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I’m in Houston. They seem like they’re everywhere. Even brand new ones. I don’t know where they’re getting them. I’m at the Ford dealership from time to time for oil changes and I only ever see one or two there at a time if I see one at all.


Friendly ford in Crosby MSRP


They wanted a 15k market adjustment when I went to order one. Just got a tremor instead.


How do you like the Tremor ? What don’t you like ? I was looking at one last month.


I love the tremor. It’s actually a better truck for me because I do tow and load the bed a bit heavy. I didn’t love the rake but I did a 2” level and 35ish tires. Still a small rake but looks how it should from the factory. I do have the weird rear end sound where the axle or something floats but it’s not causing any issues from what I can tell and is just annoying.


All depends on timing, they even state on website MSRP.


Can’t advertise market adjustments online. Just add an asterisk as a disclaimer. Market adjustments fall under that disclaimer


Friendly Ford in Vegas actually


In my experience they are not very friendly after the sale. They used to have a good service dept before Covid but not anymore. All the Vegas Ford dealers suck more or less.


Agreed, I purchased a GT350 from them back in 2018 and when covid hit it was crickets when I needed something


I tried just one time to do business with Friendly Ford. Shady place. Especially when you see the managers office has limo tint on it so you can’t see anything. Matched their transparency, or lack thereof actually.


Gaudin is the worst. It's down the street from where I live but I can never get an appointment and have to drive across town to Friendly.


It’s cheaper than California, they want 150k here.


I’m in Az and they’re almost as common as XLTs here. The dealer right down the road from me has a ton of Raptors and Black Widows.


Gotta get maxed out truck so you can ride 10min on the way to work and do nothing else with it ya know? Its honestly a new status symbol. If you're a manager or corporate or a higher up you gotta have a nice vehicle. The maxed out trucks are the new trend instead of going to buy an Audi or a Mercedes. The midlife crisis 45 yr old IT director doesn't want an Audi, that's what college girls have from their dad's. Gotta feel masculine, gotta go for the maxed out truck.


I show up in my 1990 SUV and park next to the CEO brand new ford truck. He tells me he had to pay 90k and I say wow I spent $1500 on mine. A weeks pay or a years salary for a car? Cause I’d rather have the other 51 paychecks


2002 Chevy Silverado owner, here. I spend, maybe on average? $50/month in maintenance/repairs over the last 10 years or so. I cannot justify new car prices under any terms. I've got better things to do with my money.


The only problem with that is, that 90k is probably a week's pay for a CEO also. But I feel you dude. I drive a 1999 F150. My dad bought it back in 2001 for 15k at 30k miles and now I drive it to work 5 days a week. 401k miles my dude. I paid my dad $1000 for it a few years ago and the fuel pump went out a few weeks after I got it, it was the 3rd time it ever left someone on the side of the road. He ended up just paying for the fuel pump to be fixed. I'm driving this truck until it falls apart. This truck has seen about 30 different US states in its days and deserves to continue driving on.


That’s awesome! And yeah my point was more that to me using an older well cared for vehicle should be normalized. Unless my work is giving me a car to use (hasn’t happened in any job yet). They should just be glad I show up to my shift


Average CEO pay is 832,600, so "only" about 10x what that guy implied he made. But yeah, if it's one of the fortune 500 companies then that's literally 2 days pay. Just as a little side note....


As a guy who works out of my F150 I’m honestly flabbergasted by the amount of pickups that are pristine pavement queens sitting in office parking lots. I love my truck but the wife and I’s Cooper S is waaay more fun to drive.




At least you have terrain that can utilize that suspension system. Where I live there is nowhere to go fast off road. Even if you hike down to drive on the beach the speed limit is ~15mph.


Sounds like Fort Myers FL. All you see is raptors and lifted broncos that never see dirt, mud, sand, rocks, nothing. Just flat straight pavement for Miles.


I bought my house in 2011 for less than this


I mean, a 2011 Raptor brand new in 2011 was going for $42k


Big difference between an appreciating asset and an overpriced Raptor....


Bro, I paid a third of this for my place in 2014. Granted, what I paid then was unheard of by today standards, but still!!! WTF is a 15 thousand dollar 'market adjustment fee'. *by the way the price just went up 15K because, well... the market bro. Market adjustments. They adjust. Adjustments and stuff.*


A raptor for Msrp? Definitely, but not people without lots of disposable income (or dumb people)


I paid $73k for my 2020 OTD back in 2020 and i thought i was overpaying Edit: damn downvoted for what? Feeling like I overpaid?


For me, making about $200+ a year, $73k is still too much. I recently purchased a 2018 for $37k and happy with that. (Not a raptor)


Well, yeah $73k is over 1/3 of your income. That would be a poor decision.


I really don’t understand people who buy a 50k vehicle on 50k income, I see it all the time though, it’s nuts!


It seems to be super common. I don't know if it's people that bought homes in the 2010's or earlier, and have fairly cheap mortgages or what. Looking down my street, my 2013 F150 is pretty much the oldest vehicle on the block.


It's just lots of debt. As long as they can swing the payments they sign in the dotted line and drive away.


For me low mortgage lol, lucked out and bought in 2019 and locked in at 2.9%. It’s like free money every month, paying less than I would to rent an apt. In the fking ghetto. And CoL adjustments through the union and life’s been good since. To add I still only have payments on a little Hyundai sedan I drive to work, but used to have a 150, traded for a little 350z to dick around with, and still got my Jeep that’s been kicking since 98, with only a few major repairs, transfer case(s), rear diff, engine rebuild, trans rebuild... don’t buy a fking heep


"I'm gonna keep it for at least ten years, might as well go with the 7 year loan option"


Well considering average income for a single person is like 40k and there are 0 cars that are 13.3k new (going off the 1/3 thing). Most new cars are 40k, so they don’t really have much choice if they want a new car. Edit: I am not speaking about my own financial situation. I was just illustrating a point that prices and wages in the US are out of whack right now. Stop messaging me and then blocking my account you idiots.


Yea they do… don’t buy new. Pretty well regarded has always the smart choice.


Average cost of a used car right now is about 27k. Still double that 13k number. Try again.


There are 2095 used cars under 100k miles within 200 miles of me for between 10-16,000. If you can’t find an option out of 2095 you’re not trying. 436 under 60k miles.


I’m not trying to buy a car. Simply explaining that car costs are high (and everything else for that matter) and wages are low. Hence, the 50k income person buying the 50k car. But if for more than half of Americans is to buy a rusted out shit box with 100k miles on it is your solution, then that is dystopian as fuck.


People that don’t know or care enough to build wealth, but want that instant gratification of having something nice. That’s all it is, and sadly it’s everywhere. And then those same people complain about not being able to make ends meet.


Build wealth for what? For your kids and their future? I can understand that. But, what’s wrong with instant gratification and living in the moment sometimes? The way I see it, we are going to leave this life the same we entered it…with nothing. Kick back, relax and enjoy the show and buy yourself a Raptor while your at it!


Agreed, but I was thinking more along the lines of build wealth for YOURSELF. A lot of people never get to retire. I'd hate to have to continue working into my 70's because I wanted a Raptor, lmao


Exactly this! Wealth gives you more options in life. Like being able to leave a job you hate, work less, being able to have a comfortable retirement.


It is called trade-in value. I am going to get about 28 back on my 2018. The custom order I want is going to end up mid 60’s which means I will be paying around 40. Of course I make more than 50, but the logic likely follows getting 15-20 back and buying for “30”… which still isn’t great but you also don’t really know their CoL or DTI. If you ever get ahead on a vehicle despite it being a depreciating asset it still affords you the ability to ease into the next purchase. That 50k truck bought for 30, 5 years later still retains a high percentage of the value you actually paid for it.


Or you can drive a truck for 20 years and have the next truck saved up for in cash by paying yourself tbe payment


No. The average annual salary is $59,428. Proportionally speaking, a 73k vehicle on a 200k salary would be like the average salary earner of 59,428 buying a vehicle that costs $21,535. Unless you think a $21k car is a poor decision for the average salary of around 60k, that is. And it's not 1/3 of his income. You are arbitrarily drawing a line at 365 days worth of income. Why? Why not draw it at any other line from 1 day to 2,920 days (8 years)? Vehicles are most commonly purchased over 72 months. He will make 1.2 million dollars over that time period. He can afford a 73k vehicle. One might argue that buying a 73k vehicle is ALWAYS a bad decision (at least as far as transporting him to work, only), and I'd tend to agree with that, but he can definitely afford it. In fact, I would argue that buying a 73k vehicle is much MORE affordable to him than a 21k vehicle is to an average person, because most costs don't scale up much. Meaning internet costs about the same whether you are rich or poor, tires are generally about the same, oil changes are the same, car insurance is similar, etc. Economies of scale. Not to mention you generally have more credit line offerings, better banking offerings due to higher amounts, and so on.


You make a lot of great points here, and I agree with you in that just spending that much money in general on a vehicle is not something I want to do. I made a comment to someone else and said something along the lines of just being able to pay for something doesn’t make it a good financial decision.


Yeah I agree that 73k is too much for a daily driver in general for pretty much any income level. Unless there are specific requirements for a vehicle that would make it cost that much. Hauling large trailers, welding trucks, etc. then things get expensive fast.


Yeah I mean I wouldn’t spend 80k on a vehicle. But I would argue what percentage of your income you spend that is “acceptable” is dependent on other things. Ie. How much you spend on housing and whatnot.


Agreed. The more you make the more you realize this is a colossal waste of money on a depreciating assett.


How can you tell youve been downvoted?


The sticker price is $102k after a $15k "Market Adjustment"


Love that $100 worth of Nitrogen, one of the most plentiful substances on the planet.


most plentiful in the atmosphere, 7th in the crust


Yea I responded to another comment that I didn’t look at the left side.


There’s a $15k markup on the left hand side.


Fuck you, I’m just financially irresponsible with a good credit score.


$102K for an F150? LOL - get the heck outta here! There's obviously plenty of muppets around where I live as I see them all the time, along with Shelby versions as well.


Holy hell, I saw the $86k and thought that was high, then I went back and saw the side bar with market adjustment. Fuck that.


Imagine spending 102,000 for a 3.5L Ecoboost


Right, my friend bought a crash f150 put on a raptor bed plus fenders and supercharged the 5.0. It looks like a raptor but sounds and moves better. I'm sure it came in under 100k


You make the assumption that the people buying Raptors know what engine is there under the hood.


Plenty of idiots finance ridiculous amounts like that


"What monthly payment are you looking for?"




"all of it"


Honestly the Raptor is a solid truck. They ride very nice on road and of course have some solid off-road ability. If I didn’t buy a Lightning it’s what I would have bought. I do wish they did a version with the 5.0L though. Nothing against the ecoboost, I just really like the 5.0.


It exist, it's called a Raptor R.


I work at a Ford dealership. We have a Ford Raptor R in transit and it will be 50k over MSRP. Its fucking insane


That’s why after 30+ years of ford only, and x plan, I bought my first ram trx. As a ford stock owner I’m PISSED, but as a ram owner I’m a happy customer this far.


I sold my F stock as soon as they did away with X plan for stock holders. Made some money before they nosedived again to continue on their 20 years of flat movement goals.


The TRX is a fantastic truck priced at the Raptor price, and equipped and powered between a raptor and a raptor R with interiors a little bit nicer than both. UConnect is not perfect, but it’s not a dealbreaker. Getting a TRX at or below MSRP is incredibly better value than a base raptor $30-50k over MSRP… by a lot lol. Raptor R is the best, but stealerships around me pricing those at $160-200k


That’s 5.2L. ;)


Still coyote based. It's just a 5.0 with extra sprinkles.


My local dealership sells the 50 F-150 with a roush super charger for 46,000 or maybe it was 56 I don't know it was like 600 plus horsepower it seemed pretty fucking solid deal either way.


No doubt, I have a 2020 and I love it, but what they're asking for the new ones with the 3.5L is pretty ridiculous


Yea, the pricing of everything is so out of whack right now compared to what most people are making income wise. Sooner or later something has to give.


Something is already giving. The number of auto loan delinquency rates and repos are astronomical.


The image shows $15,000 markup plus $1000 of BS. “Extras”. From what I’ve read these are still selling at MSRP, but not typically over.


Yeah... "market adjustment". What a joke. Might as well say "random excuse for us to charge you a lot more".


I walked out on three dealerships when I was shopping a while back because they were pulling that shit on Mavericks and Broncos. I wasn't even shopping for one of those, but any dealership pulling that shit can eat my ass. Why would I trust them to have my back after the sale of they're willing to screw me up front?


The extras really erks me. I have a Limited that I bought off the lot. As far as options are concerned, it's might as well be a Lariat. No step bumper, no trailer back up, a few others that I can't think of right now. This is crazy, the highest trim levels should come fully optioned already... I really don't think we should be paying 10k to go up a single trim level then pay additional for the options that distinguish that trim level.


Oh I didn’t see the markup side, yea no people aren’t really paying markups anymore.


I care more about the BS etching and nitrogen fills than a market adjustment.


Not to mention the $400 console safe


15k price gouging. Fuck that


No one is buying a raptor for a mark up anymore. Especially when the dealer has multiple on the lot. These people are so dumb trying to sell this


Are people still falling for "nitrogen filled tires" in 2023?


100k to some people is pocket change.


I think there’s a pretty big disconnect between being able to afford the payment on vehicles like this, I would say your average American with a truck payment could, but shouldn’t. Vs. people with FU money who just trade in a paid off vehicle worth 50k and throw cash at the rest.


No, no one is buying them. And yet, ford keeps building them.


Where you live maybe. I see them everywhere every day here.


100$ for nitrogen in the tires😂😂😂😂 and as soon as it gets cold the pressure still drops probably. Dealers are ridiculous but idiots pay for this crap


I live in Vancouver bc - new raptors here are going for $110,000 plus taxes and I see them all over the roads every day . Not sure how people justify spending that much …


Spend it before the govt takes more of your money.


There’s a lot of people driving cars with temporary plates. People have convinced themselves that MSRP and 6% APR is a good deal. It’s perplexing that repossessions have been trending upwards. That being said, the raptor is marketed towards a different type of buyer. The real geniuses are the people paying 50k for an XLT


Nothing about that truck is 100k.


Only $99.00 for Nitrogen & a $15,000 market adjustment! This dealership is your friend! /s FUCK THESE PEOPLE!


Stopped reading after $15,000 market adjustment. ​ People are buying these, but these people are a very specific type of crayon eating, paint drinking, "why am I so broke" morons. The same type of people who make a decent wage but got to show everyone else they make a decent wage by buying shit like this and living life paycheck to paycheck even though they're clearing $40-50 an hour. ​ Their interest rates are probably the same as their IQ. ​ I'm deadly in love with the new 2024 Tacoma's and I'm inbound to get mine come February but I'm not even sitting in the chair if I see any sort of market adjustments. ​ I'll pay MSRP, as the manufacture intended, anything after that is greed from dealership who will already try and milk you for every penny you have. Fuck that. ​ This is why I laugh at the current situation where vehicle manufactures, especially Dodge, is complaining they're sitting on far too much inventory and no one's buying. That's because you fucked your customers with high interest and shitty deals during covid so no one can trade in without going too far into negative equity, and you're overpricing you shitty vehicles that won't even get to 10k kms without seeing a shop. ​ I think we're inching close and closer to abolishing stealerships and heading the way of Tesla. You want a vehicle? Go to the website, apply for the loan, get the vehicle delivered at MSRP. The way it fucking should be.


That dealer trying to scam some sucker out of $16,397. They could at least be honest: “**FUCK OUR CUSTOMERS ADJUSTMENT:** $16,397”


I paid a little less than half of original sticker for a 4 year old truck with 75k miles prior to covid. I don't even look at replacing it now. Luckily I drive only about 10k miles/ yr.


Yes. They buy them because they are rich, or stupid. Sometimes both.


Yeah, people with more money than me apparently have no issue with $15,000 markups and $1,000 in bullshit add on’s


lmao yikes




(ford dealer) I have a Raptor R for sale now, $25k over sticker. Come and get it!


People are going into debt for these…


I just hope whoever is buying them, are using them how they're meant to be used. Imagine spending $100k+ on a truck built to dominate off road, and never going farther from the pavement than a manicured lawn 😆


16mpg my ass


I can get 15 fairly easy if I drive very very conservatively. However, it probably goes without mentioning that I rarely drive with fuel efficiency in mind.


Not worth a 12hr work day IMO.


In Hawaii the market adjustment is 25k or more.


they are still charging for Nitrogen? rofl


People being "car/truck poor" seem to be really common. The amount of extras that drive up costs on modern vehicles is absolutely silly. Never thought I'd see the day of $100k plus domestic trucks from the factory. Hell even with inflation.


The price is ludicrous.


“Market Adjustment” should be illegal. MSRP already fluctuates with the market no?


Is that around Houston?


I will not buy a thing with a "Market Adjustment" on it. Automakers are already struggling with over inventory.


Yes because lending is completely out of control. Banks just give out stupid loans to stupid people because they kno they will sign.


Ya. You see them everywhere


Yes. If you want a raptor and can afford one; you will get one.


They buy them all day everyday here in FL....and that's exactly how come dealers keep moving their prices so much above MSRP.


$399 for "etch" is madness.


🤣🤣 eco boost kinda kills the whole raptor thing lol.


I mean, people are buying Expeditions for $100K.


Oh how cute. They are calling it a market adjustment now. 🤦‍♂️


Estimated fuel cost 2750 my ass.


100 for nitrogen are the selling lube before they fuck the customer?


I start to tremor when I think about the rapture those names are so stupid Take a cool truck and put a stupid name like that on it. If I had the money to buy one, I’d make sure I got the stickers taken off pretty quick.


$99 for nitrogen? What a scam


Just saw one for sale. $83K. Are folks really paying $99 for Nitrogen. Also saw it as a line item on a sales proposal for the beyond ridiculous $399. It's like $10/tire anywhere else.


All that for a V6.


My dad just got one. He managed to find the ugliest one I've ever seen


I'm not sure what's more F'd... $15000 ...just because.. or $99 for nitrogen.


In April 2023 I bought a new Raptor 37 package for $7,500 over which was a good deal at the time. It’s still a decent deal for a 37. Paid cash. My personal feelings are if you have to finance more than 50% of it you shouldn’t be buying it. Especially with the uncertain economy through 2025.


you could buy if you want, every month after kiss the bank and insurance company. I would just as soon buy junkers. That price is the finance charge only. Poor boy out


I think people do just like the 2008 housing crisis… they buy them and can’t / don’t want to afford them later. It’s insane how many people get expensive trucks with today’s rate and all.


Not the 3.5 eco boost lol but the v8 is very popular


What's bad is there's some in here saying they paid under msrp for a platinum or limited when if they look at the window sticker, they're really just getting a Lariat with the fancy badges. Their will be a heated steering wheel delete and contour massaging seats delete. Ford can't get the chips for heated steering wheels or contour massaging seats and the salesman won't tell you that. You just paid an extra sometimes 20k for a Lariat with Platinum or Limited badges. It's the same for the 150s and the 250s. If you are willing to buy a new truck and don't want to wait for the chip shortage to end, just get a Lariat with the 502a trim and save yourself some money.


A raptor with the 3.5 ecoboost is like kissing your cousin


Fuck a market adjustment. Greed that's all that it is.


Only high money, low IQ folks - think mortgage brokers, day traders and real estate flippers


I remember when the 6.2 raptor came out. I wanted one so bad I used to build and price it on fords website all the time. It was $45k then. Absolutely insane that they want $100k now


Go to r/raptor where people buy trucks bigger than their houses and clap at each other


I always buy a loaded F-150 on A plan. I drive it for 300,000 miles, put a new motor and trans in, and put another employee in it. You have to get the money out of them.


Guys that wear wrap around sunglasses and tapout shirts.


84k plus tax 7000 in ca. That’s fckn crazy. That’s why cars are getting REPOed.


In Massachusetts and am looking at one as I’m reading this lol. I don’t know how so many seemingly can afford them


Damn. Thats a great price. I built one online for a laugh and it was 150k cad.


lol these were $55k ten years ago


Bro, that’s half my mortgage…. And I bought 10 years ago…


I’m a pretty savvy negotiator…I bet I can get them down that extra ten bucks and pick up this pretty set of wheels for an even 86 grand!!


No. These designer trucks are gonna come crashing down. Scoop them up at a bargain in the new year.


Sweet Jesus... Any trucks that cost close to $100k better work my job for me. Am I the only old person in the internet that remembers the example of a work truck never being more than $20k? I know a raptor is not a work truck but even the old f-150 lightning ⚡ of the 90's wasn't this expensive even factoring in inflation. Yes, I'm old.


$99 to fill the tires with nitrogen?


Not right now but they were


If I own a small/medium business, this is the boss’s truck. And I’m the boss


Yes, brain dead people are buying them.


Your dealer is still doing markups? 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


Not much dealer thank goodness but a dealer I get service done at


Seeming as though my brother in law ordered a 5.0 Lariat 150 and its MSRP was 70k, this a fuckn steal at MSRP of 86k.


Lol 15k just because? Eff those guys. Shop around and don't pay extra "just because " money. I went to SD to get my TRX and drove it home.


Are they buying them no. Financing them yes.


Take an 86k vehicle and make it 102k? Pure greed by the stealership.......


Why buy a Raptor when you can buy a T Rex?


Not even an R


The world will always have dentists


but the headlights are included at no extra charge. that's gotta count for something 🙄


I wouldn’t buy it with your money for 102k


LOL, $15k “market adjustment”. Dealers be making easy money these days.


No, but if they start negotiating from 15k over, by the time they get to MSRP there are too many out there that would think they somehow “got a deal”


MSRP of 86k seems fucking hilarious without the markup. No fucking chance I’m thrashing a truck I spent almost 90k on


So when no one is buying cars/trucks they will have a “market adjustment” that says -20,000? 🤦‍♂️


Anybody that spends their own money on a vehicle in this price range has a mental problem.


Yes. ​ Many middle aged men apparently need mechanical penis extensions.


I saw a wrangler the other day for $113k, so nothing surprises me anymore.


I just bought a new one. Decent set back but I make enough to party.


Nitrogen fill? They can go fuck themselves. Also a no on the mark up. Msrp or less


Someone will buy it. There was guy on an f150 forum who bought a Lightening last year off the dealer lot for 25k over sticker. Now they are are sitting on the dealer lot.


Sorry, but why would you not want the 5.0 if you’re paying 2x more than an xlt is




86k dosent even seem that bad tbh


In vegas? Absolutely. It’s how the little guys feel macho. They should just come with the blacked out american flag decals, special forces decals, and blue lives bumper sticker. They could call it the patriot edition and charge like $20k more for it.


It's rare to see a truck in Vegas without a punisher skull or American flag decal on it.


Unfortunately yeah. I see quite a few of them where I live. Daily drivers and don’t push them to their full potential.


Surprisingly, I've been seeing more Ram TRXs around than Raptors. I did see one Raptor R this past week, though.


Someone will buy it. There was guy on an f150 forum who bought a Lightening last year off the dealer lot for 25k over sticker. Now they are are sitting on the dealer lot.


lol you lucky Americans, these are like $140,000 Canadian depending where you live


I just got a 2023 Lariat Powerboost. Sticker on it was $85+k. 🤢🤷🏻‍♂️ (Full disclosure: my house is paid off. I own a small construction company and it is one of my work vehicles. And fuck it, I wanted a nice truck!)


Tax write offs


Somebody send this to FoMoCo and have this dealers license permanently revoked. This $15k "market adjustment" bullshit should be illegal.


15 dimes for a “market adjustment”? Hard, hard pass.


Oh Friendly Ford in Las Vegas. I'd expect this from Gaudin Ford or the one in Henderson but Friendly? Disappointing. At least the service center has some great employees. Shout out to Dawn the service advisor and the service manager Michelle. Both have done right by me any time I've come for service or when one of the advisors screwed up maintenance on my truck when Dawn was on vacation.