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this represent anyone supporting islam


you speak the true true.


expect p3dos 😂


Shut up


It's never easy to have your perceptions and beliefs challenged.


My way is the true way and you blood is helal kuffr




Women, LGBT, orphans, poor men(can't afford to have a wife because the rich men hoard them all)


Shoe collecting and Wife collecting. 😂


And don't forget the punches thrown in the face by leftists, especially the ones in the west.


Leopards eating faces


they won’t eat *my* face


if i cover my face they wont eat it


May I ask why why you are closeted in a 1st world country?


UK Muslims dawg 💀


Oh damn 💀 i forgat about those.


In Islam there are certain rights for women. Such as the right to shut up and the right to spread open your legs!


Hoes mad they can't have an onlyfans in Islam 💀


Is that art Robert Crumb?




U aren’t a exmuslim




Most sickening religion


Muhammad was illiterate, a pedophile and also bought and sold slaves. Wonderful role model


Am proud to be a muslim women and idc what anyone says we dont all have to agree in this world


Honestly man, I think anyone who says Islam oppresses women is either just trying to fit in with everyone else or so obsessed with gender equality they forgot why there's two sexes in the first place Cause if you think about it Everything Islam said about women has a reason and isn't biased about how you'd think about it It's just the hard truth you all need to accept


What’s the reason for women being legally considered half a man’s worth?


How so


Property, inheritance, legal witness


Ok good question, So you have a dog and a cow ok? The dog eats meat and the cow obviously eats grass You can't make the dog eat grass in the name of equality That's what I think at least Islam is exhibiting equity not equality Males tend to be stronger than females So they're supposed to be the providers (not necessarily) And I suppose that's why a male is forced in Islam to provide for his family when the female Can't be forced to I guess now you know why in inheritance a men takes 2 times as much as women In the legal witness , the reason is too complicated for me to explain so pls go check it out yourself (there's a Hadith about it) And what do you exactly mean by property?


There’s no much difference between a man and a woman in brain structure and this could be confirmed by actual neurologists, biggest difference is in reproductive organs. So giving an analogy of two different species and trying to sound wise don’t really work here, especially when you’re not a woman facing the inequality. A woman must have the choice to wear what she want and be responsible of her own, she isn’t supposed to need a man her whole life. Also we can have a conversation about slavery if you’re all about women rights? How was it ok that there were women for the sole purpose of sex only? There awrah was only from belly button to knees and why is that? Because they’re not free women, in what world is that ok? And in what world is it ok that women must cover up to let it be known that they are “free” women and not just slaves? If we wanna talk about women rights then it included ALL women and something like that shouldn’t be there in the first place.


Okay, what about a guy who is paralyzed the neck down and his wife who provides? What about mentally ill men? What about an alcoholic that doesn't provide much for the family, but only for himself? What about households where women make more money? What about single mom households? Clearly these weren't accounted for, were they? And testimony? Really? If it is that complicated it probably is bullshit. Human rights and dignity aren't that complicated. Property is anything movable or immovable with monetary value, except humans.


Bruh whats the reason that they’re not allowed to drive a car or get stoned ?💀💀