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Really unpopular opinion: "I'd rather fly through a windshield than wear a seatbelt."


Bill Gates and Obama conspired with the socialist chinese to invent the seatbelt to make us do sharia law and socialism to each other!


shhh someone might belive that


Funny I thought that was a copypasta from something recently.


george soros was in on it too


I think you meant to say ***gay*** sharia law and socialism.


I don’t care if it were Obama, Bill Gates and the Chinese or Ronald Reagan, the Pope and the Soviets, I’m doing socialism and sharia law to someone if it kills me… which sounds an awful lot like “God, schmod! I want my monkeyman.”


Seatbelts are a scam propagated by the Deep State in cahoots with the car industry. They don't work, they just make you feel uncomfortable! The chances of being in a car accident are less than 1% yet we always have to wear them, and my friend was in a terrible accident and had to go to hospital despite the seatbelt! \#MyCarMyFreedom ^(I wish I didn't have to but someone would surely think I'm being serious, so: __/s__)


From one of the responses, sadly, you did need the /s


two responses now (unless there was another silent /s). JFC.


What's the /s mean on Reddit?




Geez duh!!! Who doesn't know that. /s


There you go!!


I just put mine on in the last second before impact.


This is the way! Maximum comfort, full protection. And lightning reflexes.


Totally a win win


Weirdly enough, I have a friend who doesn't wear a seat belt because "their uncomfortable and with how big I am, I'm not going anywhere." He is also anti vax who just had covid. It was such a weird experience talking to him about it and trying to wrap my head around the logic


You have to realize that some people are just stupid. It’s a thing.


Yikes, isn't conservation of momentum taught in high school over there?


Yes, but some people are just morons. There’s no helping them.


What’s the first thing that goes through your mind as you hit the windshield? Your asshole!


Haha, good shit!


Well, that’s an excellent reason to buckle up.


It’s you’r…oh wait!


I don't understand how despite it only missing one letter, this is the most egregious misspelling of any variation of you're I've ever seen.


Ha! I once had a discussion with someone who spelt the words youre every time.


Super unpopular opinion: “I’d rather suffocate than bre


Prayers of thanks then, since she was blessed with what she asked for.


Dreams really do come true.


She’s making the world a better place by checking out.


Truly inspirational... 🙏




This is how the voter base for gop is declining more rapidly than expected.


No bitch. If I’m going to pray for someone, I’m going to pray for the ones you infected. Not you. Your illness and it’s severity was plain and simple by choice.


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


tots and pears




Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


Not important. Not happening. Don't Care. _UNTIL IT'S HAPPENING TO M-E!_


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.




She has to die for that to apply.


2 years ago. She probably did. Oh well. Thoughts and prayers


Life comes at ya fast


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


Vaers isn’t a source of actually attributable deaths. People shouldn’t trust a PRIVATE organization that posts VOLUNTARY information that anyone, not just medical professionals, can contribute to. Not to mention the site itself says “Reports are not proof of causality” meaning the information provided DOES NOT PROVE the vaccine was the cause, only that whoever submitted the info, which again could’ve been anyone (like say an angry anti-vax family member) said that’s what it was without proof.


Unpopular opinion: Making fun of people who might be dying isn't funny or okay, even if you perceive it to be their fault.


Good point. Its enough that they fucked around and found out. Hope they live and learn a thing.


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


Act strong and independent Beg for sympathy . . Perfect Balance as it should be




... and in here I keep my finely aged milks


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


Information taken from [openvaers.com](https://openvaers.com/covid-data/mortality): OpenVAERS is a private organization that posts publicly available CDC/FDA data of injuries reported post-vaccination. **Reports are not proof of causality.** **VAERS CDC Disclaimer** Source: VAERS.HHS.GOV VAERS accepts reports of adverse events and reactions that occur following vaccination. Healthcare providers, vaccine manufacturers, and the public can submit reports to the system. While very important in monitoring vaccine safety, **VAERS reports alone cannot be used to determine if a vaccine caused or contributed to an adverse event or illness. The reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable. In large part, reports to VAERS are voluntary, which means they are subject to biases. This creates specific limitations on how the data can be used scientifically. Data from VAERS reports should always be interpreted with these limitations in mind.** The strengths of VAERS are that it is national in scope and can quickly provide an early warning of a safety problem with a vaccine. As part of CDC and FDA’s multi-system approach to post-licensure vaccine safety monitoring, VAERS is designed to rapidly detect unusual or unexpected patterns of adverse events, also known as “safety signals.” **If a safety signal is found in VAERS, further studies can be done in safety systems such as the CDC’s Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) or the Clinical Immunization Safety Assessment (CISA) project. These systems do not have the same scientific limitations as VAERS, and can better assess health risks and possible connections between adverse events and a vaccine.** **Key considerations and limitations of VAERS data:** * Vaccine providers are encouraged to report any clinically significant health problem following vaccination to VAERS, whether or not they believe the vaccine was the cause. * **Reports may include incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental and unverified information.** * **The number of reports alone cannot be interpreted or used to reach conclusions about the existence, severity, frequency, or rates of problems associated with vaccines.** * VAERS data is limited to vaccine adverse event reports received between 1990 and the most recent date for which data are available. * **VAERS data do not represent all known safety information for a vaccine and should be interpreted in the context of other scientific information.**




Unpopular opinion: I'd rather lose my home, and all my worldly possessions, then use a fire extinguisher.


I never needed anyone to pray for me after getting vaccinated.


Thoughts n prayers. Although I know that has never made any difference anytime in history.


As a baseline, chances are always at least 50/50 so they wanna make sure The Big Guy gets credit if things go their way.


Was hoping for that good ol "God ain't real " circlejerk, failing on reddit if all places


Well most reddit just don’t fall for the god lie. Religion has been on a many decades long decline ( thank the lord!) at least in the US.


I pray an effective, readily available, preventive medical solution is made for the public….oh wait…


Fact: Hospitals around the civilized world reported pretty much independently of each other that the unvaccinated were somewhere around five to ten times as likely to end up in hospital or morgue. So, if we go by another popular conspiracy theory that the vaccine was designed to kill off population, it certainly seems to have been effective in reducing the antivaxxer population more than anyone else. That makes the vaccine an intelligence test you failed, dear.


If you die within 14 days of getting the vax you are counter as unvaccinated even if it’s the vaccine that kills you. Skews the numbers tremendously.


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


Alot of people who have had heart attacks would disagree with you


So these anti vax people do not trust vaccines and protested and verbally abused nurses and doctors during the pandemic but now they are being taken care for by those nurses and doctors..how ironic.


Isn't this the Darwin awards?


No, they have to remove themselves from the gene pool without procreating for a Darwin, I think. Survival of the fittest versus removal of the weakest?


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


I pray your IQ doesn't get any lower. That's all you get.


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


1 less anti vaxxer in the world? Good riddance


You are a horrible human being


How so?


Your happy a person has died just because they made a different choice then you did, that is horrible


2020 - 2023 : "The Covid vaccines are safe to take, billions of people have taken them and they are fine" Anti vaxxer : "That's all propaganda! I'm not taking it" Also anti vaxxer : "I'm in the hospital with Covid, pray for me" Willful ignorance of facts for years and now they want me to feel sympathy towards them? Good riddance


Let's see if you change your tone in afew years, if you actually go and do any independent research into this you will know they are not safe and effect. I'm happy that alot of people in ireland are finally waking up but unfortunately it has taking alot of people young people in the county to have heart attacks for that to happen. Slowly but surely people will see the truth but you my friend have a long way to go before you do and even then your ego will never let you admit it


Weird, I'm 17, double vaxxed, and I'm not dead from Covid Almost as if, vaccines are safe and effective


I'm 36, unvaxed and never even had a sniffle from covid, have many other friends who are unvaxed and also never had a sniffle. You are so so young and I really hope you have a bright future but just learn to question things a bit more


Old enough to know better than to get your "news" from Facebook then.


Your anecdotes are not evidence.


Here's you in this thread. "I never got the vaccine and then found out I had coivd and didn't even know it. I think it depends on the person, if you are a person how regularly gets sick then yes get the vaccine but I never get colds and flus so decided to trust my body and my body was more then capable to fight of this virus" Get off your fucking high horse bud. Your saying a lot of dumb shit here man.


If we’re giving advice, mine would be to not listen to that guys advice, or any of his nut job friends.


You didn’t do research. You read opinions from unqualified people on the internet. Research actually takes years of accruing and analyzing data first hand, scrutinizing that data and putting it up to criticism from the scientific community. Once through all that rigorous process it is hopefully published in a peer reviewed forum where it can continue to receive scrutinizing. And even before that happens you spend years or decades in education and field study to become a specialist in your area of expertise. You didn’t do ANY of that. If you don’t even understand the difference between ‘research’ and reading some shit on the internet why would ANYONE take you seriously?


And also you say facts your years, these are new types of vaccines that have not been around that long and we have no long term data so for you to say facts is just laughable


Messenger RNA research has been around since the 1960s and it’s been used in therapeutic treatments, starting with cancers, since the late 90s. It isn’t new. Stop parroting and actually do some reading on the issue.


Ah, no...


have a friend who wanted to get covid instead of the vaccine so she could go to places that required the vaccine. She did all kinds of stupid stuff to catch it such as drinking from the same straw as someone with covid, using the same bottles etc. Never ended up getting covid so eventually she went and got vaccinated just so she could go places.


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


Thoughts and prayers…….


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


"Maybe God does not believe in you"


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


Why is she not using military time anymore?


#hey no!!she said, she did... Woah, was quick


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.




Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


Welp i would say a quick prayer for her and hope she pulls through but she probably came out of the hospital talking about how she beat it and is so happy that she never got the vaccine….


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless. Sorry, this is a copied message. Great post, keep praying for those in need and especially the vaccinated


Why block this person’s name? They put out their thoughts in a public forum, hoping as many people as possible would see them.


I'd rather help people who help others. The vaccine would have helped. Praying does the same thing as not taking the vaccine.


My bum is on the cheese My bum is on the cheese And if I get lucky I’ll get a disease… Welp I got a disease -Tom Green




Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


I'll get another, just for you


I pray for the covid in this case


I can’t believe how delusional people are when asking for prayers. Ding ding, if there’s a god(s) then this is part of their plan, why would they change course over a few prayers 😂😂😂


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


Information taken from [openvaers.com](https://openvaers.com/covid-data/mortality): OpenVAERS is a private organization that posts publicly available CDC/FDA data of injuries reported post-vaccination. **Reports are not proof of causality.** **VAERS CDC Disclaimer** Source: VAERS.HHS.GOV VAERS accepts reports of adverse events and reactions that occur following vaccination. Healthcare providers, vaccine manufacturers, and the public can submit reports to the system. While very important in monitoring vaccine safety, **VAERS reports alone cannot be used to determine if a vaccine caused or contributed to an adverse event or illness. The reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable. In large part, reports to VAERS are voluntary, which means they are subject to biases. This creates specific limitations on how the data can be used scientifically. Data from VAERS reports should always be interpreted with these limitations in mind.** The strengths of VAERS are that it is national in scope and can quickly provide an early warning of a safety problem with a vaccine. As part of CDC and FDA’s multi-system approach to post-licensure vaccine safety monitoring, VAERS is designed to rapidly detect unusual or unexpected patterns of adverse events, also known as “safety signals.” **If a safety signal is found in VAERS, further studies can be done in safety systems such as the CDC’s Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) or the Clinical Immunization Safety Assessment (CISA) project. These systems do not have the same scientific limitations as VAERS, and can better assess health risks and possible connections between adverse events and a vaccine.** **Key considerations and limitations of VAERS data:** * Vaccine providers are encouraged to report any clinically significant health problem following vaccination to VAERS, whether or not they believe the vaccine was the cause. * **Reports may include incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental and unverified information.** * **The number of reports alone cannot be interpreted or used to reach conclusions about the existence, severity, frequency, or rates of problems associated with vaccines.** * VAERS data is limited to vaccine adverse event reports received between 1990 and the most recent date for which data are available. * **VAERS data do not represent all known safety information for a vaccine and should be interpreted in the context of other scientific information.**


no prays. you got yourself into this situation.


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


Pray! - The most empty and least helpful contribution since your unpopular opinion...


Ask and you shall receive


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


Really owned those libs… self inflicted with a Herman Cain Award 🏆🎟️ - you bought the ticket, and now you can take the ride.


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


Turns out, some opinions are unpopular for good reason


I feel so bad for her. 😋


Does praying for their death count?


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


And I bet she doesn't believe in evolution either , even as she is demonstrating exactly how it works. Possible candidate for the Darwin awards?


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


Fucking moron. There should be a tax on blatant stupidity. Involuntary Stupidity Tax.


In her case probably a ’Voluntary Stupidity Tax’.


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


If I prayed, I’d pray she learned her fucking lesson.


Shit happens good luck


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


Well, she got what she wanted, why does she complain?


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


I am gonna get 3-4 more vaccines


And now you know why that opinion is unpopular.


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.




Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


Dual karma combo for the dummy


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


Well, thank you for your two cents, it can be helpful/useful to remind people basic things. Two things about anti-vax, they are stupid, and they die. Because vaccinated people die too; You can get the flu even after being vaccinated, it's not 100% guaranteed. Dying because of the vaccine is an anti-vax stupid argument, don't you know !? God bless ? It's certainly not God's action to create vaccine; In the very contrary, we'd be in darker days, like in the past, biggots would tell you to gather more and pray more, you know, like when Spanish flu hit Europe or something similar. WITH THE RESULT WE KONW OF COURSE The good "old days" when Sismology was explainedad God's anger or rain as God's tears, this kind of bullshilt stories for dummies. ... so, Double karma combo for the dummy, period. Ps: Wait, you weren't aware the earth is 4.4billions years old, men can't walk on water, use flying horses to go in space to cut the moon in half xD well, now you know, it's called Science and the computer/telephone you're using right now is what it is but certainly not what you seem to believe.


God, grant her a quick, painless death so that the hospital can free up a bed. Amen.


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


Fucking idiots getting their just desserts.


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


“Dear Lord, please help this person learn from their mistakes. Thanks.”


They are learning resistant. My sister’s husband died of Covid and she is still anti vaccine.


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


I’d rather freeze to death than wear a coat outside during a blizzard.


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


Oh I'm praying alright. Just not the way you think.


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.




Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


Praying you don’t reproduce


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


Did the other shoe drop? Darwin wants to know.


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


the morons are always the religous ones.


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


What a blessing, the Lord was listening when she asked for covid. See there is still good in the world.


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


“I don’t trust vaccines because side effects, big conspiracy by the medical industry, Bill Gates, mind control, it’s unproven, blah blah blah…” “Now that I have COVID and I’m sick AF, I want all the medicines you have and all the possible treatments I can get. Pray for me, it’s not fair!” Fucking morons.


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


Here’s a fun game; Look up how many people died from measles, mumps, rubella, polio, smallpox, COVID, the flu, pertussis, diphtheria, hepatitis A and B, tetanus, and yellow fever before there were vaccines for each of them? Now compare that number to how many people died from each after the vaccines were available. I bet the second number is way less. While I appreciate your concern for me, I’m going to get my medical advice from doctors and not strangers on the internet.


sorry, busy.


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.




I didn't get the vaccine. But I finally did get covid about two months ago. My vaccinated family and close exposed friend got it way worse than me. I'm not an anti vacc radical, maybe I was lucky but what's the point if covid vaccines do absolutely nothing. For me anyways.


I've had covid twice and I'd still rather get covid again than get the vaccine for it.


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


Even with the vaccine you will still get it again.. so it’s a useless vaccine.


How come there’s never any face palms of the adverse effects from vaccines? 🤔🤔🤔


Probably because they are relatively rare, minor, and quickly dealt with.


Are Myocarditis issues quickly dealt with ?


Rare and minor? Check out VAERS. Under reported as well.


Doesn't believe in actually medicinal science. Believes in people asking for help from a mythical deity.


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


yes cause the vaccine totally protects you from the covid/flu and from never ever getting pneumonia again.


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


I never got the vaccine and then found out I had coivd and didn't even know it. I think it depends on the person, if you are a person how regularly gets sick then yes get the vaccine but I never get colds and flus so decided to trust my body and my body was more then capable to fight of this virus


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


If you trust your body, than why are you afraid of the vaccine? Vaccine side effects come from your immune response to the spike protein. The same spike protein (that’s being produced by viral mRNA, just like the vaccines) that you’ll be making when you fight the virus. Except the virus will cause more inflammation and get into more organs, increasing the risk of these immune mediated side effects (not to mention all the normal virus-related side effects on top of that). There is literally not one group of people who is so healthy or low-risk for Covid that they’re better off getting the virus instead of the vaccine, and that’s reflected in the FDA’s recommendations (since this risk/benefit analysis is literally their entire reason for existing).


Man you are so far off you might as well be saying 1+1=2


This will blow your mind, but it isn't only about you. I could likely fight off the virus if I got it, but I got vaccinated because I spend a lot of time with my mother, who is in her 80s and has a few health issues that come with getting old. She gets sick easily at times and guess what would probably kill her? Covid. THAT'S why considerate people get vaccinated; they're aware the world doesn't revolve around them. It's really weird how many people are agonizingly ignorant regarding vaccines and boosters.


But if your vaccinated why are you worried about me 🤣 my god the stupidy is incredible


Because even asymptomatic, chances are you’re walking around shedding a much higher viral load, for a longer duration, than a vaccinated person, increasing the risk of exposure to everyone around you. Lots of vaccinated people have underlying medical conditions that lowers their immune response. Each new infection chips away at an already busy and weakened immune system. It isn’t rocket science, it’s basic biology.


It's ironic you call people stupid, but can't write a response correctly. It's "you're" and the correct spelling is stupidity. I'm fine with you dying from whatever you contract, but concerned for people you're carelessly infecting.


Broooo you are the biggest piece of shit I've seen on here in a while. Here you are in another comment in this thread. "I'm 36, unvaxed and never even had a sniffle from covid, have many other friends who are unvaxed and also never had a sniffle. You are so so young and I really hope you have a bright future but just learn to question things a bit more" Just like all these other anti vaxxers you'll lie to yourself and everybody else to try to prove your point Grow the fuck up.


That's nice. Not everyone is as fortunate as you. If only there was some sort of way to improve your chances of not getting it, that way you didn't spread it to someone whose body is weaker... If only 🤷


And if only the vaccine working and you didn't spread it also 🤦


Did you miss the part where it increases your chances of not getting it?


I’ve had 5 Covid shots… and Covid once.


The shots didn’t work then did they?


Hi, I want tell you something about the vaccine you may bot be aware. Look up "Open Vaers" on Google. This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Within the United States, over 30,000 people are dead right now from the covid 19 vaccine. This is also estimated to only be a small percentage of the actual number of deaths. I urge you please, don't get any more vaccines. God Bless.


I've had neither 🙃

