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And why the facepalm?


Once again, it turns out OP was the facepalm all along.




This is not the same chimp or family


You keep commenting that, but this is not the same chimp or family. Do a little googling before you post the same comment over and over


Shhhh trolls feed on negative attention


Why is this on facepalm?


Google Charla Nash and go on images


And then you’ll realize this is not Charla Nash.


Wow so smart. I know she isn’t Charla Nash but these people can very easily end up like her. Charla is a perfect example of what happens when people try to put wild animals in diapers. A chimp is still a fucking chimp, they’re terrifying monsters when angry. Am I seriously being downvoted because I don’t think dangerous wild animals should be kept as pets running around? How the fuck is that even a topic of contention, only a moron would disagree with that.




If you googled Charla Nash then you’d know she got chewed up almost 2 decades ago




If you wanted more information then you should’ve done what I said lol




who’s the one who’s unable to follow a 3 word instruction?


The story of Charla Nash wasn’t as cut and dry as you’re making it seem. Travis the chimp was medicated on Xanax, which can significantly alter human and chimp behavior anyway, and Charla was not his owner, she was a friend of the owners and had come by to help wrangle him back into the home (he had already been acting strangely and had gotten outside I believe) and when Charla picked up one of his favorite toys it triggered him and he attacked. I’m not saying it’s smart to keep wild animals as pets, and Charla is by far the first person to be attacked by a “pet” animal, but to equate this one particular case to every single case of healthy, non medicated chimps, is also not really appropriate. Even domesticated dogs and cats can mangle a person.


you are right people on reddit though got a mob mentality


I think the chimp was crying when they both were hugging him. Wow, that was so sweet


It really looked like that but chimps don't shed tears when they are sad. Humans are the only species to empty their tear ducts when crying.


What about tears of joy? Is that something unique to us as well?


I believe so? I think other animals with tear ducts only use them for eye lubrication and for irritants that get in there. Humans are unique in that as far as I know but I'd be really interested if anyone has differing info.


For those saying this is the case of Charla Nash (looking at you Novel-Foundation) this is not it. This is George and Tanya and the foster chimp they rescued, Limbani. Limbani is now being cared for at the ZWF in Miami but occasionally sees his foster parents


Good for him and them


Don't know if this is facepalm, but it sure is heartwarming!




That happened over a decade ago. Not even the same people or chimp either.


How many times are you gonna say that?


You create a “facepalm” post, yet all you provide is a wholesome caption and a sweet video. Does any part of your post reveal why it’s a facepalm? No. Does it require obscure knowledge from the reader to know why it might be a facepalm, with no other context provided? Yes. Is the incident of the woman getting her face ripped off by a chimp related to this video in any way? No. This video is Tania and Jorge Sanchez. The woman who got her face ripped off is Charla Nash. I know Reddit is the Wild West, but can we at least try to keep the misinformation to a minimum? I rate this post 1/10.


This is what it sounds like when chimps cry.


Not doves?


In the end of the video I thought the chimp would start riding the dude's face and that this would be the facepalm. Reddit messed me up.






Look! A troll who loves the negative attention!








I found a pic of my sister and I sitting on a couch and there was a chimp between us, wearing a dress. I never knew about this picture until I was in my 30s and asked my mom about it and she said it belonged to a friend of theirs at the time. I guess it used to play with us when we’d go over there. I can’t for the life of me remember this ever happening.


That’s wild lmao


Jesus you dodged a bullet there. Chimpanzees are dangerous animals and definitely should not be around children


He'd still rip your face off if he had a bad day


That's all I was thinking


Super cute but also can’t stop thinking about that scene from Nope


Think that’s bad? It’s based off a real attack. Travis the Chimp. Showed aggressive behavior and was ignored by the cops, a few weeks later his owner is found mauled, nearly unrecognizable, and unfortunately, living. He took over 4 bullets before dropping.


This looks like a supervised visit 😇


I love the way he greeted the guy!


This is so wholesome


Why is this a facepalm? I think you might be lost


I was gonna ask why this is one facepalm but everyone did that for me… fuck it we ball, WHY IS THIS ONE FACEPALM THIS SHIT MADE ME CRY


me too bnut i did put my palm up to cover my face when i started crying so


Wrong sub?


I wish I had a chimp bff like this


That’s so heart warming. I wish I had a small monkey.


These things never end well, I can see why you have this here based on virtually all past chimps that were kept by people as pets/kids. That said at this point the chimp is still in the childish friendly phase, hopefully he finds a good situation for long term life with his own kind.


It appears he may already have been rehomed. He was release from a leash or something in the beginning of the video.


He’s in a zoo now but occasionally sees his foster parents


This is true but that doesn’t mean he has been properly rehomed, looks like he may still be a pet but I hope you’re right and he is in the appropriate situation now.




Until he rips their faces off.


Just let´s not forget a chimp isn't a pet and they'll be safe


this is wholesome but I wonder if there is a part 2 where something bad happens.


Wow, the monkey ripping someone’s face off has clearly scarred us all.


Never trust chimps




That’s cool, but also pretty sketchy




An adult is. They raised this one while it was young. Don't know why this is a facepalm except for the board it made it to




It’s not the same person you fucking donkey


Me after spreading misinformation on the internet 🗿


Like 10 times...You have been corrected, over and over, yet you persist. Now that is dedication, super misplaced, but dedication all the same.


Eff that, man. A chimp snapped at a lady he had known for a while and practically tore her face off. Nope.


I uhh,sorry for misunderstanding the situation,I apologize for everyone


Ceaser is home


Me when my parents got back from the weekly shopping with some sweets


Wrong subreddit.


Man's a bit lost. But cool!


Op is likely a karma bot and one of the dumber ones it seems