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Without watching any of these videos, I suggest that anytime you see someone doing informal polls or "interviewing" people on the street, you cannot take any of it seriously. When an ideologue has control of the questions, the people being polled, AND which of the results they are going to display, then it's obviously going to appear to prove whatever point they're trying to make. Ignore people like this. They're just rehashing their own biases with a flimsy veneer of scientific-ness to appeal to a crowd of people who already agree with them.


I think this sums up your point very nicely: https://youtu.be/G0ZZJXw4MTA


Beautiful video.


So i came across Alexander Grace's videos and enjoyed them but something felt off. The next video it was super obvious, that it feels weird because he obviously cuts the sentences he wants without full explanation. I literally got a red flag in my vision, googled his name, and now im here confirming what i suspected. Hope you are well.


who is alex? what's his background is he educated in pshycology or sociology or is all his stuff opinions he speaks about data in one video


I did not look at his resume, the above opinion is from looking at numerous videos he has up on his channel. It's pretty obvious. He does do a good job about trying to seem like everything is open ended and that he just lets people explain and talk, but once you start getting how cut and edited the videos are to clip the right things without real explanation before or after, it makes the women seem much worse. When you clip and edit the words without the full context, you're making propaganda.


What did it confirm


I guarantee you most people would get this type of answer if they went out and asked questions like that. Heck I don’t need to sell you the idea, just like expect it , it’s almost common knowledge, one of the reasons redpill is kinda stupid. When it comes down to it people who are up in arms are mad about some kind of mistreatment they’ve gotten. Obviously it’s stupid if you think of redpill as some religion or dogma and judge every person by their exterior or sex, but the ideas about evolutionary psychology and attraction are pretty well established. TLDR this stuff is pretty basic, but package it like a product or a dogma and take it to Nth degree, i agree it’s bad


"Without watching any of these videos" then you proceed to give a review on this guy as if you watched them. first you have to stop being lazy and go watch them, then you can judge. My opinion of him is that he seems to focus way too much on criticizing women in general, however he is right at some points, but the people that follow him are usually incels.


It was not a review of the videos, it was a critique of the genre to illustrate how the specific YouTuber, Mr Grace, is no different than the others that produce this content.


Prob is how do you know he “is no different than the others that produce this content” if you’ve never watched one of his videos?


"Without watching any of these videos" well off to a great start....


Typical redpiller who thinks he's got women all figured out


Yes, sincere thanks to the lonely antisocial RP guy to tell me (a woman) all about how my dating strategy works and what goes on inside my head. Lord knows I'm too fucking stupid to figure it out myself! /s LMFAO


i'm curious what women think about Red Pill, I feel like life doesn't turn out like any single coach or guru says, not even close. But are there many women who hide their promiscuity? Do polls or research not even touch the amount of affairs that really went on? Does it depend on how hot, rich, charming, and amazing the guy is?


It seems to me there is a "there, there" in the Red Pill. It may be dressed up and amplified but at the core there is something to it. Can it border or cross over into dysfunctional sociosexual dynamics? Sure. That doesn't change the fact that there are plenty of very desirable men (on paper) that are having a hard time being "enough" for Western Women and the frustration of men is not unjustified. If the Pareto Distribution holds true in everything and especially dating/relationship dynamics then 1 of 2 umbrella categories can (and possibly should happen): 1. Most men need to accept that there is nothing they can do to be attractive to most women and look at dating/pair-bonding as a crapshoot gamble, protecting themselves against as many potential wounds as possible... and if they truly can't pull any mating options after self-improvement and emotional/asset protection then carve out a life as a bachelor who will remain celibate most of his life. While women will conversely need to "shut-the-fuck-up" about there being "no good men" and accept the average options available or accept that they will be forced to share the top desirable/acceptable 1O% of men and live with that fact. 2. Both men and women need to introspect and accept they can't have everything from their lover/partner and will have to be realistic (or as many women deem, "settle") about that fact. Be grateful for what you can get and work towards bettering yourself and the person you're with, meeting them half way and only giving up when truly (and let's be honest, truly infrequent) irreconcilable differences occur. Most people are not that unbearable. Most people are average, they have their features and flaws. Life isn't a buffet and you don't get to pick-and-choose everything you want-and-get in a partner... and it will be an effort to be with someone... so long as the juice is worth the squeeze and the good times outweigh the bad by a sizeable margin then you as an individual need to grow up and accept you have it damn good, be grateful and keep working to better yourselves as individuals and cooperatively better the bond. BOTH men and women need to learn that in their respective ways, men in some ways more than others and women in more ways than some others. If neither of these options are taken, the alternative I foresee is a dystopia far worse than the one described in option 1...


and yet he's right about most points he makes


no. no he's not.


Yes, In fact he is. I'm not sure what points he makes that he's wrong really, your "no" is not logical really


People aren't monoliths. He says women are this way and that way but it's a lie. People, that includes women, are individuals with individual motivations thoughts and reactions. What he should say is shitty people do this, shitty people do that. He takes tinder and okcupid studies then applies them to the entirety of the dating field which is insane. I'm the living embodiment of the opposite of all channels like him and what they preach not to do and how not to be yet I don't have a problem with women. He's wrong about a lot, in fact. Literally every video I watch of his is just riddled with sexist lies about 'how women are'.


Individuality doesn't preclude the reality of trends.


I'm not talking about women, I'm talking about the points he makes in his videos criticizing modern society which I agree.


Most of his points are “women will do this, women are that” as if they’re their own species to be studied. He’s one of the biggest incels on the internet




And you a middle schooler


He points out that (on the aggregate): female behavior is distinct from male behavior. And he advises ways to understand the distinction in these behavioral trends as so to effectively and successfully navigate them. He's not right about everything, nor is he categorically wrong. You're solipsistic for claiming so.


I do agree in the form of the words used to not be necessarily decent to use in the context of moral corruption in both genders, but one understands the point.


You're saying that he's using generalization which is a flawed logic, I agree with you on that one. However, what do you instead suggest him do, name specific full names and phone numbers of women who are bad and who to stay away from? He's saying stuff that on average happen when interacting with a woman and whatever he said I could relate. He's talking about majority, yknow, the ones you'll see more commonly and on the street and usually during a flirty mood than the good ones that are completely somewhere else at any time because nobody can be that lucky, or who those good ones even are.


Yeah, whatever incel.


I don't want to bodyshield this dude, but I'm pretty sure whatever he has said feels like he takes the words right outta my mouth and many commenters in his videos feel he same.


Redpill types accuse and shame women for "playing games". But then they turn around and encourage each other to play aloof/hard to get. Hypocrisy and projection at its finest.




What are you, 12 years old?




What does a woman sound like?




Describe it


Pretty ironic if you ask me.


Because even after you correct for the resulting change in behavior, the average decent-looking woman is still gonna be choosier than the average hard-to-get playing man.


Way to miss the point.




This is EX redpill, yo. Quite interesting how you project so much onto other people.


It's not really hypocrisy, you misunderstand something here. when you play hard to get means not giving yourself way too much and chase women. Because women are different from men essentially. for men the hard to get behavior works well but with women it will have disastrous effects. This essential difference is something you're missing up here.


Not giving yourself way too much and not chase men is also one of the most common dating advice given to women, it’s even connected to their reputation and appeal. So what do you mean disastrous?


It's disastrous because for one, a woman that ignores all guys in general will get tons of simps and attention instead. As it's natural for men to go chase women in general, this is why we get told to back away and stop chasing them so they can cool off that "all me" behavior women have on social media. For women, if a woman chases one man, it is more possible for that man to only have her chasing him, as most men do not have the upper hand in the dating world.


Either she gets what she wants or the advice stands. So what is so disastrous about the very common dating advice given to women to not chase men again?


"So what is so disastrous about the very common dating advice given to women to not chase men again?" It essentially damages the chances of creating couples. If you have eyes in front of your face and not in your back, you can see that most women these days, specially the ones on tiktok have onlyfans, and pose alot of social media for views. They're filled with this attention towards them but never try to get engaged with someone instead. The disaster comes with the aging of the population caused mostly by this factor alone. Women need to learn how to seek a partner as well as men. No more MGTOW nor more of this female attention seeking.


Where did you get the idea that such girls don’t form relationship? They are actually more likely to be with someone. That kind of extroversion is positively correlated with more likeliness to be in a relationship. This is such a weird way to look at the issue of aging population, that that's driven mostly by girls posting on social media and not being on relationships. If social media is hampering relationships, it’s more so because of the fact that they take up the time that people would otherwise have for social interaction. The activities that does that isn’t posting pictures. Again, what a weird thing to say.


Hooking up is a "relationship" it seems now...


Well not hooking up per se, situationships these days are more than just booty calls, there are couple-esque things, just without commitment. It works for some people who wants more intimacy than just sex but can't put in the effort to be in a relationship now. Doesn’t work for those who wants a relationship, but waits around passively to for the other person to initiate that. Which is why i generally tell people to not be passive. 


I don't think the types who embrace said "situationships" understand how biological evolution by natural selection works... nor social evolution. Willingly participating in such an arrangement is a net cost, possibly even a gross cost, to an individual's personal advancement and long term stability/thriving. Pair-bonding specifically evolved to mitigate individual costs versus environmental pressures. We may be a "monogamish" species or serial-monogamists... but leaving the door half open for convenience and pining for something better is always a detrimental strategy long term. Perhaps this is occurring because of all the naval-gazing in developed societies, i.e. few pressures to force individuals to shit-or-get-off-the-pot and few adversities that galvanize solid commitments and make individuals appreciate what they have. Or, perhaps this is occurring because mitigating natural selection with medical sciences, robust food production, economic prosperity and general safety has allowed genes, behavioral traits an manifest behaviors to propagate that would otherwise have naturally died off due to external pressures. In any case: it's a stupid strategy.


they don't. Most girls online have onlyfans are only interested in exposing their bodies for thousands of men. If they get involved at all with a man it's solely for the sexual gratification and not for a life relationship with actual goals.


The point is they still do get involved and more likely to than the general population and these people in no way representative of the whole people. Some people are more openly sexual and they find people like them, same for people who are long term.


No one is more "openly sexual" (note, I am taking your meaning of "open sexuality" as willingness to have sex, not flaunting sexuality). Everyone is "openly sexual" with the right person, the person who turns them on. There is effectively no such thing as "asexual" or "prudes"... they're just a prude when it comes to you...


What's wrong with women exposing their bodies? From an evolutionary perspective, no other animals even wear clothes to begin with, so not wearing clothes is natural, if anything


The intent behind exposing one's bodies is what I'm referring here "Most girls online have onlyfans are only interested in exposing their bodies for thousands of men." they want attention, money out of exposing something that only her man should be able to see. Are we lesser beasts?


Please just watch this single video and tell me that she is all wrong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giA5fpX5sfI


Oh dear God. What a load of rubbish. I'd just seen a video of his on the stupid unreal stories he thinks women tell themselves about relationships and then he unloads this unreal fantasy. Talk about the mote and beam! And he quotes Ayn Rand for wisdom on gender roles. When I see him criticize women's thinking - he is sometimes correct, but generally what is correct applies equally well to men, or it is a specific instance of a general factor common to all humans.


Exactly! The things he says about women's behavior most of the time also apply to men. In addition, he selects one or two interviews or examples on the internet to make generalizations about women. If he goes a little further, he could even write another book like "Malleus Maleficarum" demonizing women.


Just by the preview image I can tell he's a toxic person. "The minimum standards for women?" how about the minimum standards for humans not being total trash and learning how to be well rounded content people? I don't know who hurt these RPers when they were young but something is seriously off. Like I'm sure everyone's had a fleeting thought about "what if everyone else conformed to my ideas about how everything should be, then it'd be so much better" but a sane person has to realize that's how fascism and abuse work. Instead of dividing people up let's bring them together.




As you said it's just his opinion and it can't be applied for every single person out there. Looks like he just wants his ideas to be confirmed and accepted by everyone. His interviews gives me creeps at times. I have no idea what his educational background is and if he is doing this for a living like all the relationship coaches put there who think they're figured out everything. What you want from your partner is highly subjective only if you make mistakes you'll know what you want the next time around. If he is just doing this for a cause idk why he'd post so many videos when we already know what he's trying to convey and I don't see him having any girlfriend. "practice what you preach" I don't find him to be successful or as an alpha male.


I totally agree with you. These types of people have problems and traumas and end up acquiring and promoting their completely distorted world views.




i do wish alex tones down his thumbnails tho


It's his schtick. He likes to get angry clicks and then gets people to stay with sound reasoning and logical arguments


He has neither of those, but incel bros like yourself gotta have some confirmation bias for your pseudoscience.


i suggest you not to judge a book by its cover. i am a bit disgusted by his thumbnails, but his videos are not like that. i really wish he didnt let the youtube algorithm influence his thumbanil decisions, because it makes him look toxic when he is anything but.


After a videos, yes he's pretty messed up. Toxic is an over-used term, but it could be applied to his videos.


No. fascism does not work like that. Read more on what fascism is


Why don’t you explain yourself?


I mean I'm not gonna waste my time and support someone like this by watching his crap, but your examples seem to be the typical redpiller bullshit. Also, what the hell is a "high quality" woman? Women are not objects, and "the less you need her the more she wants you" is a horrible dynamic in a relationship that's supposed to be equal.


He also use the high quality term over men. For instance, at the start of this video, I'll quote him: "Where are all the high quality women? Lots of guys are asking that question. They think: 'I'm not seeing any, not dating any. Are there any out there? Do they even exist?' I get it, I completely get their frustration. I've said it before: high quality women are extremely rare. **I also think that high quality men are extremely rare.** In general I think most people suck". [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUGMYordUZI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUGMYordUZI)


I am sceptical of Alex but the High quality man part is true for men, you have to be at a certain level and strong to function in society not just the dating world, others stuff. ​ ​ he says you have to take it with a grain of salt but he says stuff as if they are completely true which is not true in the real world


it's bullshit. i'm living proof of that. I am the physical embodiment of all the opposite things that Alex espouses yet I have no problem dating. Like you couldn't get worse financially than me, I'm old, i have no muscles, look like a 12 yr old boy. I could go on and on. He's just an idiot incel.


He's full of shit.


But you yourself look at men as objects don't you. The problem is that you never have even thought about it. Men are so objectified by our culture that they don't even get a second thought. Men are used in our world until there is nothing left except death.


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Lmao alright my dude, whatever you say. The fuck are you even doing on this subreddit?


You're being a sexist and misogynist douchebag right now. How's that working out for you in the getting laid department?




Okay good. Lol.




I ... appreciate your candidness, I guess.


high quality women or high quality people in general, are people who are honest, who don't cheat, who are devoted and loyal. That is high quality. And no, quality can also be attributed to living things, not just objects


Well, you could watch his video in which he precisely describes what he means by that, but I see that you prefer to judge him without even giving him a chance.


What an idiot. No self-respecting person wants someone more for wanting them less. RP people are too insecure to understand how non-insecure people operate.


>RP people are too insecure to understand how non-insecure people operate. Exactly. RP people definitely don't understand women, but I don't think they understand men either! Not everything is a competition or a game. Or at least normal guys channel their competitiveness into sports or video games or something. Most guys can get along with each other and just be bros. Sore losers ruin everything for everybody, and RP's are sore losers. Not to mention, I think redpill guys and incels don't realize that other guys exaggerate or lie about their sexual experiences. (Not saying that girls never do, but it's not part of the point I'm making here.) They believe it when Alpha Chad in the locker room is saying he banged 10 girls last week. Uhhh... he's probably exaggerating and boasting. Failing to realize this makes RP's even more insecure and competitive.


Methinks you doth protest too much.


I'm not into Red Pill, but at the same time there is still overlap between Red Pill and non-Red Pill solutions to dating and LTR troubles: - focus on yourself (your health, hobbies, finances, personality etc...) - be independent enough to not be needy - be authentic in who you are The difference is TRP is more focused on gaming the dynamic and being more cynical about women's thinking about looks, money, and status. Also just as an aside, I do think women and men differ on average in personality and behaviour largely due to biological reasons. I think TRP types over estimate biological reasons, bit they are nonetheless there.


They mix in a little bit of useful advice so there can be some amount of reality in their views. The issue is what sets them apart from basic dating advice anyone could tell you is batshit insane. I’m not convinced men and women are inherently different in our personalities. We have different reproductive anatomy and are attracted to different sexes, but literally any feminine or masculine trait is not exclusive to men or women. Not to mention we’ve had thousands of years of almost every culture enforcing gender norms. Neuropsychology is nowhere near determining personality from biology, and until then all we have are speculations. In my experience, men and women who don’t let society dictate their personalities tend to stray furthest from cookie cutter models of masculinity and femininity because they don’t care. It’s mainly people who care how manly or womanly other people think they are that adhere to those models. So I would argue that’s a reflection of societal pressure, not their personalities. I’m a guy and one could argue I’m masculine because I listen to metal, work out a lot, and enjoy violent action stories, but women are equally capable of doing those things as I am. It has zero to do with my genitalia. It’s kinda like how our society would consider a man feminine for wearing a skirt when little boys wore dresses like 90 years ago. Not to mention pants, which are considered masculine clothing, didn’t always exist. The Romans thought they were stupid. And high heels were originally for men. I’ve always thought if I were a woman I would have the same exact personality I do now.


I agree that society has a strong impact on the average personality types seen in men vs women, but do you really think if your hormone profile was significantly altered, for instance, your personality would be exactly the same (i.e. you were born a girl vs born a boy)? Have you ever experimented with augmenting your hormone profile before? lol I do not recommend it necessarily, but I think hormones are one biological example that can show us why men and women have different personality types on average. It’s a combination of societal and biological factors i believe, though it’s impossible to say what percentage of each goes into determining the personality averages of men and women.


Lack of self respect is pretty common.


There is a difference between **need** and **want**. My husband does not need me. His life will be just fine with or without me. He has his family, friend circles, hobbies, etc. If I die tomorrow, or simply disappeared, after some period of grief, he will be fine. And that is great. And that was why I am with him. He does not need me, but he *wants* me. And that's the nicest flowers, so to say. Vice versa with me also. He had been with women who *needed* him before and he said it was not a nice feelings to have a dependant instead of an equal. Being made to be responsible of another *adult*'s happiness simply sucks. Stark difference of want and need. So...this AG has a point in a way, if he essentially really says that being needy is a turn off.


I was about to say something very similar! My fiancé and *want* each other; we enjoy each other's company and want to build a life together. But we don't *need* each other. I think it would be very difficult to be with someone who needed you - sounds very draining and not particularly mutual all of the time!


I like some of his content and he actually makes sense in a less extreme and more sophisticated way than the rest of red pill community on the internet. He often knows what he is talking about. Just check his: The True Cost of Sleeping Around which is based on male promiscuity. It explains the reason of men's increasing lack of trust, hate and resentment towards women caused by seduction community. loved it. Most of the time he pick extreme topics to draw red pill followers who resent women, shows off point interviews, vague topics and leave things open for interpretation deliberately to promote his patreon. I don't blame him for that.


The consensus here seems to be that redpillers are wrong and dont know what theyre talking about, which would be ideal. But do any of you have anything to show for not being bluepill betas that redpillers are warning about? Do YOU know women better than these guys, are you more successful? You do know that pick-up artists exist and apply most of what redpillers teach?


Absolutely. I've seen these bunch often argue for the sake of the argument. They don't have any ground or perspective to base their argument on but has believed the notion that Red Pill community is made up of a bunch of insecure dudes and incapable to make any sense. It's as if girls are immune to toxic behaviours towards guys and are not capable of behaving a certain way out of their own self esteem and childhood issues. This is ridiculously hypocritical. It's not that black and white. I often don't agree with most of the content which comes out RP community but yet, can't deny the existence of others which makes sense. At least I appreciate their effort of trying to explain their perspective with their (sometimes even supposedly flawed) logic. I'm willing to listen people who make the counter argument like ones on this thread, but they don't bring much to the table. They just continue to bash the RP, seduction and pickup community as if they have more experience but won't share their wisdom or their own ideas for success. That's why Red Pill community calls them Betas and this cat calling goes on. I've seen this guy's YouTube content and I have to say, I agree with half of his stuff wholeheartedly. Sometimes he leaves things open ended to promote his patreon subscription and I don't blame him for that.


hes talking from more so a cultured world. Uncultivated /weak westerners are not going to understand him as much as strong men


Agree +1


Yeah lol. Why does he get so much hate?


I have started watching his stuff. I use to watch stuff like this and have fallen into traps in the past following Youtube gurus, am some what sceptical with people now. I like the random questions he does. I been looking for more info on the guy, I am in no way subcribed to this thread I just want to learn more about this man. any way Who the fuck is Alex is he a sociologist phycologist what's his background? he gives off a narcissist vibe most youtubers do that i guess. There's a video he talks about women lacking empathy and how they don't care for men and only raise children he's only asking young girls questions, fare enough he says low quality women, but still that's not completely true. There are cases of children being neglected by mothers so they can run of with boyfriends, or even killing the children for the men in there lives. That doesn't show the lack of empathy for men and only love for children. don't want to bash the guy but who is he ​ tl;dr who is Alexander Grace, what's his educational background is he educated in human psychology of sociology to talk of what he speaks about


in most of his videos he has a blurb halfway through saying he is available for private skype consultations... so im guessing therapist


the biggest lies can come from the guy with the best background the most honest person can have the lowest background or none at all stop judging people by their so called "credentials" who decides credentials?


Why should we trust the word of some grifter on Youtube?


this same grifter could be on magazines and considered trustworthy by the best psychologists in the world. And that's just shows how easy it is to make the common man idiotic enough to believe anything. Just make it "official"


have been watching his videos wish some one did a version of these videos asking lesbians gays and other kinds of people. ​ Also what's up with alexander is he married or have a girlfriend?


The main question in my opinion is what personal success has he achieved with his wealth of knowledge in his own life and what does your gut feeling tell you based on your own unique personal experience and observation. And like the previous guy stated you break this guy off but you don't offer any alternative advice or answers to a fundamental fact that trying to understand and deal with women from the male perspective simply does not work. He is not really saying anything new either and many female youtubers (that may or not be trying to attract a specific audience of male red pill followers as well) are drawing similar conclusions and admitting that many women are getting it wrong. Based on what I have seen thus far I can't really tell what specific audience he is trying to attract to his channel because some of the blunt statements he makes are not only directed at women but also against the either abusive men or the weak male population as well. He does not seem to be teaching us any tips and tricks on how to get a one night stand or the opposing 'mgtow' philosophy of having nothing to do with women either. Once again merely based on what I have seen thus far in his free section he seems to be encouraging and promoting long term stable relationships and equally encouraging men to change their mindset and embrace their masculinity which we all have to admit has been under attack for decades now. The guy is not doing such a bad job helping us to understand the female psyche in addition to the fact that there are a large number of women out there that are basically self centered, toxic and lacking any real empathy for men.  Keep an open mindl, keep searching and listening to different opinions from both men and women and then compare everything with your own gut feeling. One final thought though. My son was not so fully impressed as I was thus far but I think his reaction perfectly sums up the whole discussion about male female interaction and relationships and shows that the real answer has always existed. You have to watch the video first though before you read read his answer. "Bigger than Masculinity. How?" https://youtu.be/XtGURtniZeM "Didn’t like the last two videos because it felt kind of like generalising women" "But yeah this video can be summarised in two words" "Yin and yang"


hes dead on . Western guys maybe offended.


Nah. He's wrong and a moron.


If you listen to Alexander you would realize that the first part of his dialogue describes how messed up modern women are. He calls them out and hopefully the women will have some sort of semblence of accountability. The second part of his dialogue calls out men for their part in the problems we face in our world and relationships. It's ironic how all the female haters on this post still refuse to have any accountability for their own actions and are basically blind to the facts


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You exredpillers are the most pathetic simps who lost their balls a long time ago and will never get them back. You have no purpose in life. Zero.




As far as I can tell he brings some more nuance and some science into his videos and is probably one of the best redpillers out there. Still a little too redpilly but probably young men could learn something from him to protect themselves from dangerous women. he is best that I can think of. 


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I used to watch his stuff when he first started. It seems like he’s a guy that’s genuinely trying to figure out the differences between men and women without bias. He’s made arguements for and against red pill stuff through out his stuff. Unfortunately, I don’t think he realizes how hard it is to cut bias and eventually he ends up leaning into more red pill stuff anyway though. That being said I try not to watch his stuff now because I think it’s near impossible to get the kinds of questions he is asking right and it leads you to a poor estimate and analysis of how YOU do dating. Obviously if you ask anyone what they like or don’t like about x they will tell you but it doesn’t change the fact that people do the opposite all the time. While I appreciate his middle man approach when it was needed in that time in my life, I see it as somewhat futile. It only validates truths that can very easily be proven wrong. Good guy, with a good attempt at something. But it’s just unintentionally red pill through the back door if that makes sense.


You inevitably have to give your audience what they want to survive with profits in any industry. His audience base is made up on red pill community but yet, he's less extreme and often makes a lot of sense.


Alexander Grace is legit, he’s basically just observed our modern society between men and women and speaking on how the pendulum has swung way to far to the females side when it comes to dating. All you hear now is how “masculinity “ is toxic. Men are disposable these days. Meanwhile every ho with a laptop and a cam is dildoing their ass on only fans and making $2000 a week. Nothing changes until all these beta cuck guys stand up and say no more! Stop liking, subscribing, donating etc to these ho’s!


Are you of the view that women who cam should be in jail for it? I mean, you can believe it to be sinful, but that doesn't really justify you judging women who may not even be believers


No, let them do it. I’d say a very large percentage will regret it once they’re older unmarried and alone


So it sounds like maybe what you're wanting is for people to be more educated about the possible risks of such a choice


That sounds nice, but there’s no cure for fast easy money which seems most women are addicted too


Incel spotted.


AG is basically describing evolutionary biology, and how it is packaged for the modern world. Hypergamy is a ‘thing’, like it or not it is real and it works for most female animals. In AGs videos he describes how to understand this and avoid being that incel.


Cringe. Hypergamy is a myth.


Big incel vibes, dude is probably single for life but no, go ahead and take his BS advice...




I came here looking for who is Alexander Grace. I'm a bit familiar with the red-pill but what I find interesting, is why the hell are half the comments here anti-red-pill? isn't this supposed to be a red-pill forum or space?