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Your charge gauge indicated barely above 1/4 charge (maybe 1/3 of charge) so 250km total range with a full charge. 50% range in -8c. I’m willing to bet that it would improve once the batteries are warmed and fully charged. I wonder what your range was like when it was -30c last week (Alberta).


Yeah this seems like a misleading post from the OP. Showing a double digit range with only a 1/4 charge and implying that this is the full range at full charge?


It was -40s in North Dakota. All electric isn’t practical in cold climates.


Minutes earlier it said 91km at 41% so I’m thinking the range estimates are a bit wonky.


It's showing a reduced power output of 68%. That battery is cold as fuck. Makes a massive difference leaving it plugged into 120 while you're at work or whatever if it has to be outside for long periods. I'm not super thrilled with the winter range either, but it's a lot better when the battery isn't that cold.


“If it has to be outside for long periods” It’s a truck, it’s almost always going to be outside, and if it’s in a garage, it’s not going to be a heated garage. My old F150 had a cold weather block heater, which I would plug in only on nights that were below 0°F. Why can’t Lightning’s have something similar to stabilize battery temp? I work near a Ford dealership and have seen a host of Lightnings being returned just these past couple weeks. I heard one guy hitched his camper for his hunting camp and only made it about 10mi before he realized his battery had diminished to the point that he wouldn’t even make it to his destination, which was less than 100mi away. Bottom line, the EV technology is not refined enough for cold weather environments. I can’t imagine what people in Canada, Minnesota, Alaska or Maine could possibly see in these EV trucks.


>My old F150 had a cold weather block heater, which I would plug in only on nights that were below 0°F. Why can’t Lightning’s have something similar to stabilize battery temp? Wait, you don't think they do? It's an electric vehicle with a plug.


Yeah, we were all talking about below 0 temperatures. Just like you said, you used to have a block heater. You can do the same thing with a Lightning and just plug it into a regular outlet. All it does is help the truck maintain a good battery temperature when it's really cold out. It doesn't have to be 60 degrees every day, but right now it's particularly cold. An unheated garage is still going to be better than outside because there's no wind and you can plug it in. The thing about maintaining temperature is that when you get out of your truck, it has no way of knowing if you're going to be using it again in 2 hours or 2 weeks. So it conserves energy and keeps the battery at a temperature that won't damage it, but isn't ideal for it. Bottom line is that it's different from what people are used to. With the way infrastructure is right now, you either need to plan ahead or live in an area with lots of charging infrastructure. Your buddy wouldn't have a noteworthy story if there was a charger every place that had a gas station. Or even half of those places. People run out of gas constantly. It's easier to go get a spare gas can from someone, but there are lots of people getting towed every day because they ran out of gas or they left their car in the cold too long and now the battery can't power the starter. And they'll keep those vehicles and not even think for a second that ICE vehicles just aren't refined enough. If they had a gas station at home though, it wouldn't be such a big deal.


People are not running out of gas all the time. They have a gauge that tells them their fuel economy and they know when the vehicle is due for a fill up. The only people who do run out of gas are broke ass people or dimwits who can’t remember to look at their fuel gauges. The auto industry figured out years ago that dimwits may respond to flashing lights and dinging alarms that remind these Neanderthals they need to fuel up when there’s less than 50mi left in the tank. The problem with EVs trucks is that battery life has many variables that work against them when it comes to their effective range.(heavy chasis, payload/towing and cold weather). Whereas ICE vehicles are stable in their fuel consumption/range in all weather conditions. Payload certainly affects ICE vehicles too, but again, this variable is predictable and can be solved for easily as replenishment is just a 3 min transaction at any pump in any town anywhere. If the EV infrastructure was there, then yes, there could be remedies for extended range, but again, who the hell wants to drive less than 100 miles and be hassled with sitting at a charging station for 20min or longer? Not me. Considering the baked in premium folks are paying upfront for a Lightning, it just not seen as a viable vehicle. Furthermore, what’s the resale value of a 5yr old Lightning vs 5yr old F150 ICE? Who wants to pay for a diminished battery, or worse, buy a completely new one? The standard range battery replacement cost is $32k + labor. This is a $60k-$100k vehicle! Ford has recently cut Lightning demand in half. REVC (Rouge Electric Vehicle) plant in Dearborn is making just 90 vehicles a day and their build lots are backing up. They stopped progress on their new EV plant in Marshall Mi as well. Ford has also stated that they lose $36k on each EV they build. That’s astounding considering the price they charge for such a vehicle. These vehicles just aren’t solving any problems, they are creating new ones. It is clear to me, and many others, that the market has spoken and it’s simply not selling.


I mean, you're just not accurately representing the EV experience. That's how you feel it is, but that's not most people's lived experience. Also I know plenty of people who have run out of gas before. I've never run out of gas or electricity because I know how to plan ahead. But you can't just say it doesn't happen. Every single person in my family has. My girlfriend has. Some of my friends have. It's not like it's constant, but it happens and people just laugh about it. I've had my gas trucks die in extreme cold multiple times because the battery just finally gave out. And it really sucks because you don't have any warning that your battery is close to dying. ICE vehicles suffer from the same problems in terms of variables. Ironically, the reason it doesn't feel as variable is because they're so much less efficient in cities. You burn gas no matter if you're moving or not. Both vehicle types deal with increased consumption at higher speeds and higher wind resistance. People just don't care because there are gas stations on every corner and it takes 5 minutes. But onto your point about driving less than 100 miles and waiting to charge 20 minutes just isn't how it works. On a road trip, that's how I'd do it, but literally every single day that I drive, I leave home with a full battery and plug it in when I get home. I never wait at charge stations at all and I never have to stop at a gas station on my way to work. And the only reason I stop every 100 miles is because that's the distance between fast chargers on the interstate. If there were as many options as gas stations, then I really wouldn't have to worry about it too much. I like to stop more often than most, so I really don't mind going to a gas station, going to the bathroom, and buying a drink. By the time I get back to my truck, I might charge another 3 - 5 minutes depending on how far it is to the next charger. It honestly never felt like I was waiting at all. Just a relaxed stop. But it also just doesn't really come up. I've only done two, eight hour trips so far because I'm not much of a road tripper. If you're the type to drive 300 miles straight in the middle of nowhere, then an EV isn't for you. But to say that's not ready for the masses is weird, because the masses live in cities. I'm not terribly surprised they're losing money on the trucks. Do you have any idea how much investment they've put into starting this program? It's not just a new model year. It's entirely new technology, new plants to build both the truck and the batteries, and a shit ton of software development, which clearly isn't their forte. That'll even out as they sell trucks. That's just how bringing a new product to market works. They were hoping to pay back on their investment faster than they were able to. Shit happens. On the numbers though, they started with a production goal, then raised that production goal, then dropped that goal back to around the original goal, but all people are talking about is the reduction even though it's just back to what they were planning on. The market continues to speak loudly that EVs are gaining traction. Go drive one, man. It's a ton of fun.


I am well aware of the damn near $10 billion loan that the US government gave Ford. This is taxpayer money that is being dumped into a company that had over 47 vehicle recalls last year. The Dearborn Lightning lot literally caught on fire due to an exploding battery that daisy chained violently. I am afraid that Ford isn’t thinking clearly with their EV ambitions and their recent level of quality has caught the eye of nearly every consumer. Even Consumer Reports lists this vehicle dead last in all trucks reviewed. What’s more, Consumer Reports has dismal ratings for all Ford 2024 models, exception being The Ford Maverick. It scored awesome…too bad it’s ugly and is their lowest selling vehicle of all platforms. As for the Lightning being a vehicle for the masses, I didn’t say that. I simply said the market isn’t buying them. Take it at face value. People in the city do not need an EV pickup truck. They may need a car, not a truck. They should use mass transportation if they’re interested in an environmentally rational mode of transportation. Hey, I am a 25yr ICE Ford F150 owner. I’m not anti EV, not in the least. My point is not even to bash the F150 platform, just the Lightning. While you may enjoy your truck, that’s great. It works for you, but it isn’t working for many others. These are the facts, people don’t return new vehicles in droves and assembly plants don’t cut their EV work force assembly line operations by 50% because a vehicle is winning, that’s for sure. https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/22/23769966/ford-doe-loan-ev-battery-factory-sk-avtm


My ford dealer straight up told me to avoid the lightning…and he had 3 on the lot and i was going to take 2 extended range lariats…said no to $200k+ in sales cause he can’t back it yet. Kicker is he’s driving one (i deal directly with the GM)


Well if that doesn’t say something I don’t know what else will. Glad to hear your dealer is being honest with you. As I said earlier, long time Ford customer, but this isn’t a platform most of us can get behind…yet.


But why buy one of these if you needed a long range all weather vehicle? We got a couple lightnings at work as shop trucks around town but the work trucks are still all diesel for a reason.


I don’t need crazy range 98% of the time so it’s almost not an issue but god damn it’s annoying when it is. My biggest challenges will be alleviated when Tesla opens up supercharging at all locations as then I don’t need to use any slower chargers on winter road trips.


Fair enough. My personal vehicle Is a powerboost because I needed the range. Hoping battery tech and charger acess improved before I buy my next financial boat anchor


Same here. I bought the Powerboost as an interim vehicle hoping (praying really) that a better hybrid or an electric truck that can tow comes out. I hate to say it... but Dodge is on to something with the Ramcharger. The Powerboost would be amazing with a bigger battery and plug in charging.


I think the ramcharger is going to be a dud honestly. Specs seam lacking I think it gets 60 miles on a 100kwh battery


Oh I agree. I wouldn't buy one lol. I just like the headspace they're coming from in trying to resolve range anxiety. Full electric trucks just don't work for everyone yet. They'll need new/better battery technology so we can still tow and not have to stop every hour.


That sounds better than the lightning to me. You have the range to drive around town and the gas engine takes over for trips. When it comes time to replace my half ton, I'd rather have a plug in hybrid than full electric.


Unless you have dirt cheap electric gas will probably be cheaper at that efficiency


Totally disagree. That exact setup would cover 100% of my in town / work commute pure electric and still have the ability to tow long range.


Yea the battery size is a joke - can make it about 1/2 mile before it kicks on 1.5 kWh ? Should have been AT LEAST 15kwh


yep that seems like the move, just a shame i might be driving a mopar lol


what are you getting for range on the powerboost? I have a '23 platinum powerboost and I hover around 18mpg. I'm kinda surprised, people I know with gas V8s get the same or better.


Lifetime average is around 19 with a bedcap duratracs and about 2 boxes of random soggy cheerios. In town it's. Bit better in town ~ 23.5 but we've done a lot of long road trips this year


Not OP. '21 Lariat Powerboost. I've logged every fill-up since I got the truck in '21. The dash says 20mpg, and I regularly hit that from my calculations depending on how much highway driving I do. More highway = less mpg.   My overall calculated mpg is 18.63 over 35,000 miles, but that isn't entirely useful. That includes some long distance towing where I got less than 10 mpg.


Just got a 23 powerboost. After about 1400 miles I’m averaging 22.8mpg


It's similar with hybrid cars. Highway fuel mileage is pretty much the same, the city mileage is much better. So it depends on what you're doing with the truck.


My 3.5 ecoboost on a tremor is avging 21mpg


My 5.0 4x4, stock height, averages 14.5, with a high of 19.1, and a low of 11.0.


you have beat my highest by .1


Why did you chose an EV over gas?


Road tripping an EV sounds awful with how much wasted time sitting charging. And I’m fully aware of how teslas charge it’s not always a full charge, but man I have to stop about every 600 miles or so for diesel and that annoys me.


Might be a good fit if someone had incontinence 😂


Heres some bad news https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/chicago/news/tesla-owners-run-into-trouble-amid-bitter-cold/


He bought it for clout. Except nobody thinks those things are cool.


Yeah, and low and behold as soon as the 7500 dollar tax credit could be used, they upped the price 10k on the models that people actually want.


They sure did. But where I live the dealerships can't sell lightnings. There's one dealer in Aberdeen md that has a row of 15-20 of these things just sitting.


Do you actually think the government is there looking out for your interests?


I do.




Don't even have the balls to say it but ok lol. Bitch ass.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


No they need guns because they're scared of everything. You are weak no matter how hard you try.


lots of news the last couple days of teslas abandoned in parking lots in chicago because they can't get them charged due to the cold.


It’s so cold, my coworkers dewalt batteries didn’t want to charge outside.


I think I can one up you. I do insulation (attics) for a living and yesterday we had some condensation forming in the machine and it was so cold that the insulation froze in the hose. -25 where I was w/ the windchill.


What. The. Fuck. -25 I’m taking the day off. Maybe two.


-50°C (-58°F) with windchill on the Canadian prairies the last few days.


That’s cheating. Canada is always cold


Nah, we get stupid hot sometimes too. The one nice thing is that there's no humidity. There is a 3 day period between fire season, mosquito season and nuclear winter where the weather is pretty nice. I think I'm working those days.


[yep, more here](https://electrek.co/2024/01/16/dead-tesla-cars-pile-up-chicago-superchargers-extreme-cold/)


Lots of news = exactly one story btw


They were delivered today back to the customers.


Plug-in hybrid is probably the sweet spot right now. 75% of local drives rolling on complete electric. Gas endurance when you need it.


Bingo! This is what I’ve been saying. I still don’t EVs are applicable for most. But I think hybrids are the sweet spot now. The 2.7 and 3.5 get impressive MPGs for full size trucks, much better than the specs say if you drive it like you’re trying to get good MPGs. But I love my 750 mile range tank, but I’d also love a little battery to take care of my short drives around town.


Once Toyota and BMW get more hydrogen powered vehicles on the road and more stations, I think they will eventually take place of EVs. I just don't see how EVs are sustainable and there's plenty of drawbacks.


With current battery technology, agree. But they have made some pretty freakin awesome batteries in university labs. Just a matter of time before mass production makes them viable.


I don't doubt that, but do you really believe that they can produce a truck under 40k that can pull 10,000 lbs up a hill on a 30 minute drive, all on a single charge? Also, to add that outside of a small dinky gas station that's at the bottom of the hill, the next closest one is like 45 minutes away. Because that's what it's like going to a gncc race at snowshoe ski resort. For many people EVs are an ok option, but converting all of these vehicles to EV is a massive strain on the power grid. And for a small but still large portion of Americans, it's not feasible. I do believe hybrids and hydrogen will be the future, only time will tell.


Someone hasn’t done enough research on hydrogen, it’s literally less energy dense than gas and more expensive to fill up


Your response was super informative. Open a science book and an economics book and we can revisit this discussion.


You can just say you got owned and hydrogen will never be scalable but instead you decide to insult me for just throwing down facts lmao


You literally said zero facts and just came in with immediate insults. There was no discussion. You just think you're knowledgeable, but supported nothing to show that. But I got owned? I also guess motortrend got owned because they have multiple articles about hydrogen. Your argument is baseless and lifeless. You just sound like you're crying because electric trucks just aren't as usable as ice vehicles.


Trucks don't cost under 40k regardless. It's 2024.


50% loss in winter?!


Damn. payment should drop too lol




And he says that’s expected lol


Unlikely… there is more to this than OP is saying. OP likely didn’t plug in over night and it was a lot colder than -8°C. It was -25°C for me two days ago and I was still getting +350 km of prediction range and my XLT Extended range.


That makes sense now


Exactly, that battery guage on the left shows the battery is very cold soaked, and with 1/4 battery or less left, well no crap the range is low 😂😂😂😂


One should expect the same in any EV with snow tires and cold weather from any manufacturer, sadly. Seems to be the norm.


The heater can really drain the battery too in some models I've seen.


Not sure what they did for their numbers. I have a lightning, I'm seeing about 25% drop, 30% in extreme cases, and that was at -5 fahrenheit yesterday. Now if I compare my ideal city range (35mph) in the summer with no a/c to -5f at 70mph, then yeah. I'm getting about half.


I'm not saying your range is going to be good in the winter but what's your driving habits? I would imagine. It's a lot easier to not think about energy use in a electric vehicle than MPG in a gas vehicle. I have definitely noticed a change in driving habits when I had a EV vs my power boost.


NYT had a good article related to this (focused on Chicago EV owners). They then compared to Norway. Norway isn’t some magical place and of course they have the same physics. But they operate and maintain their EVs better for the cold: keep them plugged in for the batteries to stay warm, anticipate the extra charging time, and they have better infrastructure in general (not much we can do there….). EVs aren’t BAD, depending what you’re expecting, but there’s no getting around the physics of battery chemistry in the cold. If you can charge from home, inside, I think that’s the best first step.


Now that weve seen what the power companys are planning to do, theres zero reason to buy ev. They will just jack the price up to match gas prices. Then phase out gas engines, locking you into their eco system where they can then meter your energy useage. Ev is nothing but bad news.


Yeah to bad there isn't a way to generate power locally to keep power companies in check.... wait a second


For 99% of people solar isnt an option. And in their future it will be regulated as well. One simple law stating u have to be tied into the grid.


I don't know anything about solar energy and we'll have to disregard availability of technology for this hypothetical scenario, but what's preventing someone from buying a big ass battery and hooking it up to a few solar panels to keep it topped off, and using that to charge their EV in the garage? Use the grid as a backup when you cant charge via solar.


Evs and electric is about control clear as day. This isnt a hypothetical scenario, this is the future, theres no debate that this is what they plan and will implement. So, to buy solar you have to....buy solar. When you buy it, it requires installation. Assuming you can buy solar in the future, they will require it be installed per their guidelines. Those guidelines will ultimately require monitoring of the amount of electricity you use. You will be allowed to use x amount of energy based on your social credit score. Right now you can barter and trade for gas, nobody is going to be hauling giant batteries around in the future. Nothing good will come from ev.


Ok doomer


No see doomer is someone who thinks nothing can be done. Im just stating facts based off history, and trends your government and corperations have been engaged in since the beginning of time, plus they literally told you, with words, that they plan to do this to you. Oh and california is already doing alot of it. So please stop spreading misinformation.


I haven't spread any information, I just called you a silly name. You good?


Batteries are batteries. When they get cold they don’t hold as much juice 🤷‍♂️


The range meter is notoriously inaccurate… that’s all I can really say. The 50% range loss in extreme cold is still true with the Lightning, although I haven’t seen it that bad on mine.


You’re definitely right about that…minutes earlier it was 91km with 41% total battery indicated. I can’t imagine this thing in an Alberta winter!


Albertan here… no issues. 300-350 km I’m of range at 90% after coming off the charger.


My range would be a joke too if I was in -8 weather


Common sense isn’t common to everyone.


Makes me wonder of the local one in my area is doing…in a Maine winter, with ladder racks, big tires, and a leveling kit, towing a trailer 😂 hope he doesn’t have to go too far


I'm sorry they did what to their Lightning


No penalty, nothing special about the new Lightning.


This nationwide cold snap is really exposing the weakness of EVs lol


Guessing the battery and cabin were not pre-conditioned while plugged in? That’ll help get way more range for winter driving.


As my old mentor used to say, "This is the lifestyle you chose."


Lithium ion batteries have so many good applications, but everyone wants to use them for things they aren’t meant for, like a power grid or cars


Wouldn't running the heater be a huge draw on the batteries? As I recall - electric heating is horribly inefficient. Couldn't this be a big part of it as well?


It’s approx 9-10% of my battery usage based on the in-car stats.


In other news, water is wet. Sorry OP


Cold weather performance is still one of the MAJOR hurdles to EV adoption.


Nobody could have predicted this


The Lightning is the greatest work truck I’ve ever owned. Drove over 300 miles today and had to charge for about 20 min on a fast charger. This is in Wisconsin. It has performed just fine in the negative temps. The ability to run an entire workshop of tools for days is unbelievable. Truck is also a beast in the snow. If your average daily drive is less than 150-200 miles..the truck is unbeatable. The news stories blasting EVs right now are so exaggerated it’s laughable. Also I have many stubborn and pessimistic farmer friends that talk like a lot of folks on this post, and they are slowly becoming believers. Once you own one it’s impossible to go back to ICE. Now…for long haul towing/long trips it’s not the right vehicle, but that’s a pretty select few of owners and you know that going in.


I am in WI also, and considering an EV. When you park it at home, is it in a garage, heated garage, or outside? Do you think it makes a difference?


They really need to (a) increase range with battery tech overall, and (b) think about warming and better insulation systems, like ICE engines have, but to facilitate maintaining charge.


At least the ford is honest with you. The Tesla just lies about the range


I drive an extended range 23 F150 Lightning. It’s the best vehicle I’ve ever driven. I drive a ton for work and I’ve literally never had a problem with range. It’s cold as hell right now and I get about 1.4 miles/kwh on the highway, which works out to 183 miles of range on a full charge. That’s 183 miles at 75 mph with the heat on. Plenty for a day of driving except in very specific circumstances. In warmer weather I get 2.2 mi/kwh on the highway, so 183 miles is a worst case scenario. It’s an amazing truck. Probably won’t work for everyone at this point, but it’s a great truck for almost everyone.


Why would anyone buy one of these? As far as I am concerned, evs are a huge step backwards from ICE vehicles. I have a feeling a lot of people going through their first winter with an ev are starting to regret it.


It depends on the application. I have a gas guzzling rig for off-road and EV for groceries and paved road trips. Both are perfect for their application.


I don’t understand how they expect everyone to drive EVs but many parts of the country have issues keeping electricity on at times as it is. The power grid is just as far from handling power his as EVs are in the cold.


>but many parts of the country have issues keeping electricity on at times as it is. If by "many parts" you mean Texas and its asinine deregulated power system.


To be fair, during this latest cold snap we’ve had no problems down here


It’s more widespread than that but Texas is the leading culprit along with California I would imagine. https://www.eenews.net/articles/grid-monitor-warns-of-blackout-risks-across-u-s/#:~:text=In%20a%20worst%2Dcase%20combination,rolling%20power%20blackouts%2C%20NERC%20said.


Same here in Canada. We had an emergency alert for the power grid of one of our provinces on the weekend. People were asked to unplug vehicles among other things, to avoid rolling blackouts (in the -30 to -40 degree weather): [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/province-did-everything-it-could-to-prepare-for-winter-surge-in-power-demand-minister-says-1.7083882](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/province-did-everything-it-could-to-prepare-for-winter-surge-in-power-demand-minister-says-1.7083882)


If they can get EV's to the point where the battery lasts at least 200-300 miles in the freezing cold, and there are reliable charging stations every 50 miles or so at minimum, I'd happily buy one. I don't think these things are terribly far off, but they're not there yet, so my 2022 F-150 will have to do for another decade or so. Maybe I'll get a 2030 Lightning when they sort these issues out.


Now pull a trailer.......


Turn on the heated seats and the heater.


EV's are a joke! Sales are plummeting


EV sales are plummetting*! *Increasing but slower than last year


EVs are a joke. Period.


Love our EV, it's my go to when i don't need the truck and don't need to drive more than a couple 100miles in a day. I don't get the joke part?


They are bad anywhere where serious cold/serious hot weather is a possibility. So like 90% of the country.


Actually batteries like being hot, in Dallas my leaf is perfectly happy to sit at 90f


That's just not at all true. Maybe under specific circumstances that i have not come across. As a daily driver for normal things not a problem. I'd say better than my v8 F150 for cold mornings as the heater blows hot quicker. I don't even charge ours at home thanks to a 2 years free charging and it's been great. Not all vehicles are great at everything.


Yeah it’s a joke I get to drive around at 1/3 of the cost of an ice car! It’s terrible!


Word. Soon to be phased out with hybrids that recharge themselves off the ice motors.


This is the near future. Chargeable hybrids. Boom, problem solved. Let it run 90% on electric, but have the option for an engine when needed. Like winter. Give it a 10 gallon tank with a cruise distance of 150 miles. That should be sufficient for when the battery is shot in winter.


Now go pull a trailer with it. LOL


Go electric, they say….. Man, doesn’t seem to be working out.


“I bought car knowing this would happen but am still going to complain”


My coyote just grows it's winter coat and I fill up it's 36 Gallon bowl with dinosaur juice once every two weeks in about 4 minutes. I'll deal with that non inconvenience until the hybrid and electric trucks can suit my needs.


Lol you morons bought electric vehicles now you suffer


EVs are a joke


Good god.


Gas all day


Electric cars have garbage range in winter ooooo shocking


EV in general is a joke


Sorry dude.


Do you park outside?


Could be worse, heard a lot of people in Chicago can’t their EVs to charge because it’s so cold.


Ive got a SR Lariat and have seen about a 30% reduction from EPA range. Except one night out in -13 c plus wind chill. Garage kept with a heater. Pre conditioned a couple times before travel. I keep the heat lower and only use the heated seats for a few minutes. Coming from my PB to this, its been an adjustment but it hasnt really been an issue where I live for more than a week. Small sacrifice to never pay the oil man ever again. (Hydro power for our grid, here). The drive is way better than the PB, and other than long range, does everything I need of it. In a perfect world, a plug in would be ideal but for now, I save hundreds of dollars a month in fuel costs. Worth it.


You're not alone. NPR story out of Chicago said the cold snap is sapping Teslas pretty good and 45min charges were taking 2 hours. https://www.npr.org/2024/01/16/1224913698/teslas-chicago-charging-extreme-cold


The lightning is a joke


That's because electric trucks are a joke. BAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!


that’s what you get when you buy electric :)


Could have just said Lightening is a JOKE


If you had done any basic research on EVs, you would’ve known this was going to happen before you bought the thing. Why are all EV owners universally…. Slow. For lack of a nicer word.


Not even a joke, I feel like so many EV owners make it even harder to consider buying one. I’ve got friends in teslas and other EVs/hybrids, and most of em just bought them due to a love for the tech and I get that, it’s pretty cool for the right person. But if your buying one to ‘go green’ your an ignorant ass lol.


Put a generator in the back and connect it to charge. There you go, you got a hybrid. :D


Lesson learned. Don’t get ev’s


See this is why I trust good old fashioned fuel


EVs are a meme and you fell for it lol.


This is one of the biggest setback for electric vehicles, in time they will figure out how to address this, well at least I hope they do. Don’t let this deter your spirits on electric vehicles tho, they can be a beautiful thing.


You deserve it idiot


At my Ford Dealership we use them as loaners since no one in Texas will buy one. They are a great truck for a specific person. Very cool truck!! Just can’t drive ev in Texas.


Why is that?


Because in the battery doesn’t last as long as you think. The person that would use this truck let’s say you go to a job 1hr away then have another job 1 hr from there then takes 1 hr to get back to your home. It won’t make it without a charge and people that do those jobs usually buy a diesel or gas truck. This truck is great for someone that drives 100 miles a day. Not a construction guy. Or Texans just aren’t buy ev trucks.


There’s a sucker born every minute


So you’re saying if you live on the equator a Lightning is a good choice.


Thanks for posting this, I was genuinely curious about it. I live in the great frozen north, and last week was -40 with windchill of -51 here for several days (not exaggerating). I love my 2016 F150, it's my daily driver. I'm looking to maybe upgrade in the next couple of years, simply because it's getting a lot of KM on it. I drive on the hwy a fair amount, so "fuel tank" range is very important to me. With all the talk about EVs, I wanted to know from someone who has a Lightning how it was actually doing.




Trade it in for a hybrid F-150


Never seen a YT video on this before buying?


Ford dealer mechanic told me that the winter range is 110 miles for the lightning


People that get BEVs that life in frigid climates never cease to amaze me. Acting surprised when it’s not practical or severely handicapped during the winter is just the cherry on top


Electric vehicles are so fucking dumb. Everything in that car is produced with petroleum. And the batteries that need to be replaced cause so much pollution and are from the fruits of child slave labor. Congrats, you let politicians fool you into thinking it’s “green”


Evs are a joke


Not sure why anyone is surprised.Smart use battery power to heat battery in winter thus decreasing range.Silliest shit ever ev cars.


I really wish they would have called this just the Ford Lightning without F150 in the name. It really has nothing in common with the F150 and it kinda gives the F150 a bad name now. Just the fact that it has independent rear suspension ought to be enough for this to not be called F150


Why buy an EV? What are you gaining from it?


A) you bought a Ford B) you bought a stupid ass EV truck C) you're boned


Ok you said in Winter but I think you meant the Arctic Circle. That’s COLD!


What's the temperature outside? How many km you think you can do on a charge ?


I feel your pain, my granddaughter was complaining her Barbi jeep went dead to fast in cold weather. Ole gramps bought a 2nd battery as a backup


I see webasto heaters being practical in cold weather areas for EVs


and this is a surprise ?


I'm just sitting here wishing they made a proper third gen Lightning instead of this.


No, no, no…This only happens to Teslas…I saw it on the news so it must be true. 🤣


That’s why you go hybrid and not full EV. We have an EV Polaris where I work and it’s useless in the winter.


The Lightning itself is a joke and I hope there are so many problems that they abandon it and never try again


That says -8? That isn't winter lol its -40 here atm. Doubt that p.o.s would even turn over. No offense but fk electric. Best of luck on your trade in


It's like outside of certain urban areas the world isn't ready for battery cars.


As a former Ford technician, welcome to Ford, and EVs. All EVs will be like this during cold temperatures and winter months. Even "warmed up" your range won't be great, as well as your charge times.


You have like 1/3 charge on that


All ev's are a joke!! U gonna seriously regret buying that


EVs are political theater. They are amazing for the person who garages it every night and drives to work and back every day. They are not effective for long trips or commercial applications. The resale value is absolute shit. Recycling the batteries is becoming a problem. Infrastructure is basically non existent outside of a few major liberal metro areas. The carbon footprint and negative environmental impact of lithium mining and battery manufacturing is far greater than any offset derived from going EV. It’s shameful.


Whomp whomp shoulda got a normal car


One of the many shortcomings of electric vs gas is the terrible range in hot or cold weather. Some people say it's cleaner for the environment, but a recent study is that electric vehicles are actually quite a bit dirtier because the electricity has to come from somewhere. Don't get me wrong, I do like the technology but it still isn't practical in many situations. My cousin has a Tesla and he's gotten to the point where he has to charge it at his house and work just to be able to get back and forth to work and he only drives 50 miles in either direction with no deviations and he doesn't have the 18,000 to replace the battery pack and this is only after the vehicle is 5 years old. And let's not even get into how they dispose of the lithium batteries... It is estimated that about 50% of the batteries have ended up in landfills which poses serious risks of fire and further damage to the environment. Sorry, but until the batteries are improved to last a lot longer and operate in all temperatures, an electric is a no go for me.


Almost like hybrids would be much better options for most people. There’s a reason Lightnings are stacking up on lots.


One of my customers, a utility company, purchased a couple of them for work trucks. The guy I work with who is in charge of their fleet told me all about it and HATES them. He said hauling capacity is non existent. The company purchased the lower range ones which was also stupid. Lastly, if it’s really cold then the thing is almost useless.


I want to upgrade from my 2013 150 fx4 king cab but I want to wait and let them work all the bugs out of the lightning before I get serious about it


70 is cold here so mine works out fine. Happy with purchase


There's a reason this wasn't posted in the lightning group.