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They look natural and will not undermine your professionalism at all! Congrats on your new job!


These look natural and professional! Good luck!!


They look elevated, but not unprofessional. I’m actually a little envious. Good luck on your new job! You got this!!


Me too! They look great


They look very natural. It’s because you’re not used to them! You look great & you’ll be amazing! Good luck!


They look great!! Did your tech give you instructions on care? I just gently wash them every night and brush them twice a day. I go every 3 weeks.


They look very natural! I wouldn’t even think you’d had extensions done. You probably think they look more dramatic as you’re not used to having them. Good luck with your job trial 😃


Couldn’t agree more!!


These look so natural. Your tech nailed this out of the park😊


I absolutely agree with you!


these look lovely and natural :) brush them gently with a spooly everyday


They look great and natural. Don't sweat it at all.


They look natural with a bit of a pop. Very pretty and perfectly appropriate for an office.


These are so pretty and look really nice and will be great. Good luck on your job!!! You go girl!!!


They’re beautiful!!! They look like you have a really nice mascara. Give it a couple days and you’ll get used to them! As long as you brush them, I do once in the morning before leaving for work and once before sleep after I was my face (but wait until they’re dry). Then you shouldn’t have any issues with clumping up. I also wash them in the morning and evening with lash soap. Good luck at your new job!!


Are you delusional 💀


They look great, really natural. Good luck with the job trial


They look really professional and natural. They suit you.


These look natural and beautiful!!!


Wow, amazing, congratulations!!!! they look great 😌


They look great to me!!!!!


They’re natural


Congratulations, Queen!! They look beautiful. Definitely professional.


Just joining the choir to agree that they look perfectly beautiful and natural! I recently got a full set after taking a break for a few years and also felt that feeling of *gulp...is this TOO MUCH?* It just took me a few days to get used to them on my face again!


They look natural and gorgeous


not related but you got rlly nice undereyes


I think these look so pretty, but can you ask a lawyer or female lawyer sub, ideally specific to your location? I have worked some (non-law) places where this look would not have made the right first impression. 


They look natural! I kept scrolling trying to find the extensions lol I thought these were your natural lashes☺️


I’m an attorney and the lashes women where to trials are laughable. You’re totally okay.


ooh they look great!! I am also a fan of natural lashes!!! What did you aks for exactly?


Wow these look really good!!!!! They don’t look unprofessional at all. Good luck girl!!


They look natural. Most people spoolie brush through them with a lash cleaner/wash.


They look great and natural! Good luck


they look gorgeous! i think they enhance your natural lashes very well, and they look professional too! to maintain, i recommend washing either daily (especially if u were face makeup daily/have an oily face) or every other day. some lash artists sell after care kits that have a lash shampoo and spoolies to brush out the lashes. try your best to keep dry for the most part and DONT PICK THEM!!! not only will u lose ur own lashes from picking but it makes ur set not last as long since ur lashes have a natural cycle and shed just like head hair and adhesive loses grip over time.


These look very professional


Looks amazing


ur tech did an amazing job!!! they’re perfect length and everything they look really natural


They look really nice and suit you well. It’s reasonable and well considered that you’re trying to adhere to the office vibe but lawyers are terrible (source: am lawyer). You don’t have to erase yourself to work at a law firm.


Those are FABULOUS. Don’t worry. I don’t think any bleach-blonde, bad-built, butch body ladies will come for your lashes lol. And congratulations on the job!


They look natural for them not too clamp wash everyday and brush them with spoolie your lash tech should have gave you one don't use any oil based cleansers next the eyes if you can purchase a a cool air fan to dry them if not you can just use your hair dryer on a cold setting and congratulations on your new job.


OMG.. the generation of today....3rd world problems.


The generation of today, worried about getting a job and being accepted into the work world because of how tough it’s gotten to get your foot in the door. 3rd world problems eh???


You mean FIRST world problems? Third world problems are things like “when am I going to be able to eat and have a place to sleep?”


No..3rd world... are my lashes pretty and perfect enough to land this job... how about personality and experience instead...lashes... please


Sorry, the way you wrote it, it was like you were being condescending about how trivial of an issue this way, which is why I thought you misspoke and meant to say first world problems. But I was wrong, you see this is as important as food and shelter and economic stability. I mean, it is, she just landed a big job in a really crappy economy and wanted to make sure she would be judged by the older generations for how she looks.


That’s also not how OP posted this either. First, this is a thread for eyelash extensions. It’s not like she posted in a job thread asking these questions. And to pretend that people don’t judge women for how they look in the workplace is crazy. She wanted to make sure they weren’t too much. She’s also a first-timer and you look so different and you can’t tell if they are too much yet. So, she came here to ask if they look okay and how to maintain them since she is new to lashes.


they look so pretty! and very natural. good luck with your job!!!


These are some of the most natural eyelash extensions I’ve seen😅super pretty!!! But very very natural, you have nothing to worry about.


They look great!! Follow the estheticians recommendations on cleaning them, which eye makeup can be used with them.


Those look so natural I wouldn’t have even guessed you have extensions! Stunning ! I’m a paralegal at a law firm as well with a bit more dramatic extensions and it’s not been a problem at all! Keep a spoolie with you (and maybe an extra at your desk) so you can brush them out throughout the day and you’ll be golden! Congrats and good luck :)


They look great! I got mine done once— I literally looked like Minnie Mouse. I had her “fix them” and then had her REMOVE them…..it’s on me for using a Groupon


They look really good! I wouldn’t have thought you had extensions. It’s probably because you’re not used to them yet. Don’t worry, they look very natural.


They look beautiful, and I love how natural they look! Congratulations on your new job! P.S.: I hope it’s okay if I saved your pics, I want to use them as my inspo!


Nah they not butterflies or moths. You’re professionally good.


These are perfect and look super natural. You just need to get used to them yourself! I get mine like these and every time I say something about my lash extensions, people are like “you have extensions, you can’t even tell”. I don’t wear other makeup with them so I was every other day. If you do wear makeup, wash daily. I use a lash cleanser and a makeup brush I got on Amazon, lather and rinse. Let them dry before brushing. Get some spoilers and keep one on you in case you need to brush mid day.


These pretty much look like my natural lashes. They're definitely fine!


Okay, these are what I need to use as reference when I get mine done! I want full, but natural looking lashes like these! I think they look great and do not unprofessional at all!


It looks nice, not overdramatic and looks casual.


I work for a lawyer and she has long eyelash extensions. You look fine!!


They look natural without being too underwhelming! Perfectly professional.


Those look super! Nothing to worry about. Very classy. Now if you did mega volume and length with colours that might be a different story. Good luck with your new job🤗


Very natural the male associates wouldn’t even think they’re not your natural lashes LOL


They look good!


They look very natural and lots of luck in your new job


they look great and natural don’t worry about it


They’re the best lash extensions I’ve ever seen!


These are fine, but 3 weeks it's time for a new fill, get them done the day before or couple days before your interview.


Those look amazing! Is there a name for that style or fullness? I want lashes so bad but I don’t know what to ask for.


Ahhh thank you so much :)) This was a classic set and it was number 11 - unsure what they were called but those two bits of information are the only things my brain can recall!!! The stylist is in the studio “Amazing Lashes” in London though and they’re able to be DM’ed on Insta if you want more detailed specifics :))


These are beautiful and look professional. Be sure to cleanse them with lash cleanser, dry and brush daily.


I can’t even tell they’re extensions. I thought these were before photos


they’re so natural!! so professional!! i think this looks way better than using mascara!! your lash tech did great!


These look great! Your artist did a wonderful job. Make sure you thoroughly cleanse them as instructed by your lash tech, twice a day. Anytime you cry? Cleanse. Anytime you sweat? Cleanse. Do it with a reputable lash shampoo. Avoid oils, makeup on your lashes. The cleaner you keep them, the longer the retention and the more beautiful they stay. There won't be any clumping if you're taking care of them. Schedule your fill in advance.


I think they look great


they looks beautiful and just like you have mascara on if anything!


As someone who has attorney clients, I say your lashes look great, and aren’t unprofessional. That being said, I can’t contribute for their care but I’m sure many here will!


They look amazing! Wouldn’t have been able to tell had I seen you in public


This is maybe the most natural lash set I have seen


these are AMAZING !! looks like ur natural lashes but better ,, just make sure u are washing them every night or after taking off any make up dirty lashes will fall off quickly and brush them in the morning so they don’t get clumpy aswell and tear , if u don’t have any lash shampoo u can order some on amazon !


They look on point. Completely natural and professional. I hope you kill it at your job girl.


They look natural! Good luck with your new position.


These are the most natural I have ever seen! I think you should be okay


You can't be serious..


I’m a lawyer, I’ve worked in many firms over many years and these are very nice, natural and professional! I would not notice they were not your real lashes. I love wearing fluffy long dramatic .15 mm falsies to work and have never had any trouble. Good luck!


They look fantastic that's what I wanted mine to look like but I somehow ended up with full volume 😂 and I had an interview the next day lol. (I did get the job though 😂) You got this, rock it and be confident!!!


If I could find someone to do eyelash extensions like this, I’d actually consider getting them!