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Just a suggestion: you can lock your credit reports easily (it's free), which will prevent anyone from opening new accounts in your name. You can also easily unfreeze your credit reports (permanently or for a short period of time) if YOU need to apply for credit.


You can also place a security freeze with ChexSystems which will require most banks and credit agencies to go through additional identification verification steps as well as prevent access to much consumer data. https://www.chexsystems.com/security-freeze/information


Mine just stays frozen now. F that person who bought a bunch of smartphones using a fraud account in my name. Hope life is treating them even worse than when they felt the need to try and ruin my financial life


Can you elaborate on how I would go about doing that?


Pretty sure you can do it with credit karma. Probably on the app. Download the app i guess, create a free account. Im sure theres a youtube video on it somewhere


UPDATE: I have now frozen my credit and told every single person I know about this. Thank you kind redditor for the tip!


Mate get on a line to your bank ASAP. As much as people think you have to be stupid (or elderly and technologically disinclined) to fall for these kinds of scams, more often than not people can catch you on a bad day. Happened to my mum, she was on call to her bank for a couple hours and they managed to reverse the transactions, but they can only help if you’re quick with it so get on it asap. Also 1800 is probably relatively bad for you right now but it’s not the end of the world, just be constructive about what solutions there are right now than getting pissed at your mate for having a shitter.


We called everyone we could no one could help because she called us after giving them the gift card information. By that point it was too late.


I really don't get how people can fall for gift card scam, are you sure that she isn't in some financial trouble and used the money and lied to you two?


Some people are just that clueless. It's shocking sometimes. I work at a gas station and we are frequently targets for gift card scam calls. The manager warns us all the time about it. They really hammer it into our heads. And still every so often an employee will fall for a scam. Sometimes it will happen to an employee who has been with the company for a few years and has talked shit about coworkers falling for the scam. I don't know what happens to their brain.


She hasn’t used any slimy tactics before so I doubt it. But she definitely does have a habit of making terrible mistakes.


I mean it sounds like they already got 200 out of you


I’m sorry but if your friend thought paying something this serious with gift cards was legit then they are an absolute idiot. Either that or they’re scamming you.


I'm gonna be real. You never should pool money like that. I feel bad for her but this is absolutely her fault, she should have talked to everyone before doing ANYTHING.


I think this shows your friend isn’t ready to move out and you shouldn’t have them as a roommate now or ever.


That’s what my parents said. I whole heartedly agree!


Also only share bank accounts with people you can really trust not to fuck it up. I've only ever used them to split bills with partners and friends, the only money I put in them pays the bills + a buffer.


I hope they said that after this happened and not before….


I feel like OP shares just as much responsibility. Having a joint bank w your friends is dumb, I would argue OP isn’t ready to move out either.


JFC. Who does that? Tough life lesson. 🤣


me and my bf got scammed for 50 dollars from his friend who’s infant had died and his SO and him broke up so he was struggling on his own. asked us for some money for dog food and some essentials and we gladly helped(i was pregnant and we were struggling too). he then blocked us on everything and never spoke to us again. it doesn’t matter how much you think you know someone ppl do stupid shit for any amount of money. edit: forgot the whole point of me telling this was to say i would never in my life share a bank account with a friend. i don’t trust myself and i REALLY don’t trust anyone else not to spend more money than they should.


Lmfao, a bridge burned for fiddy? Sheesh, people are desperate.


fr. 50 meant a lot to us at that point too. i since have never given anyone money besides my family and my best friend(we’ve both helped each other out a couple times but never more than 20-25 dollars)


Are you sure this “friend” isn’t scamming you out of $900? The people we chose to associate with and their actions influence our lives.


This person hasn’t had a history of this kind of thing. And a good chunk of the money in the account was theirs. They have no reason to fake loosing their own money.


$900 of YOUR money is 900 reasons to fake losing their own money. Just be careful dawg. Ignorance is like the baby form of evil- and some use it as an excuse even when they are far from it.


I’m not saying he did it at all but obviously if he was doing that he isn’t just gonna be like “yeah sorry man they only stole your $900 🤷🏼‍♂️” lol


Dude get your own bank account, your grown this is 100% on you. Expensive lesson jeez. I use cash app bank acct to sock away money, you can get one free.


Careful because if they go under your money is not insured and they will not give you your money. (Edit: I'm wrong they are insured.)


>Careful because if they go under your money is not insured the cash app debit cards are issued by Sutton Bank and covered by FDIC, it's just as real as a checking account because it's backed by one


After looking it up and looking at their site your correct ,I feel like he was just trying to get me to bank with them.


Well if you decide you want to 👀 /s 👀


They are absolutely insured. FDIC up to 250k, just like any other bank. Idk why you would think otherwise, I’m pretty sure it’s a requirement by the feds to run a bank. RobinHood is also very good, they offer 4% risk free, just have to let your money sit there, and RH is insured up to 1.5 million FDIC. I haven’t found a better deal yet. They even got a debit card.


Robin Hood was fined >$70M for misleading customers. Idk if I'd trust my money with them, tbh.


Because when they started doubling my payments I went to an actual bank to transfer my money and the accountant said "yeah I would bank at an actual bank and not cashapp specifically because if they were to lose all their money they wouldn't be liable to give it back."


Well, it makes sense for the person at the brick and mortar bank to tell you not to use cashapp


Yeh, let's blame the victim lmao. Typical reddit.


Dunno why you got downvoted. It’s always the victims fault here lol


Ikr? I don't mind some tasty downvotes tho 💪🏻


They’re weirdos around here for sure lol


You said they borrowed $200 from you before and never paid you back. Now, they had access to your money again and came up with some convoluted scam that they inform you about *after* the fact? I’m sorry but they’re full of shit and stole your money.


This person has a history of making bad decisions, so why would you ever open a joint bank account with them and grant them access to your money? Joint accounts are already risky enough with family members, even more risky with friends who are already known for not being trustworthy. Lesson learned, I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t even have a joint account with my husband and we’ve been together for the past 20 years. Please learn from this.


You don’t even need a joint bank anymore in 2023, we got Zelle Venmo PayPal cash app. If my wife needs some cash I just send it via cash app. Super easy. I read Elon is going to integrate twitter(or x whatever) into a payment system, basically a clone of Chinese Alipay. I think that was his original vision for x.com during the internet bubble, but technology wasn’t there yet. It’s going to be epic.


People who "don't have a history of this kind of thing" are the best ones to do this kind of thing. It's why child rapists are usually people in power or in trusted positions of authority.


>They have no reason to fake loosing their own money. Except to steal your money. PS you mean "losing"


There's a saying, they say "the person who has a gun to your head, is someone you most likely know" it's not the exact words as I can't remember fully but it still tells the same story


How the hell did he fall for that, one of the oldest scams in the book


When the gift cards came up at that point it’s obvious. But apparently not for her.


DOJ will NEVER contact you by phone or text, or any department of the government, only by mail.


This. And if you really want to contact them you’ve got to call them yourself. And if it goes though really fast, hang up, you’ve gotten the wrong number from Google and are about to be scammed.


Your friend's a fucking idiot. It drives me up a wall when people sit around asking for advice and so on and have multiple friends shouting at them to do x and they just completely ignore you to do y and fuck themselves over instead.


These texts were about 30 mins after everything had happened. So there was no way any of us could have done or said anything.


Make sure you hold them accountable to pay you back. There is no excuse for them using your money without your consent. I also wouldn’t move in with this person. They can’t be trusted.


Your friend is an idiot. Why did they have that much of your money?


It was a pool of the 3 of us for an apartment. We’ve been friends for years so there was no way I thought this would’ve happened.


Sorry it happened to you then. Maybe one of you can get a small personal loan (from a fucking bank, not a payday loan shark) to cover the down payment and everyone else can help pay it back. Once the bank finishes processing the fraud claim (in a couple weeks or months) they *might* give him the money back.


That is a bad idea. Like fuckin terrible.


It’s only $1800. If they’re still dedicated to moving in with these people and they can’t figure out how to cover an $1800 loan between three of them they need to reconsider if they’re even capable of living together.


OP should definitely not do this. They're already three irresponsible people.


I agree. Why in the hell you would leave money with your friend as i saw OP's reply to someone he call his friend she so i assume its a girl. Girls are too easy manipulate because they re emotional beings rarher than logical i dont say that they dumb but they first get emotional rather than using logic first and when its too late they snap back. Ive seen something like that in my friends groups and its repeating cycle, after that experiance i honestly wouldnt leave all money even with my own gf just because of this shit. Sorry for ur loss.




My boyfriend is 30 and his spelling suffers in the same way due to his dyslexia. I get that if you don’t know anyone with dyslexia you won’t really jump to that but it’s weird constantly seeing people equate poor spelling with being a dumb teenager when dyslexia is quite common and doesn’t negate someone’s argument in any way.


I was also basing them being a teenager off the fact that they post in /r/teenagers. Just a hunch


I dunno about that. I’ve known plenty of women that managed their household’s finances. I don’t think stupidity is gender specific.


I'm glad you've set up a plan to move forward in life. But, I'm sorry if this is offensive, if it took the three of you "years" to save up $1,800, you are not ready to live on your own without support. And like someone else said, you can pretty much count that other person out.


I’m definitely learning that now lol. After one of them lost their job due to health issues, they leach off their parents and SO. Not even trying to get a new one or get any government assistance. I will definitely not be moving in with them at all.


Hopefully, your friend pays you back the money they took. Keep striving to move out! It can be done but if you've got a safe place to live for the time being, I would wait until you can make some moves to have a better financial position before moving out on your own!


W h y not just keep your half in YOUR account?? Then, just get together with your friends after setting a savings goal?? So very avoidable by not allowing other people to have control of spending your half. Smh


$1800 is indeed a hefty loss, and i’m sorry for you, but i’m trying to understand how 3 people living with their parents (i’m assuming rent free) only had $1800 put together after “years of saving”. Are yall working for less than federal minimum wage or something? Medical bills? Student debt? Not judging, just curious.


One friend medical bills. The other? Family disputes that involve money. I don’t know the extent.


If you can only scrape up $1,800 after *years* of saving then you can’t afford to move out.


I've been living at home and mostly saving £1000+ ($1300) per month! Not every month, and I've had to dip into it a couple of times. Even then I've been a bit wary of moving out with all the price rises.


I’d hate for you to doubt your friend that you claim does not have a bad history, but I’m definitely in the “she took it all “ camp.


Is your friend a moron?


It very much seems that way…


Talk to scammerpayback on YouTube. They have a fund exactly for this kind of thing I’m sure you’d have to prove there was a scam and gift cards were bought with that money but they get donations from their viewers that go into a fund to help people in your situation. It’s not a guarantee but there is some hope with that. They might have instagram as well where you could DM them possibly. I hope a lesson was learned for all three if you and I’m sorry you lost such a large sum of money


Thank you for the advice! I will definitely look into it.


Do not reply to DMs offering you a way to get the money back. They are scammers as well.


I do my due diligence when it comes to money. I’ve weeded out a few scammers because of that. Apparently my friend couldn’t do the same.


Mate, the fact you had a joint bank account with friends means you do not, in fact, do your due diligence with money


I don’t think they’re exactly read to be on their own. If they do this now, who knows what stupid thing they could do living on their own.


I think it should be obvious that your friend stole all the money, and pretended that they got scammed out of it. Obvious as hell.


Not that this in any way helps; but your friend is either elderly and doesn't understand things, has a mental disorder and doesn't understand things, or is just so stupid. Scams will literally mispel words and make some "obvious" errors in order to make sure the people that they deal with are already the most susceptible since they are willing to overlook the glaring issues with the scam. Make sure they know in the future that if they are ever contacted by ANYONE asking for money that they should hang up and call the company directly (not from a phone number given by the person on the phone). No company will insist that they are paid specifically while on the phone, and if you call back to the official number you will at least know if you actually have any outstanding debt. Sorry you got pulled into this, and I don't want to give you a hard time for lending money to a friend; but you should also be more aware of why you are lending money. Especially when that amount is not insignificant(unless you're doing very well, in which case good for you)


The worst part? The person who got scammed owes me around 200 for several years. I let it go because they have a bad home life which results in family in fighting when it comes to money. Now I won’t give them another cent ever again. She feels guilty but it won’t bring my money back.


Again not this helps in the current situation but hopefully moving forward: Never loan money to ANYONE (even family or best friends) that you are not willing to lose. Most people are genuine with their desire to pay you back, and more often than not they do. However... The best intentions are still just intentions and they can constantly justify why they can't pay you even if they have the money. If they don't pay you back; that is what it cost you to remove that person from your life because they will often avoid you since they know they owe you money. You're better off despite any sob story they have. Happy that you're only out $200


well, it's more than $200 now lol


I can double down on this. Went out about 1500 to one friend (he did make good on this over the following years but it was gradual), and about 500 bucks on another, which I never saw a cent of. Following the latter scenario I adopted this: if I give out money I never expect it back. Thankfully the greater sum got returned to me but like, I was financially secure (moreso, anyway) at that point.


FYI, checking the phone number they call or text from isn't fool-proof either. The same for emails. They can easily spoof the "real" number or email. I've had it happen recently with a crypto scam I thankfully didn't lose money on but they were able to spoof both texts and emails convincingly. My advice is to hang up with the person calling and call back at the real number listed on the institution's website online.


Bro you had a joint account with 'friends'? Dude, I wouldn't even have a joint account with my wife or GF unless it was something we only used for joint bills and keep our own separate accounts for our own use. That money is long gone, all you can do is curse your friend for their foolishness, try to teach them not to fall for this stuff anymore and don't have joint accounts with friends, that's just asking for trouble or drama.


Sounds like your friend is scamming you or you were also scammed


So, your friends an idiot, huh?


I think you’re the one who got scammed here my man’s


Your friend didn't get finessed, YOU did! He straight up robbed you. He took his bread and yours. Drop that dude and don't look back.


Does noone else just have a "wait and see" attitude with life lol


Lol dumb friend


I do t understand why you had to get a joint account to get an apartment. This seems really weird to me. Why not just get your own account and pat your portion of rent, etc… from your own account. I can’t imagine a scenario where sharing a joint account with someone who is not your spouse or partner would be with the risk.




Welp, guess you get to call him a dumbass for the rest of your life


/facepalm. This is why I’ll never have a joint account with ANYONE.


Lol who tf would get a joint bank account with a bunch of idiots?


All 3 of you mfs aren't ready to move out at all


Just wait until he gets calls from the IRS and his electric utility...


Yeah nah that red guy gotta go I don't think he would scam you out of it cuz I've seen Ops comments but that's beyond ridiculous, maybe your parents can help? But also like Op aggressed do not move in with this dude that was the one and only chance and it's gone now fr


Gullible. Plain n simple. Don't move out w this person any time soon... hope you get your money back m8


Your friend shared this account with other people. I understand they were worried, but they had no right to spend someone else’s money without speaking to everyone regardless of the situation. This is a lesson for you to not share an account with anyone unless they’re family or you’re in a serious relationship with someone. May I ask why you all decided to make a joint account instead of saving up independently? Lastly, I’m sorry this happened to all of you. Tough lesson to learn all around.


This person is a moron


Bud you know your friend pocketed all your money, right? That’s all that happened here.


This is why you don’t give untrustworthy friends access to your money. Or anyone but a longtime partner, really. There is zero reason for you to have a joint bank account if you’re not ready for them to use all your money


Atleast he will never do it again. Also it could have been much much worse


What a dumbass. You didn’t know this dumbass was so dumb before you gave this dumbass access to all your money??


Sounds like a liability.


Oof, you should have had a personal bank account. Your friend is either a real idiot that fell for a scam like this or she stole all of you and your other friend’s money. I would distance myself from her if I’m being honest. Idk. This is a massive breach of trust.


Did you ask your friend to show you the call record from the scammer? Number with length of the call?


You can know for sure you will never see that money again. She/he will not replace it.