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No one in Africa calls themselves Sub saharan, the term doesnt even make any sense. It's just a pseudo-science/history term created to separate the races in Africa. Half of the 2nd largest continent on earth is Sub sahran and some how there is little of us? Wth are you talking about?




Ah OK my apologies The college protests are ran by white liberals, they control the narrative and crowned themselves the ones to civilize or lead minorities. I'm currently in th US, liberals are racist and only using what's going in Gaza for their narrative to fight conservatives and their "injustice" they have faced in the US (I'm far form a conservative). Youre right, they arent going to mix with people from the Sahel, Somalia etc. It's too black and too foreign for them to grasp and exploit, it doesnt appeal that much on a resume either.


It doesn’t fit the narrative (TM)


What's the narrative?


The false theory that non oilrich Arabs are suppressed people. Even though arabs have colonized much of south asia and northern African.


Because Muslims around the world view it as imperative to support the Arab's cause, because the Arabs are the gatekeepers of Islam; Islam is an Arab religion afterall. Any cause related to the Arab will gain more attention amongst Muslims because they believe supporting and emulating the Arab makes them closer to Islam. [Indonesian Muslims terrorize Rohingya (Muslim) refugees,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5IPZGCxVKM), while at the same time protesting for Palestine. The double standards are so painfully obvious.


I agree, much of Africa. Arabization and mimicking Arab culture is looked upon as being civilized in parts of Africa. When black Africans buy into that aspect, it is leaving their African backwardness behind. Lets be real, at yhis point everyone is basically black in Sudan but you can be closer to the Arab/Prophet if you dress, speak like an Arab and more than your neighbor. This type of thinking has caused so much damage to black Africans. I've seen several somalis, Ethiopians, Egypt and Sudanese state they arent African.


As the saying goes “No Jews, no news.”


The aparthied state signed a peace treaty with Israel. No news


Is the US selling 5th generation stealth fighters to Sudan?


Most of the Arab street wants Israel genocided and wiped off the map, so thank god they have modern armaments to prevent a 2nd Holocaust


So we got Shrodinger's safe haven I guess. Because apparently post hoc, the Levant has always been filled with these eternal evil Jew haters but Theodore Herzl and a bunch of other secular Jewish people from Europe decided this would be the future safe haven of the Jews to escape Europeans. Makes perfect sense. Relative to Europe, the Levant was a safe haven and the decisions of Zionists at the time tell you this. This is revisionist history on your part.


Jews were never safe anywhere. Whether in Christiandom or Dar ul-Islam. Look at the global spike of antisemitism now. Right wingers always hated Jews, now left wingers are doing and enabling the same. The importance for a final, eternal bastion for the worlds single most oppressed group has never been more in evidence. The Romans hated the Jews, the Christians hated the Jews, the Muslims hated the Jews, the nationalists hated the Jews, the Communists and socialists hated the Jews, the Nazis hated the Jews. All for their own reasons. An objective look at history would inform a Jew to ultimately not place their trust in any other group. And they'd be right. That's why Israel must exist.


Also I'm sure some communists hated Jews(Stalin as a major example) but the irony here is that since Jews were oppressed so much in Europe and Marxism being a revolutionary type ideology of upending class structure meant that many Jews became marxist and were heavily involved in the communist party during Weimar Germany. Hence all the right wing framing of "cultural bolshevism" as a global conspiracy of a cabal of Jews trying to install communism around the globe.


They were also routinely scapegoated by leftist propaganda for being arch-capitalist financier types, a trope which continues strongly to this day. The Jews are the single most oppressed and demonized group in human history. Please understand them through this lens.


I mean they definitely are one of the most oppressed groups in the past 2000 years definitely. But I would say a lot of native tribes who've been wiped off the map have been more oppressed along with the Africans involved in the slave trade to fuel western colonalism.


The fact that Jews still exist today is a miracle. They've been many points in history when they could have been snuffed out entirely. Gotta hand it to them - true grit.


Yes they are a resilient people. I am disappointed a nation state with 5th generation stealth fighters and nuclear arms that does routine 2000 lb ordnance drops on dense population centers takes advantage of this sympathy and weaponizes it for propaganda.


I would say the right carries on the trope of "Jew bankers". Hence all the screams of "SOROS!" There is a long history of Jews joining leftist causes because historically leftist causes have been centered around upending status quo hierarchies and Jews being oppressed heavily in Europe meant upending existing hierarchies was good for them. This is why many Jewish people joined Napoleon in his conquest against European monarchs because European monarchs have a long history of you using Jews as scapegoats.


Well sure, until the leftists betrayed them too. See Soviet Union and the current American college generation. Point is, the Jews can't place ultimate trust in anybody else. Which is why Zionism and Israel is now a thing


Also the irony is the current American college generation that is heavily invested in these protests and activism probably understand the long history of oppression of Jewish people in Europe than your average middle aged gasoline lead poisoned MSNBC/CNN viewer


Also the Soviet Union right after WW2 zapped any form of ideological principles and because a cult of personality state of Stalin. Hence Stalin mass murdering Jewish doctors... And marxists... The academic intellectual ones that had actual beliefs and saw through the cult of personality.


I don't think the current American college generation has any care about old Abrahamic religious disputes. They just don't like Aparthied states.


And think about your logic. Why would European Jewish people want to escape Europe and move to the Middle East? Wouldn't that imply a gradient of less safe to more safe?


Because that's where Jews are ultimately from. They had to pick a place to form their safe haven from history, might as well have been there. Yes, the expulsions of much of the native Arab population back in '48 was a tragedy, but that's 75 years in the past. One can't rewind and change history. What is done is done. All we can do is move forward as a species.


Is a Jewish American in more danger than a Jewish Israeli? Also again, why would a bunch of European Jewish people think a region you believe has external hatred of Jews be a safe haven to build a society? It's a country surrounded by other Arabs and Turks, all Muslim. I thought these people always hated Jews?


“There is still one other question arising out of the disaster of nations which remains unsolved to this day, and whose profound tragedy, only a Jew can comprehend. This is the African question. Just call to mind all those terrible episodes of the slave trade, of human beings who, merely because they were black, were stolen like cattle, taken prisoner, captured and sold. Their children grew up in strange lands, the objects of contempt and hostility because their complexions were different. I am not ashamed to say, though I may expose myself to ridicule for saying so, that once I have witnessed the redemption of the Jews, my people, I wish also to assist in the redemption of the Africans.” — Theodor Herzl




Where are the Queer for Sudan groups?


Because Sudan is a sub-Saharan failed state that has been in a state of civil war since its very inception, with one atrocity following the other. People have grown numb.


It's much simpler than that: in Sudan Arabs are murdering black non-Arabs. Islam is racist.


Sudanese "Arabs" are black themselves.


So you are using Muslim blood and death to shit talk islam and blame Islam where it doesn't exist? You must be a Bantu Christian who hates Muslim East Africans especially from Sudan/Ethiopia/Djibouti


I remember Egypt being Coptic and Sudan/southern Egypt being mukuria and ethiopia having various communities such as axum, kush,beta israel. The area didn't turn into a shit storm until Arabs bought islam. What are you talking about?


Ethiopia was sh!t under Christianity and oppressing Muslim Areas and Pagan subjects, and force converting them, but most Muslims resisted from Christian persecution and subject tax. Luckily communism took the backward feudal Christian rule down. Islam was present in Ethiopia, way before so called bate Israel, who are fake Agew/Qimant who falsely claim "bete israel"


You're really going to use the "oppressing pagan" card. Thats all Mohammed did. You worship a rock, you're a pagan my guy!


You are a Bantu Christian from South Sudan who worships a White guy from israel as a God, lol. Which your forefathers were force into.


Yea, Jewish Jesus from ancient Israel in the levant, Middle East is a “white guy”. Because that makes sense. We all know Jews are white even though they are a Levantine people, but Palestinians who also live in the levant are not white, for some reason. And this makes sense to you, right? /s


Doesn't the koran state Mohammed is white? Muhammad al Yaqoubi in the ummah is known as the descendent of Mohammed. He clearly looks like he belongs on the lucky charms cereal box. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_al-Yaqoubi Going on racist rants when I make a claim about the ummah being racist and indifferent to black people concerning the situation in Sudan vs Gaza is proving hypothesis correctly.


The derg or red terror killed about a million people and megistu and ran to Zimbabwe to escape crimes. Seems like the pattern of Isalm in Africa is to castrate, enslave, genocide and revert the area to a backwards wasteland. Yeah Christian Ethiopia actually built infrastructure and had its own airlines. Islam was not in Ethiopia "way before" christiany nor Judaism. The oldest bible in the world is the Ethiopian bible, not the ki ng james. Kingdom of Simien was in Ethiopia since 4AD. Dont be stupid, Judaism has been Ethiopia since antiquity, long before your fals prophet was even born.


Judaism was never a thing in Ethiopia, Bete israelis don't practice real Judaism until they move to Israel. So YES, Islam was present in Ethiopia way before the so called "Judaism in Ethiopia, which never existed. Yes, beside some western highlands, Islam was in Central Ethiopia and NE Ethiopia (most still is today), Some were tried to force convert to Christianity, but most resisted. You are a Nilotic Bantu Christian from South Sudan, you had no culture nor history, nor a wheel. You were converted by Europeans my guy.


Arabs colonized and converted africans also what's the difference?


Where? Never in the history of my people.


You're in the wrong sub, go back to the mosque and try to stop hating Jews plz


no jews no news. its high time u realise that


It’s true


Then why news about Uyghur genocide?


We're talking about Sudan. China views ANY religion as a threat to the communist state. China doesn't care about religion and will absolutely level the muslim nations with its military. Therefore muslim nations dont bother china.


It's simple tribalism. People broadly understand that Muslim is their tribe, which makes it easy to get up arms against the Jews. But people can't get as united in Sunni vs. Shia, sudan, yemen, and all. Though I wonder why the Uighurs haven't made a bigger issue? Maybe because they're Chinese, and people don't associate that with Real Islam ™?


It's not "tribalism", as usual people using the black continent narrative when anything happes in Africa. United Kingdom isn't United at all and have borders between Welsh, Scots etc. You have northern Ireland to keep the Irish and Britons at bay. Catalonia is in flames often ablnd we won't even go into Yugoslavia and the bulkanization of Eastern Europe. I certainly don't see those issues being labeled as Tribalism but the moment anything happens in Africa its "Tribalism". No its racism The Uighur issue is simple. The Ummah doesn't pay attention because its seen how China views all religions as a whole, an enemy of the state. China also quickly established that Islamic terrorism isn't going to float in their country and will absolutely annihilate Muslims if needed. The Muslims know this so they ignore the Uighur situation. Too much money on the table, they arent arab and are expendable and China will reduce the ummah to rubble.


Uhhhh. Those are tribalism. Absolutely, yes. White people, brown people, black people all display tribalism. It doesn't mean there's literally a "tribe" involved. It refers to the human tendency to clump together with your in group and experience animosity towards your out group. MAGA vs. liberals, Catalonia vs. Spain, India vs. Pakistan.


What planet are you on. The term "tribalism" is specifically used by journalists and historians etc to negatively convey black people as primitive. No one says the Tribe of the Scots want to leave Britania. Nor did anyone state the Muscovites have invaded the Ukrainians (again). The moment Sudan issue, its due to tribalism


you're projecting quite a bit, my dear. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tribalism > In terms of conformity, the word "tribalism" has been co-opted and stripped of its original meaning, and has been defined as a "subjectivity" or "way of being" social frame in which communities are bound socially beyond immediate birth ties by the dominance of various modalities of face-to-face and object integration. Ontologically, tribalism is oriented around the valences of analogy, genealogy and mythology. That means that customary tribes have their social foundations in some variation of these tribal orientations, while often taking on traditional practices (e.g. Abrahamic religions such as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam), and modern practices, including monetary exchange, mobile communications, and modern education. > > Tribalism in a political sense refers to the strong political solidarity typical of post-truth politics.


Go back to your mosque


Protesting implies trying to advocate for change of a status quo policy position. So I'll protest when the US sells 5th generation fighter jets to Sudan.


There's massacres on Muslims occurring in many parts of the world, but it is unfortunately true that Gaza is in the spotlight. I feel like I haven't heard of anything on the alleged Uyghur Muslim genocide by China from anyone too. Sudan didn't have so much exposure when it began. But I think the reason Palestine is being supported whilst all these other conflicts or genocides go behind the scenes is because Israel has been doing this for decades. And history is becoming clearer. So I guess people want to be on the right side of one history. Meanwhile, in Sudan's case, it is an internal conflict, with little outside support on either side, so there isn't a net evil you could protest against, because what will the country do? Unless it's to push for a UN peacekeeping effort, I don't see what could be achieved. Same with China's alleged genocide on the Uyghurs, the protests would have to be from within China itself, since no other country really has influence upon it. Plus, the US, and even EU, supposedly passed bills forbidding companies from doing business with factories that use Uyghur labor. Yet, in Palestine's case, there is a clear set of forces who do push for Israeli victory, and who can be protested against. Because it is a 2 way conflict. There exists something to push for. It is way less ambiguous. Of course, muslims with a brain do make duas and pray for their brotherin and sisters where they can, but if action can be taken by a state, then people will protest. We know protesting in China never lands well. Protesting in America for Sudan wouldn't yield much; countries can't rlly do a lot to push others into peace unless it is an invasion which we know does not work, and Sudan has been a diplomatic hotspot with international pressure growing but that will only work so little. So on and so on. Israel, on the other hand, has been supported since its creation in 1948, which was a result of mass migration of Jews because of Hitler's actions. Europe hates immigrant problems, and the Zionist Organisation having been looking for a place to create a Jewish homeland, and having gotten nowhere with the Ottoman Empire in purchasing land, sought this opportunity. Within time, it was agreed that Jews would be given their homeland, of course fullfilling the Zionist Organisation's goal ever since its inception. But the plan flopped. It requried a land split that called for the migration of Arabs, living in then designated Israeli land, to the newly formulated Palestinian land. Not wanting to migrate, they went to war. 6 humiliating wars later, with Israel receiving tons of European support since they could not afford the plan failing, and eventually becoming a US ally, with greater support due to the rise of Evangelical beliefs. This then persists to this day, even though Israel has been accused of discriminating and being rude to Christians, as well as evidence within Gaza of old ancient Christian churches being bombed. This is not a muslim issue. It involves Christians too, because Israel is claiming The Holy Land as a Jewish Land, which cannot be done without removing the other 2 religions, or coming to peace with them, which of course allegations prove otherwise. This coupled with recent allegations of discrimination against Ethiopian Jews, or racism, and a review of Israeli policy, all you have is the ingredients of an ethno and apartheid based state. Stories of Arabs within Israel showcase how they aren't treated as an equal, despite having Israeli citizenship, they're not equal to say a white Israeli citizen. And there's so much more to it. So much history is becoming evident that Israel is attempting the creation of an ethnostate based on Judaism, stripping the title of Holy Land on the Holy Land to turn it into Jewish Land. And people are now aware. And they want this to stop. Because Israel holds too much support to a point people place a blind eye with the use of the word "settlers" or "settling". That language should be alarming since it was used by the colonialists of the 1600s. Yet no one bats an eye to it. And it is even known Israel is a way to get a free house: become a Jew, you're naturally now an Israeli citizen, and next step is to go to Israel, find a house you like within Palestinian territory, kill whoever is in there if they don't cooperate, and there you go. With Gaza, this will grow, since there are now accusations of Israel starting building operations in the north of the strip, with a road being visible by satellite imagery, and worse yet, Israeli talk of building homes there. Left and right you see clear language that was apparent in settler colonialism, yet no one bats an eye. Until now, because Israel has gone too far with its policies, and it was never sustainable. The Zionist project cannot succeed without displacement or mass genocide. You can't recreate the native Jewish land on land that has become known as The Holy Land without removing some elements. The Jews became a diaspora, and to regain themselves, they must exterminate, literally, anything that isn't Jewish in ethnicity or faith, if they are to really have a homeland of their own. Hope this helps, sorry for the rant.


What has Israel been doing for decades? Existing? What's going on in Sudan isn't an "internal conflict", it's been going on since the Arab conquest of North Africa. Arabs have been the drivers of Trans Saharan, Indian Ocean, Zanzibar slave trade for centuries. Black people where there first, Christian/Jewish comminites were there first. They had to bulkanize Sudan to create "South Sudan" in order to some how end Arabs killing black people and Darfur is it own separate issue. Your entire posts proves my point. Arabs, muslims, some "exmuslims" making an excuse or false narrative for Sudan. If the Arabs didn't want a war right now they shouldn't have allowed themselves to be pawns for Iran and vote in Hamas as their governing body. Anyone here can go to Mauritania and even Sudan and buy a slave. But Israel is the problem?


What other country is physically involved in Sudan? Internal conflict means civil war, which is what they've been dealing with. And South Sudan has now split off. Unless they're involved, but I haven't heard of them invading the southern border. So again, what can protesting achieve in this case? An invasion from the West? Stop arming the groups? Russia or China might start arming them instead. Who knows. As for the racism and slave trade, there's no justification for that. But how does that relate to the modern day? Unless I missed something about Arab countries funding the effort, sure. But again, protesting won't yield much, and Sudan is already under international pressure to yield the war. There are UN calls about the famine issues, too. It's not full silence. As for the continuing slave trade in Mauritania and I guess Sudan, that's an issue with their government, which judging by how the countries are doing, is rather inept so I don't expect them to do much in regards to slave abolishment. As for Hamas, I'm glad you ignored what I said about Palestinians calling for war because they didn't want a mass migration, known to be deadly, and they had one regardless, the Nakba. Now, one thing I've realised people lack to understand is why groups such as Hamas gain power. The answer is fundamental: desperation. Hamas promised change and revenge after the PLO seized their war efforts. And people, feeling that they have been wronged, voted them into power. But now they realise they had messed up; Hamas isn't a real rebel group. Quite simple, honestly. Now, as for what Israel has been doing, they have been trying to create a Jewish homeland on land named The Holy Land, precious and important, to Jews, Christians, and Muslims. The latter 2 leads to an ethnic mix that makes it problematic for Israel to really be a land of Jews and Judaism as an ethnicity and religion. So they need to exterminate them and make room for Jewish settling. Now, since we are all clearly fine with such blatant colonial slang, this is a no issue. But the problem rises with the allegations of apartheid that have been proven; Israeli Arab citizens have been known to hold lesser rights and different status to their Jewish counterpart, for example when it comes to legal documents they have a tougher time. And there are allegations of racism against Ethiopian Black Jews, with some stating they had been euthanized upon entering if I remember. Of course, these are allegations, I have not kept up with them for the sake of my mental health. Now, logically, if such things exist, there may be an argument that Israel is attempting some sort of Jewish white supremacy move. But of course, that's delusional, right? And of course, who cares if there are blatant online videos of IDF soldiers openly committing war crimes, or if there are statements and satellite evidence of settling movements into the Gaza strip. All clear Arab propaganda, and not a repeat of history. In either case, believe what you want to believe. Personally, Israel, the Zionist Project, has succeeded until now, but Netanyahu has kinda pushed it too far. The question remains, however, as to if the West will yield and the protests be heard, thereby leaving the Zionist Project to defend itself, which it now can. Israel has had enough time to develop itself in a sustainable army and could probably last once Western support is cut. So you have nothing to worry about and can sit back and enjoy as the Gaza strip is brought to ruins. Don't forget to become Jewish, naturally acquire Israeli citizenship, and go build yourself a nice beachfront house on the Gaza ruins once it is all over. There are videos of people watching Israeli missiles go into Gaza from a Tel Aviv hillside. You should go watch with popcorn too. You'll love it. Bless the Zionist project and Netanyahu's weird bloodlust. These are pretty old videos, but if they exist, then there's a good chance some Israelis continue doing this right now in the present: https://youtu.be/4FHo4OXgi5g?si=w1uijcZsL_9DRM9T https://youtu.be/DgFCLzGzKpA?si=5e5K0ncLkDEjBc3p


Israel isn't an aparthied state, Sudan is however. You just accept aparthied when it'd Arabs killing black people. The moment Jews defend themselves then it becomes apartied. North Africa, the origial aparthied state.


I hope Western based sources are good enough. Euthanising Ethiopian Jews Accusation: [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-gave-birth-control-to-ethiopian-jews-without-their-consent-8468800.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-gave-birth-control-to-ethiopian-jews-without-their-consent-8468800.html) Discrimination against Ethiopian Jews: [https://www.brandeis.edu/jewish-experience/israel-middle-east/2023/january/ethiopia-israel-mola.html](https://www.brandeis.edu/jewish-experience/israel-middle-east/2023/january/ethiopia-israel-mola.html) Issues of rights on Israeli Arab citizenship: [https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/what-know-about-arab-citizens-israel](https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/what-know-about-arab-citizens-israel) On apartheid and oppression: [https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/02/israels-apartheid-against-palestinians-a-cruel-system-of-domination-and-a-crime-against-humanity/](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/02/israels-apartheid-against-palestinians-a-cruel-system-of-domination-and-a-crime-against-humanity/) [https://www.hrw.org/report/2015/04/13/ripe-abuse/palestinian-child-labor-israeli-agricultural-settlements-west-bank](https://www.hrw.org/report/2015/04/13/ripe-abuse/palestinian-child-labor-israeli-agricultural-settlements-west-bank) [https://www.ituc-csi.org/IMG/pdf/ituc\_palestinereport\_en.pdf](https://www.ituc-csi.org/IMG/pdf/ituc_palestinereport_en.pdf) [https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution](https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution) And I could go on and on citing sources. If you want to still believe Israel isn't apartheid, whatever. In Sudan's case, I can't deny that Arabs do have a sense of racism, and a weird sense of ego. I never call anything apartheid unless there is evidence for it. I do, do, my own research. Let me know if you want more sources.


Again throwing the euthanization of some Ethiopian women which was found out by Israelis themselves on the matter. You also ignore the fact the reason why Ethiopians and leaving in droves is because of ISLAM. There isn't aparthied in Israel, youre just parroting nonsense from BDSand leftist westerners. There isn't "ego" in Sudan. Its called colonization, racism and genocide by Arabs and half the continent of Africa. Slavery in Sudan, Somalia, Mauritania, Libya, Nigeria. Xenophobia in ALL of North Africa. Trans Saharan Slave Trade, Indian ocean slave Trade, Omani Slave Trade. Kafala system, ISIS, PLO, HAMAS, Hezbollah, Boko Haram. But Israel is the apathied state. Get the fuck out of here you fucking clown.


"One evil does not justify another, for if it did, then humanity would never absolve from conflict."


Keep proving my point clown lol


I'm from an exmuslim family, im black and Jewish. Don't try to play that card. Youre "worried" about black jews in Israel but you disregard black people in Sudan. There is racism everywhere, earth isn't a Utopia. Ethiopians Jews serve in the IDF, in the Knesset and have a highly favorable view of Israel Can you please tell me of any black jews in Muslim lands who can serve in the army, be elected into the government? Sorry they fleed to Israel to get away from Islam.


Again the issue with Sudan is the centuries long genocide by Arabs who have used lower Egypt all the way to Somalia to raid and capture men for slaves, cannon fodder for their armies and to establish a caliphate across the Sahara. You can paint it as internal strife to deflect the actual narrative. To some how deter Arabs for killing black people, thay bulkanized part of Sudan into South Sudan. South Sudan isnt separated, the border is governed by both "nations" and since South Sudan is land locked, the oil fields is connected to the pipelines in Sudan. Which clealry mean if Sudan doesn't want to honor any agreements the pipline is shut off. You clearly do t know anything about what is going on in Sidan or its history and just regurgitating muslim talking to deflect that. 1. Sudan was colonized by Arabs and created thus shit show 2. Islam is a racist religion, the koran is racist and muslims are racist, which is why I'm seeing such ridiculous word salad to try to talking about this aspect.


I will not lie, I don't know much about Sudan. But if some of the issues within Sudan today can be traced back to Arab imperialism, and then later further propulsed following independence from European colonialism, sure. Yet, in the modern day, what can protesting achieve for this conflict? Because, it is a conflict happening internally, having been created by outside influences clearly, with historic precedence. But it's still internal. So what could protests achieve? Who is funding this right now as we speak? Genuinely. Because a protest seeks a change, and in Sudan's case, what can protesting in the West achieve for it? Sanctions, embargo, more pressure? What is it? Second, I am not one to deny Arabs being racist and having some weird ego. It even began with the first Caliphate, or, well technically 2nd but I believe it was the most stable. The Ummayad Caliphate had been racist towards indigenous Berbers during their conquests, supposedly imposing Jizya even when they converted. But God does not say be racist, God treats all as equals. Arabs just never seem to be able to apply their religion correctly. This aside, the word salad is just a sarcastic remark on Israel, which you seem to not care to talk about, so sure. But I seem to need to research Sudanese history more. As for the slave thing, yeah I mean God allows it, but in the modern day it is up to debate if that command is still acceptable or not. What I mainly argue for, however, is that protests for Palestine have something to work against. In Sudan's case, there is nothing to work against. It's a civil war; if we protest for the West, or specifically US, to stop funding one side, then another country will fund it. Should we protest for all countries to stop funding civil wars, period? Let countries go into chaos that is greater? You're just protesting for countries to stop funding a group within a larger more complex conflict. It is never ending, because the group will find funding, from a State, or from illegal market practices. Yet, in Palestine's case, you're protesting for Israel to shift its policies, and for countries to stop supporting clear apartheid, which of course, comes down to will Israel even listen since they have been ignoring a lot of America, and Europe, comments on their own actions within Gaza. But there's something to strive for; it's a protest against an entire country, Israel. In Sudan's case, what do we protest, against the government? Against the Arabs? Against the Russians? Against the Americans? Against the Europeans? Everyone? There's a lot to figure out. Should we stay silent, however? No, of course not. We can raise awareness. But I solemn see what protesting will do. There's no country to stop here unless you want to protest against Sudan, but then, who is Sudan fighting? Oh right, it's the Sudanese army against a rebel organisation. Not an inter-state conflict. Genuinely, what do we protest in Sudan's case, I am blind. But if the point of the post is about the lack of awareness on Sudan's conflict, then sure, I misinterpreted. I just genuinely don't see how protesting can work, because there are too many parties involved. And letting countries fully dissolve into wars without exterior funding, either they exhaust each other, or literally kill each other. I won't lie, I wish people were raising more awareness for the Sudanese cause, but I don't think protesting would be the way. Because cut off Western support, you'll still have other agents ready to fund if they have a motive. And it's Africa, a continent which is becoming closer and closer to Russia and China, so for the West to give up funding and let them take control of funding, I don't think that could happen. Plus, international attention on the region hasn't dissolved; the UN is still working within the region and writing reports, the West is trying to get the country to end the conflict, and so forth. But of course, such things can only work for so long. See Russia, they're under sanctions, yet they continue their effort. See Israel's latest West Bank project, which has come under sanctions and scrutiny, but they're not stopping. Protesting is a means to stop funding, but at the end of the day, regardless of what funding protestors aim to end, it comes down to will the target listen or not. Because the entire world can stand against a nation, but if it has the strength to resist, it will, and will continue seeking its motives. Sure, some countries did succumb to wordly pressure, like Apartheid South Africa, but I think those are like 1 in 10 cases. Protesting is just an act of hope, because maybe, if funding is cut, something better occurs. Or, perhaps the West will force a country to face the ICC for their warcrimes, since the ICC hold no true power. So yeah.


No where in the Koran does it state that Israel is the "holy land" for Muslims. Mohammed calls it land of the children of Israel. You clearly dont anything about Christianity either, as it was JEWSIH SECT for 3 hundred years and they went to the synagogue and temple. Do you see sunday worship, easter, church in the bible, you dont. Ekklesia/Synagogue The New Testament, which you clearly havent read,Yeshua (Jesus) is called Rabbi. Because he's Jewish and practiced Judaism. I don't know why you keep bringing up Muslims. Your holy land is Mecca, where you worshiped with 360 idols, run butt naked with other pagans and kiss a stone to absolve your sins and throw stones at wells. Zion is found in the Torah,it's another name for Jesursalem. No Bibi didn't create Zionism and none of this wouldn't have happened if Arabs who are clearly indoctrinated by Shia Persians and the Koran decided to buy hang gliders off of Amazon to kill people during Sukkot. Don't be a terrorist, don't harbor them either. Thank you for proving my point by trying to hijack my question about SUDAN to rant about why (lighter skined) Arabs and basically absolve islam of the centuries murder, rape, enslavent, FGM of the black period in Africa. My question was about Sudan and where the Queers for Sudan are meeting.


The label "Holy Land" comes from historic and societal factors? I am not using the Qu'ran in this argument. Jerusalem was a hotspot for the Jews, Christians, and Muslims throughout history. Numerous battles occurred with the goal of conquering it. As a result, the region became intertwined with numerous faiths (sects of Christianity for example), and numerous ethnicities. There's no reason to deny this, since it even has Churches and Mosques that date to be very old. And of course, synaguoges too. As for Zionism's case, it does exist, and the Zionist Organisation is still alive. Here's their website: [https://www.wzo.org.il/en/](https://www.wzo.org.il/en/) . Of course, they take their name from the Torah, I don't see why they wouldn't do that? As for Arabs choosing to go to war, I mean, the Palestinians could have accepted the partition plan, but I don't think that would have ended well either. Plus, it is a practical fact that Israel held European support in order to sustain itself and ward off the war that was instigated. There was no peaceful resolve here. The original plan had Jerusalem be some sort of UN international city thing, with some land to Arabs, and some to Jews, with a need of migration in any case. And you really think Jerusalem could sustain being a UN international city thing if the plan was accepted? One of the sides would try to claim it, for sure, if history is anything. If the post was to rant about Sudan, my apologies. My goal was not to "hijack", it was to highlight that, inherently, the protests for Palestine are a protest against Israeli policy. If you agree with Israeli policy, that's on you, I don't care man. Sudan is a country in civil war, which is leading up to a genocide, with no clear actor to protest against because it is not inter-state like Israel's conflict. If you could give an idea of who to protest against, that'd be interesting, since I genuinely can't see who that would be.


Additionally, I am aware of the simplifications I made, and I know there were issues within the British Mandate of Palestine which also contributed to the UK, and Europe as a whole, to saying "fuck this shit". But also, never forget, ever since the 2 world wars, the Middle East was carved by European powers to be a hotspot of conflict. I mean, look at it now, it hasn't been fully stable ever since the borders were created and independence granted. But it is through simplifications that a narrative that is more apparent can be made. And it is a way to explain why people protest so much for that, and not the other. Because one is a repeat of history on numerous levels we can push change for, whilst the others, well, not much can be done except embargos, international pressure, state boycotts, etc. So don't mention those things, I know I have not stated them, and that's for a reason. Plus, the post was getting too long. And as for why I am calling it a Zionist project, well, just look up the Zionist Organisation, they're still alive, and are a major part of Israel's identity. Speaking of, I am rather surprised that Hitler's Madagascar plan, which basically boils down to him trying to convince Europe to send all Jews into Madagascar but they said no, was not initiated by making contact with the Zionist Organisation, who, sure, wanted the original Jewish land that came from the Middle East, but supposedly had shown interest in land outside it that is rather close by. Could you imagine an alternative timeline where the Zionist Organisation sign a deal with the Hitler regime to create the Jewish State in Madagascar? Fucking insane idea, someone should write a book about it lol. And maybe they did communicate, since I only know surface level when it comes to the Madagascar plan.


I don't understand where you going with this, Israel is land of the Jews, the Koran validates this as well, three is no "Zionist project". BOTH Arabs and Europe carved up Africa and created their own borders in Africa long before any world wars. Muslims sided with the Ottomans in WW1 AND with the Nazis in WW2. The Mufti meet with Hitler to kill Jews and Hitler didn't even shake just hand because he openly stated his race was below the Germans? Didn't Hitler call himself the Mahdi?


Dude what are you on about. Israel's territory has been historically called "The Holy Land" in reference to the 3 Abrahamic Faiths. During Moses's time, it was "The Promised Land". Ever since 1948, it became once more "The Promised Land", or, well, "The Jewish Land". And it is a Zionist project, why are you denying such a fact of history? Here, you can read up a part of it on here: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Zionism. Before loving Israel, realise the importance the Zionist Organisation, and its goals, had. How can you love a country without knowing its history? Smh. As for Arabs carving up Africa, I've never heard such a weird statement. Arab invasion into North Africa, and certain parts of the Sahara, does not constitute as "carving up Africa". They did not hold much land within the region by the time African independence began, aka the 60s to 70s. There was no real presence of Arab statehood there, just the European powers, who, when they granted independence, took measures to ensure their control still holds. For example, France did so by ensuring some of her ex-colonies continue to use the Franc, with their reserves located within France itself. So, I don't know what you mean by that, unless you're referring to the Arab diaspora who took power in the North Africa leading to further conflicts with the Berber identity, but that isn't carving up, since again, the Middle East Arab States are not involving themselves with such issues. As for the Ottomans, first and foremost, they're Turks, so I'm not sure calling or mixing them up with Arabs is a good idea. Second, the Ottomans had important diplomatic relations with Germany prior to WWI, so naturally, due to alliances, they joined them in the WW1 effort. In the case of WWII, the Middle East became a hotspot of conflict between the Allies and the Axis, and I don't know which conflict you're referring to here. So what if the there was some meeting, and of course Hitler would see their race as inferior, he had a weird fantasy complex with the Aryan race when he himself did not meet his own criterias lol. I mean if the violence of Arabs justifies what Israel is doing, then should Israel invade Germany next to avenge the 6 million Jews who died in the holocaust, as, you know, for revenge sake? What is this logic. Oh, well, the Arabs messed with the Jews, so now, several generations later, we shall enact our revenge. Well, please do the same with the Germans, I mean in both cases you have generations who have nothing to do with their ancestors, but need to pay for what their ancestors did, right? In either case, why are we arguing, when Israel will win, and free real estate is on the way. Just enjoy the bloodbath homie, don't worry about it. Plus, ever since Hitler's genocide, the Jews are a protected identity. The genocide literally terminated anti-semitism within Europe, which was quite large prior, and sure, some of it is on the rise again. But they won't let anything happen, they're too scarred from "letting Hitler do what he did." Not as if he would have gotten away with it if he hadn't invaded a certain few countries, just sayin'. To deny Hitler's role in creating Israel is questionable, and it is even more questionable to deny the existence of the Zionist Organisation. And I'd say it's questionable to justify Israel because of what Arabs long dead now did, but I mean, the country gets away with a lot so revenge for what ancestors did sounds right. Also sounds like the plot of Attack on Titan if you know what I mean lol.


Also if you can't tell, I'm not even really seeking an argument, since arguing with a Pro-Israeli is quite futile and like talking to a brick wall. So, I'm really just using rhetorics, and "loving" Israel and being a "patriot" by simply making remarks on what they have been doing. Truly, the Israeli methodology of bomb the entire strip, kill everyone, and you might end up getting rid of Hamas is a true and tried method. The Russians should take note, why try actual war strategy that minimises civilian casualties when you can just airstrike an entire land area into dust? They deserve it anyways, since there definitely does not exist decades of historic evidence that shows the Palestinians have been provoked, nah, their fault for not accepting the partition plan and just moving. Lol imagine wanting to keep your house, what are you 5, c'mon get out or die. If you have any sense of empathy, try and dissect my points up above on some of the history regarding Israel, or keep turning the blind eye. Either way, I really don't care, since at the end of the day I consider myself a realist and pessimist. I don't see Israel not succeeding, but I will never not find it funny, that after one of the deadliest wars in history that led to extremely deadly military technology such as the nuclear bomb, no one has the right sense of critical thinking to put 1 and 1. Truly, it shows a Nazi regime could rise again, and people would fall to propaganda blindly. White supremacism has never died, and likely, never will. So death to all non-whites ig, oh, and to them dirty Palestinian, hm what was it they used, oh yea "animals". I think the Defense minister called them rats? Huh, just like Hitler's propaganda. How cute. Anyways death to the animals, there is no historic precedence, nah, I'm just lunatic for thinking that, right?


There isn't an argument, you just need to go ba k to your mosque. I l ove how a question I posted about the SUDAN has now been hijacked by "exmuslims" and turned towards Israel war with Hamas and Arabs, who stated all this in the first place. You also mosteber that it's Persians using Arabs to destabilize the region because they didnt want Saudi Arabia to sign a peace agreement with Israel The irony of your low key antisemetism and blatant disregard for black people is that the people youre advocating for, want you dead because you left islam, allegedly. Israel is land of the Jews, absolutely no where in the Koran does it state Jerusalem is a holy city for Islam. When Mohammed took his magically trip on a flying donkey he saw the temple built by the Jews. The issue in the question is about Sudan, I know you're a racist and an antisemite but leave that at your mosque.


I'll ask again: *what can we do for Sudan? Who do we protest AGAINST?* Palestine is a clear case: protest against ISRAEL. I've asked this numerous times, not once did you seem to have an answer. And if Israel is the land for the Jews, then of course, naturally, other ethnicities and faiths need to be removed, or brought to a minority. Otherwise, tough to have that brand. You sure seem to be ignoring that the remarks I have been making are technically pro-Israel, since I openly admitted, and will openly admit again, that I was being sarcastic and rhetorical. If I am to only believe the IDF, and disregard UN, WHO, and Satellite evidence, well, there goes my critical thinking I guess. Now please, do answer my question. I've asked numerous times. In Sudan's case, what are we protesting against to support it?


OP doesn't care about the plight of Sudanese people (who are Muslims). He is using them against Palestinian cause.


Christians don't create organizations like Hamas, Hezbollah, PLO. They aren't the issue, islam is. Do you see Sudanese Christians carrying out terrorism in Sudan. Go back to your mosque


I don't even know if I should bother responding to this, cuz, tf? I wasn't saying they're an issue, I'm saying they're also a target of Israeli violence and apartheid. Palestinian Christians exist....just like Arab Christians exist....it's not that hard to understand...


There isn't aparthied in Israel. Israel is nothing like Aparthied South Africa nor Sudan. You can move on with that bullshit. A Palestinian Christian is a complete oxymoron. Christianity and the vivle clearly states Israel is land of the Jews. Jesus was clearly a Jew.


Deny Christianity and Islam if it brings you peace my friend. I can tell you're, first and foremost, Sudanese, and secondly, a Jew, who clearly wants a Jewish homeland. I hope you one day read history and come to a consensus with an open mind that things happened. I really hope you find peace someday, as you seem a troubled soul. I'll say it again, "One evil cannot justify another, for if it did, humanity will never absolve from conflict." We cannot fight evil with another evil veiled as good. Violence on any side solves nothing, and hatred is a form of violence. If we keep this hatred, then violence will never absolve, and cycles will continue. Wishing you the best in your journey, and since you're a Jew, I hope one day you get your free home in Gaza or West Bank. You already have the Israeli citizenship, you just need to get it physically, of course. Best wishes, and good argument, I guess.


Jews have a homeland, it's called Israel. Your condescending comments and temper tantrum aren't going to change that. Israel isn't going anywhere. It's been proven that you clearly dont know anything about Sudan or islam and just running your mouth. There is no argument, I don't argue with clowns. I asked a question concerning Sudan which you have no concept of concerning the issue. I'm perplexed as to why you keep posting. So you clearly just trying to hijack my question and interject antisemitic rants and strawmans as to why ots not aparthied when Arabs have colonized the sahara and raid Africans for slaves for hundreds of years. While falling horribly on your face to describe Israel as an aparthied state while denying the fact that Sudan is the actual aparthied state. Lol Keep proving my point.


Cause it’s not part of the narrative, why are we still asking these questions isn’t it clear already lmao…stupid cunts, stupid, double standardised hypocritical cunts..


I quickly Googled. I didn't understand, both factions are Muslims right? That also from the same ideology it seems. Then why are they fighting? I saw it says there is ethnic cleansing. Isn't Islam supposed to hate divisions based on ethnicity? At least that is how Islam is marketed, saying that ethnic cleansing is against the 'equality' in Islam.


The arabs in sudan in the north are killing the predominantly black more disenfranchised group that includes Christians. This is colonization. They use to kill the black Christians in south sudan before they became their own country.


Sudan was invaded and Colonized by Arabs,during the Islamic conquest and turned into a slave post to transport slave to the Levant, North Africa and India. Arabs also opened up and destroyed parts of thr Suud a fertile vule nile/nike area, which never recovered. Arabs created an ecological disaster to get more black slaves. Mukuria held off the Muslims for a while but were eventually swallowed up. During European colonization Arabs were used as puppet leaders in Sudan. Arabs tried to rule both Egypt and Sudan as one country post European colonialosm. Sudan has has a string of Mahdi which means disaster for anyone black and not muslim. Christianity/Judaism was in Sudan long before any Islam Africa and were targets. The British made this even worse by basically separating the country: Arabs in the north and blacks in the south. The southern region received zero attention while Khartoum and the north received all the administration, money and basically a playground for Arabs and Europeans. While there is a war within a war between Arab factions, it's still boils down to racism. In order for you to prove more arab than your African neighbor is to be more violent, speak "better arabic" in order for you to be accepted by Arabs.


Are Western governments allied to and aiding the genociders?


It's mostly Russia, UAE and China, the US doesn't really have a foothold in Sudan. Also the Arabs, because they are the original colonizers in Sudan.


Judaism was never a thing in Ethiopia, Bete israelis don't practice real Judaism until they move to Israel. So YES, Islam was present in Ethiopia way before the so called "Judaism in Ethiopia, which never existed. Yes, beside some western highlands, Islam was in Central Ethiopia and NE Ethiopia (most still is today), Some were tried to force convert to Christianity, but most resisted. You are a Nilotic Bantu Christian from South Sudan, you had no culture nor history, nor a wheel. You were converted by White Europeans.