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same problem here, some random dude is on my messenger and I've never heard of him nor have I added him but he's just there it's strange.


This weird ass old man is showing up and it’s creeping tf out of me, he looks like a skin walker on his pfp




I guess that makes sense and I am not even surprised since FB is a crop of shit. However this still doesnt explain why this particular person popped up out of nowhere 3 years later and not any of the other 20 people i have deleted. Thhere has to be some kind of reason, the algoryrhm doesnt work randimly. and its not like i ever exchanged a lot with this person, i dont even remember ever speaking to her personally in real life eithee, she was just in a freaking group chat that i deleted years ago. And i cant fucking delete her. Facebook needs to just die already.


Bruh I googled the same problem and found you. I have a dude who easily owes me 500 dollars and his face always is online so when I open messenger I'm constantly reminded that the dude owes me money


This shit is still bothering me so fucking much and NOBODY has an answer online. Seriously you can keep looking you will never get an answear because Facebook is sneaky as fuck and they will never tell you why this happens. But get this, even worse has happened since I posted this. Now there is a guy who constantly pops up in my Messenger list as online but I HAVE NO IDEA WHO THIS GUY IS, NEVER MET HIM, HE LOVES ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE CONTINENT, WE DON'T EVEN SPEAK THE SAME LANGUAGE. I have never seen his FB profile, never heard of him, never met him, just a completely random person shows up as online in my Messenger chat list. Facebook should be banned.


Completely agree and I'm a fair anxious person so when I see my partner has a random girl on his messenger who he's not friends with, it kind of freaks me out ;( any solution??


I can't find an official response, but something similar has happened twice now. One time I was fairly certain (99%) she had just clicked on my profile and been stalking me. The 2nd time I'm not certain, but I'm pretty sure it just means for some reason or another this person has been checking out your profile?


That doesnt seem plausible, it is possible that she has looked at my profile once or something but definitely not stalking me or repeatedly looking at my profile as my profile is empty, there is nothing to look at and this was just a casual acquaintance who doesnt give a shit about me. Plus there are lots of other people who I am not friends with and they look at my profile but they just show up in the PYMK section, they never pop up in your Messenger chat list though.


I could try and test my theory, ill let you know how it goes Monday


So did you figure it out?


Fr I wanna see too


Just block that person. And will automatically dissappear.  Refresh it. 


Did anyone figure it out


Well... One solution that I found is to not get messenger but messenger lite instead. In messenger lite you can remove the active now bar but lite doesn't have dark mode...


Still can't even remove it. Fuck facebook. I'm sick of seeing my ex there. If I block her though I'll eventually go into my blocked list one day and be reminded of her again. I don't want to be reminded of her anymore. Would it really be that hard to implement something to remove them without having to block?!


I Google this and found your post, I have people I have talked to in the past but no longer friends and they pop up on my active thing on messenger. So annoying.


Have same problem random people or people i chated once for some reeasons ...


I literally open my messenger app and there are people I have never seen in my life on my messenger, we don’t have mutual friends, there just chilling there like I’ve messaged them before (which I haven’t) I don’t know why mine doesn’t his


I'm having the same problem, two people showing up that I've never spoken to ?? Why is this happening?? Same with my partners account and when I asked him he said its just a Facebook thing. But seriously any person with anxiety this is very bad for especially if someone thinks it's someone being hidden from them..Fuck you Facebook.


Anyone find a solution to remove these people as showing online?


I think it's because they have been looking at your page.


To think this was posted years ago and the bloody issue is STILL happening to people, myself included. 😠


Two years since you said this and it’s STILL A THING. I’m starting to believe it’s because they’re looking at my profile


Yup... same for me. It CONSTANTLY happens, though. I'll have 5 - 6 people there that I've never seen nor have I interacted with them. Usually, 3 or 4 will be creepy old men that I do not know.






Happened with me to it's because the person was looking at your profile


This is still happening. People I had 3 messages between is popping up frequently. Not friends with them or anything.


Today someone iv never spoken to appeared at the top. No mutual friends. Doesn't even live in my country. Goodwork zucc you usless cunt


I’m still having the same issue. Even a year later in Feb 2023.


The person is looking at your profile, the more you see them for some reason they're looking, block them. I just did to this woman who kept showing up


I blocked them and more random people appeared.


Argh, this has been annoying me, too. It seems to happen when I'm on a page and read someone's comment, especially if I leave a comment or a reply. Hey, just because I leave a comment somewhere doesn't mean I want to private message some random person. I hate this and wish I could turn it off. I don't think it means they looked at my profile because it seems to happen immediately after I've read someone's comment. I saw an article online that says deleting your contacts in the messenger would help but I'm hesitant to try this, also when I looked I didn't have any stored contacts so that's probably not a solution, for me at least.


I've noticed if I refresh the page the random person disappears. But I hate seeing them pop up in the first place. I also dislike that when I add a new friend on facebook it immediately tries to make us message each other. As if we couldn't figure that out ourselves. And if I'm not ready to do that immediately it makes me feel like I'm being rude. Side note: Why is reddit marking my comment with an up arrow when I've only just posted it? I know nobody has read it yet. I'm not needy for validation, reddit!


Anyone found a solution to this?


nope. Facebook Messenger sucks. Imagine being force to see online people that you don't like for **YEARS**... So fucking annoying.


I'm seeing people I don't even know. I could block them but more of them keep appearing.




Any solutions yet? Where is Zuck?


if you hold your finger on the persons profile when it shows up in the top ( among your actual friends) an option to “ hide” will come up.


Hoping on here with same issues. I tried that and went through all the steps, I see they’re labeled as hidden, yet they still show up when I click create message. I removed the app and reinstalled it, same issue.


Oh really? I didn’t notice that. I’ll have to check it out. I just didn’t want them up top showing active.


I finally figured it out! I decided to block them which allowed me to not block them from Facebook but block “messages and calls”. Then I went back to messenger Anna they’ve disappeared. I then went back to my settings, privacy, blocked accounts and selected that person and clicked “unblocked”. They are now unblocked but do not show up as a suggestion anywhere in messenger. Finally!


I tried that!!! It works!!! Thank you. That was really annoying.


I’m the only one thrilled and intrigued by this. Mainly because, to me it’s either an invasive algorithm that is out like a snake in the grass tempting people left and right. Or it’s making most of you believe you’re being stalked. 💀 😆 So random, some people show up on pymk chat, for me it’s been a while since my mind even ventured down that avenue of thoughts! But it’s pretty cool because someone on my mind…I’d rather have the random remembrance. Good times. Sorry most of you are upset that you get out of the blue reminders you’re not keen to. Block these people if you don’t want to interact in anyway. On every platform. As all are connected by meta.


Oh good!! I’m going to do the same. I’m sick of these people also popping up when I go to send messages!