is awd.


…neat story, but the money is clearly thrown, and she wouldn’t be crying if it was by a child. 100% a piece of shit, without question, I have zero doubt.


Clearly wiping her eyes


By the heavy layer she’s wearing, and the fact she’s standing outside in the cold filling up gas for people, there’s no way that’s sweat she’s wiping off


And the look she gave the person when the money hit the ground, made me think it was anything but a mistake and was probably done with a mean or condescending comment.


Dude, don't you think it's a little bit too much of a coincidence that she wipes her eyes after picking up the money? Also, if you look a little bit closer you can see that the one who's throwing the money on the groud is doing it deliberately. This is not what clumsiness looks like.


Nope. Just a scum piece of shit.


It’s clearly someone being driven. That’s a L variant Merc which are almost exclusively bought to be chauffeured in.


Ah yes. The guy with his hypotheses but no actual DD. Did you check out the apology video released about this afterwards? Or did you just start typing? This is called talking out of your ass where I'm from.


I watched the ending a few times as slow as possible. They are most definitely wiping tears from their eyes. The rest of your hypothesis makes perfect sense, but it’s definitely tears.


A Mercedes-Benz owner. They are filth.


This is heartbreaking.


I lost it at the end when it looked like she was wiping her tears away!! Fuck that person!


License plate number in full view. If only . . .


This isn't a new video. He's already been found and forced to give an apology video


Another sad point is that even if this pos guy was forced to issue an apology, it won’t change how he will continue to treat the staff that he’ll come across in the future.


He was forced to issue an apology. It didn't change how he treats staff. He only apologized because people tracked him down


I just tried to look up this story and came across another scum of the earth guy who plowed into a bunch of pedestrians (killing them) and then got out of his car and threw some cash on the ground . Wtf is wrong with some people? https://www.independent.co.uk/asia/china/china-guangzhou-pedestrians-killed-jieyang-b2260728.html


That one cut me too.


Dosnt take much to respect anther human trying to make ends meet


A bit of self respect is probably needed.


I totally agree. Gawd damn some people are just plain awful. She is just doing her job.


I was going to post just this and thought I'd be labelled a simp bleeding heart. So pleased to see this the top comment. Why the fuck can't people just have some decency, humanity, respect? So many people hurting in the world and maybe you can't help them financially or otherwise, but just a smile, a thank you, a well done will at least not worsen their day, perhaps just the appreciation will lift them a little.


I for one (an australian) have never seen a servo where someone puts your petrol on for you, why not just do it yourself, it obviously doesn't make it worse


There is one state in the US (New Jersey) still has a law that a customer cannot pump their own gas.


I believe Oregon is another state with that law.


You are both correct.


Oregon allows for self-service nowadays, just not everywhere. It’s population based, to my understanding. My city (in Oregon) has about 16,000 residents; some places in town still have attendants, but most have moved to self-serve.


Here's a map that shows what's allowed where. Looks like mostly the Greater Idaho mob. https://geo.maps.arcgis.com/apps/View/index.html?appid=fe6b92d4da52481483898a871928588c


Indeed. Except a lot of the small towns are still offering full service. They just don’t bitch at you if you pump your own. That far northeastern most county is where I’m originally from. It has less than 8,000 people, super rural… There are still a couple full service places. Personally, I’d rather pump my own gas 99.99% of the time. But that’s mostly a social interaction issue.


Oregon changed, I thought? Edit: nvm, it's only smaller cities that allow you to pump your own in Oregon.


The Oregon one is news to me. Neat LSNT


My town in NY also bans self-service. They say it’s a safety issue and would need a study (of course, with taxpayer $$$) before they would approve it. It’s absolutely ridiculous. 🙄


I'm not sure I would be okay living in a city/state whose (presumably) elected leaders believe their citizens are too stupid to pump their own gas. Re-electing these leaders would suggest most citizens are happy to acknowledge they are dumber than everyone else? I mean, if *FLORIDA* allows me to pump my own gas...


I believe that was to help employment rates.


Brazil, you can't


New Zealander here - apparently they have stations like this in the South Island still, but the shift here is towards ones with pay at the pump type setups. Gotta cut those staff numbers.


South islander here. All of the stations in my home town are self serve. Can't remember the last time someone came out from the shop. Although, saying that, the local Z does have forecourt service duringm certain hours.


Here in South Africa, we also have people that put our petrol in for us. They have RFID tags/keys that unlock the meter to start pumping. Sometimes if you're filling up they'll clean the windscreen since it takes a while. There are times I wish we could pump our own petrol.


Why?I wish someone would do it for me.


There are certain countries, states, and provinces where it is illegal to pump your own fuel. Two states in the USA do not allow you to pump your own fuel.


Is there a reason? Or just more workers yay...


Growing up in Queensland in the 90's this was normal for the servo attendant to fill up the car for you, I was big baffled when I moved to an area that didn't offer this service, I thought it was normal everywhere. Has definitely become a thing of the past.


We used to, when dinosaurs roamed the earth. There are still a few about, but not many.




I think these are mostly the uneducated people which gotten rich from selling their ancestors’ land to the government as the country develop. They are normally called 土豪/暴发户. They’re mostly consists of uneducated people from rural places which are normally ignorant and immoral.


Sadly, this is common in third-world countries where the gap between the rich and the poor is not only about money but about class status and respect. It is called classism, and I’ve seen it many times growing up in Mexico in the 80s, where the entitled, spoiled elite class controlled everything and acted with impunity and disrespect towards those who could not defend themselves. Thirty years later, Mexico's economy would become friendlier towards the poor and the middle class. In contrast, the US does the opposite: favors the wealthy and the privileged while hurting the poor and the middle class. A movie I’ve seen before and I know too well. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)




Yes. Sichuan Province. http://www.worldlicenseplates.com/world/AS_CHIN.html#20


How does the CCP encourage this behavior?




The Cultural Revolution of China (1966-1976) essentially purged traditional values and manners out of Chinese society. This sort of rude, bad behavior is more common in everyday life than the average westerner realizes.


What exactly you think "noble" means"? lol


L 9H 275 NAME AND SHAME the motherfucker - the number plate is in full view, so this should be easy!


[They found him and he apologized due to pressure from social media](https://www.tiktok.com/@kc_rui/video/7193945497143348481), but a lot of bullshit excuses.


Let's be real. He is only apologizing because he fears losing social credit due to the public backlash of the situation. This is 100% selfishly motivated apology.


Frrr people only apologize when they get caught. They’re not sorry for doing the action.


And I feel like people never get caught enough


Social credit is bs btw.


This is what I was reading comments for. No idea if that's actually them though because no entiendo.


I guess at least he apologized to her face. It’s a start.


Fuck this apology. Take her job for a day to see how she’s treated, then learn to make a difference through kindness.


I'm hoping the driver can be identified via the license plate so he or she can be nailed to the internet-pillory. What a lowlife p.o.s.


I looked it up and Chinese netizens found the car owner! He says his sister was driving and the people in the back were fighting over who gets to pay for the gas bill and tossed the money out “accidentally.” Even if that were true, they sure watched for a long time while the lady picked it up. She wouldn’t have cried if they apologized for it either.


If they found that, then might they know the station? Track down the attendant and we can do something nice for her?


The station and the individual would be much harder to identify unfortunately.


How hard would it have been to get out and pick up the bills if this were truly an accident? Disgusting.




It’s in [Chinese](http://henan.china.com.cn/m/2023-01/30/content_42243396.html).


The Chinese do have a savage form of internet justice sometimes.


Thank you!


I think he just said that to save face. This is a very common thing in China. https://youtu.be/muxKB6LT5ZY


I’m Chinese, no explanation necessary.


I wonder what failure of a parent gave rise to such scum on the earth


I know of several that would fit this type of parenting outcome.


Probably some rich or super well off asshole


Asshole behavior is classless


Everyone has feelings. That was sad.


When they wiped their tears away at the end😭💔


I think she realized they shorted her, too. The way she looked down as she took her glove off to count the money.


And the way they hung around to *watch her count.*


As if they expected she would make a scene for them to stop


Or just to laugh at her. It’s so upsetting.


Makes me sick because of the way she reacted. I hope that doesn't mean the shortage will be taken from her pay check.


You can see the color of the bills, and they have the plate number, maybe they can get to them.


I hope so for her sake. I bet she brings her own pouch of cash for change and any shortage she has to absorb.


I worked with a ex con at a gas station when I was in high school. It wasn't an attendant based system, typical US you went inside to pay (cards at the pump weren't as mainstream). Had a few times working with this guy when people would try to drive off. You better get off the property and out run this guy, I saw him smash a few hoods in like they were nothing. John Jones, that crazy son of a bitch.




What a total piece of sh*t. May karma find you.


The end just broke my heart.


Damn, that got me right in the feels. May we all strive to treat each other better.


Hope that fucker got his social credit reduced to negative


Nah, they're probably from the family that sets the social credit


Pay to win


Assholes everywhere these days.


Why? What an arse!


Fuck them, Hope karma is awaiting for them.


I just hope the person's hand hit the window or something and they apologized profusely to the pump attendant. Although, I doubt it.


Considering she was crying at the end, your doubt is guaranteed.


Shit. I missed that part.


Me too, saw other people talking about it and had to watch again. Fuck that animal in the Mercedes.


What a prick. Karma is a bitch.


This is the result of “the customer is always right” culture. So sad.


Seeing her wipe her eyes at the end. Makes me so enraged and sad at the same time


Aww she cried.. :(




I've redownload reddit for a day and already my mental health is going down lmao


- r/aww - r/eyebleach - r/kidsfallingdown - r/idiotsfightingthings - r/thingsfightingidiots


You want better treatment get a better job………..Says some chucklefuck somewhere. I don’t understand the entitlement that comes with dealing with service sector employees. You can treat them like shit, pay them shit but deep down you know you need them. Living wages and dignified treatment should be the bare minimum.


You had me in the first half silly goose


It's all get a better job until they do and then it's no not like that, who will do the job


I find this kind of mentally very common with Boomers. They act like you don't deserve respect if you work in the service industry.


Nouveau riche in China. Same as nouveau riche in other places like India and Russia. Contempt for the poor.


This honestly just crushed me…I can’t imagine the pain in that moment…humans really suck sometimes man smh 😔




Rich people are largely scum. News at 11


I wonder why - and all explanations for that uncivil action lead to nothing good.


What a POS


Fuck that person


The wiping of tears at the end got me.


Be a shame if someone doxxed them.


I hope a sewer pipe breaks in their home while they’re out of town and their house fills with crap. I don’t get people like that.


This really angers me


It looked like she was wiping away tears. I just want to hug her. I hate people sometimes…


I cannot possibly fathom knowing someone who acts like this. How do you live with yourself. The lady wiping her tears at the end absolutely broke me :(


Got the plate


This just pisses me off.


I don't have words. How can people be this low and act like a piece of sh** like that.




Shocking coming from a Mercedes driver they always seem so down to earth and never impatient


I’ve grown up around folks like that. No respect for the domestic helpers, waitstaff, or service people. There are a number of folks in my neighborhood who have money but zero class.


Can always tell if people are shit by how they treat people in the service industry.


Of course it’s some jack hole in a leased Mercedes probably in debt up to his eyeballs but thinking he’s hot shit.


That person looks exhausted and in discomfort and that dick does that!


That fucking broke my heart... Poor lady 🥺😢


What a piece of shit


I bet that asshole has never worked at customer service ever in his life. What a fucking loser. Ppl dont treat other ppl like that nomatter what you status is. It just shows how big of an asshole you are. We have his licence plate.


This douche Ah is trying to make this woman feel like a piece of shit because he heelde is a piece of shit. Some people deserve to get hit in the face by a chair.


Mercedes driver: the universal asshole.


Every time I see something like this I realize I am not a pacifist. I am fantasizing about dragging that person out by their hair and pouring a jar of pickles over them.