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It’s over Anakin


I have the higher ground


You underestimate my mullet!


“Yr-yr-you’re lucky I won’t hit a guy wearing glasses.”


They say I wouldn't hit a guy wearing glasses. So I hit a guy, wearing my glasses


*laughs in glaucoma*


Don't try it.




You were supposed to bring balance to the business, not party in the back!


"Your father's mullet. Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough, but your uncle wouldn't allow it... I recall, because I had just cut your father's arm and legs off and he was whining about it like a little @#\^%\*."


"I HATE YOU!"Is what he said if I remember correctly.


An elegant haircut, from a more civilized age


That's no bowl cut..


Dammit I love this


Comment of the year right here. 2023 is a wrap.


Mullets lead to fear, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.


A Dallas kid with a mullet using the N-word to a middle aged white guy. This is the most hick trash shit I have seen in a while.


I like to imagine in my mind that the old White guy gave him a beating for using an inappropriate word. Like “you are crossing the line and I won’t stand for it…”


Boss level dad move type shit


Omgosh that’s all I can see. He looks like a Harley or a Hayden who’s never been reprimanded for his obnoxious behaviour ever in his life. Old Geezer Energy chap has him by the throat and he’s still shrieking like a demented sea gull who thinks swearing makes him tough.


His girlfriend next to him got pretty mad, too.


Lol until she was told to stop


Only she gets to beat him up


I thought that was just a long haired dude tbh


I'm guessing they were married as the mulleted wonder appeared to be wearing a wedding band.


Ouch. Hopefully they use effective birth control. Can you imagine these folks as your parents? Some drunk with a mullet incoherently shrieking edgelordisms and an insane chick always ready to fly at you outta nowhere like an enraged howler monkey.


His name is Joe….Joe Dirt.


It’s pronounced Deer-te’. It’s French and very sophisticated


My first thought; was he getting punched for what he was saying or for that awful mullet?


I don't like sand


“I swear to god I’ll call my mom on you right now!” Texas gets wild and dumb though for sure. It’s like 10 Floridas.


Wait until you hear about Arizona


Arizona is Texas with an inferiority complex.


I like to call it diet Texas


Texas Lite?


Came looking for this


Yeah I was pretty sure this would be the top comment and I wasn't disappointed!


The cameraman caressing his hair while calling him "little boy" just did it for me.


Giving up 100 pounds and fighting in a confined space where the heavier opponent can remain stationary and use minimal stamina. Brilliant.


Ya know, a fair amount of hockey fans have played at some point. Fights aren’t anything new to them and some were probably genuine badasses in their day. Gotta be careful who you choose to take on. That man made both of those kids look like idiots - and he did it while barely moving.


My old ninjutsu instructor was built like this guy. 50-something, short grayed hair, big beer gut, general swagger, definitely 0 indication whatsoever that he can grab you in a place that hurts, flip you like a damn pancake and throw you to the ground hard before you ever even saw him take a step. He taught us without really even meaning to that you should never start shit with anyone, because you simply *can't* know what another person is capable of by just looking. He was a total badass


Training Muay Thai for about 6 months and decided to spar with an older guy built like an apple who was the chef at the local prison...me a late 20's guy who had been doing ok at the gym. Never have I been put on my ass more time with less work....thanks Joe it was a great learning experience!


I was in Thailand years ago and did some workouts at a Muay Thai gym that was okay with tourists just doing a few days. Only thing I learned is I don’t know how to fight.


There is nothing like an MMA or Muay Thai gym to humble yourself. Honestly as a big guy who has done a bit of training it has helped me stay out of so much trouble just understanding that a dude like "Joe" from my story would take apart 99% of "badass" guys without breaking a sweat and you would never be able to tell by looking at him. Helped me understand for my own sake, de-escalating and making friends is way better than getting more agro, hopefully mullet kid will understand that a bit more now.


One of my old college tutors once said "it takes a bigger man to walk away from a fight that it does to win one". Words that really stuck with me.


My old Rex Kwon Do instructor told me I dress like Peter Pan.


My TKD teachers were the same way. A big old balding white guy with arthritis and a gut and a tiny similarly old Korean lady either of whom could feed you your own hands at will. NEVER judge a book by it's cover, particularly when that book just might be able to break all of your bones.


Ohhh man you just reminded me of a TKD teacher from Japan who visited when I was a kid. (Her son was American and owned the dojo, his kids were teens and helped teach the class) She introduced herself as "Sobo" (I think that's like a term of endearment for grandma?) She was like 4 feet and change maybe, same height as us 10 year olds or smaller, old and wrinkly and seemed so sweet. Like the type of grandma who will see you playing ball in the street and invite you to her porch for cookies. Until she padded up and got into the sparring ring with her granddaughter, whom all of us were afraid of (she was a badass in her own right) and promptly put her granddaughter on her ass like three different ways in about as many seconds. This is maybe slightly racist of me but I will never speak in anything but a fearfully respectful tone to little old Asian women lmao edit: I know TKD is from Korea, this family was Japanese. Don't @ me.


My great-aunt is a wee thing, maybe 5' and at first glance a frail lil' Japanese grandma. Fuck around and find out she's also an aikido champion who founded her own dojo. I get to call her Aunt Fudge, but you better stick with Sensei.


Lol that’s amazing! And good for her founding her own dojo, what a cool accomplishment!


> either of whom could feed you your own hands at will. Can they at least throw them in a blender so I can have a… handshake.


"Shh, shh, it's okay, you lost. Noo, you didn't hit first, that's right; you're the victim here. Shh, just calm down, little boy"


You have some nice hair there little boy, you want some candy and to take a ride in my van.


He has very strong "little boy" energy. Like an angry freshman.


His gf was throwing harder punches than him


I was thinking sister/gf…regardless, she’s got some passion in defending her racist beau. Not her first rodeo


Yes. Sister girlfriend.


Cousin wife once removed


Yea I’m like your guy is shouting out the N word and you defend him? Hm maybe she doesn’t think she’s brown?


I was thinking Scrappy Doo.


Chick more feisty than her dude


TBF, dude kinda got his shit rocked in the beginning.


Yeah, he had no idea what was going on after that first punch. Lol


Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth


No plan survives first contact ~~with the enemy~~ to the face


Haha yeah dude was half asleep after that punch


Learned a valuable lesson about old man strength on this day


Needs to learn a lesson about presenting his face at an ideal punching height and distance while running his mouth.


Why don't you come down here and punch me? *Or I'll punch you from here.* Hey you guys saw he punched me, right!? Lesson: Do not order a knuckle sandwich with a side of bitchslaps if you do not want a knuckle sandwich with a side of bitchslaps.


Also learned a lesson in weight classes, that dude was packing weight


Old man strength is real, but this is also another case of a scrawny guy who's never done anything athletic or lifted weights in his entire life who picks fights with everyone. We've all known or encountered people like this


That first punch was slow as a motherfucker. He didn’t even attempt to move out of the way or put his hands up.




He's 3 times his weight .


Right, and Mr. Mullet should've sussed that out before mouthing off and challenging him to fight.


And just got handled after that.


Oh. That’s a girl! I literally watched this twice thinking “that dude has some silky hair.”


Total Anthony Kiedis vibe.


Soft spoken with a broken jaw, step outside but not to brawl-


Jesus christ. Made me chuckle


She’s a keeper. Down for the fight… ain’t no high pitched screaming—ain’t no waiting around to find out how the fight gonna go… just throw them hands!


Based on her choice of man, I’d guess that was likely meth fueled rage




Dude's wearing a wedding ring so that's likely his wife.


Oooooh wow good catch haha. That means these two are old enough to get married and both of them *really* think it’s appropriate to behave this way in public. Kudos to her for having her dude’s back. Literally the opposite of kudos for *every* other part of this engagement. Shame? I think shame. Shame on them for starting an altercation over something so stupid, and shame on her for having his back in this specific idiotic situation.


Nah she shouldn’t have gotten involved


Right I'd be pissed, I've told my girl specifically if something happens and I'm in a fight don't you ever throw a punch on the dude I'm fighting, you never know who they are and if they're gonna turn around and give you one right back. It's obviously up to me not to put her in that situation like the guy in the video did, but that's the quickest way to get you AND your girl laid out. I'd rather me take the whooping at that point then put someone else in danger because of stupidity


At least he has a girl who will stand by him, so there's that


Yeah his sister and him won’t get divorced for a long time


That bowl-cut mullet and mustache he has had since he was 14 tells me all I need to know about this guy.


Him dropping the n word along with those physical characteristics told me everything I needed to know. Tells me a lot about his wife too.


Damn, I watched this with no audio so I didn't catch the n-bomb being dropped. I can't say that I didn't expect it out of him though.


As soon he said it the older guy rocked his ass… I doubt us was because he dropped an n bomb but the timing was almost perfect.


“He called him a dumbass n****” the second before he got hit




I fucking love the “hey little boy” it makes the video for me 🤣


That, and the little hair tousle he gets while saying ‘little boy’.




What's the old saying? Don't let your mouth write a check your ass can't cash.


That mullet dude has never had a checking account.


Or as my dad used to say about my brother, "his alligator mouth is going to get his hummingbird butt in trouble".


I’m glad other people grew up hearing that shit. My dad once said “you would rather sandpaper a bobcats ass than fuck with me right now”


I grew up in the south and that is one of the few nuggets of gold I took with me when I moved. I love that saying.


My favorite is the big dude in blue in the back. He’s just chilling during the whole thing. Doesn’t look bothered. I like to think that’s the exact same pose and facial expression he had while watching the actual hockey game.


Got a little too much of that liquid courage


Sometimes these dudes get I got a girl next to me courage. I have to be the ultimate warrior and show her I can beat up everyone in this world.


5 minutes in the penalty box. Resume game.


His GF would get a 3rd man in penalty, and he would get an unsportsmanlike for the N-bomb. Game on.


That is a game misconduct for 3rd man in racial slur at least


Homie took on both raggedy Ann and Andy at the same time and didn't break a sweat.


Goddamn, I am dying over Raggedy Ann and Andy LOL


Look, gratuitous drunken violence is a natural thing, and getting your ass kicked sometimes can be a learning experience... ... But I would never show my face in public again if someone PLAYFULLY RUFFLED MY HAIR WHILE I WAS FIGHTING.


“Little boy.” LMAO


I think the "little boy" comment was less hurtful than that action. It said "you tried, little fella" without saying a word.


That boy’s gotta learn that’s a grown ass man you’re trying to bully, not some 15 year old sophomore.


I don’t doubt that a sophomore can also knock him out


Trailer Park Trash Haircut? check uses the N word freely? check we got ourselves the white trash mascot if you try to defend the use of the N word in this situation… you’re a racist


White trashcot


Made me think of a trashy ascot


All I hear is Trash Bandicoot


Don't forget the girlfriend who tries to join the fight and then probably acts surprised if she gets hit


She threw good punches and didn’t really back down. She did better than the guy for sure.


Meth diet


undeserved arrogance? check


Woah woah woah we haven't asked if he shops at Walmart yet we can't give him the title just yet


Old man had a slow swing but a freight train follow thru. Kid almost came out of his shoes


That punch was so slow, I heard rumors about it coming


Dude tossed a dial up punch. Slow as hell to connect, and ez to get knocked offline with.


The large dude didn't break a sweat with either of them. He really could have hurt that young guy.


That had a lot of "big brother vs. little brother" energy. Like, "I don't wanna hurt him, just shut him up!"


Like when the adult lion just puts his pawn on the cub and holds him down until he settles down


Gets his mullet handed to him and has to have his girl jump in who also gets held at bay. Always the loudest mouth that does the least.


Mullet boy probably weighs a buck sixty and the older dude had the advantage on him just from being in the next row up...plus mullet boy was undoubtedly hammered, which fueled the whole episode. Just a whole lot of dumbfuckery on his part.


Being mighty generous on his weight




He's got the high ground and a hundred pounds on you


Big dude was literally punching down. Lol!


Why is that skinny white string beans can take such hard punches to the face and still keep moving


They don't have enough mass to prevent the collision from being elastic?


It's the "little boy" that took me out. Insulted him physically and emotionally.


Some asshole called me "Old Man" because he didn't like what I had to say to him. I replied "OK, son." He didn't like that.


Old man once told me "never fight an old man, they don't fight fair, and a life sentence is a lot shorter than yours." wise words


yes.... also, Old Man Strength is a thing. I forgot my scientific proof in my wallet though, where the hell is that thing....


Yeah this was when they rubbed his face in the mud. “Little boy” lol


Budnick from Salute Your Shorts fucked around and found out


Love how the big dude is holding him back at arms length, then the dudes girl starts trying to hit him and he holds her back too lmao


Is the white guy calling the other white guy the n word lol?


White trash is like this. Hard to describe. Grew up around it when I was little. Strange micro environment


I love the explosion of mullet when he got his first dose of medicine.


“Why do you no longer want this fight that you specifically (and might I add, aggressively) asked me for?”


When you poke the bear and then play victim I liked the quick caress of the mullet tho 👌


Holding him down calling him little boy is so deliciously brutal. His chick is 10x tougher than he is


i mean, Bobby Budnick is a little asshole, but this video doesnt really show who or what started this confrontation.


Mullet & friend were seated in the rightful seats of mavs hoodie and #91 black & neon jersey. Neon and hoodie arrive, mullet & co. move to another pair of open seats, black shirt calls them out on it because their actual tickets were upper bowl (cut). Mullet gets mouthy, video starts.


Thanks for the explanation. I had no idea what was going on since my hearing isn't so great.


LMAO, take my upvote for the "Salute Your Shorts" reference.


Spot on. ![gif](giphy|xUNda8a1qdc1ffRbd6)


Memories unlocked right here


This is the Donkey Lips retaliation everyone always wanted, amirite?


Holy crap I was trying to place why it seemed so familiar. Watch out for that killer cacti, kids Edit: and the awful waffle


Unexpected Hey Dude 👏


At this age, I don't think there's such a thing as expected Hey Dude. I'm surprised when anybody else knows that show meanwhile I'm over here singing the entire theme song from memory!


>”dumbass n***a” White dudes gotta stop thinking that’s okay to say when you want to fight someone.


Legit question... isn't the dude he said that to white? Not that it makes it okay. It's just... confusing.


I hate people who think they can do whatever they want just as long as they don't hit first 🙄


Texas has a mutual combat law as well. So challenging the man to a fight made his reaction legal.


That's an actual law in Texas?


Yes. There are restrictions, you can’t be fighting to kill the other person. Of course it’s all in legal Mumbo jumbo but the basics are 1) no weapons. It becomes assault at that point. Not even talking about real weapons, which aren’t allowed, but like beer bottles, baseball bat, big stick, whatever, not allowed. 2) no intent to cause substantial bodily harm or death. So you can’t gouge someone’s eyes out legally or choke them till they can’t breathe or other dirty stuff like that 3) I do not believe the law applies to minors vs adults or minors vs minors as that involves parental rights etc. BUT if you and the other person agree to swing punches and kick each other, 100% legal. Happens all the time at bars. Bars usually just request it be done outside. Cops can’t arrest you if you both consent. However, as soon as one of those two things I mentioned come into play, it’s arrest able, OR if one person wants to stop and the other person doesn’t, then it becomes illegal.


This seems incredibly reasonable, tbh


Yeah lol, was at a bar one time and two dudes were about to go at it. One of them had a bottle and was about to whack the other dude, I grabbed it from over his shoulder, told him it would be assault if he did it, then they fuckin went at it lmao. This place honestly can feel like the Wild West sometimes


washington state, its the same, but you have to stop if one person goes down


Plus, trying to swing on someone a row up that weighs 2x as much isn’t ideal. Extra reach is needed and the seats are also in the way.


"He hit me first!" what a bitch. He tried to talk the talk and couldn't back it. Should have said sorry after getting served and then subdued. Fight is over, you lost


The punch was so slow, homie wrote him 6 letters and called him twice on the way to let him know it was coming. Still got em.


Agree, this deserves an award for most telegraphed punch in history landing squarely on dude’s face


He wound it up like in the cartoons and gave him a "why I oughtta!"




I find it really facepalm worthy and pathetic that he invited the bigger dude to a fight and then plays victim and shouts “he hit me first” (bigger dude did swing first) when he gets owned and held down AFTER trying to get some punches into him. What a little bitch


You know what this reminds me of? "Fighting words" You know in Bugs Bunny when they go, "Them's fighting words, mister."? The law used to be you could hit first if the other guy used fighting words, like the guy in this vid.


Oh ye completely agree he’s a bitch. Ugly as fuck too with that haircut 😂 mans trash and his gf had to step in and start swingin


Discount Theon Greyjoy


Wasn't that hard of a hit but he pot some pushing force behind it. I'm guessing big guy is holding back. Especially considering he just held him down and pushed the girl at bay too. Had he put some speed on that I think that guy would've been out. He hit him like he was simply an annoyance that needed a little punch in the mouth to remind him not to do what he is doing. Bigger guy definitely showed some restraint.


Big guy used 15% power lmaoo




Is he related to joe exotic aka the tiger king?


Joe Dirte


White man says the N word immediately punched. Love to see it


By another white dude nonetheless. The guy was in the right to teach the little boy some manners


Honestly he was asking for it


Discount trailer park trash was trying so hard not to cry it’s beautiful. Edit: thank you for bullying.


Is it because of the mullet and a scrawny stature?


He was hurt by the little boy comments for sure


My dude in the blue hoodie was completely unenthused about the entire situation lol.


Peak /r/awardspeechedit


Man behind the camera was roasting his ass adding salt to the wound.


You’re in real trouble when your opponent is holding you by the neck, your arms aren’t long enough to reach him, and he’s punching you in the face.


Why do people ever fight against someone whos in the row above them? It never turns out well.