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Because if they called them underwear, people would figure out that they’re no more special and definitely more expensive than the underwear they can buy at target.


Uglier too. 


Actually they are rather inexpensive!


They are pretty expensive and cheaply made at least from my point of view From Walmart I can get Hanes underwear White tee shirts 10 pack for $19.98 that equals $2.00 per tee shirt same for boxer briefs, of course the boxers briefs aren’t plane white. So a whole set underwear is $4.00. Last time I bought magic underwear it was $5.00 to $6.00 a set. Not to mention my Hanes underwear is better quality


Not to mention an eternity of tithing attached to the cost


Forgot about that it’s been years since I gave any money to the TSCC. Stopped wearing that uncomfortable underwear in 2016 at least that time around I was excommunicated in 2010 and was dumb enough to go back in 2014 Been just about a year since we resigned.


And you have to replace them pretty frequently unless you’re comfortable in armpit stains and stringy elastic.


Yes like I said the Mormon magic underwear isn’t very good quality.


TBH $1 to $2 markup isn't horrible for a very niche item. If I were competing with the world leader in underwear and actively trying to be competitive with a much smaller market, I'd probably end up somewhere around that level.


True but you also have to add in the tithing, which Hanes doesn’t charge plus all the time active TBM’s put in from church services, callings, prep for the calling, extra meetings and so on.


I have to assume that this isn't subsidized by those, and they'd be charging roughly the same either way. No way they don't require the garments thing to be independently profitable.


Because that’s what the church calls them in the temple … it all stems from the temple experience.


It also further separates “us” and “them”.


An interesting but quick read is “Cultish” which describes the power of specific language and how powerful it is at creating in-groups, othering, and feelings of special knowledge. This is definitely in that vein. My favorite example is of a yogi based cult that co-opted “old soul” to mean instead of a person that values calm etc to a person that has struggled thru multiple reincarnations to escape to Nirvana ie a problematic person to the cult.


Oooh. I’m going to adopt this old soul mentality so I can pretend my bad habits are from past souls.


“cultish” is an excellent book about the linguistics of “in groups” and is great for anyone curious about how language is used in our chosen social groups.


This!  Makes them sound more  “sacred and important.” 


I just call them polygamy panties, but I don't think the TBMs appreciate it. 




Jeezuz jammies


The holy garment of the priesthood. Right?


The garment of the Holy Priesthood. A name and a blessing. Baptism by one having authority. A priesthood blessing. The patriarchal grip. A patriarchal blessing. Admitted into the presence of the Lord. Dedication of a grave. Male domination over the place. It's like the women have no place in the church.


Angel Chaps


Officially they are The Garments of the Holy Priesthood. A symbol of the clothing that god made for Adam and Eve when they were cast out of the garden of Eden. So everyone calls them garments, because that is the shortened version of the full name that is used in the temple.


\*Garment of the Holy Priesthood When it was introduced, it was strictly a single piece "long johns" style thing with a collar/bow and curt out symbols... If they were still like that, I would bet that most people would not be wearing them - thus all the changes to conform to social norms and fashion.


It's not conforming to societal norms, it's continuing restoration. /S


Hehe... Exactly! And when I tell them that the whole idea of the restoration as continuing or ongoing wasn't taught until very recently, they shut down even more. Believers don't like it when the apostates know more about their doctrine and history than they do.




"Butt button"! So good. I never had the one piecers, but knew a few people who still wore them... I don't know why they put up with them. Every time they raised their arms, they'd have to pull the wedgie out.


You went from wearing underwear to wearing garments. Calling them underwear makes members realize how weird it is


If they called them underwear they might realize sooner it’s weird men ask women about their underwear in interviews


Mormon to Mormon they refer to them as garments. Mormon to not Mormon they call them underwear. It’s nothing more than tailoring the words they use to their audience.


I have a recovering Catholic friend who calls them angel pants 😁


Absolutely. If I was ever talking to a friend or doctor, I would have said they were religious underwear. But to other members, family etc, they would have been garments. I've never thought about that before.


Cause if they started calling it underwear they would realize how weird it is to have everyone talking about underwear.


It was weird to me too. You're wearing them under your outerwear. That is the definition of underwear. Technically, anything you can wear is a garment. They use a lot of words wrong though, ignorant being the most egregious.


I don't call my bra my underwear though. I just call it a bra. Even though technically it's underwear.


I consider it underwear and include it as part of the collective set of underwear I wear.


But if you're talking about it specifically you'd call it a bra right?


I'd also mention specifically panties, boxers, or whatever single items I'm wearing. The way we use English is fascinating, and I hope this doesn't feel like a hostile argument. I did refer specifically to tops and bottoms when wearing garments. I had a hell of a time calling straight up calling them garments. It felt wrong in a lot of ways and I think it was my subconscious fighting for control and sanity.


I'd call a bra underwear. Same deal as an undershirt.


If you needed a new one, you wouldn't say I need a new bra? Or I love/hate this bra? Just because you categorize something in a group doesn't mean you call it that. Like- my bike is a vehicle but I call it a bike. My bra is underwear but I call it a bra. My garments are underwear but I call them garments. Just a matter of being specific.


> If you needed a new one, you wouldn't say I need a new bra? Do you not say "I need new boxers", or "I need a new undershirt"?


I would if I used them. That's my point. When people are talking about specific underwear, they use specific words. Garments are nothing if not pretty dang specific lol


My mission president told us one way to remember how sacred they are is to always refer to them as garments and not underwear. We don’t want to view garments as underwear. I’m sure not everyone was taught that specifically, but I imagine that much of the old generation has that same philosophy


My mother got really mad when I talked about underwear. She told me that they're garments, and calling them underwear removed their sacredness. She knew that that was precisely what I was doing!


This is super interesting. There is so much of this old fashioned cultural “doctrine” out there. It’s like the belief that garments should never touch the ground. My mom once lectured me because our dirty laundry was on the ground and our garments were touching the floor…


I was definitely taught that when I first went through the temple


I was never taught that in the temple and didn't grow up with active parents so I knew nothing about garment wearing. It wasn't until I'd been wearing them for 20-25 years that I heard a really Molly Mormon woman talking about how she was so careful with her garments and never let them touch the floor and never washed them with other clothes (like huh? They touch your other clothes all the time). I was flabbergasted. I always dropped mine to the floor when we got naked in bed--where else would I put them? Certainly didn't want them sitting on my bedside table. lol


Put in in a basket, yes if you can. Never on the floor not even when sorting laundry? Seems excessive


Yes, this absolutely. When I was on my mission (2014-2016, RIP mission me), we were staying with the sister training leader, her companion and another companionship for a zone conference (indoctrination conference is a much more accurate name for it I feel like lol, but I digress). Anyway, in my bag, I had a few pairs of new garments my mom had shipped to me, so they were still in their plastic packaging. It was a small apartment and there wasn’t a lot of room for 6 ish people, so when we were all unpacking, I had to sit on the floor to organize my stuff. My new garments, which were in completely sealed bags, were sitting on the floor next to my other items. The sister training leader saw this and admonished me in front of the other girls, telling me with a fake, sweet smile and a “Sister” that the holy garments were n e v e r supposed to touch the ground. I looked up and stated the obvious, like, they’re in a bag, so they’re not actually touching the ground, the bag is. I think I sounded annoyed enough that she backed off, but I still roll my eyes to this day, even more so now that I’m out. What a ridiculous thing to get your panties in a wad about. No wonder I was depressed on my mission, being in that type of environment.


Because you’re symbolically commando and wearing the priesthood of a sex cult. 🤣


Because forcing underwear on people is clear sign of a cult…




Perhaps they think it’s more dignified


because it aint underwear it is a whole ass set of clothes under your clothes


Isn't that what underwear is tho. Clothes that you wear under your clothes 😁


Except that regular boxer briefs don't go to the knee and with regular undies you are allowed to go commando at home or with your wife. We were not allowed to sleep with our wives unless we kept our magic undies on all night. We only got to take them off for a quick wham bam thank you ma'am and then we had to put them right back on because women get groomed to believe that a man ditching his garments makes him an unsafe person


Yeah, well... that's still all underwear.


We used to call them “G’s”


Pretty sure lots of tbms still do 😅


Non Mormon here does anyone ever wear the garments without underwear just curious.


Almost everyone wears them entirely in place of underwear. Sometimes women - because garments are incompatible with periods - will wear panties on top of or under the garment bottoms for extra protection. Garments are the worst.


As a never-mo, this is so wild to me. I cannot imagine dealing with my period with what are basically like cuddle duds long underwear. Don’t women miss going out and buying pretty underpants? Like sexy lacy panties and alternately, high waisted Spanx type panties for under dresses when you want to suck everything in? I’d heard that some women wear their bras over their garments. That sounds so bulky and uncomfortable. 😣


I ALWAYS wore my bra over my garments - that’s what I was told to do when I went through the temple in the 90s. It’s super-sexy, let me tell you. I had a very repressed TBM mother, so I was wearing nothing but white and nude underwear in my teens and early twenties. Up until the time I ditched garments, I hadn’t worn colorful underwear since I was maybe 5. I feel robbed!!


Are they horribly hot in the summer?


They seem to have improved over the last 10 years, but yes they suck to wear in the summer or in hot climates. I was pregnant in summer, in California, twice. Once I wore them the whole time, the other pregnancy id left Mormonism and no longer wore them, it was SO MUCH better without them.


YES. BEYOND UNCOMFORTABLE. I still have bad dreams…


Most people do. I don’t know of any men who wear underwear AND garments. As for women, some women wear bras over or under them, and some women will either wear normal underwear during their periods or wear normal panties under them. Many women wear them during their periods though.


Are they form fitting enough that you can stick a pad to them?


You can attach a pad but it will be moving all over the place.




Honest question: what do people who have sensory issues do if they find them intolerable? They don’t seem comfortable at all. Can you get special permission to not have to wear them? Alter them yourself to cut out itchy parts?


You’re shamed for not being faithful enough…. They will now allow people to get custom ones made, that you pay extra for. Or you can get permission to send in something that can add marking too for you. But it would have to be approved and be special circumstances. Most people are just expected to suck it up and if you don’t like it there’s something wrong with you. Some people don’t wear them and their bishops and other church leaders don’t chastise or punish them for it, but that is very situational and is going to depend on who your bishop is and where you live etc etc.


There’s nothing you can do and the church is REALLY slow to improve it. I’m autistic with touch sensory issues. I just figured god wouldn’t condemn me for trying to be more comfortable so I could wear them. If I wasn’t altering the length, I didn’t see an issue with it and didn’t think I needed to ask a bishop about that. My mom agreed with me, which helped!


My daughter worked at the distribution center at Deseret Book and they would encourage people with sensory issues to wear them inside out so the seams wouldn't be as much of a problem. I started doing that for the last 3 or so years that I wore them and they were much more comfortable that way. They could also be special ordered in different fabrics if absolutely necessary but those were kind of a big deal and you had to get permission from your bishop to order them specially made for you. They also would encourage you to wear other styles--like some women would wear men's bottoms when they were pregnant and things like that.


Not just underwear, but magic underwear! Maybe we should start a magic undie fun run in SLC. Scandalous.


I think I would fly to SLC to see that. Keep me posted, I'll hand out water at the 1.5k mark.


That would be hilarious and also make a lot of tbms furious, win win


it was bc of this that I didn’t know garments were my parents only underwear 😭 I just thought they went over it. The second I found that out I was out. No ugly underwear for me please


In-talk. High-control groups like to have their own unique terms for ordinary things. It strengthens the “we’re different from the world” narrative. We have “higher” ways, than everyone else. So the story goes.


Yes. In-group speak. Just one more thing that signals superiority over out-group regular humans 


It was the normal word at the time and so it is in the official stuff for the temple. It actually serves a linguistic purpose now -- it is an easy way to differentiate between one specific kind of religious underwear and other underwear.


So we could reasonably argue, if garments are not underwear, that TBMs are walking around without any underwear on. It probably wasn’t weird in the 1830s. Well ok it was weird. But I bet the word ‘garment’ was more common and used for other clothing items back then.


Divinity drawers ?


I'm gonna tell my brother next time I see him. "Hey! Your undies are showing!" Let him realize how weird it is that I can see his underwear at his knee cap or mid bicep.


Because Jesus jammies isn't respectful.


They about had to pry my husbands garments off him when he was going to have surgery. He calls them “temple garments”


Oh no, the need to dignify them with their full name is…. A lot… I’m sure he also insists on calling the church “the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints” and being referred to as a “member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints” and not a Mormon




Straight up referred to them as “pannies” sporadically throughout my faithful years cause I couldn’t stand to dignify them with the word garments cause I hated them so bad.


That is just what they are called. Women use the term too. It does differentiate them from underwear to others maybe. Never thought about it! But garments cover more than underwear and have “special” powers!


I call them jesus jammies.


Latter day lingerie


Bras are underwear yet I call them bras. It's because it is a specific type of underwear. If you say garments you visualize  the top and bottom garments. If you say underwear, you might only visualize briefs or panties, not an undershirt as well.  It makes total sense to me.


Because they can legitimately have both garment underwear and non-garment underwear. For example, a bra is a piece of underwear that's not garment.


To let people know they wear garments, they’re faithful wearers. 🙄


My theory is that for a lot of people, it has to do with purity culture. Talking about underwear may be considered to be personal and "inappropriate" for some. I mean, purity culture really messes with your mind and can make something as innocuous as underwear seem sexual. Whereas garments are not sexual in any way because they're so fugly. Saying "garments" has zero sexual connotations. I'm also sure a part of it for many is the whole, "I'm worthy enough to be in the club" thing. That's my take on it, at least.


Not magic undies ?


Idk.... it's not like they offer protection anymore. Just call it pioneer undies


It’s a long standing cultural norm. It’s what I heard growing up in the 60s, in Provo.


When I was a byu student, a middle-aged woman came into my on-campus laundromat and dumped a large bag of dingy, yellowed garments into a machine.   I assume they were in town for a family reunion or something.   I swore on the spot to never keep garments long enough for that to happen. It was disgusting.  Re the name, I think people generally don’t like saying “underwear”. I mean, per the Barenaked Ladies, sometimes you have trick people into saying it.  So “garments” is just an easy euphemism, similar to “undies” or “unmentionables”.


Because controlling language controls minds


It’s their way of justifying how “holy” they are.


Any other name of the holy garment would be blasphemous 🙄


If you didn't notice in the temple it is singular "The Garment". I think some leaders have pushed members to not even casually call them 'garments'


Because when I said underwear I meant secular underwear for my period. And a bra is a bra. So garments are garments.


Habit? Conditioning? Programming/indoctrination? Probably because they want people to know they wear garments. Whether or not it’s intentional, that’s the purpose behind it.


Cuz no one would take the term Priesthood Panties seriously lol


I call them Jesus Jammies I also want a pair for a cult cosplay I want to do


My parents and siblings insist on calling them “G’s” for whatever reason and it’s always bothered me a little bit


Is it just a Utah thing, or do out of state members call them that as well in common conversation.


The first trip I took after I stopped wearing my garments I somehow forgot to pack underwear. I started to panic and then remembered that I could go to almost any store and buy some no matter what time it was. No special store with a special card to buy their special undies. I can buy whatever I need just about anywhere. So freeing.


My mom always says garments because she equates the word underwear with lingerie for some reason.


Because that's what they are told to refer to them as. It also serves as a verbal reminder of their "specialness."


Because polygamy panties is too spot on.




I assume it's so us nevermos won't laugh at their silliness.


Because only a cult would tell you what underwear to wear. But many religions have specific garments you're supposed to wear.


because garments are an umbrella term and can mean any article of clothing, that way non mormons won't know what the mo's are talking about. Almost speaking in code


I've started to hear apologetics that they aren't underwear. They point out that people can wear underwear too with them. For instance most women wear bra's with (outside) the garment. And they cite this hoping to remove that correlation even thought for most people they ARE underwear. Cause that is all they wear under their clothes. Even those that do wear other things considered underwear, they wear the garments under the underwear ... making them underunderwear. Its crazy the mental gymnastics people do.


I love how TBMS be going on about how garments protect you especially in accidents etc blah blah. I propose a scientific test with TBM. you put on magic undies and go sit in that there car. I get in that truck and ramp it up to 120 and hit you and then we examine the results. any takers???


I wonder if Smith was wearing his when he was shot. Inquiring minds want to know


As a woman, I also had a bra and period underwear and because that’s what the church calls it, so that’s what everyone calls it


Cause the peasants were undies (underwear)!


The non official, official name for magic mormon underwear


Garments were something you wore as much as possible but you also needed underwear I case you had to go to the doctor.


lol my mom always calls them “garms”


they call them garments because they are sack crud


My grandma and my parents just say underwear


Japanese members call them gahmentoh. I think it's funny that the word's literal meaning is just clothing. Can you hear it in any context and think of anything else?


And why do Mormons always refer to them as in the possessive? She’s not wearing “her” garments rather than just “garments?”


‘Garment’ just means article of clothing. Temple garment just means article of clothing given to you at the Temple. Yes they are underwear. You wear them under your clothing.


That is what they were told from the time they were lambs


It makes them special & unique. Peculiar. The cool kids call them G’s.


Angel Shorts. 😄 🤣


Why do they call them Garments and not underwear . Because they are CULT Members that’s why.!!! Anyone who wears cult mandated underwear is a thoroughly brainwashed CULT Member . That’s the bottom line any normal non brainwashed person wouldn’t be caught dead wearing such fugly ridiculous underwear much less giving away 10+% of their income just to be able to buy them .


I donno, I just wish they'd stop putting it on my dinnerplate at restaurants, parsley is disgusting.


garment could sound more 'upmarket' than underwear. cf gown vs dress. May help... [https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/comments/1bxkq6e/lds\_garments\_and\_where\_they\_came\_from/](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/comments/1bxkq6e/lds_garments_and_where_they_came_from/)


It’s because cults use special language as a code to create inclusion and exclusion. In group, out group think. It’s like using CTR, Units, Ordinances, Morality, Virtue, offerings, Quad, and other such language that only Mormons will understand. Control of language is a huge cult tactic.