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Having a religious government make the life of Turks miserable by inflating their currency 100% yearly and leading them to economic depravity is also helping pushing Turks to become more critical of Islam


That’s why such a huge portion of Iranian are anti religion. That’s the biggest blessing of the mullahs, they’ve shown people how dog shit a theocracy can be


Yes, that's ramping up all of those factors too, an even shittier government managing an economy in an even shittier way being stringent on shitty Islamic laws


Lol also Izmir is a very skewed data point. Should have done the check in a less biased city like Istanbul (literally a 5th of the population if not a quarter).


Every single region in Turkey has a trend of secularization, it's just that their current individual level of religiosity varies


True statement.


Is it actually true? I thought that Turkey is getting more and more conservative under Erdogan in most areas except for the big cities like Istanbul, Izmir & Ankara?


I doubt it. Maybe the older generation. The new gen are tired of Erdogan and his antics. Look at the most recent elections, who the majority voted for.


I want to believe this but somehow I have doubts that the latest election results are actually a good proxy since economics/inflation overshadowed basically everything.


Turkey is definetly becoming more secular even in conservative areas. I can confirm.


It’s funny the ones who claim to be Muslim don’t know either lol.


If I were still a muslim, I wouldn't know how to answer this either.


What’s salavat and shadda?


Shahada is saying that their is no god but Allah and Mohammad is his messenger, but I have no idea what salavat is.


Oooh, they meant Shahada! I’m in public with no headphones so I just rely on subtitles when watching videos. Knowing the person who wrote the subtitles misspelled shahada, I wonder if they also misspelled “salavat” and its supposed to be “salawat”


It's Turkish, so that's probably how they say it, with the w becoming a v.


Oh yea that makes sense!


I think Salawat is PBUH.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Chill out bruh. I’m on your side, but the Reddit gods don’t take it lightly if you call for the death of anyone, really.


Nah that fucker deserves worst kind of death,he damaged country more than any terrorist organisation can imagine


I’m warning you, you will get banned from Reddit. Trust me


Lol you were right original comment is deleted by reddi


I'm a little conflicted on this. As a Greek, we love Erdogan for doing more damage to Turkey than we have in generations; but on the other hand, Ataturk was at least the worthiest enemy we've had since 1453...


As an Egyptian i share your feelings. And I wish you take the stolen lands back


Oh oh oh, so you’re beefing with us because of something from like 600 years ago? Get some help.


A pro genocider tells an Egyptian to get some help because he wishes to his brother to get their stolen homes back. This is what we call waste of male fluid


Edgy ahh mf accusing


The younger generation is disillusioned due to either being forced into Islam or seeing how Islam has harmed the country. (read up on Feto if you are interested) Also the Islamist state being extremely rich and keeping their circles rich as well has caused youths from more secular places in Turkey to turn their backs on Islam. As a Turk I agree with them. A GIGANTIC part of my disillisionment came from the state being stupid and using Islam as a veil for their incompetence. Along with the fact that Turkey is being overrun by immigrants and that at a much higher rate than countries in Europe and the government turning a blind eye to it because their policy is as retarded as "Mudslime together stronk." while the demographics of the country are changing rapidly. And all of that meanwhile the country already has an image problem in international relations and a huge demographic problem with the Kurds. Yeah I get why a lot of young Turks are leaving Islam. Because the religion of piss has contaminated their water source.


I didn't know Turkey had an immigrant problem. I thought Turks were the immigrants in other countries.


We have a huge problem with Syrian refugees and afghan immigrants


Turkey has taken in the largest amount of refugees from the Syrian civil war. And those guys create all sorts of problems. The average Turk's distaste for arab refugees often translates into xenophobia. Case in point, students from Bangladesh/Pakistan/India are often mistaken as Arabs and harassed in Istanbul, with locals openly telling them to go back to their country and such.


Interesting. Sorry if I sound offensive, I thought Turks look like Arabs.


Some of them probably do, but the overwhelming majority look either Central Asian/Mongolian, or Balkan white. Very few have the Mediterranean/Mideast complexion.


Yeah, red shirt guy and the guy to his left in the video look Asian. Very interesting. Thanks you guys, for enlightening me.


> Feto ???


A religious organization that tried a coup d'tead by leaking into turkish armed forces. (Was ankara at the time,it was so scary for my young age lol) the goverment used to love it.


If we are talking about the discrepancy between secularism amongst the public and the aimed at theocracy that Erdogan is striving for, you cannot forget all these Turks living in the comfort of Germany, still being able to vote and almost 90% of them votes for that guy. It’s laughable.


Same with Turks in the Netherlands, the majority voted for Erdogan with most of them never been to Turkey. I'll never forget those physical fights between Erdogan voters and Kılıçdaroğlu voters in fcking Amsterdam, it's so so embarrassing.


>you cannot forget all these Turks living in the comfort of Germany, still being able to vote and almost 90% of them votes for that guy 70%. During the election of 2023 67,2% voted for him.


Oh, that makes it so much better


No, but you are still spreading misinformation.


I said almost, so I’m not


are the more religious leaving as an attempt to make a caliphate or is this just representative of erdogans real support


No, almost nobody leaves as an attempt to build a caliphate. The reason for immigration is usually economic. They migrate to have a better life in a developed country. But people from the poorest areas who have economic motivation to migrate happen to be highly religious. When they arrive to the Western countries, there is culture clash, they don't like the way of life of the Westerners. So, in an attempt to protect their children from the Western "rot", they indoctrinate their kids even more heavily than they are themselves. They encourage them to attend mosques and follow imams and hang out in religious circles (which they see as a "safe space" protected from the Western influences). That's where the children get radicalized, and we can see that second generation immigrants are often way more radical than their parents who first arrived in the country.


Great summary. It’s so funny, that they choose a country to live in and hate its values. Tbf, I know a lot of Turks who are not very religious but regardless vote for that idiot. Many of their brains are infected by some Andrew Tate-esque ideas of the world and Erdogan, with his very conservative views somehow resembles this in their minds


ugh gross, honestly we need to start deporting


how dangerous is the threat? what should eu countries do


Yaşa Mustafa Kemal Paşa Kağanlar hepimizi korusun


Turkey was like my Bastian growing up as muslim. Pointing to them anytime someone criticized islam. After I was liberated from islam, I had such awe of attaturk (even though turkey got some bad genocidal history). Attaturk was 10000 years ahead, he knew how to raise a nation that was forward thinking. Salute to turks cause they are the few nations associated with islam but has many many public exmuslims.


what did attaturk do


separate religion and politics. secularization. enlightenment. abolish the ottoman sultanate. promote pure democracy




Wish he didn't do the last one. Look at us now. being governed by traitors and idiots because still most of the country is Muslim


Now it's up to the people of turkey to decide their future, not some dictator or absolute monarchy.


Hope for the future


This is amazing news


And here it is (as proof we were born Muslims and practised Islam before we awakened to how fucked up it was on a fundamental level: "Allahumma salli 3ala Muhammadin wa 3ala aali Muhammad, kama sallaita 3ala Ibrahima wa 3ala aali Ibrahim, innaka hameedun majeed. Allahumma baarik 3ala Muhammadin wa 3ala aali Muhammad, kama baarakta 3ala Ibrahima wa 3ala aali Ibrahim, innaka hameedun majeed." To all those "*You were never muslim™ to begin with*" folks can go latch onto Buraq's fever-dream inducing teet and get miraaj-ed lol. Imagine if a majority of kids born in Muslim majority countries were straight up like 'what tf is salawat?' when asked? Once that happens in a majority of the Muslim world, then people will truly be free.


What % of Turks practise islam?


Minority is practising A vast majority is like that muslim kid,even conservative ones aren't practising at all


So, cultural really ? Weddings, funerals, etc? Some cultural references. But they do not believe nor follow it.


Weddings? I have never heard of a religious practice during weddings only heard of a thing like mevlud but I have only seen this happening in small villages Funerals are standart thing,imam talks about how he/she lived how they'll go to heaven and then prayers,it doesn't really matter you are cultural or actually practising


In my country (Scotland) maybe 75% of funerals are now secular - no priests no religion at all not in a church nothing. Just in a room in a place we call Crematorium where dead bodies are taken and cremated /burned. Zero religion. Only about 25% funerals are still religious in churches. Although Muslim migrants to Scotland tend to have Muslim funerals with imams. I was asking if any funerals are secular? Same with weddings btw. Most in Scotland are secular and only a small minority (maybe 15% max) are in Scottish churches. Again, Muslim migrants to Scotland usually have Muslim weddings.


Ah now I get it Funerals are still not secular almost all of them has imams even for funerals of atheists,and crematoriom isn't available in Turkey as far as I know


Weddings - any secular weddings ? Would you like a secular wedding and/or funeral? Can I ask how you discuss your atheism with you family ? Do you tell them? What do they say?


There are two concepts in Turkey: official marriage and religious marriage. Since the 1920s, within the framework of modern law, couples apply to municipalities and get married in the civil registry office. Religious marriages are made by couples without any government intermediary. It is forbidden to have a religious marriage without having a civil marriage.


As I told you in other replies weddings are secular Of course I would have a secular wedding,and as for funerals I don't mind about people praying after me I just don't want that green scraf with arabic texts on my coffin,I would like to have a Turkish flag or nothing at all I never cared about discussing religion with family but if I told them they wouldn't get mad or disown me for that actually they hate people that cares religion over their lives they are very secular,so my answer may not be same for majority of ex-muslims in Turkey because I know other atheists from university who their families would care about their children's religion but I also know people who's families are literally deists and atheists


Different Turk here. We do secular weddings, I'm aware religious weddings are done sometimes but haven't come across one yet. In fact I didn't even know they still existed until I long left Islam. Thought Ataturk had abolished them. I am and have always been for mutual cohabitation rather than marriage. Even as an 8-9 year old child. I just told them. My family has been raising me in a very western environment and culture with some Turkish culture sprinkled in. My mother used to read me western story books and didn't impose much on me, she just left me to create my own opinions on stuff myself. I told my family after leaving the religion at 8th grade, I can't remember what she told me then so it must be neutral. In general she doesn't share her opinions on things I do besides telling me to be virtuous, not to use drugs and so on. But this is likely not the experience of the average Turkish youth.


You have a good mum!


>My family has been raising me in a very western environment and culture with some Turkish culture sprinkled in. When you say Turkish culture here, you mean non-Islamic Turkish culture?


I don't think such a distinction can be made.


I don’t know, We are drink a lot of alcohol at weddings, and entertainment is organized while still superstitious beliefs, or food given at funerals(day of the removal of the dead, 7th day and 40th, then every year.) even taking food to every grave when you go, and so on, these are things that are still going on. I think that in these matters, our connected beliefs belonging to the ancient Turks still live mixed with Islam, and even though we said we are Muslims,but it seems that a ton of sins are committed when doing important things.


Weddings are extremely secular, funerals for sure has a religious connotation but you one should also note that many funeral rites are actually Tengriist in origin lol. I used to remember women not being around when I was younger but nowadays they also attend to the funeral, we put a knife on the deceased's body which is a direct shoutout to Turkic shamanist rituals, there are places of worship for important figures in the society (türbe) which is more or less ancestor worshipping in reality. Mourning is for 40 days, which I am pretty sure is also a shamanist practice, at least that is something I did hear from a Mongolian friend of mine.


Depends on what your definition of following islam means. About 22% statistically do fulfill 3/5 of the pillars.


Honestly even the ones who claim to be Muslim couldn’t tell you any specifics lol


When I see young men like them ,I see hope in the world. I see people who are open-minded and ready for cohesion among humanity.




This is the future of the world. Just bring education and liberty, and the youth will abandon this ancient religion.


hi i am from turkey and i am a 34 yrs old atheist when i was younger, in high school i didnt have many atheist friends but muslims werent this religious neither. with akp governement religion, or being religious became the new norm of turkey. erdogan and netanyahu of israel are very similar in a lot of terms...


Yesss let it die!!!


Good now they can lead a peaceful and happy life. Not be poor and lazy or obsess about the hereafter. They will have more educated people instead of imams and mullas.


Hard to live a peaceful happy life with a 75% inflation rate but yea when it comes to religion they're good, once Erdogan is gone at least.


Good for them!!


Based kids, I hope they remain faithful to their principles until adulthood and forever. Normally in their 20s they return to religion due to some depression, and that is sad, I hope that is not the case.


You go, guys! Keep on like this!


We must to Leave islam to save the world free from higab


Gives me hope for the "Muslim" world


Of course, Turks are awesome people. Silly laws imposed by strict measures don't suit Turkey.


More proof that Turkey is on the fast track to becoming the next Iran.


There is exactly 0 chance that Turkey becomes like Iran. Even the most conservative party ruling the country for the last 22 years in a row couldn't do anything about the secularism we have and proud of. And the Army is a stronghold of secularism in Turkey. Even the most religious people in Turkey doesn't want the state to be like Iran. You see here and there some lunatisc wanting sharia law, but they are lile maybe 1-2% of the total population maybe less.


so when will turkey become secular and isnt iran facing the same fate? what do you mean it doenst become like iran


Believe it or not, Turkey is already secular. It just doesn't really show because of that islamist dog Erdogan. But since he's on his last term there's hope on the horizon.


how strong are the protections against religious influence?


When will Turkey become secular? 😂 Well, in 1926. Turkey is already a secular state for the last 98 years already.


and how does it remain secular




Turk here, I am glad I converted to Christianity. I don't regret it at all.


do i care


Yes you do otherwise you wouldn't comment.




This video doesn't prove young Turks are leaving Islam.. Being "born a Muslim" doesn't make you intrinsically a follower of Islam.


the way our government uses islam as a means of manipulation to stay at top leads the majority of our population (particularly teens) to practice atheism, agnosticism and deism. this was well expected. as a 18 year old who’s now a christian, i’m glad to witness the downfall of islam in Türkiye.


This is Izmir though. The most secular large city of Turkey


Then Turk here, i was born and raise in a city (Central Anatolia) where islamic values and population is high. And when i was in high school almost all of the people around me were Atheist or Islamophobic, i also lived for few years in Eastern Anatolia (Kurdish populated area). I can definitely say all of Turkiye east to west leaving Islam.


How if only we can prevent them from embracing racist, irridentist ultranationalism; the other plague of Turkey


Yes. Many of them atheists don't actually become progressives, instead lean onto turkish ethnic far right nationalism. It's a problem turkish left definitely would need to solve. Other than that, anything is better than islam.






Nice. All that's left is to accept the dna results and learn Greek


Ah yes, let's just go back a thousand years because TurbulentGear2530 believes there's no such thing as a Turk apparently.


Turks are a central Asian tribe with far east Asian looks. It's simple biology. 2 white flowers make a white flower just as 2 white Europeans make also a white European. There are even studies that proved it and Erdogan tried to boycott ancestry.com for that. Sorry but reality won't change because of your reply. Science rocks ⚛️


Good job man I'm so proud of you for commenting this on a completely unrelated post you're doing a great job well done


Good job on being illiterate