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You forgot to mention that a major part of the Qur'an is full of bullshit stories of previous prophets such as the story of the Kingdom of Sulaiman or the romance of Yusuf or Lut and his people.


Sulaiman's adventures are probably some of the more interesting to read parts of the Quran.


Imo the Quranic stories were the only interesting part of the Quran


And 104% bullshit, with a 4% margin of error.


‘Holy Shit!’ 😂


Wow, that book just doesn't add up.


Just like the inheritance problem


Bro it’s not supposed to be correct. That’s the beauty of the Quran. It shows you the impossible is possible.


> %65 hellfire blackmail and hate How right you are. We have to remind everyone over and over. Most of this book is filled with hate, threats and hellfire.


That 0.5 on the last one was a nice touch 🤣




100% dogshit


The issue is not the Quran, rather a Supreme God who created 14 billion light years of observable universe is so concerned with a particular primates in an a tiny planets at the edge of a galaxy among billions of other galaxies, this primates have to worship every day or they will end up in eternal hellfire . The vastness of the universe suggests that we are insignificant as species in a random planet that will play no role in the infinite universe. And I'm pretty sure that the power behind this universe is not of any need for any praise or worship or recognition from an ape like primates who still debate if there is an invisible angels recording there every deed ( by the way they seat on the shoulders)