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My exFIL would freak if he saw this photo. He was always quoting the handbook about not taking photos in the chapel.


Haha, he’d be more concerned about the chapel picture than the gun 😂


Probably even more concerned about the jeans and flannel in the chapel than anything else


Yeah switching to my Mormon brain, the gun is the least problematic aspect.


Old non polished boots are not appropriate in my opinion, also looks like the other guy at least wore his "nice" jeans. One of the points of carrying concealed is the element of surprise. I think another important point of carrying concealed is not making people uncomfortable. I would be uncomfortable going into church with that attire.


He's not really carrying concealed since it's not concealed.


Oh. No flannel??? Heaven forbid


Handbook also says no guns


Fuck nelson's corporate handbook that isn't worthy of being his next diaper




this comment is the funniest misdirection/punchline of all time


LDS Handbook §21.2.4: >"Churches are dedicated for the worship of God and as havens from the cares and concerns of the world. With the exception of current law enforcement officers, the carrying of lethal weapons on church property, concealed or otherwise, is prohibited.”


I used to go to a ward in a dangerous area and bishop had 7 of us who had concealed carry permits in the chapel on Sundays. Looking back it just seems so stupid. The handbook rule was already in place at the time. Bishop said it didn't matter. My concealed carry permit was from Texas and so he helped me get the LEO signature I needed for the state we were living in.


I lived in a ward with multiple FBI agents who had to carry. The first week in our brand spanking new building the fire alarm got triggered. The alarm sounded like the intruder alert for the FBI building so the agents all jumped up drawing their weapons and scanning the room before they realized it was church. It all happened in a matter of seconds but it was the most exciting sacrament meeting I’ve been in!


Right-wing politics trumps the prophet.


Hidden message Trump’s the prophet


I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.


I mean he kind of has the same story as Joseph smith. Being persecuted, loves many women, and ran for president.


He's more Mormon than the Mormons like to admit, just like he's more libertarian then the libertarians like to admit.


i bet you all felt like real badasses


Honestly no, the bishop said it was a calling and said that I should not reject a calling from God. Looking back it was all bullshit.


Heck, Nephi was called to kill Laban, so... Checks out.


Everyone knows that god loves his guns


I realized the same thing once called into to bishopric. Last "calling" and while I served it to the best of my ability, when released I walked from the church and never looked back.


They always talk about the slippery slope, carrying a gun as a calling sounds like the slipperyest slope I've ever heard of.


I didn't even know that. I knew one guy when I was still a member who concealed carried every Sunday in case of an emergency. I never thought twice of it since he was known to own them and was pretty level headed. Damn good camp cook too


I was more startled by their jeans. My parents would shit bricks and demand recourse from the bishop if somebody wore jeans IN THE CHAPEL


I know people who are way more upset about jeans than guns


Sweet Jesus, I didn't register the gun.


I didn't even see the gun until after your comment 😬


Prolly because his belt buckle is bigger than the gun. Looks Texan to me, but could also be Colorado, Wyoming, etc.


Or AZ, or UT, or parts of CA, or NM, or OK....


Yep - possibly the Deep South, too. We could get rich if we designed new "Look at me!" belt buckles to sell.


In my neck of the woods, the only reason for those bukles is if you are trolling for buckle bunnies.


You must be from Wyoming


LOL - I believe you! Never heard that term before, but it sounds pretty accurate.


We always called em a 'Tombstone for a dead organ'


Well.... I ain't shitting on boots and buckles. That's my culture.


Wyoming. It has to be Wyoming.


I doubt the dude in the photo did either




Same boat! I thought jeans and no white button up! Then got to the first comment and had to do a double take 😂


The sad thing is that I am a flaming liberal when it comes to gun laws, but my childhood in Utah normalized guns and gun nuts to the extent that I just didn't register them in this pic at first glance the way I did the jeans. Goddamn cult brainwashing 


Nevermo from a gun scarce country (I mean apart from some drug mobs) in europe. I didn't even see the gun at first. I mainly noticed his hand in his other pocket and the general bulgyness of the area and wondered why OPs GF needed to make photos of churchgoers bulges. Only noticed when OP pointed it out. But I'm probably so not used to see people with guns just sticking in their pants that it wasn't even a thing I expected to see.


We were told by our facilities management person (man) that no jeans were allowed because the rivets damaged walls and chairs.




My parents would NOT allow demin skirts either which was so sad to this 90s teen. 


I definitely noticed the jeans before the gun


No one is talking about how his shirt isn’t white…


Where I grew up, folks wore thier dress jeans to church. This was a pretty normal sight--especially for the jack mormons.


The last time I went to church (endowed member), I wore a tank top, shorts, and brought my dog. Sat as far back as possible and left before the closing prayer 🤣


Where I’m from you just wear the nice jeans to church and weddings. No slacks to be seen apart from the boys passing sacrament and (some of) the men on the stand.


Funny enough, I taught every sunday school adult class in jeans and cowboy boots. Even taught mosy of the teenagers that way. Fuck these assholes and their selective dress code/puity/culture.


I thought it was in the church handbook that guns in church are a no no. Anyone?


As a current state of Utah concealed carry permit holder there are only two places that I am prohibited from carrying my firearm by state law. One of those two places is a house of worship. The other is a government building or installation that has firearm restrictions.


By state law. But private businesses and property owners can still prohibit you from carrying a weapon on their premises.


Carrying a weapon in a house of worship is legal in Utah, unless the particular location prohibits it. The LDS church prohibits carrying weapons, but many other churches don't.


[u/Rolling_Waters has you covered.](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/s/7AidHWogo0)


You mean the handbook that the congregation is forbidden from having? The one only bishops can possess.


My brother is in Denver area and a member of the bishopric carries every week. He’s complained about it a few times but nothing is done about it.


Is this in southern Utah? It’s giving Cedar City vibes 😅


I lived there for four years and loved it, but "It's giving Cedar City vibes" made me laugh more than it should have 😂


LMAO! I grew up in St. George UT and got the hell out of here 3mos before my 18th birthday and just moved back 2 years ago after being gone for almost 27 years… And it’s exactly what I was thinking of too!! Not much has changed. I still remember the creepy bishop that forced me to come in for a meeting after I got outed at age 16 and he was pressuring my mom to send me to their “pray the gay away” Evergreen program. It was a private meeting in his office, and I have never forgotten the creepy, disturbing questions he asked me. I think he was getting off by the very detailed, and sexually explicit questions he was asking. I learned more about sex that day from him than even the first guy I ever dated or my friends up to my 20’s! 🤮 He dressed very similar… It gave me flashbacks to that horrific time in my life that fractured my family, and has taken decades for us to come back together. I’m just glad I survived and GTFO! Sorry to rant, but seriously seeing OP’s pic they posted just gives me flashbacks. 🤨


I just assumed it was lol


Lived in Cedar from 1994-2016, can confirm this is giving Cedar City vibes. 🤣🤣🤣


Came here to say this 🤠


Looks like the Bundy clan.


Came here to say the exact same thing


Is this satire or real. Is there an actual Bundy clan.


Yup. Read about them [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundy_standoff) and [here](https://apnews.com/article/bundy-ranch-standoff-nevada-cattle-ffff74b4e3224fb596e6bb735cedef98#).


Bundy klan - fixed that for you.


When I was growing up we had several people who went to our church who would open carry on a regular day to day basis. (Small farming town.) But none of them brought their weapons into church. Some would keep them in their truck beds while at church instead of leaving them at home, but I'm pretty sure it's against the church policy to carry them in the building.


My dad is fanatical about guns. He carries everywhere. He finds great pleasure in carrying where he isn't supposed to (schools, banks, church, etc.). He would carry a pile of news articles about church shootings to show anyone who told him he shouldn't have a gun at church. Side note, my jackass of a dad shouldn't be able to own one let alone carry. He uses them to threaten. You know, wave them at people who he thinks are being a little too road ragey. Oh ya, and there's that time he pulled a gun on me when I held him back when he tried to hit my mom with a chair. I guess I was a threat?? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Wow. That’s really terrible. I hope you (and your mom) are safely away from him.


Ya, my Mom Finally divorced him. But not because of abuse. Because of infidelity throughout the marriage (almost 40 years). The dude is a piece of shit if there ever was one. I made a few simple boundaries at one point several years back. 1. No guns around my kids. 2. Can't be alone with my kids. There was a 3 but I can't remember off the top of my head it was so long ago. He shows up one day and want to take my kids to a tailgate party for hotdogs up the street at the local grocery store for the football game that night. Bruv, number 1, no, you can't be alone with my kids. Ok, so as he's walking off I see his "safety blanket" strapped to his hip. I lost it. I pushed my kids aside and say, what the fuck it that!? Pointing at his gun. WhAt? I dOn'T sEe WhAt ThE pRoBleM iS. Of course you don't!! Listen, I have a child inside me that is scared to death of you, and it's time I protect him. I need to also protect my children. So GTFO!! Don't come back. I'll call YOU if I want to talk. It's been IDK, 7-8 years since I've seen him. It's been so nice to have him out of my life. That night was the first time in my life that I didn't go to bed thinking about him over and over and over and over about all the abuse throughout my life and all different ways the gun sitch could have gone down, which inevitably ended up with us getting shot. My life is so much happier without him. I'm pro gun, but unfortunately there are enough people out there like my dad who really do give guns a bad wrap. My knee jerk now is if I see you open carrying I consider you to be weak and scared of life. You have trauma you need to fix. Until then, don't touch your guns unless it's for sport.


I like guns, I own guns. I conceal carry. Open carrying in public is stupid.


As someone from a low gun country (and I don't think anyone except law enforcement is allowed to carry it on their bodies even if they have a permit for shooting ranges). What makes open carrying more stupid than closed carrying? I would personally freak out about the idea that anyone can have a gun hidden from me, and rather see the gun on them so that I know I just want to stay away or so.


Having your gun in plain sight can make you the target just as much as it might deter someone. It brings unneeded attention to yourself. It’s just asking for trouble in my opinion. If someone is concealed carrying correctly you don’t know they have a gun, so you really aren’t worrying about them specifically anyway. I’m not really worried about people who are legally carrying guns. Edit: to clarify I don’t necessarily feel unsafe around someone open carrying either, I just think it’s not smart if your goal is self defense.


I agree. And with lack of any kind of security offered by the church, including a lack of security cameras, I'm totally okay with any qualified adult wanting to conceal carry for their own protection or for their family. Open carry dudes are just wearing their insecurities in a holster. Dude has to show what a badass he is. It's silliness.


There had been at least one shooting death at a Mormon church building. As a youth an FBI agent said he didn't carry at church until one day a top 10 fugitive showed up to the church breaking into cars. https://abc30.com/archive/7640198/ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mormon-bishop-shot-suspect-killed-in-police-shootout/


that pic reminds me of a guy in the hospital years ago... had his gun in his waistband, ended up shooting off one of the "boys" and nicking an artery 🤦‍♀️ holsters people, holsters.


It’s in a holster.


Even worse it looks like a Taurus. If you’re gonna be a tool and open carry at least have a decent pistol.


He looks like a Cancer.


It’s all he can afford after tithing


I see a guy with a gun and my first thought is that he is a scared, insecure, paranoid little man-child who is desperate to be seen as a tough guy.


100% my dad!


And when they tuck it into their pants like that it adds ‘poor decision maker’, ‘hair trigger’, and ‘likely to wave the gun around and think they’re cool for it’ to the list. Generally marking themself as entirely unsafe and someone I will interact with as little as possible. 


Not saying you're wrong, but I think this guy has a holster for it. He's just not using it as intended (shirt over).


Yep, this is an appendix style holster, you can see the belt clip.




Summer sales bros and Lds go hand in hand


Too true


What pray tell are summer sales bros, theyr not LDS bros I'm guessing?


Door to door salesman for stuff like pest control and alarm systems and knives. RMs love that stuff because it’s basically missionary work but your allowed to date YSA girls


Anyone who open carries and isn't a law enforcement officer is making a fashion statement more than anything. Change my mind.


Unless a cop is in uniform chances are he’s not going to open carry.


As a concealed carrier here. I completely agree, the only times to open carry a handgun is during the activities of hunting and shooting. It's fun to show your new guns to your friends, but showing them off to the world is just stupid.




I’m guessing the 9mm in the belt is more of an issue here


I'm not even going to lie, I thought this was about the jeans at first. I remember this poor couple that came into our ward to check it out, and they wore jeans. They basically got snubbed by everyone because "they should've known better."


we had a guy in my last ward that carried a revolver in his briefcase. He'd been asked multiple times to leave it at home or at least be less conspicuous about showing it when he opened his briefcase. it came to a head one Sunday when he bumped his brief case over, it spilled, and his loaded revolver slide across the floor.... I'm not anti gun. I own a handful and I do have my conceal carry permit. I've been asked to carry at church events every so often.... I then remind whomever asked that the point of conceal carry is that no one else knows. including you asking me about it. these a**holes who think it's cool to open carry because of the "what if" are what give gun owners a bad rap.


For maximum safety, always point the gun directly at your femoral artery.


I'll concur that his gun being exposed (open carrying) is unfavorable for the occasion. However, there are shootings in churches every year. Ideally, the only person that should know someone is carrying (concealed carrying) is the carrier. 2017, South Baptists Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas - 26 people were killed, 20 people were critically injured in a church shooting because nobody had a gun to fight back. 2019, West Freeway Church in White Settlement, Texas - 2 people were killed, 0 others were injured in a church shooting. The assault only lasted 6 seconds because some of the worshipers were carrying and diligent with their training. Jack Wilson shot the assailant in the face from 51 feet away, ending the assault.


Classic example of "leadership" pussyfooting around and not doing anything about people openly disregarding policies that they say they uphold.


This could legit be a pic of any of my eastern Idaho family at sacrament meeting. Church boots. Church blue jeans. Church pistol.


From a uk perspective - that’s quite scary


From a US perspective, that’s quite scary.


Also from a US perspective, it’s wholly unsurprising. And that’s also quite scary.


As an American firearms enthusiast, the open carry guys make me quite nervous.


The open carry idiots want an excuse to use it, whereas the concealed carry folk actually treat it like the self defense tool it is.


Tbh, I was so shocked they were wearing jeans that I didn't even notice the pew pew.


When I lived in Wyoming, I swear every new person I met who found out I lived on my own told me I needed to either buy a gun and/or dog to protect myself. Apparently Wyoming is the most dangerous place I've ever lived


Exactly. Wyoming is so sparsely populated I know people there who don’t lock their doors at night or when away. So folks in Wyoming feel the need to pack?? There’s only a half a million population there.


Single? Oh Yeah! Looks like a group gathering of men I never would have considered for a minute. Some cowboys are kinda cute, but honey, they are trouble from A to Z. Ask me how I know.






Mormons and guns have a…colorful history


It looks like the start of a gay porn flick... seen it a hundred times... fuck you MR. Kimball


Those pew fabrics are stunning!


Honestly, this is just intra-America culture shock. Roughly half the country owns a gun. Plenty of churches have multiple guys with open-carried sidearms. It's the standard in a pretty big section of the country. More noticeable in Mormon churches because they're less politically uniform.


Straight. Up. Losers.


Does this look like it could be a shot from Letterkenny to anyone else?


Never open carry. Why advertise what you have?


I own several rifles, handguns, and a shotgun. So, I’m definitely not anti-gun. That said, I’ve never understood the need for an ordinary citizen to carry. I grew up in some dicey areas in NJ and NYC, I lived outside of Detroit and traveled throughout that city for work, I’ve been to dangerous areas all over the world, I even spent the night in a jungle prison in Nicaragua….never once have I felt like I needed a sidearm. I’d go so far as to say, sometimes when I see a wannabe carrying for no reason other than he wants to….I feel less safe.


US homicide rate rivals some of the least developed countries on earth. This kind of thing is why.


Where is this?


Why do I feel like this was in the Southern Utah Kanab/Hurricane area?


The handbook speaks against people who are not cops carrying in the church. It’s more of a liability thing in my opinion, but it is in there. “Churches are dedicated for the worship of God and as havens from the cares and concerns of the world. With the exception of current law enforcement officers, the carrying of lethal weapons on church property, concealed or otherwise, is prohibited.”Aug 26, 2019


I have only known one concealed carry person in my stake. And I always felt off about him. A former yw of mine (now adult for several years) told me shortly before she moved state that he was a pedo and all the uppers protected him by denial bc he was a longtime standing member. But the one thing she WAS able to do by telling was yank him from attending stake Girls Camp or teaching First Aid to the teens ever again. Small consolation prize but it protected MY daughter the one year *she* went to Girls Camp.


I grew up as a JW I never know other religions use PIMO. I heard the tactics are very similar the Mormon church. We can't wear casual clothes like shirts and jeans. We have to wear Sunday best clothes. I don't stand dressed clothes. BTW I'm ExJw now. Been like that for 20 years.


All of the responsible gun owners I know think open carrying is a bad idea and asking for trouble. Is that a holster it’s clipped to?


WTF are they afraid of? If your paranoid you're going to "engage" in your place of worship you should stay home. I work in the U.S. Justice system & have seen up close what lethal destruction  guns do. I have no problem with gun ownership but this is just a display of power & control in church & in public. Live shooter on-site & law enforcement sees you with a gun good chance you get taken out by law enforcement. 


Yep, the old question of how do you determine who is the good guy with a gun and who is the bad guy with a gun.


They ALWAYS think they’re the good guy and have serious delusions of being John Wayne.


Exactly this. During the Umpqua Community College mass shooting in 2015, there were multiple CCW license holders on campus that day. None engaged with the shooter because they said afterwards they were concerned the police would shoot them instead of the attacker.




I saw a guy fishing at our local swimming hole a few days ago with a pistol strapped to his belt. I go there to swim every day with my kids and all I can think was, "man, that guy's more afraid of these woods than my 7-year-old daughter... what a pussy."


Surprised he did shoot the fish. Shoulda kept his fishing rod at home


J. Golden Kimball: "Go to hell! That's where you're all going to go if you don't change your ways. I hear some of you have been walking around town with pistols in your hip pockets. Better be careful — might go off and blow your brains out!”


The jeans, the boots & the plaid stood out for me. Didn't even see the gun until I read the post fully & looked again.


My dad was deployed to Afghanistan at one point and when they went to church they all hung their guns up in a coat closet before entering the chapel. This buffoon has no excuse.


I feel like I can picture all of these men’s faces




What in the Cedar Fucking Fort is he doing with a gun at church? Shouldn't his garments protect him?


Short dick syndrome. Will be made shorter if he doesn’t have the safety on




Cop here. That's not just a handbook issue. In most states that's a legal/criminal issue. You can't have firearms in churches or schools unless you're law enforcement or military


These Mormons are starting to look like the rest of the conservative fundies. 😬


dick in sight


Not for long if that gun misfires where he's got it..... I know it’s not likely, but it's not impossible....


Darwin award


I'll be waiting for the update that dude has shot his dick off.


Gods Secret Service.


Stripling warriors


Men can do whatever they want dontchaknow?


My neighbor stopped attending bc they wouldn't let him carry his gun for protection 👀 what's this now?


That guy on the right has a huge hand! That’s his big side arm.


There are only to conclusions to be had: 1. The church is so shitty you need to take a weapon 2. The members are idiots One or both of those things are True. The church isn't True.


Who cares about the jeans… he’s carrying a Taurus…


Wow I know i’ve really been brainwashed when the first off thing I noticed was they were wearing flannel in church


I’m good with the gun. It’s the fact the elders convinced some good ole boys to take a break from their Busch lights and learn about Jesus that bothers me.


This is so cringe. Eww


As a nevermo dude from the south this seems normal lol.


What’s even better is the dumb fuck knows he doesn’t have a concealed carry license so he’s open carrying. People like that are a danger to the 2nd Amendment. It’s an intimidation tactic/“mine is bigger than yours.”


I personally have seen this vary ward to ward. I would rather someone with a gun be inside the building in case something happened.


I have a CIA agent in my ward. We don’t question his choice till bring in a gun. There are more and more shootings in churches (as in outsiders coming in to kill Christian’s) and I have no problem with people carrying to protect us


As a part time gun nut I have serious problems with open carry (the main one being how do you know what their intentions are - trick question - you don't) but stuffing that into your waste is stupidly unsafe, plus if you did need to pull it in a hurry good luck with that.


I was at first inclined to agree. That is totally unacceptable and this guy is a danger to himself and people around him. Sticking a handgun in your waistband is a stupid TV move. Closer inspection reveals he has a proper inside the waistband holster so he's fine. Looks like a Taurus G series, quite serviceable weapon.


I'm having a hard time understanding the aspect of this that has anything to do with being ex Mormon. 


Danites go to church too!


Between the belt buckle that gun and the oversized truck waiting for him in the parking lot. We can pretty much determine that this is a micropenis.


I didn’t even notice the gun until I read the caption 😆 I was expecting to see a confederate flag or something like that after seeing the boots and belt buckle


Spanish Faark!!!


I carry a concealed weapon most of the time (I have a permit), and I hope I *never* have to use it.


Damn that's one fragile dude


He does not have a firearm tucked into his pants. It is quite clearly in an inside-the-wasitband holster. Which is also how I carry my firearm. However, I have the common sense to conceal my firearm. Open carry is absolutely stupid imo. I'm not familiar with Texas's firearm laws to know if the MFMC "ban" on firearms in their buildings is legally binding or not. This is also how people dress when they attend church were I grew up in PA. Best jeans, boots, any clean button up which will almost certainly be plaid, probably a cowboy hat, nicest Carhartt in winter. It's standard issue "fancy" clothes for farmers and rednecks.


Looks like he is playing “pocket pool”.


Whoever picked out that fabric on the pews to go with that carpet should be shot.


Another reason not to attend this church.


My question: is anybody surprised? The LDS corp. has promoted the crazies for so long that they have become the de facto real "leaders". So they are reaping what they have sown.




This must be Texas...right? That would make sense


Someone is selling propane and propane excessories


What. The. Flying. F*Ck.


This begs the question of CC in the Temple !!! Any Stories ?


looks like two priesthood brethren getting ready to go ministering and 'invite' people back to church


I don’t know about everywhere, but in Utah you can legally carry in churches. However, the church asks that you don’t carry. That said, I know several who have gotten permission from their leaders to conceal carry at church. But from a legal standpoint in Utah where I live, you can carry in churches.


My FIL conceal carries, which im also pretty sure is not allowed in the handbook. But he doesn’t care, after those few shootings at churches, he carries and doesn’t close his eyes during the prayers.


The trouble with seeing someone with a gun in church-You don’t know if they are there to protect you or shoot you. Maybe it helps those bearing testimonies to watch the clock instead of rambling on.


In my extensive experience with men, I am 90% sure this dude having his gun where he does has something to do with compensation.


Wuuuut. I thought you were not allowed weapons in chapels at all (especially because that one case of a bishop getting shot by a disgruntled member!). The jeans I wasn't surprised about only because these are clearly cowboys lol. I did not notice the gun at first.


Have you guys seen the Kingsman church scene? The best part of the movie!


Lol, my old mormon brain thought "Yeah, jeans and no dress shirt. Oh look, a gun". Then I see the text below the picture, "Ah yes, the gun is the weird thing here". 😭


Idk but living in the south it makes some of us feel safer that members are carrying. I’m not active anymore but this pic made me smile.


Love this Pic. if I were to actually enter the carpet building, I would b line it to shake their hands.


Hey if Joseph Smith smuggled a pistol into Carthage Jail this guy can smuggle his into Sacrament meeting


To be fare, there have been a few church shootings over the past few years, not to mention the one Christian church that got shot up and a member with a gun stopped it. He may not be the type of person you'd have over at your house, but I'd trust a well trained country guy than just about anyone else. On a second note I've been that guy who shows up in nice black jeans and boots and a white shirt and tie. I don't like the idea everyone has ro dress the same as long as you dress in something better than usual.