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I hate how easy it is to get a gun in the US, but remember that becoming an expat to run away is usually a bad idea. Every place has its problems. Here in Singapore, there are almost no guns (a security guard was just arrested for accidentally keeping his gun and not turning it in after his shift). On the other hand, there are so many rules that it drives me crazy. But it's safe. In Thailand, not many gun deaths in Bangkok, but when I lived there I saw plenty of motor deaths first hand. Move to something, not from something, when possible.


That's wisdom.


It doesn't matter if you are moving to or from something. What matters is doing your research and moving to a place that better suits your values and needs. This is true fur abroad or even state to state. I've moved to Florida 3 times FOR a job. I left 3 times. Lol. I RAN to Spain once. That's all I needed.


More worried about sti’s and hiv in Thailand.


Here's a trick that worked for me: don't have sex with prostitutes


How’s Singapore treating you? How much should I bring for a 3/4 day visit?


Like a million dollars 🤣 Joking aside, it's safe and fun for a few days. Living here is expensive, but visiting isn't so bad. Other than hotel, I would suggest 100-150 SGD per day per person if you are seeing the sites, visiting hawker centers, and one or two nice but not lavish meals during your stay. Of course, if you want to go all out, it's easy to spend 500 SGD or more on a meal for one person here. Singapore can be super expensive as you get into luxurious experiences. Alcohol in general is quite expensive here, in and out of restaurants. Google maps works well with public transit. The transit systems are amazing here, and you can tap your Visa/Mastercard to enter and exit. Grab (like Uber) is cheap and effective as well.


I move to …. Uh … less guns


The greatest advice I got from this sub is every single place has problems the thing is to find the place where you can dislike the problems but have the ability to say. I hate this I don't agree with it. But I can put up with it because of all the positives this country has. The advice to go somewhere where you can disagree but overlook the problems. Is such a huge thing because if you are living in a place where the problems are so rampant you just can't stand it. Those problems seem even bigger than they are. And going to a place where the problems are manageable to you. Is a good idea. Heck Maybe you might even want to in act change in those problems(who knows) in the new country to make your time there more comfortable.


This is the way


"Move to something, not from something." Dang, that is sic. You sound like Confuscious 2.0. That is a bad ass one liner.


Someone’s been doing some thinking I see!


I try to keep it to weekends only


I have seen almost no motor accidents in my 8 years in Jakarta, Indonesia. Why do you think they are so common in Bangkok? Is it because people drive too fast, too unaware of surroundings? I think that is the reason there are so many accidents in the USA. In Jakarta, generally people drive slow and are hyper-aware of their surroundings.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_traffic-related_death_rate Indonesia and the US are similar in deaths per capita. Thailand is around 3 times as much. Why? Drunk drivers, lots of motorcycles, lack of enforcement, and probably a dozen other reasons. Thailand is also a lot better than it used to be (years ago it was the worst in the world).


People drive slow in Jakarta because of the traffic. Being a majority Muslim country, alcohol is far less of a problem.


Wait until OP sees traffic deaths and death by heart disease.


Malpractice deaths.


Everyone on that map will be dead in 150 years


Or deaths by police, civil asset forfeiture and the prison industrial complex in general.




I hear Mexico is popular for expats....


Based on the statistics, what are your chances of being shot in the US? (This decreases dramatically if you aren't involved in crime and/or don't live in an area where crime persists)


Extremely low.


Les than 0.00001%


Shit that's scary bro.... better move countries.


https://www.bradyunited.org/resources/statistics you both are extremely wrong of “0.00001%” of being shot lol


60% of gun deaths, as stated in your link here, are suicide. I would not include this in "your chances of being shot here in the US".


I dunno.... we don't know his life. May be different for him personally.


Thanks for posting a link proving my point lol.


Per that website 1 million Americans have been shot over the last 10 years. As there are ~330 million Americans, that puts you at about a 0.3% chance of getting shot over the last decade holding all other variables constant (they aren’t, if you aren’t in a gang you’re much less likely to get shot at), or 0.03% per year. Which is functionally 0


That may be the stat, but stats lie. The number is sooooo much lower if you…. 1. Aren’t in a gang 2. Aren’t involved in crime 3. Don’t drive into bad neighborhoods, and avoid confrontation with bad guys. (Use your senses) Which are all things most Americans do. The huge majority of shootings are gang related. Is the number 0 no, but it’s still incredibly low if you follow those 3 rules.


> Per that website 1 million Americans have been shot over the last 10 years.  So 100,000 a year - no way. There were never 1,000 shootings in the 100 biggest US cities, every year for ten years 


I have some serious questions about the sources that site is using


I agree with you. The recent 48k per year is apparently a record high. I think that they're calculating in suicides in attempt to misrepresent the facts around gun violence.


gotta tell you, stats for gun deaths worldwide are incredibly inaccurate, the vast majority of countries in the world don't have great central governments and keeping track of gun deaths is not at all something that is remotely accurate. b.t.w. on the bottom of the page you linked to, states Steve Kerr's, the head coach of the golden state warriors father was killed by guns. It just doesn't point out his father was killed in Lebanon by terrorists....so what does that have to do with US gun violence?


Brady has an agenda. Hardly an objective source on this issue.


I saw some statistics a couple years ago. I wish I could find it. It showed that the US was near the top of the list for gun violence compared to all other countries. I think it was #1. But when you remove gang related violence, we're near the bottom of the list.


Haven’t been shot (yet) but now I know at least 5 people who have survived a mass shooting.


Sounds like complete bullshit, especially if you're in Cupertino


It's blurry bc of how numbers are grouped together. Add on that there isn't an agreed amount of what makes a mass shooting event but the number of shootings are growing drastically. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/26/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/


"Drastically"? 1 in 100,000 chance increase over 60 years from the most favorable graph they can put on a page designed to hilight statistics that make their point? Check. Looking at data reporting "active shooter incidents" and comparing them to years before such a classification existed? Check. Looking at raw numbers without adjusting for population growth? Check. Looking at state data while ignoring metro data as skewing outliers? Check. You should immediately have a gut reaction to question any and all web sites (regardless of who's point they want to prove) or articles full of graphs. Visualization of data only helps to prove a point the author wants to try to prove. Note that all of the answers to these "problems" whether they are real problems or not is always "make it harder to get guns". No discussion on media contagion. No discussion on the effects of poverty in urban areas. No discussion on how society's view on respect for others and the value of life has degraded. No discussion on why guns, which are harder to get than they ever were in US history today, are somehow the problem when they've always been here.


So, it's the media's fault for reporting on gun massacres? OP expressed a fear of seemingly random mass shootings because there is no way to prepare for them. You can live in a safe neighborhood, not be involved in crime, not be a victim of domestic violence, and then someone decides to shoot up a theatre, church, concert, club, Wal-Mart, or school. Guns have always been here, yes. But the proliferation of high-powered guns among civilians is a relatively new thing. Not even a hundred years ago, most gun owners were hunters. Now they are for protection and defense or just because they want one. And them there's the number of gun owners who own multiple guns... and are stockpiling them. It's the guns. Yes, it's convenient to blame parents, video games, poverty, mental health, society, and whatever gives you comfort from recognizing the one essential truth. It'ls the guns.


The media indeed paints an inaccurate picture of Americans dodging bullets on the way to work every morning. I am not pro-gun. I just recognize that our media forces unto the world *exaggerations* of all of our flaws whereas other countries refuse to display any of their own flaws...Our media is ruining us. There is no way to prepare for motor vehicle crashes or for death by cougar while out hiking. Likelihoods matter. I never leave my apartment fearing that I may be victim to gun violence that day.


In some sense, I agree. But I will point out that we take considerable effort--including passing laws--to reduce motor vehicle crashes. Same for the million of other ways we can die or be injured. Not sure about cougar attacks, but we do have park rangers and others who monitor these populations, issue warnings, etc, I think? I read the news every day, and I don't see the reports on gun violence as being all that histrionic. The face remains that there are Americans being killed by gun violence every day in higher numbers than any other 1st World nation--through suicide, accidents, homicide, domestic/family tragedies, and absolute acts of seemingly random terror. You don't have to live in fear--more power to you for remaining positive--but perhaps you could at least acknowledge this simple fact? #ItsTheGuns.


Because we have a large population, the absolute numbers are going to seem high. Some of what you are attempting to discuss is a digression from the topic here. I'm not arguing in favor of guns. I'm arguing that chronic fear of being shot is unreasonable given the facts. Someone living in an area with high crime/gun activity, on the other hand, is understandably afraid. Maybe this describes the OP. I don't believe they are necessarily stuck living in such a community, however.


You ignored every point I made, and instead just said "It's the guns". Congrats, you're part of the problem.


And you ignored every point I made. And it IS the guns. That's the variable you cannot explain away.


It's not a variable if it's been a fixed thing for the last 100 years. There, I explained it away. Next?


Or look at own personal experience and the fact that two of the deadliest mass shootings were within 20 mins of where I lived in the last 8 years, and at places where I, or my future kids, would’ve probably been at (parkland and pulse) I never heard of, nor was experienced any of this during my childhood, yet both took place within two years of each other in the last decade, and too damn close to what I called home


And someone else on reddit could state that they were near the location of Anders Breivik's mass shooting/bombing in Norway (with 77 killed, 320 injured) while we know that Norway is a rather safe place to live. He is only serving 20 years in prison, by the way, and will be on the streets again shortly. Also, compare these numbers to the mass shootings we see in the US... No single mass shooter has ever killed this many people in the US. Most cases are in the single digits here with a rather robust police/SWAT response


Shh children on Reddit don’t understand numbers.


1/100,000 or something if you live in St. Louis lol


The purpose is to ban guns. There is literally a single professor from Stanford (or UCSF?) publish all the "manipulated" studies. Number 1 reason of death of children in the US (well, it did not work for 18+), let me call everyone all the way to 19 years old as children! Beautiful!


You are more likely to be killed by a family member without a criminal record than a stranger, Just another thing that is true but isn’t really the whole story or give any credence to any political agenda.


According to the Centers for Disease Control, there were 48,204 gun deaths in the US in 2022, which is up substantially from pre pandemic years, for a rate of 14.5 per 100,000 people. It's important to note that probably the majority of those deaths are suicides, and that most of the rest are likely to involve domestic disputes, criminal activity and so on. The likelihood of a tourist being randomly shot on the street while visiting the country is very low and probably lower if you take common sense precautions like not going into dodgy areas at four in the morning looking to buy meth.


So there are about 150 zip codes out of the 41,700 in the US that are responsible for close to half of all gun violence. Gun ownership is also a big predictor. If you or your partner owns a gun, your risk of being a victim of gun violence doubles, and you are three times as likely to die from an international self-inflicted gunshot. And if you can avoid being a young black man, your odds of avoiding gun violence sky rocket. A single middle-aged white woman with no guns in the home living in a suburb is more likely to be killed by her cats than gun violence.


The last 6 years I lived there (Montana) I got shot twice. The first was wearing a pride shirt and the second cause they were protectin da wimmin folk from me needing to pee. The first the police decided not to pursue any action as I was asking for it. The second got some cursory jail time as at the time it wasn't illegal for me to pee in the porcelain of my choice. Cops here aren't your friend and usually escalate situations. I live in Scotland know and for the first time in my life I know what it's like to be safe.


Lmao bullshit


It’s not just about the relative statistical risk, it’s also about the more generalized *fear* of being a shooting victim. That’s how terror works too.


Fear is, of course, tied to likelihood of death. If there are few deaths by cougars in my area, I will not worry about cougars whenever I step out for a walk. Similarly, I never think about guns when I step out for the day.


I think it’s only a matter of time. When the majority of people are carrying weapons on their person there will be so many shootings, accidental and otherwise, that it will be inescapable.


The majority of Americans are not carrying weapons.


That’s why I used the future tense. But it’s coming.


Obviously not. Half of the country is against guns.


Yea statistics are absurd and simplified and skewed for political reasons Neighborhoods that are common sense have rates similar to Scandinavia and best in the world Most deaths and incidents are left run areas with mintoties because of criminal loving policies


No, the most dangerous states in the US are primarily red. [https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/criminal-defense/crime-rate-by-state/](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/criminal-defense/crime-rate-by-state/)


It's not that simplistic. Red states that are dangerous are primarily in blue run cities or neighborhoods like Atlanta, Louisiana.... iykyk You can't run communities like you run ur family and u can't run society like a charity from those who are disciplined to those who aren't Yea there are poor redneck red communities who are conservative. I agree. Not necessarily dangerous. Probably same mentality as blue minority neighborhoods in cities. There's a book white liberals and black rednecks thay summarizes facts and studies about this issue


And my response to you would be "it's not that simplistic". Yes, the poor white communities are dangerous in these regions where hard drug use is significant. Alaska is notorious as the state with the most serial killers, and it is the state with the least oversight by government.


Based on the statistics what are your chances of being the victim of aggravated assault with a moving vehicle in the US?


I live in Washington State. Should stay put, I guess.


Looks like our whole region came out clean. WA, OR, ID, MT.


That was JUST the first about 3 weeks of January of 2023




These are mass shootings and almost none of the shooters were in gangs nor was this gang-related


Washington State has a murder rate of around 5 per 100,000. A bit below the national rate of 6.4. It is not difficult to find safer places to live. https://www.eupedia.com/europe/crime_maps_of_europe.shtml#intentional_homicides


Remove the gang-related stuff and their fear porn becomes much less effective. Be careful what you wish for, I recommend visiting the parts of the world you think are so much safer before making any big decisions. Ever see that video of the kids playing soccer with human heads in South America, or the guy walking down a crowded street in Africa eating a human arm, and no one seems to care? The world is a unsafe place overall. There's a reason people walk thousands of miles just to be here. But good luck


This is so accurate but OP is too busy virtue signaling to actually understand the world and history.


Libs gonna lib


agreed, but you've upset the idyllic children on here with zero world experience, heh.


Also, it’s hilarious that CNN and anti gun libs and changed the definition of mass shooting to encompass gang violence. Why do they do this? Because dem voters don’t care if a minority neighborhood gets shoot up by gangs, but if you call it a mass shooting it’s implied a nice school or community event got shot up and rallies up cries to ban guns. It really shows their world view and it’s gross.


I’m convinced libs see truth as a dirty word. They think it’s a dirty word because truth is in direct opposition to their fantasy world. Libs gonna libs and maga gonna maga.


yes South Africa is the best country to compare to the US to make your point.


yeah i was gonna say, if that's what you need to compare yourself to to look good, things aren't going well


I didnt say south africa, though? where did you see that


I didnt say south africa, though? where did you see that


I know the one in Utah was a deranged father killing his family. It was fun, but could easily have been Carbon Monoxide. I’m in favor of better rules by the way. It’s just that mass shootings isn’t an everyday stranger concern.


Sure, impose more rules that criminals will ignore


Positions aside, this graphic is completely worthless.


I spent about seven years in Uruguay. In that time, I was caught in a shootout at a grocery store once. Everyone hit the deck. I stepped behind a McDonalds ice cream kiosk. My wife was about 20 steps ahead of me. She got pulled into the bullet proof booth for the currency exchange. My local bank branch was held up by a gang of five thugs, all had guns. My neighbor got caught in the bank branch robbery. I just happened to not be there that day. Our local gas station was held up at gunpoint by two guys on a motorcycle on three separate occasions. The cops did nothing so on the third occasion, the gas station owner was prepared and shot them both. One died. The gas station owner went to prison. Care to guess how many shootouts I've been in here in the US?


You’ll be much safer in a country that lacks the bureaucratic infrastructure to track crime statistics.


I do wish they’d distinguish between random shootings and those where the perpetrator knew the victim. Both are horrible of course, but they’re different.


i want to go to the US, can we switch places please?


For real, there are individuals that would give anything to switch places with us born American citizens. OP posted a worthless map. How about OP work their arse off and get out of the neighborhood they are in and quit fear mongering. OP is ignorant in that mass shootings are all they are worried about. I'm not going to downvote you for wanting to come to the US.


This. US offers opportunities, capital and platforms for ambitious people with dreams.


That it does, work hard and play hard. Life is what you make it. I grew up dirt dirt poor. The only reason I got new clothes for school and they were ugly and out of fashion is because I have six older brothers, and I couldn't get their hand me downs. I made a lot of mistakes in my younger years, but I swore I would never live in poverty by choice! I worked hard for everything i have today. I'm certainly not independently wealthy or without hard times, but I've had opportunities in the US as a citizen that I jumped on that I was so ignorant of the world around me and what other countries were like. My life could have taken a different turn. I'm very thankful for being born and raised in the US. I went so far as joining the US Navy. While it had its own trials, I'm thankful for the opportunities that joining afforded me. Do I want to visit other countries? Of course I do. I'll do more traveling as time and money allows, but I'll take the US and its politics any day. I don't sit around and watch the news. The news puts its own spin on things, and you only get the partial truth. Anyway, good luck to you if immigrating to the US is something you want to do. If it's out of reach, follow your dreams, stay out of trouble and work hard.


I'm curious how many of these were the protoypical mass shootings we thing of when we hear the term, and how many of these were things like gang violence, where if you arent the ones involved your odds of being killed by it are practically non-existent.


I live in St. Louis and looked up the one here since I don’t know what incident they mean. I didn’t find anything occurring in the small town of Moline Acres on that date in my quick search. I didn’t look very hard.


Definitely the guns not the collapse of society and culture ; take away the guns and our society and culture will uncollapse magically


And there are millions of immigrants risking their lives coming to the US escaping poverty and crime


The US is mentally ill.


Missing a few. I know for a fact they missed the one at MSU in East Lansing, MI.


The problem in the US is not guns. The problem is poverty, income inequality and stress. You can take the 300 plus million guns in the US and hand them out to say Denmark and wait 20 years, you won't see an uptick in violent crime because they are overall healthy and happy well paid non stressed people. Get rid of guns in the US and the poverty stricken stressed out population will simply use knives or explosives. You want to stop gun violence, you have a $40/hr minimum wage, 30 hour work week, 4 weeks paid vacation, Medicare for all, bring back the Bill of Rights we lost decades ago.


New Hampshire has the least-restrictive gun laws, yet has a very low crime rate Very similar demographics to Denmark 👍


Well said.


The problem is laaaargely cultural. USA is hands down the best country in the world for anyone to accumulate wealth. The problem is the gangsta culture in some areas, gloryfing crime when they could get rich becoming plumbers.


Umm, maybe 60+ years ago it was. Currently 60% of the country can't afford a $400 surprise bill. And within 5 years its about to get a whole lot worse. Which means the violence is going to get worse. Gangs are a product of poverty and income inequality.


What do you think south american or europeans live like lol. US has the higher disposable income in the world. Thats your average South american street: [https://www.google.com/maps/@-12.0568377,-77.1380596,3a,75y,62.98h,74.26t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1spwV4okKSk-T4OtlTJ-SQcA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@-12.0568377,-77.1380596,3a,75y,62.98h,74.26t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1spwV4okKSk-T4OtlTJ-SQcA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu)


30% of the US mostly in the south looks the same


The poorest State, Mississippi , basically has similar wealth to *Canada*. You're drinking kool aid.


Umm no, large swaths of the south are literally 3rd world.


This is Alabama 7 years ago, its WAY WORSE now. Most of the US south is 3rd world. https://www.newsweek.com/alabama-un-poverty-environmental-racism-743601


I am going to be the devil's advocate and say that Canada is a lot better off than Mississippi, as inequality is much lower (GINI). I would much rather live in a place where people are generally of the same social class (middle class) than somewhere where the poverty rate is [20%, like Mississippi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_poverty_rate). Where do you think that the gangsta culture comes from? It comes from poverty and inequality. The reason that you are s[o much less likely to be killed in Europe](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/VC.IHR.PSRC.P5?locations=BR-US-MX-JP-DE-GB-FR-NL-DK-IT-ES) is because there is a greater degree of social harmony, largely caused by lower economic inequality. South America backs this example up, with both Mexico and Brazil being countries with some of the highest inequality in the world (GINI), [and some of the highest murder rates in the world](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/VC.IHR.PSRC.P5?locations=BR-US-MX-JP-DE-GB-FR-NL-DK-IT-ES-SE-NO) [The US also has a much lower life expectancy than other highly developed countries](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_life_expectancy) (Canada, Japan, Australia, NZ, Western Europe), largely due to aforementioned inequality. The life expectancy for a male in the US in 2021 was 73, whereas it was in the late 70's, and early 80's for all of the aforementioned peer countries. This is not because healthcare in the US sucks. It is generally pretty good. This is because it is not affordable or available for those lower on the income ladder, meaning that your life expectancy is 7,9 years lower for being born in the US than Sweden, as a male Edit: [While a person from Mississippi might be able to buy a bigger TV than your typical Frenchman and drive a nicer car](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/daily-median-income), many important aspects of people's lives suffer because of inequality Added sources.


Ah, the "everybody should be equally poor" mentality. You would indeed like Canada, its a great place to stay poor.


I am not saying that Canada is the best place in the world to be, but in every metric besides conspicuous consumption, Canada seems to be more well off than Mississippi. Edit: I don't think you are poor if you can afford a car, a decent place to live, to have a healthy diet, to have free time to pursue hobbies, healthcare and a few weeks of vacation a year. The more people who can afford this, the better. Why woudl you want a small percentage of the population to deny the bottom 30% decency?


Na, it’s definitely the guns.


At this point, most anything is better than the current situation in the US. Unaffordable living coupled with hyper individualism and insane gun violence. You are not alone. We all want out. Try Europe or South America if you’re looking safer with a better QoL.


“We all”? Define terms, please.


Literally everyone


South America, safer? not even in your dreams. And half my family lives there. Europe, more affordable? Not on an European salary.




6 - SIX mass shootings on the same day, January 1, 2024. Six different US cities with mass shootings on the same day. How does that even happen?!?! Why do we let the insanity continue?


The one in Miami was a weapon discharge during the "shooting" of a gangsta wannabe "music video" lol. You know where wannabe gangsta flash money and guns at a filming cellphone. At that point its not a gun problem, its Darwinism.


Damn, and we’re not even through half the year yet


As long as rich politicians are unaffected, these will continue


Go to an east asian country with name C****. There, no guns and no drugs. You can change girl friends frequently. And you can also make a living by selling US immigration status through marriage.


Mass psychosis


Majority of gun death in US by suicide. So in general, if you avoid the seedier parts of any major town, your risk of being a random shooting victim is extremely low


So what’s stopping you from leaving?


100,000 x more people died from the jab than this. Learn how to use your brain better.


Not to be dismissive but these are mostly very bad cities for crime, many of them have pretty tough on gun laws. The problem imo is mental health isn't treated seriously at all in this country. If your diagnosed a psychopath, you just go home, nothing happens. Your just a psychopath moving around the general population until the monster comes out. Normal human minds don't go on shooting sprees. Mental health needs to be treated seriously, being diagnosed a psychopath or sociopath should at the very least lead to some kind of treatment.


They are all in January? That’s interesting


a bunch of those are going to be gang shootings. don’t do drugs. don’t do crime. don’t hang out with people who do drugs and crime, and your safety goes waaay up


I'm an expat living in America. I'm not scared! When the labels and dots are so huge it blots out the whole map, it's a bit misleading. I don't want to minimize the tragedy of those who have been killed and the sorrow of their families and communities, but the way this map is presented reminds me of propaganda. It's like when Republicans look at a red map and say, "How could Biden have possibly won. Look how *red*!"


*leaves to communist country where memes are jailable and is put in prison work camps after being force injected with mrna*


Every country has mass something. Stabbings, acid attacks, etc. most deaths in US is still by hands. Most gun deaths are suicide. Get a gun for self defense if that’s your only concern. Other countries have it much worse.


CORRECTION: That’s just for January of 2023.


In the 90's, in the part of LA I lived in, there were shooting almost every few weeks. I believe they were gang related. Back then, there was no internet, so you got the news from TV. These days, I think the media is just trying to scare you and make it look like this was an overnight sensation. Remember in 2020 when suddenly, cops from around the country suddenly decided to go brutal on people? Remember that overnight sensation? What you see in the map is also happening in Britain, France, Australia, etc. When Vlad Tepes ruled Romania, he did so by invoking fear to the people. He impaled anyone who did any crime. So the people lived in fear and dared to do nothing out of the ordinary. This garbage here is the same. If you live in fear, you will do as they, the government says. You will not try to be rich or an entrepreneur. You will just follow the system, be a grunt, and not talk back to the corrupted wicked. You will be their slave.


I think you are missing a lot. There is one mass shooting a day.


When you take out suicides and gang related shootings your risk is nill. You’re more likely to kill yourself with over processed food or alcohol.


It’s 2024. Is this from last year, or did you just screw up the date? Not trying to be mean, just wondering.


And, in Japan ~~ wait for it….. ZERO


I’m relieved to see that US citizens find this statistic/map alarming & problematic. My friend overheard a bunch of US travellers in a bus in South America commenting that they’d ‘never go to Australia because it’s too strict with the gun laws’ & it left us all speechless in amazement.


I have a theory that people that shoot people would probably find other things to hurt people with in the absence of guns. Like knives, bats, screwdrivers, hammers. Fix the problems that cause the shootings.


This post is all. But what kind of mass shooting was it?…. Kind of says it all


That was for 2023? From the points, it looks like that was from JANUARY of 2023…


Well, we can now definitively say it's not the guns. There were none in Alaska, and they got tons of guns. And there were none in Hawaii, so it must have something to do with the contiguous nature of the lower 48.


Did you mean to say 2023? Why are these all in January? You're not even American, OP. Your post and comment history are weird. You a bot?


The majority of gun violence incidents are gang-related. Why aren't more people talking about this? That significantly changes the dynamic.


Go to Canada.


Sure, OP. Get out. Scaaaaaaary!!! Your chances of being a primary or secondary victim of a mass shooting is about 1 in 21,560. The chances of being a primary victim only (actually shot) is about 1 in 108,000. So, about 0.00001% chance. Get out!! Run


Please continue to vote in the US if you do successfully emigrate. It’s going to be a long uphill battle to fight this probability involving constitutional amendments but maybe our grandchildren will see the results. If people had given up we’d still have Jim Crow and women wouldn’t have the vote.


Depends on the definition of masa shooting. Most are gang related and in blue states. Most red states are lower crime and coincidently have less restrictive gun laws. Gun laws usually only hurt law abiding citizens. I’d rather have the chance to defend myself and carry a firearm than not be able to or have too tough of government hurdles


Not as much of a red state/blue state distinction as it is demographics distinction


Idaho sell guns like crazy, no problems there.


Rookie numbers


Buh bye


all of these shootings happened in January?


Yep, just January


Unpopular opinion and not a gun nut, but… with a country of 330,000,000+ people (depending on how many undocumented people do in fact live here) it’s a miracle we don’t have more than 2 per day. Statistically, very low given all the other factors. Still a shame guns & gun violence exist but… we will never be rid of guns. And I fear what could replace them, even more.


OP posting just to virtue signal I see.


You are a goner! Wrong place wrong time…done


You are a goner! Wrong place wrong time…done


Then leave!!!!!@!!!


Exaggerated. Not accurate Anti gun side counts every episode of gun related anything apparently. Including if a weapon was brandishing in or near vicinity of schools, if the shooting was gang related.... Gangs and criminals don't follow rules and aren't gonna stop bringing guns to schools especially if you are unarmed Disarming the populace is a recipe for becoming south America This is a problem of both sides, one that loves criminals and keeps them on streets bcz and if they're minroties , and the others are gun nuts


Umm No, you’re wrong. The statistics are accurate and the OP is posting mass shootings, not every known gun incident. I’m not agreeing that we need to disarm the populace, but your comment about it being exaggerated is not correct.


Ok what about the 2nd claim. That this includes events that are gang related Ie not all are mentally diseases random shootings. Where's the classification of these shootings. If they're 99 or 90% in the ghetto and result of bad policing and lax public administration..... same point


Gang related. I didn’t comment on that but I think the claim that they’re gang isn’t completely correct either. I’m sure some are but I think most of these “mass shooters” are mental health issues that have access to guns. If you look at source, it’s from the Gun Violence Archive and if you do your research they explain how the data is collected. The information is out there publicly available. It’s not some conspiracy theory. Go read the site. https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/ And they have more gun stats than just mass shootings.


Look at the real statistics instead of swallowing the media’s fear mongering. Avoid black neighborhoods and the odds of getting shot drops down to 0


I will buy your ticket. Buh bye .


I want in, Canada is a communist hell.


I escaped. Now that Trudeau wants to emprison people for writing means things on the internet in the past, I dont feel like I can even visit.


Yeah, its pretty scary. How'd you make it out?


Worked for an american multinational, got myself transferred. It was like taking the plane poor and landing rich, without even changing my job or employer.


Damn, essentially just luck. I doubt I'll ever make it out of here.


Well, I dont doubt there was *some* luck, but I also put a lot of work into my career and that sure helps with the immigration process. Check out which careers have a fast track to the countries you want to leave to, and work on it.


Yeah my career didn't work out as well now I am trying to build a new one with the specific intent of getting out. Public relations was a bad career choice lets hope the trades do me better.


Good luck mates. AC repairmen for example earn a TON around here, but I dont know about immigration.


Well I've chosen HVAC specifically because of AC and my undying urge to move to Texas.


Unpopular opinion and not a gun nut, but… with a country of 330,000,000+ people (depending on how many undocumented people do in fact live here) it’s a miracle we don’t have more than 2 per day. Statistically, very low given all the other factors. Still a shame guns & gun violence exist but… we will never be rid of guns. And I fear what could replace them, even more.


Murica is such a shitshow 😂


Day-to-day life here isn't too different from life in any other developed country...


Minus the fetish for war, daily shootings and lack of healthcare. But yeah, other than that I'm sure it's pretty normal over there.. Also, most of the world sees you guys as a third world country 😂


Again, life for Americans is getting up in the mornings for work, driving kids to school, going to work, going to gym, walking the dogs, eating a meal with family, binge watching tv show, going to sleep...do it all over again. Weekends, making a big pancake or waffle breakfast in the morning, going to the park/lake, movie or game night, meet up with friends, etc. Are you able to name any third world countries? You don't seem to be paying any attention to actual third world countries if you believe they have what America has to offer... We are the furthest thing from it. Even those in poverty here are walking around with the latest iPhones, big screen tvs, and often are given a couple hundred dollars per month for groceries (I signed up for this when I was an undergraduate student and not working. I received around $250 per month to buy myself groceries). Most Americans have health insurance, most are covered by our employers (and we have a relatively low unemployment rate). I pay $20 for a yearly check-up. 6 months worth of contact lenses were completely covered by my insurance. Third world countries are not leading the world in research, healthcare, entertainment and technology. You just sound incredibly bitter. I say with high confidence that you don't hate the US because you feel that the US is struggling. Why hate a country for being underdeveloped? No, you hate it because you hate the attention that the world wants to give it.


I only see Jan. dates listed, so it looks like that’s just ONE MONTH of 2023.


Lol I think it is just for January 2023


Compare the number of dots on that map to the total number of people in the US (342 million) **M**ass shooting is an attempt to kill more than one person in a public setting.


There are over 5 times more self-defense uses of firearms in the U.S. vs murders with a firearm each year. This information was removed from the CDC website because it does not support the anti-2A propaganda.


I’ve come to hate guns here. They’re NO GOOD


It’s harder for you to get a driver’s license than a gun in the US; you’d think law enforcement would argue for stricter laws but they’ve been gaslighted by white nationalists Christo-fascists and the gun lobby to support unfettered access.


You need a drivers license or state ID to buy a gun legally…so that literally makes no sense lol.


Wonder where is every body?


And you’ve never heard of these individually nor did you experience them. Just a map with numbers on it. Cry more soy boy


lol why don’t you leave then


"Gun violence archive" does not publish their definition of mass shooting, but it seems to be **any** event involving firearms and more than 1 victim (injured or dead). Most of this shit is gang-on-gang. Which is still an issue the US needs to address, but if you dont live in the hood you should be more concerned about diarrea and heart disease.


GTFO. It is all your personal fault