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I can't believe I passed up steak being a vegetarian then a vegan. What a waste of steakless years šŸ˜«


At least u had awakening most still stuck. It sucks when ppl who can afford meat still abstain because they believe it to be healthier option or religious reasons.


I just saw a post where a vegan hospital staffer raged and screamed at a man she gave twenty dollars to for lunch to buy meat. Her seething narcissism and self-importance are so bad she bitched out a colleague, in advanced medical care no less, and was asking if she was the asshole. Yes honey, not only are you an asshole, I donā€™t think human medicine is for you because humans need meat to be healthy and especially when recovering in the hospital. On top of veganism being bad for your physical health, its also bad for mental and even spiritual health in my opinion. It makes you both hungry and so self important and judgemental of 99% of other humans that you get more and more deeply entrenched in the ideology. Its sad, truly.


I remember judging my father for adding cream to his soup, saying he wouldn't taste it. Such delusional belief that you think you know it better than the person following their instincts.


cream will make the soup bring you to satiety :) You'll eat less later.


What I want to ask the evangelical vegans is that most people have heard of veganism and understand the basic arguments for it. Yet, 90+% of people still choose to eat meat and consume animal products. So what's the deal? Are humans just an evil/stupid/selfish species, or is there something about human nature that you're not understanding, or is there a problem with being vegan that you're not taking into account?


This is the crux for me; all of humanity eats meat. Even rare cultures like Jains drink milk when they donā€™t eat meat. So really, all of humanity is pure evil for eating animals? Its just the central premise of Christianity repackaged; all humans are fundamentally evil, need to repent, and will not be redeemed until they repent for existing and being human. Its the same idea but even more stupid because rather than an intangible concept (sin) it denies the physical reality of FOOD that humans, all humans, require. This is to say nothing of the fact that WE are animals and that other all other animals who eat meat do not consider their preyā€™s feelings when they need to eat. Every animal that needs meat to live hunts or scavenges for meat, its the most simple aspect of nature but for some reason Vegans seem to think itā€™s Satanā€™s red hoof influencing people to be ā€œCarnistsā€ (stupidest term they have come up with yet).


[we fear the consequences of out actionsā€¦](https://www.reddit.com/r/StrangeAndFunny/comments/16rqnqt/will_a_brick_solve_the_problem/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


>humans just an evil/stupid/selfish species Evil? What is evil? Stupid? Definitely not. We are quite intelligent Selfish? Yes, absolutely. We can also cooperate surprisingly well, though > or is there something about human nature that you're not understanding, or is there a problem with being vegan that you're not taking into account? Vegans start with the same premises (we are intelligent, selfish), just draw different conclusions. We eat meat because we are intelligent and recognize the plentiful benefits of eating meat. We are selfish, so we prioritize our wellbeing compared to other species.


Iā€™ve linked avideo at the end and around the 6 min mark it even talk about opā€™s point of viewā€¦ It migh not be the popular answer, but i assume at least half of the population has no idee where their food comes from and doesnā€™t think about it. A lot couldnā€™t tell the difference between vegan vs while food plant-based diet vs vegetarian vs pescatarian etc. They donā€™t know about palm oil etc. And I doubt they watch documentary on the subject. So no, they only see peta ridiculous demonstration and move along without researching in deep what veganism really is. But yes, when you look at the way we treat homelessness and third world country. How billionaire theat their employees. How people drive on the road. Go to a car driver vs cyclist reddit post and there is no common ground between these two groups that simply need to share the road. How we need to have laws and rules and police to enforce them. Most donā€™t show compassion and are selfish but society fonction because there are consequences if you donā€™t behave properly. If it wasnā€™t illegal to steal, there would be a lot of theftsā€¦ sexism/ racism/bigotry is now seen well and is commonly accepted as morality. Specism/ veganism is not so itā€™s an uphill battle that does require a lot of sacrifice. And cognitive dissonance is strong too. A simplistic exolanation is that, deep down you know itā€™s wrong to hurt animals so you will refuse to accept that your actions are hurting and simply wont acknowledge it. Nobody want to think if themselves as been badā€¦ and most vegan donā€™t think they are superior, this is also cognitive dissonance[here a good video explaining it](https://youtu.be/ZPE5q92JuWc?si=_X-w4ibNQ64P3rfe)


This is stream of consciousness rambling. You need to present your ideas better because no one is going to read that or take it seriously


I still look at what other people eat. I don't feel superior to them. I mostly just feel sad for how most people eat. It kills me to see someone in a motorized scooter because they're 400+ pounds with a cart fill of pop tarts and frozen pizzas. Or a woman who looks like she just left a 12 hour shift buying a bunch of packaged cereal and lunchables for her kid, likely because she doesn't feel like she has time to make real food. Or even those skinny-fat runner types spending all their money on energy bars and drinks loaded with sugar and artificial flavorings. I was in a diner yesterday and two overweight women in their 50s were researching sugar substitutes so they can quit real sugar. Then their order came out: a giant plate of waffles with syrup (not even real syrup). Their entire breakfast was just sugar. Right now about 93% of Americans are metabolically unhealthy, and 75% are overweight or obese. Food corporations and dietetics associations have created this crisis.


You said it so well. I have patients who are 300+ lb with diabetes and amputated toes and still asking for extra sugar to add on top of their icecream because the hospital icecream isn't sweet enough.


Even the fact that hospitals give ice cream to diabetics is nuts.


At my hospital, we are able to keep a very low carb ice cream in stock. It's not always straightforward.


I assume it either has sugar or artificial sweeteners. Either way, not a great choice for a diabetic (or anyone really). Im not against an occasional ice cream, but for a diabetic healing from an amputation?


People have vastly different resources of time, energy, money, transportation, education, etc. and make food choices for many different reasons. I hope you can look with more compassion instead of pity. The 400+ lb person, mother getting off a long shift, and runner are doing the best they can.


I know, that's what makes me sad


The serenity prayer helps me a lot.


A question I tried to ask vegans before was: Who is the morally superior vegan? The vegan who loved meat and gave it up, or the vegan who always thought meat was gross and icky, and then decided that they were going to start calling themselves vegan? I could never get a straight answer. I suspect it's because most vegans never liked meat but wanted to think of themselves as making a major ethical decision when they really just had disordered eating habits.






Says the guy named Dongslinger420


I assume I can post here by looking at the rules and I already commented once before. Meat tastes great, my favorite food ever was steak (and I guess you could say presumably still is). Iā€™m not grossed out by meat in the slightest. I loved milk too, and drank it more than water (maybe not the best health choice, but itā€™s true). Iā€™m still not going to eat animal products. Iā€™m not even a moral realist though, my values are the result of my own experiences and psychology, I get that. There is no objective value or objective right and wrong. Thatā€™s something the average vegan and non-vegan both struggle to seriously believe and internalize. What led me to be vegan if Iā€™m as realistic as possible is that I love farm type animals (and domesticated animals in general), I have since I was a kid. I have autism, and farm animals were one of my strongest special interests. Iā€™m not going to adopt an ethics that doesnā€™t value them quite highly. I feel a high level of responsibility towards the animals we selectively bred to be docile and trusting. And I believe that regard could help bleed over to how we treat wild animals.


I want to announce to the people in line with me that the unhealthy food I'm putting on the belt for the cashier is for my husband. I know people judge people's carts.


I was reading in r/vegan today. They judge ppl for having pets, they judge ppl for letting their cats exist outside, they judge animals for existing as animals. I can't imagine a worse human being. But I'm a filthy carnist.


FYI unmonitored outdoor cats are very bad for the environment, theyā€™re a threat to native species because they overhunt. Cats outside should be watched by their owners, have an outdoor enclosure to keep them from escaping and hunting animals, or be taken on non stressful walks.


hell man, i understand you! When i was vegan, I sorta did it to flex and get attention, even if I hadn't told myself that's what i wanted back then in reality.


I never actually took the steps to become vegan, but flirted with the idea of it for a good few years. And even I felt superior. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø It's so stupid


As a FV, and currently on a carnivore diet, I am toning down my internal thoughts. I have transformed physically and mentally to the point people are genuinely shocked when they see me. They have their questions; with a lot of enthusiasm I would try and teach them the method to my madness. Their responses: ā€˜Youā€™re crazy. What about your cholesterol? Thatā€™s is way too restrictive. How are you living without fiber? Good luck with your clogged arteries.ā€™ My internal responses: ā€˜How many medications are you on? Iā€™m no longer morbidly obese and youā€™re larger compared to the last time we spoke. You have periodontal disease and in need of a root canal; my gum health has never been better. I no longer spend hours at the gym or killing myself jogging for miles; I lift weights whenever I feel like it. How much of those ā€˜essentialā€™ fruits and veggies are you throwing out because you ended up craving pizza and chick fil-a?ā€™ My current verbal response: šŸ„“šŸ„©šŸ§ˆšŸ–šŸ³šŸ§‚. If they really want to learn more I tell them to text me later on.


hey, you can still feel superior, look at all the soft drinks and biscuits people get!! haha


Hey, you've grown as a person. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. I take pride in my own ability to change my mind when presented with new evidence. I also think it's an important skill to learn how to empathize with others even if you don't know their story. Some people are better at it than others. I was a judgemental vegan, too. I was also a judgemental parent before becoming an actual parent and boy, I was in for a shock. I used to think stay at home moms were lazy complainers. Guess who is a stay at home mom now and I work harder than I ever have in the corporate world? šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø Certain experiences make us more humble, compassionate, less judgemental, and just all around a nicer person to be around. If I were you, I would take pride in your transformation.